HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-10, Page 8TaBE July Bargains ly Bargains., ..joly Bargains. •Ladies' White Underskirts made of good cotton, three rows tacking and deep flounce of skirting embroidery, • „regular price 51.15, reduced. to 85c. Latest thing in Parasols. If you • want a Parasol call and see what we • •can do for you. One very special line with fancy handle. good cloth, war- vanted to wear and not to cut, at the • very special price of seal Ladies' IVhite ,ethirt Waists in all the 'latest ste . one special make made of good q amity lawn, well tuck- ed and insertion, trimmed, at 1f1.25, great value. ' • Just arrived, nice fine Organdie Linens, plain and tancy stripes, the latest in the market, makes a swell • dress. Call and see them, e ou will want a dreese special at 20c and 25c e he yard. amamonemermactamsw.erreemesm.miwomneor.maomma, We have just received another. ship- ment of men's fine dress Colored Shirts soft fronts, guaranteed fast colors, up-to-clate goods, prices 75c to $1.25. Our stock of men's and. boys' Straw Hats this season are far superior in quality and value than anything we have ever shown before. See our leader at 500. Boys' Summer Wash Suits made of g000. duck blouse or coat style, a very nice range to select from, prices from 90c to '$1.75. Buy your boy one, We have just received. a case of Flannelette Blankets, in grey and white, nice soft fluish, good weight, below the regular value. 10/4 size clearing at 58c pr. all.0011.611.101$1•1•11MeasmoomilmasparaGa How about your grocery trade. We -think that we are doing just the nicest kind of a Grocery Trade, and a great many people say that they save money by buying their •Groceries at the, Big Cash Store. • Miss May Hooper is visiting Mies Cora Meanings Miss Addle Holland is visiting in London and Ilderton, - Miss Regina Davis is home froM London on a visit. Mies May Brooks, of London is 'Wit- her aunt, Mrs, 0, L, Brooks, Miss Cora Ferguson, a Aubarn is visiting the Misses Brooks, Exeter North. Miss Wiggins, of G-oderieh, is a guest of Mrs, Halls, Andrew street, this week. About 1500 Caeadians sailed from South ,A.frica on June 27th and. 2,000 saned foe home on Silly 2nd. Dix Kidney Pills are the best in the arket, and aouble the number for the ame money. soki. by C. Lutz,Exeter. Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Talbot will teke up housekeeping in the rooms im- mediately in the rear of Talbot's Baz- zee.. Mrs, Douitlel McKay, and daughter, of Tecumseh, Nebraska, has been visiting Duncan McKay, Exeter North this week. Miss Halls, teacher in Whachelsea school is spending her holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs, Halls, An- drew Street. Mr. R, S. Lang returned home on Wednesday from an extended trip to o alifornia, Colorado, British Oolumbia and Manitoba. Wm. Page and family have moved to Bervie, where Mr. Page is engaged as butter -maker at A. Q. Bolner's branch creamery. Miss Tom who has conducted dress- making for some years over. Carling Bros, store has this week removecl to the rooms over Elliott and Gladrnan. You realize undoubtedly the im- Iportance of having a flour that can be s, depended upon at all times. "Exeter Star Flour" will fill the bill every time. tig 9Sli STE J. fA. 8T EWFIRT, For Marriage Licenses; The Royal Templars picniged at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Wedding Rings, L•e/Absolutely pure and. healthy baking Weetctrees, CI octaG, wowder. Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter, The Misses Pearson, of London, are visiting their aunt, Mrs, George Thomas. Miss Lillian Huston, who has been so seriously ill at Crediton, improves somewhat slowly. Dr. Minnie ViTells, of Los Angeles, Cal. is the guest of her neice, Mrs. A. Q. Bobier. Miss Beatrice Cudmore, of Heeasall, • 4The copy for changes must be left visited at Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miner's not later than Tuesday noon. Casual lastsveek. a.dvestisemente accepted up to noon Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Parlmer, • Wednesday of each week. sail, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miners, THURSDAY JULY 10, 1902 on Sunday last. An interesting game of ball ev‘s played last night between Crediton and Exeter. Several Brethren of the L. 0. L.,924, Exeter, attended divine service at Oen- Roy Howard is confined to his bed tralia on Sunday last.. 'with appendicitis. IlDix Little Liver Pills are pleasant, The TIMES office is the place to get.p.; ainless and effectual. •Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. e'et(Who doesn't) who does not want 4'the best flour. Ask for the "Old Re- liable Exeter Star." Ed. Crocker, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr, an Mrs. Richard Crocker. d The famim ly of T. H. McCalluhave gone to their summer cottage at Grand Frank Ross, son of Mr. J, P. Ross, of Chatham, formerly of Exeter, has Bend. secured a position in the Bank of Corn - More fuel was burned during June, raerce, in Blenheim. Jeweiry, SpectescIcs Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Ilmaminel••••••=m•••••• TO ADVERTISERS. Locals. your job printing. I. R. Carling left for Manitoba on • Wednesday on a business tour. Fred Gould, of Seaforth, is spendiig. his holidays at his home here.• ' Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet and. Miss Flossa, are -visiting relatives in Goderich. 1902. tban for many June months past. The L. 0. L. excursion to Sarnia will take place on Saturday, August Miss Edith ,Senders left on Tuesday raorning for a trip west. She will -visit her brother, Harry and other friends in Deaver, Colorado. Miss Ballard, milliner with the E. J. Miss Nina Kinsman has returned Su0o. left on Tuespay for her home from the Toronto Conservatory home in Listowel for the holiday sea- - .of MUSIC. Mrs. A. E. Bennett and little daugh- ter, Greta, of London, are visiting friends in town Mrs. Halls. of Galt, is spending a short time the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. 0. Huston. Wm. Snell, who has been very ill, improves somewhat an d is able to take an occcasional drive' Miss Evelyn Carling is the guest of Miss Lulu Tory, of Brantford, at their suraraer home, Port Stanley. Miss Hattie Templeton, of Toronto, • is visiting her cousins, the Misses Sweet, and other friends in town. Chilaren Cry for cAsTo Rix interesting game. The single men •won by a score of 9 to 3. SOD The 12th July celebration in Gode: rich on Saturday next promises to be a huge affair. Special rates on all rail- roads. Mi.. and. Mrs. George Willis arrived home this week after a very pleasabt trip to Muskoka, Niagara k'alls, and Buffalo, and have taken up their resi- dence' on Carling st. There were registered by the Div. Registrar for Usborne 'Tp. for the half year, ending June 30th. 15 births, 10 males. 5 females; II deaths, 5 males, 8 females ; 11 marriages. The game of base ball between the rnarried and single men of our village ort Tuesday evening 19,st was a very Straw Hats for Hot We ther almonwri.....snewswoms......W.Ornoomoaces RAVENWOOD SHAPE, good full roll, in light straw • NARROW RIM, full crown, heavy weave, fancy band for ... • • • ... • .... ......5oc and 750. THREE PL RIM, black band, full shape, good value 50c BOVS' STRAW HATS, in plain and fancy bands, 25c. Men's Regatta Shirts th Chenks and Stripes at • ..50c, 75c, and $1.00. NOWeSt in Collars Ties and Socks '.POPPLESTONEt:GARDINR cieeriee a Specialty-. Post Mee Biotic, PL] TMES. .RLINO. Big Clearing Sale at FOR SUMMER GOODS reamperaprovimmenalmuswoleameao Agampoommiremmeauraeome Exotortficilsall,DaSIM raMMOW./11.1aMen..1...34,1=1.31 A BIG DIVE IN MUSLINS 0 Muslins that •WeFeT2c 15c and 20c to:clear at aumummgroriseemalmamomm5c. os 1 acisaugermo, Lmiii On account of the backwardness of the season we find ourselves overloaded with a number of lines of goods, and in order to turn our Surplus Stocks into . Cash quickly, we eave cut the Prices of new up.to-date goods rightand left. You. can get the following and many other bargains at any of our stores. Mrs. Burridge and family,Mrs. Alex. Wanless, Mrs. W. W. Vincent and daughter.. Marguerite, of London, are staying at their cottages at Grand Bend. Lorne Cann and. Russell Southcott, accompanied by Jes. Creech, j a re- turned toDetroiton Monday alter a holiday of two weeks spent under the parental roof. Messrs. W. J. Brooks and George Eacrett leave on Monday for a trip to the Old Country where they will re- main for about five weeks visiting the different points of interest, The annual Manning picnic to Grand Bend was indulged. in on Wednesday. Several new friends being added to the list to replace those who from time to time have moved away. e F Yon should remember when order - ng pastry flour to ask for "Harvey's Princess" brand, it is thebest and by far the most economical pastry flour on the market. Vor sale at the mill, ' Saturday, July 12th, being the anni- versary of the Battle of the Boyne, all members of L. 0. L. 924 are requested to attend in a body at Goderich. special meeting is called for in the hall at 6.30 a. m, Q)[ min Worth of Dry Goods, Grooeries, WI, M ,UUU illinery, Clothing, etc, etc. TO Et E " SACIRIPIC/Bla. 10/4 White Flannelette Blankets, regular price85c per pair for 60c 20 pcs wide width, fast 3olored Prints, regular 124-0 25,001 30 lbs Redpath's best Coffee Sugar for 1,,06 25 lbs R.eelpath's best granulated Sugar. forLog 5 cans best corn for25c line for.. • .. • . • • • • .8e 2 cans best Salmon for. 25c colored Indigo dye German Prints, in spots, stripes and fig,ures,the regular 17c kind. 12ic i5.pc American Pongee, wide width and fast colors, reg 200 line for • • • • 40 Men's rain. proof Coats, sewed seams and perfectly vulcanized. This coat is ordinarily sold, at $4.25, special price... 2,75 Five doz'Ladies' heavy weight, fast black, Cotton Hose, reg 200 kind for. 15c • Five doz Ladies' Patent Leather Belts with harness buckle, reg 25c kind for 15c 17nos wide gidth fast Miss Walrond of our Public School staff, accompanied. by her neice, Ger- aldine B. Atkinson, left this morning for Owen Sound, where she intends spending several weeks with her sister and other relatives. Main et. Methodist church services on Sunday, July 13th at 11 a. ea., sub- ject,"Vessels of Honor and Dishonor." p. m., "Immortality of the Soul," or conscious existence after death. Pas- tor Rev. R. Milyard at both seryices. Rev. Ohas. Smith, late of Meaford, and formerly pastor of Main at. Meth- odist church, Exeter, has, since Tor- onto Conference closed . its sessions, been assigned with his own consent from Don Mille to the pastorate of Markham. Saturday and Sunday last were scorching days and the man who didn't like ;lune weather was getting a little more than he hoped. for aad a little more of the effect of the heat was seen in the churches, .small congregations being present. te A Kingston young man has won the hand of a rich evidew by his pro- ficieny in banjo playing. 'What hopes this holds out to the unmarried men of Exeter band. They need not re- main poor if they have enterprise enough to try experiments on rich widows Rev. I. W. Holmes, of London,prior to his departure for St. Thomas, was made the recipient of a puree contain- ing $100 in gold, by the members of the Askin st. Methodist church. Mrs, Holmes was also presented. with a valuable pudding dish. Accompany- ing the gift to Mr. Holmes was an ad- dress, couched in appreciative terms. Omitted last week from Exeter sbhool report. Bogen 5.—From Sr. III to Jr. IV, passed with honors, Charlie Long, Willie Bissett, Howard Powell, John Trott. The others will find it encouraging to know that the one who passed lowest made 60%. H. E. WAL- EOND. Mr. Peter Munn, of the 2nd con- cession, of Hayhad the 'misfortune last week to get his leg painfellyibruis- ed, although no bones were broken, by one a his horses falling on hira; bruising his leg so that it is with great. difficulty he has been able to walk about since then. He is now improv- ing nicely. Sidney Snell, who moved to town from Ifeborne last fall, has moved his family and household effects to Lon- don township, where he has purchased two-handred acre teem. 'qr. Snell intends going into raising cattle ex- tensively on his new premises, conse- quently will not crop any of the land, Mr. B, S. O'Neil, of O'Neil's Bank, Who left some weeks ago for a trip to Franscisco, Den-yer, and other points west retureed home on Mon- day mornitig, haying shortened his visit after reaching Winnipeg, on hie return trip, being eueinioned home owing to the illness of Mr. Jos. Davis, his assistant in the Bank. Mr, Robert Sanford, who was taken from a Well efter an in tomb- ment a 100 hours, and who Was rescu- ed after great care and labor, is, at letest reports, not doing very favorablye 2i large abSceSs eon the bead .1111111111:11 Millinery Our entire, stock of trimmed and untrimmed millinery to be sold re- gardless of cost. 1111111111=1000/11101111111111 I Tea Bargains In order to introduce our new line of Royal L$ Teas, we will sell 4 lbs of the regular, 35c kind for 1 black, green or mixed. 5 doz Ladies' Black Mer- cerized Sateen Skirts, with full frill, very fancy, regular price $1.50, for • • . . • • . . • Loo 100 yards Cashmerette, warranted fast colors, reg •price 15c the yd for, ....121-c 25 Men's regular $5.00 tweed suits for. • • • • . . ..335 '350 yards, wide width, new design Wrapperette,all colors, beautiful new goods, worth far more money, per yd • • • .... • • • I a c 3 lbs nice Sweet Biscuit for. • • • • • • • • • • • 15c 6 lbs BestTapioca fcr 25c 1.1111NIMMI Ox blood and other colored Linens for children's suits and ladies' Wear. White goods in Organdies, Dimities, Persian Lawns Sza: Linen Batistie, double width, 48 inwide, only 39e., For Whitewear and Fashionable Waists ladies will find the selection very deisirable, while the garments themselves are admitted to be extremely comfortably. Call at once and get the pick as they will go fast now as the days are hot. Highest Prices or Pr tice. Just opened up 1500 yards Mill End Remnants of Flannelettes, these run, from -10 to 20 yards in length.. We are selling them at about Haf regular prices. They will go quick. We want a large quantity *of Butter and Eggs and will pay Highest Prices for same. The R. Pickard Co Direct Importers rlin and a smaller one on the left arm, A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT.—We no - with an alarming rise in his temper.' tice with pleasure that Mr. John ature, have caused uneasiness as to Morrison, of Chiselhuret, who has the, outlook for recovery, although] been studying with Dr. Amos during the physicians express every confil the holiday term has passed his final dence. examination at Trinity Medical Col- ge, Toronto, taking honors. A good. way to head off the mail or- der houses—and especially now, as the. buying season is nearing and they ar sending out tons of advertising matt —is to make use of .thesadvertisi columns of the local paper. Let t people know that you have what bhy are ordering irom abroad and ju9ts cheap, and mar Will buy from you as certainly this is the more satisfacl2iry way, because if all matters, are not right their dealings are with respon- sible parties (who will make them so. There is no more effective way of checking the tendency of sending away for goods than plenty of attractive ad- vertising in the home paper. The mail order house builds up a trade by constant and persistent advertising and our merchants can do the same. Recently, Rev. James Livingstone, of Windsor, received a telephone call asking him on no account to leave the house as a couple were on their way to the parsonage, who wished to be married immediately. In a short time "couples': began arriving at the par- sonage ne sea, number that it looked as thoagh Rev, Livingstone would have to postpone his departure from Windsor indefinitely if he were to wed all before he left. It further look- ed as though "couples" were prepared to set up housekeeking on the spot, for they carried with thein a full set of china. Mr. Livingstone was pre- sented with a purse of gold and his wife with a china set. The Rev. M. Livingstone has been in Windsor since July lat., 1898, and in that, thee he has married at the parsonage 1,098 couples, In addition to these he has tied many a nuptial knot in the homes of mem- tiers of his congregation. HOUSEICEEPEE WANTED.— Js. goal, reliable an trustworthy housekeeper, with references. Liberal Vertges will be given. Apply perseuely at lot 15, eon. 1, 'Ray, or by letter, Hensell post office. John Pateteon, farmer. r eeeseeeese eekeeeee. see, eleseeseee KING MEM = ; - .7V•truv. .02,4,2W/4.'1.744M 4 Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting some of our handsome furniture, Do you want -A nice bedroom sett for. $10.00 ...... ...........8 00 Nice Cool Sweet mattresses' 3.00 Bed springs • 2.00 Couches and 'easy chairs ..at easy prices, Curtain poles and Trimmings. We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL OHAIRS, jus Me Us A Call, and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. RElilOVED.—Miss Mira hereby in- forms her patrons that she has reraWe ed to the moms over Mr. Gladmaisri law office, (formerly occupied by I3 -r-4../ Anderson) where she is prepared to 8-6 all kinds of dressmaking. Hemstitch: ing and fine work a specialty. There es. C. HIA ton Furniture and Undertaking ROOMS GIDLEY'S BLOCK, EXETER. son, Martin, Sewers, Harailton and Spend your Holidays at the McLean. These conveners were ap- pointed a committee to consider the hells ce 11010 proposed "Aids to Family Worship," prepared by the Gen. Assembly's com- mittee, and also to report on the bold- ing of a Conference Presbytery. The meeting nOct. eletiongad4. adjourned to meet in Bruce- fiHAItOLD H. DEFEATED AT W/ND- SCR.— The defeat of Harold H. at Windsor yesterday -is certainly a dis- appointment inasmuch as it had been confidently expected, at least on this side of the line, that the Canadiau pacer would go under the wire in the lead. Dan'Patch was recognized as the undisputed champion of his class last season, not losing a race from spring to fall. Pat and the Can- adian met but once daring the cam- paign, at Memphis during the final meeting of the year, but Harold H. wee not in shape to do himself justice — that day, and the Indiana pacer had an easy job to leave him in the rear. IBAIRGAINS IN shies harness horse. For all his defeat by Dan Patch, Harold. is a first F Before his race with Patch last year I I be worked two heats in 2,04 and 2.04 over the Lexington track, and he did this without hobbles, which he always which he racingfi and took his mark of 2.04 over the Terre You will nd here at al wears whep. , in , Haute "four cornered" track a, couple of weeks previous to the Lexington performance. That be could work to his record withont the trape shows that, they are of little real use to some pacers, their Only value being that if the horse does get a little tired or pac- es oyer himself a trifle, he finds them there when he reaches for them, with the result that heedigs into th, and goes e Bautiolfl, Ontario, -eThis hotel was lately purchased by the undersigned and has been fitted up with every modern convenience of a Summer Resort Hptel. Ice Clream parlors in connection. . Good Accommodation for the Travelling Public. Bayfield is situated at the mouth of the Bayfield River on Lake Huron. Excellent Fishing, Boating and Bath- ing, etc. The beach is like pavement, making bathing safe for the smallest child. For rates and. fruther particu- lars write or apply to MRS. L. MURRA.Y, Bayfield, Ont. Canada. times the greatest bargains i furniture. The lowest pric and best efforts to please. Undertaking a Specialty. e R.., is opening for one or more apprenticee, leathers," as the saying is NEW PASTOR.— Rev. Dr, Humors forward to victory or defeat on kis who was the unersious choice Of the own gait, whereas if the hobbles had been removed previous to the starb he official board of the Jam.es-st, Metho- would have macle a break and likely dist church and whose wishes were responded to, began his duties as pas. have been distanced. tor on Sunday last. The day was ex ceedingly hot, yet large congregations greeted the new pastor at both ser- vices In the morning he chose as his text. "Honour all Men, Love the Brotherhood, Fear God, Honour the King': 1 Peter, 2 ; 17, The Rev, gentle- man is an eloquent forcible speaker, and his discourse was an excellent one, and listened to with profit throughout. His chief points were : Man's foretold relationship—His re- lation to God, to his fellow man, to the church of Christ and to the Sover- ign and constitution under which he lives. in the evening his discourse was from the words found in Hebrews II ; 81. Pansmrszav or HURON.—Tho Pres. bytery of Huron met in Clinton on the 8th inst. The Rev, Mr. Sewers was appointed Moderator for the next year. Mr, Braude, Principal of the Point Aux Tremble Mission School was introduced to the Presbytery and gave an excellent address on the work and needs of his school, A vote of thanks was passed to Ur. ,Braude and his work commended to the hearty support of congregations, The Pres- bytery decided to hereafter hold five regular meetings instead of four, Standing cannuttees were struck for the ensuing year with the following convetters,Niessrs. Henderson, David - FOR. OVIIIVSIXTY LARS AN OLD AND WELL-TETED REMEDY.—Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fl..0.1,7 years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, ial pba...t°tclii7.1serPAbdinitin,ennt P'sh thgeuigitatT Cor Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. ale by druggists in every part of the world. 28 asurO rl3orl4ikeitslig is inoalculable. Be Winsow's Soothing syrup mevalue nd ask for no other kind. c0000064,0800.0000.490003640 a 1F NOTHING TURNS UP c al TURN SOMETHING UP: 8 A Oottres of training in the • STRATFORDt ONT 0 0ontsbles yoting nien end womb to se- g • Sure employment at good 'wages im• - • modiately on leaving cOlioge, This, is a 0the sshoel that cninyp the reputatien of 0 N. doing the best work m business educe, (S. 5 tion, The graduates de the School aro 0 0 In dlirong demand as teaoliets In inisineSS GO colleges in Camila all it the United Stat. es. This is the school tat you ani yoUr• oel W. J. Uttar0:11:iTuc,ipm 0 friends. Write for cateloeso. ioasimiti4.00*.ea.o.464466.• N. ROW id he P POSE t you? To accept some Other Bran of Flour when you asked for EXETE STAB Feoua, if so, beware of such groces. There is no SUBSTITUT for Exeter Stat. Flour. Inferior brands mean indigestable bread, which being on dyspepsia 411(1. like. trouble. Make the grocer understand that you wan lexeter Star Flour, • It contains the finest o Wheat. all the superfluous starch an other detrimental elements are elimi ated. Always ask for Exeter Sta Flour rnd be sure you get ib. For sa by the leading grocers and et the mil Highest, market price paid for whe and coarse grain. 1-119,RVE,przo