HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-6-12, Page 8•••••
ew Warm eat er
Bargains at
73e the yard for lovely new silk $
Mastitis for waists or dresses, Blue,
Pink or Blare. These are very swell
75e the yard foe Black lionuaton
•Grenadine. A new and up-to-date
style, very rich effects. See this line.
$1,25 tbe yard. for Meek Silk Grena-
dine, the finesb we have ever shown.
Very high class goods.
50c the yard. for fine pearl finished
cream Lustre. A. beauty. The correct
thing for oddwaists.
30c the yard for old Rose,Silk finished eashre. Th s is a very popular
hue and going fest.
33e, 50e, 73e, $1.00 for four very
,special liues iii plain Black Lustre.
°I'llese are all money savers.
30c for Ladies' Mercerised Silk Vests
wilh or without sleeves. Pink,
Blue, Tap an White. These are just
half value. You should see them.
20c, 23o, 33c, for La. iies' Union and
„Natural Wool Vest, sfunmer weight.
For health and comfort they are just
• 31.0.J and $L25 the pair for 2 great
big Lace °attain Bargains. If you
are after values in Lace Curtains, we
have them for you.
30c each for Men's fine Balbrigg
Shirts and Drawers, cool and good.
60e for IVIen's mercerised Silk Shirts
and Drawers, just half value, Ask
to see this speeial line, you'll like
85e each for Men's fine aredora Straw
Hats. Correa style and just the
thing for comfort.
3 for $L00. Men's ya,rn dyed Ox-
ford Shirts, Regular value 50e each
our bargain price 3 for 31.00.
$4.75 each for your choice of a, big
let of IVIen's Ready -Made Suits, all odd
clearing lines. Regular values $7.00
to NM. It we have your size -
00e each for Mens' up-to-date soft
crush Felt Hats. AU new shades.
50c. 73e and $1.00 for Men's soft and
latuedvied Colored Shirts. An immense
big range to pick frorn.
31.50 the pair for Men's King qtrality
Plow Boots. For comfort, quality
and value you can't beat them,
$3,00 and $3.50 the pair for Men s
Floe Dongola, or Box Calf Boots,
King quality. Full of comfort.
versomesm......magormom re...x.a•Ismeasmumma.
You can save money 011 Wall Papers, carpets and Linol-
eum'.. Our stock is large and well assorted.
for Marriage Licenses;
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clacks,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
ladvestisercients accepted up to noon
Wednesda.v of each week.
1 George Brooks picked ripe straw -
R. Pickarci was in London on busi-
ness, Monday.
Miss Say, of Exeter, visited. in St.
"Marys last week,
John Broderick, of Goclerich, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Mrs. W. :r. Hearaan is visiting
-friends in London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Yeo, of Ho Imes -
visited friends here last week. .; 4
Thos. Sanders, of • ViTalkerville, is
visiting his sister, Mrs, Geo. Jewell.
Miss May_Armstrongand Herman
ati spent Sunday n Centralia.
Mrs. Horn. of Liman, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. McIntosh, this week.
Frank Snell left on Monday for St.
Marys. where he has secured a situa-
John Elliott, Nelson, B, C., spent a
Ghort time this week with his mother,
Mrs. B. IT, Elliott.
Miss Gertie Hicks left on Saturday
for London and Niagara, where she
will visit friends.
Will Wilson, employed as clerk with
W. J. Reaman, hardware merchant,is
laid oft work with a sore thumb.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. McDonnel and
-children, of Hensall, spent a few days
of last week with Kr. McDonell's mo-
ther, Mrs. McDonell, William et.
Chiloren Cry for
berries from his garden on May 29th.
Farmers should use'English IStock
Food to their young calves and:pigs
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.2
WANTED.—A, smart boy or man to
arn the butter business. Apply at
nce to A. Q. BOBIER.
Mrs. Larsen and little daughter, of
Killarney, Man.. arrived •last week
and are visiting Mrs.:Larsen's sisters,
Mrs. J. N. Howard and Mrs. Wilson.
Mr. John Farmer, of the firm of
Farmer Bros, intends leaving for the
Northwest early in July, where he
with a number of others intend purch-
asing a ranch.
Mr, WIU Grigg, jr., of Woodstock,
spent Thursday and Friday in town.
He also visited Mr, John Dew of
Hurondale, who has been very ill for
some time,
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Martin and Miss
Thompson are in Dorchester this week
attending the maariage of their neice
Miss C. L. Crockett to Mr. W. L. Tal-
bot, of Talbot's Bazaar.
Mrs. Thompson, of London Town-
ship, accompanied by her daughter
Mrs, Thompson, ofMichigan, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Wm."Hawkshaw at the
Commercial over Sunday.
The next two weeks will be busy
ones in legal.. circles. The County
Court is being held this week, com-
mencing on Tuesday, and the Assizes
will be held on Monday, the 16th.
There will be special excursions to
Manitoba and the North West on
June 21 and. July 15, good to return in
two months. The rates for the return
tickets vary from $28 to $40 according
to destination.
The many friends of Mrs. Thos.
Barton are pleased. to see her around
as usual after 0. very long and serious
H. 4. Huston and T, H. McOallain
went to Sarnia on Saturday as a dele-
gation from the Maiu st, church to the
Lcnadon Qoaterence in session there,
,Do you suffer from tired, tender,
eking, sweating, Sore ,or swollen
feet ? If so, use toot ease, which will
give yon relief. Sold by 0, Lutz,
To TRADREas arm Catensnae%s.—
The High School Enteance Examina-
tions in West Hurou will be held on
25th 26th and 27th. of june as pre-
viously announced. This will prevent
any inconvenience to pupils from the
rural schools.
Messrs. John Taylor and Thomas
Brooks left on. Monday as delegates to
the O. a 0, F., which meets at Owen
Sound this week. Mr. Taylor will
spend a week or more in the district
of the Georgian Bay, where he will
visit friends in hopes of invigorating
his health. •
The Independent Order of Forresters
and Canadian Order Forresters will
unite ni attending divine worship in
the James St. Methodist church on,
Sunday, June 15th, The Rev. 0. W.
Brown, B. D.„ willofaciate. Members
of eith.er society are cordially invited
to attend,
Messrs. B. 5, O'Neil and,B, S. Lang,
left on Saturday last for an extended
trip to the Pacific Coast. They went
via Chicago and other western pole ts
to Denver aud San Francisco, and will
return. via Victoria and the Rocky
Mountains, visiting different places of
interest en -route. They will be absent
aboutsix weeks.
Curculios are plentiful just now, and
if left alone will greatly injure the
crop of plums. Rise early and jar the
curculios from the trees on white
sheets spread on the ground. If every
owner of plum trees would do this
fewer complaiets would be beard of
"stung" fruit, for the pests rutty fly
frotn one garden to another.
On Friday afternoon last the 'truer -
al of the baby daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. R. H. Murphy, of Exeter, took
place to Clinton cemetery. Rev. Mr.
Gonne was the officiating clergyman.
Quite a large number of friends at-
tended to show their sympathy for the
bereaved parents whose hearts are
sore bedltuse of their aftliction.—Olin-
ton New Era.
The Toronto Daily Star is very en-
terprizing. Its new Ontario edition is
one of the best things of the kind. ever
published by a Canadian paper. It
presents with all the typographical
neatness possible the resources, and.
development now going on, in what
has come to be called New ()uteri°.
Whatever the Toronto Star under-
takes it carries throogh in the very
best way.
The May crop bulletin of the On-
tario Department of Agriculture states
that the Hessian fly has done very
little damage this spring. The pros-
pect is very much better than was
hoped for six months ago, The spring
crops were got in earlier than usual,
Seeding in some cases had been com-
pleted by the first of May. The seed
bed. was in excellent condition, and
the catch has been one of the bIst for
years. As to clover the reports are
almost all enthusiastic.
At the recent medical examinations
of the University of Manitoba, held at
Winnipeg, Percy Toni, a graduate of
the Loudon Medical School, and son of
School Inspector Tom, of Goderich,
took first-class honors in medicine,
clinical medicine, gynaecology and
surgery. No other outside student
took as high a standing as Mr. Tom,
which speaks well for the London
College. Walter :`,S. McDonald, an-
other graduate of the London school,
has been granted an "ad eundem
gradum" authority to practice in
E HAVE JUST OPENED UP and passed into Is the place for Fashionable Sum-
mer Waists. Ladies will find the
selection very desirable, while
the garments themselves are ad-
mitted to be extremely comfort-
able. Call at once and get the
pick. These goods will go like
ice cream.
stock a lot of new up-to-date Wash Fabrics, which.
we purchased much below their regular values, and these
together with our previous stock gives us the most com-
plete assorttnent of thee goods we have ever shown.
moo yards of wide width [32 inches) Indigo Dyed Print, extra
heavy weight and perfectly fast colors. They come in
spots, stripes and floral designs, These goods are regularly
sold at 18c the yard, our special price , 1234
500 yards 36 inch wide Wrapper Prints. These come in floral
designs and are the ideal cloth for making wrappers. The
regular price would be 15c , ...... for roc
500 yards Dimities in black, white and colored at roc, /5c, 18c,
20c, 25c, 30c . • • a • • • • 3 5C. per ya.rd
500 yards Organdies in black, white and colored at ioc, I5c4 20e
and 25c per yard.
5000 yards Of the newest designs in all the newest kinds ofLaces and
Insertions, including Valencennes, Guipure, Chantilly, Darned
Net, Spanish, etc, etc, prices run rc, 2c, 3c, 5c, 8c, roc, 123/2'c,
15c, 25c per yd, up.
25 dozen Ladies' Vests, without Sleeves, vvith half sleeves and with
long sleeves, a lot of splendid values at 5c, 7c, roc, I2c, 15c,
20C, and 25c.
25 dozen Corsets just opened up, inCluding the latest Erect Form
Ideas, these are perfect fitters and will do your form justice,
see them at -36c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
200 yards of New Cha.rnbrays and Linens including all the new
shades, and ranging in price from 15c to 25c.
The face of your watch will serve as
Will Gandy, a former resident of a cmPass whenever the sun is shin -
hag. You hold the face fiat in your
Exeter, but now of Ridgetown, has hand, with thnhour mark then indi-
decided to move to Chatham about cated as the time of day pointed
July 1st. He goes there to take a directly at the sun, and a point half
partnershipin the legal firm of which
way between that hour mark and. XII
Mathew Wilson, K. C., is the head, will be opposite to due south in ' the
'A union meeting of the directors of sky. Suppose it is ten o'clock in the
the South Huron and Stephen and
ITsborne Agricultural Societies will be
held at Hensall at 1 o'clock on Satur-
day June 14th, to make arrangements
for the fall show to be held this year
Wilfrid, the fifteen month's child
of Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds, while
playing on Andrew street on
Monday was accidentally run over by
a. paesing rig. The parents are very
grateful to know that the child escap-
ed without any injury,
Just to Hand
New Dress Muslins
At 1234ic and 15c. a yard; Worth 20C and 25c,
Batists Muslins
In Black and White, Old Rose, Grey,Coronation Blue, Mauve
and Linen Shades. All with Fancy Patterns I2 c, were 200.
mem oczame.issossodessierneno
Rivoli Dimities
In Stripes a.nd Plain with fancy coloring in patterns, all having
APPLIQUE EFFECT, These are very stylish ancl cheap, only
15c per yard, worth 25c,
Fancy Beloro Cambrics
F,t5t Colors, Stylish Patterns, Satin Finish, up.to-dkte goods
at 20c and 25c per ya,rd, SEE OUR NEW CORStTS,
Greeeries a Specialty, Pest Office Block
morning, hold tbe watch so that the
mark X. points to,the sun, and the
mark XL, half way between X. and
XII., will be pointing south. Or. sup-
pose is is four o'clock in the afternoon,
hold the watch so 0'11; IV. points
straight at the sun, au.; the mark II.,
half way between IV. and XII., will
be pointing south..
story brick cottage on William street,
the property of the Fanson estate.
Apply to R.S22". L. PAXSON.
EYES TESTED—Mr. T. P. Smith, the
noted eye specialist, of Elora, will be
at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on
Friday and Saturday, June 20th and
21st. An early call will ensure you
his prompt attention.-- Don't forget
the date.
of Goderich, who has had over 17
years experience in renovating feath-
ers is now here, and will be here for a
feW weeks. Be sure and have your
feathers cleaned. Satisfaction guar-
anteed or no pay,
CaLx. EARLY.—Prof. T. P. Sinith,
Elora, announces to the people ot
Exeter and vicinity that he will be at
the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on
June 20th and 21st, Friday and Salm-
day. All who have any trouble
with their ocular optics will do well to
call and have their eyes tested. Eyes
tested free, Call early and avoid the
Ormotrts Ef.EcTion,--The following
members of Advance Council No, 207,
R. T. of T, were elected to office on
Mondaylevening: Select Councilor, T.
H. McCallune;Vice-Councillor. Mrs. D.
rollick; Recording Secretary, Annie
M. Vincent; Financial Secretary, Mar
Gill; Treasurer, Peter Frayne; Chap-
lain', Mrs, Brooks; Herald, Ltd. Dig -
man; Deputy, Herald, Ida B. Gillespie;
Guard, Thomas Collingwood; Sentinel,
Sohn IVIakins; Organist, Pearl Rollins;
Press Reporter, Mrs, Elliott, The
Templars are thinking of holding their
annual picnic in the near future and
VVOtild be pleased to bee as many mein-
bere at Odr next meeting as fincl it
convenient to be-eresent to discuss the
matter. ANNni Itec-Sec,
, kotatle
es• eeesessee•eseeaseseeesee 080000comeeseeseesseepoes3c
200 yards of New Liberty Silks in black and all the prevailing
shades, these are Pure Silk and very fine quality, and
• would sell regularly at 75c the yard, our price ...... ......6oc
200 yards 27 -inch French dye Taffetta, finest silks, in black and
all leading shades. These are a big snap, per yard.. ....soc.
Our assortment of Dinner and Chamber Sets is most complete. We
• 'axe showing beautiful goods for little money. See them.
eoessee• ocee•c000erbseeseoseseeesse
Just opened up some of the very _la.test New York
Novelties. We will be pleased to show them to you.
Drop into our Milliner), Department at any time, you
will be welcome.
Pay Highest Noes for Butter and
Eggs and ail kinds of Farm Produce
Our Exeter Store will close at 6.30 p. m., Wednesday
and Saturday nights excepted.
T e R. Pickard C
Direct Inriporters
WOMEN VOTED ELTGIBLE.—The To -land. seeds on other parts of the tree'
ronto Methodist Conference, by an and on neighboring trees, thus laying
overwhelming vote decided in favor of the foundation for another crop of
the admission of women to the church knot wherever these spores chance to
courts. A memorial favoring this was get a foothold. If the orchardist
sent on to the conference from the would carefully inspect his plum and
districts of Toronto West and Nipis- cherry trees early in the season, say
ing. When the report was brought about Sone, andremove any knot that
up an amendment was moved by Alex. that may be found, then repeat this
Mills that it be sent to the General inspection a couple of months later in
Conference as a memorial from the case that any might have been over
Toronto Conference. The adoption of looked at the first inspection, he will
the principle of women delegates to have very little trouble with black
conference was vigorously opposed by knotlb is impossible for the knot to
Rev. Dr. Dewart, Mr. Joseph Tait and reproduce itself if removed from the
other members. Mr. Tait said the tree when. the Minute plants compos
great majority of the women of the ing the knot are /et green, the spores
church did not want representation, not having matured. A hundred
and the few who did want to sit in plum or cherry trees can be kept free
conference, conference could well do from knot by devoting half an hour
without. On a show of hands, how- per annum in inspecting and removing
ever, Mr Mulls' amendment was adopt- the knot at the proper season but it
ed by a large majority. At the Ham- must be attended to during the early
iIton Methodist Oonference it was part of the summer.
recommended that women be permitt-
ed to occupy seats in all the courts of1'-AN OLD EXETER Bo—The
the Methodist Oburc13. ink clipping may be o'f interest to
• tion held here on Fridey afternoon last
to commemorate the treaty of peace
between the British and Boers of
South .Africa is indeed worthy of note.
The program which had been, arrang-
ed was successfully carried out and
reflects credit on the committee who
had charge of it, The procession,com-
sotne of our readers.:—Rev. C. T. Cur -
rally, M. A., ot Toronto, a well known
student and graduate of Victoria Uni-
versity, lett on May 2, for France on a
had in search of the Holy Grail. Mr.
quest as romantic:as led by Sir
Currelly, intends to spend two years
and a half in Europe, principally in
France and England, -studying the
t; • .eimr,a9,..au.9%,
4.11.1';.agsla t•FIV,SV
societies of =dittoes of life among the common
nosed the school children, peeplein order to satisfy his own
the village, council, etc., headed by thiest for sociological information, Pad
the band was an interesting feature. A incidentally to obtain material for his
good progeam was given on the school
Ph. D., thesis in connection with the
groundsconsisting of songs by the department ofpolitical science of Tor -
school children and. ad resses Y ' onto University. Mr. Currelly is of
Thos. Hartooll, Mr. W. 0. nuestou, stror4. physique ; his frame is harden,.
Rey. Mr. Ten Eyck, Dr. Rollins, Mr. ed by the rigors of pioneer Pensionary
work obtained in his two years' life as
travelling Methodist preacher in the
°enaction Northwest. Relying on his
splendid physical fittess, Mr. Ourrelly
Henry Eilber, M. P. P., and Rey. Mr,
Martin. The military drills by No. 2
company were much appreciated, as
was also the music by the band. An
exciting game of base ball was also
played. In the evening there was a
display of fireworks and a big bon -
Are on the recreation grounds.
Tim BLACK KNOT. —A "correspon-
dent of the Aylmer Sun gives his ex-
perience on the treatment of black
knot. He says :—"The treatment is
more a matter of prevention than of
cure, although a cure cannot easily be
effeeted when the tree has been affect-
ed too long a time. Black knot is a
filegus growth composed of almost in.
numerable minute plants. baring the
early part of the sunamer, when the
knot first shows itself, it is of greenish be able to prove himself a laborer
hue, and if removed when in this stege worthy of his hire in some other de -
no evil kesalts will follow, but if left pertment of manual toil. In the
until fall or winter the knot will have pauses of his labor between the Frehch
turned black in other words the min- and tbe English experiences, Mr. Cur.
ute plants composing the itclot will relly intends to spend six months In
have ripened and scattered their spores the dreamy abnieaphere of Oxford,
intends th become a laborer, and will
work for his living among the peasants
of 'Prance and artizarts of London,
Among other questions which he pro-
poses to investigate is the oft -repeated
query; "Why do the commod people
not go to church ?" Mr. Currelly will
study the question in France first of
ell, where the auti•church feeling ruts
high among the masses. Then he will
live among the submerged tenth in
London, vvnere only five per cent, of
the population attends church services.
Ourrelly is by trade a NVO0a-CarVer
but if this fails him, he is Bute be will
Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting
some of our handsome furnitnre, Do you wa.nt
A nice bedroom sett for
. . . . . .
Bed springs.
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles
and Trimmings.
We have several setts of BEA1JTIFUL CHAIRS, just in.
and if we have not got what you.
• Give Us A Call,
-want we will soon get it for you.
t • n
F rniture and Undertaking Rooms
'It is definitely. settled, says a report
from Ottawa, that there are to be no
camps for the rural infantry regiments
this year. Clamps of instruction fer
officers and non-commissioned officers
will, however, be held in September.
The cavalry and artillery camps will
take place as usual.
- • -
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years hymillions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
Pet iTirrrcelM gsliy?feaalbtile tilettstre?inSe2
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
syrup and ask for no other kiud.
Is needed if the
young man or wom-
an would succeed in
the business world
to -day. Such an education is received
• in this Most up-to-date and best equip-
ped college.
Forest Gitu Business Golleue
Y. M. 0.4. BUILDING,
To accept some Other Brand
of Flour when you asked for ExETER
STAR FLoc-E, if so, beware of such a
groces: There is no SUBSTITUTE
for Exeter Star Flour. Inferior brands
mean indigestable bread, which bring
on dyspepsia and. like trouble. Make
the grocer understand that you. want
Exeter Star Flour.
It contains the finest of'
Wheat. all the superfluous starch and
other detrimental elements are °limits -
Always ask for Exeter Star
Flour rod be sure you get it. For sale
by the leading grocers and at the mill.
Highest market price paid for wheat
and coarse grain.
fifiRVEY E3FR:08.
J W, WESTERVELT, Principal.
O A course of -training in the 0
0 -
gonableb young wee &lid wOmeti to se- 0
O cure employment at good Wav:s bn-
Modiatoiy on waving college, This is (13
0 the school that ijoys the teputatidh of 0
0 doing the best, Wei% in business educe,-
• tion. The graduates of the sehool ate 0
• le strong demand as teachers iii business 0
,g oeso.11eTghesirsiiiisOttunheatwooldttohreytjaledd roantr- 00
• friends. Write for catalogue,
3 W. s. nt,tiroviriTneipal
To Have
the Best Coods
is what the business man owes him-
It is this business policy of oars
which induces us to claim to be
often tho cheapest and con.
seqnently 0.1 ways the -hest.
We haye in stock everything in th
Otatiorery Line—newest in Not
Cot-Ili/3101.e Line of
english" and Gern3a.it Decorated -
French China
Linsoge and Japanese Ware.
• TIONS. •
B XE'rElF;$
You will find here at ai
times the greatest bargains
furniture. The lowest prin
and best efforts to please.
Undertaking a Specialty
R N RolAr