HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-04-25, Page 63} Going off oil - consider all the alternatives Record low temperatures were recorded throughout the . country last winter. And while the mercury continued to plummet, many Canadians found their oil bills going through the roof. To avoid paying those higher monthly bills many Canadians are going off -oil. They're converting their existing oil heating units to alternative systems. Canada has decreased its dependence on foreign oil, but domestic oil prices are near- ly as high as world prices. Consequently, by going off -oil, Canadians can save money by using a less costly fuel such as electricity, natural gas or wood. By converting to one of these alternatives you could save between 20 and 40 per centof home heating costs over the next 15 years. This figure even includes the cost of conversion. Of course before anyone considers going off -oil, they should be sure they aren't wasting the heat they already have. Here are seven ways to make your home energy efficient: - turn ,down the thermostat at night and when no one is at home; seal air leaks around windows, doors and baseboards; - weatherstrip doors, windows and elec- trical outlets; - insulate your attic; - insulate basement walls; - add storm windows and doors; and - have your furnace tuned yearly by a qualified technician. Once you've taken these precautions to use your existing heat efficiently, you may want to further reduce or eliminate your oil Compare operating costs "EnerGuide" labels on most new household appliances tell consumers the amount of electricity the appliance con- sumes each. month, says Maxine Innes- Holbrough, the home and family man!!ge- ment specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's rural organizations and services branch. This label helps con- sumers calculate how much the appliance costs to operate. The federal government requires all new household tumbl ctpy e. clothes dryers, ranges, clothes Washers, dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers to display the "Ener -Guide" label. Each model is tested and given a label in accordance with methods approved by Canadian Standards Associations (CSA) steering committee and verified by CSA. The "EnerGuide" label states the kilowatt- hours per month(k .bi onth)__..• energy consumption of each model.. • This rating shows. how much power is needed to operate the appliance. The following formula is used to calculate the total energy cost of the model over a 10 . year period: total cost of electricity equals - kWh -per -month x centsper kWh x 12months - x 10 years divided by 100. • For example, if the cost per kWh is four cents, then the total cost of electricity is: 123 x 4 x 12 x 10 divided by 100 or $590.40 for 10 years. • If the label has 175 kWh, instead of 123kWh,, then the cost would be $840 to operate the appliance for 10 years. Both examples assume the cost of elec- trical energy remains constant over the 10 year period. The appliance using 123 kWh per month costs $249.60 less in 10 years than the ap- pliance which consumes 175 kWh per month. This example demonstrates the potential for substantial dollar savings for you and. energy savings for Canada. When selecting your appliance, energy consumption comparison is not your only consideration; however, low energy- consuming appliances could save ypu and ener money gy• consumption. This may mean supplemen- ting your existing oil heating system with another system or converting completely to another fuel. Alternative sources include electricity, natural gas, and, in rural areas, wood. Although solar power may become an im- portant source of energy in the future, it is too expensive at present to be considered an attractive alternative to oil. If you are considering electricity as a replacement for oil, you have several op- tions from which to choose. Electric baseboard heaters can supple- ment or entirely replace an oil -fired heating system. Baseboard heaters are silent, have virtually no maintenance costs, and allow for the installation of separate thermostats in each room. They also allow you to heat rooms that are used regularly while reduc- ing the temperature in the rest of the house: An electric plenum heater can be installed in the warm -air plenum of your existing oil furnace. This addition will use the present duct -work and blower, and once it has been. installed the oil furnace will operate only during very cold periods. If you are thinking of switching to natural gas, you can replace your oil burner with a gas conversion burner. Not all oil furnaces can be economically converted to a gas burner so you might also consider installing Page 1, a new gas furnace or boiler. You may also consider other options. An add-on heat pump reduces your oil con- sumption by extracting heat from outside air and bringing it inside. An all -electric heat pump replaces oil entirely and pro- vides full heating and cooling throughout the year. A condensing gas furnace or boiler uses 30 to 40 per cent less fuel than an or- dinary gas furnace or boiler, and can often be run on propane. For those people considering switching to a wood heating system, a woodstove can cut oil consumption by more than 50 per cent. As well, a manually fed wood furnace or boiler or a self-feeding wood chip or pellet furnace can replace an existing oil furnace. Systems such as wood/oil or wood/electric furnaces can provide substantial savings and eliminate the risk of frozen water lines faced by homeowners with entirely manual systems. When considering an alternative heating system you should also be aware of the financial assistance offered by the federal government, Ontario Hydro, and the gas utilities. The Canada Oil Substitution Program (COSP) provides taxable grants of up to $800 to people to_eut their oil use 50 per cent or more by installing an alternative heating system. Introduction to planting seeds, Men and women have been planting garden seeds for thousands of years with varying degrees of success. You could divide the contents of a seed packet among six gardeners and no two of them would get the same number of seedlings to come up. The difference in success has nothing to do with a green thumb or the lack of it, The secret is partly in learning to think of garden seeds as either large, small, or fine. Peas, beans, corn, sunflowers and zinnias have large seeds. You may be able to name several more. Large seeds carry a generous reserve of food stored in their tissue. They sprout rapidly and show strength and en- durance in breaking through the soil. Small seeds vary greatly between kinds, in speed of sprouting, size of the emerging seedlings, and the speed at which the seedl- ings grow. Some small seeds such as parsley can take three weeks to sprout and another month to grow into plants as large as a half dollar. Others, such as cabbage, will sprout in four days and can grow into six-inch plants within a month. Fine seeds should be started indoors and grown • into good-sized plants for transplanting to , the garden. These tiny seeds grow into seedlings that may be no larger in diameter than a dime at the end of a month. Outdoor planting of fine seeds requires ex- perience, finesse and luck. Fine seeds can be buried or washed away by rains, or killed by dryness when sprouting. All work Performed by a LICENSED MECHANIC FORMERLY SIMMS LAWN IL PHONE: 524-9538 Electrical Problems? Can ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL /RESIDENTIAL 24 Hour Emergency Service Electric Heating R.R No. 1 - CLINTON ED ROOSEBOOM 48207441 LAWN SEED REQUIREMENTS *No. 1 Front Lawn mixture *Kentucky Bluegrass *Creeping Red Fescue LONDESBORO SEED PLANT Robert Shaddick 523-4399 SPRING CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL Any 2 rooms and a hall regardless of size X44 .95 CALL: ACLEANIING T 524-7795. Seal out weather with A SOUND ROOF! QUALITY MATERIALS DALE'S STUMP CUTTING AND REMOVAL. SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO •Fully Insured •All work guaranteed PHONE LES DALE 523-9415 Screened Top -Soil FOR LAWNS, GARDENS, FLOWERBEDS. DELIVERED AS THE WEATHER PERMITS. —ALSO— GRAVEL & CRUSHED STONE Lyle Montgomery PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS Spring Clean your carpets with out gentle such. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT IN CARPETING WITH ROTOSTATIC—THE GENTLE CARPET CLEANING SYSTEM—WE GUARANTEE IN WRITING NO SHRINKAGE, NO SPLIT SEAMS—NO STICKY RESIDUES. DRIES WITHIN 1-2 HOURS. 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