HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-24, Page 5'"Craft must be veiled, but truth goes naked." Poor shoes must be highly finished to vd1 defective material, but good shoes need not fear to be seen in their natural leathers, The cost of abnormal finish is put into unusual service art{ valued by the Ma-T-e.erS ,,(*.hrough. tir he price on the sole) in-- `The Slater Shoe" "Goodyzar division is very rooky and suited more for dairy parposes. At several places We run through passes cut through the limestone, Large masses of stone appear in the fields with a thin covers ing of soil thos admitting a a little vegetation. Pme Post holes ,in soparte are oat of the (position, the upright post being supported by a piece fasten, ea at right englep to it and covered evith storm. The St, Lawrence is much in evidence in this district as wells in the next. In the last district the country al). pears to be more fertile and is. much more level. Oqe of the prettiest spots to be seen Ori the trip le that at St, Anne's, at the junction a the Ottawa and St. Lawrence. The islands, with their rich verd tire, well trimmed lawns and white tents, look yery inviting in- deed. Inlooking at the scene there 'es collies to mind that line in the poet, McGee's, Canadian Boat Song, "We'll Sing at St, Anne's our Parting Hymn." An hour's run drags us into the old Mount:Royal of Cartier's day. Montreal of to -day, the greatest city in the country, both numerically and commercially. Here we met Chas, Ross whom many 6f your readers will remember as a former Exeterite. The NEY EA.STWARD THROUGIC TORON- c gentleman had been waiting for us for E. J, SPACICMAN. General Agent, ON A. TRIP TO THE OLD COUNTRY AN INTERESTING SKETCH. OE THETJ JOR- TO, TO MONTREAL, ,TOTTSNGS the past -four hoursand we weren't, HY THE WATS long in discovering that the reception awaiting us was quite equal to the patience shown, The following letter is contributed by Messrs. Brooks and EacTett, and is the first of a series to be written by them from week to week during their • journeyings abroad: Montreal. taste, July 16th, 1002. To THE EDITOR OF THE TIDIES, We lefb town on 'Monday the 14th inst., about 4 p. m., under rather gloomy ciroumstances-it was -raining. We arrived in London about 7 p. ni. and had to remain over till about 11 p. m. The old saying that "Birds of a feather &c." was again demonstrated tole true. We hadn't been at the de- pot many minutes when we met Messrs. Walker & Ross, two cattle- /nen frotn Marlette, Mich. No doubt it was our staff in ha,nd which led to the question, "What are you down 'with ?" Further conversation reveal- ed the fact that these men were well acquainted with Messrs, Robert, John and Fred Willis, formerly of Exeter. and this was an interesting topio of conversation. Leaving London at 11 p. en. we got our first glimpse of Lake Ontario at Port Credit in the early. morning hours arriving in Toronto about 0 a. in. Tuesday. On reaching the stock yards it was our good fortune to rueet our old friend Mr. Curtinicommonly keown as “Pat,"and after breakfasting with him be piloted as through the stock yards putting us "onto the ropes. Business completed we spent the balence of the day in sight-seeing in the city. We visited some of the largest stores and manufactories, and through the kind- ness of the attendants we were shown through the new city hall, and from its lofty tower hac a magnificent bird's eye view of the city aud surroundings. Toronto may be proud of this public building. The Legislative buildings, Forester's Temple and Government House are also points of interest to the s ,sitor. Tor recreation, and aniustinents Hanlan's Point is very popular. We left Toronto at p. tn. and arriv- ed in eiontreal at 3 p. in, Wednesday, after ling on the road lor nineteen hours. The reason for this long time trip might require some explanation. On leaving Toronto we had on our train forty-five carloads of stock. This Will give your readers some idea of the freights ruu over the Main Line. e were informed that there are 16 trains of alike size running Pato Mon- treal daily. A ereat deal of this of course is through freight from Port Huron, Detroit and other Western points. Although the trip was a slow one we. made very few stops, but with such a heavy load it was impossible to make fast time. At several points, notably at Scerboro Heights, it was necessary to put on two and sometimes three engines. Although it was a long trip it was not a tiresome one. There being about fifteen cattlemen .ion we were given a pass.enger coach and the hours were wiled away with the tunes of the elarioaet and the siug- ing of such sougs as "Annie leturie," "The gicl I loved in Sunny Tennessee," 'The girl I left behind me," &a., &c: Should we say anything about th s country? well, if we do let, no one take us as a standard as we are mere- ly giving one uxpressions of a limited section of land. For convenience we will divide it into three sections, (a) Toronto to Kingston, (b) Kingston to Cornwall, (c) Cornwall to Montreal. The first admits of very pleasant scenery, the track sometimes running to the waters edge and then again re- ceeding. The beauty of the scene wee enhanced by moonlight ou the lake. Although a good agricultural country to us it appeared to be rather low a d swampy:. Tb.ecop e tipper to be very backward, and the iiue talin b al Id rigs so numerous in "oel Horne 1.1°e e eat- ing. The district ite in other parts .seems to be suffering been tuu much xains. The spring crops appeal,- to be very short and there is almost, 00 har harvested as yet. On comiog into Ningston Junction tht.Cataragiti ceme- tery and the Macdonald monument is to he seen on the left. The second 1111 Stuffed Up That's the condition of many sufferers ;from catarrh, especially in theenorqing. Great difficulty is experienced hi clear- ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and healing, pollutes the breath, deranges the E0Op- 41ch and affects the appetite. • To cure catarrh, treatment must be eonetitutional-alterative and tonic. "I was 111 for four months with catarrh in the head and throat. Had a bad cough and raised blood, I had become dis- "mitre ged when my hesband bought a bottle 01 Hood's Sarsaparilla and persuaded me to try it. I. advise all to take it, It hoe cured and built me up." MRS. EMU Ru- e:teem, West Lisa:Nee, N. 3. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh -it soothes and strengt1i. eus the mucous membrane and builde up the whole eystem,, as - THE Bos, • • . _ • fi Time 01 finxietn and Fear Tor Tnousands nround Us eefeeeer'...ease PRINE.018 GE.01.2ERY COMPOUND, Will Banish the Summer Blue and Other Distresses That Make Life Miserable and Unhappy This is the season when we hear men and women complaining about their unhappy and half-dead cpn- dition. They find that physical and mental energy has deserted them, and they are sinking deep in the pit of despondency. The hot summer weather always produces thousands of miserable , feel- ing mortals. They lack nerve force, strength and true vitality. They cannot rest day or night, and life be- comes a buden. The great recuperator, builder and strength -giver for all weary, worn-out and suffering people is Paine's Celery Compound, now so universally pre- scribed by medical men. When the great niedicine is used at this time of languor, despondency, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, headache, dyspepsia and digestive troubles are permaneutly banished, and men and women go about their duties and work with a Tin), Win and energy that indicate health and physical strength. Mrs. Anna Dawson, Wilkes - port, Ont. says: "I consider it a pleasure to put on record what Paine's Celery Compound has done for me. I have been afflicted with nervousness and sleeplessness. All ordinary medicines failed, and nothing met my case until I used Paine's Celery Compound. - Now I never miss a night's sleep. 1 strongly recommend your medicine to all ner- vous sufferers." • CANADA'S TORTOISE MAIL • SERVICE. Canada's mail service with Great Britain is not one of the things we een point to with pride. If a merchant wishes to have an importaut cone' munication forwarded. to Europe, he invariably sends it by New York,. and it, is a notovious fact that we are al.. most esitirely dependent on the Unit- ed States for the prompt delivery of our European made. During the year 1001 we 'paid $152,000 for a. service be- tween Canada and Great Britain The mails were conyeyed on vessels averaging, 11 4 5 knots per hour, east- ward and westward. Li these Inlay days, when all important time holds sway in the coinmercial world, it mail service of 11 4 5 knots is little better than. useless. Siace 1807, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier announced at Toron- to, the closing of terms for a fast mail service, which has not yet materializ- ed, notbing has been •done by the ckovernment to provide Canada, with a mail service commensurate with her requirement. Sufficient money has been thrown away to build and oper- ate a fast line, but we are aEll without it and it looks 55 if we are to be in the same pneon for years. Friends of sthe government can always be well supplied with cash, hut when it conies to provid i se for essentialpublic ser- vices, the Liberal pitety invariably take to the back seats. A GOOD QUARTER, DOLLAR'S WORTH Is contented in a, bottle of Poison's erv ilin. Which Corea Rheumatism, Neuralgi a Sciatica, Toothache, Head- ache, Cramps, Sick Stomach and In- digestion. Mothers find Nerviline is first class liniment for children's sore throat, hoarseness, cold in -the chest, and taken in hot water before eetir- ing is a splendid remedy for colds. Don't be without Nerviline ; it is the most economical, potent and reliable household liniment made arid costs only 25c. Dr. Hamilton's Pilia mire Constipa- tion. - . BORN Miss. -At Zurich. on the 16th „lis wife of Mr. W. G. Rosa of a dsughter. Ittsers-Ie Tx il er on Werinesiay, July Thi la the e if et air. Wm. Knee of a son. .TAYLOB.-Tn Bay lovrnshin, on July 14114 the wife of Duncan Taylor, of a danehter. ,Locksteens-in Kingstoe, n M. tt nd Mrs. T. Lectaart, (formerly of Exeter.) a daugh- ter; • Jo suet roes.-rn th0 Sid On cession of Stanley, t on Teursdey, July Ilsh, the wife of Mr. Ve H. Joh 1,5011, (formerly of Stml.mitb) of a SCD. MARRIED TAIIAN-Stnets, Hlyth, on Jaly flh, t)y tf . 1 ot 1.11 'Alan 111, 1Me. ',it lien 1u t, of ismenn. on July fith, Mar- garet Young, relict (A' . he late Noble John- ston, aged 70 yeses aril 8 months, 1,729 INKING'S MATCH Scores Made by Canadians at E3isley in the First Stage. TWO. P0SSIBLES AT 300 YARDS. ?SPIV. Skedtlon of lianalltou makes Some Good Long Distance Shooting—Shoot. Ing She Daily. Graphic, Daily Telegraph and Other Matches— ntbson Thera—Cables ,thont fltt,illatelteo,, .Bisley Camp, July'.22.-Shoo ting in the first stages for the' King's Prize, the great event every year at 13is1ey, began yesterday. At the two hundred yards the scores of the Canadians were as 10110111SL Bennett, Pte. W. E., 43rd, D.C.O.R, Bayles, Sergt. T. Cr., 10th le.G.. Carruthers, S.-Sergt. 3. O., 4th. Hue- ` Davidson, Capt. L. G., 8t12 R . .R. •. 32 Jones, Corp. j. M., 132nd Batt..... 31 ICIng, Capt. W. C., 46th Bathe... 20 ieLorfinier,, L. -Corp. S. 0„ 6th D.C. .. . ... , . 30 1VIoserep, Col.-Sergt. J., eth D.C.O.R33 Nfortimore, Sergt. Geo., 10th R.G33 Margetts, Capt T G., 25t1i Batt33 Mitchell, Capt. C.N., P..0, 35 Macdougall, Sergt-Masi. E., 5th R 31 Peddle, Pte. T. J., 5th R.S, 30 Perry, Sergt. 3. 3,1 Gth D.C.O.R83 Richardson, Sergt-Maj, T., 5t1 R Rennie, Capt. le., 2nd Q.O.R...... , 33 Smith, Sergt. W. A., 43rd D.C.O.R., 84 Scott, Pte. S. C., 43rd b.C.O.R.... 31 Skedden, .Sergt. E. H., 13th. Batt... 30 Shearing, Maj. R. J., 53rd Batt... 84 The competition does not end until Saturday. The first three hundred in the first stage will be entitled to fire in the second stage and the Drat hundred In the second stage go into the third or final stage. There are 1,729 entries in the ICinges Prize competition this year. In the first stage of the King's Prize at the five hundred yards range, Sergt.-Major McDougall, of the R.C.A., got within the inner ring with every shot except one of the seven, and made 84 points. Sergt. E. H. Skedden, of Hamil- ton, is credited with a score of 46 in the Keystone Burgundy, 1,000 yards, with ten shots and 43 in the Arm- ourers Company, 900 yards, ten shots. Major J. H. ‘11,Ie15obie, a Canadian, but not a member of the team, did splendidlyin the 200 yards range in in the King's Plate competition, scoring 75 points. , At the five hundred' yards range at 4.35 yesterday afternoon Sergt. Smith had made 33; Col.-S,ergt. Moscrop, 82; Sorg. Geo. Mortimore, 32; Pte. Peddle, 34; and Lance - Corp. Mortimer, 86, out of a pos- sible 85. At 1.85 yesterday afternoon the best scores in the "Secretary of State for War" contest, which open- ed yesterday were: Bayles, Sergt. T. G., 10th R.G.... 45 1.2itchel1, Capt. C. N., R.O.... ...... 45 Macdougall, Sergt-Maj. E., 5th R. C.A. 40 Skedden, Sergt. E. IL, 13th Batt46 ']ha distance in this match is 800 yards and the number of shots ten. In the Daily Telegraph, 600 yards, seven shots, Serest. W. A. Smith won three pounds. Sergt.-Maj. T. Richardson was the only Canadian M the Coronatiou prize list. This was a squadded competition open to all British sub- jects. The distances were 200, 500 and 600 yards, with seven shots at each rang -e. Richardson.'s prize amounted to two pounds. Capt. R. Rennie, of tiee Queen's Own, scored 47 points in the, Ar- mourers' Company tun ti -h, SOO yards range with ten shots; and 46 in the .4 lexander Martin, 800 yards, with ten shots. tiergt. Geo. Mortimore, of Toronto, made 29 points in the Daily 0 raph- i 0 match. The scores made by the Canadians in The Daily Telegraph match, 600 yards with seven shots, Were as id - lows Bennett, Pte. W. Ely 43rd D, :Bayles, Sergt. T. G., 10th R.G32 Carruthees, S.-Sergt. J. C., -.Lill Hussars• 31 Desaldson, Capt.' L. G., Stli Jones, Corp. J. M., 82nd Batt 25 King, Capt. W. C., 4tith 26 Mortimer, L. -Corp. S. C., 6th D. C 27 MteIse. Rro.p, Col.-Sergt. J., Oth D. C 0.R. Mortimore, Sergt. Geo., 10th B.G... 27 Margetts, Capt. T. G. 25th Batt.... 27 Mitchell, Capt. C. N. R.60 27 Macdougall, Sergt.-111j. E., 5th R.C.A.. 29 Peddle, Pie. T. J., 5th R.S. . 26 Perry, Sergt. S. 3*, 6th D.C.O.R22 .Richardson, Sgt. -Mai. T.. 5th R.C.A30 Rennie, Copt R., 2nd Q.O.R26 Smith, Sergt, W. A., 43r4 D.C.O.R32 Scott, Pte. S. C., 43rd D.C.O.R24 Skedden, Sergt. E. H., 13th Batt. 31 Spearing, :Maj. R. J., 53rd Batt28 Liest.-Col. J. M. Gibson, president of the Dothinion Rifle Association, is at the camp. Col. Gibson:, of Ontario, has cabl- ed to Canada that the Dominion Ride Aeseciation inaltches must not be postponed, as the proposed English team to Compete for the reline, Tro- phy has booked its passage fer Can- ada.. Flood Height 'Beached. "Keokuk Ia. e July 22. -The height of the flood in the Mississippi River waS reached yesterday south of here. The river fell an inch and a ball at Keoleek yesterday, antle the fall will reach southern po'nts by to -tiny- But imiaiosisaia.o6doaimooloniattio.e6pcsoimOitimosiounneeviolOwiiie (h3nulao Casteria always bears the Signateie of Chas. H. Fletcher. — When 'Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she waS a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she stung to Castello. When she had Children,she gave them, Castoria. pLEKONE ,, ,,F1ILES. OPINION Or LEADING- PHYSICIANS have been prespribing Pilekone for external and interriel piles. 1 eon ReCOTOWend it very highly. VV, 3, M1TOBELL. M, D. Price $1.00. For sale be: druggists, on by mail on receipt of price. ° W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. 0.P.o.POW.PPOPPOPPF•PloP6oOlO.o.POmotwoolehopoOooteorookwoomp t& rise of a ThOi; mor -e- In the vide. ity of Canton, Quincy, La Grange, and Hannibal carried the water over thousands of acres previously unin- jured. 58 nnrrrstor.4 per...reed. St. Petersburg, lily 22.-A ferry- boat, while (Tossing the River Volga yesterday at Perresnit.i, sank 01)11 58 harvesters were drowned. ./.rt“t• 11 ne ^ IIal if am, d 22.-1'he Winn lire - dien hes arrived. Itztan! Eon Tkl•Pl PLA.NTBBS„ Ltalf a Million rounds For Sugar Industry or West Indies, London, J Cy 22.-A supplementary civil service estimate, issued yester- day, aggregates upward of half a million pounds sterling, and provides £250,000 (81.250,000) for free gi ants in aid of the sugar industry of the West Indies. The Government in the Supplement- ary estimate asked for ,1S25,000 ad- ditional for the expenses of the cor- onation, caused by its postponement. This brings the total up to £125,- 000 ($625,000). 0 t Itatitr.-.,. of Pont -1y. 1.4011d011, July EL -Replying to a question of Henry Labouchore (Ad- vanced Radical), in the 'House (.1' Commons, intended to elicit a statement as to whether the resigna- tion of Sir Michael Hicks -Beach, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, indi- cated the possibility of the adoption of a protective policy, the Premier, A. J. Balfour, said yesterday that there -was no ground for believing that any policy settled upon by the Cabinet while the Chancellor was a member of it, would be changed by his retirement. en In. o Britleh Trade. ^ London, July 22. -The trade com- mission sent to inquire into the best methods for promoting British trade in South Africa seems much impress- ed with the great activity of the tii- ericans J ts first report sent home, the conunission says America will be the greatest menace to British trade, adding that the AMericans are mak- ing a fine effort to get hold of the market, and are introducing their practice of specialization and concen- tration with the same result as so exemplified in other parts of the world, TRINANZ litNin" DEATU. • Late John Vr. MorfEay Will Ite In New Torii', London, July 22. -An informal meeting of Americans sojourning in London, held at the Carlton Hotel last evening, adopted resolutions ex- pressing regret at the death of John W. Maclay, and tendering sympathy to Mrs. Mackay and the other mem- bers of the family. - The remains of John W. Mackay of San Francisco, who died here Sunday evening, will be taken to New'°York for interment in Greenwood Ceme- tery, 13rooklyn. 0. .auns 1li$ .11:3111. San Francisco, July 22. -Richard Dey, a close,personal friend and form- er confidential secretary of the late John W. Mackay; n an interview Sunday night, said: "I don't suppose Mr. Mackay him- self knew within $20,000,000 of what he was worth. His business was in such order and his arrangements were so carefully made that every- thing will go on just: as though he were still alive -.'s 3 Mb A L L. Vasstern League, Monday.. Toronto -Montreal. NO game. Wet grounds. Worcester 3, Providence 3. Dark- ness. Newark 2, Rochester 3. Rain stopped game innings. xatiosai Leagno, "it ondaa... St. teals 2, Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia, 1. eie..rieee .Letwur, ISondwv• Baltimore 0, Detroit 6. Washington 2, St. Louis 1. Philadelphia 11, Cleveland 10. Boston 5, Chicago 3. in first half of 3rd term 10 )iAlttanqUa. Jamestown, N.Y., July 22.- Aeau. thee terrific storm passed over C'hall- tuarsue, County Sundey and last night. doing great damage to growing crops, delaying traffic ''ol the Erie, and Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburg Railways. George Courtney was drowned at lerench Creek, while trying to fcred swollen streams Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family pill. Small dotes cure. Altd=ii.t,,, Want youttiouttache or board a boautl brown �r riethlack t Then 801 BUCKINGHAM'S DYE wilitSarS so CTO. 151! oserharrs, eS R. P, Hsu. A co..Nonlok lc B. ui • DR. W. It CRAIHANly N. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers,_Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture oz Long .Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all b ad after effects. P Diseases of Women -Painful, profuse or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. OPPICE nouns -9:a, rn. to 8 p, nt. Sunday 1 to 3p. A bridge across a culvert in this city broke down while George Sing' Wax., a, six-year-old boy, was stand-' ing cn it, and he was quickly ear- ried into a sewer, through which he was swept at a terrifie rate for more than 1,000 feet, coining out at the lower end in less than three mins utes in a frightfully cut and bruised condition, but, alive and. able to crawl to a place of safety. Bun's Montun ant Unveiled. TOrOBLO, July e2.--Yesteeday in the Alien Carclens, Mrs. David Walker formally unveiled (he Burns' in wit:Inca amid appr opr I te sur- roundings, and Rev. Prof, Clark was the orator, and he (lel i vend an ex- ceedingly clear and original eulogy of tee Scottish poet, A letter of 1'040 et was read from Earl Dun- donald, the new 0.0.0. Auld Lang Syne end the National Anthem by the Kiltie.s' Band coucluded the cere- monies. ra • nt Itt 1 Buffalo, N.Y., July 22. -Lee Bruce, a teamster, enesloyed by Forepaugh & SrlIs Tiro t el re we :4 :shot yesterday afternoon ▪ s the afternoon crowd wes lea ins the circus tent. pearl is re ,see0 v• chman, is under arrest .4. ; ; h having fired the fatal shot. Dowen narrowly escaped 1 ''tii t ti bed by 1'.0 angry Cil*CLIS nt- c',clants, who witnessed the shoot- ing. 4,11ver's Toronto, Ju!y 22,-Menv happy re- turns of the day to Hie Honor Sir Oliver Mowat, Lieutenant -0 overnor of Ontario, who enters to -day, in comparatively good health; upon his 83rd year. His Honor is the recip- ient of many congratulatory tele- grams. • Feared a,t Mxplosion. Chicago, July 22. -By jumping in- to the Calumet River to escape an explosion, which they feared would follow the breaking of a gasoline tank on their launch, Charles Kubi- cole and his brother, Duffy, were drowned Sunday night. STOP THE COUGH AND WORE OFF THE 00 LD. Laxative Bromo-Qui, ine Tablet o ure a old in one day. No cure, No pay. P rice In cts. delan.M.VS...11•InemOr..1•110•111.....GrIUSSMOMISSIMMINIMININI. *VOKKINZIRKV-Z.k KILL OH CURE Killing the nerve doesn't cure the toothache; it merely stops the pain by destroying vitality. The pain can also be stopped by decapitation. Cathartics do not cure Constipation -they give temporary relief; but they weaken the bowels and really make the trouble worse. What DOES Cure Is a Gentle Laxative of a Tonic Character IRONne0X TABLETS Are the Best Tonlc-Laxative ever put upon the Market 25 Adult DOW 25 Cents. .1=1.II/OMIVWOOOOOT.00O.00 BREED TO TMIEN1UM 21795 that has shown his ability tti sire ex- treme speed. There is no standard - bred horse that lives that is Taren- tuna's superior in breeding. There is no better boned horse with size, style and substance. Be is a natural born trotter and can •go fast. Tarentum has produced out of less than ten i colts n his own vicinity, two that has shown, trials in less than 2.10. He has produced out of common mares, colts 'that can show without special train- ing their ability to go better than 2,40. For siring high stepping action for road and carriage purposes, Terme- tom is the ideal sire of Canada. Write for testimoniels as to his siring abilities and tabulat rd pedigree. Will stand at his own stable, Egrnondville, Friday and Satin day, Russeldale, Monday; Woodhatn, Tuesday noon; St. Marys, Tuesday night.; Mitchell, Wildnesday night, A. CB ARLESWORTH, Egmondy lle. TEACHER WANTED, — For 8.5. No. 0, Flay township. Daties to commence at the ond of the present vaeation. Male or female, holding a second class costa- eate of qualification. Apply personally with reememendation Le the trustees. Joise Hey, Joins Ditensrer, or Jortat Bnontinrcare 80e- Trcesurer. pIJRE. BRED SHORT- 1:101IN DURHAM BULL FOR ALE. - The undersigned has for sale on lot 30, eoe. 2, Hay. is pure-bred Shorthorn Durham Bull, 16 months old,roan itt color and eligible for regis- tration. got IsS, Stook of extra quality 110W in Sea Ewen, Bowel, Ont. Witi also keep a purebred Berksbtre boar fori eery too. INSURANCE. 1RNEST ELLIOT, Agen tor the Witerreue Assiut/woe Com- peer, of Toronto; also for the Peones/ Fuer blennANCE COMPANY, of Loudon, England ; 1.4.L LAMM TNBrinANOri COMPANY, of Er 3* and MEDICAL( 1-.) R. 3.15. RIVERS, 11. B. TOR OgTO UNI- VERSITY, MD. C. TvI, Trinity Univer- Oftlee-Creditoe. Ont, . B.110WislINU M. D. M. C. • P. 8, Graduate 'Victoria Jeiversiiy °fee° and residence, Dominion Labors, tory, Exeter. 1 EOM.. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Nelsons Bank, Eta Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, +(EXETER. s. 15. CARIANG, B. A. L. B. DICKSON F W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, N. ataxy Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER • • - 1 - DENTAL • T_T =VIVIAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. 15. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. 2., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted -without pain or bad atter effeets. Office an Fan - son's block. West side of Main treat,' Exeter' ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in She neatest manner possible. A perfectly' harmless anaesthetic used. for painlees extrac- tion. Office one door sonth of Carling Bros store Exeter. Ont. F OR SALE—BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE °ELAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable residentialproperty known as "The Hooper Homestead"' situated on Lot No- 36, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and coinmedions brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pah• and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water; The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to Diesson 8z CARLING barristers Exeter, or to A.. E. Hooluni, Rew P. 0„ Penne, U. A., proprietor. 5 Pack Q of Cards Free. inammOiti166031•00 One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak, "Escort" One pack, "Flirtation" One Paest "Hold -to light." One Pack, "Our Sofa Ju h Holds Two. Sample 0121 other styles, wit book full of notions. Send 5o silver for postage. A.W. KENNY, E, T. Yarmouth, s.N. WANT,EDResponsible Manager (integrity must be unquestionb.ble)sto take oharge of distribution depot and%e to be openedin Canada to further buslnespterosts of an old established mannfacturi g ncern. Salary e150 per month and exsvia pro A plieant must have $1.500 to $21L0 cash and ood stand- ing. Address, Supt,, er: 0. Box 1161, Philadel: phia, Pa. FOR SALE OR TO RENT— The farm on Lot 3, con. 1, Hay township, is or sale or can be rented. For further par- sicule,rs apply to A. HOLLAND, Exeter. I i.netel inrt`eIrsti.i teWe haveunlimi d private fundsfor eivest- or village property at lowese NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Exeter. Of Esther Stevens, late of the village DICKSON Ss CARLING of Exeter, in the county of Huron, immiiiialiawarsotowouregitiaessai Two 'second hand rpriglA Pianos and one Square Piano for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs always in stack. Seinfl Md6ilifleS Our experience in the Sewing Machine Business, (12 years) is a guarantee of our goods. We carry in stock the best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines always in stock. Music in Sheet and Book. form. Call and See us, It will Pay You. artin. BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newest colors. Elati Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and workman- ship, BEFORE YOU -BUY OfiLL fug) SEE -US. J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S DiCtig tote Headquarters for -Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic - Stomach and Liver Pills • Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney- Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. s TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES' W. BROWNING Dominion Laboratorn• MONEY TO LOAN widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897,C:heater 129, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Esther Stevens who died on or about the 14th day of July, 1002, are required to send on or before the 205h day of August, 1002, by post prepaid to J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, P..10,, Solicitor, for the Executors a the said Esther Stevens, their names, addresses and qbcupations, with par- ticulars of thdii1'laini, and a statement of their accounts, and tlte "stature of the se- curities, (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date the said executOrs will proceed to dis- tribute the assets4" of the said deceased among those entitled thereto,. having regard only to thf claims of whIch notice elan have been given as above required; and. the said executoraShall not bo Mabee for the said assets nor an part thereof to any per- son or persons of Whose claims notice shall not have boon received by them at the date of such distribution. 5.0. STANBURY, Exeter, Ont, Sclicitor fax the Executors, Dated July 231002 NOTICE TO 013,EDITORS. Of George Adam Gaiser, late of the Township of Stenhen, in the County of Huron, retired farmer deceased. Noticei$ hereby given payment to R. S. 0„ 1807, Chap, 1.29, that ell persons, having cleims, against the estate of the said G. A. Geiser, who died on or about the 701 day of April, 1002, aro required to send on or before the leth day of August, A. D.,100e, bypost prepaid to J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, P,0., Selleiterfor the Ex- ecute's of the said deceas4, thole names ad• d aand their elaims and ii. statexkiet of tteir accounts and the native -W -4e scaurities (IC any) held bitr them. And nod:4*Es hereby •given that atter the hot mention 0. date the said °seen - 0 tors will proceed to Istribute'the assets of the said deeer‘sed am sz Ulm entitled. there- to, having regard ere to the claims of which notioe shall home he'll given as above required, and the mid execu is shall not he liable for the said assets no any egett thereof to any person or persons f whose elaims notice shall bet haye been reSJiiyed by them at the date of such distributio . TANntlene, IthMter, Ont. Solicitor' for the ExeetttonS. Dated July gist., 1902. riONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funde to I oan on farm and village aroperties atlow rat of interest. F, W. GLADMAN. Barrister Main St. Exeter. CUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents in silver midget. will g.et by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODS that will bring you in Mons lVforrsr in one month than anything else in Americia. A W. KENNY,E. T, • Yei incetb, N. IMPORTANT TO HOG RAISERS - You oast save money time and teed by keeal- ing your pigs dr5r5 clean. They will thrive better and kee lealthy. Mako the hog am. fortable and I will put on flesh. You cantles so with a ye little expellee by emoting (Ped lees Patent 'he Elevated Moveable Pigs"Bed. Simple of nstruction, make it yourselves. Send $2.0 n registeved letter for farm right certifieet IA plan of conattuction to Sony PEDLEN, Exeter, Onts Patent; plied for. "Christmas Box" Full of v1/4 oncierfui Things es=Portraits of Aetresees, 20 PopularSongts Magic Teleecope and Pieturee 60/senes- ing Experiments, Love's Peen e. 20 Robusee,100 Funny Conundrum, 33ook of Love, Game o Lettere, 14fagio Writing, 324 jelly Jokes Receipt for Moustache Grower,1001VIoney Mak- ing Secrete, 110 TOi et and Cooking Receines, 25.e Select-4one for Autograph Albums, 10 Model Love Letters, How to Tell teeetunos, Dictionary of Dram% Guide to Fibtation, Magic Age Table, Lovers Telegraph, and onr nese Cat, Or Xmas neve. Books ard Notions. all by mail FRE E for 50, tnver to nays DOSfnZe,' iirarntaitilkoll•11: