HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-04-04, Page 10Blyt Public School students took four of the top 10 prizes offered in a Ministry of Natural Resources regional competition. Blyth winners included, left to right: first, Michelle Cronin; second, Christina Roulston; honorable mention, Elaine Poore and Lori Leibold. Harmony Highlights entertain Walton UCS By Betty McCall WALTON - Sunday morning greeters to the worship service at Duff's United were Mr. and Mrs. James Mann. _Organist was Mrs. Marion Godkin who accompanied her - daughter Dianne when she sang a solo. • Receiving offering -were Martin Baan, Ron -_McCallum -and Campbellw_.. The Rev. Charles A. Swan spoke to the children before they retired to the basement with their teachers. Next Sunday evneing Howard and Audrey Hackwell will host the monthly unified board meeting. Flowers were placed in the sanctuary in memory of the late Ralph Traviss. Thankoffering Service Guests were present from Brussels, Blyth, Seaforth and Winthrop churches for the Thankoffering service of the Walton UCW. It was held in the auditorium of Duff's United Church -On April 1. Helen Craig, U.C.W. President, led in the worship service, Organist was Mrs. Marie McGavin for the hymns. Scripture lessons were read by Maril Mepo , Special music wa suupplied;ji25 ladites.Of the Seaforth Harmony Highlights rendering several numbers in barber shop harmony under the direction of Margaret Whitmore; The offering was received by Ruth Thamer, Kathleen Williamson, Maxine Marks and Karen Hoegy. The guest speaker, the Rev. Cheryl Ann S. 'olketinira Club 0rb00 Club held its meeting .et of Mrs, Tom Cunningham 00 It 2 p.m, There were 11 members I}ests bent, The meeti0o��11 i was aPenth the Nati; Anthem an Mrs. Wongfd ult Ied inprayer. The ,Minutes were adopted as read by the sett,, Maass. Elliott Lapp and the Rears- Bial statement was given by the treasurer, Ms.Garth McCiinchey. She stated that the foster child's: support was paid until April 30. •• The roll call was answered by each member giving ' a donation to the foster child. They also paid 10 cents if they were not wearing something green in keeping with St. Patrick's Day, The draw prize, donated by . Mrs. Pat Thinking, was won by Mrs, Elliott Lapp. It was decided to have a plant and bake sale at the April meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Elliott Lapp. The pro- gram committee will. be Mrs. Garth,McCain ehey.,and Mrs. To Cunningham lunch committee will be. Mrs. Bernice Nor- man and Mrs. Keith Lapp. The Hullett Township road superintendent installed the Walkerburn signs that Stewart Ball had made for the club. They are in place now to be admired by all passerbys and to show where the thriving little village of Walkerburn was situated. For the present time, it was decided to sell tickets to those whose names are on -thee StadelbauerSempa of Egmondville United was introduced. by Viola Kirkby, Rev. StadelbauerSempa showed a map of Africa - and told of her training for Ministry in Zam- bia, showing interesting slides of the coun- try and telling of her experiences as an in- tern. Courtesy remarks were given by Marton God>n• _._ Euchre lieW " Tuesday night euchre was held in the hall basement with four tables in play. Prizes were awarded to: high lady - Rena Watt; low lady - Margaret Craig; high man - Bert Daer; low man - Lawrence Ryan; Most Zeros on card - Roberta Simpson. Several prizes were given out to those taking a trick with. the 10 of clubs. Hostesses in charge were Helen Craig, Margery Huether and Betty McCall. There will be another euchre party on April 10. Everyone is welcome. OVERSIZE SHOES LADIES' ... to size 12 MEN'S .... to size 16 RUBBER BOOTS GOOD -SELECTION- • " MEN'S - LADIES' CHILD'S - BOYS' SAFETY BOOTS MEN'S - LADIES' MANY STYLES WIDE SHOES MEN'S - L, -.DIES' ASSORTED STYLES ES IN SEIGEL'S2 DOTWNTOWN LONDON 129 DUNDAS 330 CLARENCE AT MARKET AT YORK To Scott Wright Clinton Robert Cudmore canton Erin Gibbings Clinton Peter Hummel vanastra Gerry Corbett Exeter Derek Hoggarth Clinton Kevin Trewarth Clinton Douglas Philips Clinton Vincent Fitzsimons Bayfleld Kelli Rothwell Brumfield Timothy Elliott daimon Stacy Joy Hicks Clinton Stacey Reid Clinton Jason Sell Gunton Laura Mustard Brucefield Tanya Kennedy Londesboro On April 4 April 6 April 6 April 6 April 6 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 8 April 8 April 8 April April 9 April 9 April 10 Computer . Puzzle Across 1. What this puzzle is about 4. Interconnections in a system 7. A computer's storage area 8. Another word for executive 9. A type of wheel printer that's Rke a flower 11. The flashing square on the screen 12. What users do with computers 14. Another word for programs 16. What to give to a computer to make H do things 18. Mks type o1 copy Domes from a computer 20. Short for binary digt,! 21. Ojaposite of down 22. Information received by a computer 24. Sounds tike "'hulk" 25. Opposite of hard 26. Attached computers Porno one 27, They'll sem be in the schools Down 1. What pressing a key creates on the screen 2. A lame computer 3. Short for Read Only Memory 4. To load a program Is toTTH 5. Present tense of "said" 6. A location in a com- puter's memory 10. A collection of inter- related machines 13. A series M charac- ters 15. A way of communi- cating with a computer 16. A single circuit 17. A property of disks 19. Often called floppies 20. A ternary Stoma area 23. What a person does on a keyboard ilar.1111 en Ili II II IR IrliiiM4111 NUM L 111111•111111111 ir• ss• • • arks mi nisi • r• -iii••••••• simm, ahrimb :ow 11111111111111111111111 IIMISIAT r-111r.r. Min NOM -41110 MI NIP 1111111111r-11 - idsimei �iri i■�i .sadf7 :cg .ra na,. 92 'salsfP `BT '013GU31W Lr 'dxga '9r 'aSenRurr 'sr 'RUfr$s •8r 'wa7s& or 'ssarppe '9 'Ares 'g 'long 'I, Won 'E' 'awerluyew Z '.ralalJrga 'r :11410(3 suer %( 'rfrontpu •93 'mos •9g '7ndtz •gi.'dn •rg 'iq 'OZ prey •9t 'puma: woo •gt 'a.zPMJ;os yr 'ase gt 'Josrna '77 %lion 'G 'tons 'S '6rawaw A 'snq b 'sratndwoa 'r :saran : sr0MSud guilt, If an00.e4,4EY>! more tiekets will be sold on Jud 14 at Hulett DAY, an i M ia tthehe Ac ab's ce Ilona JU e la's *jaw by Wit; lloy Lauer and .ti s, Leonard;Arch mbault was at work pregrani,tera were.lite Barbie do. outfits which are to be made up for this fa+U's oak A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Garth McClinchey and Mrs. Tom Cun- ningham and a social half hour enjoyed. LionaClub The Auburn and District Lions Club held its March meeting in the Community Memorial Hall with the dinner catered by members of the Women's Institute. Presi- dent Marinus Bakker was in charge of the meeting and the minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Donald Haines. The question of iiaability insurance was stili not finally settled. The, foremost item is to get the incorporation settled. Plans have been made for a slo-pitch tour- nament, the dates first proposed were July -27 - 29 but of necessity were changed to July . 10-- 22. A r uminage sale is -also planned for May 5. Donations from the community will be much appreciated to help the Lions Club carry out its community projects. There will also be a bake sale held at the same time. Three members from the Auburn Club at- tended the Zone meeting in Blyth March 29. Three members also have intentions of go- ing to the district convention at Port Elgin on the April 29 weekend, -A--new mem-her was; initiated into the tournament Aubu* add PiatItt Lions :Clitht Douglas Giflitthert, He was indUcte4 DY Deputy Pistrict GovernorJohn Stewart Of Blyth with other xnembere part%1pating. Lion Olen ChatlineY,i r',, pinned the ions pin Dong lie alu For the nre+g, the members will Wend the Su ndayeschot 1, pancake' supper at the United Church, then ilrece04.10 the hall for the meeting. A Slate of officers was drawn %), at the executive meeting held on March 20 and they ate to be confirmed at the neat meeting. 4 Social News Visitors with Mt0. Frances Clark last weekend were Misses M.Jean Houston and Jean C. Jamieson of Toronto. • Plana are made to hold another bingo in Auburn on 'April 13 at 8 p.m. There. will be 12 regular games for Easter hares, three share -the -wealth and a jackpot for $75 in 52 calls. Consolation prize will be $25. Look for ads in next week's paper. Winners at last week's euchre party were : novelty - Clarence Allen; high lady - Mrs. - Ed Brooks; low lady (playing as a lady) - Murray Rollinson, --high man - Donald. Haines; and low man- Ted Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston of Toronto visited on the weekend with her parents, Mrs. Mary Rollinson and brother, Murray Rollinson. Skating Party Over 60 children and adults of the Auburn Knox United Sunday school joined together in the Blyth arena on Saturday March 31 for fun and games at the=family skating -party ONTARIO FRESH ------_LEAN_S1DE--- SPARERIBS SPECIAL. PRICES IN EFFECT FROM 9 A.M. WED. APRIL 4 UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY APRIL 7, 1984 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SMOKER__ - UULLY COOKED_ PICNICS (PORK SHOULDERS) 2.18 /kg MACGREGORS FROZEN BOXED MEATS - IN CASES ONLY 4 (BONELESS CURED PORK BUTTS) MAPLE LEAF BRAND SWEET PICKLED ,,COTTAGE ,. ROLLS 1.. PRE -BROWNED, 865 PER SERVING ' BREADED'12i12.51k 865, PARMIGIANA ' VEAL CUTLETTES .D•4 14 PORTIONS OF 100 g 425 PER SERVING BREADED BEEF LIVER 179 SLICED ITALIAN STYLE COOKED. MEAT BALLS PRE -BROWNED BREADED 1 2x1 25 g PORK CUTLETTES 8.'3 . APPROX. 190 PCS 1.5 kg 7.49 73' PER SERVING Ib. ry MILDLY SMOKED s SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS P SLICEDSiDE° 'ii `A BACON ENDS 1.89 FRESH! PORK K BEEF SCHNEIDERS 5 49 ENGLISH • 'kg SAUSAGE Z. f91b. FROZEN -PORTIONED SCHNEIDERS SPECIAL! ALL BEEF 500 g PKG. STEAKETTES 1.79 LEAN & TENDER COUNTRY GOLD COOKED HAM 1759 SPECIAL! f.49 SCHNEIDERS POLY BAG SAUERKRAUT 909 mL 149 SCHNEIDERS SLICED CORNED BEEF OR PASTRAMI 3x50 g PKGS. l0 98 Z&W BOLOGNA - MOCK CHICKEN - MBC CHUNKS COOKED MEATS 2.62 /kg 1,19 ib. The Corn aittee of Stuart Steven Millian helped orgt which started with a big::and al ae. This was followed by a pa ;b e contest. Steven Millian ran contest with Marie Young: charnbault being the winners! In the races the winners were asl folrows: Group, I - John Armstrong, Rachel tom, 'Mur, Bradley Ramsay; Group 2 -yali Charoney, Jonathan Collins, Scott Arthur; GrouP 2. - Bryan Groff,' Laurie Wharton (gauest), Cathy .Nesbit; and Group 4 •; Jeff Nesbit, Tammy, Shuttleworth; Danny Nicholson. Costume prizes; were won by Bryan.G'ross, Julie Glenn, Mrs., Matgo Middled, John Armstrong and Jonathan Collins. The -largest family on the ice wan won by the Middlecamp family (7), closely followed by the Ramsay family (6). The. Class with the best attendance was the Young Teen Class with only one absent. Church News Lenten services continued at Knox United Church last Sunday, with the minister Gary Shuttleworth speaking" op • ` .`Christ's Diiscciple-Judass% Mrs. Gordon Gross was organist and was assisted on the piano by her daughter, Anita Gross. Tammy Shuttleworth and Lori Millian sang a duet. Junior congregation was supervised by Angela Schneider and Angela Millian. Rodger Cunningham and Steven Verbeek ushered and received the of- fering-, NO NAME PEPPERONI -SALAMI -SUMMER 2.49 MEAT CHUBS soo g NO. NAME COIL LINK 39 1 99 SMOKED SAUSAGE': /kg • Ib. BONELESS STEAK ROASTS 2 9� SIRLOIN TIP 6.,57 /k9 Ib. 18 W COIL STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE COUNTRY OVEN Ii am COUNTRY FRESD1 'DELICIOUS BRAN (9 lb BREAD 45° g PRODUCT OF U.S.A. A SUPER SPECIAL! CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FRESH! CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS 3,23/kg PRODUCT OF CHILE CANADA FANCY GRADE CRANNY SMITH „ APPLES �.74/kg•�9Ib.. PRODUCT OF ISRAEL 4 Ib. JAF-FA ORANGES 2.29 PRODUCT OF CANADA FANCY GRADE DA RED (APPLES 3 Ib. BAG 1.49 ONTARIO GROWN CLEAN WHITE MU..SH.ROOMS,.4.. /kg .. �� Ib. Z & W REGULAR COOKED4 HAM SCHNEIDERS JUMBO STYLE SUMMER SAUSAGE 5.O$/kg 2.29.. 9.90,k 4.491b. COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CRUSTY KAISER ROLLS COUNTRY OVEN CRUSTY 450 gLOAVES FRENCH BREAD DOZ. BONELESS - WASTE 37 RUMP ROAST 6.57k - 2981b. MAPLE LEAF NEW! SAUSAGE -ROUND 500 g . 229 MAPLE LEAF CORNED REG. OR MINI 49 49 BEEF BRISKET S. /kg2 Ib. 2 PRODUCT OF CHILE FRESH CRISP CANADA N0: 1 GRADE RED EMPEROR GRAPES 1 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 fr CELERY STALKS PRODUCT OF MEXICO JUICY FRESH RED RIPE WATERMELON 7-7-7 20 kg BAG 3.99 10-6-4 20 kg BAG 3.99 CRABGRASS PREVENTER 1Q ckg 8. 99 sa PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA FRESH ENDIVE PRODUCT OF U.S.A. BUNCH 69' ESCAROLE BUNCH 69#FLORIDA FRESH PRODUCT OF CANADA. 6NT. HO. 1 PARSNIPS 2 Ib, PKG. L.49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA ANJOUNCY GRADE PEARS 1e 74/k.i91 EHR - - PLAN CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION � . �.W._....._ . S SAVE A TAPE OF YOUR CHOICE ASK OUR CASHIERS OR MANAGER FOR DETAILS,, „E SE il. EEF SOUNDS 01 '• Ib. BONELESS FULL CUT ROUND STEAK Bq /kg •. BONELESS! OUTSIDE (BOTTOM) 5.91/k6 ROUND (EYE REMOVED) STEAK oR ROAST . 2.68.. BONELESS! INSIDE TOP ROUND 6.37/kg STEAK 2.20,Q . ROASTb. MEDIUM 4.17/kg GROUND BEEF OR LESS 23°° FAT . Ib, NO NAME PEPPERONI -SALAMI -SUMMER 2.49 MEAT CHUBS soo g NO. NAME COIL LINK 39 1 99 SMOKED SAUSAGE': /kg • Ib. BONELESS STEAK ROASTS 2 9� SIRLOIN TIP 6.,57 /k9 Ib. 18 W COIL STYLE POLISH SAUSAGE COUNTRY OVEN Ii am COUNTRY FRESD1 'DELICIOUS BRAN (9 lb BREAD 45° g PRODUCT OF U.S.A. A SUPER SPECIAL! CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FRESH! CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS 3,23/kg PRODUCT OF CHILE CANADA FANCY GRADE CRANNY SMITH „ APPLES �.74/kg•�9Ib.. PRODUCT OF ISRAEL 4 Ib. JAF-FA ORANGES 2.29 PRODUCT OF CANADA FANCY GRADE DA RED (APPLES 3 Ib. BAG 1.49 ONTARIO GROWN CLEAN WHITE MU..SH.ROOMS,.4.. /kg .. �� Ib. Z & W REGULAR COOKED4 HAM SCHNEIDERS JUMBO STYLE SUMMER SAUSAGE 5.O$/kg 2.29.. 9.90,k 4.491b. COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CRUSTY KAISER ROLLS COUNTRY OVEN CRUSTY 450 gLOAVES FRENCH BREAD DOZ. BONELESS - WASTE 37 RUMP ROAST 6.57k - 2981b. MAPLE LEAF NEW! SAUSAGE -ROUND 500 g . 229 MAPLE LEAF CORNED REG. OR MINI 49 49 BEEF BRISKET S. /kg2 Ib. 2 PRODUCT OF CHILE FRESH CRISP CANADA N0: 1 GRADE RED EMPEROR GRAPES 1 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 fr CELERY STALKS PRODUCT OF MEXICO JUICY FRESH RED RIPE WATERMELON 7-7-7 20 kg BAG 3.99 10-6-4 20 kg BAG 3.99 CRABGRASS PREVENTER 1Q ckg 8. 99 sa PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA FRESH ENDIVE PRODUCT OF U.S.A. BUNCH 69' ESCAROLE BUNCH 69#FLORIDA FRESH PRODUCT OF CANADA. 6NT. HO. 1 PARSNIPS 2 Ib, PKG. L.49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA ANJOUNCY GRADE PEARS 1e 74/k.i91 EHR - - PLAN CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION � . �.W._....._ . S SAVE A TAPE OF YOUR CHOICE ASK OUR CASHIERS OR MANAGER FOR DETAILS,,