HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-21, Page 18SUPER BUY! WHITE SWAN, ASSORTED COLOURS Facial Tissue •89 box of 200 • sheets, • • •, IANTOO NEW,MiECOP AY, CH 21, 1$84-440A IIUFIIJS . - .. - • • • " A&P reserves thelighl to limit quantities to normal family reqUirements., . Savings shown in this ad based on A&P current regular retails. Prices effective thru Bat., March 24th, 1984. 6 gilefF4,?. ,affily pack I N., --CICk it 1 tdc v.+ 4.4 litres ,c1 VI F1E F Waft MititjAlaft&MERAIV out* trator009010frett ,.1, tes . ... • • • r • 777 7777. : : • BUY 6 -SAVE 1.86 REGULAR OR SUGAR FREE SPRITE OR REGULAR AND DIET VARIETIES OF Coca-Cola 6-750 mL BTLS-.30 PER BTL. DEP. RED KIDNEY, IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PORK OR MOLASSES Heinz Beans 14 FL OZ TIN Coke Plus .60 Family Carrier Carrier Pack Deposit (Case of 24-280 mL tins -6.99) PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% MiIk 4 litre bag (Illustration for design only and not necessarily item on sale) OUTSIDE GUT, EYE REMOVED r, at A&P! • .. • RuhdRoa SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Beef Roasts 59/0)99 Ikg lb FRESH LEAN Ground Beef MAPLE LEAF SausageRounds 4"/199 fkg ' lb 77229 k CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF, TENDERIZED Cube Steak n/31 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, WHOLE Turkey Legs PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, WHOLE Turkey Breasts PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Calves Liver 21191/Ib .99 NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN, SHORT CUT Lamb Legs 4iV19! NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN, (SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 4 3914-1 99 Ib) Loin Lamb Chops 6r1/29! CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWE Sausage Italian Style CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED Cooked Ham ET 31,11 78! SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED, REGULAR Side Bacon SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED Cooked Ham vac pac 1139 175 g , MAPLE OR THICK 500 g 249 pkg vac pac '179 175 g CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF SAVE 1.53/kg-.69 Ib , WHOLE 10 TO 16 LB AVERAGE Pork Shoulder 96 (kg Ib ' SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED, 12 VARIETIES INCLUDING MAC & CHEESE AND MOCK CHICKEN Cooked Meats SCHNEIDER'S, REGULAR, BEEF & MAPLE Mini Sizzlers - SCHNEIDER S REGULAR & CHUNKY Headcheese vac pac 175g •9 500 g 929 pkg-grs, - . 375 g 169 bowl 1 • SCHNEIDER'S, 10 VARIETIES INCLUDING POLISH & SALAMI Mini Deli Chubs 2:i(z)eg 199 SCHNEIDER'S, 6 VARIETIES INCLUDING BACON & LIVER Sandwich Rolls 2r5I1 1 1 9 SCHNEIDER S JUMBO LOOPS Polish Sausage 41V19! SHOPSY'S, ALL BEEF Old Vienna Salami SHOPSY'S, PASTRAMI OR Corned Beef 500 g 999 size 11.• 50 g pouches 299 pkg of 4 MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR BEEF, GARLIC OR THICK Sliced Bologna vacpa( 199 PICNIC SHOULDER OR SHOULDER BUTT Pork Chops 3°/1 SAVE 1.32/kg-.60 Ib COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: ZRIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Cho s 73:1 91 /kg Ib RIB OR 3 TO 31/2 LB, CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 373/16! /kg The DELI SHOP at A&P! FILLER'S BLACK FOREST. Ham a • A. /100 g ;.i • 1 i.1.04 4 ..r., lb ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS 5.71Ikg-2.59 Ib) PORK LOIN RIBPORDON (COUNTRY Sik 83/.k_g/r17._7 Pork Loin' Centre Cuts E) Spare Ribs 41k7g/18! RIB PORTION, BONELESS Pork Loins 51-7/221' APPROXIMATELY 50°0 MEDIUM GROUND BEEF AND 50°0 GROUND PORK Ground Meat comb, 3k8g /14! PICNIC STYLE, FRESH, SHANKLESS Pork Shoulders lrilb .89 MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 411k7g/18! Pork Shoulders rkV11? PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Back Ribs MARY MILES, SLICED Side Bacon /1 /kg 80 /39I9b vac pac 199 500 g BREAKFAST Burns Sausages Trg/13? RED HOTS, SKINLESS DUTCH TREET, DINNER FRANKS Schneider's Wieners vac pac 450 g 1" POWDERED LAUNDRY BATHROOM, ASSORTED COLOURS 3..6 litre plst jug PILLERS Polish Sausage.40"°g/17 CANADA PACKERS n n 100 9 / A 4 9 Pastrami Eye • 7 7 1 -r lb SAVE .70 TOMATO Heinz Ketchup 750 mL BTL 19' HUNT'S Tomato Sauce HUNT'S SAVE :56 oz tin 099 28 11 SAVE .46 13 fl REGULAR OR DEODOilANTAMINI BOX OF 30 -2.99 -SAVE :50) SAVE1.70 New Freedom Maxi 'To' 2.99 REGULAR,MINT OR GEL SAVE .50 Crest Toothpaste Tbrie'Ll .49 REGULAR OR CONDITIONING FORMULA SHAMPOO SAVE 1.00 Head & Shoulders 350 mL pis! btl ‘1, LIQUID DETERGENT Gentle Fels Peanut Butter KRAFT, SMOOTH SAVE .70 banded pack of 21 69 340 mL btls SAVE 1.20 1j :93.99 REFILL 900 mL Windex Cleaner EEF-A-RONI. BEEF RAVIOLI. ROLLER COASTERS. SAVE 26 LASAGNA. SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS. CHICKEN PASTAS ,Chefloy-Ar-Dee Pastas 511 cla tin99 SAVE .40 1.39 ASSORTED VARIETIES OF WHOLE WHEAT COOKIES SAVE .40 McCormick's 4009atgt n tie 2.09 READY -TO -SERVE, .ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVE .50 tin s 99 28 fI oz Habitant Soups .vntov .ntent bystephanholgvesgote • .004.3 mess with. -0*11' MOMOPOI reinalentationvtll he the tneaSage sent.to the., province from the Maitland Valley ConservatienAulhorily. A movement acrosa the MOO 40 reduce the membership of eonamation authorities was soundly turned, down by MVCA at its annual meetio30AFSI The executive director of the ArriatiOn of Conservation Authorities Of. Ontario (ACAQ), Russ Rowell, told IMA-lhat in October of 1982 the ASsOciation of Municipalities of Ontario (AIMmade IA recotrunendations for changes to con- servation authorities. One of.. these recommendations included reducing the authority membership. The problem with the present number in AMO's eyes, said Mr. Powell, is that on large authorities, those with 30 to 56 members,; decisions are made, by ,the executive committee. MVCA has 32 municipalities in its watershed, Riad each has one repreSentative on the authority. There are als0 three provingial-representatives which represent the entire Watershed. TWo prokosals for changing MVCA's municipal repreientithin-Weie-presentedut -the annual Meeting -13Y the executive:0m- --- mittee. Chairman Dave Gower said neither ' is being recommended by the committee. One alternative was based on one member per 2,500 population and the other was calculated on one member per $40 million assessment. Both resulted in a full mem- bership of 19. No one spoke in favor of reducing the membershiP Th fed, Bruce McCall of Brussels compared the changes to regional government, which he does not support. Bill Manning of Blyth, a member of MVCA's executive committee, said no matter what the number of people on an authority, there will always be an executive committee. But he spoke in favor of an executive committee as used by MVCA. MVCA's members sit on one of four ad- visory boards and each advisory board chairman sits on the executive committee. Subjects at the advisory board level are also handled by the eXecutive'coMmittee. Mr. Manning said that some, of the communication problems noted,. ie. municipalities don't knowwhat is happening within the conservation authorities, isn't happening ill the Maitland watershed. Many members agreed. Several noted that there are communications, such as minutes from monthly meetings; being sent to,municipal clerks. • . - Individual authority members said that if one person had to represent three or four municipalities, these municipalities would lose touch. Chairman Dave Gower said he didn't want anyone to think that MVCA's executive ' committee runs the authority. "We only follow you," Mr. Gower told the members. A letter will be sent to the province voicing MVCA inion.s.._ .1 121.1.I A; 9111 PA its lig-44t18.1w • Genealogical society - wants readers The annual meeting of the Huron County , Genealogical Society was held March 7 with first Vice -Chairman, • Karen Harman of Bayfield, chairing the meeting. . Queries for ,the month came from persons . searching for: Cash, Miller (Goderich), Henry/Graham, Coles ( Hullett ), Hutchin- son (Grey ), Allan Goderich),(Buxton Goderich ), Fisher (Goderich )/Haacke, Campbell ( Goderich/Clinton ),, Walker (Goderich ), Cowan/Sinton ( Seaforth ), Logan/Johnston; Burr/Pringle ( Gocierich), Van Alstein, Ritter and Aikenhead. Anyone having information regarding any of these ' families is asked to contact Nancy Kale at - 345 -2908. was announced by the Research Co- ordinator, Nancy Kale, that a microfiche reader had been purchased for use by the research committee. Anyone with some spare time 'to do reading of microfilm in -Goderich-is-asked-to-give-her,-a-call. . The... : group also now has a copy of the 1869/70 Gazetteer for Huron County. It was announced that the Ontario . Genealogical Seminar, '84 will be hosted by the Halton -Peel Branch this year at Erin - dale College in Mississauga on May 18, 19 and 20. The theme will be "The Yankees Are Coming". So anyone with American connec- tions should be certain to attend. These seminars provide a wealth of information fors all genealogical researchers and are at- tended by genealogists from all over -Canada and the United States. Further in- formation may 'be obtained from Alison Lobb, 482-7167. , The mystery prize for the evening was a Chinese wall calendar which was. won by Eileen Harrison of Goderich. Due to the fact that all the executive members have been elected in 1983 for a two year term, they will remain the same: Alison Loob -chairman.; Carole Robinson - past chairman;- Karen Harman - first Vice- chairman; Anne Clark - second vice-, chairman; WilliamClutton - treasurer; 71aine McKinnon - secretary and Karen, HArman - alternate secretary. ,There were no volunteers to fill the positions of program co-ordinator, fund raising co-ordinator or to assist • on the cemetery . committee or bulletin committee. Anyone interested in helping in these areas may contact any • member of the executive. In order to correspond with the member- ship year, a decision was made by the ex- ecutive to change the date of elections frorn the March to November meeting. The new executive would then take over in January of each year. Regular ...meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the board room of the Assessment Office building, 57 Napier Street, Goderich. Park- ing and entrance are at the rear. The April meeting will ieature Elke Schulz, calligraphy and graphic artist from Kincardine, as guest speaker. Elke's topic will be. "Deciphering the Old English Alphabet". As !pony researchers run into this problem searching old documents, this is a topic of Interest to all. - Guest a are welcome. For more information call 482-7167.