HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-17, Page 5*4-e-ea-Pe— Dyspepsia in its worst forms will ,f11. yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pille, aided by Carter's Lietle Liver Pills. They not only, relieve present distrese but strengthen the btomach and digestive apparatus. Manitoba papers are now looking forward to a harvest a one hundred million bushels of grain. What th's means to the country can pertly be gathered from the estimates of lase year, wben Menitoba received from her wheat crop, $25,251,042; from oats, $7,505,078; from barley, $2e287,304; from potatoes, $1,199,358 ; from cattle, $1,052,000. These together with the class of products which did not veacla the million -dollar mark, are figured at the total of $39,888,0,51. This return came front an area of 3189,o1.5 acres under crop. • While Rev, R. Hobbs was preach- ing sermons at Pine River on June 26th, the congregation was started by the floor dropping about a foot. We have heard of public speakers who were said to 'raise the roof," and General NeWe. others who could "bring down the veee- hoose" but this is the first instance •Sir JosephIgnatius Little, °wee eels. we have heard of, where, under the tice and Deputy Governor of New- delivery of powerful disconrse, the foundland, died July mg. He was &ee actuellydropped., The corres- "A bad workman quarrels with his tools." A maker of tricky shoes, blames the Re- tailer, for over pricing them, at 41tat they look like. . ObservetheMakers' responsible price on "The Slater Shoe" oodgar We4edr.) E. J, SPACKMAN. General Agent, 0.1011110MMORIIINININOS •pondentdoes notsay whether, the 67 years of age. . pulpit droppeclealso ; if not what must During the Orange demonstration have been the feelinge of Mr. Hobbs, am Saturday, at Tara, Ont., Mr, IVIc- as he saw his congregation disappear - Knight, of the township of Reuel, ing (downwards from view,) wheu he while in the processioia Was run into was endeavoring to lift them to nobler by a vehicle. breaking his leg. heights and save them feom goireg, Children axe often attacked suddenly by downward? uaintul and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Dian - bon, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera, In- fantum, etc, Dr. Fowler's Extract a Wild. Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure which should always ha kept. in the house. Mrs. Annie Alexander Hector, the novelist, who wrote over the -none de plume of "Mrs. Alexander," died sud- denly in London last Thursday. She was born in Dublin in 1825. No trace has yet been found of the Norden Bros., importa,nt witnesses in the Sifton murder case, who skipped out just prior to the date set for the ofit last trial of Gerald Sifton. • AUBURN'S LAXA.-LIVER PILLS regulate the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache and all allot:nous of the organs of digestion. Owen Sound leachers have lower- • ed the price of beef, the best steak be- ing reduced from Be, to 15c, per pound.; rounds 12c., and boiling meats at 6 to 8c. one cent per pound less than formerfy. At the Orange celebration at God- erich on Saturday, Mr. W. E. A. Best, of London, won the $10 prize as the best fifee, Mr. Best is a member of the Londeshora Lodge, which won the prize as the largest lodge present. A;wornan who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, caanot feel and. act like a well person. Carter's Iron PU1s equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength. No less than '73 townships in Ontario have commuted and abolished the Statute Labor sestena, with a view to securing better roads by a more skill- ed supervision. About half of these made the change within the last year, as shown by the annual report, just issued of ; he commissioners of high - wan , A. W. Campbell. BACKACHE, swelling of the feet and ankles, 31ufting under eyes, frequent thirst. scanty, -cloudy, highly colored urine and all urinary troubles lead to Bright's disease, dropsy. dia betes ete. noan's Kidney Pills are a sure cure An incident for the superstitious in connection with the well accident, came to light June 30, says the Wood- stock Times. Two weeks before his rescue, Mrs. Innes, sister of Joshua Sandford, wrote him that she bad had a dream that the well had caved in, and implored him on no account to go down. Sandford wrote back that there was no danger. A few days later the cave-in took place. - BRITISH TROOP OIL LINIMENT is good for inan or beast. Relieyes pain, reduces swelling, allays inflammation, cures cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints, bites of in- sects, rheumatism, etc. A.large bottle for 60 cents. On Saturday, Joshua Sandford, the • man rescued from the Skelly farm well, was removed from the Skelly farm, Paris, to the residence of Mrs. A, Qua. he stood the ordeal of re- moval well, and while being removed fcom the house to the ambulance, re- marked to his friends, "you need not • be so careful; yeti wont hurt me." Be• is making fair progress towards • recovery. • Wiarton is to have cement works, The Canadian says: The Colonial company has already sold 200,000 shares, and intend erecting a thousand barrel plant as soon as the plans are prepared, - which will be equipped with the latest improved machinery. Without a doubt this company has one of the finest mad beds in the • oun,ter, which will furnish raw ma- terial enough to run the plans for ity years. . A retired farmer of Maidstoue, who owns a 100 acre feral has made a dis- • covery. which may mean a for une to iliimsself and. a boom to the, vicinity. Sixteen years ago he sunk a well re.r • oil at the depth of 1,100 feet, but rule. kg no oil, phigged it up to a depth of • 260 feet. A. few days ago it was clis- Covered that 1r pressure of gets had foreed its way to the surface several • fee away from the old delft,. This find ie inost timely as the supply fewn •the gas wel's now in Use, ie nearly ex- hausted. Anwit* Get the Most Out of Trout. Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak, A weak stomach does tot di- gest all that is erdinarily taken into it, It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is Wasted. Among the signs of 0...Weak stomach • are uneasiness after eating, fite of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. • / have been troubled with dyepepsia for years, and tried every remedy 1 hoard of, but never got ailytble„e that gave mo relief until I took lteed'S E'arsaparilla. I cannot praise this medicine too highly for tbe good it has. done inc. I always take it in the spring and fall and woulcl not be wilbent W. A. Neon*, Belleville, Ont. fill 0—tt awa Gentleman Saus: "Life Was a Burden to Me, No Living Mortal • Could Describe My Sufferings:I Three Bottles of Paine's Celery Compound WROUGHT A GLORIOUS AND HAPPY CURE THAT ASTON- ISHED & WHOLE COMMUNITY. In the ranks a sick and diseased sufferers, many men and women have become hopeless because of the failure of physicians and their medicines. - We would have all such dejected and despairing mortals take comfort this very clay. We would impress up- on them the blessed truth that Paine's Celery Compound is abundantly able to save and cure. A multitude of people saved from disease and death have given strong and incontrover- tible testimony that Paine's Celery Compound can save even at the eleventh hour. Mr. L. Finter, Otta- wa, Out., tells of his terrible condition, his failures with physicians, and of his wonderful cure by Paine's Celery Compound ; he writes thus: "For four years I endured terrible agony and misery owing to Pains in my head and chest. Life was a bur- • den to me, and no znortal could des- cribe my suffering. I was treated by doctors, and used many patent medi- cines, but nothing gave ape relief un- til I used your Paine's Celery Com- pound. I thank God for the dav it was brought to my notice in the Otta- wa papers. I have taken three bottles of the medicine, and to -day r can truly say that I feel like a new man. I will recommend the remedy •when - eve'? I have the opportunity, as it is the best ever given to sufferers." Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the steheacle end .,the, whole digestive system. Hatlow.imaa ,Sidduplh Council July 7th, 1902. The council met pursuant to ad- journinent. The Reeve and all the members .present. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :-Geo. Ryan, 3 days work' on L, R., div 1, $3.00 ; Jas Whalen,51* cords gravel contract. div 1, *76.02; S. Ryan, gravelling on S. B., div 3, $3.38; Alf. Hodgins, rep 2 culverts and work on road, cliv 3, $4.00 ; R. Coursey, cut- ting weeds and overseeing gravel, div 3, $3.50 ; .T130. Quigley, rep C1.11. div 3 and 4, $1.00; S. Ginifoyle, tile and drains, div 1, *3.00; W. Henseon , gravel acct. *8.36; D. Westman, con div 3, $8.75 ; D. Westman, gravel coutract 0: S. R., div 5, $143.00; D. Westma.n, gravel contract, bal N. l3., $9.10 ; Jos Gowan, grayel contract, div 5, $15.00 ; T. Abbott, ditching S. R., div 3,, $1.00 ; Benj. Revington, tile, ditcn and culvert, div. 2, $2 50 • W. W. Reviugton, tile ditch, div 2, 4.00 ; T. Caves, gravel contract and stones. N. B., div 2, $i8.75; W. Caves, spreading gravel, N. B., div 2, $4.07 ; Messrs. tiolky Ote, grant for 5arch and June qrs., *50.00; Leo Hodgins, stripping div 2, E5.00 '• Robt. Cooper, work on hill, div 2, $3.00 ; rhos. Neil, graut re arbitrators awarci, con 1. div' 2, 322.00: P. Inehoe, tile drain, N. B, div 40.$6.50 '• Fred Davis16 con, gravel contract, N. $12 00; Jos Kelly, e, day with team ou geader. dee. 3. $1 50; • H. Elliott, rep side road, div 3, 5fle ; W. B. Dobbs, con cul a id ditch, side road, div 3, $7 50 ; M. A.rmitage, gra- vel twat in part, 1S.42;$H. Turner. 2 day -8 at gate, div 3, 40c • W. D labs, 1 dey get', div 3,. 40c ; Sas Ryder, tile ditch, div 3 and 4, $3 00; Walter Hod gins. gravel eentract, div • 3, 314,22; • Well. Hodgins'tile for ditcb, div 8, $7,05 ; Petcy Hudson, grading and gravelling, div 5, $18.50 ; Sae Martin,' work on eitivern gravel voad, die 5. 75c '• IL Langford, epre tding gravel, div 5, 32.50 ; Thos. Lathe apre tdir g gravel, div. 5, $1.00 Joe. Wright, work on roa.d. div 5, 0i) ; JAS. 'ete man, spreading gravel, O. 8. R., fliv 5 $12.50 ; E. ‘Vestrean, refund ,t, etetute labor, '75c; G. Wee, mon. G, R. statute I abr., te $8 00 ; it i j World, marriage reg:ster and P. 0 order, $1.71 '• W. Ca itigen. rep road and mating t.histles, $3,50 Jae Carri- gan, rep cul an eutting thistios,$4 00. The council Adjoin lied, to meet again on Monday, the 4th day of Augost ab 10 a. m. W. 1:), STANLEY, Clerk, :ELE RI ZtTi br Jr CIINIIIIIIINTOPIC3 INENGLND Conference of Colonial Prerniors Will Be FiesnItiess, General Inside Opinion Dead Against Pre- . ferentiai Duties -SIX Rhodes Scholar* ships Por Can ad i -.Pri sua te of Ail Canada SeriMislY ot British Government Toward'ast Atlantic tine -No Second Term Per Sir Oliver. London, July 15. -The eousensus of opinion here is that nothing will result from the conference of colon ial ' Premiers, The feeling of the Canadian Ministers is against any contribution to Imperial elefence. They would muth prefer to remain as at present and if ever aid is required they jm,y it into the British treas- ury. The general inside opinion is dead against preferential 'duties and it is certain such a measurewould never carry in 'Parliament. It is now positive that low and Perhaps six more Rhodes scholarships will go to Canada. A. report started by a London newspaper that another .Canadian contingent would be sent over for the • 'King's coronation is altogether without foundation, The British 0 overnment is likely ste, gi'v'e one-half, instead of one-third of what Canada gives towards sub- sidizing a fast Atlantic line. The report that James 'Hill has projected a fast Atlantic gervice be- • tween Labrador and Liverpool can- not be confirmed here. Canada's .Pri mate Seriously XII. • ThO Most Rev. Dr. R. MachrEty, Aechbishop of Rupert's Land and Primate of All Canada, is serionslY ill in London, Sir Thomas Barlow, the eminent physician has been called in consultation. Canadian circles here do not antic- ipate a second term for Sie Oliver Mowat and are of the opinion that Hon. N, 'W. Scott will be the next Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, MiezierFaze nrAi"ef ten. The Garden Party at Blenheim 'Palace - Mr. nose in Norway. London, July 1.5. -Hon. Mr. Field- ing and. Sir 'William Mulock wore at a garden party given by the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough at Blen- heim Palace yesterday. Premier Ross of Ontario has gone to Norway. SMASHED 111S 310.4.T. Scholes Lost the It:ICU—The Winner Pout- ed tile Canadian. London, July 15.- At the Xing- ston-on-tb.e-Thames regatta on Sat- urday, Lou Sacks, the Toronto sculler, was one 01 the contestants in the senior sculls. In his first heat with Good as his opponent, he won easily by two lengths. Scholes in the fnial heat met Beres- ford, who was a competitor last week at Henley for the. Diamond Sculls. The Toronto boy got away , sharply and had a comfortable lead when tho Englishman sptirted and fouled Scholes and again later repeated the foul. Scholes practically ceased rowing, Beresford winning by three lenghts. Scholes did not inave any claim on account cif the foul and he race was awarded to Beresford, who was clearly to blame. Many think Beres- ford should have stopped after foul- ing his oppouent. • Scholes.. accidentally let his new Clasper boat drop on the platform, wheu removing the boat from the water. The fall' completely smashed it. CA NA.DX.4-N•4 AV JiI5LIY. Good Score Made in Shooting in Golden Penn,. Mat ch. Bisley Camp, July 15. -Riflemen from far and near are here for the National Riflemen ' s Associationtin- ny al meeting, which opened ;yester- day and will continue until the h : The Canadian team is on band ae usual, and two of the members come well to the front in the Golden .1)en- ny match. The shooting was at. 5C0 yards, with eight shots and the com- petition does not end until the 24th, Sergt.-Major Carruthers, of Pres- cott, got within the centre mark of the target on each shot, making a score of, 40. Oa.pt. Rennie, •of the Queen's Own, Toronto, scored* 89 points. The en tires in. the chief events num- ber as follows: Ining's Prize, 1,568; Saint George's, 1,494; Prince of .. Wales, 407; Daily Telegraph, 1,264; Alexandra, 1,183; All Comers' Ag- gregate, 957; Volunteer Aggregate, 859; Grand Aggregate, 822; Corona- tion Prizes, 1,416. • It is likely that eight teams will compete for the Inolapore Cup. 1 he van er tee nasole. Paris, July 15, -The Parisians yes- terday celebrated the 118th anniver- sary of the capture of the Eastile in the customary manner favored bY lino weather. Ifont,real, July 15. -The feast of La Ba.stile, the national holiday- PI France, was celebrated ovietly in the city . yesterday. S'COP TF, it -4.11 • ANDH IVoRK OFP THE COLI). Laeatiye Bretrio-Quinin tablet), ewe nold , in one ear. No sere, `.1) p w Peiee 25 ets. OPINIPN 011' LEADING PlilYSIOIANS have found the suppository made by Mr, W. T, Strong of great value in hemorrhoids. They are the best I ever used, T. 17. HUTCHINSON, M. D„ Medical Health Officer, Londeu, Ora t. Price $1.00. For sale by clruggiste, or by mei on receipt ot 117. T. STRONG. Manufacturing CJhernist. London, Ontario. SIK61410401(..111OR FIRE INOILEST AT TORONTO Chief Thompson Says flo Ordered No Men Into this Lane of Death. Toronto, July 15: -The investiga- tion of last week's fetal fire is be- coming rather sonsetional. The voroner announced last night that he had asked Inspector Stark to assign members of the detective force to the task of supplying evidence to the jury that can be secured. The jurors demanded that subpoe- nas be issued for the proprietors of the McIntosh building, and those responsible for the heavy weights Placed in the structure to the end that the person orpersons respons- ible for the original construction of the building and. its use after it was 'Mown to be, dangerous may be indi- cated. Fire Chief Thompson testified that he did not order the firemen into p'oeitions • around the building M Which they were caught by falling walls.' The chief denied bitterly the inference tbat he had forced men to igointo positions during the tire that deere plainly dangerous to life and imb. A large number of flrieliiieterisi. rteicreervetdo testify concerning the o abent, . fighting the flames on that fat- al morning last • week when five of their namber were killed. The investigation will be pursued again Thursday evening, Drowned In a Well. St, Thoulas, July 15. -Mrs. Sarah Ann 'Hensley, wife of 'Robert 1-ItinS- ley, living on the Back street, at From°, met death by ;drowning in a Well. The -unfortunate victim, Who Was about. 60 years of age, has been subject to Melancholy for some time, rend there. is a, suspicion of stlicide. Arommomiamm.PaPPiim.reimisnakoixoPitimmionanemmi!..iii....* domino Casterla always- bears the Signature of Ghee. ff. Pletcher, When Bnby was alek, we gave her Cesiorll When she wae a Child,she eried ftn' 0-. When she became Miss, she clulig te Whenehe had Children,shegeve Meta t DEATH S r In:10,GL% IN THE GORGE, Drunken Indian Stabbed John Merethew Several_l brie& Niagara Falls, Ont.,. July 15.- A 'drunken half -crazed Tuscarora. dian nanled Jameson, about five o'clock Saturday afternoon attacked a man named John Alerethew, wh'o resides at Suspension Bridge, N.Y., down near the Devil's Hole on the American side of the lower river. The Indian claimed Merethew was following iliD1 for some purpose, al- though Merothew told aim he was going down fishing. The Indian drew a large knife and thrust it in- to Merethew's hip, The two men clinched and fought it out. Mere - thew, who fought like a. 'demon for his life, was stabbed three times in tb.e abdomen, and was bleeding al- most to death, but managed. to pound his red -skinned assailant into submission and dragged him prison- er t6 Devil's Hole House, where he was taken to the Niagara Falls lock- up. „Merethew was taken to the Em- ergency Hospital, where he is lying in a precarious condition. Ny01141) H EALING 'WELL. Medical Report oti Monday 'Upon the Ki Wel: Condition. London, July 15. -Following is the bulletin on King Edward's condition, posted at 10 o'clock yesterday morn- ing at Buckingham Palace: 'The King continues to Progress satisfactorily. His general condition is excellent and the wound is healing well. (Signed) Laking, Barlow.' It is understood that his Majesty will be transferred to the royal yacht Victoria and Albert at Ports- mouth at noon to -day. His Majesty, when he is taken from the palace to -day, will be accompani- ed ,by Queen Alexandra., Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark, Sir Francis Knollys, the King's private secretary, and the attending physi- cian. Loup rAtereceacerees unerarpe. Received Full Nara' }loners on Their Arrival in England. Southampton, Eng., July 15. -The United States armored cruiser Brook- lyn (from Annapolis July 1), having on board the remaixis of Lord Patin- cefote, late Ambassador of Great Britain, at Washington, arrived here yesterday morning. The body was 'landed soon after 11 o'clock.. Full naval honors were paid to the re- mains of Lord Pauncefote. His wid- ow followed the coffin from the war- ship to the train, which started for Newark -upon -Trent 'tteitr Notting- ham), where the funeral will take place t9 -day. 1311.11.4..0 AND SALT. Russian goapitallty Extended to King' ' Victor animinuti. St. Petersburg, Juiy 15.- King Victor Emmanuel of 'Italy made his official entry into this .city yester- day, and was welcomed by the civil and military authorities. Ths burgo-, master handed the King the tradi- tiorial silver plate with bread and salt. After inspecting the troops the Kim. Proceeded tit the Cathedral and 1101011031•011113.11.01.271iiiiI0WiTIE2C901330... Vour Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liveris out of order. Ayers Pillswill clean your tongue, core your dys. pepsia, make your liver right. E'asy to take, easy to operate. . 25c, All druggiets. S ittyeer weestache or boaftl a• beistltif brov; o deb black? Then use tC;.TMnvc for the theleikteadem u Whlekers Lpplzdpdp,d, eppe !). P. nM*,5 C44,14P61145 DR. W. H. C RA HAM p LatouN4wost. No. Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc, PR v,A.TE :0 SEASS as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and ,excess,) Gleet and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and,all bad after effects, r DiseaseS Of iWcreen--Painful, prolese or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, leucorrboert and all displacements of the womb. OFFICE B.011BS-0:a, to 8 p. ru."IfSueday 1 to 3 p. re, iaia 0.7 xrdiSsfve silver wreath on CO tonib of Alexander In. The Stranded 31ontengle. Montreal, ,July 115 -Ade ices re- ceived here from the wt./eluded Elder - Dempster steamship Monteagle at Fame Point are to the effect that she is in a, had position. The SU'S.- MCP tlaspesian is now alongside re- moving cargo, and the steamers .1711,1 - de, anti 1,ord Strati -wenn ,are now eteamilis to the stranded steamer's assistance. ,centi filen t Galt 1..selta 1'444 Ottawa, .July 15,-- The. A d.:t1 tant- General, London, has cabled as fol- lows to the administrator, sir nunr3i.. Strong: - "Discharges and full settlements of claim, of Canadian contingents re- turning from. South Africa should be carried out by :their own game:tend- leg officers," - Dundonald's Ottawa Home. Ottawa, July 15.- The Earl of Dundonald, the- new Major-General commandiree the Canadian militia, has taiwn a lease of it residenee in. New Edinborough for two months. He will arrive here about the 25th inst. accompanied by his sister, Roma ity law CnrrIe. 13rockville, July 15.- A. vote was taken for the second time on a by- law to grant Et, bonus of $20,000 to Sauliner and Company, to establish a hat factory here, The result is favorable to the bylaw. Although the medicine business should, above all, be carried on with the utmost conscientiousness and sense of responsibility, the unfortunate fact is that in no other is there so muck hem - bug and deception. The anxieties of the sick and their relatives are traded upon in the most shameful manner; impossi- ble cures are promised; many prepara- tions are abso lately worthless, and some are positively dangerous to health.. As a consequence, all proprietary remedies are regarded with suspicion by many people, and the good stiffer for the bad. Per these reasons we announce that our proprietors arc the principal share- holders in EFER & SUS LIMITED which will, we --P. sere be an ample guarantee of tee trie.' Of every repre- sentation made The Iron -ox Remedy Co.. Ltd. Walkerville, Ont. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly itscartair our opinion free whether an invention is pm, ably patentable. Communica- tions strictly or 1..idential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Old •st agency for securing patents. Patents tat on through Munn Ss Co. receive special notiCe without (Marge, in the Scieniific Duncan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest Mr. calatiOn of any scientific journal. Terms, 56 a year ;four months, SI. SOld by all newSdealers. mum &Co 36 1 Broadway, New York Branch Oflioe, 625 I` St., Washington, D. C. BREED TO BOUM 21795 INSURANCV, LilRZTEST ELLIOT, — Ago for the NVESTERN ASEWIRANCIC COM, %ANT of Termite ; also tor the PacEntx FIRE cenereete, of London, England; et, Liazece INSORANCE COMPANY, Of Er and • MEDICAL r.R. X. 11. RIVERS, 13. T000reo UNI - 13 VERSITY, 0.M. Trinity Culver- t Office-C'rediton, Ont, I lk .BRONVNIlic, M. D. M . O. Graduate Vloloiia nivereill office taw residence, Dominiou Labora- tory, Exeter, IF6AL. DICKSON & CAR:LING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Nelsons Bank, Etc. MoThi.ey to Loan at lowest rates of interest.. OFFICE STREET, Fel..x.ETER, S. R. CABLING, B. A. 5.26. DICKSON . W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, . Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan an Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL WI KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND -a-Le DR. 4. R. KINS1/IAN, L. D. S. D. D. 5., Honor Graduate • of Toronto University, Dentist. 'Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effeets, Oface in Fan. son's block. West side of Moen treet, Exeter. D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. B. L D.& DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession donein this office. Bridge work. crowns, al.- lurainum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used. for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. F OR SALE ---BRICK RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No. 86, south of 'Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and. commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of bard and soft water. The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- p)y to DICKSON& CARLING barristers Exeter, or to A. E. 'HOOPER, Raw P. 0„ Penne, U. 5 A., proprietor. that has shown his ability to sire ex- treme speed. There is no standard - bred horse that lives that is Taren- turo's superior in breeding. There is no better boned horse with size, style and substance. He is a natural born • trotter and can go fast. Tana= has produced out of less than ten colts in his own vicinity, two that has shown trials in less than 2.10. He bas produced out of common mares, colts that can show without special train- ing their ability to go better than 2.40. For siring high stepping action for road and carriage purposes, Taren- tum is the ideal sire of Canada. Write for testimonials as to his siring abilities and ta,bulaterl pedigree. Will stand at his own stable, Egniondville, Friday and Saturday, Russeldale, Monday; Wooclhatn, Tuesday hoon ; St. Marys, Tuesday night; Wednesday night, A, CHARLESWORTH, Egniondville, TEACHER WANTED, — For 8.5. No. 6, Hay toWeship. Duties io commence at the end of the present vacation. . Male or female, holding a seeond eless cortifi. , cate of qualification. Apply personallywltb recommendation Le the trustees. Jorne Rev, \ eons Demme or acne lateniumne, Sec- Treesurer. 5 Packc of Cards Free. One Pack, "May I. C. U. Homes" One Pak "Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation' One Pacsi "Hold -to light." One Pack, "Our Sofa Ju, Holds Two. Sample 0121 other styles, wita book full of notions. Send 5c silver for postage. • A.W. KENNY, 311,7. Yarmouth, s.N. 'WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity " must be unquestionable) to take charge of distribution depot and office to be openedin Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Salary 5150 per nionth and extra profits. Applicant must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand- ing. Address, SupteeP. 0. Box 1151, Philadel: phia, Pa. FOR SALE OR TO RENT— The farm on Lot 3, con. 1, Hay township, is for sale or can be rented. For further par- ticulars apply to A. HOLLAND, Exeter. i --- A FREE PATTERN -.1,ESG,..ra3VC(..,1661..21V1Z2Z6,...==="4611 (your own selection) to every sUb. scriber. ()my 30 cents a year. 5 GA MA INIE 1 Two second band Upright Pianos and one Square Piano for sale ehea,p. New Pianos and Organ always in stock. P11.4 sewn° Atta6iiille Our experience in the Sewing Machine Business, (12 years) is a guarantee •of our goods. We carry in stock the best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines always in stock. Music in Sheet and Book form. Call and See us, It will Pay You. Asartin. BUGGIES! BUGGIES 404 Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles, in the newest. colors. Our prices arelow as ecu be found for first-class material and workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY OfiLL fiND SEE -US. F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S Dittig gtore Headquarters' For Dyspepsia Cure Blood. and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills - Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. pURE BRED SHORT- • HORN DiTRITA1VE BULL FOR SALE. - he undersigned has for sele on lot 36, coe. 2, Flay. a pure bred Shortliern Durham Bull,15 months oltlyrosn in color Slid eligible for regis- ration. got. by stock of extra quality new 28 my 'POSSOSS1011. .INO. trzeil, Hensall, Ont. • WilelearlyTook,eep a pure bred Berkshire boar for 1 A gem; beautiful colored plates ; latest fashions; drestinaking economies ;fancy work ; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub. scribe to -day, or, send _Se, for latest copy. Lady agehts wanted. Send for terms. Stylish, Reliable, Si tupie, ,date,Economical' aed Absolutely Perfct-Fitting Paper Patterns. IV CALL ATS6 till Seams Allowed and Perforaelons shoe tim Bastin!) and Serthi0 Ones Only tO qui TS 'cents Pub -1161w higher, Ask tor t cm, Sold In neatly every city 'red town, et by nap. horn TIM lvjeCALL CO., 113-11017 West ,t1st gt. NEW VORli. efte1P1se1111.1.enteemiate14440114.PetiPiPieePeire,PeftieleOneeeePiri. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SLR:PLIES J1 W. BROINNINO HOUSEKEEPER W ANTED.- A good reliable an trestworthy housekeeper, with references. Liberal wages will he given Apply persoually itt lot VS, con. 1, Bay, orby letter, lienSall pest alio% John Paterson, farmer. Dominiou Laboratorti. MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest- ment upon terra or village property at lowest rates of i.nterest. DICKSON St CARLING Exeter. rtONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and vinage properties at low at of interest. F,•. GLADMAN, Barrister Main Str. Exeter.. GUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 6 cents in silver and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF GOODSthat will bring von iu Mexe. moNee. in 0110 month than anything else 28 America. A. W. KeNtre, E. T. Tali:eolith, N. IMPORTANT TO HOG. RAISERS - You can save Molloy time and feed by keep- ing your pigs dry and Clean. They will thrive. better and keep healthy. Make the hog com- fortable and he will put on flesh. You can elo: so with very little expellee br erecting (Pod. - lees Patent) The Elevated. Moveable Pio Bed,, Simple of eonstruction, make it yourselves. Send B2,00 in registered letter for farm right certificate and plan 01 coestruction to Joniv Psintxn, Exeter, Ont.„ Patentrapplied for. "Christmas Box" ul I of Vl Onderitil Thing's ni 5 Portraite Of Actresses, 20 PopelarSonge 4 Magid Telo4cope and Pictures, 50Areus- ing Experleme ts, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuees,100 Funny Conundrums, Book of Love, Genie 6 Letters, Magic Wtilsng, 324 Jelly Jekes Receipt for Ilibustache Grower,1001Vfoney Mak- iiig Secrete, 1C0 Tei et and Cookies Reeeipes, 255 Selectione for Autograph Ateume, 10 Model Love Lettere, Vow to Tell Parttime, Dietienery of Dreams. °nide to Flirtation, Magee Age 'able, Levee Tel egreph, andg XmaS Tees. Ilooks and Notioes. Alt by reeil FRE. E.. for 6e,wasuTezAt.owm.y.KioNosNtrye:v. .A.••• , 4.•