HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-7-3, Page 42040)3 " ,T.,3041(111111tIN 111111)11111)111.111
ed Raria I
Rea a Ogee, ttreat,
eteentien Menneau
any ititineeea o gooa tthee.
aloe with me er more endoreer et 7 per
t, per annum
1Cxeter Branch
ee every lawfur;Iiir from 14 a. re. to a leen
f$ATITRDATS;10,4.%, tO 1 la,
ut rave of letereie allowed On deposlts.
SOMOreeses. reateaagn
°ter, Doti. 27th, 'DO.
Calendar for July, 1 902
h ,
blitetreter h
B '1'
1111 the News 0 interest to
Imes 'loaders happening
in /Use Gounties
eeehesol • othee---e
We regret to learn that Robert
Holmes, M. tP., Clinton, is sufferieg
from a mild attnek of typhoid fever
BeoltaottE, swelling ot the teat and ankles,
putnng under eyes, frequent thirst, seenty,
cilendy, highly colored urine widen urinary
troublea lead to Brigate disease, dropsy, dm
13 20 27 betes eoan's aridney Pins are a sure eure.
• .1 14
21 28 William J. Hutton, formerly of
1 8 15 22 29 Wiugharn, Ont.., was found dead in a
2 9 10 23 30 livery barn, in Detroit, on Thursday.
8 10 17 21 81 morning. A 38 calibre revolver was
4 11 18 25 clutched in his hand an a gaping
5 12 19 2(3 wound in his right hand showed that
It was a case et suicide.
THURSDAY, JULY nate 11'002
The most foelisla thing for a farmer
to do is to stop breeding. He should
proably breed fewer colts, but he
should breed better. That is the
whoa secret in a :nutshell. atereafter
In its horses the world will require
quality rather than quantity. and
getting quality, the world will be will-
ing to pay the price, just as it is to-
Today any horse for which there is
deinand-and there is a deixiand for
eyery horse of superior excellence -
the price is as high as it has been at
any time for twenty years. The fine
horse for driving and :riding le never
going out of fashion., and just at this
moment in the great parts of New
York they are in very active demand
both fot home and foreign use.
And in this ntatter of =proving the
quality there is this important con-
eideration-it costs not a penny more
to breed, raise and keep a good horse
than a poor one The horse which at
Eve years old will command, $500 at
election has not necessarily cost his
breeder one dollar more than the mis-
shapen thing that is knocked down in
derision be: the auctioneer at $45.
Quality is what counts to -day, and
what will count. Let our -farmers
achieve that and they will solve a
problem the present working out of
-which shows that in seven years they: -
have lost in wealth something like
Wheu in this aspect of the subjeot I
look te the future f cannot fail to be
full of hopeftilness. The demand for
our horses from abroad is growing
steadily, It has not reethed large
proportions as yet, but there are for-
eign 'buyers at all our sales, and the
excellence of our carefully bred horses
or cavalry purposes is highly appre-
ciated by those foreign ofdeers ac-
tinnted Wall them.
Our Ilittne market; for really good
horses will grow with our population
and mar wealth; the demand from
abroad. will increase with the knowl-
edge that we are breeding the best all
round, good for any kind of thing
horses in all the world. - Review of
ficaltli-Givinu Malt
It Is Found Only In
Health -giving Malt i found only in
Malt Breakfast Food. The scientific
combination of the choicest Wheat
and the purest Malt produces a food
that the most eminent physicians re-
cognize as a perfect health breakfast
food. Matt Breakfast Food is fast dia.
placing oatmeal and other starchy
grain foods Try a package, Tont.
grocer has it.
Dark Hair
"1 here used Ayer' s Hair Vigor
for a great' many years, and al-
though Z am past eighty yearof
age, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head."
Geo. YellottTowson, Mc
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now,
no matter; for Ayer's
Hair Vigor always re.
stores color to gray hair.,
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
sae we. Au *stem.
If year &argil* ammo yegt,
Wend tea one della,- Ned we will expreee
yeti A bottle, ele *Mei and.givii *haunt.
at Par sseareet Ogres* egine. Adana**
;‘,‘ C. AVS304430.. Drag; Mew
Dyspepsia, m its worst forms wil
yield to the, use of Carter's Litt]
Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Littl
Liver Pills. They not only reliev
present distress but strengthen th
etomach and digestive apparatus.
Last week the Moulding shop ae th
Goderich Engine Works turned ou
the hugest casting tlaat has yet bee
made at these works. It is a low pres
sure cylinder for a fore-and-aft ma
vine epgine with a 20 in, stroke an
se in, bore. Tbe weight is over tw
the bowels, cure constipation, d,yspepsil.
bitioesness, sick headache and all afleotions o
he organs of digestion,
At high n000 on Thursday a quiet,
but pretty wedding was celebrated at
the resideece of Mrs. Shannon, o
Clinton, when her eldest daughter,
Maud, became the bride cf W. B.
Smyth, of Detroit. Miss Mabel Shan-
non, sister of the bride, acted as brides
maid, while the groom was supported
by C. H. lay, of London.
In a few days Mr. W. Nt Manniug,
of Clinton, will leave on an extended
trip west, going first to Manitoba,
where he will remain for a couple of
weeks. At Winnipeg he will be join-
ed by F. R. Hodgens, and together
they will then go on to Vancouver and
San Francisco, returning by way of
Deriver and other south western
Children are often attacked suddenly by
painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarr-
hoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera In-
fentuin, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry ie a prompt and sure cure which
should always be kept in the house.
Sohn McGrath, of Hibbert, recently
sold to 13, Donovan, of Seafortb,
three-year-old gelding for the snug
spin of $225. This fine animal weigh-
ed over 1,800 pounds. It was raised
by Mr. McGrath and is a credit to bine
-D. McDonald, jr., of the 10th con-
cession of Tuckersmith, also sold to
the same buyer a three-year-old geld-
ing, for which he teceived $210. Both
horses were purchased for Mr. Elendu
of ila.nailton, for nap on his drays.
Several other very fine horses were
purchased in this yicinity for the same
gentleman. These prices sbOve that it
pays to raise good horses, but, unfor-
tunately. horses of this quality arnnot
overly plentiful.
The Seaforth paperannounee that.
the preparations fa the teception of
the Huron Old Boys OD July 5th are
well advanced. On the arrival of the
special train from Toronto a proces-
sion will be formed and the guests es-
corted to Victoria Park, where ad.*
dresses of welcome will be given. La-
crosse matches, foot ball matches and
a tug-of-war will comprise tbe after-
noon's entertainment, besides a relay
race for school boys, open to all public
schools in the 'county. Four boys
from any school may enter. In the
evening a concert will be given at the
recreation grounds by the combined
bands of the 481.11 Highlanders and the
A very pretty wedding was celebrat-
ed at the residence ot Me and Mrs.
Alfred Hayward. London road, Clin-
ton, Ont.. Wednesday noon, on June
25th, when -their only daughter, Miss
Minnie A., was united in marriage to
Eddie E. Sall, sou of Mr. Ball, who
was the ex -conductor of the G. T. R.
of Windsor, Ont. Miss Mabel Ball, of
Windsor, sister of thegroom, was
bridesmaid, the groom being attended
by Vit. EL Ovoid, jr.. of Hamilton
Road, London, Ont. They are all deaf
mutes. Rev. J. E. Dunlop, of the
Baptist church, of Clinton, perforroed
the ceremony, assisted by the bride's
brother, Fred Mayward, of Clinton, as
an interpreter in sign language.
Walter Rattley. aged fifteethree
years, with a -mind diseased, took a
abort cub into eternity on Sunday
morning. June 22nd., at Clinton, He
was always mentally weak and had.
been an inmate of an asylum, but. he
was a harmless sort of fellow and
worked for years among tbe farmers
of that district. For some time past
be has been down about Crediton, but
returning about a fortnight it was
arranged by those who had the over-
sight of himithrie he should make his
home at Mr. Chas. Baker's on the 16th
concession of Goderich township. It
was noticed that since his return
from Crediton he was not as talkative
as usual but nothing was thought of
it. Re had taken his own life and
the razor with which he committed
the fatal deed was stilt grasped in his
!eft band. He bad also cut two gash-
es on his wrist.
The tinsel
to b.glit consutn,ption, with Seett's
Rraulsion of eokt.liver oil, is long
ixt advance. Xf it threatens, yott can
resist and you may overetnne it.
Don't be afraid; be brave. But
tackle it; don't waste time,
ND T9 'RE2 ,,OPIIPpe Ana TRY Er.
SCOTT 4I.2.! gosoteeemetre. g.s voisearre.
dal IllAve to•
for man or beast. Rebores pain, reduces
swelling, antes inflammation, cures cup,
burns, bruises, sprains, sturjOillit‘ bees of in-
sects. rbeumatient eta ,A, large bottle for 50
Ip the results of the June examina-
tions of the college of Physielans and
Surgeons, Toronto, D. E. Hodgson, of
Staffs, passed the intermediate exam -
1 ( natation.
e1 A woman who is weak, nervous and
e 1sleepless, and who has cold hands and
feet, cannot feel and ant like a well
o person. Carter's Iron. Pills equalize
the circulation, remove nervousness,
e and give strength.
There passed away on Friday, June
It 20th, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, P. M. Nicol, North Ward, one of
; St. Marys much respected residents in
ut the person of Mary MeOlintoet relict
o of the late John Moore, Esq., in her
84th year.
Spells, Dizziness, or any condition arising
from Impoverished blood, Disordered Nervos
or Weak Heart.
Miss Florence Sharp, of $t Marye,
who has been attending the Woodt
stock hospital for 'he pasb four years,
studying to be a professiorial nurse,
. has Just passed with high honors. On
the honor list she -obtained second
place, losing first place be only one -
halt per cent.
Swollen, aching joints, muscles are
stiff and sore, every movethent accom-
panied by _pain. The most potent
remedy is Poison's Nerviline, which
has live times the pain -subduing pov,-
er of any other preparation, Apply
the Nervilitie oepiously, rub it on well
and then bind in a bot fletitel baro
dage. This will cure the worst cesee
in a very short time. Try Nerviline
for Rheinxiatistn, Neuralgia, Sciatica
or _Lumbago all right and only
costs a quarter. -
13r. Hamilton's Pills Cure COnsti-
Children Cry for
Messrs. Weir & •4Veir. Of St. Marys,
shipped eighteea cattle on Tuesday
for the English market, being the
last of etable cattle for the season,
This firm has shipped about one
thousand cattle to England since last
November, and have paid title about
seventy-five thousand dollars for the
On Tuesday evening, June 24th, a
very pleasing event took place at the
residence of Mr. Gilbert Gregory, of
Maple Grove, Nissouri, when his
daughter. Miss Minnie, became the
bride of Mr. George W. Medd, of the
same towusbip. There were about
fitty guests present. at the interesting
ceremony at which the Rev. Mr. Ed -
rounds officiated. .
011ieleTicol, youngest son of 'Mrs. P.
Nicol, Church-st., St. Marys, met with
a mishap on Saturday a.fternoote Jane
21st, that might have cost him his life.
He was playing around the new resi-
dence of Mr, James A, McLaren,
whieb is in course of erection, and he
fell out of a window alma thirty feet, e
from the ground and lit on a pile of I
stones. Medical aid was immediately I
sent for and upon examination the
doctor for,
no bones broken. He
was, badly bruised in the body by the
s '
SHALL1 h o UU 0111• ?
tie average nor Lenge to 1,,i,Are thy
Old Howe,
Oduntry girle otteu eeare for the ex-
eitenteat of life hi bhe oity. Assoelat
tiwsational oovel, have made tbera discone I
ton ith and the
reading of the storY Paper or the sea-
teated evetle, the country. They fret
egatuste the reetreints, and detest the
drudgery ot its narrow, hard life.
tete hope of. improving their
tL1ssttmuiatd, by exaggerated dtOr.
tee of the success ot a few girls, who
have ieft their eountry tionme and demi
Well in the city. They know nothilla
tet the many failures, Ther are igno-
rant of the trials and temptation's Mel
dent to life in a peat atty. But „they
know that its wages are higher than
these paid In the country; that its life
es more exciting, aud they are deter -
.mined to go to the oity whenever the
first opportunity offers them the way to
do so. Before, however, the trunk is
paclietd. we oould tell theen what to ex -
There are many young women in a
lame city who supporttthemaselves, live
comfortably, and perhaps lay up a Iit-
tle money. As a rut% they are eity-
tared girls, -whit are fpruclent, smart ,and
educated to their work. Geaerally
these stecessful gills have parents or
friends with whom they reside, and
w ho aid them to and employ:meats to
Pay gnoel wages, '
With each young women a oouetr7
giri cannot compete. he must serve
aa aPPrentleeshibetore she can ac-
quire elmtler training. Ste must make
eerviceable (trines, to help her to ob-
tain acceptable employment, ere she
can use them.
le the unaided country girl gain
"a situation," it would probably be one
rwtere there was plenty or rough work
that would bring hut little pay. She
woutd be foreed to eat and lodge in a
ohm') hoarding house. Its uticongenial
ibceirders, the small attle room -over-
looking smoking ohlannere and dirty
back yards -that she antust sleep in,
would smother any idea of calling it,
Tiie horne
interests ot the landlady would,
be limited to seeing that she punctually
paid ter hoard. Her employer would
eoneiderhis duty :done, :when he paid
her weekly wages. If she ehould be
sielt, what then? Charlty-or a pub-
lic tospitalt We •have wily outlined
the pictures -Youth's Companion.
Mare and Colt,
Handle the mare -with colt as` you/
Would, a cow to increase the milk.
Produce the milk. and the colt will
take care of it and grow. The ca:e of
the mare will prove the making , of
the colt. When the colt is aye or sie
Months old, have him halter-bro n
and taught to eat crushed oats. leo
will then be ready to be taken from
his dam. After weaning, the keeper
Ike foster -mother with marke i -e,
time, The polt will be the result' t
.he cate given. • In short, give tte
:•.n.e care you would to a hulloce hat
s being prepared for the shambles.
IP will be the best possible market
Lor all hay and vein. •
. •
te Lege is profit in raising good draft
fiCTSCS.. At two years old the anisn 1
to.d0 light wgrk. Whttl.
t" eee he will pay bee his raisieg, ;:nd
t that title should bring ;150 and 10-
vard, Barring all accidents, and roe.
derng the work already done
he col', tale money should be ncagy
et profit.
: le
General News.
More cases of sick headache, bilious-
ness, constipation can be curet in less
time, with less medicine, and for less
money, by using Carter's Little Liver
Pills, than by any other means.
Rev. James Livingstone, pastor of
the Windsor Avenue Methodist church
who goes to his new pastorate in Pe-
trate& on Thursday of this week, was
presented with a handsome easy chair
last Friday evening by membere of
the Wiudsor St. Patrick's Society. '
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ali
drngglsta refund the money if it fails to cure
10, W,Grove's signature is on each box. 25e.
At Owen Sound Captain George Mc-
Dougall and .crew of the C. P. R.
steamer Athabasca wee ,:10,80al1tea
with tokens froto•the Dorniniten Gent,
eminent as a recognition of their hero-
ism in rescuing the crew of the United
States barge Preston. -
During the hot season the blood gets over-
heated the drain on the system is severe arid
the appetite is often lost. Burdock Blood
tBitieteg.te5 ouride,s and invigorates the blood -
tones up the system and restores the lost appe-
Thureday last proved ideal weather
for the coronation, for which every
one hoped. There was plenty of warm
sunshine, a cloudless sky of deep blue,
breezes to .surport with tbe flap and
banners. Thursday was all this, and
was a perfect typical English June
day, but there was no rejoicing, no
jubilation, The pathos of the con-
trast was the keynote of the day's do-
ings. Of the holiday some made a
holiday indeed by attending the in-
tercession serviees. The myriads who
wandered about the streets of the
metropolis were for the Most part
suburban and provincial visitors.
They had come 10tasteof the dregs
the cup of joy spilled with the tasting.
They walked soberly about, noting
quietty the numerous mixed signs of
rejoicing and sorrow.
In every town,
and village
may be had,
hatlnakes your
. horses glad,
.Teapy dishwater is a poor thing 'or
Logs, and should not be put in with
the alker swill and slops. if it con-
tains much lye and potash it causes
serious indigestion and untitriftiness.
Better throw It on the manure -pile
or lead It off In an nadergrout4
Keeping pee Tangue.
Keep 14 from, unkindness • Word.*
are sometimes wounds. Not very' deep
.'wounds always, and yet they irritate.
gpeech is unkind soinetianes "erhen theri
ta ILO unkindness in the heart; so much
the worse Oat needless wounds are In.
Meted: so much the worse that unin-
tentionally pain it -caused. '
Keep it from falsehoOd.It'ls*So eaty
to give e. raise 'oolorlog, to no make a
statement that it may convei, a mean-
ing different /reux-the-truthi•while yet
there is an :appearance.,of truth, that
Iva need to be on our guard. Thera
are very meat who would shrink 'from
'telling a lie. who yet suffer,thediselves
In Eltldt inaccurate dr' exaggerated 'or
one aided staternente; thatthey really
come under the cemdemnatien of those
Whcee "fYing lips are an abonsination
'to the Lord." • •
Keep it from slander. The good rep-
utation of others should be 'dear to us..
Sin should not he suffered.to Mire -
Choked: but it should' 'be in' ancoidahee
vrith the Scripture method, "Go and tell
him of his fault twixt thee and hien
alone." And it should be barite In
,mtnd that what it too often ,considered
as merely 'hennelese gossip tuns danrger-
ouSly near,' int 'does not. pasis, the con.
fines ,Of &andel% • .
A renutatieti ie tee emered;:te be Made
a pia,ytting of, even if the intent its
not eartlicious.-Rural NeW-Yorker.
They Were 'Beady.
One of the distriet.sebeel trustees
was a crank on thehratieet of are, and
when he called mound with the Exam-
inin,g Board be al.way,s confined his re-
marks to a etestion addressed to the
pupils as to what they. would do in
mete the building should cateh. fire.
• teaeher watt acqualuted With his
hobby, to elle prompted her satiate as
to elie anaWer they should give when
he arose to prepolind, his aecustomed
When the board caned, however,
this particular tatistee,:perhaps from a
desire to emulate Sis associates in their
addresses, rose and eaid:
"You 'boys and girls litt've paid Suet
race attentiOn to bX.. Jones' remarks,
X evotideie what you would do if I were
to Make yOU a II ttfe beesCh
Quik ilieteela s. hundred voices'
piped in r,inisoree .„ '
V411,R Iro Brother
MOO 1,1sueellaleellellilltoOlieelslIPSHISOPHIP
"Yon big bully, Just wait till my big
brudcler sees you!" -Naw York Evenine
A ergre mg*,
Novelist -Human bet& will
sell 100,000 copies'. •
Prieud-Who has accepted it?“
Novelist -No one yet, but it bas been
rejected ten thnes.--Syracuse Eleraid4
.11.4ttle Scheme Didret WOrk,
She -You keow that check. for $115
YOU gave 'me? Well; they refused to
cash It. The teller said that you only
bad $1Q In tbe bank.
. He -By Jove, I'm awfully sorry,
dem! '
•She -Oh, It WAS. all right, I deposit-
ed $5, and then they gave me the mon..
ey.-Stray Stories.
Be 'Was Cycle Mad.
"Mr. Starr," said the manager, ."Tou
positively must give up ietting your
mind dwell so' much on your bicycle.'"
"Eh! Why?".asked the tragedian.
"Perhaps you are not aware Of It,
but in the third act, where you shotild
ba,ve cried, 'Ye gods, I ant stabbed!'
you shouted, am menet:tired!' "-New
York Telegraph.
The Only. Proof.
Ida -I don't believe the Van Alberts'
dog Is a genuloe poodle.
May -Why not? .
Ida -He hasn't bad sore eyes since
they bought bine-Chicago News.
A Wise Precaution.
Manager -What the dickens are you
carrying? Have you gone mad?
. Hamlet -I think. we'll have a smooth
performance tonight. I've bought up
'Fern egg in the village.
k.:11. trze.
Pittsburg, May :20.--Gne elan is re-
ported dead and eight Injured as a.
result of the explosion of n. tank of
gasol hie yesterday ;xt 008 'Winnebago
street., Smith Side, Reported dead
Adam Gripp, aged 1 t-4, buried in the
ruins. and body not recovered.
.4 King, Fur P a'.
Paris, June ..0. --The Figaro yes-
terday printed a, despatch, dated at
Turin, Italy,. which says a rumor Is
current there that Nang Victor rrn.,
manuel intends to issue propcisal for
.disarmament, in conjunction 'With
the Czar of Russia.
Het Water in yoaeane.
ICingston, • June W. -Scientists who
ascended Soufriere, heard the rumbl-
ing and sputtering of boiling water
within the volcano, •
Sulphur From the Sky.
Henrik, N.S.. June t.0. --A P.E.I.'
despatch says half an inch of pure
:sulphur fell at Caps Wolf Sunday
AMEN -In Exeter, on June 28th, Ellen Cooper,
'wife of /Alfred /311en, aged 70 years 2nson tbs.
Iltisisstr.-In Exeter, on June 29tb, Ada Min-
nie, infant daughter of Mr. J. F. Ruesell, age
. 7 months and 2 Nveeks;
bride's parents Mr. and Mrs T It
Mallaw- nxis....m6rc, IIMIARRaItEtt . . mocanum,
CA 17 -- residence °Mille
on Thursday, nine 26th, by..the_Rev. R. Mil -
yard, Miss Vattie L and ildr• George Willis,
both of Exeter. " L. : IF - ti
CiAltr-BALL-In St. George's church, °oder-
icb, or. Wedneeday the eitla June, 1902, by
- the rector, Rev. Illiark Turnbull. zdr: James
Clerk, to Minnie exandra, eliestloloughter
of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ball.at..
.etoireiste-munnoexc- In Hermit, on June
, 30th, at t...r..,...he residence of the bride's Parents,
Er, and Mrs, T. Murdock, by the Rev. Geo.
Campoell,of Zurich.
Jewitt, Miss Arne, eldeat daughter, and Dr.
Children Cry for
COPVFnoicrs &o.
-Anyone setullng a sketch and deseription MAY
meekly atom:telt out opinion free Whether an
ineentiee is pro? ably nidelltabla Coannunleti.
tIone strletlyernddentled. liandbOokon Patents
etint free. Old .tist tnteeey fer secatrintfietente,
Patente taleh through Munn & Co. rocetve
ePeoielaotie, YeKhOUt<Marge, la the
Scientific fintericano
A. hate:Moll:MY Ittestrated Weekly,tareeet
CSIatton of any eeleritlbe Jeanie), Terms, $3 a,
lotr: tint' 4hOnthdo id. sold betel newsdealer&
MUNN&CO oaionitidwai;NewYork
Broth °met, tu ws,atitiatea,n.o.
t ti tf I I I qs
58 1141011111IMMLIMIM
kkgi tqblihe parationforM,-
siadiatiag Ille-roadasditegala-
fiat dieStaiarls nudBowels of
tessaiidlrest.Contitins wither
234 See41-
ApetfectReme,dy for Constipa-
tion, Sour $tomacti,Diarslwee,
ness and Loss OF SiEE1".
Toe smule SIgnature of
' At Tonle:is old
. .
°Astoria in put up bi one -alto bottles only. It»
is not Bold In bulk. DMA 0,1101r atm) to stet
yon anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "Just as good" and "will answer every pure:
pose," )s" Sea that you got 0-A-S.T.0.B.I-It. •
. dgraturo '
'64 rnry
r of 0 • wrapyor.
London, Huron and Brum.
V.011•1•11..ri• IMOD
GOING NORTH- Passenger.
London. Ceparb ...... .. S.15 A, M. 4.40 P, It.
Centralia .......- .• • • 9.1 550
Exeter • . , ' 9.3C 6.0
9 44 6,16
Xippen 9.506.25
Brucefield 9.58 6,33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham, arrive 11.10 • 8.00
Go/Ng SoUnt- Passenger
Wingham, depart 6,53 A, 'Ar. 3.15?. m.
Clinteu . ..... 7.47 4.25
Brucaeld ,... .. . .... 8 05 4.49
Rintion 8.15 447
frensall ........ ... ,.22 502
Exeter • 8.35 5.10
Centralia ,....' . ..... .• 846 5,25
London, arrive ... 9.37 6.12
Filfherland Innes LIMITED.
Apply te
E C. Kessel,
. Exeter, ZONE 25ret. 1901.
Wheat rer bushel -.... ... 76 to 77
Oats -.' -.41 10 42
Barley-- .., - • -52 • vo 55
Peas -.70 to 75
Matter.. ,....,.. .,.... : -15 to 15
Eggs . . ... • . "13 ; to 13
Turkeys... ...... ....... 8 to 8
Geese.... 6 to 6
Chickens per lb ...... 5 to 5
Ducks...-. .. :...7 to 7
Wow. „1, .. 16 to 16
Dried Apples.. * , . - .. - 5 to 6
Pork live weight ..... .... .. 85.65 to $5.65
Roller Mills
We are giving excellent sa—
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill ,
Dry Soft Woad Wanted.
Oristinn and GlionoinD
Done Proffintin.
Relei Real Blille 4110
Buy or Sell a Farm,
Buy or Sell 'Town,
IF 1 Property,
y u Borrow or Lencid
Collections Made,.
WANT Your Life Insured,
TO Go to the Old Cuon-
try, by the Allan,
Office over IL Spacknsan's Hardware -
Is. Cash paid for Raw Furs.
Canadian Airmotor:
I IN .1) L. Li
Now is a good time to place an order -for a Winclthill.
We handle one of the Best Makes of Windmills in
Ontario. There I; no batter time than the present
for putting one up. It will save you' money.. Also
Call and see us and and get*our prices, etc:.
Agen t for the Well known
Deering Harvesting Co9 s-
• es
Idcal [Actors, Ideal MoWers, Deering Rae, Et&
These Machines are second to none in Climate end if you need a tinder,
MoWee or Rake, call and examine these Machines for yourself. They
are Strong and are noted for their Easy, Running.
Thanking my tustotners and Mende for past J'avere, 1 again eolicit
your patronage.
• °Pnt Agg.Ing tw• Bis s Tor, EXETER