HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-22, Page 11Rosemary Armstrong was presented with a cheque for $200 from Mel Hohner, manager
of the Goderich Zehrs store this week. Mrs. Armstrong has been collecting grocery tapes
and for each $1,000 worth of groceries, Zehrs have donated $3.0. The money was given to
the Huron Day Care Centre where Mrs. Armstrong is the co-ordinator. (Wendy
Somerville photo)
Tuckersrnith. woman dies
A lifelong area resident and member of
the 'Bayfield United Church, Mary B.
Layton, died. in Stratford General Hospital
on Feb. 15. She was 90 years old.
The daughter of Edward and Helen
Walters, she was born in Tuckersmith
Township on Apri1.26,1893.
She was married to the late Walter Layton
and • the couple made their home in
Tuckersmith Township and Bayfield.
Mrs. Layton is survivedby four children,
. Mrs. lsordon (Verna) Hildebrand of
aforthaEdwarsl_of._.Clintern_Glen of RR 3,
Clinton and • Keith of RR 5, Clinton. Also
surviving are eight grandchildren and nine.
great grandchildren: i
She is also survived by one sister Mrs.
Jack (Sadie) Horton of Dodds Land,
Saskatchewan and two brothers. Bert of
Tuckersmith ` Township and Edward .of
White Fox, Saskatchewan.
Funeral services were held at the Beattie
Funeral Home in Clinton. ori Feb. 18. Rev:
Paul Murray from the Bayfield. United
• Church officiated. Interment followed in
Baird's Cemetery in Stanley Township.
One of Clinton's oldest Dutch immigrants,
Johanna Greydanus, died in St. Joseph's
Hospital in Chatham on Feb. 14.
The 81 -year-old former Clintonian, came
to Canada from the Netherlands and lived in
Baden, Ridgetown, Dresden, Chatham and
Clinton. She and her late husband, Geart
Greydanus, farmed for a living.
Mrs. Greydanus was born. in Garyp, the
l‘letherlandsa on April 22, 1902 to John and
Wietske 'Pebesma. She was married in
Heerlen, Holland on May 9, 1923.
She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Dirk (Wilma) Welinga of London and four
sons, John of London, Gerald of Chatham;
Cornelius of Wyoming and Ben of Sarnia.
Fourteen grandchildren and , eight great
grandchildren survive.
Mrs. Greydanusis also survived by three
sisters, Diwwke Bouwma, Frieda Van Der
Dest and Joyce Catterson and two brothers,
Wiebe and Melte.
Funeral services were held .at Mrs.
Joanne Yo
teacher at Exe
District High Sch
Feb. 14, befar a
concerned cit'
fi&> , i , WEPNE$PAY, FEBEUAI Y 2.2.! POI, PAGE It
iscriticized �r ctD- -tPst and commended
nuclear activist and
ts. South Huron and
1, appeared in Clinton on
11 group of curious and
Women Today, a sell help and advocTcy
group for Huron women, sponsored Yo g's
speaking engagement and Toby Rainey, the
group's co-ordinator, introduced the guest
"While Women Today does not
necessarily advocate civil disobedience, we
do recognize the historic role it has played in
the women's movement," she said. "you or
I maynot support some of the things Joanne
says or does, but if we are to remain free, we
must fight to the death for her right o say
At the age of 28, Ms. Young was; left a
widow with four children to raise. Today, it
has been proven that her husband died due
to radiation contamination_Sincethen, the
activist has devoted all her available time to
protesting the possibilittyy-of nuclear war
BeforeYoung— p3ket-othe small audience; .
the controversial film If You Love This
Planet was viewed.
If You Love This Planet was one of two
films labelled by the United States Justice
Department on Feb. 23, 1983, as political
propaganda. The Department said that if
anyone wished to view the films they were
required to sign a list " and then wait for
viewing arrangements to be made.
While the Clinton audience sat quietly in
the Ontario Street United Church's
auditorium, the harsh reality of nuclear war
exploded across a small screen.
The film contained clips of old Ronald
Reagan war movies, U.S. propaganda news
reels taken during WW II, color footage of
Hiroshima victims and portions of a speech
by an anti-nuclear supporter on the causes
and affects of a nuclear explosion.
"This is not a war, this is extermination,
said the movie's spokeswoman. "Exter-
mination is what you do to a cockroach."
As she talked of never being able to see or
since she was first arrested three years ago
in New York. She has been arrested and
jailed four times since for her part in peace
demonstrations. Because of her In-
volvement in an anti-nuclear protest at
Griffis Air Force Base in Borne, N.Y., she
spent 20 days in Onondaga County Jail in
Syracuse, N,Y. last July.
In September of last year she was issued a
warrant for her arrest after she failed to
return to the U.S. to stand trial, but she will
not be pursued outside the U.S.
She was arrested once again on Nov. 18,
1983 and charged with trespassing because
of her involvement in the disarmament
talk as a result of such an explosion, _ demonstrations at Litton Industries in
gruesome shots of burned and deformed Toronto. They manufacture cruise missile
Hiroshima victims effectively flashed components.
across the screen. The speakers monotone After ending a 13 -day hunger strike behind
voice and horrifying facts were so effective bars, Young was released after her trial in
that she had her young audience shocked Toronto, late last year. Ontario Provincial
with descriptive accounts of false alarms Court Judge, Milton Gadsby has since
and lack of governmentsyrnpathy, delayed judgement on her- trial until early
._.The . _ Was. apeaket-Aad�Mare11.. This.. is after.. a .Supreme Court. *APs,
_politicians...accused -her- .of . benng . -too- on the- validity of the... federal_.. cabinet's
emotitm�a li�out the possibifi�y`of a unclear decision to allow cruise testing in Canada.
holocaust. "It is appropriate to be "It could have a bearing on the case,"
passionate about our survival," she said. Judge Gadsby said.
After the movie, Joanne Young spoke of Last Dec. Young was suspended without
her time in jail and her beliefs in the pay by the ; Huron County Board of
elimination of nuclear warfare. Education for taking time off without
"Sooner or later there has to be a permission to attend the Litton demon -
showdown," commentedthe activist. stration. The Huron Board of Educatibn has
Young has been involved in showdowns wa iied- that she could be fired if her in -
Local businessprovidesnoon meal
Huronview residents enjoyed an hour of
old time music on Feb. 13, when Wilson Mc-
Cartney and his group of musicians enter-
tained. The men played several old
favorites and the rhythm kept inany a toe
On Valentine's Day, about 120 residents
and staff sat down to a noon meal of fried
chicken, salads and cherry cheesecake.
Thanks to the people from Dixie Lee in Clin-
ton, for coming to Huronview and catering
in their usual fine style. Thanks to Huron -
view's own staff for assisting and to the girls
in the kitchen, forproviding the dessert.
Seaforth Women's Institute with Ruth
Papple chairlady, convened the February
birthday party, • held .in the auditorium on
Feb. 15. -Marion Gordon introduced the pro-
gram. Sarah Elliott presided at the piano,
and accompanied Sam Scott who sang, a
Winona Pipe gave a reading and The
'Huron Strings Orchestra played a medley of
old time tunes. The Huron Strings are War-
ren Whitmore, Wilson McCartney, • Lorne
Lawson and Stanley Hillen., Mrs. Elliott ac-
companied at the piano. Sam Scott led in a
singsong and Mrs. Pipe gave another
reading. Happy Birthday was sung to
everyone, and Rachel Riehl thanked all
those present.
Mrs. Luther conducted- mid -week Bible
Study which was held in the chapel on
There was a good attendance at the
Anglican Communion service, with Rev.
Gordon Simmons m charge.
Rev. Bruce Eaton from St. John's United
Church, Stratford was guest speaker at Sun •
day -morning worship. Mr. Eaton, a mis-
sionary, along with his wife ifir family,
spent a few years in countries abroad, par-
ticularly in India. . -.
He gavean inspiring in-depth study of cur-
rent . conditions there, the struggle and
poverty level, amongst these unfortunate
people. Mr. Eaton related some of his ex-
periences, one of his jobs well -digging and
• supplying fresh water to the people. He said
that he• and his wife are going to Africa this
summer, but prior to that, they are going to
France_ for six months, tolearn the French
Greydanus church, the Clinton Christian ' •
Reformed Church, on Feb. 11, with Rev.
Ra-tpi-i Tfioops officiating. itl rmenil"olIowed 4-11.
in the Clinton Cemetery.
" MRS. GLARY§ HENRY Clinton 11, 4-11 • ('.
Mrs. Gladys Henry of Huronview, for-
merly of Goderich and London, , died in
Huronview on Thursday, February 16 at the
age of80. •
She was born in Goderich Township on
August 22, 1903 to Oswald and Elizabeth
(Gledhill) Ginn.
The late Mrs. Henry worked as a bank
teller for many years and then worked as a
receptionist at Shute Clinic for several years
before retiring.
She was predeceased by her husband, A.S.
Henry; two sisters, Hilda .and Mrs. F.T.
(Norma) Vallance; and one brother, George
C. Ginn.
She is survived by several nieces and
A funeral service was held at McCallum
Funeral Home in Goderich on Saturday,
February 18 at 2 p.m. The Reverend James
Bechtel of Wesley Willis United Church in
Clinton officiated.
Interment, was in Woodland Cemetery,
London: •
CLINTON - The first meeting of Clinton II
.4-11 Club was held Feb. 8 at Mrs. Saunder-
cock's home. There were 11 girls present.
Mrs. Saundercock welcomed everyone,
then she and Mrs. Walker introduced the
work manuals "Quilting."
An election of officers was held. Elected
were Lori Jewitt -president; Suzanne
Walker -vice president; Heather
Brownridge-secretary; members will take
turns being press reporter.
The girls made '"templates" for their
quilting project.
The second meeting was held Feb. 15 at
Mrs. Walker's.
There were 11 girls present and two new
girls joined. Mrs. Saundercock and Mrs.
Walker were happy . 'to see everyone.
Members started to sew and make designs
using embroidery hoops.
Sigma Phis
Kinettes' take a trip clown memory give -.flowers
lane during valentine meeting
CLINTON - "A Journey Down Memory
Lane" was the theme of the Kinette meeting
at Martha Craig's.
Being Valentine's Day, everyone wore
some sort of apparel from their wedding day
and brought along their wedding album.
Honorary Kinette Ben Riley said the Kinette
grace. During dinner, everyone reminisced
about their wedding day and shared a
memory of a funny dent.
' Linda Bosman -t gan the meeting with the
Kinette song. President Cheryl Hohner
announced the. Kinette Broomball Team
won the ladies division in the service club
tournament. The "Spring Convention" will
be May 18-21 in Windsor. The Kinette Zone
Conference will be in Dungannon on April
The Clinton Kinsmen and Kinettes have
scheduled. March 23 for the Clinton K-ette
Phone 524-2544
Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings
along with helpful community information,
Charter Night. The K-ettes are a social club
and an auxiliary of the Kinsmen Club. There
will be 29 K-ettes installed that evening. The
new executive will be President - Roxanne
Brown, Vice President - Marg Fleming,
Secretary - Rhea Jones, Treasurer - Lorine
. The Kinettes have decided to organize the
Queen of the Fair contest for the Fair Board
this spring.
Linda Bosman reported she has all the
information now for the baby sitting course
and will be ready to start this course near
the end of April.
The March general meeting will belheld'a
Mary Ann Chambers' with guest speake
John Jury of the Canadian Red Cross. Su
Vodden will hold the next executiv
The mercy of God encircles all.
mankind; not a single soul Is depriv-
ed of the mercy of God; and no soul
is denied the resplendent bestowals
of God. The whole human race Is
submerged in the sea of mercy of the
Lo'rd and we are all the sheep of the
one divine shepherd.
For more Information,
Contact Box 1230
CLINTON - On Feb. 14 the` Exemplar
Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the home
of Ann Adams. •
A letter wasread regarding the future
uses of, the town hall. Two representatives
will attnd the public meeting which is being
held Feb. 28 at the Arena at 8 p.m., to
discuss this issue.
'Marguerite Falconer received word from
the Cancer Society that the daffodils will be
arriving March 28 and that the Daffodil Tea
will be held April 6 at St. Joseph's Church.
The stork will be arriving this summer for
one of our members as the traditional box of
chocolates were once again sampled.
Following the regular meeting the Ritual
Chapter joined in for a Valentine social.
Contests were won by Diane Stevenson and
Ann Reid.•Ellen Colson read an invitation to
join the Ritual Chapter for their 200th
meeting on March 20.
The next meeting will be held at Rita Van
Clinton Area
Goderich Area
Inc'•next meeting will be held at Mrs.
Saundercock's on February 22. at. 6:30 pm.
Press.reporter Alana Colquhoun.
Clinton I, 4-11
The first regular meeting of the Clinton I
4-11 Club was held Feb. 13 at the home of
Carol Peel. Seven, members attended the
first meeting. ' . .
The election of officers was held and Joy.
Taylor is President, Shelley Hutchings is
Vice President, and each member will take
turns doing the Secretary and Press
Reports. Carol handed out the books and.
members talked about quilting and its
For the next meeting, members are to col-
lect together material, equipment, and
decide on a design of the first quilting sam-
After the meeting was over, the girls had
a Valentine Day cake. by: Donna Haugh.
language. Mrs. Eaton was to have been the
soloist, but due to illness, she was unable to
attend. -
Huronview welcomes new residents Mrs.
Elsie Thompson of Seaforth, Mrs. Enid Hall
of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nediger
of Clinton.
To the family of the late Gladys Henry,
sincere sympathy is expressed.
00 0(
On the Main Street
of Dublin
420 Main Street South
EXETER 235-296,6
OPEN: Tuesday to Friday 9 am -5 pm
D. Denomme Bus. 524-2337
Memorial Counsellor. Ras. 524-6621 I
volvement in the peace movement continues
to conflict with her duties as a Grade 10
mathematics teacher at South Huron and
District High School in Exeter.
During Young's discussion, one member
of the Huron County Board of Education
criticized her for "costing the board more
(m time) than any other issue we have ever
School Board trustee, Frank Falconer gf
Clinton, also objected to Young's presence
because of her prison record, explaining
that he felt she was setting a poor example
for her students.
Young said, "Sometimes little crimes
must be committed in order to try to avert a
much larger crime against humanity."
While she spoke, Young was interrupted
several times by sustained applause from
the audience. During the question period,
many agreed with Jarle Fisher of Bayfield,
who told Young that he "was reminded, in
her example to the- youth -of - uron-Count-y,
of other ,great xeachersuf-hu anity,.such.as_,
....Christ and Ghandi.".
•Tn a�rece`nt u►terview with The Zurich
Advance, Young said, "Some people are
angry with me for protesting. I think that is
because these people don't want to face the
issue that there is a possibility of a nuclear
holocaust. I don't think it is healthyfor a
society to hide its head in the sand like
March 2, '84 at 2 p.m.
Speaker Mrs. Vivian Grant
Nursery will be provided
Fellowship Bible Chapel
162 Maple Street
Sunday, February 26
9:45 Worship it Remembrance
11 a.m. Sunday School and Family Bible Hour
7:30 p.m. Tuesday - Prayer& Devotion
7 p.m. Thurs. Awano Clubs
Christian Reformed
Christian Reformed Church
243 Princess St. E., Clinton
Rev. John Derkson, Kitchener
10 a.m. Worship Service
3 p.m. Worship Service
All Visitors Welcome
Watch "Faith 20" at 9:30 a.m. on Global T.V.
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Gordon Simmons, B.A.. M. Div. .
Services 10 a.m.
1st & 3rd Sundays • Holy Communion
2nd & 4th Sundays • Morning Prayer
Sunday School & Nursery Everyone Welcome
Calvary Pentecostal Church
166 Victoria St. Clinton
Pastor Wayne Lester
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship
10 0.m. Sunday School
1 1 :1 5 a. m. Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
Wesley -Willis United Church
11 a.m. Service at Wesley•Willis
9:45 a.m. Service at Holme`sville
Ontario Street United Church
Rev. R. Norman Pick Louise McGregor
1? a.'m • Public Worship
11 a.m. • Church School