HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-3, Page 8E.X.E.le.41.
ttly Bargains
July Bargains
Ice Mite Undershirts mule of
SOttois, throe rows tucking and
cep ileUUCO Of skirting embroidery,
Tegular price Z1,M, reduced to 4c,
.tatest thing in Pamela. If you
wanta INIROOOt 4,0f1 4ee what We
(11O Alt yea, One very special line
Wit/ fiknig handle, good elotlit,, war-
ranted to wear and tiPt.
to Oktt. at the
very speetal price et *1.10,
UMW White Shirt Waists In all
latest stylm one Opeoto41 make
retede ot geed qetatity twu, wel tuck-
ed cod insertiou, tXkneWd at41,I354
great; /able,
JUst arrive‘L Moe Rae Organdie
Ellocus, phlkia aod. taracy stripes, tile
latest tok the market, makes Ot, swell
.duesfa. and see them.. Icia will
IROAlit at.9.4k wed Mc
die peas
We have just received another ship -
merit of men's fine dress Colored Shirts
Soft frents, guaranteed fast colors,
up-to-date goods, prices Vic to $1.21
Our stock of metes and boys' Straw
Hats this season are far superior in
quality and value than anything we
have ever shown berm*. See our
leader at fide.
Boys' Summer Wit* Suits made of
goon cheek biome or coat style, a very
nice rainge to Meet from, prices frow
90c to $1,76. Buy your boy one,
We have just received a ease
Flannelette nano% in grey on
white, nite nett finlsh. good weight,
below the )regalar value. 10$ site
clearing at pee
Hew abeut you grocery trade, We think that
-we aro tieing lj/14 tlimit. kind of a 61-reeety Trade, and a
gnat many 00140 sAy that, they save Dimey by buying their
Oreeeries tbe Vasit Store.
For Ilaniage Liconsos$
'14ncialtsang Ektrt41%.*
Wcatc:tatzto Cl%qt.oax
filtinttentcont can, atc
filt, -HICKS
Watt& Renal/ft a Sftelgtv,
The copy tor OA/Ages must be left
uot later
than Tuesday aeon, 04.44a1
advestisements aoceptcd up to OnsOn
WeeteseselabV of. efth Wette '
Tgill7RareAT .TULY 130.1
The 3 one heidea have now eim their
Will Russell, of Forest, is spending
thelholida.ys at, his home here.
Miss Vera Snell of Sarnia, is a guest
-wader the parental roof this week.
e- Absolutely pure and healthy baking
owder. Sold by C. Lutz. Exeter.
Mr., W. Goodison, of Sarnia was
-the guest of the Misses Johns, on Sun-
Miss Ross, of Clinton, was a visitor
-with her friend, Miss Ballard, this
The Misses Ida and Cora Hutchin-
son, of London, are visiting friends in
The Trmes and Farmer's Weekly
Sun, Toronto, for 75c till the end of
Miss Robertson left on Monday for
her home in Goderich to spend her va-
Dix Little Liver Pills are pleasant,
painless and effectual. Sold. by C.
Lutz, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wainsley, of London,
are plaiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Bucking-
ham for a few days.
Mese D. A. Ross was in Clinton lent.
weeks spending a few days With beV
eon Mr. W. Rosa,
MoCetd and Miss Autil%
liderixat, weAse qtacsta at be Wilds=
AteC.Silbefli retaitilbge On $etarda/ae.
Mrs end Mre. Oolhv, of Loodont
.were the guests ot Mrs% Ctel.bfe Inn%
IOW, TIM Mtn Vail, ttas woek,
°Moron Ory for
Mr. W. IbtittlotiOe &AA% ViOlittedi
friends in town tide weak,
Russell Soatheett and Loma Om%
of Detroit, am vieitetee Mete peesette
Mrs. J. G. kettabiltry and MI% Vora
Powell are wkwiting. let Twohltii4 thit
Mr. and Nfre, ChM. INese, and thoir
daughter, Aim Yeo, ktro@nt tboht
Mrs. StelobOtA004 of Couoto.aeo,
visiting her no Mrs,14, d, White,
this week,
Meta E. 1P.. Howe, of Isaonto,
m'isiting her easediet MO; doekellerseses
don road.
David Spicer, offs/not/to/4, la wood-
ing the holida,y with 1111% okth.
tiler. Mrs. Jon lipteer,
id.rs. Horne, atti,tr. Nom, ht
Brantford attending Wetmore' dim
sister, Mrs. JohnResene
J. Aegtewaxt loft last Satorday tor
New Yffik, where ho has gone to act
his brother, wha s
Mrs. Emery and. two little daughters
of Toronto, are atititta witb and
Mrs. T. A. Stewaet foe a few week*:
Dix Kidney Pale are the beet he the
market, and eouble the number for the
same money. Sold by C. Lutz,Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Braund and
child, of Brantford, have been here
during the past week visiting friends.
Mr. Robertson, of the Goderich Sig-
nal, spent Monday with his sister,Miss
Robertson. He gave the TIMES a call.
The Holy Communism will D. V. be
administered in Telvitt Memorial
church on Sunday next at the 11
o'clock service.
Fred Brooks and wife and child, of
St. Thomas visited at Mr. Brooks'
mother, Exeter Neeth, during the
forepart of this week,
Henry Buckingham has about com-
pleted the remodelliqg of his house on
thin street and has 14 the north half
to J. G. Stanbury, wile will move in
The ball garne whiele wee to heve
•been played between the Clinton peel
Exeter teares last Thura,day did egt
eforge off. The Olhatatt borg foe Nine
TOOOOR kiting tit 114 tfi tva awooapaeoe,
141§A, Frlogle opentlieghtv
Vigo at tho hail% ot p.a/ontt bi
Matta, fier fathop who:bao et.oh
NrgY foe oomo tieat wham ee
With hilt Might bow of Peeem-y:
The ideal weathey that Revailed
Ttleenly tame ate a efeeetal oneetike;
Nvoy clawi• he WVIII IR@ Wt
fcliovRaR sel
Iy upon ail, -until
411peoNtpri to a flew@ That see est
banpoe oVenv daY.
Straw Hats for
Hot Weather
RAVENWOOD SHAPE, good full roll, n lig
iht 'straw
forNARROW RIM, full crown, heavy weave, fancy band
for • • • • • ... .. • • • 5oc a.nd 75c• ,
}TREE PLY RIM, black band, full shape, good value soc.
BOYSSTRAW HATS, in plain and fancy bands, 25C.
Men's Regatta Shirts
In Checks and Stripes at..............soc, 75c, and $1.00.
Newest in ColIarsit Ties and Socks
roceries a Specialty. Post Office Block,
Mr. W. Wo Taman is spending the
honelity th130 adth friends in Toronte,
Bfr. and Mnaj,B, Rill of St.Thentee,
visited Me, anti Mrs, 3, iii. Harvey a
few days thie Week.
Miss Canada was thirty-five on
Tilesclay, July let, and she Is not
ashamed of her age. '
Miss Carrie Dyer and Miss Florence
Biesett spent a few days visiting
Mends in Zurich last week.
Miss Jennie Taylor of Detroit, spent
a few days tide weele visiting her
mother, Mrs. Thos. Bissett, sr.
Mrs, 0..11 Fish and daughter Miss
Annie, are visiting friends and rela-
tives in London, this week.
Rev. Dr, Hannon, the new pastor of
Jellies street Methodist charch, will
comtnence Isis duties here on Sabbath
morning, July 6th.
The public sehools closed on Friday
and ZIONV teachers and pupils will be
wondering how they can spend two
months' vacation. School re -opens
Sept. let.
Dr, Ferguson and daughter, cf Pon-
tiac, Mich., are visiting at Mr. and
Mrs. C. Snell& jr, The doctor looks
as though the medical proTession
quite agreed with him.
A careful examination of flour made
at the Exeter Roller Mills will show
that it excels all others in color,
strength and even granulation, and
general baking qualities.
Among the many who were guests
in the villiaue this, week are, Mr.
Crooks of Clinton„ Mr. D. Crittenden
Blyth, Mr. Hilbourn, Brantford„ Mr,
Frank 'Sant of London, Mr. E. Patch
a Brantford.
Rev. 0, W. Brown RA. and ft witty
left thie morel for'Mitettell, his new
fteld of labor. Tha well wisheset tb 0
Imany Mends he made during his pas -
testate beets go with him and his
The %any Mend% ot Ittr, a, r• Ras-
sel extend the.it wilootio. ta. h„inl. in
di& li Wit of his little on a, Ma Mollie,
whO died ft Sooday last. Its mother
beim taken away Moot %OVOID ninths
Advance Coftell, No, a01, R. T.*, of
IN, haye peatponed their plento to
Grand Bend notd Weduesday:-, Jaly
totbs An ibutpleon me. requested to
he eft aet rant meeting, as we be
weal !Ingot** to attend to,—.4,, 1,Y(
TMenigt, Boo,ftey
Mt% /min, of on Peblic ee.h491,
eta% left OR Saturday tor her one in
Wintharn What cl% will Tisit tv102,,
Ittit% Ifor two wfthe, alter which elle
expreeta to take a trip to Carber/y.,
Man,,_ who aft will %pond the re,
malodor of her holidays,
Tuetday duly 1st wait a very (IMet.
day in oft villaRo, h bn L1 idt%1
heliday, 40Mty rook tho sedvaatage of
an %Wolf tiOilliitiOt %WA the. day
at CiranteBood, onloylow bveoms,
from Lao .11ftwothors Weeded the
atrawberry %%Ovals at Centralia aod
no graduation moiciees lot the
trakac0 mitatt holm the Toledo City
liemeite,' were very 'successfully and
pleasesnetly otter' out, on last Friday
everting, be a elass of twelve, who
were eweeeled diplomas, Miss Laura
faregory 1neeter. stood at the head,
having obtained the high average 0.1
tre-% of the possible total, at the 6441
An exciting game of ball was played
on the recreaeion grounds on Friday
evening between the married and
single men, resulting in a victory far
the latter by a score of 13 to 4, The
•benedicts however think they can
change the tale and will have another
go at the bachelors, tonight. No doubt
as on the forrner occasion, a large
crowd will witness the game. A pleas-
ing feature was the attendance of a
large number of ladies.
There was a very large congregation
at the Japies-st. Methodist church on
Sundae last, to hear the Rev. Mr..
Brown's farewell address, which was
very interesting as well as eloquent.
He took his text from the 9th, chapter
of St. John, and part cit the 25th verse.
"One thing I know that- whereas I
was blind now I see." Mr. Brown
fitvaglied Ills first sermon in Exeter,
three yews ego from this text. There
WM opeetat mote by the eh011a which
wee greatly @moven by MIN@ present.
104467 k fATig lifill
mi , en t i Tfd we‘ct we it Inti :
rtti Bowen eleff Ill
t Hama ata the alti• .ft IsEiloto:
M. .4k. Mai Fr t 61111E
t @IF)3411 DIA* ER ft §8 i U9,;
&At% • M.; TOE RB 41 ear-latt:
a ea% (mama. Vitlifiie WM III
li 81616)I. Ling lig!. 6718e fre°Istt 81
Me@ lEam ua ma RD Ha URI en
8 PEI 6ETt6n t Ika: El:
tattli aila tha saalittaa aFa.,§RaFia
Ho @t ID te Te e am thk1/18
AARE IV6 ffid RNt t at 1.10€1F1e1i PM
61'6P MIPEl@l16@ e
Villa Iliakg.8 tna haw Seletion be-
tiv@eil Me Pa vf,9R1943,1 ell eternally
foterseprig question, teed'ar clever die-
cuestola of whyinerriaget fail resent-
ed by Raiford Pyke in his artiele ‘'The
Woman's Side." is certain to receive
'the very wide consideration which has
been given to that author's previous
articles on the discussion of woman
versus man, The July' Cosmopolitan.
seems to be almost equally divided in
interest between men and Women.
The Cosmopolitan has undertaken to
present a series of brief sketches of th,e
men who are leaders in finance, manu-
factures. and commerce, not prepared
in an offhand way, but ;by writers of
the greatest ability who have an exact
knowledge of their subjects.
June has been 'chosen the month of
marriages. principally because it is be-
lieved to be the month .of sunshine,
Every young lady has known from
childhood, how, "Happy is the bride
the sun shines on" and she has pinned
her faith to June as the cloudless
month. This year there have been
many disappointments on the score of
bridal weather, but eve have not
heard of any marriages that have been
deferred on that acconnt. Hereafter
those who are matrimonially inclined
will be wise not to welt for fickle June
hat take advantage of the rays of Out-
shine whenever they may force their
way through the clouds. If Suite has
been cold there is witch hot and
friendly weather in store for tui. '
Big Clearing Sale at
On account of the backwardness of the season we find
ourselves overloaded with a number of lines of goods, and
in order to turn our Surplus Stocks into Cash quickly, we
eave cut the Prices of new up to date goods right and left,
You can get the following and many other bargains at any
of our stores.
Worth of Dry Goods,, Groceries,:
iJitJiJUU ,Milline,ry, Clothing, etc., etc.
10/4 White Flannelette
Blankets,- regular price 85c
per pair for ..... 60c
20 pcs -wide width, fast
3olored Prints, regular 121-4-0
line for ...... • • .• sc
17 pcs wide width fast
colored Indigo dye German
Prints, iti spots, stripes and
figures,the regular 17c kind
for 121-c
15 pcs American Pongee,
wide width and fast colors,
Pao 20e line for • • • • • • • • 12-ic
40 IVIen!s rain. proof Coats,
sewed seams and perfectly
vulcanized. This coat is
soprdeciniaalrpillyices.o.ld.. .a.t. .$24.2.57, 5-
Five doz, Ladies' heavy
weight, t,i.egfa2sote bklainc,
Five doz Ladies' Patent
Leather Belts with harness
buckle, reg 25c kind for I5c
Our entire stock of
trimmed and untrimmed
millinery -to be sold re-
gardless of cost.
cd3ffbee slbusgaril.feodrp.a.t.h'sb
.. . ..els.t00
25 lbs Redpath's best
granulated Sugar Tor ....100
5 cans best corn for..- 25c
2 cans best Salmon for, 25c
3 lbs nice Sweet Biscuit -
for 25c
6 lbs BestTapioca, fcr 25c
I Tea Bargains
In order to introduce
our new line of Royal
I- Teas, we will sell 1 lbs of
e rleageuk,lagrre3e5no
c krixeinmdfodt:
5 doz Lagies' Black Mer-
cerized Sateen Skirts, with
full frill, very fancy, regular
price $1.50, for
• • • • • .1.00
100 yards Caslunerette, •
warranted- fast colors, reg
price 15c the yd for. ....
25 Men's regular $5.00
tweed suits for. . '3.75
350 yards, wide width,
new design Wrapperette,all
colors, beautiful new goods,
-worth far more money, per
yd 100
Just opened up 1500 yards Mill End Remnants of
Flannelettes, these run from 10 to 20 yards in length. We
are selling them at about Half regular prices. They will go
We want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs
- and will poy Highest Prices for same.
The R. Pickard Co
Direct Importers
FOR SALE on TO RENT. — A two
story brick cottage on William street,
the property of the Fanson estate.
Apply to Rey. L. Faitsotem." .
reYeble an trustwoethy housekeeper,
with references. Liberal wages will
given. Apply personally at lot 15,
cm:, I, Hay, or by letter, Hensall post
rettipe: John Paterson, farmer.
THE APPLE CROP. —It is anticipated
that the apple crop in Huron will this
yeir be one of the largest in its his-
tgry. Barrel manufacturers are al -
reedy making the necessary prepare,
tIpps for it, and the railroads will sub-
segeently be severely taxed to handle
ia It is estimated that the crop will
be in the vicinity of 200,000 barrels.
FRUIT PROSPECTS.—We notice that
a number of our village orchards show
that fruit prospects are still good, the
chilly days and heavyrains of June
not having proved injurious. There
have been and are to -day, rumors that
the heavy rains prevented the locating
of fruit buds, hut if the fruit DOW on
the trees arrives at maturity, Huron
will have a decent ingathering of all
kinds of fruits. It is true the curculio
and codlln moth have beereabout, but
those who have paid attention to their
trees find them but little injured by
these nests, 1font.%
regret to announce this weekthe death
of Mrs. John Ryan of Brantford,sister
sit Mrs. Horn. Exeter North, who died
on Tuesday July 1st. Mr. and Mee.
Ryan were former residents of Exeter,
he having been in the employ ot the
Verity Plow Works, and with many
others went to Brantford when this
companymoved there. Mrs, Ryan
has been n poor health for a number
of years, but she bore her affliction
with chrietian fortitude. , She leaves
to -mourn her loss 'a loving husband,
one son, George, and a daughter,
the fruit season is at hand it may net
be amiss to recall the fact that the ace
with regard to the peeking, of fruit' is
fruit marks act will in all probability
be severely dealt with as the govern-
ment is determined to avoid misrepree
sentative of the fruit on the part or
the paCkers. It is illegal to put large
and solid fruit on the top with statall
and inferior quality beneath. All
packers will de well to observe the
new regulations, as the public can eas-
ily secure redress and are under no
obligation to accept fruit so packed.
the, prettiest and most pleasing of
June wedding events took place last
Thursday, at high noon,at theloine of
Mr.. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum, "The
Knoll," when their eldest daughter,
Miss Hattie L., beceme the bride of
Mr. Geo. Willis, son of Mr. Jas. Wil-
lis. The. ceremony behig performed
by the Rev. R, Milyard pastor of the
Maui St. Methodist church in the
presence of immediate relatives mad
friends. The -bride was charmingly
dressed in a white gown- of French
Swiss, with many tuckings and -inser-
tions. The house WW1 verv prettily
decorated with flowers. 'A handsome
arch of m.arguerites and roses witlaa
background of palms and ferns which
the bride atici- groorn stood • wider dur-
ing the ceremony. The bride's sisters,
Miss Elsie, attired ID a pretty dress of
pink and Miss Edna in blue, forming
en:aisle of white ribbons, up which the
bride came, leaning on the arm of her
father. She carried a boquet of white
bridal roses. The wedding march be-
ing played by Miss Nellie McCallum, of
Georgetown, cousin of the bride. Af-
ter the ceremony the guests sat down
to a dainty wedding breakfast. The
happy couple left on the evening tgain
amidst showers of rite a-nd rose petals
foe TorOntO, Barrie and other places.
The bride's going away gown was of
a castor shade, with applique trim-
mings, with pretty /bodice of White
lustre, She wore a pretty hat to
match. The many beautiful and cost-
ly presents which they received show
the esteem in which the young.cou
are held. Guests were frTh
rarest, Sarnia, Dungannorr,- G rge-
town, SC Marys, Se.afortlband* hien,
ton, I'm 'hugs than lends
very stringent. Infringements of extend congratulat
IMMIMENIMMIMIMEIMMINimmuoussommoma imonimmoimenewinewis
Is the place for Fashiona,ble Sum-
mer Waists. Ladies will find the
selection very desirable, while
the garments themselves are ad-
mitted to be extremely comfort-
able. Call at once and get the
pick. These goods will go like
ice eream.
Carling Bros.
is thetime to beautify your homes by selecting
some of our handsome furniture, Do you want
A. nice bedroom sett for. 610.00
Sideboard 800
Nice Cool Sweet mattresses ..... 3.00
Bed springs •
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles
and Trimmings.
We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, just in.
Cive Us A Call, and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
QS, -Ca HijISIOn
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms
oromr,,:s:.Bock, EXETER:
During the months of July and
August the Epworth Leagues of the
James street and Main street Method-
ist churches here, will unite with the
Thursday evening prayer meetings.
The Epworth Leagues giving their
subjects in connection with the prayer
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beep used, for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
pain, cures wind colic. and is the bestremedy
tor Diarrhma. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
syrup and ask for no other kind. . .
Did he
to you?
To accept some Other Brand
of Flour when you asked for EXETER
STAR FLOUR, so, beware of such a
groces. There is no SUBSTITUTE
Inc Exeter Star Flour. Inferior brands
mean indigestable bread, which bring
on dyspepsia and like trouble. Make
the boyeeer understand that you want
Exeter Star Flour.
It contains the finest of
Wheat. all the superfluous starch end
other detrimental elenaents are elimin-
ated. '
Always ask for Exeter Star
Flour end be sure you get it. For sale
by the leading grocers and at the mill.
Highest market price paid for wheat
and coarse grain,
: A course of training 41 the
*enables yOung nieri .and women to 80- •
e cure employment at good WageS im•
• mediately on leaving college, This is •
a the school that enjoyS the repntation
6 &ling the best Work in busluesil eductv •
0 tion. The graditatcs of the school are 0
ein strong demand as teachers in busineSs
0 colleges in Caftans, and the United Stat. e
0 es. This is the School for yon and your •
• friends, Write for eatitiegne.
26 W. J. ELLIOTT, 2
Spend your Holidays at the
011ee113 Temperance Holel
&Viola, Ontario.
s This hotel was lately purchased by
the undersigned and has been fitted up
with every modern convenience of a,
Summer Resort Hotel. Ice Cream
parlors in connection.
Good Accommodation for the
. Travelling Public.
Bayfield is situated, at the mouth of
the Bayfield River on Lake Huron.
Eicellent Fishing, Boating and Bath-
ing, etc. The beach is like pavement,
making bathing safe for the, smallest
child. For rates and feather particu-
lars write or apply'to
Hayfield, Ont. Canada.
• +
To Have
the Best Coods
is what the business roan oweshiva
It ' is this business policy of ours
in -
which duces us to claim to be
otere the cheapes
est and con-
sequently iwetaris the best.
We have in stock everything in the
etationery Line—newest in. Note
Completci; Line.°
anglish and German Decorated
French China
Limoge and ljapanette Ware. •
You will, fin a bere at all
times the greatest bargains in
furniture. The lowest prices
and best efforts to please,
Undertaking a Specialty.