HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-6-12, Page 4ixit EXETER Ti:IYEES
The Molsons Bank iimprik
ttP Capital $2.600,000
eservor met. - $2,050,00
'Head, °Moe. ereatreal,
Money ailvauteel to it goose fermere on their
We note with oue or more endorser et 7 Per
centeper annum -
Exeter Emmet
P very belie day from 10 a, nu to 3p. ur
Seerelltne.Ye, 10 a, m. to 1 p.
urrentrates a interest allewed, on deposits.
OICK8ON•fe aJu.,Thres, X. D. RuRnoN,
. soraerrous. rstizeleee
Exeter, Dec, 27tle.'95.
.alendar for June, 1902
CIO POW 8 ot Interest to
lantItAI.0 MANASS13,
at -
WElelenenern, „
SnorznAlle - • . •
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 2880
8 /0 17 21
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 25
TH‘FIRSDAY, JUNE 12Tet, 1.902
klis Honor Judge Edward Elliott
Saturday forenoon after hearing argu-
ments of counsel in regard to the
Westminster ballots, Which bad a
number placed imon them by the de-
puty returning officers, decided to ad-
mit them as good, ancl.declared Dr.
Routledge elected by n:ajority of 2/
-a reduction of 13 from that given by
the returning officer. A protest will
be entered against his return.
An examination of the recorded ma-
jorities in last week's contest shows
that Mr. Whiteey beat the Ross Gov-
ernment by 7,833 votes, The total of
the majorities cast for the various
candidates was 35,601. As distribated
among the elected members, those
who represented the policy ot Mr.
Whitney scored 21,467. Those who
supported Mr. Ross were awarded
14,134. This places Mr. Whitney
7.333 In the lead.. „
It ma.y seem strange that a Govern-
neent can. poll 7,333 fewer votes than
the other side, and 'yet have an equal
number of members in the Legislature
and possibly a little' majority. This
result is produced by the .peculiar dis-
tribution of seats which the Ross GAV-
ernxiient, directed by the machine, ar•
ranges in its own behalf. Where
there is a vote adverse to the Goyern-
ment the representation is small.
Where there is a vote favorable to the
• Government the repreeentation is
• large. There is no accident about the
situatior. Constituencies are mapped
out for especial purpose ot preventing
the assertion of the popular will in:the
Leglslature. We have a lairly good
sample of the dark work at which Mr.
Ross is an adept in the circumstance
that Toronto, because it is ag-ainst the
machine. has one member for each
50;000 inhabitants, while new Ontario
constituencies are given a member
each for 14,000 people, the presump-
tion being that New Coterie) can be
easily handled.
The average majority polled in last
week's election was 350 per meneher.
.12 ths basis of iepresentation were
honest its popular majority of 14,134
would give the maehine 88 members
and Mr. Whitney's popular majority
of 21,467 would give him 60, In other
words, Mr. Whitzten and the people
are entitled to a maJority of 22 in the
legislature. But without going into
any calculation, and bearing in mind
the simple fact that Mr. Whitney has
a popular majority over the machine
of 7,333, It is cleer that Mr- Whitney,
although not <tit:fatly occupying the
position ,ef Pr eire ler, is the first. citizen
of Ontario aed .the choice of the
people to -day. The people haye pro-
nounced against Mr. Ross most em-
phatically. They have called upon
• Mr. Whitne introduce reforms
• and to give us er egressive legislation.
For the amine, t they are thwarted
solely by the gel rymander. which is a.
species of eupplement to the ballot -box
stuffing scheme. We shall have bye -
elections, aeri it is to be hoped tha.t in
the coustiiin-tite-s in which these con-
tests are held eu.ong declaration will
be made regeiest the Ministers who
are now mint ing the authority which
the eleet4 by an immense reafority
have t t este. ed to other and better
men. The eenple ought to declare
against mmority rule.
0 h reil Cry for
C T RiAs
.11[111.61MOU........anirlIAITO.TMRIN1010.10491121111.m. *Se•Mr..
"I have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and gm greatly,:
pleased with it. It ceitairily re-
stores the original color fie graze
hair. If eeps miehair soft.'-Mrse4
Helen EilkennyyNewPortland;Meg:
Ayer's RairVigor ha
been restoring color t
griy hair for fifty years,„
and it never fails to do,
this work, either.
You can rely upon
for • stopping . your hair.
from falling, for keepffig
your scalp clean, and for -
making your hair grow,.
$1,00 4 bottle,. All druggists.
u druggist cannot stipple you,
gend us tote donut and we will etpr
you bottle. Po sure ant th9yanto
or /our nearast exess prm.o.
C. re4,011,1ss,
.7., ltnit CO., Lowe/4=0
11168 ea,a ors Happening
• la these Gountics
Seatorth Turf Olub hold their horse
races ou Tuesday and Wednesday,
June 17th and 18tb,
Station -master Straiton states that
the new station building to be mooted
in Goderich by the Grand Trunk will
• be cornineraced about the first of next
month. '
GOOD getelaer IS IMPossIBIele without
regular action of the bowels, Milburue Laxa.
Liver Pais regelete the bowels, (lures canaille
tion, de speeset, biliousness. sick headache
Price 25 cents All druggists •
and all affections of ihe organ of digestion.
By the town assumieg the laying,
of Chas, ti. Fietche:.
of the walks in Olinton, the rate-
payers are only called upon to pay
10e per square foot, which is seyeral
cents lower than that paid when out-
siders had the contract.
There is no one article in the line of
naeclicines that gives so large a return
for the money as a good porous
Strengthening plaster, such as Carter's
Smart Weed and Belladona Back-
ache plasters. Perth
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sherritt, of Ful -
The directors of the Ashfield and lartoreft on Tuesday for a two
• Wawattosb Branch Agricultural So- 'months' trip to the Northwest.
ditty are already actively engaged in , The wedding of Miss Rachel A.
preparations for the annual fall show Elliott, one of Kirkton'e most Popular
to be held at, Dangannon on. Thursday young ladies and Mr. W. L. Loss, of
and Friday, October Oth and 10112• •Fullerton, took plate on Wednesday
BURDOCK moOn MT -ORS is a purely eyening June 41)3.
yegetabie combinatioe, that in a sere and
naturalinanner sots directly upon the Bowels Have no equal as a prompt and posi-
There I
no escaping the gerMS of consump-
tion; kill them with health. 1-lealth
is your only means of killing them..
Scott's tlitilsio±i of cod-liver oil
Will give you that health, if any.
thing will.
scrit, OR race ISMAPIA AND TRY tr.
041CoTT @OWN 0. 011tP.AlaTia, TORONTO*
40C. and $Loo; 1.1 draggists.
Among the gaests from outside
places were: -Mrs. R. Jones, of Hen-
s/Ill ,, Mr. and Mrs. N. Jarrott, of
Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Mason were the
recipients of many handsome
Genoice castor/a always bears the Signature
When Baby was sicte we gave her Casteria.
When She was a Chi11, she cried for Castoric,
when she berate Miss, she eludE," to CastorFl.
AYlienshe bad Children,she gayettexac esti:6a.
Liver, Kidneys and Blood, cleansing the entire tive cure for sick headache, bilious -
system of all impudues foul humors and all Dees, constipation, pain in the side,
obstructions that poison the blood and ()reale
-disease. , and. a ll I* Iv
er troubles, Carter's Little
On Monday evening a number of the Liver Pills. Try them.
friends and well withers of Miss Josie ' Stephen Douglas, of Mitchell, father'
Foster, of Varna, met at her home to of Vera Douglas, the noted American'
say good-bye, before her departure beauty, who died in Paris a year or
for Drumbo, where she has taken a two ago, the other day received a
position with R. McCool. dry goods cheque for $10,000 aq being a part of
merchant. A. very enjoyable evening her estate.
was spent, in instrumental and vocal The Revs. Whiting, of Mitchell, and
music.. Irvine, of Listowel,Thaye been trans -
The prettiest wedding of the Season ferred from the London Conference
took place in Trinity church,Belgrave, to the Toronto Conference. The for-
me Wednesday, May 91st, whee In the In er goes to St. Paul's church, Toronto,
preseuce of 175 invited guests.; Miss the better to Brampton. •
Mary A, Nethery, fourth daughter of Hugh biorthgraves, of St. Marys,
JaseNethery, was united in the holy whilst shingling a new barn at Salem's
bonds of matrimony to Roby, Owens, near Kirkton, fell off the roof. lie
a prosperous young farmer, near Bel- came violently to the ground, break -
grave. They will live on the 6th con., ing both arms. His friends bope that
East Wawanosh, amidst the well be will recover safely from Ins very
wishes of their many friends. serious accident. '
On the afternoon of Wednescay There died on Satnrday, Allay 31st,
June 4th, an interesting event •end:. at the residence of Frank Yousge St.
place at the home of Mr. and Mks. Marys, Sarah Blanshard, widow of the
Charles Ritchie, Morris, when their late James Kennedy, in her 741:11 year.
second daughter, Elizabeth, wee mit. The deceased leaves two daughters,
ed in the bonds of matrimony to ere, Mr,. 0. Richardson and Mrs, F. Young,
William hi. Gillespie, ee Ripley, son ee and one SOD, James Kennedy, to
Ur. William Gillespie, of Seaforth, mourn her loss. ,
After a delightful repast was served Mr. George MacBrien, nephew of
the happy young couple took the Mr. Johuston Stewart, Blanshard,
evening teeth for their beam in Rip- dted at the General Hospital, London,
ley, followed try the good wishes of on Sunday, of brain fever, aged, 85
their wetly friends. years.. The deceased man only arriv-
We regret the death of Mr. James ed from Ireland a couple of weeks ago
Lennon, which oectured in Seaforth, and has been living -with a relative in
on Wednesday last. Abont three Usborne township, where he was
months ago Mr. Lennon fell on the taken ill,
side walk and fractured his arm Mr. Robert Robertson, of Blanshard,
and be bad scarcely recovered from has been mentally unbalanced. The
that injury when he was attaeked by
cancer of the liver, from which he
suffered severely and which proved
fatal, as above stated. Mr. Lennon
was 04 years of age. He was a natrre
of the towaship of McKillop, and was in l Ile death* of his wife has eaused
born en the fee holoeeteeet tee" en him 10 lose his reasou.
the Huron roeci, a mile and n half There died at Staff* on Friday, May
east of Seafortb, and which was set- ;g0; eine Thaws Brook. She had
tied and cleared by his father. been a great sufferer for some time
unfortunate man will likely he re-
moved te the London asylum shortly.
Mr. Robertson's wife died last year
leaving a family of five • small
children. It is believed his great loss
Although not always aware of it yet
thousands die by slow degrees of ea-
tarrh. It first attacks the nose or
throat, then the lungs and finally
spreads all throngh tbe system. OH-
tarrhozone is the only remedy that
will immed lately prevent/ he spread
af this awful iihsease. Every breath
from the inhaler kills thousands Ig
germs, elea es the throat and nose, aids
expectoration and relieves the pain
across the eves. Catarrhozane erradi-
catee every vestige of catarrh feorn
the system, and is bfghly recommend -
past, hat wits aiwaye bright and cheer -
WI. SLIP wee in Ler bbay-sixt h year
and bacree behind to tuouen their loss
a hush:aid, one son, William, in Da-
kota, two daughters. Mrs. B. Allen, of
Sunshine,hud Annie, at home.
Rev. G. W. Henderson will preach
his last sermon as pastor of the Meth-
odist church in St- Marys on June 15 -
the Flo-wer Sunday a the Sabbath
School. On Wednesday, June 18th,
he and his family will leave for bis
new charge, Cambridge st. church,
Lindsay. The Rev. Mr. Manning will
preach his first sermon as pastar on
June Mad.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
ness and Lang Trouble. Price
ed also for 13rorteleitis, Asthma, Deaf- The
last of George MeBrien, to
$1.00 ;
trial size 25 cts, all druggists, Polson
& Co., Kingst on, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Billiousness.
John emersey, the man killed on the
0. P. R., at Oalgere, yeasa native of
Biddulph, where his father resides.
Must not beconfounded with com-
mon cathartic or piregative pills. Car-
ter's Little Liver Pile, are entirely un-
like them in every, respect. One trial
will prove their superiority.
Donald McMillan left his home in
Middlesex County in October, 1871, to
go to Wiseonsin, and was last heard
of the following year in Nebraska,
Remaly an uncle, Neil McMillan, of
'Vaughan Township, York County,
died, leaving $790, to the absentee. A
motion has been made at Osgoode
Hall by dolm Kyle, on behalf of Don-
ald's wife, for an order declaring the
Missing man dead, •
British Troop Oil Liniment is wrchout excep-
tion the most effective remedy for Cuts
Wounds., Ulcers- Open, Borba, RhauitatiSitt,
131tbs,Stinua of Insects, etc, A large bottle,
25 centrt. Get oue at ybar druggists
OX1 Wednesday evening, May 28th, a
happy event occurred at "Fauteletv.”
the hone of A -.A. Garrett, Bidcluipla
then:White whet lais only enttee, Olivia,
WAS united in marriage to Waite/
Needham. After the ceretractey,which
Was performed by the Rev. Mr, Gem ge
of Grantee, the guests, numbering
about fifty, repaired to the brilliantly
lighted dieing room, Where a suraptu-
ous repast, awaited them. The re-
mainder a the evening Was pleasant-
ly spent in games and musk,
A pleasant event occurred on Wed-
nesday lest al the reeidence of Mrs.
T. G. Gerry, of Weetzeinster, when
Mrs. 0 erry's youngest daughter,
Mabel V. Gray Was united in Marringe r
to Mr, Will A, Mason, Of tontine.
1,St eesisted by 31 iaq May
Meet le f Toron$o, and Mr. nnt pet
tea ,of Lnadou ',zees gtootresettem
St. Marys cemetery. Services were
conducted by Rev. A. Grant. Mr. Me -
Brien was on his way from St. Marys
to Elienville, where he once worked
and where he had relatives and friends.
Being taken suddenly ill, he went to
Victoria Hospital, London. The dis-
ease developed into brain fever, from
which he died on June 2n4. He was
35 years old at death.
What might have been a very seri-
ous accident happened, to W. J. Payn-
ter, on Friday afternoon of last week,
when he was crossing Fish creek
bridge Blansha,rd, with his traction
engine and townalupgradtng machine,
A beam broke and the engine com-
menced to go down, but Mr. Paynter
had the presence of mind to reverse
his engine and got it off the bridge
with only'slight damages to either en-
gine or grader.
Dr. William P. Cavan. Toronto's
wellknown practitit 'tier, was 19 Sio-
You can make our bar.
nese its soft as a Move
and as teUgh AS WIro by
using EttarlKA, tear.
novo Oil, Yon ont
iengtben lie lifo--thatralt
last twice as 10115 MI it
t,„ tea a OCIorldokl 9: har-
ness like oew. Xcula of
pore. ise.wy bodied ell,
11013I:illy prepared to wk.
Oland the Weathet,
• gOld everywhero
0005-1313 silat,
td. ltj lantat tit OMIT.
therwell for 0 few days lately suPerin' " $E4:31*T r'0E." IQ)U'*CZ
tending the building operations neer
in process of tionstenction on Ilia fame
property there, The doctor. purposes
making that his summer home* and
hopes to have it ready for occupation
by the 1411 of June, Mrs, W. P.
Oavan accompanied her infsband on
their trip, While in Motherwell they
were the guests of their relatives. Mr,
and Mee, leseph Mclotyre.
.A, sad drowning aosident occurred
in Brantford about 4.30 Sunday- after-
noon. As a result Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Stnale mourn the loss of their 15 -year
old son, Mervin. Mr, Swale is a fore-
man at the Verity Plow Werke. Mer -
yin went to the Methodist Sunday
School in the afternoon as was his
custom. After the service lie strolled
out velth some companions and was
finally induced to go in swinuniog.
He was not a capable swimmer, but
the water was shallow and he was
assured that there was no danger. At
the place where the boys went in the
river is perhaps 50 yards iu width, and
is not very deep. The average depth
is about five feet, hut there are treach-
erous holes and a slight undercurrent
as well. The boys had been in the
water but a short time when young
Sznale disappeared without any cry of
alarm. Ris 'companions hurried to
the spot bat could find no • trace of
him. Aid was quickly summoned and
the body recovered after it had hedn
in the water soine 25 minutes. Work
of respiration was commenced and
Was unceasingly continued for four
hours, but all of no avail. The deceas-
was a, son • of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Smale who went from Exeter to
Brantford when the Verity Plow
Works removed to that place. The
deceased was a bright young lad. He
was wellknown and had many friends,
To the bereaved parents the sincere
sympathy of the community will be
extended. •
London Methodist Conference,
The following is the result of the
final draft and some of the changes
Exeter District -Exeter, Dr, Han-
nan, R. Milyard Eliinville, Wm H.
Cooper, oue to be sent ; Ifensall, E.
Medd ; .Kipper, F. Mellott ; Lucan,
John A. Ayearet ; Parkhill, W, r Rigs-
- Stratford aistrict - St. Marr,
Thomas Manning; ,Mitchell, Charles
W. Brown, George Smit• h John Ren-
ner, superannuated ; Listowel, Joseph.
ittr. BalfonY Deniee That nitehenet<tirtr,
ititheeentents to Surrender.
London, June JCL -Lord Kitchener.
in a despatch. frone Pretoria, wider
yesterday's date, eneounced the sur-
render, on Saturday and Sunday of
2,500 rifles, of 'which 448 were haricl-
ed in by Cape Colony rebels. The
remainder were principally from Gen-
eral Deevet's men. Tbo British come
Mender added that the cheers given
by the Boors for lt'ing Edward were
The setegestion that Lord Kitchen-
er, with the connivenect of the home
• Goveenixient, entered into a secret
compect with the 11oers to induce
them to surrender, was denied by the
Government leader, A. 3. Balfour, in
the Hoes° of Commonyesterday.
Mr. Balfour declared that, so fax as
the Clovernmeet were aware, no
pledges and no assure/ices were giv-
en by Lord Kitchener, which had not
bee a published.
The ,Colonial ,Secretary, Toseplx
Chamberlain, answering a questiOn
regarding the agitation for the sus-
pension of the constitution of Cape
Colony, said he had received e peti-
tion from 42 members of the Parlia-
ment of Cape Cblony in favor if its
suspension, and had awaited the ob-
servation-aof •the Cape Minister on
the subject. Aa act of the Imperial
Government, he added, was required
before the constitution coulcl be sus-
Doer Against 11031'.
Bloemfontein, Orange • Bever Col-
ony, jun° 9.-A strong contrast to
the good. feeling betweee Doer and
Britou is the bitterness existing be-
tween the burghers who are surrend-
ering under •the peace •terms and
those Boers who surrendered during.
the campaign.• 'When the Doer load-
ers came to Bloemfontein, previous
to the conclusion of peace, they curt-
ly refused to shake hands with those
who had previously surrendered. The
general belief is that relations be-
tween these two classes of Boers will
be einbitterecl for a long time,
13,cctrtc n ore. (4)lotc
Ottawa, June 10.---Teooper Hamen
of this city, in a, letter to his par -
gets. states that, after the shooting
of Corporal Meshy arid Private Day,
pawl the capture of their four com-
rades, the Boers stripped the dead;
and nailed Lansley s distinguished
service Medal and South African rib-
bon to the hero's neked. breast.
H. Oliver ; Milverton, Rebel% C..1)t.1X C.A StrA L
Bereby ; Trowbridge, ROA. Phillips;
ace, eonard Bartlett, Lebanon;
Atwood. W. Penhall Monicton, H. E,
Currie; Staffer John Henderson ; Ful-
lerton, John A. Ferguson, (Reornond
S. Baker) ; Haemony,George 1.1. John-
nson ; Mehra, Sylvester L. Toll; Well -
burn, Humphrey A. Grabeen; Kin tore,
Rufus L. Wilson.
Whigham district - Kincardine,
Jos. Philip, B. D. ; Findlay M. Smith,
Superannuated. Brussels, T. Wesley
Cosens, Richard Paul, superannuated;
Ethel, Charles P. 'Wells, Benjamin
Sherlock, Toronto, Superannuated ;
Ethel, Solomon V. R. Pentland, Pine
River ; Bervie, Wm, R. Vance, (John
Alexander Agnew) ; Tiverton, E. W.
Edwards; Whitecherch, Chris. Keine.
Godericla district Blyth. John
Holmes, Wm. IJs, St. Catharines;
supernumerary; Auburn Thoma' B
Couplancl; Londesboro, John Ken-
tnedy ; Tuckersmith, to he supplied
tteder superintendent of Seaforth ;
,Varna, R. A, Milian
Rey. J. W. Hohnes, who was on the
first draft down for Main se, chureh,
Exeter, was stationed at Port Stanley;
Rev. W. G. Howson to London, and
Rev. J. R. Grind v returns to Strath-
The chairman and financial secretary
of each district were elected, and are
as follows :-
Stratford -E. N. Baker, M. .A..,13. D.
C..W. Bi own. B. A., B. D.
Goderich-Dr. Daniel, Dr. Gifford.
Exeter -Dr, Hannon, R. Milyard,
• Rev. A. L. Russell, of Highgate, a.
former pastor of Jatnes st. church.was
elected president for the corning year.
A cordial invitation having been ex-
tended from the citizens of Wingham
to have the next conference session
held. in that town, it was very unani-
mously accepted, and the firsb meeting
will be called for June 1st, at 2.30 p.
in., 1903.
I have used Strong's Pile Remedy in
my practice and would cheerfully re-
commend it to the general public as
one of the best remedies for piles on
the market ; knowing Its composition
makes xne more inclined to recom-
mend it as a first-class remedy for
piI s. JOHN R, FLoorc, M. D., acting
physician, London jail.
Price $LOD. For sale by drugaists,
or by mail on receiptof priee.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing .
Chemist. London, Ontario.
TAKEN:11AR 21795
Chet has shown hie ability to sire ex-
treme speed. There is no standard
fired horse that, lives that is Taren
um's Superior in breeding. There is
no bet ter hotied horse with size, style
end substance. Be is a natural horn
trotter and ran go fast. Teeeutum
has produced out, .ot less then ton
cotts in his owe vicinity, two that has
shown trialn lees than 2.10. He has
proctored out cif common mares, colts
that cart show withtint sleeved train-
ing their ability to go better* than 2.40.
P'uOri siring high stepping nctiinn for
road arid cerriage purpostes, 'rarer, -
rem IS the ideet Mos of Canada,
11t ite fax lestartiml4s es to his siring
ere lit ies and tabulated podigres. Will
st end at his own table, Egnionclville,
Priday end Snterday, Ruseekt Ale,
eoratie ; Woodhato, Tuesday noon 1
8' , Mares. Illesday night ; Mitchell,
I s=Yednesrlay night.
A, CLIO RtaswortTg,
Ho'rv the Story is raw in Cablegrams to
the, G 0 V1•11/ or -General.
Ottawa, June 10. -The Casualty
Department sent the following cables
to the Governor-General yesterday:
Cape Town, - June G. -The following
deaths are reported June 3: At sea,
on board. Cestrian, 8rd Canadian
Mounted Rifles, 132, John Wood
more, eateric fever; June 5, at El-
andsfontein, 2nd Regiment C.M.R.,
Stanley Benefield, enteric fever.
"Woodmore's death is the second re-
ported on the Cestrian, Pte. :Higgins
having b'een reported the day the
ship reached Cape Town.
Cape Town, June 8. -Dangerously
June 7, Elandsfontein, 2nd C.M.
. 728, Clement Guest, Roseland ;
205, William Bell, Hamilton; 602
Harry Hyde, Charlottetown; all en-
opwn, J une 9. -Death from
enteric fever, June 8, Kleresdorp,
Canadien Army Medical Staff, at-
tached 10th Canadian Field Hospit-
al, 66, Nelson Price; dangerously
June 8, Charles MoVicar, London ;
Richard Ployer, Quebec; both 2314 C.
af.R., and both enteric fever. Nelson
Price, reported dead, does not appear
on the nominal volt, but the name,
George Orlie Price of St. John, N.
B. appears as connected with the
Medical Hoepital Corps.
Takes a Half Holiday and Celebrates
Restoration of Peace.
Niagara -on -the -Lake, June 10. -
Tee owl historic town of Niagara
gave a fitting peace celebration yes-
terday. The afternoon was observ-
ed as a half holfeay, and a procea-
slot]. was formed of the echool child-
ren, 'numbering about e50, erereen,
volunteers and There Council, headed
by the town band, which pataded the
streets and proceeded to the town
park, where patriotic songs were
sung, after which a program of sports
was held, consisting Of bicycle races,
running races and a , baseball game
between the Parks of St. Catharines
and a *mixt froM 'Pert Niagara, • N.
y., was won by the latter by
a score of 12 to 7. In the evening
another paretic tom: place and pro-
ceeded to the park, where Speeches re-
garding the South African war were
'made by H. A. Lancaster, M.P., Ma-
jor James Iliscott, ex-M.D.P., and
Mr. W. W. Wright. At the close of
the speeches, the crowd, numbering
about • 4,000, marched to the com--
mon; where it huge bonfire and fire-
works were held, after which a hand
concert was held 11 the paelr, which
Meted fax about an hoer, and the
crowd dispersed at about
well satisfied.
eciteheeters "rothrr in America.
San Francisco, , Jun '10.--LAinong
the passengers team the Orient an -
riving Sunday was Col. Kitchener,
brother of Lord'leitchener,
ehe .; r 41:ir ctr
1 Tor on t 0, Juni' 1 6. ---Th e Argonaut
Rowing t,ight, who will com-
pete at. the licilicx Royal Regatta,
will lealle Tut (311.0 018 afternoon for
/cow York, ),y11 n, o Alley will sail , 011
race for` the l'iatoorul Sculls, will al -
o lettVe by the , stgr e 'Viet. The
ight, eke' as ,f011ovS : Wright; stroke;
faceenzlee No. et: inlggan, No.
tason, o. lIt.ither, No, ei;
No. (3;, Parmenter, No. 7' Hardittee
bow; Dastedo, con; Poherty,, spare;
Strange. .sriare.
Children :cry tor
hat is
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
• harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pa,regorie, Drops
and *Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
• ness. Castoria cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving
• healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's.
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Castoria, Castoria.
"Castoria is an excellent xnediaine fa. "Castoria Is so well adapted to childieru
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre..
ofits got,d effect upon their children.': scription known to Ine.,,
Da..G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Nrass. IL A. ARCE1311., M. JD. .27rookiya, .Ar.
London, Huron and Brucc.
Gomm NORTH- Passenger.
London. depart_ . ... 8.15 A, M. AAP m.
Centralia, ...... . . „.. 9,1 5 50
Exeter 9 3C 6.0
Hensall...... 9.41 6,15
Kippen 9.59 6.25'
Brucefield 9.68 6.33
Clinton , 10.16 655
Wingham, arrive.. „11.10 8.00
GOING 60ra-- Passenger
Wingba.m, depart . 6,E3 la. 3.251'. 1).
(Mote -it .... 7.47 4.25
Kropen 8 05 .
8.15 4.67
Hensel]. .22 5 02
Exeter. 8.35 5.10
gen ralia 8.46 5.25
London. arrfve.., 9,37 6.12
SPAtherland Innes LIMITED.
Apply tr•
E. 0. Kessel,
Exeter, JUNI?, 11an, 1901.
Wheat rer bustle! .
Barley....... „
Peas... . . ...
Butter. -
Turkeys ...
Chickens per lb
Dried Apples.
Pork live weight •
•• :3 •
to 78
.. .41 10 43
—52 to 55
. 70 to 75
..15 to 15
13 to 13
• 3 to 8
• 6106
5 to 5
7 to 7
. 16 to 16
- 6 to 6
85.65 to 85.65
We are giving excellent sa—
tisfaction in flour since re --
modelling our mill g,
Dry Soft Wood Weated.
OriStifindfl Glioppim
Donc Proffintln.
Exeler Peqi fge_ encr
Buy or Sell a Farm,,
Buy or Sell Town
Borrow or LencV.
Collections Made,
Your Life Instired,
Go to the Old Cuon-
try, by the Allan,
OM.ce over H. Spackman's Hardware--
• Exeter.
-ten• Cash paid for Raw Furs.
I wish to announce to my friends in this vicinity that
I am again handling FARM MACHINERY.
-neentree -
•al 114,
_ weet
•• • • '4
Agee t fo be well 'kittee
Ideal Binders ideal Mowers, Decrina Rake, Etc.
These Machines are eecond to none it Canaan, and if you need a 131nder,
Mower to' Rake, call and tx,nine (310Pe MaChillea) for yourself. They
are Strong Arai are -noted for their tesy Running,
The nk leg Iiijr ertetemere end friends for past favors, I agait solicit
your pe it on age,
Oppos?e1,1. ni"g's 'TN* ETT, EXETER.
PS. -Also agent foe rte. Centrelitie Airrnotor Whidil1, Putnps.&e.
41t. pc,