HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-6-19, Page 5"EXPerielICO without reaSan life a ship with- out rudder." The oldest Retailer in Qty 'may be least competent. Not the Factory, nor the Retailer, hut what theyhave jointly to offer* Five te4.1^S o Nukete price and direct respOtl- sibility to the Wearer, "The Slater Shoe" 440tar OW, J. SPACKIVIAN„ General Agent, Huron County Council ideiwoarrm JUNE SESSION The Council met at 8 p, m. on Tues- day, all the members being present with Warden D. Patterson presiding. The Warden addressed the council, drawing attention to the fact that -scarcely any damage was done to our coanty bridges, and that the county Was Without a solicitor since the ap- pointment of Mr. Garrove as Judge of the Court of Appeal. The minutes of the previous ,xneet- lug were read aid approyed. Mr. J. lel. Tigert by letter resigned his position ats county. examiner. It was sent to the Education committee, A memorial from the county a Waterloo, re -trade veith the mother country, was read and, sent to Special committee. • _Accounts from the following were _read and sent to Finance committee; A. MCD. Allan Geo: Porter W. Campbell J. Butler Municipal World Bell Silo Co. Caswell Co. Blyth Standard. Exeter Advocate Wroxeter Star. Seaforth Sun Signal 'News Record - County. Printer Robb Dr. Sham • 3. E. Tom Copp Clark Co. .T. J. Kelso Goderich Organ Co. • P. McCarthy George Price J. Sproul J. Yule N. Rougvie F. J. T. Naftel Moved. by Mr. Cantelon, seconded by Mr. Spackmau, that we visit the aite of the proposed bridge between the townships of Colborne and Goder- •ich on Wednesday afternoon, leaving at I o'clock. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr, Bowman, that the question of goyerninent aid to the good roads :movement in relation to this county be considered at this session of coun- cil. Referred to Road: and Bridge ctimmittee. On motion of Messrs. Holt and Mc- Lean the council adjourned till Wed- lapsday at 10 a. ni, , WEDNESDAY, 10 A. M. Thecoleacil met at 10 a. m, The Members being all present. Cominitinent of H. Scott to the care of J. Jr; Kelsp, Superintendent of neg- -sfected ch4recl, was read and sent to Executive committee. SeVeral accounts were read and referred to Finance committee. 'Report of 3. Ainsley, county com- missioner, was read and referred to lioad. and. Bridge committee. Report of House of Refuge com- mittee was presented, Mr. Holt being called to the claair ; the report was passed in committee and adopted in cannon. Moved by Mr, Holt, seconded by Mr. Hays, that the money now in the hands of the treasurer, and the note, beld byhim in the case of Mrs. Olen- denning be refunded, and that no charge be made agaiost her for main- tenance. Carried. , (Mrs. Clertdenning, who had been in the Rouse of Refugefor seven or eight •weeks was discharged without any charge being made Against her for her keep during that period.) ' Moved by Mr. Cantelone seconded by -Mr. ,Ccaniolly, that the clerk be auth- orized to procure one copy of the On- tario Statutes for thip yeaeeefor each -misinher of,this eoucil:anaalso for clerk and treasurer, Sent to' Execu- tive committee. On raotion pf Messrs, Miller and Mc-. Lean, the council adjourned tomeetat 10 a. na. Thursday.. THURSDAY. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. • 3. M. Field, made application to be • appointed on the Board. of County Ex- • aminers. Sent to Education coromit- tee. • Petition from F. A.. heltyden and .eleven other ratepayers of S. S. No, 11, •,Ashfield and Colborne, asking for change in section boundary, was re- ferred to'Education committee. - Report of County Property commit- tee was read and passed without aanendment hi committee and in cone:- cil. • - The following were appointed norole elating officers at the ensuing county council'election division No. 1, Wen. Stethers ; div. No. 2, James Campbell; Aching jobrits In the fingers, toeS, arms, and other • parts of the body, are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheumatism-- • el that acid condition of the blood whicli 'affects the moscles also. Sufferers dread to move especially after• sitting or lying long, dna their condition is cbnimenly worse in wet weather. • ..1 suffered dreadfally from rimumatistn, 'bale:Ye Lean eonieletely oared by lIockla • Sarsaparilla. Or ‘vhieh I can deeply 'grate - •tilt" •;\ liss PRANCES ITO, Prescott, Ont. "I had an at taelc of the grip which lett ate tveelt Mid helpless and el ; lesidne from thou - nudism. / began taki eg 1 lood's Sarsapa• rilla and dee• Medicine ens entirely cured me. 1 alive no 'menet len el savngit StiVeti xey We." M. J feThee tee Touten, Ont. 0 0 d's Sarsaparilla Removes flis valise of rlienniatisin—rei Aillt.,,vard application can, Take it, •Oa No, a, Fred Hess ; div, No. 4, Geo, • BiSeett ; div. No. 5.A. 0. Smillie; div, No, 0,11‘, S. Scott ; dio. NO. 7, Peter Porteetielcl ; div. No. 8, Ames Cowan, •1V1eSsrs. 1.143rderi,Burrows and Sewell Waited on the Council in reference to the proposed change i0 the boundariee of S. S. No, 11, Ashfield and Colborne, 14.0oxitrirdeally,adjourned to meet at 10 altaDAY HORlitaTeS. An aPplieation of B. 13, Grant to be appointed on the County Board of Ex-. simmers was sent to Education cam - mitts°, • Report of Road med. 'Bridge conarait, tee rend and added to by appointing Messrs, BOVStnall, Ball and Hays, a committee in accord with clause 2, The report was then adepted. Reports of Special committee and Equalization conimittee were read and adopted in committee and council. •Moved by M. Speakman, seconded by Mr. Connolly, that iu.the.event of an appeal from the assessment by this council, the'finel equalizatioe be left to the County judge. Carried. Roved. by Mr. Bolt, seconded by Mr, Cantelon, that this council construct a bridge betrieen the townships' of Col- borne -and Goderich, across the.Mait- land river, at the locality recently visited by this council, and that the engineer prepare specifications and ad- vertise for tenders. Sent to Road and Bridge comitittee. - Report efEducation committee and second report of Road and, Bridge Com- niittee were 'read and adoPted in com- mittee and council. „„faia,..,.asemb,---f; Moved. by Mr, Connolly seconded by Mr. Spackman, that'll,. C. Has, bar- rister, be aptiointed county solicitor.— Carried. • Moved byMr. Cantelon, seconded •by Mr. Doan:lean that Mr. Field, be ap- Rousted on the Board of County Ex - Examiners., Moved by Me. McLean, seconded by Mr. Hays, that D. B. Grant be appoint- ed on the board of examiners. The vote was then taken as follows : For Field : Bownaan Cantelon, Chambers, Ferguson, Holt, Lockhart, Lamont, Torrance, Hicks -9. For Grant : Con- nolly, Hays, Kerr, Miller, McLean, Spackman -6. The several by-laws were then stay- erally read and passed, and then on motion of Messrs. Spackman and Hicks the council adjourned till the first Tuesday in December.:1---Zielsrlt-1 • REPORTS,OF COMMITTEES, ROAD AND BRIDGE • We recommend (1) that the en- gineer's report be adopted by this council and printed in the minutes; (2) with reference to the motion of Messrs, Kerr and Bowman re- govern- ment aid to county- roads, that a com- mittee be appointed to obtain all in- formation required and report at the December meeting of this council. H nem CHAMBERS,Nhairman. •EDUCATION. In the matter of the petition of F. A. Hayden and other ratepayers of Union S. -5. No. 11, Ashfield, we re- commend that arbitrators be appoint- ed and we submit the following names .D. E. Muuro, .Auburn.;- H. Huston, Exeter; and Wm. Coates,Clinton. In the matter of filling the vacancy in the County Board of Examiners, We' have two applications, via., J. N. Field and D. B. Grant, both of God- erich. We find both of the appli- cants possess the necessary qualifi. cations. M. LOCKHART, Chairman. a SPEcIAL. ' A memorial forwarded by the coun- y of Waterloo, re the importance of preterential treatment for the natural roduets of the Colonies by the Moth - r country, also the removal of the mbargo on Canadian cattle, has our ordial co-operation, and that the memorial be signed by the warden nd clerk and forwarded to the proper arties. — THOS. E. HAYS, Chair- man, • EXECUTIVE. In reference to motion of Messrs. Cantelon and Connolly relative to pur- chase of Ontario Statutes for county council, we recommend payment.—W. H. Kerr, Chairrnau. • EQUALIZATION. • Recommend that the equalized as- sessment of each municipality in the county...for the year 1902, be as is • shown in the schedule hereto annexed (that of 1901.)— PHILIP HOLT, Chair PROPERTY. The gaoler reported three inmates —Robert Wallace, of Tuckersmith, and Thomas- Shanohan, Springfield, III,vagrants, and One female from Colborne, charged with insanity. Found the gaoler's: report, correct and the gaol in good order, clean and neat. The work done by the inmates in repainting adds to the general ap- pearance of the place. We recom- mend that an extra 100 feet of hose be purchased as requested in gaoler's re- port. In ,Registry Office and Court - House we found everything satisfat.- tory, but would recommend that the trea,surerioinee be papered under the direction of the clerk and. treasurer,— D. OANTELox, Chairman. The House of Refuge committee re- ported 76 inmates, ali Apparently in, fairly good health ; that the crops sown and planted were looking well; that 78 rods.of wire fence, at 4e per rod, bas been placed ; that the west fence at the London road be built as soon as convenient with the seine kind- • of fence ; that mai' for the coming season +as been purchased at $5.02 per ton fot soft and $5.24 foe hard ; that the management, of house and farm woe very satisfactory • that there wpae 8 hoeSee, cOtys and pigs on thej.erern, and that one fat cow was sold l'Ora.75,50 ; that the accounts froze Isefleaary to date $1370.29, had been, eseSgarnined. — ROBT. MILLER, Chairialan. rr FINANCE. RecOril mead the payreent of 42 tic - counts, and that a Pate of t1-10 mills Oh the $ be struck for • the present year. ROAD AND BRIDGE, No. 2, With reference to xnotion of itreeaes. Holt and Oantelon, re bridge betee Colborne and G od e rich township, recommend that no action be tak-e at present, but that this council make a grant not exceeding $500 in opening side road betwaeie lots 29 and 80, Mait- land coo., Colborne township. The report was adopted. PRINCE TOOK 1008 PiiiCE Aldershot Garrison lievieWed bY th s Prinde of Wales. King' 1:4 Ward, Went jea Motor to Windeo; Where He Win eteeeive 1)etter Treat. meat Than Was PcsF4lh1e at Alaershot —1Va1kee Around and received His Guests—Met as te His -Actual Physica• l yonditIon. WiOsOr, Tune 17.— Xing Edward arrived here at 6 one Yesterday from Aldershot, Ire and the Queen aline from Aldershot in a motet.' ear, • The Reilow at Aldershot. The indisposition of King Edwaltd aad tbe aseessatit downpoer of rein combieed to effectually •spoil the grand review of troops there Yestere • day, The King did not leave the Royal Pavilion and was rePreseatod. byethe Prince of Walas„.seho rode to ths . saluting point accompanied by the •Duke of Corawall, mid a bril- liant staff, comprising several Indian princes, the military attaches, Lord R °beats, the cominancler-iii-ohief ana the headquarters; • stag. Queen Alex- andra drove to the parade ground th a closed carriage with the Princess Of Wales and Princess Victoria,In ether carriages at the saluting point were the DueheSS of Coenneigrit and many of the nobilities who are now visiting England. Over 32,000 ram - soaked troops marched pest the heir to the 'throne. Ditring the march past; which was headed by the cavalry brigade, heads ed by Lord Rc)berts, •the massed bands played the National Anthem, and the son, made a fitful attempt to assert itself, which helped to enliven the reacintoshecl, • but nevertheless dreeched crowds. Queen Alexandra performed the pietureseeue ceremony of presenkieg &el ors to the Highland Light Infan- try. , In spite of the rain the troops went through the usual evolutions previous to the March past. Bore the Journey King Edward bore yesterday's journey to Windsor well, but it has been decided that he will not go to Ascot to -d, - Queen Alexandra, however, accom- panied by lobe Prince and -Princess ,of Wales, and other 'members of the roy- al family, will attend the races in state. The Prince of Wales, conversing with the Mayor of Windsor -upon his arrival yesterday • evening, • said: "King Edward caught a chill in the stomach; he is much better, how- ever, although he will have to be careful. His Majesty is still troubl- ed with slight pain." Sir Francis Laking, physician -in - Ordinary to the 'King, and who has been in conetant' attendance upon Pas Majeaara'since he became indis- posed at .ES.-der'sliot,is pleased to g4E `king Edward to 'Windsor Castle, Where he can receive Vetter attention than at Aldershot. , King Edward has lately undergone a regular course • of • massage for rheumatism, which has troubled hiri as a re.ault of the .bad weather. • After arriving at Windsor last even- ing, His Majesty was able to walk about the Castle and. receive the guests whom he had invited to a dinner pasty. Lisiiojesty's condition. • The King of England is 61, years old.Hp to 1871 he enjoyed goo'd health, but in that year he was • stricken with 'a. severe attack of ty- phoid fever. Following his recovery he grew to be robust, but of late years his condition has more than onte alarmed his physicians. . The exigencies of his position have entailed great draughts on his con- stitution and 'vitality, and more than once he has been laid up with Severe attacks of lumbago. ,...•••••••••14 'Thrived. on Strychnine, 0 ttoeVa, June 17:—Fratteis 'Renaud who claims to come from Montreal, *wallowed eighteen half -gra in strych- nine pills in Aylmer Perk. Ile took the poison in the gaze of many spectators, observing as he- did so, "1-Iel.e goes f or the whole battle." Renaud was attacked by eonvulsions, bet physicians worked with hini all eight and managed to save hie life. Renaud refusedto say anything about himself other than that he was driven to the deed by drink. Di• ed in Smith Arrica Ottawa, June 17.—The following Cable was received yesterday from the Casualty DePartment: Cape . Town, Juae 16. --Referring to yoUr telegram of 'June 11, S.A.C„ 0, Division, 2325, Troop Serga-Mae jor J. F. Melville, died, disentry, Feb,. 23, 1002, at Vet Myer. Next of kin mother, Gordon Loclgo, Little Hamp- ton, Surrey. War Office informed Feb. 26. ."(Signecl) Casuarty Depart- ment Prove -nod tit God erielt. Go cleri cb, June 17.—Sunday ltiorn- ing Mire hain Genley, laborer, was drowecel in the harbor here. 1 -Is liv- cd on one el the islands of the liar- boratral lett home about 10 o'clock, ;tieing his boat to reach the . dock . the bridge having beefs iteieved on aeconnt of dredging. Nothing is lenotrn 01 ,4how 1,110- accident happene'cl, TM Wee a widower and leaves ti ram - BY of four small children. Presbyterian Aesetrihip. Toronto, " June 17.—Tbe •General Aseeinbly cu t clown its represeeta- tion yesterday morning ono -third. Reports of I<nox and 'Manitoba Col- leges, Ottawa Ladies' College, and St. Andrew's College were presented and adopted. Several interesting re- ports on verioue sections of church Work, including French eVangelizda, tam, were preened alr4 dispesed of, os iiti Otne(ln 1) \Nal rt orr Trate ( 01.0. vore cod ,o1 ..(y. ,lare, Pete(); '.11 h'• assa...77re" j:4' X 43 r.r 4 " 160,00() MINRS 11)1... At U1u03114414, W. Vaa Strikere Slaltit Win- aliesters are raradine tile alat Top Coal Violas. Wilkes-Barre, Pa„ June 17.—The sada wook 01 else miners' strike ae- gay. yesternay withoet a ripple to disturb the ealMriess of the sitaa- tion. Rain fell nearly all day, wbiea helped to, heepathe more than 150,- 000 meet amtebeys Po strike indoors. • Several reporte utetesaults on work- ingmen and coal and iron policemen mg.° received here from different eec- tions of the region, but no op wae seriously injured, Most of these at- tacks occurred under coVer of dark- ness or at starting time in the morn- ing. i.)tA ikerS With sa. inchesivrs Bthafields, W.Va., June 17.-1arties of strikers are parading We haat Top coEt1 fields armed. with 'Winches - Jere, A. great many shots have al- ready been exchanged, between them and, the guards at th o laieee; At tile Buckeye operation a panty of a hue, dred Miners," moat of them. arnaecl, prevented the mon from going to work, ' At the ,rtz, Rivet: operation in the Tug River district last night thirty staikers tried to take Posses, - Sion of tbe mines. A aumber of shots were exchanged by the strikers and guard, Tho strikers finally were driven off. The mining com- panies are calling , on the sheriffs of the different counties for protection. roses Nivcr Itestored. PaWLUekct, II.I„ June 17. ---When, in the opinion of ten prominent citi- • zens, including Mayor Fitzgerald and Chief of Police Rice, tranquility has Veen restored in place of naob riot, the militia ordered here last Thurs- day by Goverime Kimball in connec- tion wi th the street car strike will • be withdrawn. This conclusion. was reached at a meetiag Tast night. .1. otrilte at Heaunten. • Hatuaton, Ont„ june 17. — Yesterday morning • the Cataract Power Company was served with a notice to the effect that unless the demands of the local Electrical Work- ers' Union are met the men will quit • work at the end of 24 hours. The notice was signed by Mesers.. F. J, Sheehan and H. 3. Hurd, representa- tives of the Intot•national Thsion,who were here last week. The notice is dated June 11, and was not deliver- ed till yesterday. - It was worded so that it could be 'delivered at any time, and it was to take effect 24 L ours after it was handed -to the company. Mr, Hawkins, general manager • of .the company, said the demands tvould not be granted. From 40 to /00 men will quit work. Saltnon Hatchery. • Vancouver, 3i. june 17.—The salmon` canners of Washington have obtained the conseni of the Canadian authorities to build a big salmon hatchery on the Fraser Iii7Or, Brit- ish Columbia, for the purpose of per- petuating the saImon indostry th the Sound. The Canadian Goverxunent declined to build hatcheries, and as Puget Sound traps are fed by sal- mon, which go up the Fraser to spawn, the canners and trap owners • decided to put up the money for a 'hatchery and allow the Canadian combine to share its encirmous bene- fits rather than imperil the industry by fishing the waters dry without re- stocking tit. Former Woodstoolt 31an Dead Woodstock, Jame 17.—A special from Calgary says; The death took place Sunday night of W. C. Medea, manager of the Molson's Bank, from an affection of, the brain. ale was forinerar stationed at St. Thomas,. Aylnter and Woodstock. The news of Mr. Rhodes' death was received with • greatregret irx Woodstock. • "Paddy" as he was known amOrig a larg'e, cir- Re of acquaintances, was one Of tae best, if net the, best, tennis player ever seen in :Woodstock. Besides Mrs. Rhodes (nee Miss. Campbell, a, xiiece of the late Skinner, "Dimelg") oneadaughter, Connie, sur- vives- him. , • -Data) stare it) London, , Jam) 17.— The average death rate of the British troops in • foteign sorviCe is 15 per 1,000, end in South Africa it was 18.1. In the last • year of the American sivil war the total death rate of officers end men, Which had previously been :Mali higher, was reduced' to 40.40 per 1,000 and in the Prancer -Prussian 'War 1:h:0:I total den th rate was 46 .per 1,000. In sonth Africa during the eloeing Months of the war the total mortality has Leen 30,03. Woodsitiolt Woodstock, June 17.—Word was res calved in the • cit3r yesterday that Sainuel Ronald Was killed on Satur- day in a railway, wreck in Montana. He was born at Imierkip 24 years ago. Ete worked here ker a long time. He was ' a fireman On the Great Northern. . • COnservaiives 11111 TCet. Toronto, June 17.—Notices will be sent out to -day a the request or Mr. Wbitney, cctliicig a meeting of the On- tario Liberal-Ceneervatiye ASsocia- lien for Wednesday, Jape 25, at S. p m,, ie Victoria Hall. ; 'The Executive Contanittee will meet the chay before ossmosowanerneweimeemmom Liver That's what you need; 'some*, thing to cure your billet's. ness and give you a good digestion. .Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. Cently laxative. ell affsfitete, 'brown or rje,i) lsa4 ¶Lit1,oe BUCKINPlikin BYE fiVAitshaT. no ors. or Drizi4ri Oh St P.firit, eo, t4,0,0•Ap 0. 11, W • 111 C• RAHAm 1lKing,St. Wed. Late of 198)1 No. i Clatence,square, corner Spadiva avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as EiMpleS, UICer$, Ete, IVATE D I SL'ASES 4$ Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous 'Debility, etc,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture 02 Long Stand- ing., treated by galvanism, the only method without pain ancl,all bad after effects. Diseases of We/meta—Painful, proftse or suppressed nlenstcuaton, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb, OFFICE Houns-9 a, m. to 8 p. rn. Sunday 1 to 3p, us. 1 SESSION OP THE COUNTY 00U,EVT. Vie Jane Sessions of the Peacefor the c000ty opened in Goderich, on the 10th inst„ before His Honor judge Doyle, Pour civil suits were on the docket, and the one criminal case. The • larceny of lead sinkers, was transferred to the December sitting of .the court. at the request of the crown to save expense, as the witnesses are at fishing islands. • The following grand jurors answered to their narues: D. W, Dunbar, Simon Badour, Jno. A. Cox, •Calvin Campbell, Hugh Grieve, Geo. A. Knox, Wm. Lannon, Themes Lane, Alex. MontgoreerY, Rebert Tennant, Fred Willert, John C. Wood, William Wood, D. W. Dun- bar having been Chosen as foreman. His Honor, after addressing the grand panel, congratulated the jury on the fact that Huron connty was a peace- ful one, as shown by the fact that dur- ing the seven months just passed there was but one case of crime before the judges of the county. There are but three prisoners in jail, said his Honor, one of whom, an old man, had been committed as a vagrant, and two were insane, awaiting removal to an asylum. The court then adjourned till 020 a. tn. on Wednesday. 'WEDNESDAY, 9.30 A., Ita 'The court opened pursuant to ad- journment, and a jury being called, McNeil vs. Hamilton, et al, an action for damages for an illegal distress, commenced. The case occupied the time of the court all day, and was conclnded by His Honor directing a non suit, on the ground that the plaintiff had neither property nor possession of the goods alleged to have been taken trom him. -Philip Holt, K. 0., for plff., Wm. Prndfoot, K. 0., for deft. The court then ad- journed till 10 a. m., on Thursday. INSURAIsan. RNI4ST p:urzroT, Agen for the WESTERN AsSURANCE COM - 01 Toronto; also for tae PEICENTE rIRE NICORAII0E COUPANT. of London, England; ea MANCE INSUEANOE cossressr, of Ere end MEDIOAL J)R. J. H. RIVERS. M. B. TORONTO UNI. • VERSITY, u. D. 0,14, Trinity Univers ay. Office—Crediton, Ont, W.B.LIOWNINU. NE. D. M. a. . Graduate Viesorat oiversity office and roaideace. Dominiou Labora tory, Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Asolsons Bank. Etc.. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE a -MAIN STREET, pEKETER. B. R. CARLING, B. A. L. H. DICKSON p W. GLADMA.N (Successor to Elliott ds Gladman) • Barrister, Sumter, Notary Public, • Conveyancer, Etc, Illoney to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL H EINVINTAN, Am5 • DR. A.R. KINSMAN., L. D. S. D. /3.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extraeSed without pain or bad atter effeets Office in Fan - son's block. Wist side of Main treet, Exeter' There is no forrn ot kidney trouble, from a backae down to 13righes disease, that DOANeh a KIDNEY PILLS will, not relieve or cum " H. you are troubled with any kintrof kidney complaint. use Deana Kidney Pills, .1•20/.1•MMODZI. BREED TO TIIREN11JM •21795 that has show]) his ability to sire ex- treme speed. There is no standard - bred horse that lives that is Taren- tuna's superioe in breeding. There is no bet ter boned horse 'with size, style and substance. He is a natural born trotter and eau go fast. Tareetum has produced out of less than ten colts in his own vicinity, two that has shown trials in less than 2.10. He has produced out of common mates, colts that CAM show without special train- ing theiP ability to go better than 140. For siring high stepping action for road and carriage purposes, Taren- tem is the ideal sire of Canada. Write for testimonials as to his siring abilities and tabulated pedigree. Will stand at his own stable, Eginonclville, Friday. -and • Saturday, Russeldale, Monday; Woodham, Tuesday noon ; St. Marys, Tuesday night; Mitchell, Wednesday night. CHARLES WORTH, Egmondville. In The Nigh Court of Justice RE. HEYROOK, RANKLE 'VEJ. HEYROCE. ° judicial sale of valuable property in the Township of Hay, in the county of Huron. _ Pursuant to an order of the High Coot of Justice, made in the above cause, there will be offered for eale by the Local Master at Goderieb, at the Dominion Hotel in the village of Zurich, at one o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, the Stall day of Junc,1002, the follow- ing real properties situated m the Township of Hay, in the county of Huron. PARCEL 1 Lot 13 in the Lake Road, East concession containing 150 acres more or lees. This pro. p eerty is well fenced and uncloadraited, and the soil whtch is of a clay loam of the best quality, is in a high staterof cultivatiota ISM — PARCEL 117--- D.A. ANDERSON, (3.3; S. L D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate' of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post.gradeate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, • crowns, al- linninum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic 'used for painless eXtrac- t• Office one door smith of Carling Broe store Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—BBICK RE SIDENCE WI'193 A.N ACRE OF LAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale en reasonable terms, that very desirable residentialproperte known on Lot /&so:.ST61,1:ollipoefrHtigielrecie't, situated There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the Picri? andssar necessary has outhouses. C.. The totueoentiinn sgaonocla(ree- of land andis excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and. soft water, The property is up to date, and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to Drat -sox & CABLING boristers Exeter, or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0„ Penna., U. A., proprietor. 5 Pack g of Cards Free. One Pack, "lVfay I. C. U. Horna" One Pak "Escort" Oe pack, "Flirtation' Ocie Pecs; "Hold -to light. One Pack, 'Our Sofa .au Holds Two. Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send Se silver for postage. A.W. KENNY, E, T. Yarmouth, s.N. WANTED, Responsible Manager (integrity T must be unquestionable) to team charge of .distribution depot and office to be openedin Canada to further business interests of an old established manufacturing concern. Sake". $150 per month and extra profits, Applicant must have $1500 to $2000 cash and good stand- ing. Address, SuptelP, 0. Box 1151, Philadel; phut, Pa. NOTICE I hereby give notice that I will not be liable Lor any debts, or accoentable for anything that Minnie Taylor may get in my name. JAMES TAYLOR, Ray P. 0, Lots Nos. 13 and 11 in the Lake Road, West Concession together containing 60 acres more or bass. On tiais parcel are situated a large bank barn •wite straw.house, machine and driving shed, and a comfortable eight -roomed frame dwelling house with kitchen and wood- shed. • This property is 'beautifully situated on the shore of lake Huron and is one of the best homesteads in the ootinty of Huron. PARCEL 112, Tho Fast half of Lot No.16 in the'lake Road at Con mssion, costaining 70 mores. PAROEL TV The North East, corner 1 Lot No. le, in the Lake _Road, Rad Concession containing 11 acres whereon Deo situate.) a frame house and a frame barn ;. the west hslf of Lot No. 16 in the 16th concession, containing 75 acres which has erected thereoa a good frame house and a good. frame barn with stone stables under.' natal ; the Schuh Weat part of Lot 3.7, in the splendid etate cultivation and the buildings properties comprising . this parcel are itt erected thereon are in a good state of repair, ...., ;ear -rasa ' 11:5 ISA.ISCEL 12th concess.lon containing 41,acres, • The allele booth East earner of Lot No. 11 in the Lake Road East Concession, aontaining 5 acres MOTO or loss, on which are situated brick and. tile yards, kiin and sheds together with r. t e]ass buck and. tale making machinery era a loge boiler and thirty H. P. engine, hero aro 10 acres of first Mese red 'aiming clay in close proximity to this parceLea.14 TERMS OF SALE Tee per Cont. of the purchase ineeess oe dee of sale and the balance thirty days thereafter ihto Court to the eralit 01 thie withoet ',Molest. The properties will be offered for sale Subject to a reeerve bid. In ell Oho re- specte tile terms tied conditione of Salo will be the standing conditions of this Coot. • 'Further patticuiers may be Obtained from 11. .1. D. Cooke, Barrister, Henson, Samuel Ran nie, Zuricheor the Loral II/taster. Doled at Gederieh, this 6th day of aune, 1002. 11. L. DOYLE, Local lefaste att. Goderieli. our eed aid ALWAYS ON HAND ) Miro Manitoba flour Exctcr Star flour rastr11 Floor fall Meat Bour • Oats, BrAll and Shorts. Also a nice lire of Fresh Groceries. 26 lbs of Granulated Sugar for $1 00 with every hund., red of Flour you purchase from us. —are- i'$:5\1..pT11,10.K Two second hand Upright Pianos and one Square Piano 'for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs always in stock, Yia6iff CS Our experience in the Sewing Machine 13usineSe, (12 years) is a guarantee of our goods. We carry in stock the,best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines always in stock. Music in Sheet and Book form. 8. Call and See us, It will Pay You. artim BUGGIES! BUGGIES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All' the latest styles, in the ne-west colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class niaterial and workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY OfiLL firiD 8EE -116 Two Doors South Town Hall. BROWNING'S Dtlig tote Headquarters For Dys• pepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonle • Stomach andLiver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture • Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla, • Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at tlseir wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on hand. TOILET ARTICLES • SCI -MCL BOOKS AND SOPPLIESI Doniiniou Laboratoru• MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private"funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING • Exeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. / have &large amount of private funds to loan on farm and Tiling e tat ; crties at /ow rat of interest. F, W. GLADMAN, Barrister Main St. Exeter. OUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 6 cents in silver and you will get inr return mail a GOLDEN Box OF GOODS that will bring you in Moat MoNitie in one month than anything else its America.. • A. W.. KeNNY,E. Yriamou th, N, IMPOR'I'AN' TO • HOG RAISERS— 'S. ou can save money time and feed -by keep- ing your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better and. keep healthy. Make the hog cow- fortaale and he will put on flesh. You can do so with a vest 2ittie expence by erecting (fled- ler's Patent) tile Elevated 1Vieveabai Pigs Bed. Sinrple of construction, make it yourselves. Send $2.00,iu registered. letter for farm right certilitate and plan of construction to • Jam Peex,ext, Exeter, Ont. PatenCaPplied for. 97 Christmas 19 ,rnaltomilotamr.l. Full of NA onderful Thing's 01=Portraits of Ssetresses, 20 PoputorSenge IViegic Poleax:me and Pictures, 6011ntua Ing Experhe enie.Love's Pursele, 20 Rebusee,100 • Funny Conundrums, Book Of Love, Giotto • Letters, ire Ilriting, 321 Jelly Jokes Receipt for ante° o Grower, lee money 'mak- ingsocrew, 'Mena et and Cookieelteceleea 256 Selootions for Autograph Albums, 10 Model Loire Lettere, Slew to Tell Fortuhes, Seletiohary of 1)reams, Guicle to Flirtation, lViegic Age Table, Loveta; Telegraph, and our new Cut, or Xtnas Toys. Books arad laotiona all by mall FREE, for 6e, eilver aae. peatege. A, W. KINNEY, E. T.. Yarmouth, NAii e as'