HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-28, Page 17There was plenty of food to serve several hundred on March 22 at the annual Noon Luncheon, put on by the Wesley Willis United Church Women in Clinton. The luncheon is a popular event for all ages, especially for local business people and downtown workers. Here the camera caught Phyllis Wise, Greta Nediger and Cleta Holland helping themselves to the lunch that featured scalloped potatoes, ham, salads and homemade pies. ( Shelley McPhee photo ) KippenWlsee pictures. By Margaret Hoggarth KIPPEN - The community was saddened to hear of the death of Bert Thomson, life- long resident of Kippen. Sympathy is ex- tended to Eleanor and the family. Bob Kinsman has returned home from Seaforth Hospital where he was a patient for a few days. Harold Parsons is now home after being in hospital for a day. Jim McGregor is a patient . in Exeter hospital.. . . Brian McGregor was in-Seaforth hospital for a few days. Mabel and Emmerson Kyle of Kippen have --returned ,from -a sunshine holiday -in Arizona, visiting Tucson, Yuma, and Phoenix. Emmerson drove all the way, covering 6,000 miles. Mabel commented on the 75-80 degree weather with no humidity, the beautiful scenery, and the very reasonable priced food with generous serv- ings, $5.99 for a large steak meal as an ex- ample. Emmerson mentioned 99.6 cents a gallon for gas, and the most he paid being. 1.19.9 cents a gallon. United Church News Pastor Don Moffat is suffering from a bout with the flu, and the congregation wish him a speedy recovery. In the absence . of Pastor Don Moffat the Sunday service at St. Andrew's Church Kippen was conducted by Mrs. Elaine Bechtel of Clinton who gave an inspiring message on the need and impor- tance of prayer. Mary Moffatt presided at the organ. Women's Institute News Kippen East Women's Institute were' treated to a trip to New York City and Washington D.C. by Debbie Josephson, Ex- eter, when she showed her pictures and told mf -..her -11: day -trip that she .. won4n-a--podalic speaking contest in 1982 conducted by the Oddfellows and Rebekahs. The trip went to Lake Placid, Vanderbilt Estate, Southgate Tower; in New York City with a walk around Times Square, to the United Nations Building, Rockefeller ,Centre, Central Park, St. Patrick's Catheral, Trinity Church, Statue of Liberty; in Washington D.C. to the White House, Liberty Bell, F.B.I. Building, Tomb of Unknown Soldier. They returned by Gettysburg•and Niagara Falls. The speaker was introduced by Margaret Hoggarth who, chaired ,the program and she was thanked by Thea Wisch. Readings were given by president Grace Drummond and Margaret Hoggarth. Reports were given by Treasurer Mona Alderdice and Sunshine Convenor Grace Pepper. Mrs. Charles Eyre gave a motto on World Affairs are our Affairs - each nation is dependent on the other. Roll call was to name a country belonging to the United Na- tions and give a helpful hint. Members were reminded that they are in- • Vited by 14urondale next: Wednesday at noon to the Masonic, Hall, Exeter. Mona Alder - dice informed the meeting that it took 103 hours of: quilting on .tbe:_iirst_ :quilt.,.and 127 _ riours" 'of.' quilting oh the 'second quilt. Frances Kinsman --read the Kippen East story for the Atlas; the ladies enjoyed a sing -song. Coprtesy remarks were given by Margaret Hoggarth. A delicious lunch, was served by the hostess Mrs. Dave Triebner and the committee Mrs. Grant MacLean and Mrs. Alex McGregor. 4-H News The fifth meeting of the Kippen Calico Kit- tens was held on March 20 at the home of Joyce Wilson. The meeting was started with the 4-H pledge. The minutes were read by Janice Moffat. The roll call asked, "De you know the name of any traditional quilt design?" • and the members also told what they had decided to do for their special pro- jects. Games were later, played such as the `mixed bag game' and `famous quilt block quiz'. The answers were checked and refreshments were served. The meeting wasadjourned at 9:30. Press Reporter = Yvette Predhomme The Kippen 1 Quilting Bees met at the ,home of Penny Savage on March 20. Jane Papple, v president_ opened with, the „ 4-H, pledge and secretary Diane Vanneste read the minutes. Diane, who is also' the treasurer, said that she had purchased the black duo -tangs for the covers and drawn a cover page for each to color and stick on the front of the duo -tangs. Members read the book, work for meeting six and completed the mixed bag game. Then- they discussed. the exhibit for achievement day. The. meeting was adjourned and a delicious lunch was served..Press Reporter — Janet Hoggarth Hensall Legion to purchase past pte Hensall Legion 468 By Bertha MacGregor HENSAL'L - The Royal Canadian L,egQn Branch 468 held their• regular meeting on March 14. It was decided at this meeting to purchase a Past Presidents Plaque for the Branch. After correspondence was read from the Canadian Heart Fund a $50 Donation was passed. Plans are being drawn up to renovate the front of the Legion Hall. This project hopefully will be finished before the lst of July weekend. Shuffleboard is over for another year and congratulations go to. First Prize Trophy winners, Mona Campbell and Ken Clark. Runnersup were Donna Allan and Jerry Willert. League High Trophy went to Joyce Willert and Al Kyle. League Low Val Kyle and Harold Willert. Once again thanks -goes to the Comrades Pete Zwaan and Gary Lawrence for an excellent job and also thanks to their wives, Marlene and Bonnie, I'm sure they had a lot to do with it being so well organized. Although the league is over, the shui'4 fleboard:_. is- still there,, aQ get a group together or go in pairs and play. For all those who played, and lost better luck next year. The next General meeting will be held on April 21 at 8:30 p.m. Hope to see you all out. The Ladies Auxiliary had a meeting in, March with a good attendance. A Waitress cart was purchased for upstairs in the Hall. There are many Banquets coming up and these were discussed. Evelyn Traquair and Joan Beireling are in the hospital and we wish them a speedy recovery. Mildred Chalmers is feeling bet- Euc re winners By Isabel Scott BRUCEFIELD - The winners at the euchre party held by the IOOF on March 23 were: ladies' high, Esther Moffat; lone hand, Grace McBride; low, Grace McBride; men's high, Walter Pepper; lone hand, Glen Deichert; low, Grant Love. The lucky draw winners were, W.D. Wilson, Cliff Ashton and Irene Whitmore. The next euchre games will be on April 13. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Michigan spend a few days with Mrs. Love's sister, Mrs. Grace McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson have returned from a trip to Texas and Arizona. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fien ng on the, death of her father, Mr. Bert Thompson of Kippen.. ,- Red Cross month During March, Red Cross Month, every Canadian who has time, energy and talents to offerin the service of his fellow man is in- vited to become a Red Cross volunteer. In its 75th Anniversary year, the Canadian Red Cross wants you to contact your local branch and join the ranks of over. 2,000,000 • Red Cross volunteers in Canada. +++ ter after her stay in the hospital, Bingo was played after the meeting, under the very capable hands of Deb Plumb. Lunch was served by committee in charge. The next General meeting for the Aux- iliary will be April 3, and with all the ban- quets coming up they hope for a good tur- nout: - People report Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy returned from a pleasant vacation in Mexico. Mrs. Blanche Chapman returned to her home in London after spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mrs, Carl Payne who recently underwent major surgery in University Hospital, Lon- don returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker visited recently with the former's sister and brother-in-law Sgt. Doug Wein R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and son David in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau. of Ridgetown vpent a few days with friends here and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jack Corbett. The potluck dinner of the Three Links Seniors has been post-poned until April 17 at 6.30 P.M. owing to other meetings. Please note the change of date. . Mr. Jim McGregor who suffered a fall is receiving treatment in South Huron Hospital Exeter. Rebekah's meet Amber Rebekah Lodge met on March 21 with Marg Upshall presiding, assisted by Eunice Aike_nhead. -She reported .for the visiting committees. LES TURNER AIRLESS PAINTING *BARN PAINTING *ROOF, WALLS AND TRIM *WATERBLASTING AND SANDBLASTING *INSULATION.. OF ALL TYPES *FOUNDATION COATING CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES 482-3563 Hill Amp_ Hill FARMS LIMITED VARNA ONT. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LIGHTWEIGHT A.T.C. APPLICATOR AND APPLY RED CLOVER NOW for early germination and'maximum top growth. Our A. T. C. applicator unit is lightweight, quick and relatively inexpensive. Phone 482-3218 for more information. WE HAVE RED CLOVER SEED Hill an ill Farms Linii VARtiA 4824218 Several "tag o '04" rd� were t to membeks who lave Ween limbo to attend. Members were rernilnded Of the Euchre party on March 29 at 8 P.M, sponsored by Humanitarian Services Committee and of the birthday party on April 4 commencing with a banquet at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m. It was announced that the District meeting will be held at Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth on April 25 at 2 p.m. Queensway News Ladies from Unit 3 of the Hensall United Church were at the Queensway Nursing Home on Monday to start off the week of ac- tivities with games of bingo. The Tuesday afternoon Church service was conducted by Rev. Jim Sutton and along to assist him were two ladies and Mrs. Greta Lammie. On Tuesday evening the Lakeview Conservative Youth were in to sing. Their music was certainly appreciated by everyone. Wednesday morning was the monthly Resident's Council Meeting. Thursday mor- ning all the residents who have been involv- ed by sanding birdfeeders got together and put on the first coat of stain. In the afternoon a birthday party was held to celebrate the March birthdays of Carl Lawatsk, Isobel Sproar, and Ella Middleton. Due to the miserable winter weather on Friday morning, bowling was cancelled. In the afternoon a movie entitled Down South Up the Nile was viewed. Sympathy is extended to the Heal family in the death of -Norman Heal, to•the family of Dora Alcock and also to the Finkbeiners in raiso •o ur, 1p ensure to tenow •fire for them. The► Will be-: by all .of us.. • PAGE17 • Miated Mrs. Robert Chaf a of Mitchell spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jack Corbett during the time of her father's death, the late Mr. Jack Corbett. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Maclaren, Jodi and Brooke of Oakville were recent visfxors with Don's mother, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mrs. Jean Love of London visited last Fri- day with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Arm strong. Rev. Kenneth Knight conductedservipe in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ. Flowers in the Sanctuary were placed in memory of the late Mr. Jack Corbett by his family. The PCW will meet on April 2 at 8 p.m. in the church. United news There was an excellent attendance at the United Church on Sunday morning when the congregation welcomed` '-Rev. Stan. McDonald back tram- 4taldys.: Loretta' Riley greeted the congregation and Ray Jacobi, Chuck Mallette, Tim Mann and Scott Jesney were the ushers. Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of Where Are Your Accusers. The choir, with Belva Fuss on the organ, sang. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in memory of John Corbett by-the-faimly- and in memory of Norman Heal by the family. NOW AVAILABLE MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS and SOYABEAN SEED KEN R. A;MPBELL FARMS LTD. R. R. 1 Dublin 527-0249 VINCENT'S PANCAKE OPEN.. HOUSE Thursday, March 29 9a.m-7pm . - - PANCAKES SERVED: 10 am to 1 pm - 4 pm to 6 pm AT THE SEA#ORTH STORE— — VIEW THE LATEST IN 111 FARM EQUIPMENT GET THE FACTS PROGRAM 2 P.M. 1 1111 - 11* IUIIII II, I�Ihl��lie\ann ISI Yan Axial -Flow Combine • WORKING TOGETHER: Mr. Harold Dent President, International Harvester of Canada KNOW YOUR ONTARIO GRAIN: PRICES AND MARKET THEM PROPERLY Mr. Dick Moffat Teasdale Grain Co.; London PLANT THE RIGHT SOYBEANS THE PROPER WAY OTHER FARM RELATED COMPANIES ON HAND TO SERVE YO SEED CHEMICAL and FERTILIZER COMPANIES Asgrow - Wallaceburg Dekalb - Chatham Funks - Ailsa Craig Pioneer - Blenheim Chipman Chemicals -Stoney Creek Cooks Milling - Hensall Ontario Bean Co-operative-Seaforth Topnotch Milling - Seafo'rth DISCUSS YOUR OIL NEEDS AND PROBLEMS Turbo Refineries from Western Canada Mr. John Needham SEAFi H ONTARIO 527-0120 Mr. Dave Hume Professor Crop Science Dept. 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