Exeter Times, 1902-7-10, Page 5•
"Praise the sea but
keep on land."
Admirc window
shoes — that's what
they were made fOr.
But keep on wear-
ing the shoe you knoE
to be as good7i-i: it
I •
looks." --$3,50, $5.00.
"The Slater Shoe"
s‘tOddyier ifireted:It
E. J, SPACKMAN. General Agent;
The attention of live stock expor-
ters, breeders and the press, is called
to the case of H. F. Page, of Mission
City, B. C., who was compelled t� pay
$1000 duty on t'en Percheron homes
exported to the United States through
the port of Sumas, Washington, in
October, 1901. These horses were all
accompanied by, the Koper registra-
tion paper of the American Percheron
-Horse Breeders Association, as reqedr-
ed by the laws of the 17. S. The cons
tention of Collector Huestis was that,
inasmuch as the-aninaals were import-
ed to be offered for sale they were
subject to the duty. Mr. Page appeal-
ed the case, and the testimony was
heard by Judge DeVries, of the Board
of Appraisers. whose headquarters
are in New York. This hoardhave
the case under consideration, and will
render their decision some time in
The action of Collector Huestis has
been rather severely.criticised bys•The
Ranch" a well known Agricultural
paper of Seattle, Wash.. to which
journal he contributes the following
defence of his action: "H. F. Page,
the importer you mention is an alien
stock breeder residing in British
Columbia. On October 18th., 1901, he
imported at Sumas four stallions and.
six mares, making entry for same as
pure bred stock, and claiming that
they were entitled to free entry under
the provision of article No, 475 of the
existing tariff, which provided that
any animal, pure hred of a recognized
breed, duly registered and certified as
required by the regulations of the
Hon. Secretary of the Treasury, shall
be admitted free when imported
specially for breeding purposes. Ped -
gree certificates were presented with
the entry but as the animals were evi-
dently imported for sale, the importer
was required to deposit the amount of
duty that would accrue in case the
animals were found not to be entitled
to free entry, and was given an op-
portunity to produce satisfactory evi-
dence that they were intended spec-
ially for breeding purposes, which
said evidence was la eking, on entry.
Milan tbe deputy collector at Sumas
nor this office questioned the genuine-
ness of the registration papers as inti-
mated in your editorial, and Mr. Page
well knows that was not the reason
that he was required to deposit the
duty. (note:— Jr.aPage says "lie
never was so informed"). It was
purely a question of evidence* on the
point of the purpose for which the
animals were imported. As you are
aware. Percherons are valuable for
draft horses, and when imported for
that purpose are subject to duty, and
a proper enforcement of the tariff, as
well as regard for the protection ot
American stock raisers alike demand
a full investigation ot the facts.
It therefore appears that the whole
matter depends on the official inter-
pretation of the clause "when im-
ported for breeding purposes." Ac-
cording to Judge De -Vries the question
has never before been raised, al-
though it Is a well known fact that
large nunibers of pure brel cattle
have been sent to the United States
by Canadian breeders for sale at pub-
lic auction and always as far as I
have known, free of duty.' If the con-
tention of collector Huestis is sustain-
ed, the decision will generally be re-
garded as an injustice, and contrary
to the Spirit of the law. It; will cause
a complete cessation of the trade in
_pure bred stock between this country
and the 'United States; in fact it has
already had that result, as far as the
trade between British Columbia and
Washington Territory is concerned.
This is a matter of vital importance,
not only to the Canadian breeders,
who have stock for sale, but to the
Americans, who have need of such
stock for the improvement of their
studs, herds and flocks. Immediate
action should be taken hy our Live
Stock Associations, and a strong pro-
test entered against such unfair rul-
ing. As the 'Ranch" rey perthient
ly says "It is well k noen thee many
firms make a business of impnrting
from Canada and from the Old World
pure bred stock of all kinds ; and that
such stock is permitted to pass in free
•provided it is accompanied by the
proper certificates of registration.
The Government does not follovv such
din Ancient Foe
To 'health and happiness is Scrofula—
as ugly as ever since time immemorial.
It causes bunches in the neck, dis-
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
eiseinbrane, wastes the muscles, weak -
MB the bones, reduces the poaver of
resistatice to dieease end the capacity
for recovery, and develops into con-
"Two of my cbildren had scrofula sores
watch kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to School for three months.
Ointments and =Mettles did no good until
1 began giving them Hood's SarSaparilla.
This medicine caused the wires to heal, encl
the children have shown no signs Of scrof-
ula since." j. W. MattaX, Weculateck, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Will rid you of it, radically and per-
ansutently, RS it has rid thousands.
'I 3
stock after it leaves the (=tore aflee,
and the inverter is•free to dispose of
this stook to any one he likes and at
whatever price he can get, If celiac
tor i -
IluestiS is upheld n this conten-
tion that pure bred stock must be im-
ported. for breeding purposes' only,
and cannot be sold or worked, it will
paralyze the whole business of import-
ing Insee and injure the trade in
'other lines. •We think that the var-
ious Breeders' associations should act
ors this case, in order to bring proper-
ly before the board of appratsers the
wide spread injury an adverse decision
in the Page case would have on the
whole breeding industry."
You will be surprised in trying Ca-
tarrhezone to find how quickly it cur-
es cold in the head, The agreeable,
penetrating vapor traverses every air
cell and passage of the nose, throat
and lungs. In one breath it carries
instant death to the millions of germs
infesting the respiratory organs and
breaks up a cold in ten tninutes.
A trial will cqnvince you that Ca-
tarrhozone is the most potent, satis-
factory, and. pleasant cure for Colds,
Catarrh, Deafness, Bronchitis, Asth-
ma and Lung Trouble. Complete out-
fit, $1.00 j small size 25c, Druggists
or N. 0. Poison 0o., Kingston, Oct.
Efamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Bit-
•••• •••••••••••••
Coolest June in Years,
Mean Temperature Far Below Tbe
The mean temperature of the month
of June was 60.3 degrees. In fact, ac-
cording to the Directory of the Met-
orological Observatory, and a great
many people, it was superlatively
mean. It was as eegrees colder than
the average for sixty-two years. The
present season is compared by some
with the summer of 1860, when it was
cold in July and August. July of that
year was the coolest on record, the
average temperature being 63.9 de-
grees. The coolest June was in 1842,
when the mean temperature was 56.4,
July's average in that year was 64.7
and that of August 68.9.
The mean temperature during other
cool Junes since then were as follows:
June, 1843 58.9
June, 1844 60.4
June, 1857 . 56.9
June, 1859 . 58.3
June, 1866 60.2
June, 1869 58.4
June, 1881 . . 59.6
June, 1889 59.7
June, no. 65.1
Last Tear was 2.5 degrees higher
than the average, or abqut five de-
grees warmer than the month just
The year 1816 was known as "the
year withoot as summer." There was
frost every month of the year in the
Northern States, and the unprecedent-
ed coolness almost ruined all varieties
of crops.
Wr6t611ed llot Weather
Paine's Celery
Should Be Used in Julu and
The extraordinary variable spring
and early summer weather of the pre-
sent year has been the cause of a vast
amount of sickness in every part of
our country. Strong men and women
have been victims ; the weak, run-
down and sickly have suffered intense-
ly, and many families now mourn the
loss of near and dear ones. *
The nervous, weak, rundown and
debilitated should now devote their
best energies and attention to health -
building, so as to enable them to
withstand - t he enervating effects of
the approaching hot weather.
The use of Paine's Celery Compound
will soon bring a. return of trete
physical strength ; the nerves will be
fed and braced ; the blood' will be
made puler and richer: digestion will
be corrected and sweet, refreshing
sleep will take the place of insomnia
and irritability.
Paine's Celery Compound is doing a
marvellous work for the sick and
suffering at this time. It is the only
preparation that posseses value and
virtue for recruiting the strength and
spent energies of weakly and sick
people hi slimmer time. The trim! of
one leittle will give you happy results.,
On Saturday last the third annual
re -union of the Huron Old Boys' Asso-
ciation met in Seafiarth. The day was
all that conld be desired and several
thousand "Old BON'S" and their friends
assembled in that pretty town to do
honer to the occasion. A pleasant
feature of the morning was the presen-
tation of a handsome banner to the
Huron Old'Boys' Association of Toron-
to, as a souvenir of their 'visit to Sea -
forth. In the afternoon upwards a
ten thousand people attended at the
recreation ;grounds to witness a foot-
ball match between Seaforth and
BrusselsstYliiiih ‘TeSulte,ti a victory
for Seefertle. Relay /ewes betweeta
pnblic selanols of the conelry were
held, also a Ing-ofevar between nine
townships. A hotly contested feline
Of, laeroese was paired bel vireen a. pick-
ed nine from Clinton and Mitchell
against Seafoilli, pestle in in a vietrew
for the hittee. Phe 48th Highlander's
• band of Tor enitir, wive n very• educ-
able Concert in the evening essieled
by. the 83rd regiment band and wits
rioted es One of the best vobeerts of
tlie kiud ever given in thia part of the
province. Several' frein Exeter' went
aver to Seeforth to spend the day and
report a pleasant time.
Laxative Er nee4Sutnine Tatsot_s mini a old
et ale ay. tre, "34 ex, rat* 21 lit
Had Nine Hours' Natural Sleep,
and Progress Continues,
I • •
Majesty's, Wound Is Lima Painful -
Edward VIL Will itte crowned Lii‘rlY
in August--rr9liebility That Fresh
eleeeelejeleeetIneent Will lie Sent-
!, irOur :mowers Itemain-Ultehener's
Conaternatlkitt on Uearing the News.
London, July 8.—At 10 o'clock
yesterday morning the following bul-
letin on ICing Edward's condition
was posted at Buckinghena Palace:
"The King had nine hours' natural
sleep, and his progress continues to
be eininterrupted. The wound is dis-;
cearging freely, and is less painful to
dress. (Signed). Troves, Laking, Bar-
Coronation in .4 uzust.
King Edward will be crOwned be-
tween Aug, 11 aud Aug. 15. His re-
covery has been so rapid and satis-
factory that the above decision was
arrived at yesterday. No official an-
nouncerneut oi the fact has yet been
made, however. The pageant through
the streets and the ceremony at
Westminster -Abbey will be much cur-
tailed frona, the original plan, Their
Majesties will drive from Bucking-
ham Palace to the Abbey through
the Mall to 'Whitehall, and thence to
the Abbey, the same route as taken
at the opening of Parliament.
Verblil Night neeere
King Edward passed a favorable
day, and the verbal report given out
last night was that His Majesty is
still doing well. •
The use by the Prince of Wales of
the word "recovery" when he refer-
red to the King's progress at the in-
auguration of the Raphael Nurses
home of Guys Hospital yesterday af-
ternoon is regarded in many quarters
as indicating that the royal family
considers the King's case most hope-
1res:1 nranariou Peret.:
No intimation has yet reached the
Canadian Ministers regarding the
coronation, but it is expected to oc-
cur berore the close of August or
early in September, in which case Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Fieldiug and
others would be there. It is hoped
also that a fresh contingent el Cana-
dian troops may come over. Sir
Frederick Borden is spending a few
days in the country. It is intended
to decorate the Canadian arch fdr
Kitchener's return with a new flag
To Issue Special Message.
The King has been greatly moved
by the popular expression of sympa-
thy for him in his illness, and in-
tends to express his feelings in a
special message of thanksgiving to
the world, to take the place of that
prepared for cabling to the empire
on Coronation Day.
It is stated the Ring desires to de-
lay Kitchener's arrival in England
until he can personally receive him.
Relic of Medieval Custom.
It is surprising to many that no
mention is made of the Ring's ill-
ness in the court circular. This is
a relic of the medieval custom of
keeping from the public, for political
reasons, auy knowledge of the King's
itch.ner Struck W ith Consternation.
Las Palmas, July 8.—Gen. Kitch-
ener and Gen. French arrived here
last night on their way home, and
were struck with consternation on
hearing of the Ring's illness and the
postponement of the coronation.
General Lord liftehener's Praise of Our
Pretoria, July 7. ---Lord Kitchener's
valedictory to the troops, dated
June 25, after extolling the conduct
of the British soldiers in the face of
great hardships and difficulties and
against dengerous and elusive antag-
onists, =emends the kindiy and he --
Inane spirit displayed in till ranks,
and concludes as follows: "This mes-
sage would be incomplete were no re-
ference made to the soldier's, qual-
ities displayed throughout the cam-,
paign by otir quondam enemies and
the admirable spirit displayed in
carrying out the surrender. Many
of those who have contended until
the end have expressed the hope that
they may have, in thefuture, an op-
portunity to serve side by side with
His 'Majesty's forces."
Cult A.ceidemt Under the catiatiian Arch
- 11 is Head Badly Lacerated.
London, July S.—The Colonial See -
rotary Joseph Chamberlain, was
somewhat cut on the•head yesterday,
as the result of a cab aceident in
i token -
Nis hitneone was passing through
the Canadian arch when the horse
slipped, mid Mr. Chamberlain was
preelpitated Sorweid with great vio-
levee. Ills head etruele and shatter-
ed tits: glass front of the cab. When,
extrteated, it was seen that his head
was badly lacerated and bleeding pro-
fusely'. A polieeMan eielpee3. the Sec-
rettay into a cab, and- accompanied
bim to 'Gil -thing CrosS Hospital,
wbere.his injuries were dressed.
While Mr, Chamberlain's • wounds
bled a great deal, they were not ser-
ious, x
NoVenthelesa, Mr. Chamberlain was
eagesstiesigess,lasiured lo „mecum:Mete kig
Genuine Castoria itivraya beets the SIssiattise,
ei Chas. th Pletcher,
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castello.
*When she was a Child, she cried for castoris.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castera,
Whett she had ehildreashe gave them. easteria.
• These are the enervating days,
when, as somebody' has said, uten
drop by the sunstroke as if the Day of
Fire had dawned. They are fraught
with danger to people *hose syssiterns
are poorly sustained; and this leads
us to say, in the interests of the less
robust of our readers, that the fall
effect of Hood's Sarsaparilla is such as
to suggest the propriety of calling
this medicine something besides a
blood purifier and tonic,—say, a mining diet. It makes it much easier
to bear the heat, assures refreshing
sleep, and Will without any doubt
avert much sickness at this time of
the year.
selernrirsto strife in5sPititts also' ne was
carried on a stretcher from the room
where his wounds were :dressed.
It is ofercially announced that he is
suffering from a scalp wound, which
is of a severe, hut net dangerous
character, roidering adeisablo his
detention for the night. The gash
oe hie forehead reeuirod a number of
stitches. 'The conference of the Col-
onial Premiers who were to have
met to discuss Imperial topics, he's
been postponed owing to the acci-
dent. Mr. • Chamberlain is resting
qiiietly, but the doctors are tioi
sure he can be moved, to -day.
Mrs. Chamberlain' remained at the
hospital until a late hour.
Tee following bulletin was hewed
this afeerecion from Charing Cress
Respite': "Ur. Chamberlain is suit:w-
ing from a scalp wound on the fore-
head. He is now free from pain and
feelieg comfortable. There is no con-
Mr. Chamberlain's injuries, al-
though not dangerous, are likely to
detain him in the house for the re-
mainder of the week. He hes alrea-
dy cancelled his engagements until
next Thursday, and it is est emely
doubtful if he will be permitted to at-
tend the Coronation banquet, to be
held in the Guildhall Friday, or the
reception to Lord Kitchener Satur-
clay on bis return 'from South Africa,
The Colonial Secretary has a nasty
creseent shaped cut across the fore-
head; three inches long, mid pene-
trating to the bone. Pieces of brok-
en glass were embedded in the wound.
There was no concussion, but the
bone is bruised. Mr. Chamberlain al-
-- •• eeeinea, relahter cut under i.he
right, eye. -Ur. Chtunberlain treats
the matter of his accident lightly.
Ring Edward and Queen Alexandra
and the Prince and Princess of Wales
have sent messages of inquie7 to
Charing Cross Hospital.
Standing Brick Walls in Whitby Felt.
. Dennolishit;g Buildings.
Whitby, July S.—A miraculous es-
cape from 'death was recorded here
yesterday afternoon, and from three
to five people in this town congratu-
lated themselves last night that they
are alive and unharmed.
For several months the brick walls
of the old Gross Building on the main
street of the town have been stand-
ing as a reminder of the last serious
town fire, and to the majority of peo-
ple a daily menace to the lives of
many passing, and particularly to the
occupants of two adjoining buildings,
occupied by Arthur Gilpin, as a jew-
elry shop, and James Worfolk, as a
barber shop and private dwelling.
Yesterday the crash came during the
fearful storm, and the Gilpin store
is crushed to the ground, and the
Worfolk shop end dwelling is prac-
tically a ruin.
Five minutes before the disaster
Mrs. Gilpin and her daughter closed
their shop and went home, and sure-
ly it was an intervention of Provi-
dence that sent Mrs. James Worfolk
from her room upstairs to let her
husband in at the hack door, Just
as he got in the room 'in which she
had been .sitting was filled with fall-
ing bricks, the roof and other debris.
That part of her house is a dense
ruin. Fortunately the barber shop
was empty, Monday being a half hol-
iday in the local barber shops. The
frame buildings are wrecks, and the
conteets totally destroyed.
rn op r Go; ro of Mimeo'''. N. II., Pitched
Shin's Held.
Montreal, July 8. --At 7.00 tam. on
Friday, Julie 6, there- occurred a fat-
al accident on board the transport
Winnifredian, which sailed from Hali-
fax .for South Africa, on May 17
with the Sixth Regiment- of Squad-
rons 0 and I) of the Canadian Mount -
td Hines on board. So writes a cor-
respondent: "At sea, off the South
African coast, under ditto of Juno 7,
one day out of. Cape Town, when the
mail steamer was sighted, six mem-
bers of D Squadron were pitche'd in-
to the hold of the ship. Trooper
Gotro of Moncton, N.D., Was killed
outright, Trooper Hickey of Halifax
was V.ery badly injured andnot ex-
pected to recover; Trooper Harper
had his leg broken; iSergt. L'Hereux
of Quebec was badly beuisede as was
also it fifth man, whoee mane .does
not trans.pire. The accident was
caused by the lurching- Of the ship in
a heavy sea.
CA:NADIA-NS sTaamana.
Interview tho Mayor of Cape Town For
atay...3 -o(.`,1:101fifrii.f.111 .W11'1 *
Does your head ache.? Pain
back. of your eyes.? Bad
taste in your mouth? It's
your liver! • Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure consti-
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
25c. All druggists.
Want your mouotache or beard a beautiful
brown 0V rich black'? Then use
100110• 01'Oku40,0141 on R. O. HAt.t.& Co., 11/61111h,11 H
DR. W. H. DRAHAM, La" fteaSf, Wget,
No. x Clarence -square, corner Spaclina -avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Phnples;Ulcers, Etc.
PRIVATK DisEAsEs as iMpOtency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Diseases of Women—Painful, manse or suppressed aneestleattee,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb.
OFFICE Howts-9'a, m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1 to 3p. m,
--Many Ctsnatibriis
are in Cape Town in a Stranded con-
dition, They interviewed the Mayor
of the place on Saturday clenninding
assiStutiee anci threatenhig to raise a,
disturbance if it was refused. The
Mayor promised them assistance, in
the shape of employment,' until the
arriVal of expected transports to take
them home. • .
e °thee 111n:111,2m 11.-1,a,
Ottawa, July 8.—W. Smith of St.
Catharines, tt nir.e !bur of the :Itsi C.
at,it.. is dead 'of enounionia at New-
castle, Sottth Afi i
1,,,01:0 prows -'t 11 ,I 1,1 rids .
Winnipeg, July 8. --News of it dou-
ble drowning has i °ached here from
Lethbridge of Joseph tied Thonete
Davis, brothers, and Win. Keen), who
were attempting to cross the flooded
Little Bow River in e, small boat,
when it capsized. Kemp immediate-
ly disappeared. The Davis brothers
:held on to the craft until Thomas
Was exhausted and went down. Jo-
seph, with tho boat; drifted to an
island, where he was rescued. Kemp
was married and leaves a wife and
family in Michigan.
7101 h Letza A mputated.
St. Thomas, ,July S.—A yard en-
gine on the L. E. & D..R.11. ran .over
William Arnold, a sectionman, wh,ile
backtng down to the dock at Port
Stanley Sunday night, cutting off one
leg just above the ankle sial th oth-
er just below the bnee. . Ile was
brought, to St. Theis as I rospi tat,
where both legs ea. 0 tIII!JtIt1tl(d.
• Seet!annA,n i raw
ari'. Maxi., Ins 8. — Jaines
Guy, a C.P.R. eectionman. aged 29,
was drowned yesterday while bathing
itt eglarke's Lake. lle was seized
with cramps anti sank hi -fore assist-
ance could be rendered.
Loot a Foot at 90.
Belleville, July 8.—Mr. Wi1liiuu El-
liott of Iltuagerford has just had his
loot amputated at the hospital. and,
in spite of his great age, i10 years, iss
doing well.
I have been -in g Strong's Pilekone
for several ' .4 with results that
warrant me 1 ommending it to my
patients with t. t ty confidence in its
claims. R. FERGUSON, M. D., Coroner,
London, Ont.
Price $1.00. For sale by druggists,
or by znail on receipt of prie.e.
W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing
Chemist, London, Ontario.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quicsiy ascertalr our opinion free whether an
invention is prol ably patentable. Communion,
Gong strictly cc cadential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Old ,.st agency for securing_isatents.
Patents taKen through Munn es Co. recetve
geode/ notice, without cnarge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation a any- scientific Journal. 2.'e1ms, $3 a
rear: four menthe, $1. Sold by all newadealers.
MUNN & Co 381611/adwaY' New York
Branch Office, 6255' St.. Washington, D. a.
Tf1ltEN1UNI 21795
that has shown his ability to sire ex-
treme speed. There is no standard -
bred horse that lives that is Taren-
tum's superior in breeding. There is
no better boned horse with size, style
and substance. Be is a natural born
trotter and can go fast. Tenet=
has produced out of less than ten
colts in his own vicinity. two that has
shown trials in less than 2.10. He has
produced out of common mares, colts
that can show without special train-
ing their ability to go better than 2.40.
For siring -high stepping action for
road and carriage purposes, Taren-
tum is the ideal sire of Canada.
Write for testimonials as to his siring
abilities and Ssabulated pedigree. Will
stand at his own stab 0, Egniondville,
Friday and Saturday, Russeldale,
Monday; Woodham, Tuesday noon;
St. Marys, Tuesday night; Mitchell,
Wednesday sight, •
For S. 8, No. 6, Hay township. Dales to
commence at the end of the present; 'vacation.
Male or female, holding a mooed class cortifi.
bate of qualification. Apply personally with
reeonimendation la the trustees. Jerre HEY,
JOHN DECIIERT, or Jane Brionmuee, Sec -
The undersigned tuts for sale on lot 16, ton.
Hey. a pure bred Shorthorn Durham 13u11.1.5
months old,roon in color and eligible for regis-
tration, got bar stook of extra quality now in
ray- posses, oe.
040 keep a part13o.. Itreme, Homan, Ont.
led Berkshire boar for
Agen for the WESTERN AssultANCE Cepa-
PANT, of Toronto ; also for the Pnaoxix FiRE
NSURANCE CovrAnY, of Londoe, England;
Tvi.ct second hand Upright,
Pianos and one Square Piano
for sale cheap.
New Pianos and Organs
always in stock.
SeWin Md6111lI6S
• Our experience in the Sewing
Machine Business, (12 years) is a
guarantee of our goods. We
carry in stock the best the market
and affords. Needles and Repairs for
all kinds of machines always in
stock, Music in Sheet and Book
VERSITY, MAL u. M. Trinity 'Culver-
ity. Cfltc-Ciedutosi, Ont,
I N‘ .13110NININci M. D. M. C.
. firs di.ti VICIO,jb• MI),
circe ,t roil file u es, • Oen) i loon Laboyg.
tory, Exeter..
Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons
Bank, Etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rtes of interest.
(Successor to Elliott & Glitawan)
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farris and village
properties at Lot t-14 rates of interest
1..'DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.
D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extrac,:ed without 'Pahl or
bad after effents. Office in Fan -
son's blook. West side of Main
treet," Exeter'
D.A. ANDERSOR. W. D. S. I. D.S.,
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with.
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession,
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminura, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthqic used for painless extrac-
I Office one door south of Caaling Bros store
Exeter, Ont.
EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated
on Lot No 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwelling, also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellently adapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiSul sup-
ply of hard and soft water, The property is up
to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap-
ply to Monson & CARLIN° barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0., Penna., I/. S
A., proprietor.
5 Packq of Cards Free.
Ono Pack, "May I. 0. U. Home" One Pak,
"Escort" One pack, "Flirtation One Paz%
"Hold -to lip." One Paek,"Our Sofa Ju
Holds Two. Semple 0121 other styles, with
book full of notions. Send. 50 silver for postage.
Yarmouth, S•I`T.
WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity
must be unquestionable) to take charge of
distribution depot and office to be openedin
• Canada to further business interests of an led
established manufacturing concern. Salary
51150 per month and extra profits, Applicant
must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand-
ing. Address, Supt.AP. 0.Box 1151, Philadel;
phis, Pa.
The farm on Lot 3, con. 1, Hay township, is
for sale or can be rented. For further par-
ticulars apply to A. HOLLAND, Exeter.
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain rnortgage,which
will. be produced at the, time of "sale,
thereswill be offered for sale by Public
Auction by Thos. Cameron, auc-
tioneer, at
FRIDAY, JULY I I th, 1902.
At 2 o'clock r. M.
The following valuable property,
Lot No No 77 and the South half of Lot No, SO in
the village of Centralia, County of Duren (for-
merly pert of the south half of magma lot
number Four in the First concession' of tho
Township of Stephen.) On this property there
is a firseclass Creamery and Butter Factory,
nearly now, with Boiler and Engine, two Sep-
arators; one parturiser and other machinery
and emirates coneected with the said factory.
Also quantity stored Ice. The factory is situ-
ated in an excellent dairying distriet and is a
desirable property.
20 por cent. of the purchase money at, time of
sale and balance within Thirty Soya or ar-
rangements for payment of balance may be
made upon application. For further par-
ticulars and conditions Of Salo apply to.
Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitor,
Datca at Freter, June 23rd, 1002.
Call and See us,
It will Pay You.
S. Martin.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town.
All the latest stfles, in tbe newest
Our prices are low as can be found
for first-class material and workman-
J Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
Dicug tote
Headquarters For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
• Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparations and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
A Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laboratoru•
We have unlimited private funds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowesis
rates of interest.
have a large amount of private funds to
loan on foam and NinOkev I 1 on Rs et w rat
of interest. , W
arrADirAter Ndain St, Exeter,
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and yos
will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OF
GOODS that will bring YOU in MonE Molvey
in one month than anything else in America..
A. W. Krzstry, 16.7.
Yonne -nth, N,
You can save money time and feed by keep -
fug your pigs dry and clean., They will thrive
better and keep hM
ealthy, ake the hog com-
fortable and he will put on fiesb. You can do
so with a very little sixpence by erecting (Pee -
les Patent) The Elevated MoVeable Pigs Bed.
Simple of construction, make it your:selves.
Send $2,00 in registered letter for, farm rigat
certificate and plan ef construction to
Joule Psiarson, Exeter, Ont..
Patentfapplied for.
"Christmas !Sox"
Full of IA onderful Things
el= Portraits of Actressos, 20 Populareorige
G %se Magic Telescope and Pictures, 60 Ami.
ing Exporlre on ts, Love's Puzzle, 20 Rebuses, 30
Funny Cenuudruine, 'Seek of Love. Game e
Lettere, Magic Vk ritiug, 324 Jolly Ickes
Receipt for Moustache Grower,100Money leak-
ing Secrets, Re TM et and Cooking Beeeipee. 255
0.0.4"iripoors romitigorem:40$0144tottu"
Selections for Autogreph Albums' e 10 Model
Love Letters, How to Tell Fortanes,Dietionary
of Dreams, Guido to Flirtation, Magic Age
Table, Lever's Telegraph, end our nosy Cat, or
XMAS Toys, Books tied Notions. all by mail
FR EE,for Sc, Over Vs rayekatege,
re. T..