Exeter Times, 1902-7-10, Page 4The Molsons Bank ,„DILABTEIREO BY PARLIA4ENT,1S55 Aid up Camila - e2,500,000 eserve Eund - 424050,000 lifeact Ofiloe,IVIo etreal. jAME8 ELLIOT, 10se„ OlizeMeez ManAtien Money advanced to good farmers on their 0w/3(4e-with one or more endorser ee 7 per cent. per annum. Exeter Brandi thee every lawful day from 10 a. m. to 3 p. SATURDAYS, 10 a, m. to 1 p. re. errant rates of interest Allowed ox DICKSON 84 CARLING, N. D. XIDEDON, solarium% emANAGER Outer, Deo. 27th, '95 Calendar for July, 1902 SUNDAY 6 13 20 27 MONDAY 7 14 21 28 TUESDAY 1 $ 15 22 29 WEnestEsDAY... 2 9 16 23 30 Tnittnen.A.Y 3 10 17 24 31 „ 4 11 18 25 SATURDAY 5 12 19 26 ta04 THURSDAY, JULY 10TH, 7902 General News. TO MAKE MONEY it is neceesary to have a • clear bright brain. a cool head free from pain • and strong. vigorous nerves. Mtn:mite Heart and Nerve Pills invigorate and brighten the brae, strengthen the nerves, and, remove all • heart, nerve and brain troubles. The engagement is announced of Miss Florence Cameron, daughter of John Cameron, postmaster of London, to Samael Blake, of London Eng„ (son of lion. Edward Blake, M. P. P., Lor Longford) marriage to take place at St. Marys church, johaeinesbrrgeon Wednesday July 9th. For any case of nervousuess, she p lessness, weak stomach, indigestion - dyspepsia, try Oarter's Little Nery, Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price Ex -Mayor Davis, of Windsor, says the excessive rains this spring have injured the corn crop to such an ex- tent that no weather from now on can produce more than half the or- dinary crop. .As last y ear's corn crop in .Essex county was valued at M0,- 000. this will mean a loss of nearly half a million dollars to the county. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantam, Cramps, Collo, diarrhoea. Dysentery, and Stimnier Complaint. Dr, Fowlers Extract of Wliff Su•awberzy is a prompt and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 30 years. At early mass in the Catholic Cathe- dral, Ottawa, Sunday, July 6, Rev. Father R.outiaier delivered a trenchant phillipic against the presence of a Baptist mission on Clarence street. fle said it was an insult to the Cath- olic clergy and French Catholic peo- ple of lower town, 'He saki the Pro- testants would strongli oppose a simi- lar move in upper town on the part of the Catholics. The mission is connect- ed with the First Baptist Church of which Rev. A. A. Cameron is pastor, and is conducted by Rev. Mr. McFall. GOOD HEALTH'S IMPOSSIBLE without regular action of the bowels. =burns Laxa- Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cures constipa- tion, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache and all affections of the organ of digestion. Price 25 cents All druggists. A petition against the return of John 0. Monteith as member of the Legislature for the north riding of Perth was filed this afternoon with the local registrar of the High Court of Justice. The petitioner is John Brown, the defeated canditate, and •M. P. P. for North Perth in the last session, accompanied by the $1,000 deposit. The petitioner prays for a recount and scrutiny of votes polled and that it may be determined that the respondent was not duly elected or returned at the election, and that his election was and is void, and that your petitioner was duly elected and ought to have been returned as elected at said election On and atter July 1, manuscript for newspapers and magazines were sub- ject to a postal rate of 2 cents per four • ounces, or fraction thereof, and 1,cent for every additional two:oz. or fraction thereof. This will mean that the • correspondents will have to put an addition one -cent stamp on their en- velopes, which now have on them only • one cent in postage. If the correspon- •;deuce does not weigh more than one ounce, it may be seated, when paid tor at the new rate. Correspondents are requested to comply with the new • regulations, as their failing to do will mean that this office will have to pay double rate when the correspondence arrives at Exeter. If an account of the extre stamps put on correspon- dence envelopes be sent in with the next request for more supplies, the amount will be forwarded in stamps • or equivalent. TO CURE A COLDIN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets: All druggists reftind tile money if it fails to cure W.Grove's signature 58 021 each box. 25c. Your Hair „ "Two years ago rey hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming mit." • Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mothef had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- • starved hair. if you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark and heavy, $1.00 1 Wife, All entitles. • et your druggist cannot supply you, iiend 118 0210 dollar and we win express you a bottle. Be Sure aniteive the name of year nearest express o ce, Address, J. 0, AYER CO.,Lowell, Maas. 111111011, MINER,Iita f111 no News of interest to Tlines Readers Rappelling In. nese Gentles . • Huron Do not. suffer from sick headache a moment, longerIt is, not necessary. • Oartee's Little Liver Pills will cure Doseeene little pill. Small doso. &Jail price. Small pill. T. Leckie, who has been connected with the Clinton New Era for some years has received an appointment in the railway tnail service, and Claude 14 Fisher succeeds him as assistant editor of the New Era. British 7 op Oil Liniment is without excep- tion the nst effective remedy for Cuts Wounds, Ulcers, Open sores, Rheumatism, Bites,Stings o Insects, eto, .A. large bottle, 25 cents. Get one at your druggists Wednesday evening of last week a very pretty wedding took place at the comfortable. residence of Allen Speir, 4 h line, Eullett, when his daughter, Miss Annie, became the bride of Harry Duncan, of the same line, Rev. John Rose of Frussels, -tying the matt.% modal knot. Some days ago an appeal was made against the return of Hugh Clark, of Kincardine, M. P. P. -elect for Centre Bruce. The time allowed in which to make the necessary deposit of $1,000, however, has elapsed, and the money not being forthcoming, the appeal is now void, so that Major Clark is sa fe . W. H. McCutcheon, of Bibbert, re- cently went to Chicago to have the benefit nf the best surgery in remov- ing an obstruction in the throat, which caused swollen glands. The operation took place but the patient was unable • to survive the shock. Deceased was well known all over Western Ontario, having travelled six years for the Sawyer Massey Company of Hamilton, NERVE WRACKED AND INSOMNIOUS _Everything goes wrong, bead feels heavy and dull, mind is filled with strange forebodings, stomach is out of kilter. You need a good tonic like Ferrozone to bring back your lost ap petite and digestion, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. Ferrozone is a. wonderful invignrant and strength- ener that will banish gloomy depres- sion and .quickly restore you to a healthy, vigorous condition of mind and body. -Nothing is so good for the sick, weary and debilitated as FEB, nozoxn. Price 50e. per box, at, drug- gists, or Poison & Co. Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Can- stipation. Perth St. Marys • Merchants have decided to close their places of business on Wednesday afternoons of each week during July and August. There is no form ot kidney trouble) from a backache down to Bright's disease, that DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS wiLl not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with anykind•of kidney compl aint, use Deans Kidney Pins. J. C. McLennan, B, A., Ph. D., for- merlyiof Stratford, who has been lec- turer n physics at Toronto -University has been raised to the professorship in that department. Mrs. Koenig, of Mitchell, bas fallen heir, through the death of her father in Germany, to $30,000 or more. The lady sails next week to receive the money. We hope she may have a safe and pleasant passage. Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes, Ohio, writes : I have used every remedy for sick headache I could bear of fox. the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liyer Pills did me more good than any other. STILL PILING IT ON. The Huron Expositor (Liberal) of Seaforth, is the author of the follow- ing editorial in regard to the latest imposition inflicted by the Hon, Wm. Mulock, Postmaster General,: and speaks for iteelf. The Post Office Department bas issued a, new scale of postal rates, to come into force on and, after the first of July. This new scale makes an in- ezeasein postage rates on almost all kinds of mail matter except letters. The local neecspaper also comes in for another heavy ,slep. It was thought that when the newspapers were sub- jected to postage they would be given a rest, and would not be subjected to further impositions. But this new rate dispels this hope. The following clause is the one we specially refer to: "On manuscript of books and news- papers, and on those documents of the Dominion and Provincial Govern - remits and of municipal authorities, now subject to the one -cent per two ounce rate, the rate shall be two cents for the first four ounces or a fraction thereof, and one cent for each addi- tional two ounces or fraction thereof. Present rate one sent for each two ounces. That means that all the correspon- dence received by rewspapers from their correspondents will have to bear a dcuble rate of postage. Heretofore this correspondence, if inclosed in an unsealed envelope, was carried at the rate of one cent. Hereafter it will have to pay full postage rate. Thus, in this department of newspaper work the expenses will be doubled. .This rule will not affect city papers, as their news of this nature is received by telegraph and not by mail. We should be sorry to believe that such is the case, but the regulations of the Post Office Department since it came under its present management, seem to be specially designed to hamper and curtail enterprise on the part of local journalism. Tbe postal regulations favor the papers that only cultivate a small constituency and circulate in a limited sphere, while those that aim at extending their field of operations and usefulness are discriminated against in the matter of newspaper postage, and now this new arrangement will place an additional burden upon them arid an added impediment in their work a extereiOn. Why this should be done it is impossible to conjeatare. It is TR 4 EXipi R Ti (VIES ! Sill 011WIN CIP8 and chim, ran down -there are huudreds-lueky if you are not one, And what do you think they want? They want rest and a change, and can't get either. Pity to speak of it I Scott's ,mulsion a cod-liver oil is almost rest in itself fISala FOR FREE SAMPLE 880 TRY Ft`t a"' 8 I;g1 it'efd seco:c"fillgigists."""T9' not the fair and enlighted policy we should look for from a Liberal Govern- ment and a Liberal Postmaster-Oener- al. Jlit, we presume, it must be borne with in the meantime, as'ithere is no authority more oligarchic than that exercised by the Post Office Depart- ment. We are surprised, however, that the protests from the publishers of local papers have not been more common and pronouuced. They seem to be the most contented and long suf- fering of mortals,and many appear dis- posed to kiss the hand that smites him. "IOR 011I0 Men Say That Street Railway Co. Is Violating Agreement. venni Freight nandlers out -Every cago Freight House of 24 Hailroads Has Dean Pramloally Tied Up-Can- num» Northern strikirs Ask For Ar- bitration -The C.N. Firemen Hake a Demand-PlumbersStrike z•etried. Toronto, July 8.-,A good 'deal of friction .is developing between the of- ficials of the Street Railway Com- pany and the members of the union, and it begins to look as if the agree- ment entered. into its a basis for the strike being" declared off is not work- ing to the satisfaction of both par- ties to the contract. A. mass meet - int, of the union is called for two o'clock Sunday afternoon at Rich- mond Had for the purpose. of discus- sing the new phases of the trouble. According to the men the company officials are not living up to • the spieit of the agreement. The union committee slates that tin unusually large number of the men have been sutpended since the strike, and on the strength of such small complaints as would not hare been noticed prior to the men making themselves obnoxi- ous to the company with their union. 'Yesterday, according to this com- mittee, the company suspended eight members of the union, some of whom were told to "ly„ing in your •badge' without any reasan being assigned. vit,:a•..1 1: ir • The men declare that the day fol- lowing the 'settlement of the strike, before the ink was scarcely dr Y on the agecement, whereby the company, acknowledged the right of the men to organize, new men seeking employ- 321ent with the company were asked by the z•oadmaster to sign an agree- ment not to join the tmion, as a condition of securing work. These things were, then called to the attention or the Union. Grievance Committee, and plans made to have the matter discussed at the men's meeting Sunday. General Manager Keating expressed surprise when informed last night that the company's employes were dissatisfied, and were complaining that the company had not lived up to the spirit of the agreement enter- ed into a couple Of •weeks ago. "It is the first I have heard of it," he cold- 7.Ttlib'er th'''Z'rew Buffalo, July 8.-Ju1g,e 'Murphy an- nounced at conclusion of yesterday afterne9a's investigation into little Marion' Murphy's case, that he would issue a warrant against Wee, charg- ing murder in the first degree. NEW POSTAL RATES. The new regulations, in brief, im- pose the following tariff: On all matter other than newspapers, wholly printed, 1 cent for each 2 oz, or fraction theirof.' Maps, prints, plans, sheet music, photos, printed forms, etc., 2 cents for four cc, or fraction thereof, 1 cent ad- ditional for every additional or frac- tion thereof.;,:".i„,'Isi;lc7) w 64- •fr,g,/if"-it,1„q.sl Seed cuttings, bulbs, etc.. (not cut flows,) patterns and samples of mer- chandise, 2 cents for the first 4 oz, or fraction thereof,a,nd one cent addition- al for every additional 2 oz. or fraction thereof. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. • Soft Harness Ton arm make your har- ness as aoft as a glove and as tough ea wire by using EUREKA. Han. n 0 ea 011. You CEA lengthen Ito life-nlak a 15 last twice as long ea It ordinarily Wald. EUREKA Harness 00 Makes8 poor looking- bar. ottsa like new. Made Of pure, heavy bodied oil, es. Validly prepared to With. stand the weather. Fold eve*where In tana-,-aU r'-t.le 131,32111. ell. COMM Rain and Wind Storm in Eastern and Western Ontario, The Trouble te Now Central Over North We'st Territories; Althotigh Xt Arose From the: ki eat it erei-Valuahlo Darn and CoOteute, Worth 8;000, Itarned in Pickering Township-Dorse Killed at alencoo-oonwar, Trains Abiledoitedt Toronto, July 8. --During the past few days thunderstorms WINO been general throughout the province, re- marked It. A. Stupart, director of the. Observatory in Onecu's Psrk, last night. Siuce July 1 the rainfall in Toronto has amounted Lo 1.38 inches, whieh is considera'ily above the average, and there has been more rain in the norther: sections of the province than in Toronto. The present unsettled condition of the .weather will continue for some days, but the storm is now central over the Northwest Territories. The electrical storm. was causecl by the heat and had its origin in this sec- tion. Reports from outside towns show that the storm yesterday was getup - al in eastern and westein Ontario, Yesterday afternoon at Guelph six inches of water covered the C.T.R, tracks for a. distance of 100 yards.. The thunder and lightning was terri- fic. The raja caul° down in torrents and over a wide area wheat and oat fields are flattened. The ensuing damage will be great. Barn II urn ed. Pickering, July 8. -One of the most terrific storms seen in this section for years passed over here yesterday af- ternoon. Rain fell .in torriacts for hours, accompanied with some hail a and strong gales. A number of fruit and other trees were blown down, aied much damage will be done to crops. David E. Hughes' large barn west of the town was struck by lightning and burned to its foundation. A new Massey binder and about four hun- dred bushels of grain were consumed in the barn, The loss will be $2,- 000. • Thomas Knox had a. valuable horse killed by the lightning in the stable below his barn. His son was in the 'stable, but escaped with a severe shock. wa,a,out Near Ppterboro. Toronto, July 8. -The C. P. R. train from the east, duo in Toronto at 7.25 last night, was about shven hours late because of a washout on the line near Peterboro. The train leaving here for the east, however, was able to leave on time, as the damage was repaired before it reach- ed the place.' • Horse Kilted by Ltghtning,. Glencoe, July 8 --During an electri- cal storm which visited this section yesterday afternoon, a. valuable horse belonging to the Woodburn Milling Company was struck by lightning anti instantly killed. The horse was hitched to a post near the mill at the time. ALL TrtAxis's ABA DO NED„ Heault of Washouts -Boy Drowned in Allegheny Diver. • Olean, N.Y., Judy S. -A. heavy i-ain and cloudburst did much damage throughout Allegheny County yes- terday. Many washouts alone. the Rochester division of the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad occurred, and all trains were aban- doned. On the Erie railroad, washouts oc- curred at several points between Sal- amanca and Hornellsville, and at Scio a bridge was carried away. Much stock was killed by lightning. . Paul Falirer, 10 years old, was 'drowned in the Allegheny' River here. While swimming he was overpowered in an eddy that had been created by a sudden rise in ;the river. A com- panion, Claude Varnard, 12 ' years old, made a dive into, 12 or 15 feet of water and recovered the body. SCROLLS DEFEATED BY Mils. United States Sooner Torus the Tahles on the Toronto Sian. Henley-on-Thames, July 8. -In his preliminary heat yesterday with C. S. Titus, of the Union Boat Club, New York, Lou Scholes, of• Toronto, was vanquished, and is out of it for the Diamond .Sculls for 1902. Scholes caught the water first row- ing 37 strokes to the minute and had a distinct lead at the guarter mile. At half the course he 'led by about three-quarters of a length. Time, 4-Via:us here spurted, but Scholes re- sponded and at the three-quarter nine he led by a good length. Titus then gradually gained until the last hundred and fifty yards when he spurted, winning by a length and a half. Time 8.33. The result odcasioaed no littIo dis- appointment among the Ce.nadians present, who had looked to Scholes taking the first heat at least. Over -confidence and perhaps lack of judgment contributed to settle the busineas for Scholes, who also dis- played a slight, nervouseess. Titus, on the other hand, showed -excellent judgment and skill and, won his rece • by scientific sculling. In heat A Beresford in 8.47 de- featod Johnson, and in heat 0 Eth- ering,ton-Smith of the Leanders, tame in ahead of Pre -vel, the Fr: 11)1 representative. Smith, who has bum coached by Tom Sullivan, is regard- ed now as the likely one. His time was 8.43. .••••*k...........••••••••••••••••••w..• Jumped Fronl the Hrldge. mite i* BURDOCK 33LOO1) BITTERS is a parch?' vegetable combination, that in a safe and at urril manner acts directly npOn die Bowels, Liver, Kidneys and Stood, eleensing the entire system of all impuritiee foul humors and all obRtruelions the.: poison the blood and disease. Cr"1114,Q1PiaLT:11:1161b7ltiehj1Ttlitte 'gt(111. 1'18°1 0. lgercer, a barber, who could not be found yesterday, is said to be the man. A car conductor says that Mercer crossed the bridge with him and told bini that he was going to "leap ever the falls," and not to for- get that his name was Kereer. ' DOES YOUR BABY CRY AT NIGHT ? Xf se, it is well to know the value of Poison's Nerviline, a household re- medy for stomach pains, cramp's, toothache, siok headache, and the manifold ills peculiar to children. A few drops of Nerviline in sweetened water makes a pleasant drink and never fails to quickly relieve. Ner- viline is as good as thedoctor in emergencies and costs only 2.5c. a bot- tle. Get Nerviline from your druggist to -day. Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Headache. teosio Freight Handlers Strike. Chicago, July strike of 9,- 000 freight handlers in Chicago was called yesterday,' and every freight house of the 21 railroads Coneernc2i is practically tied up. IlnsineSs men fear that the strike will be the most - serious which has affected their 'in- terests in yealta. • • •tribers .tsk Arbitration. Winnipeg,. July. 8.- Canadian Nor- thern train on the 'Portage., ln•anch was stoned yesterday Morning and, a couple of men WeVe 'IWO:, but not seriously. The company claim$. that they will have evetything moving freely in a few days and that - many of the sec- tionmen have returned. This is strenuously denied .1.)Y the .strikers. A delegation of prominent' labor men and representatives of .• the strikers waited. upon Mayor Arbuth- not yesterday to elicit his support in having the strike terminated. e The Mayor promised to do all in his pow- er to have the strike satisfactorily settled. • . he Yiremen Also, It has been learned from the Vice - President of the 11. 13. R. Employers that the Canadian Northern firemen presented a schedule yesterday morn- ing. and • will give the company 36 hours to accept it. Plumbers' •••triko SettleiL Toronto, July 8. -The strike of the union • plianbers, steam and gas fitters is a- thing of the past, a satisfactory settlement having been arrived . at yesterday. Although the men • did• not get everything, yet they - affected a compromise which they look up- on as a fair settlement. It was final- ly agreed that . the employes be given an increase all round or 2ec an hour. which Will bring the wages' an to Mc aa hour. On Jan. - 1, 1903, [mother advance of 2c. an hour will be giVen, making the wages paid af- ter- that date, 32C an hour. The new agreement will be effective until Dec. 31, 1903. The men return tie woi•lc this morning. . ,,n1 etrikers Arrested. Uarrisburg, PA., July 8.- Sheriff Reiff :MOM out warrants yesterday for the arrest of ten strikers at Wil- liamstown, this county, •for inciting a riot and interfering with his dep- uties in protecting non-union men going to and from "work in the.mines at Lykens and Williamstown. • The Sheriff Says the • situation in •the re- gion is critical. 1:lardpr t:us Ninbient. London. Ont., July 8. -John ,Mac - Ar they. eh urged with the nrar o Gus Ninham, t he 0 ne de In ilian „ WaS again remandid by Squire Laekie yesterday morning. 'He will come up for preliminary hearing on Monday next, July 14, at 10 .o'clock. • The second remand is .due to the noncom- pletion of the inquest, more witness- es having been subpoenaed. The inguest resumed!last evening at 8 o'clock,and after three witnesses Were examined, • it adjourned to Wed- nesday eveniag. Hopelessly Insane, Ottawa, July 8.-Josenh des Chat - lets, the man charged With murder- ing Benjiman Richet, . by throwing him into the North National River at Ripon Will be taken to the asy- lum to -day. He has been ,pronounc- ed hopelessly insane. The Use of Beef In Summer Does Not Favor Digestion or Good Health. Malt Broakfast Is More Nutritious and Ap- petizing and is an aid to Dige6tive Vigor. One 15 cent package makes • twenty-five meals. The use of beef in hot weather is very frequently the cause of indiges- tion and serious stomach derange- , malts, The use of heavy and moll meats at the morning meal is respon- sible for thousands of cases of dys- pepsia. • Adsh of Malt .Breakfast Food will supply more nutrition, energy and streneth for the days work than a pouncl of beefsteak can afford. It keeps the stomach in perfect con- ditioh, prevents constipation, and keeps the blood at normal temper, ature. If you would 'mere a clean brain and full physical vigor, use Malt Breakfast Food every morning, 15 cents a package. All Grocers. - MARRIED SwAlq- Mona/sox -- At the residence of the told debit her on the 2nd inst., by the "tev.W. M. Mar1itt,13. D. Alexander Swan to Abele, second daughter of Mr. Pact, Morison, both of Bibbert. . hat is \\\\\,.•' • ,\\ Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, ItIorphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind.Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulate, the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and. Children, giving healthy and. natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Motlier's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine ft>. chitdren. brothers have repeatedly told me of its goi,d effect upon their children." D. 0 0 Ot0000, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. “CaStoria Is so well adapled to childrean that I recommend it as Superior to any pre- scription known to inc." H. A. ARCHIM, M. D. BrOOklyn, Ar. THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY -WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY nrn z cr. NEW TORR CITY, MS:A3YAZEO.'e31 • `r. ,..;:ammmetw-ta.v.tilti25,amsaioffiS London, Huron and Brucc. Gimlet Nonni- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 A, M. 4.40r. M. Centralia 5,1 5.50 Exeter 2.30 6.0 Hensel' 9.44 8.15 Kippen 9.50 6.25 Brucefield 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6•55 Wingham, arrive. 11.10 8.00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger Wingham, depart 6.63 A.• X. 3.15 P. M. "ntcu 7.47 4.26 Brucaneld 8.05 4.40 Kippen 8.15 4.57 Hansall .22 5 02 Exeter 8.35 5.10 Centralia 8.96 5,25 London. arrive-. 9.37 6.12 SAItherland Inns 1.9M6TED.. ARE PREPARED TO PURCHASE ELM -AND- OTHER TIMBER, EITITER STANDING CR IN THE LOGS, Apply to E, C. Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. Exeter, Jusslitern, 1901. Wheat rer bushel - 70 to 77 Oats - ..41 to 42 Barley...-. -,... -.52 GO 55 Peas... ...... ...... -70 to 75 Butter ..... -15 to 15 Eggs 13 . to 13 Turkeys . ... •4411•0 8 to 8 Geese 6 to 6 Chickens per lb 6 to 5 Ducks .. ....7 to 7 Wool_ . . . 16 to 16 Dried Apples. - - .. - 5 to 6 Pork live weight ,...., - .. 85.65 to 05.65 CIE;lit2,1311POINI Her Hs We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re --- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted. °FlairdH GliOnDiflee Donc Frorti". Fi. SWEMER, {Wei PHI Billie 00114. Buy or Sell a Farm,. Buy or Sell Town4 IF Property, y Li Borrow or Lend% Money, WANT Collections Made, Your Life Insured, TO Go to the Old Cuon- try, by the Allan - Line, ON THE UNDERSIGNED, JOHN SPACKIVIAr- Office over H. Spackman's Hardware - Exeter. sm. Cash paid for Raw Furs. ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES IT PAYS Amemmuts.etticas , , • Canadian If ••••• irmotor .„ Now is a good time to place an order for a Windmill. We handle one of tho Best Makes of Windmills in Ontario. There lyattor time than the present for putting one up. it will save you money. Also WOOD AND IRON PUMPS, TANKS AND TANK FIXTURES Call and see us and and get our prices, etc. Agent for the well known Deerin IA •simg C s Ideal Binders, Ideal Mowers, Deerinu Rake, Etc. These Machines are second to none iu Canada, and if you need. a Binder, • Mower or Rake, call and examine these Machines for yourself. They are Strong and are noted for their Easy Bunning. Thanking ray customers and frkende for past favors, I again solicit your patronage. • oppobtognsmtowriew. W EUSSETT, EXETER.