HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-21, Page 21a I THE cuNTON NEWS J RECORD THE R -L' TH.., TANDA.RD • TH,E eAvRett 1 L 1. Artidles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar WOMEN'S COATS. • Bainton's dark brown suede jacket with belt, size 12; Bainton's medium brown suede jacket with belt size 12/13, asking $50. eoch or) best offer; Bainton's brown 3/4 length and one full length suede coats, size 12, best offer. These are all in excellent condition. Phone 482-3514 after 5 p.m.-5ltfnx USED- RAILWAY TIES. Pressure 'treated, unifrorn •qualityburidles-guaranteed: Delivered semiload lots -only.-(450-minimumr►). Reasonably priced - Phone (204)725-2627, off ce hours:= -'T0 12,0 KAWASAKI 440 LTD., 5500 km., bought in May 1983, still under warranty, $1500.00. 482-7318, after 6 p.m.-l0tfnx . CAR STEREO, under dash Pioneer KP313G,, GM120, Clarion 2 -way tune-ups, 4 -way Pioneer 100 watt 6.x.9 speakers. Two months old. New $1513-.60-," sell for $500.00:"-482--735'8 after' 6 p.m.-10tfnx 10" RADIAL saw, 3 blades; 38"x28" fireplace glass doors; 1972 Elan skidoo. Phone 482- 7268.-12x HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. cedar fence posts, and pack -baskets. Phone 482-3842\-4eow IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square; Goderich, 524-7241,-7eow OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck IDA PHARMACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524- 7241.-7eow WOOD & METAL Working Machines. Quality tools at lowest prices.• Bandsaws, table saws, jointers, planers; "metal & wood lathes & many more. For Free Catalogue: Busy Bee Machine Tools, 2444 Douglas Rood, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 583. Ph. 1-(604)-298-1754.---12o CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Me Tuesday Noon Display Advertiskrg Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Armies for Hole 2 yard sale 3 Geroge sale 4 Anuqun for sole • 5 curs for *tale. 6 Trucks far sole .slprs 8- Moana 10 Pets lor sole 12 Real estate for sol. 13 Moble homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town propenes 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent • • 23 Commercial property lor rent 24 Wonted to rem 25 Wonted io buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 20: suo nau. Pager -Welty. 29 Tenders 31 Erh mteduter wonteA - -' THREE. BEDROOM HOUSE. in - Auburn on double - 3f Sorwc-ctduoNory .r - ._._._..4ot.-Gar-per* attached; •'large-gartten-area.•-Gooel=-- 35 Nonce to creditors home for a family, On main street. Priced 36 Mortgages Announcements reasonably. Phone Auburn 526-7591.-12x 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educatronol 40 Lost Found 41 7o give away 42 Death nonce 43 Births 44. Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memorrom 47 Cords of thanks 10. Pets for sale REGISTERED poodle pups, spring special for $150.00. Phone Jay -Why Kennels at 523-9210 Blyth. -12 12. Real estate for sole ,1126, BAYFIELD - choice building lots on paved roads and municipal water, walking distance to downtown and lake. Phone 1-565-2899.-2tf 12. Real estate for sale 504 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - COO a.m. to S p.m. cn 1. Articles for sale PEAVEY CLASSIC guitar amplifier. $800 new, ask- ing -$400, Phone.482-.7713_-1..2.tf_ ..._-- - BOYS three piece brown suit size 14, tall slim fit 482-7477:-12 BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! We buy and sell Cana- , TOMATOES that taste like tomatoes, English diens, collectible, childgen's, medical, technical, cucumbers 75 ,centseach, potatoes at Evan's and rare. Write By George Antiques, ' Elora. Farm Market, 2 miles north of Bayfield 482 - Phone (519)846-0270.-12o •7562,-12.14ar WOOD COOKSTOVES (Enterprise). White or Al- mond - Qualify for Off -Oil Grant. Regular $1125.00. Specil $875.00. Reason Distributor over -stocked. Marsh's Stoves, 3322 Dundas St. West, Toronto (416)762.4582.-12o • MUST SELL two repossessed all steel Quonset buildings. One is 40 by 80 available for im- le. CnlI ( Bobat 41 ---12o FOR SALE 9" radial arm saw; 24" scroll saw; 24" jointer and motor. 482-3657 after 6 p.m. -12x WOOD STOVES and fireplace irserts. Guaranteed lowest price on Olsen Inferno Wood Stoves, from $439.00, and inserts from $599.00. Save an -additional from the -Off OiI.Govern- ment Grant if you qualify. THE WOODBURNER mediate sa 6)663 5323 SHOP. DUNGANNON, 529-7949.-12-14 WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in'FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy.,4 north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9505.-42tfar SWIMMING POOLS. Leading manufacturer, several years in the field with a wide choice of 1983 models, is having a pre season sale. Package includes filter, motor, pump, skimmer, . return, fence and deck. Regularly $2195.00 now $1390:00. Days or evenings 1-623-0251.-7=12 METAL DETECTORS, Indian Crafts, Gifts, Moc- casins, Books, Wet Suits. Happy Jacks Old Coun- try Store, #81 Highway, four miles. South of Strathroy. Open, Sundays. Call (519)264- 9639.12o APPLES; fresh cider, $1.75 o gallon; apple butter; potatoes; honey; maple syrup; wooden oak bar- rels, $20.00; plastic barrels, $15.00. Special - fresh cookies, 5 lbs. $3.75; oranges, $1.00 per dozen. Delivery around town. 524-8037 Art Bells Fruit Farm.-12tfar USED FURNITURE KROEHLER CLASSIC I� SOFA & CHAIR green $ 200. In good condition HOUSE OF BRAEMORE SOFA&CHAIR $125. Brown in fair condition `J KROEHLER SOFA & CHAIR White/blue, excellent condition $350. DROP ARM LOVE SEAT Rust Floral, good condition $50. SWIVEL ROCKER Pub style wing back, gold /beige. Good condition $'95. 2 -ARMCHAIRS Black /gold floral, good condition. EACH 545. SOLID MAPLE CHINA CABINET, like new, walnut finish (from '679.1 $298. CARPETS (FORMERLY USED FOR DISPLAY) C ;ANGE PLUSH Approx. 12' x 10°, excellent condition. LIGHT GREEN PLUSH Approx. 12' x 10', excellent condition. RUST CUT & LOOP Approx. 12' x 10', good condition. BEIGE TEXTURED LOOP Approx. 12' x 10', fair condition. GOLD TEXTURED LOOP Approx. 12' x 10', fair condition. BEIGE CUT & LOOP 12' x 16' excellent condition. $80 80.. $60. $40. $50. $150. PHONE 482-9505 BALL & MUTCH FINE FURNITURE 71 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482.9505 Open six days o week 9 - 6, Friday tiff 9 p.m. APPLES FOR SALE - Northern Spy. Good apple cider at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton 482-9838.--13ar WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD' Blocks or split. Any quantity. WIH deliver. , 482-9250 CLEARING OUT Mixed Hickory & Hard Maple firewood cut last July - unsplit 527 per 4x8x12"-14" cord picked up Delivery arranged Call evenings: Barry Moxam 482-3814 Are you tired of your shabby looking and drafty old windows? REPLACE THEM with Alcan's energy-saving and easy to clean Tilt -Action Windows. We also install Alcan Aluminum Siding & Doors and we do • ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS at a very competitive price. RAY LAMBERS CLINTON .482-3305 C&E FURNITURE NEW AND USED = WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SA VES MONEY! 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even Take Trades 5. Cars for sajle PARTS for a Toyota Corolla with.a 1600 motor. Four speed, new brakes, new exhaust, or whole car. Best offer. Call 524-4766 anytime.-=9tfnx WRECKING - a 1976 Ford pick up; also, 1975 CadrIic+c with good 455 motor and transmission - for parts. 262-6105.-12 1974 MATADOR, new' body job, new paint, safetied. $800.00. Phone 524.8417.-12,13,14 70 - POLICE CARS, STATION WAGONS, VANS and 4x4'3 20 • 1951 and 'Ill Fords, Chevs, Plymouths and Cares/oilers 1 - 1979 Cadillac 1 - 19$0 Chevette 10 - 1975 - 50 Station Wagons, Chevs, Pontloes, Fords and Plymouths 1 - 1977 Ramcharger 3 - 1977 - '79 Chew and Dodge Vans. 4. '1977 and '7$ 4x4 Pickups $ - 1977 -110 1/2 and '/• ton pickups 6 - 1976 - 55 Club and crew cobs 9 - 1976 - 75 1 to 4 ton stake dumps and cab and chassis 1 - Chem 1 ton Holmes wrecker • - Van and utility bodies and caps MIGHTON CAR SALES 4 miles West of Durham on No. 4 Hwy. Ph. 1-369-3136 A. For Sale FOR SALE • double cut red clover seed. Phone Ir- vin Keys 262-5367.-5-17 1000 bales first cut Alfalfa hay; 500 bales second cut Alfalfa hay 482-9848.-11,.12 STRAW for sale. Phone 482-9100.-11,12x FOR SALE - 1500 bales red clover and alfalfa hay. -'hone-482-3205 after 5:30p:i*..r12'-_.. _---_........... APPROXIMATELY 1000 boles of good quality mix- ed hay. Phone 523-4397 after 5 p.m. -12 FOR. SALE - A sharp looking 4000 Ford tractor with Ford loader in good condition. Phone 482- 7134,-12nx Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock --WE-INVITE -YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Kirkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT cash crop land for 1984 crop season. Phone Steve Keys 262-5365.-49tf WANTED TO RENT cash crop land. Phone M & T Farms, Kippen 262-6068 or 262-6018.-2-13 FEED WANTED, mixed grain or barley. Phone Heyinks Poultry 262-5708.-11-13 OLD BRICK BUILDINGS'vianted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R.' Lumley Demolition Inc. and/or The Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd.; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. Sarnia. 1-519-542-8811 or Toronto 1.416-283- 2311.-10-22areow WANTED - cash crop land for 84 season. 482- • 3064: Wayne Colclough.-12-15x D. Livestock DAY OLD CHICKS and starter pullets, heavy meat type and brown egg layers. Roe Chick Inc. Box 118, Atwood, Ontario 356-2222-10-13 • 12 Varieties of BROWN BABY CHICKS; Heavy meat; 3 week old capons; Small orders our specialty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonn'ies Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6 (519)669.2561.-10-13o LIMOUSiN first calf heifer bred Limousin to Unit bull; due March 29. Phone Tony DeJong 482- 9983.-12x Attention Farmers WE PAY $20.00 TO $50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910 24 hrs. a day, 6 days a week. Serving this area since 1974. E. Farm Services HOG PRODUCERS - thinking of taking a break? PIGGY SITTER Service available. 14 years ex- perience. Call Bob Van Den Neucker 482-9800 for appointment.. -!-11-13 BANK FORM and farm income tax preparation services. Stephen Thompson 482-9225, 482-7571 evenings -50eow BERGSales -Service -Installation •Barn Cleaners Bunk Feeders *Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives 2 BLYTH 887.9024 R.R. FARMERS: Thinking about building a new barn or drivoshod or fixing your existing buildings? FREE ESTIMATE` RAY LAMBERSPHONE CLINTON 482°'J30� L. JOHN U Y RED BRICK: Splendid 3 bedroom, close to core area, zoned Commercial. Main floorfamily a y coom. u mil• Elmira- Sweetheart cookstove.lociudes income from 2 storey apartment. Truly must be seen. , $23,900: Small-rbii room aluminum -- sided home, "cute as a button", on large corner lot with garage. $31,900: 4 or 5 bedroom finished in Tudor style, with large 18' x 30° shop and 2 additional quarter acre lots adia- cent which may be purchased for 57,000 each. - $22,500: .. , I)0c 2 bungalow:, flaell basement. Tip-top condition° move right In. Fenced, private yard. CONVERTED SCHOOLHOUSE: Beautiful conversion adapts this brick building to spacious 3 bedrooms plus loft. Large dining -kitchen done in maple, pine, brick and beam. Oak stair- way. Paved road location, presently ° selling antiques. MUST BE SOLD: Small frame house on Blyth Main St., Owner has moved to Singapore.. Building rents for $305/month. List price 520,000. all of- fers presented. INDUSTRIAL LOCATION: Prime site at corner of Hwy. 4 and Vanastra Rd. Ex- cellent building and 1'/2 acres. 555,000, or may be leased. GRACIOUS ..AND SPACIOUS: The. Town of Clinton has many beautifully restored 2 storey brick homes. We have one of the finest listed for sale. Classic architecture, formal rooms, bay win- dows, centre hall plan, lovely wood- work, main floor family room with brick fireplace. Priced reasonably at $89,500. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. -MLS Realtor - Multiple Listing Service. Members of the Huron Real Estate Board. John 1'L. Duddy _ _.432-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-9428 Office 482-3766 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. ONTARIO ST. - 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home, large garage $45.000. ALBERT ST. ,J,Ac�ar. brick and stone 3 bedroom home,Wck garage. TUCKERSMITH -. 100 acres, 83 workable, brick house and barn. VICTORIA. ST. - Double commercial lot, block building, . 150 ACRES - li0r •table, brick house, 50 sow farrow to finish. 85 SOW BARN - modern house, 49 acres near Clinton. MAPLE ST. - 3 bedroom brick• bungalow, good condition. $40,000. LONDESBORO - 4 residential building lots. VARNA - 3 bedroom brick bungalow, good location. 100 SOW FARROW TO FINISH - setup, brick house, highway'farm, FCC mortgage. 3,000 Sq.. FT. ,-, split level home, double _garage, double lot, priced to sell. VANASTRA - 3 bedroom home, lull base- ... ,thent,,$14,000.00. 1.41ACRES - on a paved road, no buildings. • $15,000.00. RAISED BRICK AND CEDAR BUNGALOW - family room, pool, double garage. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONED property, with steel building. 125 ACRES - 45 tie ups, good'buildjngs, $175,000.00, FCC mtge, cows, quota and machinery available. RAISED BUNGALOW, 3 bedrooms, 'heat pump, double garage, out of town. JOSEPH ST. - :Dlroom 1 floor nicely renovated homes 68 ACRES, BUSH, 21 CLEAR - Zoned rural residential. Near Bayfield. PRINCESS ST. W. - Small shop or garage for the handyman. ®NTARIO ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, attached garage, $27,000.00. COLBORNE,TWP. - 96 acres, 70 workable, Maitland River frontage, bush. VARIETY STORE - in a good area, a busy spot. RATTENBURY ST. EAST = brick duplex, 4 bedrooms in each unit. LONDES!3ORO. 3 bedroom aluminum sided home, large garage. ONTARIO ST. - 3 plus 1 bedroom brick bungalow, family room, wotki5ul-bisemel'tt. BLYTH -. 1'/2 storey 3 bedroom home, Aluminum sided, good lot. HURON 5T. - 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, wood fired boiler, pool. AUTO BODY SHOP - or modern commer- cial building. Highway location. 534,900.00. MARY ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, only 521,000.00. - NEAR VARNA - 159 acres, 150 workable. TOWNSEND ST. - 1 floor 'home, 'family room, 3 bedrooms, dining room, garage. . MODERN COMMERCIAL BUILDING highway location, leased lot. $16,900,00. BLYTH - Main St. store, good location. Call Harold Workman FARMS, HOME & COMMERCIAL Clinton 519-482.3455 Call Peter Damsrna FARM REPRESENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR 5 Clinton 482-9849 IC,GILGKGK:GKGKGKG C G. .............. SII:GI( REALTY & INSURANCE INC x O 14 Isaac St.. Clinton Q 482P9747 7k 482-3721 0 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. Y HAL HARTLEY 402-3693 Q tR BOB THOMAS 482-3096 BILL COUNTER' 482-3687 RAiSED RMkCH;-brick-®nd- frame, ' daukr0_w_ getage.._ _ .Wind c . _ 4 bedrooms, electric heat. ALUMINUM SIDED, 11/2 storey, 3 bedrooms. large ,. heated garage/workshop° above ground pool and much more. Coll Bill. COMPACT 2 bedroom cottage on large lot In quiet neighbourhood, maintenance free exterior. Call 1 1/2 STOREY, frame, 4 bedrooms; pc. & 2 pc. baths, garage, forced air gas heat, centrally looted. Call Bill. OLDER HOME on choice lot; price leaves room for improving. ALUMINUM SIDED, 11/2 storey, 4 bedrooms, near schools. WE HAVE LISTED In Vanastra 2 storey and a half frame homes; one maintenance free exterior, but requiring some Interior Improvement, the other ready to occupy; the price of these will surprise youl WE LIST AND SELL O Residential, commercial, Ne agricultural, recreational and seasonal property. MEMBER HURON P (r)_ REAL ESTATE BOARD yL (Multiple Listing Service) GKGKGKGKGKGKGKGK Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-937: Residence: 523-9338 NORTH ST.: Blyth, 4 bedroom home on dou- ble lot, like new throughout. • NEW LISTING: Morris St., Blyth, 1': floor frame home, 4 bedrooms, propane heat, all carpeted. - 41/2 ACRES: 13th of Hullett, 100 sow•farrow- ing barn, 4 bedroom home, selling as going concern. LONDESBORO: 4 bedroom frame home on' large well treed lot. Selling under power of sale at only $20,000., low down payment can be arranged. 20 ACRES: good frame home, hog finishing barn with liquid manure system, land most- ly wooded, Morris T.wp.• ' 127 ACRES: 100 workable, Harriston loam, no buildings, 3. miles from Clinton. BLYTH:- executive class home, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, electric heat, field stone fireplace, many extras including double lot with heated workshop. - AUBURN: 11j7 floor aluminum sided older 'type home, oil heat.' Asking only $20.000. to settle estate. CLINTON: Princess at William St.. large . frame-•-•and--•brick;'•,•--dupl•exed----Mame -.•5 bedrooms in main unit, 2 fireplaces. many extras.' 2 ACRES: 4 bedroom home, like new throughout, insulated barn 32' x 64', Morris Twp.. . REDUCED TO SELL: 50 acres, 43 workable, 6 acres irrigated apple orchard, Colborne Twp:• "'69 ACRES: near Clinton, 35 workable, near- ly new bungalow, insulated barn, recrea- tion potential.. ' • • 100 ACRES: 55 workable, E. Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs, owner will consider mortgage. • 200 ACRES: 190 workable: E'. Wawanosh, good hardwood bush, excellent buildings, field stone house, above average barns. CLINTON: 'Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, REDUCED to $20,000. BLYTH: one acre with 4 bedrooms, modern home, many ,added features, large 1 floor born, ideal hobby farm in the village. 20 ACRES: Goderich Twp., 2100. sq. ft. ranch home, new insulated barn 40' x 160'. many extras including inground pool and paved drive, very scenic. 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bedroom home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean• out, 3 miles north of Auburn. F.C.C. mor- tgage. SMALL ACREAGE: E. Wawanosh, 2 storey brick horne on wooded property, 2 sheds. combination furnace. BLYTH: 1''r floor brick home. large lot. heated garage and workshop. 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett. HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland. 9 hardwood bush large double home. large barn.•drive shed with workshop. poved road, near Varna. BLYTH: large 2 floor brick home Westmoreland St. can be duplexed. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL: Clinton Hwy. No. 8. 190' x 264', fully serviced. vendor will sell all or port. BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedrooms 1' t storey frame home, F.A. oil heat, COMMERCIAL BUILDING: King St,. Clinton. 5,000 sq: ft. includes two offices only 536,000 vendor will finance at favorable rate. 12 ACRES: God9gOter good home and small born. . WANTED: for serious client, 100 acre dairy farm, must have good herd of Holsteins. 12. Real estate for sale HURON CONTRACTORS PHONE 236-4230 New Homes, Renovations, Additions, Farm Buildings. Lagoons, Dozer & Backhoe Service, Topsail ommoisamokSpECIAL UW HARMS ESTATES 3 Bedroom Bungalow. '46,900; 81/4% financing. LOTS: 315, 500. TERMS: Interest Free AGRI NATIONAL RE.'I:I'l INC Ilnufaa. F. Chubb Nrokrrr 565.2.19I Hayfield. ()Morin BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Main Street, Bayfield. 11/2 storey house on 52' x 137' lot. Good location for any business. Vendor will consider mortgage. RECENTLY RENOVATED New siding, S0' x 200' scenic lot. Drilled well. Best view in Dayfieldll EXECUTIVE STYLE HOME Ranch -style home south of Bayfield. Situated on 14 acres. 10 acres of bush lot. Severance approved. Priced for immediate sale. Call today. SNOWDEN ACRES Lakefront 4 year old brick ranch style, winterized, full basement, 100' lot, den with fireplace, modern kitchen, dining room. Approximately 1600 sq. ft. of living space. 3 BEDROOM WINTERIZED COTTAGE 3 piece bath and sauna, L shaped --kitchen, dining -and iiving'roair+ Lit'slze" 142' x 79'. CALL Doug Chubb (Broker] Pat Norman Cathie Schwark Adam Flowers',' 565-2594 482-9911 482-3051 563-2813 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls. wheelbarrows. etc Form ties .stacked. Coll N.J. Corriveou., Zurich 236 4954. 16tfar • ' • FLOOR SANDERS for rent: at B. & M. Rental and Sales, Winghom 357-1666. 45tfor cars vans trucks prices start at FREE 100 KM •weekly &weekend rates available .20' van truck available $21 give yourself a lift in one of'our fine • 12' van truck available Pdr _'t 1 halide m.e.c.nra•m 24-8411 TRICKLAN05 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent TWO' BEDROOM apartment, large bath, liv- ingroom. dining room. kitchen, storage. three appliances. partly furnished, private entrance older couple preferred. Available April 1. 482- 9734.-....11,12 SMALL, TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. 4.82. 3675.-.12 NICE. CLEAN two bedroom apartment in a four• piex unit with a full basement in Clinton. Easy to heat 5212 per month, available May 1. Phone Wingharn 357:3721. 12,13 NICE LOCATION in Clinton. Carpeted. fridge and stove supplied. Private entrance. driveway and yard. 529-7949. 12,13 • 18. Houses for rent BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton. fully in• sulated, but in need at minor repairs and cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants. Please ' reply to Drawer No. 20 c o Clinton News -Record Box 39', Clinton, NOM 1L0.--.46tf BLYi four bedroom house, oil hent $200 a . • month 482.9210.--48tf DUPLEX in Clinton, carpeted, ifidge and cluded. Phone 529.7949. --1 1.12.13 stove in- CHRISLYN T �lINHOU E 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING . under new management ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA R.R. 3 CLINTON 482-9084