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Little LIVer'.Filla-‘;'
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)1) REA
coVery, Ii spite of ad the doore
sitid he gat welt But, sir, from
that minate my life was chensed tO-
O ward Pod, and nOW rean the
results of zny pat sins in ray boys
execution. Oh, sir, Will yqik not.
plead, with the governor to pardon'
iuy boy ou accountt of hie mother's
sios?" That woman reaped the
harvest of hee corruption tWeilty-
two yeavs after-14ses Seed of sin Was
sown, when isliO'sow to the flesh
s sooner or later tee' shall all reap rims
The Seeds of the Flesh Always Pro=
duce Great Harvests.
ilIntored accordt4 .to AO of the rstrliament
themes, in the seer One notistmil .zzirte, Hue-
TW14. 14%4, VITO*
A despateh. front Ohmage eaye
liev. Iheank De Witt Talmage preach-
ed from the following teNt
tiaus vi, 8, "He that .sovreth to hih•
flesh shall of tile i1esj reaP eerhuP-
Sonic familiar texts are like Power-
ful thnieS. They 'have a Snap and
and strength which we do not al-
ways find in the water of life whee
it is held strange and peculiarly
labeled bottieS. They are. like the
lullabies with which we. Were sung to
sleep in childhemi. They have leen
,reptated over and over again by the
lips of our eloparted•loved oncS, so
that each 'Word is made sacred s by
holy assotiatiolas, Every time we
speak thern it seems as though these
words were the ushers; welcoming us
into the vestibule of the church in.
which tha•serviee' \yds held whe'!1 we
krte our heorts to God, Or [hese
texts are associaled with the or
Mons Of some .f amo tie ministee,
which we hat e either read or heal d.
ilut though many gre ..t pi eae Os rs
have spoken from t bis text a is I
though many holy associati.s1P ga h-
er around its words yet I would fain
speak upon it for two reasons :
First, bemuse 1 tun I ant( int e y
Land of the count:rah Therefore any
text whiCh has in it the figine or
the sower and the reaper, eny simile
which is scented with the sme'l bt
the new MOW11 hay or of the clover
s, any ilgrtro srl!ich es hof s -ilw
1 song of the wood roldn or the call
or the nlghtingstle, any tee. t Which
is glinted with the golden colorsof
the wheat fields or red ened with ths
hectic 411%1 01 the tut -Lama leaf, IS
for me an intease a11 sugg,estise
. I fascination. My heart nev er 1 gsi ts
'more exultantly than when it is
l kee Ins time to ehe music ' ef the
' mowing machine or to the swish of
the swinging scythe.
The seeond reason Why 41 . aprak
from this text to -day is because the
; ssringtime of the year, when the
American sower went ferth to sow,
,i is only a few wets part. The 1 lows
I only a short lime ago hod the rust
i of many. Merits rebted 0:r th,,ir
. I sharp noses. The btu rows teeth
I are set white from chewing and
brealsing the sods. •And 11 e sower,
with -his bag or $ e ,.l hanging upon
one arm and hi.-; '4.,antiful of „Seed
swiegieg at the end Of the oilier
arm, miry a short 'time ago, With
measured tread. wt nt ucross the
fields, scattering the seeds to the
right and to the loft 'May God help
vs to teach the lessons(' of n. sinner's
retthbutiou in the laapalage of . the
spring pl.ming.
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera.
Cholera Piforbos, Cholera Infan-
tam, Cramps, Collo, Sea Sickness
anfl all; Summer Complaints. -
Its prompt use will prevent a
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.ISSinvszsmazat=anilrffir =8.35:40====i2s=3:11aritaazzalammal
Are a sure and permanent cure for all
Kidney and Madder Troubles.
Is the first sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it! Check it in time 1
Serious trouble will follow if you don't.
Cure your Baekaehe by takflIg
* Are a Heart and Were Tonic, Blood and
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for all troubled with weak heart or nerves.
As a food for the blood, the brain end the
neeves, they cannot be excelled. .
If you are troubled with NerVousness
Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Pall
piled:ion of the Heart, Shortness of Breath;
Weak or Fainting Spells, Arixinia, or any
form of Debility, take
IThe seeds of the ilesh by the M-
exorable law of the fields can only
produce the harvests of the' flesh.
This statement is an axiom, a self
e; Went fact. So self evideut is the
law that the seeda which are plant-
ed only produce liel"..ests after their
kind that a United States agricul-
tural department has been establish-
ed, the Chief purpose. of which is to
introduce into the different lomlities
the right kind of seeds for the best
development of the different kiuds of
crops. The official head of -ehis de-
partment is a menthol' . of the Presi-
dent's Cabinet. 'Every 'year at pub-
lic expense thousands of seed pack-
ages are Scattered over the country.
Each Congressinan hes an allotment
for gfoltuitous distrilnition among
his rural conatituents.
As there is a sphitual law in the
natural world so there' is a natural .
law in the spiritual world. Anil tha
sower to the flesh has ho more right
to eXpeet to reap the harvest of the
Sower to the spirit than a farther'
has a right to exroct to gather a
crop of barley from wheat seeds or a
crop of pats from corn seede or a
crop of rye from cotton -seeds or a
crop of potatoes, from muskmelon
seeds. Any sinner who is trying to
argue himself into a. different spirit-
ual belitf is not only. mocking God,
but making himself ridiculous.
.. - . .
Go where you will you will " .find
that the _sewer to the fleshalways
reaps a harvest of corruption. Sit
with tho judge upon the bench, and
he will tell you that bile young mon
standing" befoite hint for seuteece did
not. think that the seeds .61 sin
which he planted in secret i would
ever take root and begin to sprout,.
Hie did not, think that his sewing a
few "wild oats" would ever cause his.
downfall. Net God was watching
him SOW those seeds. His employers
were watching him. Almost- every:
large business house in the great
cities 'has spies detailed to follow
the tracks ef its employees, SO
when the Money disappeared from
the safe the detectives naturally
lrunted up the young man who spent
his Sundays at the taco, the one
whose' • eintipanious were not ,what
they ought to have been. Thesi na-
turally came to that young man tend
put the band,o1 the lent -upon his
shoulder, saying r "Gome, young
man. The convict's cell awaits you,
Celine 1"
The physician in the sickroom will
teach you that the 'sower of the flesh
always reaps the corruption of the
flesh. 'Upon the bed of suhering lies
an invalid. He May erriy, he inay
groan, he may promise to do right
In the future, but the phyeleiati
e e
says No, my friend, good inten-
'HEART AND NERVE PILLS, tiOns do not eradieate the physical
W1 gs of' the past, You Must reap
. Their tura6ve power is cniickty maid- the seeds of gluttony, the seeds
fesfeci. They purify arid revitalize the which once sparikied in the wine cup,
brighten the brain aid steady arid the seeds of Ta'te heurs, the seeds of
strenghten the nerves from the first few,. the defiance of snore laWs.
doses. man, yeti meet reap the harveet of
Price sec.per box �r bolas for heeS. the 8105 Of tho flogh 'Vlach Yen have
at all clettlerS or SOW11,"
T. Milletten CStftlid With the minister in hie oa Limited, 1
Toronto, 04; pulpit, tind he .Nvi.11 teach you the
seine lesson. He Will tell you that
though a man rimed repeat of hi
SillS the 111314, lip to t.he grave's aedg
Suiipr from his past haiecieede, Go
may forgive the Sinner arid all 41
results of the peat evil ma3r eens
'Wheh the sinner robes himself in th
white garnients fat the redeemed, bo
all threugh. the rematader' of th
simulr'seetrethly career • he Must suf
fer for the cell which, he has done
The Minister will tell you, that on
Of the saddest• sights of :Obviation
work. le .to gee an g•ld man who ha
been cone erted at the eleveatli how.
hobbling along upon' his can
through • the harveSts of corr upt io
which. surround nint every.Where. IJ
stumb Les thro ugh the liar vest
which. haVe come atom the seeds o
his own planting.
earthly and eternal lihrvest of
e Who are the reapers emgaged be-
e ferehand to help the sower to the
O flesh gather in his greatest harvest,
t Whielt is to be garehred at the
e brink of the' open: ginrire? They : are
the deinonalo reapers. They are Sa-
. tan and all' his °VII spirits. They are
O 'the demons that live in the tespeoe-.
trable darkness Of a lower world,
s They are the demons who Will gath-
. er only the most oOrrup•t, 'oh harvests.
."Well," says some •dlecoheaged
e soul; convicted of his past sins,
t: "what am to do? 1 fully realize
my evil past. Must I die an eternal
death? " Yes, my 'brother, there , is
hope for You if you, repent of' your
sinsist,44enldnerut31,1,rpaws wisc-ioetna•sseitii'le ufpoort:i
giveness of God, I only quoted One-
half Of the' Verse tront Which. asy
text., was takeh. The last half ot
the yet's° reads thus, "Bet no that
soweth to the spirit shall of the
spirit reap life everlasting." The
first half is a red light of Vvarning
flashed Inc out ()Vet' the trOlibled sea
of sin. The eecond half is a beacon
ilYlting yeti up the Narrows the
herb& •of reoxo.
rirst, brother, you mustiget
yOur heart right for the. spiritual
seed planting: In the far eest, the
ancient plow was made .out of wood;
nod net from il'Ort, VOtt III;ISt let
the bertga of the cross plow an Your.
sinful heart. Then,' having prepared '
the ground for the. spiritual seed
plantilig,. you must go to work for
God with ' ten times, one hundred.
tames aye, with a thousahd times
7 -the zeal vu have ever fet as a
disciplQ of sin. YQ u rallst enlist
;vont: el S body, mind and soul, for
the gospel planting. As 1. said ho -
fore, you cannot change the past.
The past dead. But, oh, by the
power of the Holy Spirit you can
spleithalize 1.11e future! You can
make your hist earthly days honored
days in heaven and ou eartn, be-
cause they have heen lived for God
•and to help your sinful fellow inan.
'Whosoever will, let him collie and
take. of:the water of life ireelha','
That Means you; that means ma.
Wo can all come.
The seeds the itesh by the inex-
orable laws Of the Laths are expeet-
cd to produce more pi a harvest
than Cie orighsal 'seesis, which have
been i weuld be folly for
LIM farmer to, sow 5g0 hereela, 0.
cora if he could only reeelee in re-
•Lero hall a doxen eats of corn e to
pleat twelity or thirty peus if he
could gather in retern hut a few
pods, or to labor at all if for 01 ery
laeted seed there would come 1.IP
only ore Leruel in -retitle-L. hiet when
the farmer has u. small bag of Wheat
aced he sae s to himeclf : "Now, if 1
properly plow ,,,id harrow ' the
grwuld and plaot those seeiis tight
f will be able to gather' a whole
ueld golsisn grain, Coe of my
eoeds will be able to reproduce itself
many, many thuds." I. 013J1111411
Franklin once said that the epro
cluelave power, .the proliheness 01
yogi:table 1110, the:once:iv'
able end without limit. 'We all - re-
member Daniel Pe Poe's story of the
shipwrecked sailer. ]c foond hagf 11.
doeen mall wheat seede, am
those few seeds he yens ahle to de-
eeiop all the wheat he Wanted, beth
for himself said his negro servant.
st would be a hapoy -solution to
the sieher if when he soweel one evil
sued he should get aack only one
evil result.. Mit that is not the way
the harvests, of the, fleeh grow. (Inc
'evil. sr ed will hecoree the permit of
ninny i 1 seeds, the grandparent of
a host of evil seeds, and the great-
grapdnerent of a lifethre of evil
hart eats. A sower unto the flesh al-
ways rears more corruption than he
expected to gather
And,: it lite evil- reselth of tare
Planting are so a-WM in reference
to out :own . lives bow -much • more
awful -must he the results when we
plant these tares in the' lives of oth-
er, Awf 1 leo
when a converibh argot reelizes that
by his sinful sowing he has develop-
ed a harvest. of correption in the
heerts of his neighbors. If he boa
planted there the evil seeds, same of
them : will came up. The natural
and senritual lows are the same.
rrAnvEsT oomr;s sooNEn on
Tho seeds of the flesh do not Lbccs
snridy produce the harvest of the
fieeh instanter. A long time may
intervene between the time of plant-
ing and of reaping. Twice during
the year the .fariner goes 'forth to
sou, hate is the spring planting.
nen the rye, the barley; the oat
seed is scat lere.d. Then the corn
seed is placed in the ground. Then
the timothy sped is thrown over the
1161 el, so that the harm stock min
have hay' during the winter months.
Hardly are these seeils placed in the
ground than. the s'pring showers
make the little tender sprouts come
up. Then. the fields everywhere are
carpeted with green.
'Some of the tares :or the sina :of
the flesh which we.have sown in the
past may seem to take a vegy long
time in de-heloping. We may think
because we have sinned and never
yet been. punished. and have kept on
pinning five lOindeed, a thousand,
ton thousand thmee that we never
will be punished, tin:de-we navereshall
have. to gather our haryests. of core
ruption. Dut we will! As the Lord
God Omnipotent liveth We will!
Christ in the parable of the tares.
explicitly states this fact. 'As the
houSeholdelkhe bacle his se. r•Vants let
the tares elintinue to grow by the
side of the wheat, but. when the
reapers . 00100 they will first gather
the, tares in to bundles and destroy
thera. Sinner, do not deceive Your-
self. Grid, is not mocked, DO not
think becautle the day of retribution
'has been;postponed that the seeds of
the flesh are clear! ween they aro
merely dormant, .As the long de-
layed wheat harvest is the strong-
est. harvest, so the longer tI4 pun,
ishment of the eins of the flesh, is
POstPorted the greater "and the more
awful will be the harvests oh- cor-
I once saw' a woman reaping het
'harvest of the ,fieSh which She had
planted s a fifthsof a. century before.
It was in our old Brooklyn home.,
The. doorbell i•ang. 1 went to the
door 'and ushered -into the parlor 0
lady dressed ler deep mouraing.: Her
face revegiled the marks of intense
sufferixig: When my father came
down in answer to my summone,, the
leafy began to Plead With him tne in-
tercede : With t/10. governor for ethe
life of her bey. He was a young
man Under sentence of death. He Was
to be and was electrocuted Within
six Weeks', "Dr. Talmage," She
said, "I' Want you to plead with :the
governor because my boy's life is
all the :resiult of my past Sens. When
he was . little child; he was • very'
Sick. The doctors gatve him up and
said he had to clip: Then knelt
by my eon's • bed and defied, God. 1
said: '0 • God, 1 will not let hall
diet He Shall not die! you tan c1 -
troy hie soul, yeti •' earl deetroy
mine, teat I will not and. ehall noh,
give' him UP.' dhhen, strange to
say', Dr. Talmage, the hey hatt
midden changee.toWard physieal ree
• 13ut, ine, sinful friend, come with
all eour eineul past, is' that right?
is ghat what Christ would have you
do? If you had a Way W n.r d . .1307,
anti :110 had run away rom h onie
and trampled :upon yoUr *bleeding
-heart fior many years, would. YOU
Vtant him tO stay 'away anti dio
hardened against, you and • bitter
Merely because he pad been :sinful
and wayward? hh 1 1.1 yon knew
where he was dying to -day, you
would take the very first train to
him. You 'Nvol.118 go, if necessary.
without even, a ehange of garments,
You NVOtrid walk up and down the
train while 11 was iu motion . be-
cause S10111' -*anxiety would not lot
you sit still, and yoa would rash in-
to the hospital aud rush te the ward
and throw yoUrself Lly his bed just
to give liiurt a kiss of love and pals -
dein. So Jesus to -day begs you to
live for him and 'come to him. Illy
brother, will you let the cross be
the plow to change yetir !weft? Will
you take the good Seed in your hand
and go forth to sow to the Spirit,
so that you May. reap life everlast-
Tim c
111.1.4 S. LESSON.
la/AVOW XIo would -Wahl* them t
lohde*to: HMI aloue mid be conten
to live by 'the day.. -
* 6,6. Ye shall know thalgthe Thor
!lath brought yoit out from" the Ina
of Egypt. Your marmyrings at:
not against tis; but against • th
' As . to their .inntinurings it is writ
ten in Pad Old, 14, 124e 25, `"I'lle
iusted exceedingly in the. wildernee
rttid tempted.: clad in the depart. The
believed riot : His word, hat Mur
inured 111 their: tents and harkene(
not ante the voice of the Lord.'
They •possibly did, Pot think that ii
murmuring against Moses they wer
murmuring against God, but . whei
Israel demanded a king in the day
of Samtiel the LOrd said Mit° Sam
uet, They baye not rejected thee
but they haVe „rejected Me, that
should not • reign over them." (1
Sion. viii, 7). ••• .
9, 10. Come near before tlio Lord
for E1 bath' heard. our' ratirmiariug;s
Thus Mesas conunissioned Alarm
to speak unto ell the emigregatica
end as he spake to the people they
looked toward the wililernese, and,
behold; the glory of the Lord o.p •
1'0d in the 01611d. Thus the Lord
hilinieolf appeared to them, assuring
them thee they were dealing With
Win and not NV411.. MOSOS 044 A0.1.00.
12. And the Lord &wake unto
Moses, etiying, I:. have heard. the
murrintringS of the children of Is-
rael. SeCale unto them, saying, At
()yen' ye shall, eat flesh, and in the
Inoruiiig YP Shu Li be filled With
ead, and re shal1 know that 1 ant
the Lord yohinGod. •
What great grace on His part, to -
W aid t heee uidielieving murawriag
hosts They had Complained that
ha Egypt they had flesh ahd. bread
-to the:11.111, so De will siva them in
the wilder:was (lesh and breed to the
full (verso :8), • Truly He is lele
Shaddal„ the mighty: G od ,vvtio : is ail
sufficient, and in Him dwelleth all
tallness, presenee insures
sufficiency in all, thiegs (II Cor. ix,
:8), tied. He would' have us: find in
Him Our all and knew that every
good gilt and every perfect gift is
from above itod cometh down from
the Father of Lights, with whom is
no- veriablenese, 1101 11101' :13 ha d ow or
turning (Jas.. a 17), ,
1 345- And Aloes said unto them.
This is the bread 'which the Lord
hath given yoit to eat
So they had the flesh of quails in
the et ening and mehna ia the niOrn-
ing. all they coul(1 eat, not necatise
they deserved it, but simply , by the
grate of. Clod.. The manna WitS liko
coriander seed, white, and the 'taste
of .it was like 'wafers made with,
honey (verse 81). They , were to
&Idler it 01 0137 morning; every
men aecovding to his ,eating •(verses
16, 18, 121), and so they gathered it,
some snore, some Irsa. On the sixth
day they gathered enough for two
days; for no'ne fell en the Sabbath,
11 they gathered more :than enough
any other day, it bred wormed and
stank, but not so the •,sarplus
ered. 011 the 'sixth- clay. All that God
ashed of them waS faith: and obed:
ience; yels in everything they trans -
glossed. SoMe gathered more than
en o Ugh on tl!e ordinary days, and,
some went out to gather it ea the
Sabbath, day (veeses 19, .20;27, 28),
and they found'totheit sorrow just
as God had said (Ps. lxxeiii, 12, 22,
87, 89), In the grant gospel chap-
ter • on manna our Lord says among
other things, "My Father giveth
the trre bread fromheaven', for the
bread of God is: Ho which cometh
,down from heaven, and giveth life
unto the world." Manna is .suggess.
tive of Christ i0 that it came down
from heaven. It was the only food,
it was free end sufficeent for all, it
must lie gathered fresh every morns
hag add each insist cat it for him-
self, An ohne at it was to be laid
up - before, the Lewd to be kept, and
it woUld seenh that it was .placed in
a golden. pot in the ark of the
covenant (Neb. ix; 4).
They bumped into each other in
the street., arid both started to do
the polite thing.
"I beg your pardon," said the
"I beg yours," . replied the sec-:
"It was unintentional, I assure
you." • • .
"And I beg you CO believe that iL
WaS purely cuecidental on. my part!:
"I trust you have taken no of-
"None at all, and penult me.to feel
"Oh, dertainly. Beautiful day?"
`Tositively splendid."
"EV-er eee nicer spring weather?"
Teeth of the Lesson-, Ex. xvi., le '
15. Golden Text, 'Matt., vi, 11.
hAnd they took their journey
from Eling• and all the congregation
of the children of 'Israel came froni
the wilderness of 'Sin, which is Le-
tween Eilim and Sinai, on the fif-
teenth riay of the second 1110111 13 af-
ter their, depakting out of the land.
of Egypt. .
We tarn back in our studies to the
great redemption book of the Old
Testi) men t and in God's. 9711, pic-
ture book ire See not only real hap-
penings, but also the foreshadowing
of many things (1 Core x, 11-18).
The delietrance from death and
from the bondage of Egypt in con-
nection with the blood of the Pass-
over jamb and the glorious power
of the Lord's right hand sae'. before
us God's redemption provided for
us by Christ, our Passover while the.
aticceeding events suggest the too
common experience of the believer
in which there is apt- to bq' more
neurnihring than rejoicing.
2, 8. And the whole dongregation
of the children of Isrctel murmured
against lhloses and Aaron in the
wilderness.. . -
At Marah it was because 1;hey did
not like the water, and nowt/it is
because they cann 0 'see WI -tat they
are going to eats failing to see that
He who delivered thorn from Egypt
and divided the sew for them would
surely not fail to caee for them 111
every way. But in them we see
.ourselves, for aehich of us can say
that 32, delivers us from
1111 intirmuishg? .
• 4,5, r.hhen said the Lord unto
Moses: Behold, I, will rain broad'
from heaven for you, 'and the people
shall go out and gather a. Certain
rate every day (the portion of a day
in his day—margin) that I may
proye therm 'whether they Will walk
insionyitlai,sw weri; eon. in. Ps.
25, "And had rained doteri manna
upon thent ' 'to eat mei tad gia-en
them ,of the *me& Of heaven: Every
one did Oat the bread of the migh-
ty" (Margin). Just think of it, food
for millions day byday right freni
"Why, by George, but you are
Andy S. lathers!'' exelanned the first,
in tones of. contempt.
"And you are Dick Mcaluirke" re-
plied the second., as he- backed off.
"And I was • addressing you as a
"Ancl I thought you were one!"
A. horse' dealer „in a Scotch town
having hired a horse to a solicitor,
the latter, either through bad usage
or some other cause, killed the
horse, when the dealer insisted uPon
payment by" bifit nan mu um eurinn
payment ' by 11111 51 it were' not con-
venient to pay cash. ,
;The 'lawyer had no objection to
grant a bill, but said it must be at
a long date. The dealer told him
to fix his own• time, when. the inan
of law drew a promissory noth, Maks
minegnti.t payable on the Day 01
An action was raised, when the so-
licitor asked the presiding judge to
look at the bill.
Having done so, the judge replied:
"The bill is perfectly good, and aS
thbaist is the day of judgthent t decree
you pay to -morrow."
He; "X .caret, understand your ex-
travagance, for when I made your
acquaintance sIOU Were a poor girl.
What would you- be am w with out
Me?" She; "Withotit you I'd ndiv
be a rich yotteg widow and a very
good match!"
r;„.., U E
. .
: .....,:iy
. •'Tt i E DUO
. 3.,......
. OF D EVO N S 160 I RE.
sis . 0
O ' •
+ 401
8 8
. ernarhable ,Offer. .
O 0
. Here is the best °O'er ever made in this oommunity, By a very excelling?. ar- *
41' rangement made with the Family Herald and Weekly Ster of Montreal we are le
: otta"4 to Mier Tile _Exerren Tures and that great .Family Paecsie the ge.,
he leenilly.glenetal and Ihheicly Stag, for one year for the small sum of $1.75. and In -
4. 'hen
ludit: abtoettiteolelxime,s'essroir,rlys ..rthree beautiful premm iupleturehvv
e, of which the follo.
O KING IlDWAll) eVIL—Tree to We, a heautiful portraie size 18
O 21 incites, on beautiful 1 eavy white satin finiehed piper for framing, 'lb hi portrait 44,1
• has been taken since las eceession to the throne, end is the very hitest and best •il
l' obtainable. It cannot be had excepl through the FANar,Y Ilhatean AND 41
. Weskav Sreite eaeh pieture bears the 1h.ing's•autograph. Thitl plat:ire has the :I
.0 greab merit of being the iiret taken after the King's a.ecession, and has theroforei 41
.0 an historieal yalue that eo oilier picture can possess.
8 QUEEN ALleXANDItA,—A» exquisitely beautiful picture or the ren.itrk.
8 ably beautiful (3011 501 1 Queen Alexandra, Also taken sinee the King's acceaeion
4) t o the throte. .i11e the gone size fie diet of the Rieg, the two fort-n[11ga hand. '01
: somo pair of pictures 11101 alone would sell for many times the subscription price 41
(i,‘) PlatPep°real.leelaiVet.111/7130. King and Consort taken at the second or succeeding sit- ti
0 tings can have ene fraction of we value 01 1.130 first. The e go down to history. -
ha. TIIE DUCIIIUSS 013' DEVONSI1IRE.--The Renowned Gainsborough Pie- ,,
sa tare. Sold at auction 51110 in London twenty-dve years ago for 210,500, '41"
ate stolen by eleve,' thieves, hirlderi for over twenty-four years alicl delivered to Its 4,
X owner on peyee eat cif dira,000 rewerd and since sold to 11. .1.Pierpant Morgan for *
i $75'°(ITIIII.
Tis, in brief, is the history of one of the premium pietures, which, by a ..e.4
8 °level. stroke of ,niterprise, the pebliehere of the h'amily Herald have secured for 4,
0. their sebscribers. The picture is 22s2i in ten colours, and is repredeceil line for 0
O lino, colour for colour with the original. Copies of the reproduetion are now sold 8;
in New York City, Montreal and 'Toronto fur $12 each, anel Chid is the picture 8
a, Family !Jerald subecribers arc goieg Le get absolutely free together witle the *
6 pictures of. the !(in',' and Queen. *
.0 of tlIltissatill)actsutniofitil bpii11,11\e-tellell, el Call at Tag Turns Ofilce and see samples i
4> Yon wade Tne Exenme Tures for the local news, and yeti want that
* Wan; or send your subscription to I
IP great paper the Family rferald for it's 21 peek's of general nears nnd family
reading. Ibs agricultural pages alone are worth many titnes the subscription• ,
0888884.04.888.4480-4408808004-001.4,088410.404888 to0.041,418-84 0
1 eseen
11 37011 ever contracted. any Blood Disease yeti are never safe nnlesS the virus or
poison has been eradicated froai the system. .at times you see alarming Symptoras,
but live in hopes no serious resnits will follow. Have you any of the fohowlnir
symptoms? Sere throat, elzers on the teneee or in the mouth, hair falling out, ach-
ing pains itchiness of the elt.'in, cores or blotche.s on the body, eyes red and smart,
dysneptIC stoame,12., sexual • evaekriess—ludicatIons of the secondary stage. Don't
trait to luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment—mercury and
potastiewhich only supymetscs the eyroptoras fora time only to break out again when
happy In domestic lift:. Don't let enacss experiment on you. Our NEW METHOD
TREATMENT' is guaranteed to cure you. 0 tar,tritlfarelflteeta ft4e backed.
, ray tratsit V,1011C10 tt1:1t the dieease w111 never return. Teortsands of patiente
..,; have been already cured by otrr NEW' METHOD TREATMEW.12 for over 20 years,
• and no return of the diseasa so ee. pert:neat, 110 risk—not a "pateh up," but it post'.
• tire case. The worat cases solicited.
N.41i--.. : . , .. ,
- a •
171R 0 s_ .4,,,,,M •
1 4 . Gun ernarg ra-s-z11:51) TRBASaglierder will cure yet, end nieae a mail
r10l of you. Under its influence ther,braia benomes active, the blood purified so that
A all pimples, bioteeds ad ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so
that nervousness bas 141100t13 and drapoudency disappear; the eyes become bright,
the face hill aud clear, energy returns co she body, and the moral, physical and e -x-
011 systems' are invigorated; all drains cease—no mom vital waste 1 rom the system.
11131 The various organs become natural and manly. You feel youreelf a 012.11 and. lcnoW
1,„.'i marriage cannot be a failure. We hrvite all the afflicted to consult ns confidentially
and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned
dollars. WE tvx.r.a., ourail YOTJ on No PAY.
We treat and cure Nem-gal:7S Dh1131a/TY, $.EXITALV111;AK3'1E0S, E3(I8-
A ooBrepieheSSES, eta all diseases peculiar to :nen and women. Cures guaraa-
_ .
illia..., I p nese? Our New Method Trea.tment will ,care yen. Cessaftetiarf
ill ,I I Are you a victim? Have yen lose elope? Are you Contemplating
.; ji f , 1 marriage? [Las D
as your blood been diseased? ave you any we1i..
Free. No matter viho has treated yen, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge.
ohe-eer, reasonable. asolicFree.-5.0.-ese Golden Monitor,' [illustrated] Oil Dises ses of
men Di.se.ases oi: "Virontent' "2,20 Wages of Sin. "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet."
Al sent Free sealed.
No tiletlietne sent 0. 0. P. No names en boxes or envelopes. Everything
Genf/dentin!. Question Het and Cost el Treatment, FREE, for Home Cure.
Sherbet.—Por strawberry sherbet
shortcake worthy of its name and
noble 'ailicesiry is to put the wastet
arid hulled berries in a bowl, cut
'them -up with a silver knife and
sweeten -them to taste: Then, while
the sugar' is saturatitns the fruit and
extracting its juice, bake a ricli
cuit crust, split it opals 'huLtur the
spread one of them with the berries,
inside of both pieces
red side uppe
gen cii:la.os
lioldganother perry nor 'a teaspoon-
Put the other place on top, with
'She butte
pile the fruit on it until it will not
fill more of, juice. If any of the
juicy berries are left serve them as a
sauce with the shortcake. Many
people prefer them to cream, though
the latter not be scorned by
the veriest epietire. ,
Sherbet. --Por strawberry sherbet
mash two* boxes of berries and add
to them the Tithe "of one lenlon.
Make a syrup by boiling together
four cupfuls of water with two cup-
fuls of sugar until it spins a light
hair. Cool the syrup, 'turn it over
the fruit and run through a sieve.
Just before putting the mixture in-
to the freezer adcl the well beaten
white of an`egg or a tablespoonful of
gelatine 'previously dissolved in wa-
ter. The syrup is preferred by most
good cooks to melted sugar because
it tends' to give more body to the.
sherbet". The egg or gelatine is
used for the same purpose — to pre-
vent the tindeSirable watery appear-
ance and easy' melting_ of the ice.
Canned.—Meike -a syrtip in the 5017 -
portion of one pint of water to
three -fourth s pound. of sugar. Doll
the sugar until it ropes. 'Filial in
the berries, slowly. When the syrup
boils again Skint out the berries in -
tie' glass jare, packing them cloae;
fill two-thirds fell of berries', Dell
the syrup until it ropes again and
fill up- the 'jars; seal while boiling
['1100)3' OF A nEA/, LA.ov.
Little Miss Ifuggs (hatightily);
"Your. mother ain't no lady. •
Little MiSs Freckles: "Why ain't
tat (I e MisO Mu ggs : 'I've' seen
her pouring hot Water from the ket-
tle into a big pan, and ehe had an
apron on, too, She's neo lady, A
lady would rather eat off dirty
pi:ace than waSh '0311 herSelf. SO
Turns Bat Iood into
Rich Red Blood.
No Other remedy possesses such
perfect cleansing, healing and puri.
fying proPerties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,
Liver, Bowels and blood to healthy
action. If your appetite is poor,
your energy gope,iyour ambition
lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorous
life. (e('
WALL PAPE13, FIt()31.1 OLD 81-101335,
0,1c1 shoes are not -waste froni the
standpoint of' 1110(10(12 industry. Aftes
-they 1113.170 done their"PerVice and are
discarded by tho 'first WOftral'S, 13.
501160(1-1mnd dett ler restoreei 1.110 W Of it
shoes' to 'eomethiles lite their Tor- ,
mer appeartothe., and they 13.110 sold:
agate, to be :worn a little bY the
poorer classes, N‘ hen. the 'shoes are
finally diecaialbll. by, theY (1713
good for various parposcs. In
France .suelt shoes 0.1e lretight lip hi
quant-ItieS by reg -dealers and sold to
factorieh, .where ehties are first
taken apart and subinitted to long
PrheesSes, *Whiclt tura, tliem 1111(1
paste, front Which 1.110 material is
transformed in(i) Ufl iinitation„leath-
er, appearing very antich like the iln-
081 morocco. 'Upon this in a t aria(
Stylish desigiis are 'stamped, and
Wall -papers, trunk coverings, and
similar articlee are 010,e111aieturect
from it,
The last time torture. Nvas used lit
England was in 184.0, when t glover
111111108 Archer was pat 011 the caok