HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-6-19, Page 8..cASIIs TORE ci talktthis week will be very short and to the point. 'We have been HousetOleaning at the .Big Store and find''a number of odd lineS and bioken lots that must go out, and that very quickly too. Now listen., these are Nets. EVei y reduction noted in this add, is genuine. Come and ee. 411111111•61 6010•0666,r610.46mommaramo66.6 58e the pair for grey or white, plain ov twilled Flaniselett.e Blankets, lovely soft downy finish. Regular value was '75c. 5e the yard for pure linen Roller Towelling, soft crash finish. A regus/ ler 7e line. no the yardfor a lovely lot of Prints 'vridest width and all fine sot cloths, These prints are on sale today in Exeter at 124e. Our houee eleaiaing price only 7ic, Quick is the word. 12ac the yard --10 pieees of fancy dangle fold Dress Goods, light and medium dark shades, ant two tone effects. Regular prices 2e to 35c, or house cleaning price 12a, 50c goods for 20c, We have 8 full nieces of pure wool indigo blue cheviot serge Dress Goods, Regular price was sea, hut they ceree just a wee bit light in weight. They must go out quick. °etre ern' see them going at only 20c, S 1,25 the 'Pair for a swell lot of lace Curtains. They are money savers. 5c the yard-- a nice lot of new check Gingbains. Just the thing for child- ren's \Veriug dresses. 48e the pair for men's Brown Duck Overalls, well made arid properly sewn, the kind that you can't tear and they wear like a piece of mule skin. Now listen, these Overalls are worth 90c. Never mud how we got them, you can have as many as you want at 48c. 50c, each for men's mercerized silk finished Shirts and. Drawers, they are so cool that you. almost shiver on the hottest, day, These goods are sold. in the city at $1,00 each, our house clean- ing price is 50c, 3 for $1.00—Once more we'll tell you about those men's yarn dyed. Gingham Shirts with collars attached, they were 50e each, We have susb 7 dozen lett to sell at 3 for $1,00, 35c each for a lovely line of men's New Coronation Ties—they're swell. 45c the pair for boys' fancy Moleskin . Knickerbockers. They are Just about as tough and hard to tear as muleskin. See them. Oh, they are great, 90c each for boys' fancy Cotton and T:ELE TIMES Miss JalleC Muttart, of London, was visiting in tewn this week. Mrs, Glitarnam, of Peterborough, is visiting her son, Mr, F. W, Glarlanan, Vatesiers having wheat or coarse rain for sale will do well to call at the i1—liarvey Bros, GeorgiEdwards and Sergt. Bale of Carduff Wales, are the guests of Mr, Alf: Walters. Mrs. Isaac Bavvden, a former resi- dent of Exeter, now of Blyth, is visit in- friends in town, Farimers should use English Stock Food to their yonng calves and pigs. Sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. The Synod of the Diocese of Huron met in session in Bishop OranYn Hall in London, on Taesclay June 17bh. Mrs. Davis after an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. P. Fisher, left this week for her home in Hamilton. District Deputy McKay, cif Zurich lodge, Hensel', paid an official visit to Lebanon and Forest lodge here on Monday last. Ivies. N. D. Hurdon and Miss Annie Jeekell leave on Saturday for Peoria, 111., where they will visit their sister, Miss Maud Jeckell. We have just ground, up two more cars of Manitoba wheat to make that Star Flour that is in so roach dernand. —Harvey Bros. • Mr. Geo. Westeott with his two sisters, Edith and Lilly, were visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Ands rews of Elimville, last week, Do you suffer from tired, tender, eking, sweating, sore or swollen eet ? If so, use foot ease, which will ive you relief. Sold by .0, Lutz, Exeter. Mr. end Mrs. Thos. Prior. of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. John Sobriaof Elim ville, attended the funeral of their nephew, Thomas Andrew Copp, of Seaforth, on Linnen Suits, correct for hot weather. Tuesday. How about your grocery trade. We think that we are doing just the nicest kind of a Grocery Trade, and a great many people say that they save money by buying their Groceries at the Big Cash Store. CI1311 STORE J. f. STEM:ART Stores will be closed all day Thursday, 26th, Coronation Day. For Marriage Licenses, Weakling Rheas, Weatclaes, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. 'The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday- noon. Casual Kadvestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY JUNE 19, 1902 Locals. as — Wm. Trott is on the sick list. The season for bass fishing opened ,an June 16th. Wedding bells will ring in Exeter on -Coronation Day. MrT. B. Carling is visiting her 'relatives in Insantford. Mr. Day, of Thessieeleressis the guest of Miss Lizzie Willis this week-:- , Miss Hattie Sutherland, of spent Sunday with Mrs. M. J. White. Be sure and tell your friends about he merits of the Exeter Star. Flour.- 31arvess Bros. S. Gidley is again able to be around after ha long confinement in the house during the Whiter. The Toronto Star says; It takes more than a coal' strike and a drought and a few frosts to eheck the June bride crop. Don't forget the annual excursion to the Model Farm Guelph, ander the auspices of the South Huron Farmers' institute on Friday june 20th. - Children Ory for CASTOR1A. 1 Miss Mabel Walters, of London, is ;visiting at her home here. The Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck attended Synod at London this week. .4 B. C. and Ontario shingles for sale t Jas. Willis' Lumber Yards, Exeter. Mrs. Vanstone, of Brantford, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos. Mrs. Edred Drew, of Ontario, Cali- fornia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Mellott and children, of Seatorth, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grieve. R. S. Lay, traveller for the R. Laid- law Lumber Co., Toronto, was in town last week. Miss Armstrong attended the funer- ar of her cousin, Miss Vance, of Far- quhar, on Tuesday. Richard Greenwood, of Toronto, a former resident of Exeter,was in town over Sunday calling on friends. A. Q. Bobier is in Kincardine this week looking after the new creamery which he has started at.Bervie. Thos. Brooks has returned from Owen Sound where he attended the High Sapreme Court of 0. 0. 0. F. Mrs, Lounsbury, of Hamilton, and Recta sletIllroy, will be the guest of Mrs. James S. Dignan for several Lil, weeks. Holy Communion will be admin- istered in Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service. The Free Masons will attend Divine worship in the Trivitt Memorial church on Thursday next, Coronation Day, at 11 o'clock a. in. J H. Burger, of Milverton, who has been the guest• of J. H. Beirreess for the past few days, returned to his home on Monday. Mrs. H. J. Glanville, who has been 'visiting her mother, Mrs. John Sweet, for the past few weeks left for her home in London on Tuesday last. If you have never tried the Exeter tar Flour, be sure and try one of the ,comforts of the twentieth century.— Harvey Bros. ROCKERY AND LASSWARE gewerorgenovemmemr,,wsneemememswemomerosimmease.rammeseg...aemosemastommagoorareloommeamnageom DINNER SETS, 97 Pieces, illurnivated gilt, Coronation Blue, English make and semi -porcelain, Only $ ro,00 DINNER SETS, 97 pieces, new shade, Nile Green, illuminated gilt,serni-percela,in, Hauley IVIanufacture, very special ......... ...... at $10.00 DINNER SETS, 97 pieces, Lynclen Gilt, Cobalt Blue. Hawley goodsworth more money, — Our price $8,00 DINNER. SETS, 97 pieces, in Blue and Green Shades, new patterns, specially printed. This live has been a num- ber one seller, its value being unexcelled any where else. Our price, . . . „ • -, .„. ... $6,50 TOILET SETS bought at a low price, in shades of BluePink. Biscuit and Green, consisting of the full 9' pieces, vvorth $2.75, „ • . .... . . Sold by us for $125. We have the Famous Gilt Eagle Line,and Sprig assortment eseesoiete throughout for Dinner or Tea Sets, or can be sold in dozen lets separately. animaimemi,,,;:eamimkorarkmenommenter POPPLESTONE& GARDINER Groceries a Specialty. Post Office Illoc Mr. and. Mrs. Moon, of Orono, who were in attendance at the wedding of their neice, Miss Elliott, near Lucan, called on Mr. and Mrs. S. Cobbledick on Friday last. SEEINGLEs Fost Sast,R.—We have re- ceived a car load of B. O. shingles this week and expect three car loads this month. For sale at JAMES Wm.'s' Lumber Yards, Exeter, Messrs Weekes Bros. have erected in the Exeter Cemetery, a handsome memorial in memory of the late Lewis Thorne, of Los Angeles, oa.i. The material is Quincy Granite and of Sarcophagi design. A union meeting in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance will be held in James at. church this (Thursday) even- ing, Brief addresses will be given by Revs. R. Milyard and W. M. Martin. All are cordially invited. D. V, There will be a Coronation service held in Trivitt Memorial church, on Coronation Day, June 26th, at 11 o,clock, At which Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck will give a short address. All are cordially invited. The Rev. Mr. Brown preached. a a very interesting and instructive ser- mon to the Independent and Canadian Order of Foresters on Sunday morn- ing last. He took his text from Gal, 6 : 5, "For every man must bear his own burden." The Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Crediton, will preach both morning and evening in the james St. Methodist church on Sunday next, and the •Rev. Brown will conduct the re -opening services in Crediton Methodist church on the same day. The friends of W. M. Martin, B. A., son of Rev. W. Martin, will be pleaas- ed to know that be has ;sassed his first year examination in law, standing second in a class af 50, and winning a cash scholarship of 360. He is expect- ed home soon to resume his study in the law office of X. G. Stanbury. .A. message was received here yesters' day that Mr. Fred Parsons, who is working in St. Marys, had met with an accident, He was conveyed as far as Woodham, where he was met by Mr. Harry Parsons, who brought him to Exeter. At time of writing it is not known how seriously he was hurt. Some these ago it was decided to hold the annual county S. S. and a E. con- vention at Blyth, on June 18-19, and a suitable program was prepaseed there- for. But circumstances have in the meantime arisen which make it neces- sary to change the time of meeting in- definitely, and it has been postponed • until sometime in Sew.. ber. The death occurred iu Milvertonre- cently,. of Mrs. Guenther, wife of Gottfried Guenther, and mother of Mrs. J. H, Beirness, William st., Exeter. Mrs. Guenther was a native of Virest Prussia, Germany, and was 75 years old at the time of her death. She leaves a husband and a family of 7 children to mourn their loss. She celebrated her golden wedding in Nov. last. In spite of the heavy rain storm there was a large congregation at the confirmation service held in Trivitt Memorial Church on Thursday even- ing last, at which fifteen candidates were confirmed. Bishop Baldvvin's address to the candidates was par- ticularly interesting and helpful. Many who were present expressed themselves as having been much pleased with the service. ' What may be a message from the ill-fated Allan steamer Huroaian has been received in Montreal from Owls Head, 45 miles from Halifax. on the Atlantic coast. The wordsare written on a ecrap of soiled and browned paper, and were evidently written tinder difficulties. They are as follows: "The SS. Huronian turned over in the Atlantie Sondes' night, In small boat 14 of us." The message is said to have been picked up oti June 2nd, was en- closed in e bottle and forwarded to a local newspaper, rent SALE OE, TO RENT. — A two Story brick cottage on William street, the property of tie Feria= estate. Apply to L. L. AlsiSON. MArN ST. °tamers SagnvicEs.—Next Sabbath, pastor will be at both sere vices,taking as his subjects, 11 a. m., "Christian (Inity" ; '7 p, na.„ "The Great Song," Good Music by the choir, For Cholera MOrbus, dieters nifaiituna Cramps, (loll°, diarrhoea_A DItSeritOryi an Summer Complaint, Dr, Fowlers Extraet of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure euro that has been a popular favorite for nearly SO Vara 131g Clearing Sale at Excitor fien5d11 Dagilt 0011 On account of the backwardness of the season we find ourselves overloaded with a number of lines of goods, and in order to turn OW' Surplus Stocks into Cash quickly, we eave cut the Prices of new up to date goods right and left. You can get the following trid many other bargains at any of our stores. •• jfl"ij Millinery, Clothing, etc., etc. mil Worth of Dry Goods, Groceries, TO BIB SACIRIFICED, • 10/1 White Flannelette Blankets, regular price 85c per pair for GOc 20 pcs wide width, fast 3o1ored Prints, regular 1.2,21c 8c 17 pcs wide width fast colored Indigo dye German Prints, in, spots, stripes and • figures,the regular 17c kind for ••12-ic • 15 pcs American Pongee, wide width and fast colors, reg 20c line for... • 12ic 40 Men's rain proof Coats, sewed seams and perfectly -vuloanizecl. This coat, is ordinarily sold at $4.25, special. price.... .... 2.75 Five doz, Ladies' heavy weight, fast black, Cotton Hose, reg 20c kind for.. 15c Five doz Ladies' Patent teather Belts with harness buckle, reg 25c kind for 15c I• millinery to be sold re- • mmed and untrimined Our entire stock of tri Millinery • gardless of cost. ge7/161111101.101111=1111, 25,000 30 lbs Redpath's best Coffee Sugar for. 25 lbs Redpath's best granulated Sugar for.. 5 cans best corn for.. 25c 2, cans best Salmon for. 25c 8 lbs nice Sweet Biscuit for • • • • • • •25c 6 lbs BestTapioca for 25c I Tea Bargains In order to introduce Iour new line of Royal Teas, we will sell 4 lbs of the regular 35c kind for • $1 black, green or mixed. liff=t111•611C616[5, mit 5 doz Ladies' Black Mer- • cerized Sateen Skirts, with full frill, very fancy, regular price $1.50, for • • • • • • •1.00 100 yards Cashmerette, warranted fast colors, reg price 15e the yd for. 25 Men's regular $5.00 tweed suits for. • • 3,75 850 yards, wide width, new design Wrapperette,all colors, beautiful new- goods, worth far more money, per yd • • lOG • • t • • • Just opened up 1500 yards Mill End Remnants of Flannelettes, these run from 10 to 20 yards in length. We are selling them at about Half regular prices. They will go quick. • We want a large quantity of Butttr and Eggs • and will pay Highest Prices for same. .• The R- . Pickard Co Direct importers • EYES TEsTED—Mr, T. P. Sinith, the noted eye specialist, of Elora will be at the Cominereial Hotel,' Exeter, on Friday and Saturday, June 20th and 21st. An early call will ensure you his prompt attention.— Don't forget the date. • CALL Eawir.—Prof. T. P. Smith, of Elora, announces to the people of Exeter and vicinity that he will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on June 20th and 21st. Friday and Satur- day. All vvho have any trouble with their ocular optics will do well to call and have their eyes tested. •Eyes tested free. Oall early and avid the rush. STRA.WEEnny FissTrvaa—The ladies of the Main St. Methodist church will give a strawberry festival on the church lawn on. Monday evening, the 2qrd inst. Every effort is being made to make this one of the PLIOSt enjoy. able events ever given by this church. The delicacies ot the season will be served in the best possible style.. The band will be in attendance to enliven the occasion with appropriate music. Admission, adults 25c., children 15c. Everybody will be weiconaed. Ta.raaar--(111,00XETT.—.A. very pretty marriage took place on Wednesday afternoon, June llth, at the residence of Wm. Crockett, of Dorchester, when his dnly daughter, Clara L., was wed- ded to W. L. Talbot, formerly of the Gore, now of Exeter. The cetemony was performed by Rev. John Veal, Of Dorchester. The bride was assisted by Miss Janet Crockett, and the groom by his brother, Mr, Preeinan Talbot. About one hundred guests were pres- ent from Denver, Oa, Wyandotte, Petrolea Exeter Barrie Sarnia, In- gersoll and this city. ilany beauti- ful and valuable presents exprepeed in slight measure the esteem in which the young couple are held by their friends. Mr, and Mrs. Talbot left for Exeter Where they will in future re- side. They were tendered a reeeption on their arrival there—London Free Press, TliLE SOVEREIGN" Ballx.—The Sover- eign Bank of Canada will open their Exeter branch on or about the 2nd July next. The popularity of the new bank and of its management has been demonstrated daily since opened its doors in Toronto, Montreal St. Catherines, Perth Stouffyille, Newmarket. Ottawa, Amherstburg, and Mt, Pleasant, in the large number of business men and people in all the walks of life who have transacted busi- nese over its counter. The bank has leased T. Fitton's braiding, opposite the Central Rotel. A large vault is being put in, and the . front of the building re -modelled, and we under- stand the interior fittings and furnish- ings will be of the best, and the Exet- er branch will be one of the most convenient and best appointed offices in Western Ontario. The financial status of the Bank is high. It s:larted on its career with an authorized capi- tal of $2,000,000.00 and a subscribed capital of 31,303,000.00. The board of directors is composed of Messrs. E. S, }lolls' Montreal, President; A. A, Allan, Toronto; Archibald Campbell M. P., Toronto Junction; Randolph Macdonald, Toronto ; Jas. Carruthers, Montreal ; HomPeter McLaren, Perth ; Hon. D. McMillan, Alexahder ; John Pugsley, Toronto; Henry R. Wilson, New York ; all of whom are gentlemen of retommed standing, and proven capability as financiers. In Mr. 0. M. Stewart, the Sovereign Bank has andoutitebly one of the very ablest general bank managers in Canada. Mr, P. E. Kern, who for over two years was Manager of the Molsons Bank, at Hensall, has been given charge of the Exeter office, Mr. Karn is well and favorably known in this neighborhood, and we feel naafi. dent that the Sovereign Bank under his management will receive a liberal share of patronage. The Exeter branch will be prepared to do a general banking business, Prompt Attention and courteous treatment will be accorded to all its etetonsers. F. %V. Gladman has been apponited the Bank's elLip BROS. Is the place for Fashionable Sum- mer Waists. Ladies will find the selection very desirable, while the garments, themselves are ad- znitted to be extremely comfort- able. Call at once and get the pick. These goods will l'"?.) like ice cream. HIGHEST PRICE :PA:CD FOR PRODUCE. arH CLCUASCRIMIZILRillOt• 110J9.1118.11.1fittl••111,....• Stores will be closed on Coronation Day, June 26th 411011.1•110{.07•1E0.V.•••••••••11101:1• FU IT '5..kitikaitgeiMsb* rig a Ir T G TellMillEilleMMEammolffriZEZESE201811 ow is the time to beautify your • homes by •selecting some of our handsome furniture, _ Do you want A nice bedroom sett. for ...... • • SiC GO' Sideboard 8.b0 Nice Cool Sweet mattresses3.i 0 Bed springs .... . .. ,...... .... • 2.00 Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles and Trimmings. We have several setts of BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS, jug in. Cive Us A Cali, and if we have not got what you want we will soon get it for you. Liston Furniture arid Undertaking Rooms GIDLEY'S LOCK, EXETER. .3110011••10••=011MI. It is definitely settled • Spend your Holidays at the , says a, report non-commissioned officers from Ottawa, that there are to be no u011ee 13 jellimellce [mei camps for the rural infa.ntry regiments officers and this year. Camps of instruct;ion for will, however, be held in September. •The cavalry and artillery camps will take place as usual. FOR OYER SIXTY .EARS AN OLD A ND WELL-TRTM) 13 HATED Y. ---Mr Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Ofty years by millions &mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind collo. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the work', 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Airs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask tor no other kind. MOIM•11M••••••••••• to you? • Banfield, Ontario. e This hotel was lately purchased by the undersigned and has been fitted up with every modern convenience of a. Summer Resort Hotel. • Ice Cream parlors in connection. Bayfield is situated at the out .of the Bayfield River on Lake on Excellent Fishing, Boating an &th- ing, etc. The beach is like pa ent„ snaking bathing safe for the mall - child. For rates and fruthe particusa lars write or apply to __ MRS. L. mtat,BAY, Bayfield,Ont. Canada. 4. +- 4. E j THE MART. I 4+44•44++++++++++++++++++++ To. Hlave the Best Coods To accept some Other Brand of Flour when you asked for EXETER; STA.E, FLOUR, iso, beware of such a groces. There is no SUBSTMITE for Exeter Star Flour. Inferior beands mean incligestable bread, which bring on dYspepsia, and like trouble Make the grocer understand that you want Exeter Star Flour. It contain.s the finest of Wheat. all the superfluous starch and other detrimental elernents are elimin- ated. • Always ask for Exeter Star Flour rnd be sure you get it. For sale by the leading grocers and at the mill. Ilis,,thest market price paid for wheat arid coarse grain. firFkR.VEY E3R05. • MILLERS eageassosesestiemmetteateim IF NOTHING TURNS UP 3 O TURNSOMETHING UP: Aoo,u)rs:n7x/ of aittrwraitling intho ......re 0 ,.<.?#// / • TRAITOR!), ONT • ono.b144 young men and, womon to 80- tgi eedere employment at good wages im- 0 mediately on leaving college, This is 0 0 the school that onjoYs the reputation of 0 dpiug the best work in businoss wince,- 0 0 bon. The graduates of ,tbe sohool are 0 in strono demand 114 tedt3h0t8 in business 0 0 Olives in Ganana and the United Stet- 0 0 es. This is the sehool for you and sour a 0 friends, 'Write for catalogue. 0 0W. J. ELLIOTT 40 Principal w 1110041100114•10111606,6•46111061104116 is whet the business man owes hi n1 - self. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be often the cheapest and con- sequently always the best. We have in stock everything in the atatiorery Line—newest in • Note Peiper • Complete Line Jardineres, • senglish and German Decorated, • Vases, • French China Lirnoge and {Japanese Ware. FANCY GOODS OF ALL !DESCRIP- TIONS, JOHN GRIGG, BxE,iveR BARGAINS IN F R NITUR E. • You will find here at all times the greatest. barcrains in furniture. The lowest pi iceS and best efforts to please. • etessomeamrse 4 Undertaking a Specialty, R. N. ROWE