HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-05-02, Page 16tion of a "meaningful" stabilization plan by higher," Pelissero said. "This frustration the provincial government within 30 days. If comes both from concerns over low coin-, .the plan is not introduced in that period, the modity prices and staggering debt costs.".. board called for the resignation of . The OFA is the largest general farm Grossman; Timbrell and William Doyle, an organization in the province, with 26,000164 .assistant deputy minister of the ministry of dividual members andrepresentation from agriculture and food. two dozen commodity groups, marketing I: • "Governments have spent billions of boards and other farm organizations. The dollars in ?he past few years bailing out big . OFA board meets monthly to debate major business," Pelissero said. "At the same issues of concern to the agricultural com- • time, fanners have been told that programs munity. to help agriculture are on the -Way:' "We can't wait any longer. Today's farmers don't have the, financing options open to the farmers of 10 years ago." One out of seven Ontario farmers cannot meet their loan payments to the Farm Credit Corporation (FCC), the board was told. To make matters worse, the FCC recently increased its interest rates on loans McK 1LLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 482-3354 527-1877 345-2234 523-9390 524-7051 527-1837 482-7593 527-0687 t.. David McIf.101ey, Udder Health • "e den with the Ontario Milk Ali Board, is scheduled to be-hx Harm/ Ci from May 18 to June 11. Any producer wanting a farm visit, with d,David should leave his name with Qnta rio, Milk Marketing Board fieldman.' ►ille Shewfelt at 396-2319. e Ontario 41, er, fertilizer spreader), vers, etc. -to th elan wn in shape. With a number of slnple. agement >'xactices, our thick green lawn can be -en- pyedallsummer. Most homeowners will have already ap- Irl ..the first application of fertilizer lured, in late April. Lawns require.a large From the evaluation cards that have been es durt of ing nitrogen growing izer applied several returned to th Ont o Milk Marketing Board, the majority of rmers--have -in --. trogen in or first application of feral/fa dieated that they wanted thtechnician to 'promotes rapid growth to grass - e evaluate their udder healthprogram to come to recognize this when we have to mow. make them aware of any uit, the lawn wn that could be made ul milking eqP , also requireshosphous afterwards. potassium in performance and milking prom duresa Other '. fhe fertilizer for good turfgrass growth and farms are asking for visits because they are o build a strong deep root system. .Lawn having problems with high somatic cell fertilizers often contain nitrogen, counts or with clinical mastitis. .phosphorous and potash in a 4:1:2 ratio s 10 or ugh Udder health management is a veu (suchios of 1064 and 76�ara coommona d r portant part of overall herd management' that can influence the profitability of your pare e re a cep t bl ene fertilizer. e tilferz r. to Application lawn of ex- - farmoperation. - Dennis Martin, , . U$e excessive top growth and a shallow Farm Management Specialist. .00t system. This should be avoided. Fertilizer is usually applied at three or Fertilizing The Lawn r more . ,four times during the growing season depen- To the homeowner, there is spring thanothn ap- . ding on the thickness and colour of lawn pie rancetofaa thick c reen le in the wthan desired, late April, late. May, early July, and p With the warm spring weather, we quick- early September. After several years of this ly shed our. -winter coat, and head for the program the April application of fertilizer storage area to reach out our rakes, lawn can he eliminated to avoid excessive spring growth..if slew rrelease ertilizorss less uu tientfe�r`'appliicatioi req , A Sod test lathe best way to determine the amount and OW, of: fert ufr rea. � it tests are av ble b h brie r culture & FOOd ata Cost of $1 pie -.Solt samples arra tested at rite + ty at Guelph and a, fertilizer repo. tion is sent totbe owner Sail; sampler kits may bepicked:up at the Off. °' ke in Clinton, sampless- but are best submitted during th+ or fail to ensureeta are reegi for next year's fertilizer prograr4 , . . A general recommendation for f r if a soil test has not been taken isto ap ly, suf- ficient fertilizer through the summa' to pro- vide 0.5 kg. of nitrogen per 1011 ' 6quar'e meters for one pound nitrogen per },Orb square feet). A 7:7:7 fertilizer applied three times during the season at a rate.of five pounds per 1,000 square feet, each applica- tion would be adequate. Another combina- tion that some homeowners prefer is an ear- ly spring application of 10:6:4 fertilizer, followed by an early July and early September application of 7:7:7. Rates for this program would be five pounds per 1,000 square feet of 10:6:4, three pounds of 7:7:7 in early July and four pounds in September per 1,000 square feet.. - Brian Hall, Farm Management Specialist. NDP concerned about bus safety The Huron -Bruce NDP Riding Association met for a family potluck dinner and general members' meeting this past. Sunday, April 8 in Ripley. After dinner, the children watched movies and played gamesunder the supervision of Robbie Peterson while the adults held their meeting. President Michael Lohse of Kin- cardine chaired the meeting. The first resolution presented was on school bus safety, a concern of the parents of the many young children who were pre- sent. It passed unanimously and reads: "Be it resolved that the ONDP renew its call to improve the safety standards for school buses and request an immediate amend- ment to the Highway Traffic Act to make seatbelts mandatory on all seats, standar- dize bumper heights, and make a 50 km per hour zone during school busing hours, one- half km in either direction, wherever school buses make a left hand turn onto a highway. 11 Several other resolutions were brought forward and approved. These included one from Michael Lohse that an ONDP govern- ment would commit itself to a healthier rural economy by assisting the establish- ment of local food processing and related in- dustries. One resolution opposed the Atomic Energy Control Board's proposal to' in- crease the amount of radiation exposure workers, including women of childbearing age, are allowed to receive. A fourth resolution resolved that an ONDP government would encourage. and assist joint ventures with Canadian owned companies and cooperatives utilizing in- dustrial waste heat in greenhouses and other agriculturally related applications. • Concern over the lack of interest banks are showing in financing local farms and other small business ventures prompted a resolution from Tony McQuail that an ONDP government would expand the Pro- vince of Ontario Savings Bank in coopera- tion with the existing Credit Union System to serve the interests and needs of their patrons and assist in the rievelopment_of the local and Ontario community. The meeting also endorsed a resolution from the Oxford"NDP regarding abandoned railroad right of ways. The resolution called for the return of the railroad right of way to adjoining Landow^"rs when there is no pro - "posed alternative use of interest in that com- munity. These resolutions will go to the Ontario NDP Convention in Hamilton at the end of June where they will be presented for discussion, possible . amendment and be voted upon. Huron -Bruce Riding is eligible to send five delegates who were also elected on Sunday. They are Murray Wightman, Michael Lohse and Paul Machan of Kincar- dine, and Fran McQuail and Tony McQuail- of Lucknow. Federation wants more assistance, or Grossman and Timbrell resignations Unless there is immediate provincial assistance for beef, pork, and lamb pro- ducers, Ontario Treasurer Larry .Grossman and OMAF .Minister Dennis Timbrell should resign, the board of directors of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) decided recently: "Much has , beenreported about the • healthy recovery of the general economy. Unfortunately, the farm economy isn't get- ting betteryr - OFA President. Harry Pelissero said. Pelissero added that the board decision is • a signal of the tremendous frustration in the farniing community. "We've been hit with delay after delay in introducing stabiliza- tion programs. And now we're bit with higher interest rates that no farmer can af- • ford." The' board said support payments for red meat producers should be increased to to a minimum of 14 percent. match payments in other provinces. • The . Although the FCC is a federal agency, the board also said the payments should be ; OFA board feels that assistance for retroactive: to 1981. agriculture must come from both the In a near unanimous vote, the 125-. federal and provincial governments. member boardalso demanded the introduc- "The sense of frustration by 'the farm community in general has never been LES TURNER 'AIRLESS PANTING *B RN PAINTING F. WALLS AND TRIM *WATERBLASTING AND SANDBLASTING *INSULATION OF ALL TYPES *FOUNDATION COATING r. . CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES 482-3563 R. G. 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Examinations, July 26, 27 Classes meet in Central Huron Secon- dary School 5:15 - 7:45 p.m. ANTHROPOLOGY 100 (Introduction to Archaeology) 5:15. 7:45 p.m. SOCIOLOGY 236 (Social Organization) FURTHER INFORMATION Contact the: Faculty of Part -Time & Continuing Education Stevenson -Lawson Building The Univirsity of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 5 (519) 679.3631 OUR. VOW WAGONS L 3 WAYS. Gas. Diesel. Turbo. They carry 2.2 cubic metres of cargo in back.. And your choice of engines in front. Come in and get carried . away. NITOLATO A car you can believe in. M -W MOTORS SALES & SERVICE EAST ST. GODERIC 524-2113 Established 1876 Ph. 527-0400 91 Main St. South, Seaforth FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Ken Carnochan Lavern Godkln Ross Leonhardt John McEwing Stanley Mellwatn Donald McKereher J.N. Trewartha Stuart Wilson AGENTS E.F. ''Bill" Durst Bob McNaughton Wm. 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