HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-07, Page 16r. es 1. Articles for sale YOI.1 CAN GET your out -,of -Canada Medical In- surance of C,A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Raftenbury Si., Clinton. Phone 482-93,00-^44tfar WOMEN'S COATS - Bointon's dark brown suede jacket with belt, size '• 12: Bointon's - medium brown suede jacket with belt size 12/13, asking S50. each or best offer; Bointon's brown 3/4 length and one full length suede coats, size 12, best offer. These are all in excellent condition. Phone -482-3514 after 5-p.M.-5-itfnx APPLES - Spy Modntosh, Red- cirid 'Ye' i7w -- - Delicious, -Empire. 44:50- -per'-bushel...-0Fl up Potatoes, apple butter and honey. Fresh. cider $1.75 per gallon. Delivery around town. Phone 524-8037 Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-7tfar USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, unifrom quality bundles guaranteed, Delivered semiload lots only. (450- minimum). Reasonably ,priced. Phone 1204)725-2627, office hours. -10-120 STEEL BUILDINGS Straight Wall, I -Beam con- structed factory cleoronce, save up to 40% Limited Quantities. Act now and sove. No reserves. Call toll-free Argus Steel 1-800-268- 0822.-10o WALNUT RCA all transistor AM/FM stereo with Garrard automatic record changer. 565- 2582.- 9,10 4'0c8' pool table, Boston and Snooker balls, cues and rake, good condition. 482-3023.-10tfnx KAWASAKI 440 LTD., 5500 km., bought in May 1983, still under warranty, $1500.00. 482-7318 after 6 p.m.-10tfnx CAR STEREO, under dash Pioneer KP313G, GM120, Clarion 2 -way tune-ups, 4 -way Pioneer 100 watt 6x9 speakers. Two months old. New $750.00, sell for $500.00. 482-7318 after 6 Fm.-10tfnx y IN HOME mastectomy services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-7eow HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. snowshoes; wooden clothes hampers and pock -baskets. Phone .482- 3842.-4eow OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck IDA PHARMACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524- 7241.-7eow CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAiTES-&DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tem* Neon Dispf,y Advertising Tessddr 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS. 1 Amides for sole 2 Word sole 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for iole•. " Can•forydle-•'' - . 2w k3.tor.sole .. e Moon. 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Reol estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 1 5 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18Hawes for Heol 20 Room 8 board ' 21 Cottages for rent 22 tots for rens 23 Commercial property for 24 Wonted to rem 25 Wonted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wonted (general) 20"'Bus.nesa opporsanit •` -2s._7eodaus _ 10'Empfoymeni'wtint.E-` 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Nonce 10 creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 lost 6 Found 41 To give away 42 0.oth nonc-e 43 Births _. 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam rent 47 Cords of thanks 504 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE E) 4824443 - MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:se a.m. to 5 p.m. 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12x60 two bedroom mobile home•at Morgans Mobile Home Pork, fridge'and stove in- cluded. Phone 482-7712.-8-11 ` FOR SALE - Three bedroom Northlander on lakefront lot at Meneset. Retirement or resort potential. 524-9073.-10 SMALL two bedroom mobile home for rent. Morgans Mobile Home Park, Clinton. 482- 7066.-10 14. Recreational properties FAMILY HOUSEKEEPING Cottages on Boshkung Lake, sandy beoch,,bodts, fishing. Golf, Tennis, Shopping nearby. Off-season discount.. The Homestead, Hwy. 35, R.R. 2, Minden, Ontario (705)489-2550.---10o 15. Out of town properties COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. Port Elgin area. Two licensed restaurants, Goodrecord and potential: FOR SALE or rent, three bedroom 60x12 mobile Two Tourist Operations statements support -ask- _... M.. . -:-Other-. ..Properties.-Car--- ------1'-tom-482-7066. - r -: home. M ass Mobile Home Park, R:R.`5, Chas Ing price/ + -Col,T:raere+at PrapeF44es. Ca 4!9 -:--�-ton-d82-7(166. 10 .dinof .Reid- Estate -,.Bari -41$;_ Pest Emir}, ..Ont.. ry (519)832-2510, 797-2554.-10o 1. Articles for sale' DAY OLD CHICKS ani sfarter pullets, heavy -neat - type and brown egg layers. Roe Chick Inc. Box 118, Atwood, Ontario 356-2222.-10-13 WEEKLY.'SPECIAL,SI see our .od in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just•off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our' sign. Call collect 523-9508.-42tfar SWIMMING POOLS. Leading manufacturer, - several years in 'the field with a wide choice of 1983 models, is having- a pre season sale. Package includes filter, motor, pumpe skimmer, return, fence and deck: Regularly $2195.00 now $1390.00. Days or evenings 1-623.0251,-7-12 RABBITS, eight weeks old. Will •make good pets, $2.00 each. Phone 482-3222.-10 MIRACLE SPAN Garage Package. 19 wide by 24- long,'9 high, complete with one solid end, One open end with 8 x 10 sliding door. Retails at S3397, Spring Special $2389. Call Toll Free Miracle Span 1-800-268-4942.-10o BARRELS SPECIAL: Solid Oak Swish Barrel '20.00 APPLES: bushel '4.508. up . - * potatoes •bulk cookies *fresh apple Odor*oranges - *apple butter *plastic barrels * honey *maple syrup DELIVERY AROUND TOWN PHONE 524-1037 ART BELL FRUIT FARM WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or spilt. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 ROTO -HOE, Rear & front tine tillers, shredders, garden sprayers. Priced well below competition. . Dealer opportunities, Contact distributors Monette Sales, 80 Townline Rd. W., Carleton Place(613)257-1661.-10o • NEW 6' galvanized water trough, $75.00. 482- 9223.-10 BABY'S NEEDS: change table, •• walker, swing-o- matic,, wooden highchair, all priced reasonable and all in good condition. 482-9223.-10 • APPLES FOR SALE - Macintosh, Northern Spy and Somata-..__Opod apple cider at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R° 3, Clinton 482.9838.-8-13ar HARD MAPLE AND HICKORY FIREWOOD 4 x 8 x 12" cord, cut and split, $35.00 picked up. Discount on 4 or more cords. Delivery arranged. Call Evenings: BARRY-MOXAM 482-3814 5. Cars for sale PARTS for a Toyota Corolla' with a 1600 motor. Four speed, new brakes, new exhaust, or whole car. Best offer. Call 524-4766 anytime.-9tfnx r 12. Real estate for sale . BAYFIELD - choice building lots. on paved roads and municipal water, walking distance to downtown and -lake. Phone 1-565-2899.-2tf CBE FURNITURE . NEW AND USED - WE CAN OFFER BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY, '/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524=7231 We even Take Trades Are you tired of your shabby looking and drafty old windows? REPLACE THEM with Alcen's energy-saving and easy to clean Tilt -Action Windows. We also Install Alcan Aluminum Siding & Doors and wr do ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS at a very competitive price. RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 482-3305 R OFFER? Five Iota, Ki en, rime WHAT S YOU pp P residential or commercial site. Heavy volume highway traffic. No reasonable offer refused. Will consider trade. Phone 524-23176 after 6:00 p.m. -e9-10 THREE BEDROOM semi-detached house in Clinton for sole in excellent condition with roughed -in • fireplace andbathroom for future family room. Available Jan. 1. Contact Ron after 6 p.m'. at 1- 672.0206.-37eow Excellent for * Swish * Cider * Tables * Chairs * Lown Ornaments �, ®® PLASTIC BARRELS 66.6 d . 45 gallon -1115.00 Excellent for * Storage bins * Rain Barrels * Toy boxes * Cider PHONE: 524.8037 ART BELL FRT FARM JOHN L. DUDDY REAL. ESTATE LTD. REALTOR. NEW LISTING: 2 building lots, each 83 ft. by 132 ft., on Cowper St., 37,000 per lot. NEW LISTING: 207 Spencer St. 4 bedroom, 1,500 sq. ft. Tudor -finished 1'/2 storey with excellent 18' X 30' shop or garage. Renovated home, total 9 rooms, parquet flooring In living room. List 331,900. FORMER OFFICERS' QUARTERS, CFB: 71 room 3 storey building being sold by Mortgagee, possible conversion " to Apts. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY: Larger V/2 storey with dormers at No. 3 Toronto Blvd., Vanastra. $11,000. Offers invited. MANUFACTURING FACILITY: Boat building or related enterprise prominent location, Na. 4 Hwy. and Vanastra Rd., 7,000 sq. ft. building on 1'/a acres. HENSALL: 83 Oxford St. Now reduced to $29,500. 2 storey brick previously had Hairdressing Shop, 1'/2 baths. HENSALL: Very attractive 2 storey brick at 105 Albert St., new roof and furnace in 1982. Double lot with mature trees and landscaping. 40's. BAYFIELD: 3 bedroom brick bungalow with walk -out basement, magniflaent views over Bayfleld River, hilltop location. 351,500. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR OFFICE 412-3766 JOHN DUDDY 4iZ36 FOR SALE - three bedroom modular home situated in Morgans Mobile Home Park, Clinton. May be seen by appointment. 482-7066.-10 A. For Sale FOR SALE - double cut red clover seed, also Birks seed barley. Phone Irvin Keys 262.5367.-5-17 TEN used dry sow crates, best offer. 482- 3374.-9,10 TOP QUALITY first cut baled hay, 75% alfalfa, . approximately 1,000' bales. Phone 482.3114 or 1- 455-5443.-1.0,1.1. . FREE CATALOGUE Intubators, Brooders, Feeding. Watering Processing Supplies. Pasteurizers, Churns, Garden Implements, Mills, How -To Books. Write Berry -Hill Limited, '75 Burwell Street, St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3R5 -10o UP TO 10% REBATE on most form replacement chains and aprons shipped by March 23, 1984. Check with your local dealers or buy direct from. Ontario's foremost independent supplier of ge- nuine chain parts at low, no -name. prices. Bauman Mfg. Ltd., RR 1 Waterloo, One N2J 4G8. (519)885-0912.-10,110 16. Articles for rent FLOOR SANDERS fpr rent at B. & M. Rental an Sales, Wingham 357.1666.--45tfar dive yourself a lift In one of our fine cars vans trucks prices start at 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls, wheelbarrows, etc. Form _ . .0 e _ rlyeau ..Zuticii,.-236-. ttsS-;stack.ed..-ked.-J�h,J4 .. :..:r. _-,.,-. -,.-_ . 4954.-16tfar Royal Trust Real Estate Roel Trust MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOUR BEDROOM home in Vanastra is available for you to move into today. This Regina St. home has oil heat, storm windows and screens for all windows. $29,900, THREE BEDROOM two storey home on - Toronto Blvd. in Vanastra. This house is located on a 98 foot lot and is now available for only $18,500. LARRY DILLON 90 Main St. Seelorth OFFICE: 527-0677 HOME: 482-7151 DOUBLE CUT . red clover seed, mixed grain, mingo and rodeo barley, all suitable for seed. Priced right. Contact Robert Fotheringham 482- 9196. -9 -11x 82- 9196 --9-11x Henson Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter -.235-2717 Klrkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT cash crop ,land for 1984 crop season: Phone Steve Keys 262-5365.-49tf WANTED TO RENT cash crop land. Phone M & T Farms, Kippen 262-6068 or 262-6018.-2-13 WANTED form land for sharecropping in Stanley .Township area_ Reply.to Drawer .#1.8,'c/o :Clinton .. News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM ILO. -9,10 OLD BRICK BUILDINGS wonted for wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc. and/or The Cadillac Brick Co. of Canada Ltd., Ontario's largest, supplier of reclaimed bricks. Sarnia 1-519-542-8811 or Toronto 1-416-283-: 2311.-10.22areow SUMMER JOB • WANTED on farm. Some ex- perience, references provided on request. Phone 482-3827 after6 p.m. -10 D. Livestock Attention Farmers WE PAY 320.00 TO $50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY INJURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS 8 SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4910 24 hrs. a day, 6 days -a week. Serving this area since 1974. 12 Varieties of BROWN BABY CHICKS; Heavy Meat; 3 week old capons; Small orders our specialty. Delivery guaranteed. Bonnies Chick hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6 (519)669-2561.-10-13o E. Farm Services BANK FORM and farm income tax preparation services. Stephen Thompson 482-9225, 482-7571 evenings.-50eow BERG Sales -Service -Installation *Barn Cleaners *Bunk Feeders *Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives RR.2 BLYTH ..._.___F 117-9024 FAVJI�IERS: Thinking about ull Ing 6 new barn or driveshed or fixing your existing buildings? FREE ESTIMATIS RAY LAM-HERS4830S CLINTON 195 INCLUDING FREE 100 KM •wee_kly_ &`wlaeltend rate available -` - • 20' van truck • 12' van truck available available Olid vent•em&r cistern 24-8411 TRICKLANDS 334'HURON-RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent eat Estate Lt • . Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING: 41/2 acres, 13th of Hullett, 100 sow farrowing barn, 4 bedroom home, selling as going concern. LONDESBORO: 4 bedroom frame home on large well treed lot. Selling under power of sale at only $20,000., low down payment can be arranged. , 20 ACRES: good frame home, hog finishing barn with liquid manure system, land most- lywooded, Morris Twp. 127 ACRES: 100 workable, Harriston loam, no buildings, 3 miles from Clinton. 50 ACRES: 40 workable, no buildings, near Clinton. " MYTH: executive class home, 2 storey, 4 bedroom, electric heat, field stone fireplace, many extras including double lot with heated workshop. 'AUBURN: 1'/2 floor aluminum sided. older type home, oil heat. Asking only $20,000. to settle estate. • CLINTON: Princess at William St., large frame and brick', duplexed • home, 5 bedrooms, in main unit, 2 fireplaces, many ' extras. • 2 ACRES: 4" bedropm home, like new throughout, insulated barn 32' x 64', Morris Twp. 21/4 ACRES: 11/2 floor 4 bedroom brick home, oil heat, nicely treed, 6th Line Morris. 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., 6 acres irrigated apple orchard, 43 acres workable. 69 ACRES: near Clinton, 35 workable, near- ly new bungalow, insulated' barn, recrea- tion potential. 100 ACRES: 55 workable, E. Wawanosh, buildings for 600 hogs, owner will consider mortgage. 200 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawanosh, good hardwood bush, excellent buildings, field stone house, above average barns. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bedrooms:• gas heat, REDUCED to 520,000. BLYTH: one acre with 4 bedrooms, modern home, many added features, large 1 floor barn, ideal hobby farm in the village. 20 ACRES: Goderich Twp., 2100 sq. ft. ranch home, new insulated barn 40' x 160', many extras including inground pool and paved drive, very scenic. 150 ACRES: 105 workable, drainage com- pleted, log house, frame barn, 7th Con:, Morris Twp, 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bedroom home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean- out, 3 miles north of Auburn. F.C.C. mor- tgage. -SMALL ACREAGE: E. Wawanosh, 2 storey brick home on wooded property, 2 sheds, combination furnace. BLYTH: 11/2 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and workshop. RESTAURANT: Blyth, fully equipped, large apartment above. 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett. HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large double home, large barn, drive shed with workshop, paved road, near Varna. B LYTH: large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St., can be duplexed. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL: Clinton, Hwy. No. 8, 190' x 264', fully serviced, vendor will sell all or part. B ifUCEFlELD: 3 bedrooms, 11/2 storey frame home, F.A. oil heat, COMMERCIAL BUILDING: King St., Clinton, 5,000 sq. ft. includes two offices, only $36,000. vendor will finance at favorable rate. • C A-) APARTMENTS 14th St. Vanastra. Bachelor, one bedroom and two bedrooms, furnished op- tional. Phone 482-3581. 6tf FOR RENT April 1, bachelor apartment at 177 Albert St., Clinton. Fridge, stove and cable. Call 262-2536.-10 WANTED - apartment in Clinton. Phone 357- 3261.-10-12 AGRI NATIONAL REALTY INC. Douglas F. Chubb Broker 565.2591 Baurield, Ontario BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Main Street, Bayfleld. 11/2 storey house on 82' X 137' lot. Good location for any business. Vendor will consider mortgage. RECENTLY RENOVATED New siding, 50' X 200' scenic lot. Drilled well. EXECUTIVE • STYLE HOME -'Ranch style home south, oTflayffeld,- Situated on 14 acres. 10 acres of bush Sav en a ,${pproxtg11,,, pri3ed for immediate sale. Call today. WANTED Lot or bungalow. Must be in village. Cash buyer for Bayfield property. SNOWDEN ACRES Lakefront 4 year old brick ranch style. winterized, full basement, 100' lot, den with fireplace, modern kitchen, dining room. Approximately 1600 sq. ft. of living space. 3 BEDROOM WINTERIZED COTTAGE 3 piece bath and sauna, I. shaped kitchen, dining and living room. Lot size 142' X 79'- BAYFIELD 3 bedroom ranch style brick permanent. home. 2 years old. CALL Pat Norman Cathie Schwark Adam Flowers 482-9911• 482-3051 565-2813 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM semi detached house in Vanastra available now. 482-7895.-.-40tf BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton, fully in- sulated, but in need at minor repairs and cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants. Please reply to Drawer No. 20 c/o Clinton News -Record, ' Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1 LO.--46tf OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK C 0 0 Y 0 0 0 0 he 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 G GK REALTY 8 INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. HAL HARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER 482-3693 482-3096 482-3687 G 0 0 0 0 G0 PC G yC 0 NEW LiSTING: above: 4 bedrooms, 4 pee. & 2 pco. baths, forced air gas heat, centrally located. Call Bill. BLYTH - four bedroom house, oil heat $200 a month 482-9210.-48tf THREE BEDROOM house for rent at Vanastra $200 -par-month-plus_ 3• •des_fsrst atdTostmonth's. -rent required.. 482.3591 often WANTED TO RENT - two bedroom self contained house in Bayfield/Clinton vicinity for mature adults, no children. Will pay up to $400. per month for suitable accommodation. Required by April 30 or sooner. Phone 565-2838.-10ff FARM HOUSE with new oil and wood combine- tfnn,furnace,_availabk-- -ly In 6Aarch.. list Rause. south east of Vanastra on gravel -road. Phone - 482-9128, Frank or Les Falconer. -10 WANTED - Small 2-3 bedroom house, vicinity of Kinburn/Hullett Wildlife area for months of July, August and September. Reply to Jack E. Clark, Oro Station, Ontario L0L 2E0 or call collect 705- 487-2522 between 12 noon and 1 p.m. or after 9 p.m. -9,10 DUPLEX in Clinton near post office. Fridge and stove supplied. Available April 1. 529-7949.-9- 17 THREE bedroom brick home, lovely large lot, ideal for garden enthusiast, very private setting, Brucefield. Available June 1st with early garden- ing privileges. 482-9890.-10,11 CHRISLTN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under now management ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA R.R. 5 CLINTON 482-9084 20. Room 8 board COMFORTABLE, warm room, $10 per night with bath. Holiday Lodge, c/o Mrs. Van Demme 482- 3685.-2tfar WANTED - room and board by Grade 10 student, •--Elinton-area:-Reply to: GMB 15, R.R. 5, Clinton • NOM 1L0.-10 NEW LISTING: above: Maintenance free exterior, compact 2 bedroom cottage on large lot In quiet neighbourhood. Call 5111. NEW LISTING: Aluminum sided, 11/2 storey, 3 bedrooms, largo heated garage/work shop, above ground pool and much more. Call BIII. Tho abovo NEW LISTINGS aro a sampling of what is available. Call us your requirements -- we'll see what we can line up for your viewing. WE LIST Residential, commercial, farm, recreational, small acreage & seasonal.. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD iMultiplw Listing Service) GK G1: GK CiiK GK GK OK OK 23. Commei-cidl property for rent FOR RENT - approximately 1200 sq. ft: of store, or warehouse space. Available March 1. Huron St., Clinton 482-7724.-5tf 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rads and batteries and scrap. Phone 887-9561.-27tf SET OF BAGPIPES in good condition. 524- 9293.-2tfnx 26. Help wanted NEW ORLEANS Pizzo require delivery drivers for Friday and Saturday nights 4 p.m. -2 a.m., Sunday 4 p.m. -8 p.m. Contact the manager New Orleans Pi +za,1Clinton.-7tfar EDITOR Required for large Eastern Ontario Weekly newspaper. Location is heart of recrea- tional area offering wide variety of activities in- cluding skiing,' hunting, fishing. Goodcorhpensa tion plan. Successful person will be a leader with strong writing, reporting, and .layout skills and will want to participate in news coverage. Apply immediately in writing to the Publishing Manager c/o The Record News P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A4T1.-100 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY wanted for office in. Clinton, ,person with German and other languages preferred. Send resume to Post Office Box 760, Wingham, NOG 2W0.-10.13 TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport' driver. Contact' Mery Orr's Kingston (613)549-3914; Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432-1726; North Bay (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (705)560-3351. Member B.B.B.-10-13. MAKE MORE MONEY WORKING OVERSEAS IN COUNTRIES LIKE U.S.A., . Kuwait. Saudi Arabia, etc. Also Alaska and N.W.T. Pormant/temporary workers needed are tradespeople, labourers. professionals, etc. For full Info, send your name and address to: BOX 727 - STATION F Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2N6 ARE YOU BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS MW BORED? You owe It to yourself to learn how our people enjoy an interesting and challenging career offering bsnefldal protection services for motorists. The Income Is very good. You' earn while you learn and , receive a substantial TRAINING ALLOWANCE plus commisslon each week. Full-time and Part-time posltlons open now. You must be legal age, have a good car, and at least 15 hours each week. Apply to: ED BAUER, Ih person et the Elmhaven Inn, Clinton, MONDAY. MARCH 12 tl AT 2 P.M. OR 7 P.M. SHARP. 4