HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-17, Page 14 HURON & MUMMA ESEX GAZETT El :TWENTY-NINTH YuAlt-NO.49 EXET.ER, ONT. cA:NADA, THURSDAY. MORNING, JULY 17, 1902 JOHN WHITB & SONS Hensal I Ne. a -Aetna, Oouelarel,Mary Doupe t H t drein at all. The Judge heard a' gres't ENTRANCE E.',XAIVIINATION mune eteectieey4 Anate electively, raw a s -4- deal of evidence including three en - R..44+1'++++++++++++++++++4•+++ 4-4•44++++++++++++++++++++++ O. J. Sutherland, Navy Peblic, elonveene 'a. gineers, and reserve(' his de(nslen• In We give be ow --"4t 771-ee N°' 4 -Warren "inner, Tilos Quin- . . 1 b a es et the suc'' ton, Charlotte Itooke, Hattie Rand- w ee 1 e 1 a t . , al - ' ..e car, Commissioner, ore easmance Agent, 4 t f ti . W 1-) , df t rel 4. carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money peered for the applieauts ; B. L. Eotrance Examination in the Inspec- a. to loan on real estate fallow ratesof interest, Dickenson, Geeeteeh, roe the town. torate of East and West Huron on + °face at the Pot3t Mee nensall ship, and .3., G. Starnairy, Exeter, for June 2,5th, 26th and 27th, t Betenne.-Mr. and Mrs. J.. 8, Wren, the parties who want the drain. I The fell:m.11g are the highegit marks .T. of Dundee, are visiting relaeives and . obtained in each subject : e• renewing old acquaintances in the Bayfield ia Li Le documents ulos o le Lases. , toa oo ap- eessf al candidates who mate on th e mforady Jones.. e are ley 0 lave o \sea er No, 6 --Ila Delbridg,e, Gertie No. 10-Abina Earl, Irene 'Whitlock, WEST WAWA -NOSH. S. S. No, 1 -Hattie Ryan, Gladys pentlead. No. 2 -Mabel Wilson. No, 3 -Betsy McAllister, IVIary Mur- ray, Sadie White, Gregory Stuarb. • Separate School Katie Brophey, Wm Brophey, Michael Cuna mins, Joseph Kinaham, Ranselem Lecldy. BAST IVAIVANOSIL St,teSr,soNno. , 16 -Minnie Carter, Rena Patterson. aucn. nnesmai I S. S. NO. 1 -Jennie Caldwell, John Buchanan. EaRi3P.RT. S. S, No. 7 -Sohn W Boa. eteanaay Halt S. S. No. 5s -Alice Ede ward Breen. Ar Boyas Honors..--Robt. Davis, Keith Fear, Ryerson R. Haetry, Fred. Mc- Leod, Ropt. McMillan, Chas. R. Papst, be missed from our village where they Blythe T. Stevenson, Bruce Wauela Pass.--EarnestBox, John Broderick, have been engaged, together with a large staff of men for the past two W J Brownlee„ Melyn Dodds, Jos months. -Mrs, F. Rae is in Denfield Dorsey, Walter Hawthorne, Elgin a few where she intends spending Jones, Geo Kale, John It, MacKay, weeks. -Mr, Kemp and Mr. -Di ayrnan left here this week for a, trip to Wien nipeg, Man. -The Misses Mustard, of Gladstone, Man., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John McGregor. -Picnic parties to the lake are now the order of the day. -Mrs. H. Worsley, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Carlisle, She is accompanied by her little give -Miss Allie Laurence, of Londesboro' was a guest last week of Dr. and Mrs. Medd at the parsonage. -Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, was in the village on Tuesday. -Miss Grant, of Becher, who was here visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. (Rev.) Ilenderson, returned hams the first part of the week. -We are pleased.to learn that J. E. McDon- nel is improving nicely and hope soon to see him actively engaged in hisbust- business.-Mrs. Hunt was in Clinton last week visingrelatives.-S. P. Wells of Londoa, has purchased the stock of furniture and furnishings, forming the John Pope estate, together with the good will of the business and. in- tends opening up here right away. Mr. Wells conies very highly recom- mended as afirst-class cutter and will no doubt command a large share of business. -He has leased the old. steed in the Commercial block from W. R. Hodgins. -Rey. Dr, Medd, the newly appointed pastor of the Methodist church here has been well received and his sermons from Sabbath to Sabbath haye been soul inspiring and helpful. The Rev. Dr. will take for for his sub- jece next Sunday morning "The Story of a Day," and in the evening his dis- course will be "The Tragedy of a Life." Mrs. Charles Nicholls of London spent Wednesday with relatiyes'here.-Mrs, W. J. Johnston was in Clinton this week. -Miss Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. Medd, of Clinton, spent a few days of last week with Dr. and Mrs. Medd.- Miss Alice Petty is the guest of Miss Edyth Hawkshavv, Lucan. K 114 W1110 ....T.J=.4.0411,..a...1.2:a 4. 4ii 4* '4 4. • 4» Hay Forks, Mower Knife Sections Scythe 4. 4. W, 4. 4,4° 4 Stones, Grass Hooks. 4. 4.i .4. licCorraick t village. -Miss A.lice Petty is visiting friends in Lame 2--M iss .Tennie Welsh, BRIBpS.-Fred Ed wards, of T -Lena Harland, 42. Writing -Luella oronto, - ÷ of London, spent a few days at her !Ronal; 48, Dictetion-Mary Doupe, is speeding two weeks vecation in , Nina Marsball 50. Literature -Pearl town,-MrHess, of Zarieb, +a home here. -Miss Alice Caldwell re town 19 ' Ilillier 130. Arithmetic -Fred Hoop 'e turned home Saturdaer, after visiting t 4. . town on Monday, on flax business.•- : erwo , Gleetis Rill. Elmer Lesp, Fred n • Reading -Lizzie Miller 49, Drawing Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross, of Chatham. -Mrs. Gilchrist and 1111S8 Martha, who have been visiting friends here left on 1V1onda,y for Kincardine and Saulte Ste Marie. -Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Mrs Smith, of St, Louis, Ind., have been the guests of Mrs, Wm, Moore. - Miss Ella McPherson spent Sunday in Goderich,-Mrs. Fee, of Zurich, has 4. John McLeod arrlyed home from Trevethiek, Donald Clark, Verne Windsor on Saturclay last. -- Essery 200. Grammar -Lena Harlarkd Stanbary, ol: Toronto sang a solo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday eve last, which deserves great praise, -Mr. McLaughlin, of Brussels is and Temperance -Daisy Dining 96. spending a Menth in town, -- The Total -Nin a Marshall 861. Presbyterian choir picniced at God - 4.; New Stock of Graniteware. Ask to see it. Paris Green. 4.; T. i--lawkitis tiR S +++++++++++++++++,+++++++44 Peadess Machjne 011 for your Mowers + 4. 115 !nal mus In targi This month we are offering big indncernents in Tweeds, Wor- 11144, eeteds, Pantings, etc. We want to reduce our stock ,or Summer Goods before the Fall Goods arrive, First-class work Guaranteed. W. W. Taman. ittiercli-satit Tailor.. ;One door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug Store. Bethesda ••••••••••••0101.... SOCIAL.-- On Tuesday nese, July 22nd, the Epworth League of Bethes- eda Methodist church will hold a lawn. social at the home of John Moir, a -short distance north of the church. Ice cream and. cake. Admission 10c. A good time is expected. All wel- ,come, Crediton. Beaans.--Croquet is the game of the season in our village. We have some ,expert players.--Itev. R. W. -Knowles will preach in James St, Church, 'Exeter, next Sunday morning and o• ccupy his ,own pulpit here in the evening as usual, -Farmers are about through laaying and. wheat will soon be ready to harvest. It has been very spending a week's holidays with difficult to save the hay owing to the friends in Middlesex. -Miss Lena Frah- cis of Fingal and Miss Nellie Francis, of Toronto, are spending their holidays at home. New Tailor slion ti BN5fILL. Having opened. a shop in McEwen's Block,we are prepared to fill all orders. A complete line of Mid -Summer Cloth- ing. Excellent Wearable Garments. New Shades, at Low Prices. Call and inspect our line of Tweeds, Worsteds, Etc, and get prices • ERT. FOWLE 1-11EINSAILL, ISUM:21101,2111:=3T2390V-S, CGIMMIEMEN912141113 Centralia. BRIEES.-A number of our citizens attended the Loyal Orange demon- stration at Goderich.--Improvements seem to be the order of the day in this vicinity, Mr. A, Nevins has built an addition to his house. James Hand- ford is enlarging his barns and putting a bas.lment under it, am:1 Richard Col- bert' is building a handsome dwelling house. -The farmers are very busy at present saving the hay crop. Wheat harvest will be infull swing next week, some fields will be cut this week, Fullarton _BRIEFS. -Miss Tillie Hamilton, of Detroit, formerly of Fullerton, is spending a few weeks with friends in the village. -Frank Phipns of Toronto University, is home for the holidays. - Miss Martha Wilson. who has been at- tending the Stratford Business College left on 'Thursday for Berlin, where she has secured a position as stenographer in a large furniture factory. -Rev. Mr. ancl Mrs. Marshall have returned after 132. Geography -Samuel Bean 91. Composition -Nina Marshal 83, His- tory -Ezra Oestreicher 85. Physiology erich on July 12lla and epent a most EXETER P. s. rol few days. -Miss Mary Sohnston, of enjoyable tirne, - Miss Clara Erwin Haze' Browping, Edna kr Dow, dna, lick, Venetta, been visilang Mrs. Kaiser for the past visited at J. Wolson's, Sauble Lottie Elliott, E Goderiel).--VVe are pleased to learn Willow Hall, has been visiting friends last week. - n. large number from m FraYne, Amelia Hyndman, Mary Murray, Irene O'Neli, Mary Quance, tosvn attended the celebration at God - that 0, A. Redmond, who is at present frequent heavy showers. -11. Either. .M. f.J. , is in Toronto this week on business. -G. N. Babcock, the optician from Rensall, will be in the village on - Friday next, July 18th, at Dr. Rivers' 4.0ifiCe Eyes tested free of charge.- • 'St, IVIarys at Mount Clemens for treatraent for rheumatism is receiving much benefit. -The contractors for our cement walk finished up their work here this week. They gave good satisfaction and will erich, on the 12th, and all enjoyed the day's outing. -Thos. Stephens, of the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. spent Sunday in town -Jas. Dewar, Sr., of Kincardine, is visiting friends in Bay- field and vicinity. - Win: Sturgeon arrived home on Monday from pore Trevethick. Dover, where he hag spent the last • month or more. U sborne Vera 0 Rowe, Vera 0 Saunders, May Snell, Alma M Wood, George Arm- strong, 1 T Carling, Chas Dyer, Aide - win. Evans, Rdy Farmer, Fred Hoover, Herbert Sorrell, George Jones, Offa, McPherson, Melvin Southcott, Fred Miss Ratz, of Grand Bend, is the guest -- eof her sister, Mrs. Zwicker, this week. BRIBE'S. -- All the teachers at the Collegiate Institute have been re en Hay Council gaged -A new granolithic pavement - is being laid on Wellington street . Council met pursuatt to adjourn- south, from Jones street to Richardriient on Monday, ,Tuly 71.1a. son's foundry. -Mr, John Greames, of A petinon of John Duncan and 1 J. D. Moore Oo„ met with a mishap , -others, asking to have road. opposite on Monday. He slipped. off a build- IYestimable young ladyand her , ilots Oa 1010 the 4thd 5th concession ing in course of erection by the firm andeath is a severe bereav.ement to her ' and got a bad shakingup. He was net seriourly injured, t'however.-Miss Lanrene-Skinner, daughter of Mr. R. J Skinner, while yisiting in Ingersoll, had. the little finger of her left hand. crashed in some machinery. The doctor thus far has been able to save the injured member from being ampu- tatee.--St Marys, with a clever bunch of stick handlers frona the inter- mediate teem beat London Seniors at a swift game of lacross on 'Tecumseh line. He expects to spend some tune Park, feondon. on Saturday after- taking in the scenes of the "Old Land', noon last the score being 5 to 2. Shinka DIED IN THE WEST. -Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Charles H. Walker, which took place at the home of her parents in Vancouver, British Colum- bia, on 'Sunday June 29th. Mrs. Walker's Malden name was Beatrice Swas a daught- DEATH OF Mns. THOS. OANN.-- Again the grim reaper, death, has en. tered our midst and made sad the home of Mr. Thos. Cann of Cannbrook Faun. Mrs. Cann was born in Dar- lington and was married some 21 years ago to her now sorrowing hus- band. 'Deceased had not been feeling well since,1 Christmas, and about two months preyiaus to her death she was more directly under medical treat- ment. Bier medica,1 attendent deemed it wise tohave further advice stating to her friends that her disease was of the very gravest nature, and that while an operation offered the only chance, if any, could glee but little en- couragemeht. Consultations were held. with Drs. Gunn of Clinton, and Wishart of London, when it was decided to give her the only chance, She succumbed however at no great length after the operation. mrs. Cana will be missed. in her home, in the neighborhood and in the church, she baying filled the position as organ- ist, in two churches up until three weeks previous to her death, She ileaves a husband and. two children, besides a host of other sorrowing rela- tives and friends to mourn her death, to whom the sympathy of the whole community is extended. am and DTI'S. Cann celebrated their china wedding in Nov. 1901. K. i rkton EXETER LU1VIBER YARD. Large stock of Lnraber-pine and Lhemiock, 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc., also shingles. laths and oedqx posts. Prices reasonable. -SAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Main st BRIEPS. -Joseph Weir spent Sunday with J. Hannah. -Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family, of Exeter, spent Succlay the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Road- house. -Jos. Brooks and Wm. Moore left on Tuesday for Manitoba. --Edwin Fletcher spent Sund ty at Sunshine.- J. E, Elliott is able to he out again. - Alvin Reesor, N. B. Doupe, E. J. Flet- cher, W. Hodgins and R. Ballantyne spent Tuesday in Stratford. --Miss Tessa Stewart left for a month's visit Georgina Ingram. h.e with friends in Goderich, Dungannon er of Mr. George Ingram, formerly of and Toronto. -Miss Janet Barr spent Hensall, Ci She was married to Mr. Saturday in oderich.-J. Taylor left Walker about seven years ago. Five on Tuesday for eianitoba.-H. Road - years ago they moved. to British house spent Sunday with Edgar Colnenbie, and afterwards to Seattle. Brovene-Wilbur Horne spent Sunday where they had *resided for -the past in the village. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh four years. About seven months ago Smith of Prospect Hill, spent Sunday she contracted a severe cold which at Evergreenbrae.-Miss Lillie Taylor 'developed into an affection of the left on Tuesday for Manitoba. -Mrs. lungs, and the ravages of which tshe best medical skill could not stay. About two months ago she went to Vancouver with the hope that the change mighe prove beneficial, but she never recovered sufficiently to permit, of her return home. She was not quite 26 years of age, and besides her husband, leaves two little daughters to mourn their loss. She was it kind - family and relatives, and will be deeply regretted by numerous friends of the family in this county. - Ilea.s h Wood. . opened. up was laid be ore e le cot , .as the petition stated that the road ehould be opened in order to drain the land, the council was of opinion that the parties interested should take .other steps to have their land drain- , ed. ' Mr. L. V. Bachand was granted per- mission to lay down water pipes in S. . Joseph. • The following accounts were order - • 'ed to be paid John Paton, grading C. R., 53.00 • S. Spencer, statute labor, 1900-01 $11'; . S. Spencer, rep. ca. 0. R., 75 cents; Wm. Bender, bridge, con. 4 and 5, part payment, $7,00; Joseph Foster, • ,cul, and grading, con, 9, $5.50 ; Philip BIMP.FS,-Mr. 0. Wellington Snell, who has been attending the Conser- vatory of Music, in Boston, Mass., on the 12th of July sailed for Paris and London on the "Friesland" American Lucan. BanDrs.-Miss Annie Keough, who has been engaged in Detroit, is borne on a visit, Wm. Herb and sister, of Woodhann paid friends in this vicinity a visit last week.- Mrs. las, Mitchell and family intend moving to Michigan, this week, - Mise Bridget; Ryan is El/ present, on 'the sick list. Dr. Amos, of Eitetet is in attendance. --Our celebrated twine man, Mr. VV. Oliver, of Greed Bend, agent for Farmers' Binder Twine Co, of Brant- ford, passed through here lest week Hartman, cut con. 10 and. 11, $ , , B1MEFS.-A.nother of the old pio- Ay.. Magee workbeg grader., 521.00; neers of McGillivray has passed away, Thames Turnbull, cedar, $3.80; in the person of Mr. James Sutton, in Division Registrar, registering Births, the 83rd year of his age. The funeral Marriages and deaths, 51.4.00; F. W, of the late Mr. Sutton, took place .rarncomb, part peyrnent re-Walper from the family residence, lot 29, 0-.1cie. award, $5.05 ; S. G. Sietnbury, fees, re- 3, McGillivray, Tuesday. July Sib, at 2 Stelek vs. township, 55.00; Sohn p, me at St. James' cemetery, follow- Thnek, flour for indigent, $2.00 • Jos, ed be, a large concourse of old ac- Badour rep. cul., L. Re $2.00;' Wm. quaintances and friends other than 'linnet, drain across road, con. lee, relatives. He was a brother of the $2.15 Win. Coleman, work con. 3 and 4, 53,25 Lippliardt, equalizing police village of Dashwood, $2,00. Council Will Meet again on Mon, . ay the 4th day of August, when " school boards should have their re- quisitions for school funds sent to the clerk. FWD) HESS, Sr., TIN Clerk, opesampoollerwee , phoorep....oty . STOR IA. S. S. No. 2 -Daisy Dilling, Cora Munn, No. 6 -John 13roderick. Albert McIntosh, Win McIntosh, BoNnThrlotHabel MeD"gall' lames Wm Morrison, Chester Alcillaun, No. 11 -Emma Regan. No. 1-Atey Dawson. IIENSAI,I, P, S. Beatrice Urquhart, Fra,nk Peart, Wesley Youngblut, Burns Buchanan, Curtis Stoneman. CEEDITON P S. Olivia Holtzman, Wesley Brown, Wilbert Wray, Melinda Trick. Ezra Oestreicher. rem:moon a. Z. Ethel Kellerman Tillie Weeper, Tillie Miller, Archie 'Routledge. ZURICH P. 5. Freda Hess, Chester Benedict, Robb Williams, Amy Steinbach, Otto Sipple. GODERICH MODEL SCHOOL Eva, I Bissett, Maud. A Bissett, Eva, M Cameron, Marion Oreley, Lillian Fraser, Lena M Harland, Myrtle How- ell.Margaret E Howrie, Oatbariue B Lewis, Blanche Minx, Nina Marshall, Mary Miller, Lily MeVicar, Susie Noble, Mabel Pollock, Mary B' Polley, Jennie D Proudfoot. Dolena, Reeves, Etta M Saults, Lulu B Smith, Kath- arine G Straiton, Jessie M Strang, Rena Satherland, Pearl Trethewey, Muriel Tweedy, Lulu P Tweedy, Bella M Wylie, Evan Allan. Bruce T. An- derson, Samuel Bean, Roy Bryclges, Willie Cantelon, Robert A Duff, Malt - bead Diem, Cecil Farr, Andrew Mair, Albert H McOreath, Donald McKay, Alex McOlennon, Norman D Reuben J Sallow, Walter L, Sanders, 5 Lomat Snell. H. Preston Strang. Lorne Todd, Sohn.A Trethewey,Harry C Washington, John E Wersell. GODERICH SEPARATE SCHOOL Ida Hood, Orlando Dean, John Dean, William) G Kilely, John Page. Dm:MARRON P. S. Olive Orewford, Willa, SaunbY, Stuart Fairbairte Kay Fairbairn. ST. HELENS P. S. Lizzie Millea, Bena Sheriff, Donald. Clark, Myrtle Phillips, Mary Craw- ford, Stuart Miller, BA.YPIELD P. S. Luella Rouatt, Harold Pollock, Millie Cameron. ASELPIBMO S. S. No. 1, Alfred Qunid. No. 2, Nannie Sullivan. - No. 3. Eva Draamen, Hector Mc- Kenzie, Jennie Douglas. No 6. Olive Gray. No 7. Bessie Bernby.Dolena Mclean- zie, Nellie Rickey, Maly McDonald. • No 9. Earnest Blake,Bailey Stothers Robert Fletcher spent part of last Worthy Kilpatrick, week with friends in Goderich.--Harry No 12. Ellen Pritcbard. Maize spent Sunday at his home here. No 13. Ethel McLean, Samuel Sher- - Miss McGolrick, of St. Marys, is wood, Elmere Phillips, George Swan. visiting Miss Ida, Brethour at present. No 15. Sohn Matheson, Fanny Mc- -Miss Martha and Phoebe Tufts :spent Part of last week with friends at Thorridale.-Miss Lottie and Ma.ster Chester Hazelwood returned home from London on Friday.- Mr. and Mae 3. B, Roadhouse, of St. Marys, is spending a few holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Brown. TORONTO'S GRAND EXHIBITION, The r'rize List for Torontoez Ge`and Annual Agrieultural Exposition and Industrial Fair which this you. will be held from aept. lee to Sept, 13th, both dates inclusive, is being distributed, lt is compiled on a more than usual liberal scale, several material altera- tions and additions having; been made to the Live Stoelt and other classes. In fact, there is abundant evidence in the Prize list that the Executive are retolved thee Toronto Exhibition shall amply maintain its reputation as the best annual ear in the whole world. The pretuiunis, with an un- commonly large number of specie prizes, aggregate between thirty five No. 4 -Earl Delgaty. and forty thousand dollars, arranged No. 5-3ane Lamont, Win. Elliott. with an eye single to the encoarage- No, 7-Ilerbert Workman. talent of the interests of the countay, No, 13 -Rete, Keys, In industrial exhibits as well as in live No. 14 --Melvin Adair. Neil Murra,y, Walter Murray, John Purceill, Earl Sproat, John J. R. Sproat, Frank Weiland, ealexander Wilson; - Girls, Honors. -- Gertrude Abell, Maud Dickson, Lynuie Gillespie Elvire E. Gottschalk, Jennie Hamil- ton, Ara,bella. M. Henry, Mildred Jones, Etta Petrie, Ethel Pickard, Maggie Spain, Bell Warwick. Pass - Verde, Best, Edith Bright, Nellie Campbell, Gladys Constable, Hazel Dorrance, Hazel Elcoali, Teresa Lynch, Ethel Morrison, Elba Ma,haffy. Ethel Mahaffy, Violet Petrie, Annie Petrie, Vera Ross, Hazel Roberts, Bella Smith, Annie Somerville, Marcie Sproat, Isabel R. Scott, Annie Walsh, Kate Walsh. The Seaforth Collegiate Institute .Board's Scholarship for pupils writ- ing from the Seaforth Pablo School was won by Chas R Pa,pst, who has 778 marks out of a possible 1100. Bruce Waugh stood next with 768 marks. A. shnilar scholtrrship for outside can- didates writing at Seaforth was won by Rat of 5.5 No, 4, Ribbert, Stant P. 0., veho had 82 t marks, the highest at the Seaforth Centre. 131MISSELS Boys, B.onors. Archie M. Camp- bell, Emerson Dennis, Clarence R Ham, John McCracken, Athol lefc- Quarrie, Clifford Pugh, Rarvey Skel- ton, Leslie Turnbull. Pass. -Thos. Bielbv, Robb Bryans, Frank Davidson, Roger Deadman. Willie G Farquharson, Willie Hum- phries, Robb Kellington, Wm Long, Rabe McDonald, John Mooney, Sam- uel Scarlett, Manson Taylor, Harvey Young. Honors. Gertie Campbell, Ellie Hansuld, Maud Jackson, Annie L McQuarrie, Pearl Sharp, Bertha Ross, Argo Ross. Pass.- Jennie Armstrong, Emma Barron, Edith Blake, Elsie Currie, May Dark, Mabel Davidson, Ethel Dennison, Lulu Dunford, Mamie Mc- Allister, Vera McDonald, Emily Mason, Aileen Scott, Birdie Shannon, Anna Richardson, Mary Ross, Lillian It. Simpson, Florence Thompson. CLINTON Boys, Honors.-- John W. Button, Hugh Brewer, Lennie Oantelon, Geo Duncan, Douglas Goodwin, Walter Holmes, David Hall, Willie Maiming, Harry Porter, Roy Radaway, Frank Rogers, Norman Sly, Wm Swan, Harold Tenney. Kenzie. No 16. Orville Durain, Edwin Kil- patrick, May Culbert. COLBORNE. S S. No 1. Leea 13oggseida McLeod, Mona M Walter. No 2. Elsie Oks, John Heddle, Ben- son 3 Long, Roy Mohring, Leo Oke. No a May Breen. No 4. Evelyn IVIalloy, Normon A. Malloy, Benjamin Mannings. No 5, Lillie MeiVlaous, Edna Taylor, Melville Gliddon, Hamilton McManus. No 8, Elizabeth M GODERICH TOWNSHIP. S. S, No, 1 -Pearl Hillier,Iretie Salk-, eld. Barry G Hillier. No. 2 -Mabel Prouse,Marnie E Yell], Harry Chambers, No. 5-Beejamin Lindsay, Wesley Vanderbargh, No, 6 -Alice Ross, Ecitvin Ross, No. 8-Antie Rutledge. sTARLBY. S. S. No. 3-0Iara Richardson, Sam- uel Bates, Charles Itathwell. Stock, • end especially in the Deity STEPHEN. S. S. No. 1- Edna McNaughtao, department, the fair this yea,t, will assuredly be had of all its erode- cessors, while es regards entertain- :rely, so if you have not procured your Straw Hats you can get them a T. G. fifiRLITOITS - at greatly reduced precee. We still have several varieties of Gents,' Boys' and Youth's Rats, also Ladies' Sailors and Children's Hats, We are making sweeping reductions "for cash " to clear all lines. IN FOOTWEAR just opened several eases of Boots and Shoes, made by such celebrated Makers as John McPherson ez Co. of Hamilton and W, A. Marsh cee Co, of Quebec. 'We are markinge,hese goods at prices that defy competition. GROCERIES Our Grocery Stock is up-to-date med. our prices are always in your fayo We quote Granulated Sugar, St. Law- rence or Redpaths, 26 pounds for $1, by the Barrel, $3.00 per cwt. Raisins, Best Select, 4 pounds. for 25c. In Teas we give extra value, regular , 50c, Ceylon Black and japan Teas for " 40c. o. pound. Always Highest Prices paid for Produce. ar n TGH to Market Square. P. Se -Agent for Ontario Farmere' Binder Twine. See it before purchas- ing elsewhere. The Twelfth in Goclerich. Tbe splendid and orderly Twelfth of July Orange Parades of the past few years form iti themselves, apart from all other considerations, in- • structive object lessons, illustrating the great advance which bas been made in the development of a broad spirit of toleration and general en- lightment among the people of all denominations. The parades of to- day form as it were landmarks, which point out and emphasize the contrast between the parades of years ago and now, when the Twelfth was a signal for the letting loose of feelings of hatred and passion betweeu rival sects. To -day the paracle is a simple though striking declaration that a broad spirit of toleration prevails and that bigotry among the sects is a relic of the past that is deed and gone. Not ia the history of the oldest citi- zen has there been a more successful parade than that which turned out on Saturday to commemorate the two hundred and twelfth anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. The town presented a gay appearance, with its arches, flags and. bunting. All things comprised pleasantly to make the celebration an overwhelming success it being estimated that over 12,000 visitors entered the town. The forenoon was taken up with the reception of the visiting Lodges, and at 2 p. in. a procession was form- ed on the square, marshaled by County Master, A- Nevin, of Cen- tralia, and District Master, F. T. Davis, Saintsbury. After a parade of the principal streets,the procession wound up at the eahibition grounds, where a number of patriotic addresses were delivered, The principal speakers: being : Revs. Mr. Coburn, of Toronto, Wm, Mc- Donagh, of Stratford; and Wm. Walsh, of Brampton, interspersed by music by the different fife and drum bands., Altogether this was oae of the finest demonstrations of the kind ever held io. this county. adding to the fact that the Orange Cerder is increasing in mems bership, and. consequently rivalry and. influence all over the Dominion. voleornaname. 111111111 Screen DONS Screen indows Screen Wire Meth (r> SIMS StO6Ic Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves. The coyrect thing for warm weather, 7130. and up •k: sa.i:Ornotue...esemearmeensatemtnertunan se.oenerminieweas elyrnouth Twines Ply Special . . 5co feet Geld Medal . .. 650 feet NeiVelianrwianfaMe.itchell, , meat the stngle ennouecement thee No. 2-Gleetie title Verne Essery. well knoven Dennis Sutton, who con- delivering twine. I the greet Kiralfy has been engaged. to No. 3 -Mother Bagshava Asa Pen - ducted a number of saw mills in the • townships of McGillivray and Stephen Varna i produee his wonderful spectacle, hale, Chas 8 Sanders, some years ago. They were descen- "The,Drient,” that for years attracted No. 4 --Arthur Amy, 'Freeman Mor. dents of the U. E. Loyalists, who left Comm- Judge Doyle presided at I multitudes to Olympia, in London, O. that they might breathe the air of beard the appeals of some twenty Eng., is sufficient to stamp it as the highest class that money can procure Separate School - Leo McOarthV the U. S. about 1707, for Canada, so the enure held here on Tuesday, and No 6-Ehner L Ed a R avnon, wer atz. freedom under the Union Jack. These ratepayers who objected, to the peeeee and art devise. There will also be .0.it -Ivan, James Ryan • 5 AOW is. Mr. Sutton's father and an part, of Stanley. The draM is esti- other features, star attractions , a' " men lielpedto make Canada what le for the "Logan Dram" ini the south r many eider brother were it the war of 1812- mated to cost over $2000, and includes foend on the one programme. Prize 5. S. 110, 1- Isabella MeDaugall, in themselves, that in Toronto Will be ( tanottene, lists and any other literature or par- Prank Blatchford, Reginald Case, 13.14. 'I'lle father lived, to a great age the straightening end cleaning of part, Al- and was interred in a little grave yard of the Bayfield river, Some of the tieulate requited, actin be lied. by ad- beta Mien/Irene, 1 (311 Con. 4of McGillivray, not far frotO eettlere thought they were aeseesed dressing IL J,* Bill, SeeraerY and ' NO. n - Attila Gardiner, Norman votrottoinno, Ea " and Tinwork a Specialty. t. 6 The Best is the Cheapest, Machine ils Our Mineral Castor is the Best in the market, Try it and be Convinced. xiAseadreiteirkw'Reinauxemorseremelivii.m. PttESERVING KETTLES 250 AND UP. J. HEA Exeiren„ the old homestead. too high, While otbera didn't Want the Manager, 82 Xing Street East, 'forma. rassmore, Bert Stewart, to, Cont.