HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-21, Page 7earn how the ill est be cared for By Eleanor Bradnock . . Qgnrle Osborn t co-ordinator of the Palliative 'Care project at Goderich with his mother, Mrs, Lillian Letherland hospital, was guest speaker last Tuesday afternoon at, Unit One of Knout United and his sister, Mrs. Gordon Chamney. Church Women. Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Raithby returned The assistant leader of the Unit, Betty home after being in Clinton for the past two Marsh, welcomed all and was assisted by months when Mrs. Raithby was a patient in Mrs. Rosa Robinson. Mrs. Robinson read Clinton and London hospitals last week. - the scripture lesson, Psalm 27 and all read Mrs. Harold Raithby of Clinton is staying at alternateverses. Miss Marsh gave an in- the Raithby Thome. spicing message on caring and sharing and Mrs. Robert Young of Stratford and Craig quoted several parts of the book, Why Do Ritchie of Goderich visited last Wednesday Bad Things Happen to Innocent People? and with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura closed by saying that God's support is there Phillips. for the asking. The community is pleased to report that Mrs. Robinson received the offering. The Mrs. Warner Andrews has returned home hymn, Jesus United by Thy Grace, was sung after being a patient, in Clinton Public with Mrs. Marjorie McDougall at the piano. Hospital following surgery. All repeated the new Creed of thelI.C.W. in Donald Medd and son of Ilderton visited unison. last Friday with Mrs. Tom Johnston and Mrs. Osborn showed the film, Dose of Miss Laura Phillips. Reality, and then spoke on the needs of the Jack Armstrong arrived home last chronically ill, telling how palliative care 'Thursday after being a patient for a few means ease without cure. She spoke of the days at the Sholdice Clinic at Toronto. problems of the terminally ill and the needs Julie Daer returned home on the weekend of the chronically ill with more emphasis on, after visiting with the Reverend Bonnie home care:- Smith hi Toronto: - Mrs. Marian Hindmarsh spoke of the Mrs. Tina Empey returned home last Sun volunteer service that is available through day after visiting for a week with friends in the self-help groups around Goderich and Tennessee. district. She stressed that sharing your pro- Many from here attended the Open House blems is important and those with ex- for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blake's golden wed- perience should be ready to lend a helping ding anniversary last Sunday at the hand when an incurable disease or death MacKay Centre in Goderich. strikes a family. Three Ms meet Betty thanked the a - 'e for sharing their experiences with the members and their guests. Mrs. Ernest Durnin, leader of the Unit, took charge and led the business session. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Tom Jardin. The roll call was answered by giving a donation to the layette. Visiting and writing letters to shut- ins was discussed and several took different ones to visit and write to. A bus trip to the quilt auction at New Hamburg was discussed and more informa- tion will be obtained for the trip if enough wish to go. Mrs. Jardin read some thank you notes and Mrs. Beth Lansing thanked, everyone , for their birthday cards. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Mizpah- benediction..Lunch was .served. by Mrs. Ross Robinson and Miss Betty Mar- sh. Arthur and Mr. irtnur. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Letherland and Kara of Acton visited last Saturday afternoon Social News Winners at the weekly euchre party held every Tuesday evening in the Auburn Com- munity Memorial Hall last week were: novelty - Mrs. Bernice McClinchey; high lady - Mrs. Ed Brooks; low lady - Mrs. Tom • Haggitt; high man - Ted Mills; and low man - Ed Brooks. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines returned last duet in the choir anthem. The Junior con - Thursday evening from Lakeland, Florida gregation was supervised by Mrs. Douglas where they_hadholidayed for six weeks. Chamne en R say and 11Mrs. Ted Mrs. Gerrie KeIie"r` ofliuronvrew-spent y, -- - Ted_::::: last weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bakker. m .-_._... b 11 :Sstudv ur We are pleased to report that Mrs. iN.L... ® Whyte was able to return home last. Friday changes 111 their live S from London Hospital. Her daughter Miss break with her. The Three M's Club of Knox United Church met last Saturday evening for a dif- ferent kind of bowling experience. The even- ing was led by Marinus and Margaret Bak- ker and Gary and Christine Shuttleworth., After bowling, the members returned to the Sunday School room of the church for fellowship and lunch. The scores for the bowling were: ladies'' high - Mrs. Barry Millian, ladies' low - Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey, high man - Gordon Gross, and low man - Gary Shuttleworth. Church News Knox United -Church Sunday School had an attendance of 77 pupils and teachers last Sunday morning. A new foster Child. Danny, two years old of Haiti, is now being sponsored. The offer- ing on March.25 .goes to..help cure him of tuberculosis. A committee of .Steven Millian, Karen Plunkett and Stuart Bakker is planning games for the family skating party which is being held in the Blyth arena on March 31. from2 p.m. to 3 p.m. The senior classes are preparing for the annual pancake supper on April 4. The minister, Gary Shuttleworth, spoke • on the topic - Silent Christians. Barry Millian and daughter Lorie sang a 1 ' I?1".�'Oi l."NEYY$*IC�''iiCORD, WEDNESDAY -Jana -21,1984 --PAGE? ,. :u� �„ 7+ .a.•w:a mz�.,�`r � F �..�R., rF � uw.v Lri 4, Two weeks ago the Blyth Tykes claimed their division championship in a tournament held in Exeter. Pictured front row, left to right are, Jonathon Collins, Josh Yanchus, Ryan Chamney, Christopher Howson, Chris Lee, and Mark Shepherd. Second row, Scott Arthur, Shawn Hakkers, Peter Craig, Kent Shlllinglaw, Benje Hakkers, Brian McNichol and Jerrod Button. Back row, Helper Ben Hakkers, Coach Bruce Howson and helper Paul Yanchus. (Exeter Times Advocate photo) Two weeks ago the Blyth Atoms travelled to Exeter and captured the league championship. Pictured f •ont row, left to right, are Ian Andrews, Kevin Souch, Chris Bolger, Darrel Elliott, Jason Elliott and James Bromley. Second row, Bryan Gross, Michael McNichol, Danny Van Bakel, Jeff. Bromley and Shame Taylor. Back row, Coach Bruce Bromley and helper Lawrence Taylor. ( Exeter Times Advocate photo) Foresters hold pancake supper By Mary Merner KINBURN - Court'Constance held a crokinole party and pancake supper on March 17 at the hall with over 40 in atten- dance. The crokinole party had _nine tables in play with the following winners: 12 and under most games: Murray Whyte; 12 and under most twenties: Shelley Merner; over 13 most games: Brian Barry; most twen- —= -les=-Bill-Dale:.. The guys whipped up a super bunch of pancakes. The pancakes and maple syrup • were enjoyedy a - Lu The March meeting of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was held last Wednesday 'afternoon at the home . of Mrs. • Tom Haggitt. The president, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, gave the call to worship and welcomed all. • The hymn, God Moves in a Mysterious Way, was read followed by the devotional period. The scripture lesson, Proverbs 20:5 to 15 verses, was read by Mrs. Donald Cart- wright. The meditation had the theme, "Count Your Change in Life", followed by prayer. The roil call was answered by reading a • Bible verse that contained the word, "Count". The mission study was given by Mrs. Frances Clark and she gave an ac- count of a Canadian student in Kenya and also gave a letter from one in New Guinea, north of Australia. . The minutes were accepted as read by. the secretary, Mrs. Lillian Letherland. The financial statement was given by Mrs. Frances Clark. ' 'Pamphlets on. the Jubilation Conference to be held in London this June were given out and all were reminded about the Hamilton -London Synodical being held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham on April 24 and 25. Correspondence was read and. also thank you notes. Beef Blade $ 49 Ib STEAKS Beef Shoulder STEAKS $ 691b. Beef Blade ROASTS $W1b. Beef Short Rib ROASTS $ 591b Beef Cross Rib ROASTS $1 191b. Regular GROUND BEEF Medium GROUND �BLE F $169 Ib. $199Th. MEATS Boneless Lean BEEF STEW TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 994 Ib. Schneider's Blue Ribbon $1691b. $169 pkg. $249 pkg. BOLOGNA Schneider's 450 Gram WIENERS Schneider's 500 Gram SIDE BACON Schneider's Popular COOKED MEATS $2191 . Schneider's Jumbo SUMMER SAUSAGE GROCERIES Weston's 8's HOT CROSS BUNS $119 pkg. Weston's Family CHOCOLATE ROLLS 894pkg. Voortman 450 Gram Granola orOatmKIESal Chip ,$129pkg. CRAPE EEJUICE Si99 COOKIES Mealtyme White, Cracked Wheat, Whole Wheat BREAD 69 ea. Welch's 1 Litre GRAPE JUICE $199 Welch's 1 Litre Paramount Light Flaked 184 Gram TUNA ' Prego 28 Oz. - Reg. SPAGHETTI SAUCE Beatrice 2"/ Bag $129 tin MILK $299 bag Palmolive 1 Litre Liquid $189 DISH SOAP $2199 -Open: Mond,n - Thurs. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.; ( bred �j� 8ridm Tt, P mm.; ',aturd,r' MEAT I- ■A R K E -T Prices in effect until Saturday, March 24, 1984. e e Margie Whyte of Guelph spent the winter Mr. and• Mrs. Marris Bos and family had an unfortunate fire early Thursday morning in their home. • The fire and smoke damage was contain- ed in the bads portion of the house. For- tunately everyone got outwith no injuries. Neighbors and family gathered on Saturday and helped to clean up. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds. of Southfield, Michigan and Sharon and Brian Nesbitt were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Terence Hunter. During March 17 the Reynolds and Thompson family and Mrs. Hunter visited with Mr. Terence Hunter in Goderich Hospital on the occasion of his 84th birthday. -_.--LPR _DUCE Chiquita BANANAS BROCCOLI CELERY HEARTS •••••••• Product of Mexico Large LTMATOES FROZEN Awake 12 Oz. ORANGE DRINK York 2 Litre ICE CREAM K•W.I aG. Lipton Chicken Noodle 2 Pack SOUP Kellogg's Special "K" CEREAL 475 G. BEEF SIDES 790 tin 2.99 (Reg. '3.99) tin 99( bunch 99( bunch 890 Ib. LES TURNER - AIRLESS ___ PAINTING _ *BARN PAINTING *ROOF, WALLS AND TRIM *WATERBLASTING AND SANDBLASTING *INSULATION OF ALL TYPES. *FOUNDATION COATING CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES 482-3563 uron County Atlas project By Dora Shobbrook - LONDmSBURQ - The W.I. Education meeting was held March 14. President Margaret Taylor welcomed all, Boll call was answered by 15 members and seven visitors. The treasurers' report and minutes of last. meeting were read by assistant secretary - treasurer Marjorie Duizer. Correspondence included a thank you note from Rosemary Armstrong for the Huron Pay Care Centre donation. Letters were also received from Elsie Shaddick, Doreen Carter, and Elam Jewitt. A letter from Mabel Jacklin an- nounced the executive meeting on April 2 in Wingham. The township recreation com- mittee wrote asking for ideas for Hullett Day on July 14. Members agreed to show the Tweedsmuir book again. The nominating committee reported that two offices need to be filled. Helen Lawson will prepare a WI report for the atlas. The next card party will be held March 23 8 p.m. The next meeting, the annual session and banquet willbeheld A,prtl ll at 6 30 p4T . Dora Shobbrook introduced 4-H leaders Marione Duizer aiidy-Helen liolkniarf� 'Absent -were t -Ma Buff' g and Amy --Ger en -were -Mary News and notes A WI card party will be held on March 23 at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Friday dinner guests with Mrs. Dora Shobbrook were daughter Thelma Ellerby of Clinton and Granddaughter Joan Garrow R.N. of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. David Constantine and Kathryn of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sottiaux and Jennifer. Linda and Kathryn are spen- ding this week here before leaving for their new home in Calgary. United Church United Church greeters on Sunday were Bernice Norman and Harry Snell. Ushers were Brenda Nesbitt, Sandy Merrier, Dean- na Lyon and Kim Wright. Colin Swan conducted the service. Flowers were placed in memory of John Mason who passed away two years on March 13. Mr. Swan announced the death of Mrs. Jessie Snell on Saturday in Halifax. On March 25 Mr. Swan will be taking the service at his home congregation in London. Rev.Dave McKnight former minister at Egrn_ondville. wJ111 .lead ui. worship -. in. Inndesboro. in a ___._ _ ... .. _ cit. Gifts were presented to them and to two . Auburn • 4 Hers girls with 12 year credits. Laurel Duizer and Marjorie Siertsema were presented with gifts. Speakers from Hullett Central gave their winning speeches. Raymond Wilts spoke on "when I was a baby" and Elizabeth Swan - spoke on plants. The students were thanked and presented with a gift by Genevieve Allan. Marjorie Duizer said that an open ' house would be held in Clinton for the 4-H quilting club. Genevieve Allen played the accordion and June Fothergill gave a reading. Shuffleboard On March 13 at shuffleboard - winners were: High lady, Audrey Thompson; low, Hazel Reid; men's high, Les Reid; low, Geo. Hoggart. Playoff winners were: Hazel and Les Reid, Genevieve Allen and Watson Reid. WHEREVER ELECTR/Cels PROBLEMS DO EX/ST. 'TH/S /S A CHALLENGE WE Barry Buchanan" T" 3-111ASE ELECTRIC CLINTON 482-7374 discuss project The fifth meeting of the Auburn 4-H club, The Quilting Bees, was held on Monday evening at the home of one of the leaders, Mrs. George Collins. The president, Glenyce McClinchey, opened' the meeting with the 4- - H pledge. The roll call was answered by the members telling what they know about traditional quilting designs. The girls discussed what they were going to do for their project on Achievement Night April 26 in the Clinton high school. The members combined the sixth meeting, and discussed quilting bees. They played two games, Famous Quilt Block Quiz and the Mixed Bag game. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Doug Chamney on March 26. 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I HVR A34 vusI Mode • Microprocessor -Controlled 5 motor direct Drive • Front Load ng • 8 Function Wired Remote Control • 1 Event 2 -week Program- mability • Speed Search, Still Frame • One Touch Record Timer • 3 Speeds for up to 8 hours of continuous recording. $699. 230-2601b. Average $1 691b. BEEFi RONgT v,'5 $1391 115-130 Ibi Avera BEEF HIND vu's 115-1301b. Average $205 Ib DLYTH • New Dimensions in Home Entertainment • Beef Prices are expected to increase! GROVES TV Custom Killing , ( utting and Wrapping By Appointment Phone 523-4551 AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 1