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Clinton News-Record, 1984-05-02, Page 24
' ,;d s lac By Janet Tench With Toronto, Canada has a rock band with an incredibly professional sound. The band, in etence for four years now, has cranked out bit after tut. However, Gird Night Out, while containing the title track, Ready to Make Up and Don't Give Me the Once Over met with relatively little suc- cess. S would. seem UUUsi _Ho"y Woods (a rather pretentious name) has strong, clear vocals that have developed nicely over the years. Musically the songs are quite ad- vanced. dvanced. The initial build up captivates the listener while variating instruments play the fundamental motif; the beat is ,.1 rd album. 41escausd by ,f4-4.00. rirtanThits ceab1e.1 the production is cryo clear. ;.011I1 does Toronto remain to: be the capital of Ontario's party music, but they are possibly the Chilliwack of the east, Yeti the. album did- not sell well. -One reason could be that Toronto has been put- ting out their albums too quickly. One a year is tough on a considerably new band, (Even Men at Work haven't done that!) As well, Toronto has not been getting the publicity they should, but this -fault -lies in the_h gitS. of Solid Gold Records. The main reason is that the Toronto image has changed. once a black band with good looking men (which would appeal to girls), Toronto has become very_ feminine , since Nick Costello was tjiiwn out of the bate by Woods (with the usual artistic differences excuse). Noo Holly Woods steps luta tube potlight with Sharon Alton beside her in a big picture ort the -back of the album cover. 'The reit of the band members are barely visible on the front. Why would this change Toronto popularity? In tots age of Romanticism, im- age is just about everything, Girls enjoy music by dressed up men (Michael Jackson, Duran Duran), guys like music by dressed down women. Contrary to this system, the womeq in Toronto have started to flaunt feminism (not that I'm against it) so that the boys spend their album money on singers like Olivia Newton -John who "know their place". Beta Sigma Phi elect new officers in April CLINTON - The month of April was a very busy one for members of the Exemplar Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi. The election of officers for the 1984-'85 year was held with the results as follows: President, Mary Marsh; Vice President, Nancy Anstett; Recording Secretary, Gail Hiltz; Corresponding Secretary, Lois Fit- zgerald and Treasurer, Marguerite Falconer. The daffodil campaign was completed with all proceeds being turned over to the Cancer Society. April 7th proved to be a most 'enjoyable evening when members and their husbands partook in a progressive dinner. Audrey Kemp, Nancy Anstett, Vivienne Roy and Marj Dobson hosted the various dinner courses with members supplying the tasty Mal 7P__IAN_0 __TU N I_N: G • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 MITCHELL STAGY for FRED MOMMERSTEEG, Jr. MAY 12, 1984 9 pm -1 am GRAND BEND Lunch Provided •5. ticket - DOOR PRIZE Phone 482-3617 morsels. The April 10th meeting was held at the home of Audrey Kemp with 10 members and 1 guest present. Gail Hiltz presented a most informative talk on Panama. Social discuss- ed plans for the Mother's Day Luncheon. Founders Day, hosted by the Exeter Sorority Chapters, was held April 24th at CLIP 'N SAnrm".11o. .�se. BASEBALL: 1 AT ITS BEST: 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1VS: 1 BOSTON RED SOX .. SUN. JUNE 17 I ig BALTIMORE ORIOLES SAT. AUG. 11 DETROIT TIGERS .... SUN. SEPT. 9 Os k%® 41efi, ..iii e JP* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 BALTIMORE ORIOLES. FRI. JUNE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 524-4540 348-8741 524-4540 • Pine Ridge Chalet. Sorority members from Mitchell, Goderich, Clinton and Exeter join- ed together to honour the founder, the late Walter W. Ross, to welcome the new pledges and to honour the 'Woman of the Year' from each chapter. Rita Van Dyke was chosen as the Exemplar Chapter Woman of the Year. The next meeting is to be held May 8th. Dessert Euchre is successful Summerhill Ladies held a very successful Dessert Euchre m the Summerhill Hall on April 25 with 14 tables of euchre being played. The winners were: high ladies, Irene Wiltmore; ladies low, Grace Forbes. Lucky *>I * * * * * * * * * *E M HA r , * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COST PER PERSON $30.00 INCLUDES: *DELUXE MOTORCOACH TRANS. `RESERVED FIELD LEVEL CHAIR FOR MORE, INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: 1 GODERICH MITCHELL 1 CLINTON SEAFORTH 527.1237- CLIP'N SAVE kTerry Crawford 1* Show T * * ONE NIGHT ONLY * * * Wednesday, May 9th, '84 * * * * * Advance Tickets - $3.00 * * $4.50 at the door * ********** **** YOUTH FOR CHRIST presents ACE CLARK( (ex -biker) of Hamilton Saturday, May 5-8 p.m. HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL Brucefield Quizzing and Special Music Watch for annual barbecue June 16 STEVENS' Disc Jockey Service *10 years experience *Country Gold *Rock 'n Roll *Disco, Polkas. Waltzes *Dances, Weddings and other occasions (519) 887-6159 anytime or evenings draws were won by: Fannie Lobb, Roberta Plumsteel, Irene Glazier, Wonnetta Holland, Thelma Pryce, Alice Buchanan, Hazel Reid, Marlene Forbes, Estella Adams, Margaret Farquhar, Lula Merrill and Ida Godkin. Do not despair. The band seemed to know ul .not, a halt . that Obis' l,�i. Oat wo � be c toper. Inclu with each record was' a f�air of 3-D glasses with well to goggle .at the dimensional .album cover. A strange sales pitch, but rest assured that the next Toronto album,will keep up the quality pro- bably without the excessive feminism that hindered the sales thistime. Rating: 8. • join,us TO - MOTHER'S MOTHER'S DAA a special Smorgasbord SUNDAY, MAY13th Serving 12:30-7 pm ROAST BEEF and DRESSED PORK $ 765 6 per person Children 'h price Reservation preferred WHITE CARNATION Holmesville 482-9228 (Open Weekends) After Hours ® 524-4133 'FUN DISCOVERIES" ...leave the driving to us! CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2,1;x --PAGE 23 .1401 Mt --110.111110r Mon Oingo MAY .. RD 3 JACKPOT $1,000 Musto HENSALL Community Centre Auditorium 8 p.ui. Mini Early Birds start at 7:M3 pen ©oors .pen at 6:30 pen iws i il Bring your dabbers al M Admission 9.00 MI Ilk Door Prizes 001 .,iliiII inn ®11111A. WRING CONCERT 011 Saturday. May 5th at 7:30 p.m.. Attend the biggest musical event to date in Exeter.. 120 voice chair and marches by a broils band. Thi Ontesirtd -- Christian music assembly will perform In James Street United Church, Exeter. Tickets available at Dutch Store, Main St., Clinton or at door, Adults '5., Golden Age and Students '3. HEY KIDS! ENTER N ® IN lees SHERW®DD •FOUR DAYS...ELGIN HOUSE RESORT...JUNE 5 •FIFTEEN DAYS...MARITIMES HIGHLANDER...JULY 28 •SEVEN DAYS...ONTARIO AND QUEBEC...AUGUST 18 •FOUR DAYS...KELLEY'S IN THE POCONOS...SEPT. 30 Just print in 25 words.or Tess why you think your Mom is the World's Finest. Entry will be. judged for originality and creativity by an indepe'ndant judge. W1Ht THIS GIANT (5 Ib.) CHOCOLATE BAR FOR YOUR MOM For a complete itinerary please contact: GODERICH 524-4540 �_.--- CLINTON 524-4540 SEAFORTH 527-1237 MITCHELL 348-8741 LUCKNOW 529-7888 I040, rte,, cam. • Q `, _ r,��/,;�An HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREA AND IRENE We wish you the best __.... on this special day! (MAY 3) vote PAUL and JUDY and the Gang at the KUM-IN HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY CLINTON SPRING -°FAIR Saturday, May 26th, '84 CLINTON ARENA ANCE Music by: COUNTRY COMPANIONS Tickets: 910.00 per couple Dancing: 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. LUNCH INCLUDED EVERYONE WELCOME Here's How to Enter ... Just come into your local Dixie Lee and pick up an entry ballot. Children 12 and under are eligible and judge's decision is final Winner. will be notified before Mother's Day. 33 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7337 GODERICH ST. WEST SEAFORTH 527-0220 114. To Cougar Flynn Goderich Adam Blair Blyth Amy Fields Clinton Kerry Cox cilnton Kristy Blair Blyth Erin Dinning cilnton Jennifer Sinclair Clinton Jason Baker Clinton Lisa Finch R.R. 1 Cli3 nton On May 2 May 3 May4 May 5 May 5 May 6 May 6 May 7 May 8 A Spring Find All the words below can be found in the box of umbled letters. Try to find the words from the list in the puzzle. When you find a word, circle the letters and cross off the word in the list. When all the words in the list are, found, all the letters will be circled except for six. These Six letters make up a secret word. Can you figure it out? Here are the words: April bat bets 'better boots breath buds car colts ear earth eat ever fast flat flow get hare hat health hear hibernate • hope hot kite leaves low map may melts mud napping out parties passes pep pet poor PuPPY ran robin roses root rot runners sail sale salt sap. scarves see shorts showers slow snow snows spring soon soup south Sow summer sunshine the totoss tows tree tulips vet west wet • winter wort°ns S U M M E R P P S U A A 0 0 u A R I EE DT Pu T L B 1 O P O S b'TT S S H B E O 1 E R N A T E N A P P N G S E O O OOPH UNNE E AGA E p R 1,0 E 0 A E A TOW 0 AR THEOL GPBSBUDS EEEARRAC ART I ESOA PYTL AL TR FMEL TSOV L\ Y R S M O P E ORA T TWOS WORMSSOT SSAPNASL W E R S O E F A OS K U W O L S, TU 1 NNEAS RSTSOUTH N E M E A R 0 WI NTER NAEVT E A-V E S Owned and operated by Doug !thuds THE WORLD'S GREAT VACATION RESORTS HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON: THEIR GUESTS KEEP COMING BACK. And that, quite simply, is how Indian River Plantation . measures its phenomenal success. A commitment to our guests of uncompromising excellence, in service and Facilities, has over the years made their return visits to the Plantation a tradition. We have one of the finest tennis facilities in Florida with eleven Isar -Tru courts kept in tournament condition. A magnificent executive golf course where nothing is spared to maintain its immaculate appearance. Our oceanfront location offers luxurious accommodations in hotel apartments with fully equipped kitchens, and private access to our white sand beaches. The kids have everything from golf and tennis clinics to a video game room. The evening brings entertain- ment and ntertain-ment.and gourmet cuisine in our resort's two fine restaurants. And then'there's us, providing personal attention and service to assure you'll want to come back again and again. INDIAN RIVER PLANTATION RESORT 385 Ith. Plantation Road Hutchinson Island, Stuart, Florida 33494 Toll-free (800) 327-4873. In Florida collect (305) 225-3700 Or call your Travel Agent. •