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Clinton News-Record, 1984-03-28, Page 13
• 11 c•••N NPW-RA I , WED1iESDAY, IVIARCH20, --PAGE 13 t Prices effective thru Sat., March 31st, 1984 A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements SAVINGS SHAWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS • { U EiNZ nA. %TLE I:T kfolols- t. fr�gh rain„)fur cifran A SUPERB BLEND OF RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES. CUSTOM GROUND, BEAN 8 O'clock Coffee 1 LB RAG STRAINED, MEATLESS VAR OF FOODS & JUICES Heinz Baby .Foods 4.5 FL OZ JARS lege rt! Oltistratiche COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 LOIN ENDS, 2 RIB ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUTS Loin Pork Chops SAVE UP TO 1.10/kg-.50 Ib BLADE; CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Beef Roasts 461/209 Ib RIB OR 3 TO 31/2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 373 /1619 ROAST OR CHOPS, CENTRE CUT Pork Loins 1t /2119 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare rebs 439/1" lb RIB PORTION (CENTRE CUT 5.491kg-2-49 Ib Boneless Pork Loins 505/229 APPROX. 50% MED. GROUND BEEF 50% GROUND PORK Ground Meat Combo- 3/1 9 FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND SHORT CUT Lamb Legs FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, SHOULDER Lamb Chops SWEET PICKLED -END CUTS (CENTRE Back Bacon PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Pork Hocks BREAKFAST Burns Sausages PRIDE OF CANADA Bologna Chunks CUT) lir/19! 39 439/199 Ikg Ib 17/189 Ikg Ib 1108/:49 3128 /149 211:/12?. SAVE .30 INSTANT, CURRIED, FLORENTINE OR ORIENTAL Uncle Ben's 1 19 '° 170 g Rice pkg SAVE 1.50 REG OR WITH IRON-CONC FORMULA Similac or 32" Enfalac425smitns at A&P! SAVE 1■32/kg-.60 Ib PREVIOUSLY, FROZEN Whole Turkey: Legs 18/ /k9 ., PRIDE OF CANADA Regular Wieners Ib 450 g 129, vae pac PRIDE OF CANADA OR TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 395 /179 PRID EOF CANADA, 2 TO 3 AVERAGE Dinner Hams 5/2' 9 PRIDE OF CANADA, CANADIAN, BY THE PIECE Back Bacon $ l„ /399 PRIDE OF CANADA, PICNIC STYLE, BONELESS Pork Shoulders 41 g /189 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES Cooked Meats vac pac PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED Cooked Ham 175 g vac pac PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, VARIETY PACK Cooked Meats vacpac SCHNEIDER'S Mini Sizzlers BURNS 500 g. pkg. SunDlight Laundrvy 61. Detergent ter Lea el°44; Ditissitn, lahlt X11 owling results Tuesday Afternoon Ladles Given Johnston rolled the high- single on March 20 with a score of 307. Mert Elliott had the high triple with 672 and Karen Pounder had the high average with 223. Honorable mention for high single went to Mert Elliott with a score of 301. ' Lois's Ladybugs 144 Francyna's Grasshoppers 141 Nancy's Doodlebugs 140 Mert's Millers 139 Dianne's Dragonflies 135 Joyce's Honeybees - 133 Kumm's Krickets 131 Betty Beetles 117 Wednesday Night Mixed Theresa Machan led the way on March 21 by bowling high single and average with scores of 265 and 195.. Joe Atkinson rolled high single and triple for the men with 265 and 654. Doug B!#chanan had -the high .average with 221. Playoff Scores Bob's Philles Bob's Cubs Jim's Expos Brenda's Blue Jays Cathy's Brewers Pat's Bad News Bears Don's Cardinals.. _. Doug's Pirates Tuckersmith Mixed Wilma Veenstra bowled high single and triple with scores of 288 and 655 on March 27. Elaine Boyes had the high average with 193. Andy Van Altena had the high single for the men with 250. Don Hoytema had the high triple with 667 and Budd Boyes had the high average with 213. Year End Elaine's Eldorados Jennie's Jeeps Hilda's Hotrods Rose's Ramblers Freda's Ferraris Ann's Vans 69 Ib SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib SEMI -BONELESS BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB Beef Roasts 41Ik 7/ 1 89 EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks FRESH, MEDIUM Ground Beef (CENTRE CUT 5.931kg-2.69 Ib) Beef Brisket -Point GRADE 'A', FROZEN, EVISCERATED, 2 Chickens LABELLE FERMIERE Tourtiere Pies 417/189 fkg Ib 395 /179 Ikg Ib 5/kg /2l TO 4 LB AVERG 262/1 19bIb Ikg 450 g size 1.99 SCHNEIDER'S, FROZEN, CHICKEN CUTLETS. BREAST CUTLESTS, CHICKEN BALLS, CHCIKEN STICKS .89 Basket Chicken 350 pkg 3.7 1 The JiShopt 189 TAILLEFER, SLICED Cooked . 48 1100 g 259 Ham Smoked Sausage 5'x/2' PRIDE OF CANADA OR A&P, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Baconvaccpac 219 SAVE .70 PRINTED GOLD, GREEN OR ORANGE PKG OF 2 ROLLS White Swan Towels .99 9 2!? PRIDE OF CANADA, VISKING Salami .&I2 /1008/189 BRANDT, FINE OR COARSE Liver Sausage.31 39 1100 g /1 Ib BUY 6 -SAVE 1.55 A&P BRAND DINNERS 225 g PKGS Macaroni 6/1" & Cheese SAVE e60 (SUPER ABSORBENT 54'S OI'ABSORBENT 72'S) Pampers n nn Diapers box IIS (NEWBORN 90'S 10.49) MINI, ASSORTED VARIETIES LIGHT &CRUNCHY, HARD & CHEWY, SOFT, CLUSTER, NATURE VALLEY Granola Bars aoo gpkg 1■89 CHOICE, CREAM STYLE CORN, PEAS & CARROTS, MIXED VEGETABLES, LIMA BEANS, PEAS OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN (12 FL OZ) BUY 3 -SAVE tins UIP 9 .98 9 314fIoz Libby's Vegetables OKADOKA, ASSORTED FLAVOURS SAVE .20 Fruit Drinks 6pack kof 200cnL 1 120 s OATMEAL 450 g TIN TIE BAG, OR CHUNKY CHOCOLATE CHIP Dad's Cookies box 1 ■ 79 SAVE .70 REGULAR, WINTERFRESH OR GEL Colgate Toothpaste paste 10tbeL IN REGULAR, OILY OR COND(TIONERSAVE 30 Squeek Shampoo 'gra 1.69 REGULAR OR EXTRA DRY, HAND Jergens Lotion REGULAR OR DEODORANT Stayfree Maxi SAVE .30 300 mL 2■ 39 plst btl SAVE .60 bo0 ■ 79 ALL PURPOSE SAVE .30 Pinesol Cleaner pIsbtil 3.19 MR. CLEAN LIQUID (1 LITRE) OR CLEANER Spic 'N Span AYLMER, HALVES Bartlett Pears 800 2 99 contt ■ 28 fl oz 99 tin ■ QUEENSBURY,, ASSORTED COLOURS, 3 -PLY SAVE .20 Bathroom Tissue pkallst41.8.9 HEINZ, FANCY (CASE OF,24-6.99-SAVE 7.17) Tomato Juice 31ot1Dz tins ■ 99 SAVE 80 DETERGENT sunlight 199 Liqui" - 1litre d plst btl ■ L SAVE .64 CHUNK LIGHT, IN WATER OR OIL Star Kist Tuna 61/2 ©a tin ■ 9 10328 9979 9932 9926 9622 9591 9513___ 9445 137 131 130 120 117 115 tendlegberr lien o • Luke Bouman had the high single on . March 22 with 282. Bill Sottiaux bowled the high triple with 658 and Bev Bromley had the high average with 211. The bowling banquet will be held on March 29 at 7 p.m. at the Londesboro Hall. Bowling will follow. Playoffs Final Results (Total Pintail to count) . 8514 8509 Chevs Buicks Rolls Royces_.. Model T's BMWs Porsches 8453 8391 8380 8092 Thursday Night Mixed Rita Leppington had the high single and triple on March 22 with scores of 296 and 196. Linda Reinhart rolled the high triple with a score of 697. Doug Wise led the men by bowling high single and triple with scores of 352 and 718. Doug Buchanan had the high average with 219. Best In Town Strikers Whiners High Rollers A - Division B - Division No -Names Gramas& Grampas Bill's Blues Dollies & Gents 3597 3468 3408 3360 3691 3588 3153 3147 Clinton and Area Ladies Betty Kelly had, the high single on March 20 with a score of 290. Lia Hoggarth had the high triple with 679. Penny Overbeerolledilte dgfi average with 200. Games over 200: Dianne Ryan • 204 and 215, Lois Morrison 200, Dorothy Carter 229, Kaye Harris 277 and 205, Carol Dixon 206, Penny Overboe 217 and 234, Heather Hart 230, Lia Hoggarth 238 and 251,Betty Kelly 216 and 290, Wilma Reihi 202 and Mary -Ann Neutel 230. Oreganos Garlic Buddies Nutmegs Cassia Buds The Four Accents Cinnamon Buns 60 57 55 53 53 52 Hydro to test guns Ontario Hydro researchers are in- vestigating the effectiveness of underwater "pneumatic guns" to keep fish from enter- ing cooling water intakes at coal and nuclear generating stations,. The cooling water intakes of the stations occasionally take in large numbers of fish which can result in fish losses and cause plantshutdowns if intakes become clogged. The fish diversion guns now being tested are a proprietary product of Bolt Technology Corporation of Norwalk, Con- necticut, the major supplier of seismic air guns used in oil exploration. Ontario Hydro and the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation (ESEERCO), a con- sortium of seven New York State utilities, are jointly funding the study. By discharging bubbles of compressed air into the water, these small, electrically ac- tuated guns produce a high amplitude, low frequency sound wave which fish tend to avoid. Preliminary analysis of the data from the Pickering and Nanticoke generating sta- tions indicates that the guns show excellent promise as a means of excluding fish from plant intakes. These results may lead to fish diversion guns being applied to many types of water intakes. Hydro has experimented for more than a decade with such things as noise -makers, air bubble barriers, electric shockers and il- luminatedchain curtains in an effort to keep fish away from its intakes.