HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-09, Page 14ra tl 1 .lo , aural Society M on Monday evening. . Sha 'l+ everyone including many ,guests tenni Seaforthand the president- the Go + ',The Explorers, are selling pansies; l fen- sail's Centennial flower, also the members will receive pansies at the home of •Marg Cole on Friday afternoon. It was announced t;at Mite pine tree, Ontario's bicenten- m94 tree will be planted at the Northcrest Henle, Brenda Russell asked for flowers and waickerpieces to decorate a float for the centemdal Volunteers will be need- ed to help with the town flower beds. The secretaryread the minutes. • The guest speaker Jean McKee was in- troduced by Eileen'Ra)<tnie. She spoke on geraniums. Betty Simmons thanked Mrs. McKee and presented her with a gift. Velma Robison drew tickets on door prizes, which ub. _. • +a Hensall Euli?li was dn+ected b e pion ;rich res Id was990ond d, .The Z .mss, scored a most is for` e s on Alli e s Thy" *IR have the trophy presented, to them at. the c icken barbecue which will be on June 16. Mr's. Sharon Parker sang two solos, Ron Westlake. • ; in -of the -B -,. In- tr uced the . ,...; lei", Mr. Ace ,tlarlte of flatnilton whop was one of the leaders of a netorcyele gang He gave his testimony, telling about the lives of morrcycle gangs, and how his conversion to Christ took place ' about 11 years ago. He has spoken all across Canada and United States. Next week he will be inEdmonton, Alberta speaking in the schools. The annual chicken barbecue will be on June 16 at Ken Gascho's' Park west of Zurich. Anyone interested contact any of the Board members. +++ Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Mrs. Joan Keys presided at the organ. TTIh[e:PCWladies are invited bKippen._ UCW on May 9 at 8 p.m. Miss Agnes Hislop will be the guest on May 13, when she will tell of her work in In- dia. After serving the Church in India for some 32 years, Miss Hislop is doing deputa- tion work prior to her retirement. ly! ss Linda Roberts is attending Leader. I pcampInf tints ethiswe ded ne E ... Achievement Nit• , titer en Ma;} t ... Pam.Gackstetter,• elly Gackstetter,.11i by Jacobs, Pat Masse and• Kristina, • Huston cors► •.leted the 'q i� gs program sponsored: by the Hensel- UCCW. The group leaders were Marg Cole, Dorothy Brrntnell and Ja nth Sangster. The girls presented the leaders with a plant in appreciation. South Huron Youth For Christ South Huron Youth For Christ held their May.rally on May 5 in Brucefield school with around 175 in attendance. This is the last in - dew rally until October. Director Bob Heywood opened with a sing- song of choruses, with Mrs. Sharon Parker PERM SPECIAL 20%0FF ALL PERMS $3." HAIRCUTS Prices In effect until June 1/'84 :CLINTON:Coro RAD SHOP PHONE 482-9393 -*Boiling *Repairing *Re -Coring *Roding *Radiators for all makes of cars. trucks and tractors �.. *Pickup and delivery service available *Plastic Tanks -Repaired *Transmission Coolers Available. *Aluminum Air Conditioner Condensers Repaired LIFETIME WARRANTY AVAILABLE QN. RADIATOR --SORES. FOR.. PASSENGER CARS AND LIGHT DUTYTRUCKS KLIP 'n KURL HAIR 526-7505 Auburn • LOCATED AT CLINTON AUTO' PARTS LTD. 46 KING ST. - CLINTON The Village Market Auburn (formerly Robinson's General Store) is NOW OPEN. *All YARD GOODS are reduced including thread;-�lppers�'notions&'.yarn UCW meet The May meeting of UCW Unit three was held in the church on /Tuesday with presi- dent Dorothy Parker presiding.. Beatrice Munn conducted.the worship. The President welcomed everyone and in keeping with Mother's Day read a poem. A letter was read from Peter and Susan Frayne; a Mis- sion letter from Overseas telling about Johann and Ralph Hills m Zambia by Helen Roberts. Dorothy Br"tntnell gave an in- teresting account of the Presbyterial she at- tended in Wingham. Marg Cole gave a report of the barbecue and Mary Kinsmen a report on the bake sale for the Centennial Float. Loretta Riley reported on packing a clothing bale. Vera Ross played several piano in- strumentals. The Study book reading was given by Helen Roberts. Dorothy Parker reviewed the June meeting and thanked everyone for taking part, after singing a hymn Dorothy closed with prayer. The hostesses were Fredo Boa and Helen Roberts. . The Explorers have completed their sale of boxes of pansies and report over 900 boxes sold and delivered. The Pansy is the Centen- nial Flower for Hensall. Lodge Plans Dessert Euchre Noble Grand Marg Upshall presided for the May meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Mav 2 evening assisted by Vice Grand 0 led . of the 1bt~Jt and thug +; returned frog} Floridaer' of (- ge was dried m meror of depar o deers. A bir daY earl.: an a inoneY's. . was received from Pride off Huron Lodge. A card, a money gift, was sent to Goderich Lodge who are celebrating their 75th ' nrver-sary_ Noss ling ti ne fir the ,new Members was 661 1'04 ' The Noble Grand, thanked all members . iwho. took ' in prapng e C - United news The Confirmation service was shared' by a large congregation on Sunday morning at the United Church when three persons were received through the Profession of Faith. Those being`received were William Donald Stebbins, Donald William Wareing and Pamela Marie Mallette. The Edgers assisting with the service of Laying on of Hands were Donald Stebbins, Mervin Fields and Shelley Parsons. Sharon Wurm, Clerk of Session assisted the minister with the ser- vice. The choir sang two anthems. Sheila Corbett welcomed the congregation • and the. ushers were Randy Parker, Mark McGregor, Alex Irvine and Tim O'Brien. The congregation were reminded that neat Sunday would be Christian Family Service with the Sunday School stucients,sitting with their parents. Rev. McDonald, Mrs. Mable. Parke and Mrs. Mel Graham attended the Memorial Service in Stratford on Saturday for Mrs. Parke's daughter. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Parke on the death of her daughter. Queensway News On Monday afternoon ladies from Carmel Presbyterian Church were at Queensway Nursing Home to play . bingo with .the residents. On Tuesday afternoon hymn singing was held at the Home. Wednesday morning residents who wished to be creative through crafts got together. In the afternoon several tables of crokinole were set up throughout the home. Everyone's skill in keeping the balloon in the' air was tested on Thursday morning as they got involved in the game. In the afternoon a movie Colour Living was viewed by the residents. Ross Thompson was the high bowler this past week with a score of 123. Murray Howe also did well with a score of 103. On Sundayafternoon the residents took the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather by getting outside'for walks. Birthday greetings are extended to Lucille Jeffrey and Lloyd McDougall who both celebrated birthdays this past week. +++ Mrs. Ross Corbett who recently underwent surgery in Victoria Hospital, • • London returned to her home this week. McGregor +"reunion planne MEN'S footwear, work clothes, socks, hats and work gloves LADIES' footwear, blouses, sweaters, nighties and lingerie CHILDREN'S & INFANTS' WVEA•R -all at clearout prices *Also a selection of bedding, pillows, towels, quilt batts and many household items •Clearance•of toys& games • OPEN: MON. thru SAT 8-6 Phone 526-7788 By Margaret Hoggarth N..K1R N nniiolfn elv7041 11)IcGreg�or and Monti ger liar 1he,Wl executive met at the home of the es dent s. ;Gce 1 1 and in Exeter eFca were :kn for the comirfg ,.:� .,.• „,.. ... .,,, - ,' •mss ro Peterborough, Mississauga, Toronto, Loni don, Goderich, Londesboro, Brucefieid and Kippen attended a gathering of Clallxregor' held at the Bavarian Tavern, Lofdon•►n April 29. Following branch, an informational meeting was held. During that period it was decided to -hold a Clan Gregor pot luck pic- nic in Clan Gregor Park, Bayfield orfSunday June 24 from 2 to 5 p.m. Any ' and all members of McGregor families are cordial- ly invited to attend: Pastor Don Moffat presided in the pulpit at Kippen United Church on May 6. Frances Kinsman accompanied the singing of hymns The sympathy of • the community is ex- tended to Beth and Jim Cooper on the death of Jim's mother Mrs. Lorraine Cooper and also to Joan and Art McCallum on the death of Joan's mother Mrs. Pearl Koehler. Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Michigan was here attending the funeral of Mrs. Lorraine Cooper. I . ea. with regard, to stu r es, donations to o'her organizations, the 50th anniversary arty„ef WI to be held on December 5, and committee leaders submitted their meetings for the program for the coming year, 1984-85. A potluck lunch was then held. The WI will meet in Kippen United Church on • May 16 at 8:30 p.m. Roll call to be answered by, "My. resolution for, saving energy around the home". 4-H News The fifth meeting of the Wallet Watchers money management club was held at the home •of Lawrence Beane on Saturday May 5. President, Greg Hoggarth, opened the meeting with the 44H pledge, members answered, the roll call concerning credit, and the minutes were read by the secretary Jacqui Taylor and adopted. Guest speaker Jim Frum of Clinton spoke to the club about different life insurance policies. The lesson' material was then covered, and the meeting adjourned. Press Reporter - Paul Hoggarth. Young Jeff Kuenig St. Joseph's Separate from the afternoon' performance. showed his School talents in as an aspiring magician at a talent show put on at Clinton on May 4. Students selected the top talent acts (Shelley McPhee photo) Cattlemen will tour feedlots The Huron Cattlemen's Association directors met at the Blyth Inn on April 18. Ron Bennett repgrted on the Federation of Agriculture Members of Parliament meeting held recently in Clinton. Glen Coultes reported on the Members of Federation of Agriculture meeting held in Brucefield. Keith Strang reported on events planned for the cattlemen=for the rest of the year. He introduced Doug Ellison from Exeter Travel who is interested in putting together a two week tour to Nashville. It was decided to have a- summer barbecue in Seaforth or Brussels. It was also decided to hold a beef information session with other counties in September and the executive will to work with the OMAF office to arrange this. A day -long tour to look at feedlots in Lambton and Middlesex Counties was suggested and a committee was formed to arrange this. i ac•ts r:: Each year there; are a number .of tractor related fatalities •in Ontario. In fact, tractor roll-over deaths account for the majority of machine -related fatalities. Used with care and common sense, a tractor can be a relatively safe Vehicle. No farmer should allow an inexperienced operator en his trac- • tor and he must make sure that, all tractor operators know all the ,afety rules that ap• ply to tractor operation. Experienced trac- tor operators; using a tractor m. the proper manner,, will eliminate tractor fatalities. "DO IT OUR WAY - IT WON'T HURT".. . This has been a message from the Farm Safety Association. • Insurance Agents... before you renew your client's employee -group health and dental benefits plan, ask me for information on a Blue Cross program. Your client will be glad you did. The Ontario Youth Employment Program pays $1.Z5 per hour towards Shawn's salary. Need help this summer? Ontario business people and farmers who hire youth to do extra work, can get help in paying wages...through the ONTARIO YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM. EMPLOYERS MUST: • • create new work, in addition to the regular and seasonal employment normally provided during the program period. • be able to provide 2540 hours of supervised employment a week for between Band 20 consecutive weeks. • have actively operated' a business or farm in Ontario for at least one year prior to April 16, 1984. EMPLOYEES MUST: • be 15 to 24. years old • reside and be eligible to work in Ontario • not be related to the employer THIS YEAR OYEP RUNS FROM APRIL 16 TO OCTOBER 20. MEP. is a popular program. Apply now. Deadline for application is June 8, 1984, or earlier if all funds have been allocated. To find out if your business is eligible, call 1-800.387.1290. Ontario Youth Employment Program 1-800• -387-1Z90 Ontario, Helping You Aire the Help You Need. ONTARIO YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Subsidies Branch, Queens Park Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs And Housing Claude Bennett, Minister William Davis, Premier N For details,contact: , Brian Dalton 371 Dufferin Avenue London. Ontario N6B 1Z5 ' '4519)439.0136 4 ONTARIO BLUE CROSS