HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-07, Page 20i tiNTc?N;41019 t111 900 every l'bylrsdgy, f} p.m, Frost. regv ar card;,' el -OR. Sic curds tali $ Alf); Fif- teen ifteen regular gapes, three share-the.wealth. Early bird game 7,45 P m;'Jackpot $200.00 must ga each. week.--9.tfar "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unitllnvites yott to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held at Seaforth Hospital commencing Monday, March 26 1984, The cpst is $5..0.0. The next series of classes will begin the• week of September 10, 1984. For pre -registration for fur- ther information, please call the'Health Unit of- fice at 527-1243.--10,11,12ar BINGO every 1 uesday evening at Vanastra Cen- tre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00. 15 regular $20.00 games, three share -the - wealth jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission is restricted to 16 years and over.—ltfar SEE TWO Fun Plays corning to Blyth Memorial Hall. The Shortest Distance Between Two Points by Keith Roulston, March 15, 16, 17, 8:30 p.m. The Vaudevillians by Peter Colley April 19, 20, • 2i: -Subscription -for both-shows,iust�:l2... Single tiekets $7:50.-CaLI.T.heTheatre.Circle, 523.97.13 or the Blyth Centre for the Ai% box office, '523'= 9300.-9-11 "A SHOWER of Spring Fashions 84" at Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville, Wednesday, March 28, 1984 at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Admission $5.00. Advance tickets only. Available from The • Fashion Shoppe, Kids World, Goderich or Camp- bell's -Men s_ Wear, Clinlarb Pr :cait 4112'181-5; P, o ceeds to P.E.P.-10 EAST WAWANOSH FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL MEETING BEEF 8 PORK BANQUET Tuesday, March 13, 1984 Belgrave Institute Hall 12:00 noon Guest Speaker - Harry Pelissero, President of O.F.A. Tickets $6.50 Tickets available from Line directors ST. PATRICKS DAY LUNCH St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Saturday, March 17, '84 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. "Beef Stew", homemade bread, pie, Bake Table, Cabbage Patch Doll Clothes. Sponsored by: "THE NEW -DIMENSIONS"___ Tickets: Adults $3.50 Children $2.00. Tickets available at Ray & Shin's or from any member Londesboro Lions MEN'S EUCHRE at Londesboro Community Hall March 16, 8 p.m. Sharp '8.00 per team '220.00 in 2 players prizes and draws Must be 19 years old Advance tickets only Contact Art Airdrie 523-4462 OPENHOUSE for Marian and Jack Snell on the occasion of their 40TH WEDDING' ANNIVERSARY at Londesboro Hall SATURDAY, MARCH 10 FROM 7:30 P.M. -12 MIDNIGHT THE CAI,.ViNETTES of Myth. invite you to a 25th Anniversary Reunion of, former Calvinettes and C+Xonsellors from the Blyth area. Come and fain vs on'March 9, 1984 at 8 p.m. in the Blyth Chris- tian Ref/ea-tad Church in Blyth far an evening of fun and reminiscing. --9,10 YOU ARE CORDIALLY invitedto an OPEN HOUSE in honour of the SOth Anniversary of Edith Anne and Orland Johnston on Saturday, March 31, 1984 from 2 p.rn. - 5 p.m. at 13827 South Indian River Dr., Lot 35, Lake Manor Park, Jensen Beach, Florida 33457. Best wishes only please. -10,11 DATES TO REMEMBER? May 12, Rebekah's Garage Sale and October 24, Rebekah's Tea and Bazaar. -10 OPEN SKATING Wednesday, March 14 from 2 - 3 p.m. 25 cents per person. Sponsored by First Blyth Cub Pack. Everyone welcome. -10x SEW IDEA KINZE Planter information right at our shop. Thursday-, -March 22, 1984,. 7 p.inz.Plaas_e____ call if you plan to attend. George Wraith 524- 7351 or 524-4529. 10,11, T2 WESLEY-WILLIS Variety Show, Friday, April 13th at 8 p.m. Featuring: A Junior Choir Musical directed by Mary Hearn - "Babble at Babel"; Lon- don Magician, Mr. John Parker; Seaforth "Town and Country Four". This will be a Family Show you won't want to miss. -10,11 ST.-PJAULS Frien dshig.czlaild:will hold a card party on March 13, 8:15 p.m: in St. Davis Anglican -. Church Part h Hall. Admission $1.50. Lunch pro- vided. Everyone welcome. -10 - CARD PARTY, IOOF Hall, Brucefield; Friday, March 9, 8:30 p.m. ladies please bring lunch. Everyone3velcome. Admission $1.50.-10 NOON LUNCHEON on Thursday, March 22, 11:45 and 12:45 at Wesley -Willis United Church. Adults $4.00, children (under 12) $2.00.-10,11x PUPPET SHOW. The Blyth Branch Library will be hosting "Bear Tales" on Monday, March 12 at 10:30 a.m. Free admission. Sponsored by the Huron County Library. -10 OPEN MEETING at Varna Town Hall for farmers and their wives on March 8 at 8 p.m. to hear a speaker from Concerned Form Women. Slide presentation and discussion to follow. -9, 10 "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit office, Medical Building, Brussels on Tues- day, March 13, 1984 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immunization; 4. Hearing Screening; 5. Vision Screening; 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. Adult Immunization will also be offered at this Clinic".-10ar CARD PARTY at Summerhill Hall on Friday,. March 9 at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. -10 HURON COUNTY FAMILY Planning invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 'p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Public Health Wing, Huronview, Clinton. _.Counselling . and _ . medical_. services provided.-3e.o.w. CARD PARTY Wednesday', March 14 at 8 p.m. in St. Joseph's Parish Hall. Prizes and Iunch..Admis- sion $2. Sponsored by ' Knights of Columbus. -10,12 GARAGE AND BAKE Sale on Saturday, March 10 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church Base- ment, Clinton. -10x ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Goderich Township Hall SATURDAY, MARCH 17 MUSIC BY "The Blackthorns" DANCING 9 PM -1 AM EARLYBIRD DRAW 10 PM ADMISSION '15. PER COUPLE SPONSORED BY St. Joseph's Knights of Columbus PROCEEDS TO K. OF C. CHARITIES MARCH BREAK SWIM TIMES at the Vanastra Recreation Centre MONDAY, MARCH 12-FRI., MARCH 16 3:00-4:00 PM R.L.S.S. BRONZE CROSS Starts: March 19, 1984 Cost: '30. plus material Minimum age - 14; Bronze Medallion Candidates should also have mask Mind snorkel. Bronze Cross training prepares the candidatefor participation in the, R.L.S.S.C.. Instructor Training or National Lifeguard Service programs. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO PRE -REGISTER CALL THE VANASTRA CENTRE AT 482-3544 Keep Us In Mind For March... _ DINNER DANCE Saturday. March 17, '84 Featuring - "EXPRESSIONS" $1 095P" • person Includes - Dinner and Entertainment Will fame and fortune ruin the friendship of Joan Chandler. and Chris Borgal? The two both won a guest appearance on the CBC -TV hit Seeing Things, at the Blyth Centre'For The Arts Leap Year Auction. Chris and Joan both bid $200 for the television debut. They hope to amicably share the prize before coming to blows. The auction heiRed to raise $6,000 for the Blyth theatre. (Shelley McPhee photp) Stratford box office is now open The Stratford Festival box office is now - open for processing ticket orders made by )mail. Tickets maybe ordered by writing to Festival Theatre Box Office, P.O. Bolt 520, Stratford, Ontario. N5A 6V2. Payment may- be made by cheque, money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express). Season brochures are also available by writing to - Department B at the above address. The box office opens March 17 for per- sonal pick-up and purchase of tickets. Until March30, business hours are 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., closed Sundays. From March 31 to °DINNER THEATRE and DANCE, Saturday, March 31. 1984 Featuring - "Paul Bros. and Shirley" $1 095 per person includes `,,, dinner and Entertainment Tickets available for dance only. Sunday Buffet - 5 p.m. 7:30 p.m. WHITE CARNATION Holm.sville 482-9235 After Hours 524-4133 NMI Pineridge House Party Pineridge Chalet R.R. 2, Hensall Sunday, March 18 2:30 pm -9 pm Music by:. - — "The Whiskey Jack Music Co." •Oldtyme Fiddling 'Hot and Cold Smorgasbord Q F . 0 per person Call 262-2277 236-4610 September 2, hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ori-St'dTay.-FronTSeptember 4 to, Oc- tober 27, hours change to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, including Sundays. Telephone orders will not be accepted un- til March 31 when the ticket order telephone lines open. The long distance line to Strat- ford is (519) 273-1600. After March 31, tickets may be purchased at all recognized ticket agents including Ticketron an Teletron. A full list of the agencies is lisd by geographical region in the season brochure. OPEN RECEPTION will be held for Sandi Brooks Murray Hoggart in HOLMESVI-LLE Saturday, March 10th 9:00 p.m. -1 a.m. MUSIC BY Sultan of Swing ODERICH LITTLE T HEATRE AUDITIONS for ROMANTIC COMEDY by Bernard Slade Director: Wm. I. Neal Audition Date: Sunday, March 11 Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: The Livery South St, Goderich Characters 1 male l e 20-30 Required 1 male e 25-35 1 female age 40-55 1 female ; ;.e 20-30 1 female e 25-40 Festival announces seaso SIXTH Fou,M diann.` 1 remieres and a revival of a Blyt1 level prise the - kith•.auuvv Blyth Festival i • Amos announced Sita ..M the announcement at the Apt pf the B1 Fe,gtival sIOtb, Year celebrations, a reap Year Motion held at Myth Mei,10rial Hall. The season opener on .June 22 will be Gar- rison's rison's Garage, a new comedy by Ted Johns. Johns, well-known at Blyth for THE SCHOOL SHOW, BE Worn' COME IN FROM THE BARN, ST. SAM AND THE NUKES and THE DEATH OF THE DON- NELLYS, takes on Revenue Canada in his new show. At first Garrisons' ramshackle garage seems an easy target, but the novice tax collector assigned to the job finds himself hopelessly entangled in the emo- tions and the maneuverings of a small town. Brian T remblay's A SPIDER IN THE HOUSE Will p ii on June -2C. -•Tremblay- telfls--=the--.sto • .._a_ riter at a •country -- retreat who is mysteriously influenced by the former 'inhabitants of an old house. A SPIDER IN THE HOUSE magically blends the world of a modern woman with the world of a passionate woman of 1915. Put five unlikely contestants for a cake - baking contest together and you get CAKE - `WALK,' by ChenCurrant opening July 17th. Intrigue, assumed identities and - heaven forbid! - a male contestant make this the most unusual and entertaining cake- t'•'•1"na contest the faded Bayview Inn has .liit will coin- $ea$on of the areetor Janet *Pomade ever had;: Layne collegian's BLUE CITY premieres on July Pd4, Set in Blue City (populatlfnl POO) it .centres around the country's best women's fastball tear. As Lori Walker, star pitcher warms u!p for the tournament, an old" Wine drives in unannounced from Alberta.' The catch? He is the father of her thirteen - year -Old bov. A hit from the 1982 season rounds out the season: COUNTRY HEARTS, by Ted Johns with music by John Roby, opens on August 21st. COUNTRY HEARTS, which sold out every available seat in 1982, takes place one chilly weekend in a small town bar where the band the regular crowd and some storm - stayed travellers are marooned by a snowstorm. • COUNTRY HEARTS plays until Sept. 15 in Blyth, at which time it embarks on a southwestern Ontario tour including a one week ri i1 at the Humanities theatre •in . Waterloo. • al; - oil thei0tti Year Celebrat ons WiU -- - be released soon. Plans include a reunion: weekend, special opening ceremonies, a music program in a local lounge, a history booklet and a commissioned quilt. Voucher packages for the 1984 season are on sale now for $25 Adults, $12 Children under fouirteen; a -saving -of up to -22 percent on single tickets. Vouchers- -and-season brochures are available by calling (519) 523- Q300 or by writing the Blyth Festival, Box 10, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1HO. A trend in black music By Janet Tench Nowadays, when today's youth are often too sophisticated to listen to the hard rock of bands like The Rolling Stones, Van Helen and Iron Maiden, they turn to different kinds of music such as UB4C and Elvis Costello. What could UB4C's Labour of Love, featuring Red Red Wine have in com- mon with Elvis Costello's new LP, featuring Everyday I Write the Rock? Both artists have black band members. Three. of UB4C's eight members are black and Costello's backing vocals are dubbed "afrodiziak". This influences their style. UB4C, who were recently in concert in London were advertised as anew band with a unique form of reggae. Overall their album is•okay, but I fail to see why people are so,excited about it. The beat is soft and enticing; it whispers of the blue water and the warm sun of Jamaica. Their writing is not bad. In ,Cherry -0 they muse, "Love is like quicksand; the longer you're in it the •--deeper you -sink "She-vacals}whenyouu can hear them are reminiscent of Boy George. It is here that they make their knowledge of reggae and its diversities known. ; • • Their release of Neil Diamond's, Red Red Wine was puzzling. U14C's version of the song is pathetic: you can't make out the words, and the vocals whine. With this song as their first single in America, it's a wonder it's been successful when the Police, Peter Gabriel,.. The The, and Canada's Maess.ena_h mreTR4gga.• hinnuae nfanrP tmhionrge going yr .,P PUBLIC IEETING To investigate usage of the new Clinton Town Hall TUESDAY, MARCH 13 AT 8:30 PM at the CLINTON LEGION for them. They are new act from Britain, which is what the "sophisticated" want. However, with eight people in the band, you'd expect something other than good music and "not bad" lyrics. Rating 61 2. Costello's style is an alternate branch of black music. This determined man, who leans toward soul music, was anxious for representatives from Columbia records to hear him so he sang his heart out in •front of their hotel in hopes of getting a contract and ' was arrested for disturbing the peace. Horns are tastefully 'interspersed - throughout the album. Let Them All Talk is a heart-rending soul song, where Costello sounds. like Sam Cooke, Everyday I Write the Book, is a well-written song with a reg-. gae beat •upheld by piano. Costello also has a blues song -Shipbuilding: His writing is superior to UB4C's. The Great Thing satires .short marriages "If you're married on paper and not in your heart". Rating: 7. One gives listening pleasure, one,gives an emotional -vent.. -Both -have -had-sut eels-with-- their with=their new LP, although relatively little. Why? 1984, , seems. to have made a ,trend towakds' bla *-sounctlg music,.. How linty. whites took home G ys? On the radio • there is a demand fl the music of Miehael Jackson, Lionel Ritchie, ' Morning Star, • Rockwell, Cool and the Gang, and Culture, Club.(B.G's voice has often been called black). Rock has completed its first 'revolu- tion; it has returned to the music of its forefathers, much improved. Museum volunteers A meeting of the Huron County Pioneer Museum volunteers took ,place on March 5 at the Assessment Office in Goderich. There were 16 mernbers present. June Robinson will be researching the history of the lncr eabins at the museum and Marg Melott-1i is handling the decoration of this cabin for special events at the museum. • , Posters are going to be designed' and put up in thevarious towns of the county to advertise Museum Day on May 18. Bill Fox from London will be at the museum that day to identify any artifacts that are brought in. The ,Pioneer Weekend events of August 11 and 12 and work on the bicentennial project were discussed. Jean Hanly is heading • up a committee to put a special doll collection in the museum for the months of July and August. Volunteers are still needed to 'research special groups of things and to make educa- tional kits for school children. Artists are needed to demonstrate their crafts. The nextmeeting is April 9 at the Assess- ment Office in Goderich. a...,,II.•I•,Il,•••I .,,,,,,, piIIP•I4f ,44.•11,,,,, PARK T E •TRE ..4..., 4.. ..... ,.:.111114114.1.11 I,.r...................,1 41 ▪ WED. • THURS. • LAST • 2 e DAYS •• • • •• STARTS • FRIDAY, MARCH 9 FR1.-SAT. • 789 • SUN.-THURS. • 8:00 PM ONLY • • • • • • • • • • • '• • tt pp • i'i ACCOMPANIMENT • .,.eMI..l,., 1.I 1, 14 • • • • sae►is•e•••••••e••••••••••••••ii•Irii111111'Oi' al STEVE MARTIN MEET'LONELY LARRY HUBBARD • :€: , • • • • • • M. i THIS IS THE STORY OF A SMALL TOWN THAT LOST ITS DREAMS, AND A BIG -CITY KID WHO BROUGHT THEM BACK. •t