HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-17, Page 7THE W.
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for fifty y
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True gre
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,a___ _ .., ____ _
Common soaps destroy the
, • 4
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OOMIXiitted ' bY MX j• all aob itant ',Of P.
OgOoall 14114g0 withia hie ophere of
fiuenee, and. because he eQuld SiOt
identity the offender, lie turned • all
'the people mit of the village and
blirlit it ClOWn, On another
, .
. ,
14 .
,4 1:4721 ,,,Leze -
MI/074e/, s• - .
:3:, pi3,0.spzoTs me eeeee„
Arriving' Daily.-Ericoure
; News Comes Fr orn
ainion Department of . Ina;
at Winnipeg is in receipt
naineen from the various
hroug hout Manitoba and
,West Territories regarding
•ge under cultivation, the
ate of crops, and Phe pros-
the Season, from which the
Sikh War.'
Few SurVisfOrSof the ..
' The Glorious.Charge of
In days of yore, when the Iroa
Dilke WO4 alive, one , of the feature.
of the season was the Waterloo ban-
quet, a-nually held on the miniver-,
sexy of the, battle by the :ileieke in
t,h0- principal picture gallery of
4-PAO House, a room that appro-
priatel.y bears • the title of the
clothes and render .
:hands liable to 'eczema.
' ,
.,, itzptcxo
, .
Mk fee the Octagon DO 'at
. .
•, • 4 .1 4 n j ..
, f r
i ; - •,,' . i gr
Ce,Y1On Tea Is the finest
Tea the world. producesp
nly In lead
and is sold o .. . . .
packets. .
Black. Nlixed and Green.
lo .
'lean tea drinkers by "Satada" Green tea.
, '
he heel a large traet of forest burnt
down, thereby endangering . many
ayes, because he tancY
simply had a
to see a foreet fire. No one °Yee
ou o nex
knew what he w ld, d t a
the cousegaence was that those set-
tiers who were able, hurried from
his reach in 6oub1e-On-10k time,
Eventually, just. 'When. the authori-
- . .
ties were considering what steps to
take to keep in
., cy
id, fis
hint check, he mys-
teriously disappeared, inach to. .the
extracte are gleaned :
go and litaeleod-The area
ivation in this district, is
between 40,000 and 55,000
il of which promises an
yield. The prose erity 'of
. is
.t, is general, everything
i shing condition, Southern ition, Souern
: ever saw such prospects for
tl ii4einrest.
ton -The weather condi-
his di etrict, have been re,.
good. Prospects for a
p were never better than
t presenz. • .
[ver -All crepe looking well
those on the highest laud.
have to go a long way to
1 -Land under cultivation
strict is estimated at 50,-
. an increase of 10,000
'er last year. • The diStrict
appearances of prosperitY,
consequence, Rosthern is
leveloping - into an active
tant business centre.
The arCEI under cultivation
ola district isapproximate-
0 acres. Prospeets never
d an eaormous yield is as-
le district abouads with
; everyone A satisfied
) 'Prosnects.. Settlers are
1, and tbe favorable ton-ing
See turning o•ver the rieh,
11 would indicate that the
ter next. year will be in-
i per cent.
_weeny acreage consider_
cased this year ; other
A the same as last ; pros-,
a Alberta -About 25,000.
.ost double the 'acreage of
repreiont this year's crop
rage amount of breaking is
e, and the prospects for
i are excellent. The popu-
;he district has increased
ent. this season. Our vast
are fast being eonverted
ul fields. ,
ke-Twenty thousand acres
the district promise the
:rop ever gathered hei.e.
very bright for a bounti-
--Crop prospects In this
Inc never better than theynd
Ms bine for aa abundant
ever (30,000 acres, an in-
l0 per cent., in grains, and
cent. in fiax, give bright
,WS1.,,t.,et:loo Chamber, says London
If the veterans ' of 1815 were col-
ledted to -clay in that room, welch
is 90 feet long, it is 'to be feared
that its appearance. wou1d. be some-
y . es
what empty, e.speciallin view
Met that when in 1900 the sur -
the Mw
vivors of the Sikh War, belonging to
the 16th Lancere, which campaign
t°0k plaee thirty odd years a
Wateploo, were invited to be the
guests ofthe members of the Aliwal
el' • d that'•
Dinner Fund, it was discovered
there were only six men of that
regiment still alive who took part in
the glorious charge -"through and
back" --that decided the battle,
which has been described as .a -vic-
ly withouta.
tory that was technicalof
flaw, Of the half-dozen surviv•ora
three el the 1.6th, who were led by
that Sir Harry ,, Smith win:se. eviA
lent her name to Ladysn th, an d
wh° lar°1° .8' Sikh Square'. were too
end infirm to put in an . a. -
aged ., 1 P
pearence, and were lo.o ked after in
another manner, .01). the las t tenni-
yersary may two were present to
stand in respoese when Sir Henry
Wilkinson proposed the toast of "TheAnLicosti's
, .
'' "erans. '
battle dinner connected in
Another hat
the minds of the diners with a glor-
Mee charge is that known as the
' Teeth. or Glory" dinner, the said
phrase bentee the motto of the 17th
Lancers. It is, perhaps, :unnecessary
to state, so well known is the great
exploit of that regiment, that the
said dinner is held on October 25th,
the anniversary of the
. At this dinner some of the items of
the menu are reminiscent of the
Orimea„ for, in a.dditlon to fish, flesh
and ducal hares and pheasants pro-
vided by H.R.H. the. Duke. of Otina-
bridge, the Colonel -in -Chief of the
regiment, there are such delicacieselmeches
as "Balaclava Pudding and Death
or Cllory Sauce," "Macedoine Jelly"
and "(Mario tte Busse," which have
a Black Sea flavor about their
mines, bet, let us hasten to add,
one that is not appareet in their
taste. On the forty-sLettle annlver-
sary of the battle three. survivors of
the charge, we believe, were present,
, d very
aa a pathetic .fraatiire ci
" the
o.ccasion was the fact that the =led -,o
als of Sergeant O'Gorman reposed
on the chairman's table. Ti"sc
medals were pledged in P .101
Wade] hia
s.o it is said, When the gallant 801-
dier fell on hard times, were re-
deemed .by . Mr. Wych, an Amerioaa
tl d ' , t el b 1 • t
gem ornan, an pitsen e y um 0
Ln addition to regimental, there
are other Crimean dinners that are
• - •
annually Partaken of, and of these
011° .of the most famous takes place
euficl,er the auspices of the Mayor of
1 °it outh. On the last occasion,
towards the end of April this year,
..‘n eee_e_ ea__ .____
-Lu‘k vu"'""is, wnvse average °est.'
was. sixty-seven years and aggregate
7,060, sat down as his worshi '
P s
guests ' •
. Towards the end of October, 1899,
Lord and Lady Wimborne gave a
fareWell dinner at their hoase in
Arlington street to the officers '. of
the Royal Dragoons, evith whom
their son Was proceeding to south
Africa, the followinre day.- ,,....,,_0_
_, 11 n,e 441 i
or not tine dinner becomes an an-
nnal; arab.' remains to be nen ;
. should it do so the table decorations
which were ca,rried out under the.
personal direction' of Lady \mu_
b • 1 ld brepeated b,
cane, sloe e on ea.c
occasion in the future, for they.could
hardly be improved upon.
r. , , .
t entirely in red andpopular,
were carried out .
white chrysanthemums and deep
blue violets, and upon the table
cloth the words.. "Waterloo" and
"Balaclava" -the names of two bat-
ties occupying' prominent positions
on the regimental colors -were also
traced in flowers. of similar colors.
For the centre -piece the national gag
and ensign WP • 1 neyed and a
s no d sp . , a
,, • ,, 11 U ion Jack was placed
tiny silken 4 -
at each seat, whilst the button -holes
provided for each gentleman present
were lilies of the valley and,gera,n-
'tuns tied with royal blue ribbon •
1Th 1
The ulna= of- the Royal Dragoons
when at home is rod with bine fac-
s t fact that doubtless accounted
eing '' 1 -.
`'° a certain extent for the color
sele • •
I me. of the table decorations
A. very interestin siege dinner was
, „ g e
year last June when the
nc•Lai '
-111.17 V. ors of the Ludknow garrison,
including, for the first time in the
history of this barmuct
anniversary - ,
ladies who paseed through the trials
tribalatiOns of the' siege f 1857,
gaathered together '
er under the presi-
dency of Lieutenant -General Lanes
V C Th ' • ' • '
V.O. e company included nine
combatant meenbers of the • •••
le gauison
• . i .
• ' _
' •, a"
• -
Great Britain's Possessions Ruled
. by Frenchmen and Span-
Anticosti. is a beautiful island
. , thirty '
about 140 miles long, by
wide. It is siettated in the great
Gulf of St. Lawrence, aud its pop-
illation., consisting of •sonie thirty
thousand souls, is. almost exclusively
British, or of British descent; it is,
course a.-Britieh island
' ` ' ' But its
Icing u..., a Preneinnan, and one of the
very pronounced type. His name of
Monier has . bectcanie famous because
of the chozola..e by manufacturing
lade he inade an enormous for-
‘.v . , •
tune. Years ago M. Memer bought
. .. .
the -Island ot Anticosti -bought it
outand out as it stood sub ect of
o . , , . i ,
e t British laws which how-
cows , o • , ,
ever, practically recogeize him as
king. "With a great
. ' • • •
many of the inhabitants of Anticos-
ti who are obviously M. Menier's
. , •
• • .
subjects the 1-ing is exenedinely -
„ , — i, un
but it can hardly be said
that there is • any greater ceaeon
for this than the natural distaste
British. inhabitants of British ter-
ritory would feel for being subjects
I. ner M. Menier's rule
of a fore g • .
has been very free, fair and encour-
aging, and those .changes he has in-
troth -we'd into his little kingdom
have been much more for the hene-
a of his subjects than of himself.
He has spent a sonsiderable sum in
• improviagthe island, and has built
excellent houses, villages, and
without drawing upon the
pockets of his subjects. He has in-
troducea, or tried to introduce,
many lucrative industries into his
kingdom, . in an earnest desire to
benefit 'the inhabitants. But, de-
• •
spite et all, -they would turn him out
inunediately if they could do so.
They object to having a. Tricolor
jacked buttoned over a Union jack
waistcoat - and so long as M Menier
- -' • . '
remains King of Anticosti his vir-
tat will count for nothin .
es 1 . e,
So few people are aware where the
, - -
Island of I-Ieem is aatuated, that it
. little
.. ..
x end of . everybody,
About fifteen years back, an Au
Udell, named Carl Postki, tried to
establish hinaself king of a small
tract of larid ln Nova Scotia. He
. .
' _ e %I see' • uMIT40,
- . •
!ape Dawson-Cammission. tie. - T
handle your Parra, .003, POInTfre (iillige Or dressiit0,, $TRAWURR1113,
• •
APnE13, TOM Vran, other FroitS; Vz0FrABI.E8 Or PROOODE to good acion.ntAge,
stap 3, pads supplied. .Corresponience, invited,
SIIIPPIne'v tAgs' li. .......,
began very promisingly by improy-
' g ti .1 d h Id' h f • "
le an , ui ing oases, .alins
and. a small railway. Then he in-
vented laws,. governing his tern ory,
many of which wore excelleat; one,
for instance prohibiting intoximnts
intoxicated ' - '
or - persons being intro -
daced within the limits of his king-
dom. He also decreed that any law-
breaker within his kingdom, who
was unable to pay stieh fines as he
settled as penalties for certain of-
fences, should work off their sen-
tenceS on the land of any person. who
would make the highest 'bid for their
services, the money raised in this
way, and by fines, to be applied to.
SilirDhurout. •
4 adorles0.
Every Wok-- •
t A Match'
14 .
1 Everytilateh—
. ...
4.,, A Ligntor
" •
. 4 Ecutiee
ea ' 1 o , , ht
Matelot matolent in
rt.:. :00„:20:,f.„,:fee:.::::. .
eepeektuy eettable 1,
getup in neat eliding .
boxee am rted colors
1 0 -
eaoh box cordoning
about etio maw:44-e
. three boxes In a pack -
For etlie by
An Flrot Claes
the general good. All that was very
well, but he went too far in taxing
4+ ..........,... seems Demo.. T•
hA eubjects to obtain sufficient cash
...- ....------as-aes.----------
• • ------ - -
to carry out all the publie improve -
ments he contemplated, and thus- in-
stead of attracting many new set-.
tiers as he ex ect d t do I drove
, p e o , he
away most of those who were there
when he took over the land. The
consequertce WAS, ill a. very short
time h f • h
. e ound himself a. king . wit
practically no subjects, and in de-
spair of ever beieg able to run his
kingdom on the lines he had plan-
ned, he "abdicated" and returned to
t 1
lee and of his forefathers, having
"dropped" the bulk of his large for -
tune to no purpose.-Pearson's
The most interesting of the new
•departures made at the War Office is
the appointment oe a- lady .on the
stag. This is the first time a. lady
• • - • •
has had a local habitation in ,. the
building. The lady -iir question serv-
• .
ed at the front as. a nurse, and hav-
recently returned has been ap-
pointed to a position at the War
Office. SI 'hprivateell d
le as a o ce an
a smear -de little sub-departmeat of
- " .
her own. She is . to have charge
within the War Office of the affairs of
theArm N • 'A
ursiere Department. s
y an
a practical step this new departure
is heartily approved.
Mrs'eletaart.., .
' " - "'-‘"`- ' 0
• en .e.
.ft' , I-
a t se
,. •'''." . 1- '0' e
Nt,;;L: • - • .
e.... a ,
• ,
• i.
• ,I=lope.a-e.-• -.:,..rie i. ,:
.... ,.
The Story of Eliza H. Varney, of
Of all wonderful cannons, the elec-
trio magnetic gun. invented by a
Chrlstiania professor is the most
remarkable. The professor cal-
culates that the performances of • iliS
weapon will increase with the length
' '
of the barrel.. For instance, with a
tube 828ft. long it could throw a
two -ton projectile a distance of 982
miles I
'`.*".i. •
Good Things to Eat
From. Libby'a famomalyesuio kitobeas.
whore purity provoilo. All moats uood bk
Natural Flavor
Food Products
B1 o omfield, ant .-S ent Many
Years in. a Service ! of Saintly'
S crif. t the Poor and Need-
a . .ce o e . . y
-Ministered to Their Physical
t ain
cTralie° fstciteifvuenRiciterilligtietynittleitLaget:cu...
s _
is. U. tirove's signature is on each box. 25a,
are U. S. GovernmentInspeeted. Tho wholesome.
MO tinkCoottaraftl oven' Pita@ le preserved 03.
sosa?.....; rep VI have ell+ el hand the mitwcutials.
ea the TM/ IF aisaia. ka 'Halo book, 3dow to
as Well as Spiritual Wants.
Bloomfield, Ont., July 7. -(Special)
-Our community boasts of having
Of our • 861 different kinds of Bri-
tish birds, only 140 are resident all
the year.
Make Owed btal tit Zia," tfillo all about thaw.-
sent fres. • hire; Atlas of the World, mailed
free for 10 centipedes°.
within it one of the most devoted
ever toiled in
Christian women that ee
the world's vineyard.
Owned and blessed by God, the
self-s•acrificing heroine
. . . and her hus-
band, since deceased, spent many
years of faithful pastoral work ' in
.. . . I t• t
difletent pints o tie con Men .
For On r Sixty Years.
Winslow's fioothingSyrup has been need for over sixty
Mtn by millions of ntothors for their children while
ieexeiee sin, perfeot succazo. It zoothaa the child
softens t'he sums, allays all pia, tures vrind eelio, sea
isthe best remedy for Diarrhcea. Is plea:ant to the
1 note. Sold by drugsists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five eents•a bottle. Its value la loos./ oulable .
'3e tore and ask for MM. Maslow's Sooth:as Syrup,
the Feeelish
The average .height of - e
professionalis 5 feet 9i inehes.
, class t eo le in Eu-
2.hey are the ta es p p
rope. The French working class a,re
5 feet 4 inches, and are the ellort-
a heavy yield. The Douk-
.erage is increased .100 per
ipects Elat so. bright that A SURPRISED DOCTOR
le large new elevator has
id her, and two more are --
iefore , the b.arvest season. ,
ew-The acreage along the
$ double last year's area. DANCE COULD NOT BE
is indicated On every CURED.
- • . ---
ince the weather could Called One Day and Found the
re favotable, and a good Patient Ironing and Learned
laved. The country around That Dr. Williams' Pink Pine'
a Crowds of settlers are •
Had Succeeded Where Othee
• -
-Prospects from over 20,- Medicines Had Failed.
sown here are very bright; , -bown-
St Nrt '' d ,
The eutiorer from . i es ante.
ants coming into these even. in a mild form, is much to Ix
af the very best class. pitied, but when the disease assumes
is scarcely astonishing so
nine women, and seven children who.
shduld be ' heard about it and its
went through the siege, and in ad- G
dm., to those five members of the an king it it of course, one
errn . , , l I
of the smaller Channel stands, but
relieving force were also present. -
it is as lovely. as any..
Among the lithe ladies at the dinnerIt is a verita-
ble fairy Island, and its owner and
were three whogiven birth o , •
thhad t sins Prince Blucher, may well be
baby boys at Lucknow during the .,e ---t" ' •
siege, and one of the seven children proud of it, although possibly he.
finds it ch . . . e
who survived those e troublesome difficult to stretch his lees
in his little British Kingdom with-
times, who . was also present, was • ' At
out paddling at the same time.
during that terrible turmoil. Mr.n one time Herm was a faarorite spot
with Channel Island picnic parties,
Dashwood was last year joined by
two other children of the siege in being easily reached from Guern-
sey, but any stranger invading the
lefeest's R. A. Fayrer and . J. W.
- • island nowadays, would at once be
Perry. By a strange coincidence, on ,' • • t
repelled. Herm s king has a grea
the day of the dianer another Yeter- • . .ed
distaste for strangers, and, y
-En named Hill; who .was one of th
. ° ink every inch of the place, he ha.s
relieving force, had the honor of • 1One
a- perfect right to repe everybody
presentation to the Prince and Prin- .bat the properly accredited represen-
Telizaleeth H. Varney, relict of the
late Levi Varney, is now '13 years
rsirlialk nntstrtisakiitz-
I , I
of age, arid is living in quiet retire-
remit here. She is member of the
Judges and barristers show a
larger bald heads
bard s Liniment Is the best,
Societ of the Old Orthodox Friends
and this -loving soc-iety
proportion of than
an other profession.
Nell -"Yes, George and I are en -
simple peace
never had a more humble or mot e
worthy member.
It is of her work itmong the Douk-
Mlnard's liniment for WI I
. euma ism,
any -
gaged, but you mustn't say athing about it." Belle - Why
-doesn't he know it ?"
hobors in our own Canadian North-
, •
a est that she loves most to speak,
ny an are her recollec-
and mi. d vivid
, . ..
tious of this peculiarepeople.
of the greatest difficulties this
devoted woman had to contend with
was disease among her poor people.
But she had armed herself 'with a
remedy that was as unfailing as her
own charity-Dodd's Kidney Pills
were the weapons she used to drive
The b 'el •
ri al wreath is usually form-
ii G • f tl
1 ennany o anyr c branches ;
. , •
m Irance and England, of orange
blossoms ; in . Italy and French
Switzerland, of white roses ; in
Spain, of red roses and pinks • m
. e ,
the islands of Greece, of vine leaves •
in Bohemia 1 r ' '
,a„.„ . , 0 osemary ; in Ger-
— Switzerland, of a crown of
artificial flowers.
'Messrs C. C. Richards Se Co.
• ' ' •
Dea.r Sirs, -While la the country
last sumnler I was badly bitten by
mosquitoes -so badly that I thought
I would be disfigured for a couple of
weeks. I was advised to try • your-
Liniment to allay the irritation
' " '
and did se. The effect was inore
than I expected --a few applications
completely curing the irritation, pre -
the bites from. becoming
-5 un aegt•avaeed form the patient A
NS-UM/LATE TRIUMPH, usually as helpleas a,s, an infant, and
• has to be watched ' with . as much
care. St. Vitus' dance is a disease
is of a Fainous English of the nerves and must be treated
Surgeon. through them, and for this purpose
' "
he great names of the there is no other • medicine in the.
century none shines more world acts so speedily as Dr. W11-
-than that of the famous Halms' Pink Pills. Proof of this
,rgeon, Sir James lsagete statement is Maud in the cure of
s energy and perseverance, Misseetsouise Luffman, whose home
:e and courage. through is at Poacher's Mille, Ont., who was
ars of poverty, his scorn eured by these pills after two doe-
.everness, his love of wis- tors had failed to benefit her it the
enderness. to the poor and least. The young lady's mother tells
xis loyalty to his friends the story. of her daughter's illness are
on to his family united in follows :-"1 do not think it Possible
character of rare strength anyone could be afflicted with a
Y. lnore severe forra or St. Vitus' dance
• •
lose who knew him best than that wheat attacked my daugh-
eatness was, revea/ed, not ter Louirse. Her arms and legs
ood at the height of his would twi.tc•li and jerk, her. face w•a.s
, when, old and helpless drawn and finally her left side be-
ng, he was-. lighting the came numb as though paralyzed.
of life. He had won his Two doetors attended her, but their
ebscurity to•the first place treatment not only did not help her
ession, Ile had enjoyed bat she grew steadily worse. T.T.
aim life, and counted some tongue became swollen, her epeech
ttest personages of Eng- thick. and indistinct, and she could
.e. his friends. . neithee sit still nor stand still. She
came at lest. His-- wife, could not hold anything in her hand
had been his inspiz•ation and it was. accessary to watch her
:ars, faded g'ently • aevay. all the time as we feared she woeld
another his friends, too, injure herself. The doctor who -at-
unseen river. Bit by bit tended her told me she would never
:lc had to be laid aside; get better,. and --it was then' that I
physician whose akin had decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
laxly thousande of lives Pills. After she had taken two boxes
iniself a helpless invalid, we could see au improvement in hei•
• death. conditioa• .1Tet• appetite improved,
stood -the clear brain did she could sleep better cied tie spasms
But no one •over heard a were less severe. From that-ott there
1.-nplaint through an . the was . a marked improvement in her
tat hard battle, This is condition, and one day the doctor
'Brute: • who had said She could not get bet-
one wrote forever • one ter "called while. passing and found
describe the wonder of her ironing -something she had .not
years ' of his life, . One been able to do for months. I told
at the infinite fullness himeit was Dr..Willicime' Pink Pills
and strong Will of his that, wee curing, her and he :sad,
at hie devotion to sal- "Well, .1 am eta -prised, bet coetinue
s laborious. practice, . his the pills, they will cure her." . She
,S, his holidays, hie keen used in all eight or ten boxes, and
and hie friendships', and is now as healthy a girl axs you will
ssible to measure the find anywhere, and she has not since
i 'Which through eighty had a symptom of tha. trouble,"
DSO that .he might attain if you: are weak or ailing ; if peal.
onto. triumph of his final nerVeS ave tired and laded, Or your
' ,
ay from the world," blood is out, of condition, you will
itness never happens. Max be wiae to use Dr, Williams' T.'ink
r Physical forces for suc- Pills, evehich are an tinfallitlg mire for
terations, but battles of all bleed and nerve troubles, But
e man can fight for an- be sure you get the genuine, . With
ere is, no greater victory the full name ”Dr. Williams' Pink'
a the victorious old age, pins for Pale People" on the wrap-
be attained onIY by those per around every box. Sold by all
learned to conquer in the medicine dealers or sent poet paid. at
rength and poWer. They 50 cents ri box or six boxee for $2,50
..etletlee Isan Win the "eon-, by writing diva, to the Dr. • • W11-
rrectavv, ' . tiaras' M.edicine Co., Brockville, Ont..
cess of Wales (then Duke and Duchess t t• f the V•t• I Crown.
a wee o le re is I
•of York) at Auckland. Until comparatively recently, the
THIRTY-ONE YEARS AGO beautiful Island of Trinidad was
next December 24th -that is to say, Practically the kingdoxp. of a Span-
on Christmas Eve, 1871 -six cadets ish millionaire, named Inez, al-
of the Military School of Saint Cyr, though the island was even then M-
who, after going througb. the ,ter- eluded in the British. Empire.
rible Franco-German War, were cona HE WANTED TRINIDAD.
pleting their studies at that seat of •
learning, pledged theinselves to meet Senor Inez had amassed an almost
.:y comel. e,
if alive, at noon on May 8rd, 1900, fabulousfortuneI an 'c but
at a Certain spot -the Arc de it is said that his ambition was to
estab. e, ,
TrioMplie,. te, wit. On the day in liah a kinsdoin for himself in
Trinidad under the protection of
question and at the ' appointed hour , , . .
Spain to which the island had of
three officers wended their way to ' . '
belonged. And he did not
the trysting place, 'greeted each other course, e
v 1short 1 h• 1
cordially, and, after waiting for fall s° ver- ar .i1 old. itsh tmafr.-:
some little time for the three who Every strip of tie is al a en
were never again to keep a rendez- into, the market hebought. up a,bso-
vous, repaired. to a restaurant, there lately, and m course of time by far
the greater part of tho. isl.and had
to fight their battles over again,
compare notes, and drink in silence been acquired by hem through pur-
perhaps to the memory of their fal- chase, andan enormousb portion flof
len comrades. That . each of the sur- the island's commerce eit is• in. u -
vivors present at this dinner ar- "Ice' 3-13C B. latish. .subjects who
ranged .three decades previously came uncler lus..rule disliked him .nei-
should be in uniform is perhaps not mensely, he was totally teriannical
extraordinary, though it was . cer- and unjust. If a man. in his em-
ploy, on his lan ,
g of a coincidence -cl or in one of his
eanny somethin-
mnny houses, attempted to dispute,
that oath should have att. •
-tined the , - .
his will, that man bitterly repented
same rank-nainclen that f ' '
o mann- •
t He bought up and razed to the
but such indeed was the case. 1 .
---, a.._____ ground many British homes, because
the owners opposed his will. But
he never quite realized his ambition,
BABY'S OWN TABLETS. though, for many years, he was
— • .
practically king of the island, His
Come as a Message of Hope to all am.bition was too great to be at-
tamed withoue a nation behind him
Tired and Worried lYlothers. • ' '
. and Spain was mach too discreet to
In. homes where Baby's Own Tab- accede to his many appeals to wrest,
lets are need cross • and fretful child- Trinidad frora the rule of the 13ri-
ren are unknown. The little ones are tish, and grant him a protectorate.
cross because they are ailing and Some years ago, a large portion
these 'Tablets are the best medieine of 13ritish Colulnbia was ruled by a
in the world for stomach, bowel and Frenchman, than whom, certainly;
teething troubles. They will Make no monarch in the nineteenth ee
your baby well and keep it well, and tury was more tyrannical and fitful..
they are guaranteed to contain. rie This man, .
ingredients that can harm the small- ROMANO WAS HIS NAME,
est, weakest infant, Mothers every- peseessed a very great fortune, a
,where give these Tablets the highest large slice of which he invested in
praise, Mrs, R. escaraster, Cooks- land in British Columbia, over .which
town, Ont., says :-"My baby was he Jaded with a monarch's will, and
much troubled With constipation and a madelan's eccentrieities. Every-
indigestion, and was very restless one within the scope of his power
and peevish at nights, 1 gave her quickly learnt what kind of a man
ItabY's Own Ta•hlets and she is now he. was, and so erratic were his
regular and rests Well, I also And Moods that his subjects soon be
that the Tablet a are a great helP came very uneasy, He treated them
during the teething.peCiod," .. with the utmost contempt, and trod
Children take these Tablets jusst as down 13ritishers in partieular on ev-
readily as caady .and crushed to a ery possible Occasion, making it as
POwder they can be given to the diffieult tie be Wild for than to get
youngest, feeblest infant with note a livelihood or live peaceably.
but good re,suits. Sold by all deal- French and French-Canadian sub-
Ors, or Sent Post r aid at 25 celits a, ;leas were npt, so severely treated,
box ly writing direct to the The bet Wen. they, learnt to hate him
Williams' Ifediellie• 0'0., Broekville; with an exeeedingly bitter hate. Oile
Ont.« of Sellenectstlet, N.Y. day he took , offence Ea 'Eiome act
out sickness.
Some years before she had tried
and proven the value of this great
medicine in her own case when
threatened with Dropsy and suffering
with Rheumatism. They had com-
pletely restored her, u•nd when she
Stops the Ottagb
umitive t/k3/;40tmloTut.l. on: ,tAtICegde•
in one use a eold
day. No Cure. 'No Pak. Primo 'Seen's.
Little Ethel -"Mr. Young; my sis-
ter Laura said at the table this
sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also
a good article to keep off the mos-
q .
Yours truly,
W. A. OKE,
Ifarhor Grace, Mid., Jan. 8, 1898.
found that the prevailing trouble
amen(' the Doukhobor people was
. s .
Kidney Disease and Dropsy she knew
morning that she thought you had
the prettiest moustache she ever
W P C 1136
that Dodd's Kidney Pills be
saw." Young --You oughtn't
— - e
her most valuable aid hi her gooa
to tell things you hear at the table,
Ethel." Ethel -"But she's going to
give me a penny for telling you !"
She tells of one poor' young wo-
man among this people who was
sufferin so severely with the DroPsy
that shge was terribly bloated all
mar s [sent Cures LaGrIppe,
over and confined to her bed. The
Lady Missionaryleft a few of Dodd's
Kidney Pills and .1. ediatelv t
, - s-
for three more boxes.
She was rewarded for her efforts
.e recovery of the
by the eomplet
He --How many bridesmaids are
you going to have, dearest ?" She-
-None." He - "Why, I thought
You'd set your heart on. it." She-
"X had ; but from present indica-
T 0 0 TH
Preserves the teeth. sweetens the breath.
Strengthens the gnu's.
young a .
Dodd's Kidney Pills have received
tions,- the sirls I want. wilt all be
married firs't."
this worthy woman's most emphatic
Monkey Brand Soap removes all
stains, rust, dirt or tarnisb-but
'oast ,
. _ii
eI sae.,
y Thompson, did you ever
notice that I was brutally indifferent
. ,,
to my children ? ..
a Certainly not, You're quite the
contrary, Holmes.''
mall, do. I look like a miscreant
won't wash clothes.
Stern Father -"Didn't 1 ten you
not to call again sir ?" Suitor-
"I know. But I didn't call to see
your daughter. X came on behalf of
our firm about that little bill."
Stern Father-"Er"-er-call again,
will you ?"
• Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest priceS ever quoted. Fine cataloglic
BOO illustrat inuonaited free. Write us for any.
thing in Musio:or Musical Instruments.
mriT wog' t mull It 9, nn T.;..„,„.4.„,2
n Mii-1211 ht/ I lib Ii; Uil• L11111hUti. )
Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man
who would be only too to alma-
. • .
don thera to the mercy of strangers?'
YOf c,ourse not. Whatever put such
an idea into your bead ?" '
CHEFS 1108111 IN 13N1 !iv Restorer
-- • . •
Cleaning end (luring said Kid Gloves eleaned. Thus
can ha sent by poet, 10 per az. the beat Oleo IS
"Or have I the reputation of be-
ing so seleali that I would not die-
turb .or exert myself in the slightest
.. Toni -"I wish that I had Joe's
good luck." Dick -"So he's general-
ly. lucky ?" Tom -"Lucky I If. he
oh rea , .01.tinwa., Tolonto, Quebec.
lel t • 1 . •
to secure their safety from the raost
'desperate danger ?"
"No, indeed. Who's been accusing
you of .such things ?" ,
"My wife."
walked out of, a, window in his sleep
at dead of night there would be an-
other man going by below carryingb
it feather bed."
. ---
DominiOn Line Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool Kasten to Liver-
1 r rid d t Li . ol Va Q .,
oo . 0 all o very° . 1 ueens
Large and not Steamships, pastier s000nurodstieu
for ell elsesoe of noon' and Staterooms
"Your wife ? Why 1"
' ;
"Whet, little Johnny got himself
lost for .a Couple of hours the other
day', arid all I did waS to netify the
' hire every private detective
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
• that contain Mereury
as Mercury will surely destrenthe sense of
smalltime cotentstr derange the whole systesti
are -amidships. Spaniel Attention hes been elven to the
secone tense tete Third•Olsse SeeteninotlatiOn. TO
ratialetpeesaae ant ell partlealitiv, apply to any Medi
ef the Omapoty, or .
Rtotanhe; Mies e , D. Torrasee Ado..
TT State 6 k'. Reston. Ken Wei sea Portlitta.
in town, arid roue() an the neighbor- -
hood to help hunt 'for him."
"Wasn't that enough ?"
"No. She insists that 1 axe
a brutal, selfish misereant, and sty-
eral other things, beeause I refused
to do all ehe wanted me to." . ,
wheteentering it t rental the re meals surfaces,
Suoh article* visit d never, be need .except en
presdriptions train repatable payeielaa a. its thii
*atone ill)0 veill Ablated fold lie thO goad yeii
d ritveirom skein 2Iel's Catarrh
, To„
traTniaitilitslured 'by F.J. diesel is Co
lede,Oneentelinfiiiisieereareeetaletakei; ire
ternally„,entlest Credit linen stie.,bleoel sit4:
uoous Surf isoia of the seetem. in buying
Ltri Cetarek Cute be sutl r ou gets the giallo
inn n usimit a, a rtnitt,18,
Mullane Swine t,51ook,Uatki,e alitleilt v- .
Detwiler- Stowe swims or wil Wil if OM
tootingAtake4 41 diftoreattiar ai arks, all
lion, With Jain e blau, Mantel. Itorali,
flrgyi,flOgrri;g1=171 "do:
.,,loi,tcyca. FAUN= ItRIBIITON,,tarfbag, Yerri,17. 0.
"Why, what, more Was ,possible.?"
: ."Malce the ComMandee-M-Chief
order out the. Militia to helP in the
hillit l'°
ine. nit; token hiteitory.and Made in Toledo
Ohl°, by F. .T. Ohendy 5t 'Co. Testimonial.
'fireidlw, Denegitits, price ISeTerbottio.
Roll§ Fitioiry;PIlls ate the hest, , '
L.,.:_ ,
LiONES tsco Co ',---,,
, • ,_...„.„
"7168* BM/. St OUT, =- TORO. .