HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-29, Page 16.t . -r'.. 'ktq'oi,-. !mr+z modovw.s,TRE`M./oR}'y,1 1%9p?�?•1�4%tH�i+r fl -.7r„r.n �rvst.,w,Rg{i,v.ewr:.i�r,:(s•ry THE CLINTON NEWS m RECORD THE BLYTH STANDARD - THE BAYFIELD BUGLE 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of - Canada Medical Insurance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rotten - bury St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300.--44tfar WOMEN'S COATS - Bainton's dark brown suede jacket with belt, size 12; Bainton's medium brown suede jacket with belt size 12/13, asking $50. each or best .offer; Bainton's brown 3/4 le/1g-tla,_trtdorL9:.f�t1J leggth: uede . coats, size 12, best offer. These --r are all in-eiceeHent c-ondi-tion-. - Phone 482-3514 after 5 p.m.-5ltfnx APPLES - Spy, Macintosh, Red and Yellow Delicious, Empire. $4.50 per bushel and up. Potatoes, apple butter and honey. Fresh cider $1.75 per gallon. Delivery around town. Phone -524-8037 Aft -Bel l's Fruit Far m.-7ttfar -''- MUSIC BOXES. The Lighthouse Gift Shop, the music box store serving the area from our loca- tion in Blyth, is now open for your convenience Friday and Saturday. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and by special appointment. 482- 3079.-9 SICK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gorments,con- valescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-12eow CHOICE lean beef bythe side. Special on hind quarters. Ready • for freezer, . government in- spected, farmers prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482- 9128.-3eow MUST SELL. Distributor of All Steel Buildings has 2 straight wall buildings and 2 quonset buildings greatly reduced for quick sale. Call First Choice at (416)663-5323.-90 STEEL BUILDINGS., 3 only,, order cancelled. Immediate delivery on a first come first served basis. Sizes 32x50, 46x110, 55x600. All Buildings complete vith..sl.iding :lose_. Call Toll Free 1-800-268-4942.-90 • 20 -FOOT steel bale racks, $1100; 16 -20 -Foot flat rocks; bale forks for large round bales, ' $175; cattle -heated water bowls, • $185=$500. Dealers wanted. Owen Martin Mfg., RR 3 Wallenstein, Ont. NOB 2S0. (519)-699-4144.-90 HARD MAPLE AND HICKORY FIREWOOD 4 x 8 x 12 cord, cut and split, 535.00 picked up. Discount on 4 or more cords. Delivery arranged. CALL EVENINGS BARRY MOXAM 482-3814 CBE FURNITURE NEW AND USED WE CAN OFFER. BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 MILE Southon Hwy. 21 Goderlch 524-7231 We oven Take Trades i FREE FLEA COLLAR with the purchase of any 20 KG. BAG DOG FOOD Choose from- -Doc Kennedy's -Puppy Power -Top Breed -Fleld'n Farm -Purina Dog Chow -Purina Puppy Chow -Technl-Cal now'tlli Sot. March 3 VERBEEK'S FARM IR GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St„ Clinton 482-9333 ClintClinton. Ea\\'s-1':f_ c l fj.l,- ..._. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 81 DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads . o , ..... Tuesday Noon Display Advertising Tuesday4:DO p.m. O.AssiF1tmra ittis 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sole 3 Garage sale 4. Antiques for sole 5 Cors for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7. R V 's for sole 8. Marine :9.-Autwrnot,ve ---- 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 19, Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. • 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47 Wanted to rent Wonted to buy Help wanted • Wanted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wonted Service directory Rer-sonol.. .. . _. _ Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sole Educational Lost & Found To give away Deoth notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Cards of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD. OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to S p. 1. Articles for sale....,. FOOD TREES for Northerh climates; old fashioned apples,. nut trees. Many unusual shrubs, evergreens and shade trees, reasonable prices. Catalogue $1 Golden . Bough : Tree Fram, Maribank, Ont. KOK 2L0. (613)478-6163.-90 WE BUY pure maple sop, also spikes, pails and lids' in good cpndition. Taking orders for fresh 'maple syrup and maple sugar. Phone 482-3159:-8,9 USED RAILWAY TIES. Pressure treated, uniformquality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lets .only. (450 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204)725-2627, office hours. -90 ' • STEEL BUILDINGS Straight Wall, I -Beam constructed factory clearance, save up 'to .40% Limited Quantities. Act now and save. No reserves. Call toll-free Argus Steel 1-800-268-0822.-90 SPACE saver couch for sale, $18.00. Phone 482-9176.-9 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED___ HARDWUQD ' Blocks or spilt. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9250 SPECIAL HINDS of Beef 1 s9 LB. FRONTS of Beef 1 !SLB SIDES of Beef 1 591,8. WHOLE or 1/2 PORK .89L0. Processing will increase net price per pound. We sell only local fed, top quality, fully inspected Beef and Pork. CHARLES HOOISMA & SONS LTD. Ripley's Butcher Since 1961 coil 395-2905 or 395-2979 evenings Are you tired of your shabby looking and drafty old windows? REPLACE THEM with Aican's energy-saving and •esy to clean Tilt -Action Windows. W also install Akan Aluminum Siding & Dears and we do ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS at a very competitive prir.e. RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 452-3305 1. Articles for sale 1983 SUZUKI GS 6501 with wind- shield. Excellent . condition. Phone 482-3198.-9x 5. Cars for sale 1978 DODGE Diplomat, $2800.00 certified; 1977 Datsun st.ationwagon, $1950.00 cer- tified. 482-7919 or 262-2686 after 5 p.m. -9 6. Trucks for sale FOR SALE OR LEASE 1979 Ford Louisville 8000, 3208 Cat Engine, _ 13 speed Transmission, 1200 .Trent• tires, -,a U•.Re r:,.•,3d-ft„,. --Aluminum Gravel ..Box • smith Tarp, , 79,000 Km. As ckiIng $24,005) National Leasing (204)786-6415,-90 WALNUT RCA all transistor AM/FM stereo' with Garrard automatic record, :changer. 565- • 2582,-9,10 DOUBLE CUT red clover seed, . mixed grain, mingo and rodeo barley, all suitable for seed. Priced right.• Contact Robert Fotheringham 482-9196--9-11x WESTINGHOUSE electric. stove; Kelvinator refrigerator, both coppertone colour, like new condition. Phone 482.9209.-9x, WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" .Clinton Boxed Meats just off .Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 11/2 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508.-42tfar SWIMMING POOLS., Leading manufacturer, several years in, the field with a wide 'choice of 1983 models, is having a pre season sale. Package includes filter; motor, pump, 'skimmer, return, fence and deck. Regularly $2195.00 now $1390.00. Days or evenings 1- 623-0251.-7-12 APPLES FOR SALE Macintosh, Northern Spy and Snows. Good apple cider at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton 482.9838..-8-13ar 1A. Snowmobiles ' for sale 1977 SCORPION - WHIP snowmobile, new engine and suspension 1982 Kawasaki 440 LTD motorbike, bought in May 1983, 5500 km, still under war- ranty, asking $2500.00 or will' sell separately 482- 7318,-44tfnx 5. Cars for sale -- 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu Classic, good running order, sell as is $200. Phone 482-9303 after 5 p.m. -9 PARTS for a Toyota Corolla with o 1600 motor. Four .speed, new brakes, new exhaust, or whole car. Best offer. Call 524-4766 anytime.-9tfnx 1972 BARRACUDA, standard transmission,- as is $800. Call after 6 p.m. 482-3021,-9 9. Automotive PARTS for 1976 Pontiac Lemons Sport Coupe 482-3540.-9 lo. Pets for sale BEAGLES, 6 weeks old. $25. Phone 482-3643.--9x REGISTERED Dachshund, miniature long haired, tan col- our, hos all papers and shots. Seven months old. Male. Phone 395-5039.--9 12. Real estate for sale BAYFIELD - choice building lots on paved roads and municipal water, walking distance to downtown and lake. Phone 1- 565-2899.-2tf WHAT'S YOUR OFFER° Five lots, Kippen, prime residential or commercial site. Heavy volume highway traffic. No reasonable offer refused. Will ' consider trade. Phone 524-2376 after 6:00 p.m, -L-9-10 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES SEE US FOR A * LEASING plan tailored to suit your needs * DAILY RENTALS now available BROWN rhevrolcl-oldenh0I fr 482-9321 a 000estcta .6t Y FIELD CR LUCK NOW ® WtOOeO ANC fllflsdY rtE ... W":wle�'a4tOC1 ® EEO OWEN ® �trcaaeu zuWI w O a OXEYES SUSIYFOIRD' 0 0 7C 0 7< 0 0 7< :::0 7S 0 0 7< 0 0 7< 7< 0 7C 0 0 7C OK REALTY 1 Insurance Inco 14 Isaac St., Clinton 482®9747. 4823721 Also GoderIch, Exeter, Grand Bend, I4ALHARTLEY BOB THOMAS BILL COUNTER 482-3693 • 482-3096 482-3687 "- a .,r: "_ ...°,,Asea... ?2:« y.. „•;,'r;: NEW LISTING: above; 4 bedrooms, 4 pce. E. 2 pc. baths, forced air gas heat. centrally located. Call Bill. NEW LISTING: above; Maintenance free exterior, compact 2 bedroom cottage on large lot In quiet neighbourhood. Call Bill. - NEW LISTING: Aluminum sided, 11/2 storey, 3 bedrooms, large heated garage/work shop. above ground pool and much more. Cali Bill. The above NEW LISTINGS are a sampling of what is available. Call us your requirements --we'll see what we can line up for your viewing. WE LIST Residential, commercial, farm, recreational, small acreage & seasonal. MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - 12x60 two bedroom mo.bile home at Morgans Mobile Home Park, fridge and stove included. Phone 482- 7712.-8-11 PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer. Power trawls, wheelbarrows, etc. 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM semi detached house in Vanastra available now. 482-7895.-40tf • BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton, fully insulated. but in need at minor repairs and cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants, Please reply to Drawer No. 20 c o Clinton News - Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1 L0.-46tf orlti ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveau5Zuridi 23i 4954 '7bffar" "i' 12. Real estate -for sale FLOOR SANDEtiS for rent at B. & M. Rental and Sales, Wingham 357-1666.-45tfor 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent; utilities; -stove-arid-fridge=. provided, available March 1, references required. Please phone 482-7776 after 6 p. m.-5tf A-1 •APARTMENTS 14th St. Vanastra. Bachelor, one bedroom and two bedrooms, furnished optional. Phone 482- 3581.-6tf 18_ Houses for rent ` THREE BEDROOM house for rent at Vanastra 5200 per month plus utilities, first and last month's rent required 482-3591, after 6 12. Real estate for sale c' 12. Real estate for sale Royal Trust Real Estate 11 ,Gnat Tn,g -MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOUR BEDROOM home in Vanastra is available•• for you to move into today. This Regina St. home has oil heat, storm windows and screens 'for all windows. $29,900. THREE BEDROOM two storey home on Toronto Blvd. in Vanastra. This house is located on a 98 foot lot and is now available for only $18,500. 90 677 Seeforlthst LARRY DILLON OHOME:482.FFICE: 71151 A. For sale . FOR SALE - double cut red clover, ,seed, also Birka seed barley. Phone Irvin Keys 262- 5367.-5-17 TEN used dry sow crates, best offer. 482-3374.-9,10 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY • AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 482-7511 • Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Kirkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT cash crop land for 1984 , crop season. Phone Steve Keys 262- 5365.-49tf WANTED TO RENT • cash crop land. Phone M & T Farms, Kip- pen 262-6068 or 262.6018.-2.13 WANTED form 'land for share cropping in Stanley Township area. Reply to Drawer #18, c/o • Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1L0.-9,10 0. Livestock ONTARIO ° HEREFORD Associa- tion Prestige Sale, Attti1)28, Bar- rieview Sales Arena. 366 tested yearling bulls, 40 selected females for cotalogues. Contact Box 68, Langton, Ontario NOE 1 GO, -90 D. Livestock'' SELLING! 1500 yearlings March 9th and April 6th, 1984 at the Livestock Pool North Battleford,• Sask. Pre-sorted packages .of reputation cattle! Contact John Florence, Manager, area 306- 445-9421.-90 12 Varieties' of BROWN BABY CHICKS; Heavy Meat; 3 week old capons; Small orders our specialty. Delivery guaranteed.: Bonnies Chick •hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ont.. N3B 2Z6 (519)669-2561.-90 Attention Farmers WE PAY '20.00 TO '50.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY IN- JURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEE''S, MUST BE ALIVE A D DRUG FREE. MARK LEIS & SON LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE_ 1-800-265-4910 24 hn, a day, 6 days aw 'oek Serving this area diic 4974 E. Farm services EXPERIENCED CHICKEN CATCHING CREW Available for work between hours of 10:30 p.m. till 7 a.m. Phone after 6 p.m. Dennis 482-9489 or Damien 482-7841 4. John FARMERS • • Thinking about building a new barn or drive - shed or fixing your existing buildings? PHONE RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 4823305 FREE ESTIMATES HURON CONTRACTORS PHONE 236-4230 New Homes, Renovations, Additions, Farm Buildings. Lagoons, Dozer & Backhoe Service, Top- soil' miuemwmumummspECtALawsmEEEEEmmswl_ DUCHARME ESTATES, BAYFIELD. 3 8eetlroom`Bungalow,'46.900; 8%% financing. Lots: •15,500. Terms: Interest Free WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. WORKSHOP - country highway location. 1 FLOOR HOME - 3 bedrooms, dining room, family room, close to school, BLYTH - Main St. Store, goodcondition. JOSEPH ST. - aluminum clad 4 bedroom,home, good con- dition. 3 ACRE, 4 BEDROOM HOME - m ern conveniences. '45,000,00. Winthrop area. RAISED BRICK & CEDAR BUNGALO family room, 2 car garage, pool. • 50 ACRES - modern barn 40 x 150, good house. Auburn area. 159 ACRES - no buildings, Varna area. 130 ACRES - 105 workable, brick house. Clinton area, RAISED RANCH STYLE HOUSE - open style kitchen. East. of Clinton. •' • MR -ST. --2-bedroona,.1. floor horrte!_cLo.se to.dovon.town... _ ONTARIO ST. - Brick 2 storey home, 4 bedroom, large garage. Will consider smaller home on trade. RATTENBURY ST. EAST -' Brick Duplex, 4 bedrooms in each, full basement' 38,000.00, . STEEL SHOP - highway location, Clinton, only' 16,900.00. VANASTRA - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, full basement '14,000.00. CLINTON -.Steel workshop, commercial zoned leased lot. 1/2 ACRE 3.bedrootsotOted home, attached garage, paved road. MAPLE ST. - Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, dining room, . '40,000 00. DUPLEX - good income, close to downtown, try your of- fer. COMMERCIAL : PROPERTY - highway location, 2 buildings. HIGHWAY 8 - 1 acre, 3 storey, 7 bedroom home, shed. NEAR BAYFIELD 68 ACRES of residential land, mostly bush. TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP - 100 acres, 83 workable„ brick house, barn. SOW. BARN - brick bungalow, 49 acres near Clinton. • HURON ST. - 2 storey, 3 bedroom house, dining room, family rosirm; large'lot•: ., • BLYTH AREA - 5 acres, 3 bedroom home. born, SPLIT LEVEL - brick and vinyl, 3 bedrooms, large garage, sundeck, large lot... MILL ST. - 4 bedroom home, recently decorated, pool, garage. • ALMA CORNERS - 1500 sq. ft. raised bungalow-, 3 bedrooms, dining room. , LONDESBORO - 4 residential building lots, HIGHWAY LOCAjO,1DIf acre building lot. JAMES ST. - Modern brick duplex, excellent condition. NEAR GODERICH - 17 acres, brick bungalow, young or- chard. 17 ACRES NEAR CLINTON - river frontage. EXECUTIVE STYLED HOME - 1 acre near Highway 8, steel shed. HIGHWAY 4 S - 180 acres, 150 workable, 100 sow farrow to finish barn, brick house. - ' OODERICH TWP. - 80 acres, 70 workable,. house and barn, PRINCESS ST. W. - 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, large lot. '30•,000.00. ZURICH - 2 storey brick house, 4 bedrooms. elegant in• terior. coach house is a garage. Coll Harold Workman FARMS, HOME A COMMERCIAL Clinton 519-481-3455' Coll Peter Domsrllo FARM REPRESENTATIVE - POULTRY SPECIALIST RR 5 Clinton 519-482-9849 _.L...1_11 _MLA_ 111 1 --Ren.LEstete Ltd. Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence:'523-9338 LONDESBORO: 4 bedroom, frame home on large well treed lot. Selling under power of sale at on- ly $20,000., low down pay- ment can be arranged. 20 ACRES: good frame home, hog finishing barn with liquid manure system, land mostly wooded, Mor- ris twp. 127 ACRES: 100 workable, Harriston loam, no buildings, 3 miles from Clinton. , 50 WORKABLE: 40.. workable, no buildings, near Clinton. BLYTH: executive class home, 2 storey, 4 bdrm., electric heat, field stone fireplace, many extras in- cluding •double lot with heated workshop. •AUBURN:. 11/2 'floor aluminum sided older type home, oil heat. Asking on- ly $20,000. to settle estate. CLINTON: Prinicess at -- 0/C ifIian Sty---forge---fr-ame-•' and brick, duplexed home, • 5' bdnms. in Main unit, 2 • fireplaces, many extras. 2 ACRES: 4 bdrm. home, like new throughout, in- . sulated born 32' x 64'„ Mor- ris Twp, 21/4 ACRES: T'/,. floor 4 bdrm. brick home, oil heat, nicely treed, 6th Line, Morris. 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., 6 acres irrigated apple or- chard, 43 acres workable. 69 -ACRES: near Clinton, 35 workable, .nearly new bungalow, insulated barn, recreation potential. '100 ACRES: 55 workable, E. Wawonosh, bldgs. for .600 hogs. Owner will con- sider mort. 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bdrm.• home, hog barn for •500 hogs, liquid clean- out, 3 mi. north of Auburn. F.C.C. mort. • 200 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawanosh, goo.d hard- wood bush, excellent ba-ildings, -• -fieldstone house, above overage barns. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame bungalow, 2 bdrm,, gds heat, REDUCED to 520,000. BLYTH: one acre .bdrm. modern 'many added fes ures, large 1 floor barn, ideal hobby farm in the village. 20 ACRES: Goderich Twp., .2100 sq. ft. ranch home, new insulated barn 40' x 160', many extras in- cluding inground pool and paved'drive, very scenic. 150 ACRES: 105 workable, drainage completed, log house, frame barn, 7th Con., Morris Twp. SMALL ACREAGE: E. Wawanosh, 2' storey .brick home on wooded property, 2 sheds, comb. furnace. BLYTH:. 1'/2 floor brick home, large lot, heated garage and workshop. RESTAURANT: Blyth, fully equipped, large apartment above. 100 ACRES: general farm, 13th of Hullett. HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland. 46 ACRES: 25 cropland, 9 hardwood bush, large dou- ble home, large born, drive shed with workshop, paved road, near Varna. BLYTH: large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St., can be duplexed. HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL: Hwy.'#8, 190' x 264', fully serviced, vendor will sell all or part. 'BRUCEFIELD: 3 bdrm. 11/2 floor frame home, P.A. oil heat, COMMERCIAL BLDG.: King St., Clinton. 5,000 sq, ft. includes two offices, on- ly $36,000., vendor will finance at favorable rate. 18. Houses for rent BLYTH • four bedroom house. oil heat $200 • a " month 482- 9210.---48tf REDUCED • For s or rent. house in Hensel w' h detached workshop. Phone Clinton Com- munity Credit Union Ltd.. 235- 0640. -8,9 WANTED TO RENT • two bedroom -self-contained- house- • t:.J3oyf.ieJd . Cl irate r3. arrc matt r.. Isar- - . _ , mature adults. na children ,Will _....... paY Up to"$400 per month f -or• suitable accommodation. Re- • quired by April 30 .or sooner. Phone 565.2838. ---8,9 FARM HOUSE with new oil and wood combination furnace, available early in March. 1st house south east of Vanastra on gravel road. .. Phone 482-9.1.28, Frank orrles Faiconey: -9 • WANTED Small 2.3 bedroom house, 'vicinity of Kin - burn Hullett Wildlife area for months of July, August and September. Reply to Jack E. Clark, Oro Station, Ontario L0L 2E0 or call collect 705-487-2522 between 12 noon and 1 p,m. or after 9 p.m. 9,10 FOUR BEDROOM brick home. Main St., Hensall. Phone' 262• 2422 after 6 p.m. 9x DUPLEX in Clinton near post of• fice. Fridge and stove supplied. Available April 1. 529.7949, 9- 17 CHRISLYN TOWNHOUSES 3 Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management • ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA R.R. 5 CLINTON 482-9084 COMFORTABLE, warm room, .$10 per night with bath'. Holiday Lodge, c/o Mrs.' Van ,Damme 482-3685.- 2tfar DUDDY RENTAL ' PROPERTY, BLYTH: Current income '305 per month; Insul , brick house on Main St. (Queen St.): being sold "as is", immediate sale' required. List price '20,000. ONE FLOOR H ME: 137 Fulton St.; s a 99 ft. lot family roo fireplace, large ished attic, price right at '29,500. BAYFIELD:' 3 'bedroom brick bungalow with walk -out -basement, magn'if'rce-n't views over the. • Bayfield . River, hilltop location. 1 acre lot. '59,500. VACANT POSSESSION: immediately available, 3 .edroorn home at No. ronto Blvd.; Vanastra. Large 1'/, storey with dormers, needs painting. List '19,000. Vendors anx- ious. Try '3,000 down and '163 -month. TWO BRICK HOMES - on one lot. One previously used as an apartment, now a hobby shop. Main residence has been fully restored (exterior and interior) with modern kitchen. Beautiful living and dining rooms, with refinished pine floors. 11/2 baths, laundry off kitchen. No. 63 / 65 Rat= tenbury. High' sixties. SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING - Huron Coun- ty Village. Full price '75,000, seven units, gross income '15,000/year. Subject to severance or may be purchased with modern bungalow for °127,000. MODERN APARTMENT BUILDING: Goderich. List price °216,000, current income approx. '36,000. Excellent building, fully rented. New first mor- tgage available with °32,500. down. SMALL ACREAGE: 3.6 acres with one floor modular home, large barn, attached drive sh- ed. Mld 50's. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR OFFICE JOHN DUDDY RUSS ARCHER 462-3766 482.3652 482.9428 or 3733 " Si