HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-3, Page 5161
"A little ram i lays
much dust."
A little fnish covers
much shoddy, in
"As good insidethe
finish as it looks out-
side," is pledged by
the Makers' price on
the ;Ore -a=
\ Getxlyear 'Welted.
E. J., SPACKMAN. General .Agent,
• • Be Swift.
Beiwift, Dear Heart, in loving,
For time is brief.
And thou may'st• soon along life's
• highway. ' -
Keep step with grief.
Be swift, Dear Heart, in saying
The kindly word; •
-When ears are sealed, thy pasSionate
Will not 1?e heard.
Be swift, Dear Heart, in doing
The gracious deed,
Lest soon they whom thou holdest
• Be past the need,
Be swift, Dear Heart, in giving
The rare sweet flower,
'Nor wait to heap with blossoms the
In some sad hour.
Dear Heart, be swift in loving -
Time speedeth on;
And. all thy charce of blessed service
-4. Will soon be gone.
esiSiteeZiete •
Paine,s Celery
Does a Wondrous Work For Mr.
Geo.• March,
After Failures of Other Medicines.
.„ It is well'known that terrible rheum-
itisarend sciatica cause more help-
lessness, acute suffering and agony
• than any of the other diseases that
ahliet humanity. The great medi-
sinal virtues Of Paine's Celery • Com-
pound make it the only trustworthy
specific for the cure of all forms of
rheumatism. Thousands of strong
testimotilal letters from the most
• prominent people prove :that Paine's
Celery Compound completely banish-
.— eterheurnatism when all other treat-
ment has failed. • Mr. George March,
Victoria Ave., North, Hamilton, Ont.,
says :
"Havingexperienced all the pains
• and agonies of that awful disease
rheumatism, for the past ten years,
and having met with oo many dissap-
pointments after using medicines of
all kinds, I consider it a duty to let
suffering men and women know what
,Paine's Celery Compound did for me
when any very life was in peril. '
"I was strongly recommended to
give Paine's Celery Compound a fair
trial for my troubles. I bought it and
use% it, and the results were • simply
snari-ellods. '
• "I was encouraged and overjoyed
• that I had at last found the medicine
that could cure even such a long-
standing case as mine, I continued
the use of the Compound and now find
myself a new man in every respect.
Paine's Celery-Compoun.l'also banish-
es pains and troubles that I experienc-
ed in the region of my kidneys. I con-
•sider Paine's Celery. Compound- my
health-eiver and life -preserver."
proveMent in prentitIMS in •that 'de-
partment4 artists of note have already
signided their intentiOnef exhibiting.
It is confidently expected that the
Machinery and .Agricultural Imple-
ment Departments will be well filled,
some of the largest manufacturers of
the :United States bave made appli-
cation for space, which has been
allotted them, A number of Canadian
manufacturers are also anxious to
exhibit. Doubtless the growing apt-
• cultaral wealth of our country. offers
-great inducements to the manufactur-
ing concerns across the line.
Last year's unparalled success in the
Live Stock Departinente will no doubt
be repeated. Exhibits in various
daises were so numerous, that build-
ings erected for other purposes had to
be turned into stalls, as well as accom-
modation provided outside the grounds
The prospects of good crops through-
out- 'Ontario should tend to make the
Westerd Fair of 1002 equal to any that
has been, as regards the products of
both farm and dairy. ,
It is somewhat early to refer to the
special attractions but we are assured
that the management have already
secured sonde thrilling and highly sen-
sational acrobatic features, and the
list is far from being complete yet, a
full list will be advertised in this paper
later on.
As is usual at this time each .year,
1 the office staff are busily engaged in
mailing Prize Lists and other adver-
tising matter tbroughont the Province.
The Secretary informs us that he will
be pleased to mail Lists to anyone
making application. A copy of the
newly revised Map of Western Ontario
will also be mailed to any address. It
is a most complete map, having a full
marginal index -with railways and
itations specially marked so that
places can be easily found. The map
has been copyrighted. sEaxh school
throughout Western Ontario has been
furnished with a sufficient number to
supply each. room.
This year Canada's- favorite exhibi-
tion will be held from Sept, 12th to
20th, a week laten than last year. and
following both the Ottawa and To-
ronto shows.
Every successive year the managers
of the Western Fair make a move for-
ward, and this year will be no excep-
tion in this regard.- Preparations are
being made which will keep the old
"Western" well to the front as the
roost successful as well as the leading.
Live Stock and Agricultural show of
the Dominion. New and interesting
features are beingintroduced fot• the
first time, Some changes will be made
in thearrangements of exhibits in the
Main Building as well as in other De-
This year will see the introduction
, in the :AU Gallery of many works of
. Art• of high merit. by the leading.
• araists of the country, A large exhibit
• is assured in consequence of an hr.
Pains in the Back
• .Are symptoms of a weak, torpid or
stagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is extremely
• hazardous to neglect, so important
a healthy action of these organs
They are commonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of courage, and some-
timeS by gloomy foreboding and de-
SpOndenck, .
."1 Was taken 111 with kldney trouble, and
been= so week 1 could scarcely get around.
• I took medicine wia,out benefit, and finally
• decided to 'WY 11 Sarsaparilla, Atter
thefirst boi tic 1 t u mush better 'that
• continued its uc,end six het ties made inc
.a neW woman. 'When my little girl Wes a
Inti,y, she could not ktep anything on her
•.illoinach, and we gave her Slootl's Samoa-
rl.la Whieb eured Ler." Mus. Titosiati IN
• Wollaceburg, Ont.
Hood's' Sarsaparilla
ei,res kidney. .n.,1 liver troubles,
li4Ve5 the back. and Wit& up the
hole system. .
A blotched, pimply, ,disfigured face,
feeling of exhaustion, wracked nerves,
headache and a dull brain. The prop-
er cure is one Verrozone Tablet after
each meal: Ferrozone clears and
beautifies the complexion by making
rich, pure blood. It restores the en-
feebled brain and unstrung nerves to
a healthy, vigorous condition. It in-
vigorates all the physical and mental
powers, and brings strength and am-
bition to the depressed. Refuse a sub-
stitute for Ferrozone --- it's the best
tonic, rebuilder and invigorator
known.Price 50c., at Druggists or
Pblson & Co., Kingston, Ont.
Mr. A. Q. Bobiers' third annual but-
terrnakers'. cream drawers' and pat-
rons' picnic was held on Thursday last
June 26th, at Grand Bend, and was as
usual a success, although owing to the
inclemency of the weather many were
•taneble to attend, yet.upwards of 1500
people were present, and everybody
did their best to make the picnic a
success. Mr, Bobier was on the grounds
early and by his genial and pleasant
• manner made all feel at„. home. • • Tea
and coffee was served on the grounds
• free of Charge. The object of this
picnic is to bring together the patrons
and employes of the factory so that
all may become better acquainted.
The prizes, which were given by Mr.
Bobier were very handsome and ex-
pensive, At' two o'clock a lengthy
program of sports was commenced on
the athletic grounds of the park.
MEN:s RACE -(1.1 starters) Thomas
Diriney 1st, John Campbell 2nd, Henry
Heist 3rd.
ers.) Mrs. Hoffman 1st, Mrs. 4. Wells
2nd, Mrs. H. Haist 3rd.
RACE. -(7 starters.) miss
Baumgarten 1st, Miss Yearly 2nd,Miss
Welsh 3rd..
Boys' RACE. -(6 starters.) Master
Mawhinney 1st, E. Colwell 2nd, Will
Schrader 3rd.
SACK RACE. -(S) starters.) J. Wil-
liams 1st, John Campbell 2nd, T. Pen -
hole 3rd.
EsimovEis' Raoz:---45 starters.? J.
Brock Adams 2nd, Wilhis,
3 LEGGED RACE. -(8 starters.) J.
Ca.uipbell and EL Heist first.
GIRLS' RACE. - (7 starters.) A. Maw-
hinney lst, E. Gould 2nd, L. Hand-
ford 3rd.
starters.) In this race there was con-,
siderabld excitement and enthusiasm,
in feet it was one of the most interest-
ing races of the afternoon. Only one -
prise was given of which Mrs. Lawson
was aiteasy winner.
The tug of war between nine men of
Hay and an equal number from
Stephen proved to be an interesting
contest and was won by the Stephen
men. The following are the names of
the winners: H. Haist, J. Brock, 0.
Hoffman, A. Brown, G. Lawson, W.
Martin, J. Lawson, D. Mawhinney, W,
Mawhinney. In the tug of war con-
test last year the Hay men won.
Mr. Bobier the proprietor of the
Jersey Creamery, Exeter, is to he com-
plimented, not only on the success of
the picnic but also of the pepularrity
of his creamery with the farming row.
mina!ty.- These annual picnics are 1* -
corning very popular and are looked
forward to each yea- ty bo h young
and old with a great deal of interest,
and it, must be indeed gratifying to
Mr, Bobier to know' that his efforts
are appreciated by 117s many friends.
• I have examined Strong's. Pilekone,
snd ha Ve prescribed it. in my practice
with FM tisfil resnIts. .T. M.
PIPEK, , 01.eoneri, Imealan.
Price 81.00. For sale by tirnetriets,
oehy mail on receip. 1 4 wire.
tV. T, 4TRON0.. Manufacturing
ilinnitist Gunton, 0.i1 110,
Drawn and »i iZfna Ziaahi $;4).11 tint
HMOs)) Commander.
OAP° Town, June 23. -Lord Kitch-
ener receiVed 'tt great public; ovation
on his 4rrival here to -day. The town
was decorated, the streets. Were lined
with troeps and the mayor and .cor-
poration welcomed the British Com -
mender at the TOWII. Hall and .pre -
seated him with an address. In the
-course of his reply LOI'd Kiteliener,
. referriug to the country of his nativ-
ity, paid a Special tribute to the Ir-
ish troops during the war in South
. Subsequently, 4.tt a luncheon, in ac-
cept ing the presentation of a sword
. of honor, Lord Kitchener, took ,the
, responsibility of having enforced
martial law in Cape Colony. Ile
declared it hail prevehted a geneeal
rebellion by stopping the dissemina-
tion of lies. Now he asked for the
• suppression Of all raelal feelings and
Boer had c‘iid vouas. mit. and
had a good fight and were now
shaking hands,
Lord Xitcheuer also Said his hear-•
ers could be Mire that the rebels
would not be dealt with vindictively.
Por I :Wand..
Cape Town, June 23. -Lord Kitch-
ener and General French sailed for
England to -day on the Pacific Steam
Navite.tion Company's steamer Oro
- ma to ye nom"
The 'Hague, June 24.-0. H. ilres-
sels and. P. G. INT. Robler, who have
been on the Continent of, Europe for
some time past in the 'interest of the.
Boers, have started for England,
with the view, it is said., of taking
the steps necessary to permit of.
their return to South Africa. '
Lord Roberts to the Public.
London, June 24.- Lon'd Roberts,
the • Commander -in -Chief of the
Forces. gas again appealed to the
public to refrain from. treating the
returning soldiers, 'so that the "well -
'deserved welcome may not be the
means of _sullying the fair fame of
iny gallant comrades, of whose stain-
less repidations I am as jealous as
am proud."
Several Cables Received at Ottawa From
Cape Town,
Ottawa, June 21, -The following
cables were received yesterday:
Cape Town, June 19. -Dangerously
ill or enteric fever, June 18, Vet
River, E Division, S.A.C., No. 2116,
John Sydney Westlake. Please in-
form Frank Westlake; Tharnesford,
P.O., Ont. Replaced on dangerously
ill list, June 16, Potchefstroom, 0
S.A.C„ No. 1.771, W. J..
Shanks, abscess, - following amputa-
tion or leg. Please inform. T.
Shanks, Pettapiece, Man. .
(Signed) Casualty Department.
Mr. Chamberlain to Governor -G
eral, June 21. -Regret to 'inform you
that Warren Craig, No.. 1559 C
sion, reported dangerously. ill of en-
teric fever at Standerton, June 13;
father, T. Craig, Newcastle, N.B.
(Signed) Chamberlain.
Cape Town, June 22.-3)angerotts-
ly ill, June 21, Pinetewn. Bridge,
3rd C.M.R., No. 430, George' B.
Robb, enteric fever; Elandsfontein,
2nd No. 205, William Bell,
enteric fever; Newcastle, 4th C.M.R.,
No. 205, A. McIntosh, pneumonia.
'(Signed) Casualty Department.
r RAU It :4 IN, YUKON.
Two Officials Neils,' .kfter Uein Stn.
pend Goverment 'a Lose.
Winnipeg, June 24. - A Dawson,
Yukon, special says:1D. W..Davis, col-
lector of customs, has been suspend-
ed, owing to grave irregularities in
the Customs Department. After sus-
pension Davis handed in .his resigna-
tion. Alexander A. Cook of the
same department, has also resigned.
It is charged that Davis received a
largo Sum of money from the Alaska
Exploration Company, and in return
the Government was defrauded of a
lai•ge amount of revenue due from
this company. It is possible tliat
criminal proceedings will be taken
Against officers of the company. E.
S. Busby, formerly .Of Ska.guay, has
been temporarily 'appointed to fill
the vacancy. The claim against the
company with penalties, will reach
550,000 or More. Davis Was for-
merly Conservative member of Par-
liament for Alberta.
Fatalities at Ottawa. '
Ottawa, June 24.-Janies Thomp-
son, 'who worked on Rideau street,
Ottawa, was drowned in the Gati-
neau River yesterday. Thompson
had been drinking. •
The botig of 'William Watthorn,
Ottawa, was found • floating in the •
Ottawa river yeiterday, below • the
Queen's wharf. He is supposed to be ,
one of the two xnen who leaped from
the Canadian Pacific Railway 13ridge '
into the .Ottaava. 'River . and Was. •
swept over • the. falls.
1.1.1r -t
trElator Truomr.
4vry n0000tm000 co-reromoot to If ake
tittnelp ea Important Condition.. •
TOr011tO, Juno 21.-rnte' following
telegram line been reeeiveti by Unix-,
aging Director Elias Rogers, of the
Crow's Kest Paso Coal Company,
from the company's solicitor, G.
S. LindseY, who has been at Penile,
13. 0., attending the, recent disaster
Iiitllt° v
"Aa;llight tilo • 'jun,
,brougut in the following verdict :—
'The initial cause of. said, explOSion
is at a point in No. 2 mines afore-
said, not clearly defined in evidence,
arid that the said ir UM' cause ex-
tended frow the f. a d undefined point
throughout 1 to greater portions of
'Nos. 2 and 8 inines coal -dust be-
ing the conveying mediuna, and we
fincl, conseauence; that the blade-
etIete method of watering. and, re-
moving the dust left the mine in
such 0 condition as to be dangerous,
'and thereby provided a meditun
whereby the initial cause was aug-
znented and intensified. That we,
the said jury, recommend the 0
eminent to take sech steps to en-
force (1) the' immediate inetallation
of the most aporoveCl system of wat-
et•ing for allaying dust in. coal
mines ; (2) that a, more. thorough
inspectioa be adopted att. these mines
• throughout the • old workings and
rooms contiguous' tothe air chan-
nels that • are now being worked; (3)
that the safeet explosive- and meet
al)Proved safety lamps be used.' "
Capt. 'Seale Dead,
Niagara -on -the -Lake, June 24. --
Yesterday, at "Tho Bungalow," Nia-
gara -on -the -Lake, there passe,d away
one of the. most respected citizens of
the place, in the person of 'Captain
Percy Beale, late of Her Majesty's
10th Lincolnshire Begin -tent. Capt.
Percy Beale was -the grandson of the
late Sir John 13eale, Baroutit of
Maidstone, Kent, and son of Mr. Wil-
liam Beale, Master in the Court of
Chancery. At an early age Cant.
Beale entered the Imperial service as.
a subaltern..
Montreal Street Itailvray.
Montreal June 24. -The conductors
and motormen of the Montreal Street
Railway have sent in a petition to
the company asking, for an increase
from 15, to 18 cents an hour during
the week, and 20 cents on Sunday.
Baron Often Riciad 'Wife.
Loridon, June 17. --Baroness
kett, formerly. Miss Sarah. Anson
Phelps Stokes of New York', was
granted, a divorce yesterday,- on the
ground of the cruelty and infidelity
of her husband. The Baroness left
her husband in imp, owing to ill.
treatment. The suit was undefended..
Baroness Nalltatt testified of her hus-
band's cruelty. . S.he said that on
severaloccasions he kicked her.
Itailey t -tends. For 1 rial.
. Toronto, June 17. -The prelimin-
ary trial of . Lewis D. Dailey, one of
the' street railway conductors, accus-
ed of defrauding' the ciampany, was
continued in the Police Court before
Magistrate .Kingsford yesterday, and
resulted- in; Bailey being . committed
for trial.
rem in Caps -Timm
Cape Town, Juno 16. -Extreme
cold, accompanied by storms of un-
precedented se erity, , continued to
prevail in Cape Colony. Thousands
of sheep have perished, and the tele-
graph wires are down and buried itt
snow drifts.
Ante:leans to ?lay. Land.
Winnipeg, 'June 17-Se-ven large
ranchers from Kansas . are here on
their way to the Northwest Terri-
tories to buy land,
• ae... nen ante Tree.
pobourg, June 24 -On Thursday an
pale' tree, to be known, as the King
Edward Oak, will be planted in the
Town Hall Park: A ddressei will be
delivered by • Mayor IInycke, ex -
Mayor J. D. Hayden and other pro-
minent citizens.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digeition, a
bad liver. .Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
stipation, biliousness, dys-
pepsia, sick headache.
25c. ATI dnsggists.
0. 1.11. woes' Go up.
Toronto, June 17.-A circular was
issued yesterday by Superintendent
',Tones of the GTE, adVa-ncing the
wages of the yardmtn of the middle
division. 10 cents a day. The wages
noW are: foremen, 42.10 per day;
yardnieu, 51.60 and $1.70 per day.'
British Itarque Darned.
San -Francisco, June 17. -Nom's has
beer' received from Honolulu that the
British -barque,. Fannie Kern, laden
With coal from Newcastle, Australia,
to this port, caught fire at Sea and
was abandoned by the CrOW, whO
safely reached land.
s pith Tieltra GracefallY.
Madrid, June 17. -It was artndunc-
ed here yesterday that the Govern-
ment has decided to appoint A min-
ister to the Cuban republic.
• boxative HeomeQuinine Tabletn cure` a old
In bite ay. No cure. No sly. PACS 25 et
Want your moustache or beard it beautiful
brown or rich black? Then use
BUCKINGHAM'S DYE t‘cgat,leers
SO OTO. 0/ DOUGOIITS, 11. LULL • CO., tl,1011114,
(youown selection) to evety S211) -
scriber. Only, •sti,cents a year.
Late of 19.11/
1,1Cing At, West,
MOM 011/ 4114.4:1 toos,reftesto.,Naatatater Iscr...towe4aartseeseetwamersissitot...samee
A gem; beantiful colored plates; latest
fashions ; dressmaking economies ;fancy
work; htusellotil hints; fiction, etc. Sub.
scribe to -day, or, send 50 for latest cosy.
Lady agents Wanted; Send for tents.
Styli sh , Het labie, Simple, Up-to-
date, Economical and Absolutely
Perfect -Pitting Paper Patterns.
All Seems Allowed and Perforations show
the Basting and Sewing Unet.
Only to and ts cents each -none higher.
Ask for them. Sold in nearly every eity
and teen, ot by mail from
TillC MoCALL CO, ,
113,11S-117 West 3Ist St, NEW YONS.
c arta,
Diseases tff tot.
ulceration., tenent° 'eh
in anj'all bad 0
'4,, IJIRKMre,
txc taws4Pit ita8ltIstair4P
44itafigive ,Orati
es.ou empty, etc., tne result of youth(n
e,tcess,) Gleet and Stricture. ot Lkng Stand
ec s
Orrice EOURS-Ein, in. to 8p. tp. Sundar 'I +112 p.
of Wornen-Panaful, ro vise or su ..ressed mental nation
a x '•"•—"" • • d
zeTnbeeari):arblenf;r1Ing11:8"etalor314, Ast,vakte.
eTxlicoeupstaionnditioeli:leelt.liitIllw?r,7ntstlEdri 141111:1,411;:p
haler treatment, Anal AIR
ing to the doctor t
ills they prOted':" 631011,10,g
Catarrhozone ; it kills Id ntlitvth
head in ten minuted," d .9b116.'?
Catarrh, Bronchitis,'"AJ.1ttV
Troubles, aud cures eve ele 41.14 f
other reinedies have dilf "real 110
hozone is very pleasant() it iNinkr
venient to use. Its bes en
dation is its enormoir
ts Salk' )9
day, Price 51.00, 25‘twitttr
. sa 111141 con
; to
BRE. E.D TO z•-- -.to a
unday 1 to StkIktriAANCE.
MUNI UM 21775
that has shown his ability to sire
treme Speed. There is no standayd-
bred horse that lives that is Tared-
tum's superior in breeding. There is
no better boned.horse with size, style
and substance. , He is a natural born
trotter and ran go. fast. • Tareutum
has produced out of less than ten
colts in his own vicinity. two that has
shown trials in lees than 2.10. He bad
produced out of common mares, colts
that can show withent special train-
ing their ability to go better than 2.40.
For airing high stepping action for
road and carriage purposes, Toren
tum ie the ideal sire of Canada.
Write for. testimonials as to his siring
abilities and tabulated pedigree. Will
stand at his own stable, Egmondville,
Friday and Satarday, Russeldale,
Monday; Woodhain, Tuesday noon;
St. Marys, Tuesday night; Mitchell,
Wednesday night,. .
Tinder and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage, which
will be produced at the time of sale,
there will be offered for sale by Public
Auction by Thos. Cameron am-
tioneer, at
FRIDAY, JULY. I 1th, 1902.
At 2 4)'elock P. 51. .
The following valuable property,
viz: -
Lot No 77 and the South half of Lot No, 76 in
the village of Centralia. County of Huron (for-
merly part of the south half of original lot
number Four in the First concession of the
Township of Stephen.) On this property there
Is a first-class Creamery and .Butter Factory,
nearly new, with Boiler and Engine, twoSep-
arators, one parturiser and other machinery
and aparatus connected with the said factory.
Also quantity stored Ice. The factory is situ-
ated in an excellent dairying district and is a
desirable property.
26per cent. of the purchase money at time of
Sale and balance within Thirty days, or ar-
rangements for payment of balance may be
made upon application. For further par-
ticulars and conditions of Sale apply to.
Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitor.
Dated at Exeter, June 23r0. 1902.
lisrmet jiteroutmraimerloi_A:en for thefihrfizliftii;the_ickidEsortecic Com-
1.2t1""turralessortaKen Caota-ar.....a-Tradia.V1(011.1.1-ondon, 1 c%leehti
)1 -idgen for the IA' perifue,q71=crte
a ItegiX2X4V ratio I .1.1iffi V-!,
lia.u.sen Isinnwecn Comp/ivy, of Kr
.10..13.4114.813,rri,:nvicnn, Ivr_tr. .414:i!_.,roi‘ °yr() 1,34,...
tY • Cites -CI ediliellik.0.11, •
\tee er
P ospee-Armutap. vette reify
office al. tt residence. nemielon Labora-
orj , E-Aeh.r.
1 B.60111NIN ti LD. \L.4,',
•t!„ z• 5, G rtidlu)tteA 11",1ctosia ralt;,
e82.1 reaidetn nntel n ) lbotta
A 1 .
commtees,,goljaitore.fer tate ins:Aeons
Berik,lEfkVis Li. La P;tro
Money toLoan itt lowast.rates of intereEit.
carne1fspresititaletB5. OBEIETElpirs
s cAni,44eir•hOdCitOr8fiTafir
, 1 r.art .81r -tweet. rntco rif let
TATE ___ET @BET,. tlft.1..."1.Tas,,
(Successor va-Eltiett WGItin-ffitiliT --
Barrister,' Salicitki'liutslf Public,
Money to loan, on Feud, and,. village
properties at 1.41Went raitiebtalf interest
bibl4TAL ' t '" of ' g-il
' tiL. ':V.,..i•
TT. .„..311hTSMAN, L.. D. S..-AND
eiP-s-L• DR: A;R. HINMAN, L:
D. S. 4. D . S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teel Taltrifeted Without -pain or
bad after effents. Office id FaSi
son's Week. West side of Malt,
treet,' Exeter • '
• •
hp-' t
. . 1
D.A. ANDER/ION, (D. S. L.O.av
Honor Graduate of the Toronto -Univers
and Royal Celle*qf Dsent2fnzeins 92
Ontario, with hon Aloi9rte
Chicago School oesthetice tistry ,
honorable mention. 1 t
Everything knowreto the Dental P.refesskin
donein this office. Bridge work. canwns,..sal-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates allkidoneire
the neatest manner is possffilea perfectiya
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
tion. ra t•
Office one door south:i tif Carling Bret. store
Exeter,Ont. ,1e..4 •:- " •
EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as "The Hooper Homestead", situated
on Lot No. 86, south of -Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected mien ihdland, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwelling, -also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellently adapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentif-ul sup-
ply of hard and soft water. The property is up
to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap-
ply to DicKsoN 8c CARLING barristers Exeter,
or to A. E. HOOPER, Row P. 0., Penna.:MB
A., proprietor.
, •
Pack* of Cards Free.
One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak
"Escort" , One Pack, 'Ilirtation" One Pats;
oHold-to light." One Pack, "Our Sofa Jn
Holds Two. Sample 01 21 other styles, with
book full of notions. Send. Se silver for postage.
Yarmouth, s.N.
hi The High Court of Justice
Judicial sale of valuable property in
the lownship of Hay, in the county
of Huron.
Pursuant to an order of the High Court of
Justice, made in the above cause, there will
beoffered for sale by the Local Master at
Gederinh, at the Dominion Hotel in the village
of Zurich, at one o'clock in the afternoon on
Saturday, the Elth day of June,1902. the follow-
ing real prcperties situated in the Township of
Bair, In the county of Huron.
Lot 13 in the Lake Road, East concession
containing 350 acres more or less. This pro-
perty is well fenced and under -drained, and
the soil which is of a clay loam of the best
quality, is in a high state of cultivation.
Lots Nos. 13 and 14.in the take Road, West
Concession together containing. 60 acres more
or less. On this parcel are situated a large
bank barn with strawthouse, nutchine and
driving shed, and a comfortable eight -roomed
frame dwelling house with kitchen and wood-
shed. This property is beautifully situated on
the shore of lake Huron and is one of the best
homesteads in the corm ty of Huron.
• TARGET,. 111,
The Fast half of Lot N o.16 in the Lake Road
Rot Concession, oontainieg 75 acres.
The North East corner of Lot No. 14, in the
Lake Road, East Colmessien containing 14
acres whereon are situated it frame house and
a frame barn ; the west half of Lot No. 16 in
the 1511' coneessiou, con' aining 75 tiered which
has erected thereon a good framehouse and a
good frame barn with stelae stables under-
neath ; the South 'West part of Lot 17, in the
121h coneession ,containing 41 acres. The
properties comprising this parcel are in a
splendid state of cultivation and the buildings
°rooted thereon are in a good state of repair.
The South East earner Of Lot No. .14 iri the
Lake Road East Concession, containing 6
acres more or less, on which are situated brick
and tile yards, kiln and sheds together with
first class brick and tile making machinery
and a largo boiler and thirty R. P, engine.
There aro 40 acres of first class red burning
clay in close proximity to this parcel.
Ten per cent, of the purchase money on day
of sale and the balance thirty days thereafter
into Court to the credit of this action4 without
interest. The properties will be offered for
sale subjeetto a reserve bid. In n11 other re-
spects the terins and conditions of sale wni be
the standing conditicius of this Court,
Further particulars may be obtained from
11. J. D. Cooke, Barrister, Efensali, Samuel
Rennie, Zurich, or the Local Master.
Dated et Goderich, this lith day of June, 1902,
B. L. DOYLE, Local 'Waste at Roderick,
W ANTED. Responsible Manager (hitegrit7
"must be unquestionable) to take charge of
distribution depot and oftice to be openedie
Canada to further business interests of an old
established manufacturing concern. Salary
$150 per month and extra profits, Applicant
must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand.-
ing. Address, SuptaP. O. Box 1151, Philadel;
phis. Pa.
The farm on Lot 3, con. 1, Hay township, is
for sale or can be rented. For further par-
ticulars apply to .A. HOLLAND. Exeter.
rilla6 Manitoba Hour
Enter Star flour
Hilo Pasta flour
Fall Vikat 1iour
" tgeoted and Uprik
for kalelwhigslin stook.
Newna-riiir:71 ()Egan:
1 P i
UT essr, 5.2
.11a.”aii;( o of our goods. We
art94fi 949620CF1Pebest tht niS4141t4t1
ArlHisineisitkrtiM%rid 21Zter4rA *of-
fitOirr?Aifa fgacflines 111-40kys '.&
1'1\54'90 ihhSheei hiN1(104
vil.:i gNrieaedvietelt, tisilehpir,v4s fow
a .
1 • •• ) s ir
ste.:).1.1,-., phins?. yotand Bo. 'T
Ca=',.'". US,
12 We have the finest. stock in town.
. • ,,i the latest Strateii, in theiree
Our prices arelow as can be founetd
ors. AT!..n, • t . al
or, t -class mat. e:rialia.tifl wcirLknitrieftfeztta
. 11::::.' BEFORE YOU,' BUT ,,
I 1.
i•CIALL fl.f•4 D SEE -Minis 1-
o you Wa a Buii/ri
Ifleadouarters For
:Two'Doors South Town Haiti?
Oats, Bran and Shorts. Also
a nice line of Fresh Groceries.
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills.
Liver and Kidney Pills.;
Kidney Mixture •
Sciatica Remedy
Sarsaparilla, •
Cough Mixture
Cholera and. Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion. '
Try any of these prepkrations
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
A. Full line of Patent .Medicines cat
• ti
.2, -in
:- Offl1llIOfl Lalig$014
• ,
Wehaye unlimited private fupdgfpr Invest-
ment upon farm or village property at lowesti
rates of -Interest.
, •
rIONEY TO L0.41.„IsT1,;
I have entree amount of privets funds to
Joan on farm and village preeerties at mow rat
of inter*
F. W. GLADMAk• " •
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
and send it to us with 5 cents in silver and you
will get by return inail a GOLDIDT.DOX OF
GOODS that will bring you in ximr,IjoNET
in one month than anything else fir AMOrka..
• A. W. IKENNY,E. T.
Yartnou th, N ,
You can save money time and feed by keep-
ing your pigs dry and clean. They Will thrive
better and keep healthy. Make the hog com-
fortable and he will put on flesh. You can do
so with a very little expellee by erecting (Ped-
ler's Paterit) The Elevated Moveable Pigs Bed.
Simple of goMitruction, make 11 yourselVes.
Send $2,00 in registered letter for farm rightu
certifitate and plan of construction to.
.Torne Pitmen, Exeter, °nits
Patentianplied for.
"Christmas 130xr
Full of VS onderfui Things
in= Portraits of Ac1reaseit20PopularSongs
Magic Telescope and. Pictures, 60 AMUS-
ing Experirnen ts, Love's Puzzl e. 20 Rebuses,10e
Funny Conundrums, Book of Love. Game o
Letters, Magic "WritAng, 324 jelly Jokes
Receipt for Moustache Grower. 100Meney Mak.,
ingSecrets,ite Tot et and Cooking Receipee. 256
Selections for Autograph .Allittrea, 10 Model
Love Letters, How to Toll Vortanes, Dictionary
of Drearaii, Guide to Flirtation. Magic Age
Table, Lover's 'Telegraph. and Our new Cat, or
Xmas Toys, Books ard Notion& ell by matt
FRE E.ter Sc. diver tti riast. tiostace.
Yarmouth. VA,