HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-03-07, Page 6x -- •p1Mit11:i After a endiscussion onl the priority roads to be ;paved m the village this year, council decided on the following: Gypsy Lane, three and .a half blocks south, two blocks"north; Westmoreland St., one block west; Drummond St„ west. one block; Drummonde one and a half blocks and the rema x g etion of Coombs St. The amount of pavingto be completed on the above streets may be determined by the size of a M, inistry of Transportation subsidy that the village is applying for. Two • years ago the council applied for a $30,000 subsidy f their 198:4 reunary tion by early and received ,000. Last year they applied for $15,000 and got POMO, Blyth ClerkTreasurer Larry Walsh said that the village is undecided on how much to apply for, but they. will reach a decision before the application deadline at the end of the Month. The village has $30,000 through the Ontario Neighborhood Improvement Program ( $15,000 village, $15,000 provincial government) and $25,000 in funds for the 1984 road program. Reeve Tom Cronin told council if paving was started in June, "the village could save a few thousand on grading and the use of chloride on the roads." Council agreed that a target date of June wouldsave the village money. Donq mess out on these spectacular SPECIALS!! :K.W.l.G. SPECIALS ,. C' CAKE MIXES 250 g Monarch Pouch FROSTING MIXES 210g 2/.99 2/.99 Kellogg's ROC E RY DEPT. MARSHMALLOW KRISPIES 375 g box pkg. $� •99 Peek Frean COOKIES 400 g $199 J Monarch COATING MIX Reg. or Pork 140 g southern fried pkg. Palmolive 1 Litre LIQUID DETERGENT $299 Upton CHICKEN 4pack •NOODLE SOP $169 Dietrich 100% Whole eat BREAD 75° Dietrich SCONE ROLLS 894 doz. 694 ui� Milli Weston's Raspberry JELLY ROLLS 340g Schneider's SOFT MARGARINE 994 pkg. 99t Ib. FROZEN Greer) Giant 1 kg Frozen MIX VEGETABLES French GREEN BEANS, CORN CUT GREEN 51.99 BEANS bag McCain's 12.5 oz.. Frozen s I -19 ORANGE JUICE tin RODUCE Chiquita BANANAS lb- .39 Fresh MUSHROOMS lb. $1.89 Green GRAPES Ib. $1.39 MEAT DEPT. ----,. Pork BUTT CHOPS Ib. $1 .3' Regular,.IZOU.ND_B.E.E E____..-._ �_ Ib. _- • 69 Devon Link SAUSAGE lb. $1 69' Maple Leaf Breaded • BUCKET OF CHICKEN Maple Leaf , BEEF BURGERS Maple Leaf SAUSAGE ROUNDS Bruce Packers HEADCHEESE CHUCK OF BEEF 60-70 Ib. average Maple Leaf BOLOGNA EA: $4.49 750 g. pkg. $3 19 500g. pkg. $1 .89 Ib. $1.39 Ib. $1 •35 $1 •69 500 g pkg. BLYTH Meat Market We reserve the right to limit quantities. Specials in effect till dosing Saturday, March 10, 1984. • . Custom Killing Cutting and Wrapping By Appointment Phone 523-4551 Open: Monday - Thurs. 8 a.m. - .6 p.m.; Closed Friday at 6 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Blyth to, get new super market The village of Blyth*ill be getting a 5,0O0 squere-foot supermarket. Don Sc our, the owner of the Blyth Meat Market informed council that his store arid Knechtel Food Market are combining'to build a super market on Drummond St., east of the village parking lot. Council granted Mr. Scrimgeour permission to demolish a house on Drummond St., where the new store is to be constructed: Mr. Scrimgeour said the contractor is to begin constructionat the end of March or early April, depending on the. weather. He estimated the store would be open for business by early July. "It's good you have the confidence in the village to build this," Councillor William Howson said of the plan. Mr. Scrimgeour added that the new -store will maintain :his present store's full ..,Co vice at the meat counter. Surveying bill explained Council received a detailed letter from Christian R. Kiar Limited, Surveyors of Goderich•g 'ing a breakdown of a surveying bill for $4,963.60 received in February. Last month, council questioned the cog Of_ the, suruey-•.don'e -on the proposed- expansion of the Blyth-Hullettlandfilfsite. The letter stated that 170.5 hours were spend on the surveying project. Doug Culbert, a representative of the surveying company wrote, "By using the suggested minimum fee for southwestern Ontario, which is $72, an hour for a two person field crew, and $32 an hour for a drafting -calculating person, thelabor invoice would be $4,392 for field time, and $1,552 for office time, for a total of $5,944. Using our own rate of $30 per hour per person, the labor invoice would be $5,115. We took this latter figure and discounted it by $450, or -about 15, hours which is about one hour per day in the field. This discount is to reflect time lost. due to snow, and also reduced the paperwork due to the size of this job." Council had earlier speculated that bad weather ay.have increased the 4.•do not feel that the effect of.. was 'Very • large, since in the !Winnehave to contend with Crops, such Satorn leaves on trees,.liegardless, the survey required immediately," Mr.Culbert added in his letter. Blyth and Hullett will split the cost of the bill under an agreement made concerti big: the earpansion;of the landfill site. Under the agreement each councilwill pay $2,481.80 toward the bill. . , Blyth council passed a motion stating ti are satisfied with the surveying bill and pay their share with the stipulation that Hullett find§ it acceptable; Memorial Hall renovation Council, passed a motion to put they Myth Memorial Hall renovation project into gear., Prel Mina Crisis are to F9Peir the ceiling and -improve tb4frghtu►p downstairs, A fotaT-orr,tioir was set aside"'by ebiatell When alley =allocated• =funds:tor: th1e -Ontario-- Neighborhood Improvement Plan. A grant for $1,000 from the Blyth Centre of the Arts will also be used to pay for the work. In January of 1983, council had received estimates of $2,300 to repair the ceiling by strapping it. Another estimate, which included removing the -present ceiling and - replacing it with stippled drywall, would cost around $5,000. At the March '5 meeting, Councillors William Manning and William Howson felt that the plaster from the old ceiling should be removed. Council has agreed to contact Village Engineer Art Clark so that specifications for the project can be drawn up. The plans will then be inspected by local carpenters for estimates. It was also suggested that flush lights be installed in the hall. Council hoped that the renovations could be done as soon as possible in order to avoid conflicts with groups that have the hall booked. A meeting has been set up between the Memorial Hall Board and Council on March 26 at 8 p.m. to discuss.the project.. Atoms first loss to Exeter There was exciting hockey action on Saturday morning when the Blyth Atoms met Exeter for the final game of the series. Despite an all-out team effort, Blyth suffered their first defeat by a score of 5-4. Troy Chambers led the scoring assisted by Kevin Souch. Shane Taylor assisted Kevin for the second goal. Jeff Bromley scored on a breakaway and also assisted Ricky Howson for the fourth goal. The Blyth team,, short three players, put up a good fight and are congratulated for the excellent season they have had. PATRICK DANCE <' BLYTH DISTRICT COMM. CENTR 010% • DANCING 9-1 AM March 10 /'84 Music By Sleepy Hollow SPONSORED BY BLYTH LIONS AND BLYTH SNOW TRAVELLERS 10.00 PER COUPLE — LUNCH POKER HAND DRAW TO BE HELD `4110$` THE BIXTH STANDARD) NORM CSO David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main Si. South. SEAFORTH Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptions Filled Promptly SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10:00 a.m.5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303' GENERAL Gordon Elliott 519-523-4522 LIFE R. John Elliott 519-523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD, INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1H0 519-523-4481 SAVE YOUR SOLES IN THE WANT ADS LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE (' "lilitl {n `e\ .Rc'col d Incorporating TI e Bayfield Bugle The Blyth Standard FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor HOME FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING • PHONE AUBURN • 526-7505' e H.T. DALE SEPTI(: TANK PUMPING SERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Your Oil Heating Contractor BL1 TH, ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 Robert Worsen Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68 Auburn 526-7597 WANT ADS WORK 482-3443 or 482-77 1 Tell us What's Happening Call your Correspondent Theron Stadelmann 523.9204 WALDEN PHOTOGRAPHY WARD Ot UPTIGROVE CHARTERED, ACCOUNTANTS LISTOWEL, ONT. 291-3040 *Weddings *Portraits *Albums *Fra mss Geo, Burkholder AUTO BODY COLLISION REPAIRS & REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY 523-9474 cal BURKE ELECTRIC 523-9212 DLYTH 1, Skaters practised their routines in the afternoon, for the Blyth Figure Skating .Club's skating carnival' on Friday, March 2. The program entertained the audience Friday evening at the Blyth Arena. (Wendy Somerville photo) Clinton woman tells congregation about God's call on her life Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to all makes Refrigeration Service Open 6 days a week. 37 tears, Buri by Qualify & Service Blyth United Church was privileged to have Barbara Hicks_from Clinton to share in the ministry of the March 4 morning wor- ship service. She gave a powerful testimony to God's call on her life and what it's been like for her and her family since she said "yes" to Jesus. Many songs of praise were sung throughout the service including a special choir anthem. Following the service the congregation visited with Barbara and her husband Karl.. Evalena Webster and Mary Holland provid- ed refreshment during this time of -.BLYTH. Christian Reformed Church ,; "Guest Minister" Service 10 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. fellowship. Lost Heir Four tables oflost heir werer. played. on. ' .. Wednesday night in the Blyth Memorial Hall. The winners were: High Lady, Evelyn Smith; Low Lady, Ella Richmond; High Man, Charlie Smith; Low Man, Izzy Ger- maine (playing as a man). Euchre Eight tables of euchre were played on Monday night in the Blyth Memorial Hall. The winners included: High Lady, Mary Holland; Low Lady, Flora Fear; High Man, Bert Fear; Low Mari, Ed Brooks;- Ladies' Lone Hands,Lilly Leathesland; Men's Lone Hands,.Ha eyy. SillSpecial, Bernice-Mc,Cli:nchey. News and notes Kathy Perdon of Toronto visited withlylr. and;Mrs. ,Bert Daer of Blyth. 11.• f << 1 The fourth meeting of the Blyth4:41.1 -H Quilting Quintet was held at EuniceEmke's on February 29.. After the •members answered the roll call, the leaders discussed the exhibit to be prepared for Achievement Night. The leaders showed the members how to assemble, baste, and quilt an appli- que design. SAVE WITH SUNWORTHY AND THE DECOR SHOPPE Book Price ON ALL IN -STOCK SUNWORTHY WALLCOVERINGS • New patterns in stock • Easy to put up. Easy to take down, • Sunworthy wallcoverings to fit your budget. rrJoiaau�Q'Ia II "mi "s 1l0 k�l K c111 "�Yl IU� �• �* If you cannot find the pattern you like from over 200 patterns in stock, then choose from 20 books of special orders and SAVE 20®0 off book price at.% SUNWORTHY L7 OFF BOOK PRICE OFF Quilted Bedspreads Double or Queen • Woven Wood Roman Shades • Mini Blinds • Vertical, Blinds • Ready Made Drapes • Ready Made Sheers 1 Cafe Curtains • Priscillas redo ad t,O Ogg $3995 7,Zealt 5 Josephine St. Wingham, 357-2002