HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-6-12, Page 1ETRON 4t.71/1.11)MESEX -GAZETYK(.
JUNE- 12, 1902
1 Screen
I and
Now is the time to order your Door and
Window Screens for your home, and be
ready for the Flies. We have Wire Web.
'C:14 Barb Wire, Spring Coil Wire, T.
t Poultry' Nettin.g. *
+ + +++
• G. S. Sutherland, Notary Publio, Cenveyan.
+ cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and
1 Issurer of 1VIarriage Licenses. Legal documents
• carefully drawn at reasonable ratees.inlItIezsr
oors3:tor,,,,Tthrillosetseite"111=Atte"- '
t Baanns.-Arnong the new cemenb
T, walks to be laid in the -neer future, we
4; learn of one across the block south of
d t T. J. Berry's sale and exchange stables
0 W S 4 while no doubb the walkon Welling-
+ ton stet past the railway station
+ will be extended on from Coxworth's
hotel to D. TJrquhart's mill, as this is
the second most important street in
the village, and is badly in need of a
walk, the present plank being dene
and unsafe after dank.- Messes. Shep-
herd and Willis continue to make
large shipments of bogs from this
station. -M. Ellward is having his lim-
ber shop very nicely papered and
painted. It has also been very =eh
enlarged and some handsome furnish-
ings and furniture added, Now Mr.
Ellwood will have one of the neatest
and best equipped shops in the county.
-Trade is very good in the village for
this season of the year.- The friends
of Mr. John Weismiller, merchant,
will regret to learn that he has been
Quite ill during the past week.- The
ladies' meeting of the Farmer's Insti-
tute was held in Millar's opera hall,
on Saturday afternoon last. The at-
wasbut a very interesting meeting
held and a good progra,m carried
out The chair was vety ably filled
by Mrs. Wm. MeCloy.-- Win. Cald-
well, of Hay township, returned here
on Tuesday, from Sarnia, _where he
has been attending the Methodist
conference as a representative from
Hensel!. He was accompanied by Mr.
John Fitzgerald, of Chiselhurst.---Mr.
and Mrs, Thos, Lindsay, of near Clin-
ton, were in the village on Friday
morning of last week, on their way to
London. They were accompanied on
their way to London by Mrs. Murray,
Mrs. Lindsay's mother, who remains
in London to snend a couple of weeks
with her son, James Murray and fam-
ily. -The Rev. G. Jewitt, of this -vil-
lage has been appointed to the charge
at Warclesyille. The Rev. gentleman
durtng the three years he has been
here proved himself a faithful minister
and excellent pastor in eyery sense of
the term and. the congreigation has
prospered under him and made ad-
vancement, not only in spiritnal mat-
ters but also in temporal and financial.
The remaining debt on the church and
parsonage of between $400 and $500
having been completely wiped out
during his pastorate, leaving the fine
church property here clear of any en-
cumbrance. Dee Rev. gentleman and
family, enjoyed the respect and esteem
of all classes in our village and sur-
rounding country and will be much
missed from our village. We under-
stand his successor will be Dr. Medd,
recently of Sarnia, who comes to us
very highly spoken of and esteemed
by those who know him. --Mrs. (Dr.)
Ferguson very pleasantly entertained
a number of friends on Friday even-
ipg last. -Rev. Oliver Coleman con-
ducted service with much acceptance
in the Methodist church on Sabbath
morning and evening last -Charles
Wilson, who recently left , here for
Pigeon, Mich., was in the village the
first pant of the week. -A number of
the members of the C. O. O. F. of the
village drove to Lacer,. on Sabbath
last to attend divine anniversary ser-
vices there. --Miss Blanche Petty was
in Kippen this week visiting relatives.
-John Macarthur, accompanied by
Mrs. Macarthur, left here this week
for Owen Souni, to attend the High
Court of Grand Lodge of the Oanadiau ;
Order of Foresters, as representative
of Court Ivy Green Lodge, Hensall--
Considerable grain is being brought
into market and meets with ready de-
mand and good prices. -Mrs. Hannon,
of St. 'Thomas, is here this week visit-
ing her husband, who is in the eimploy
of W, J. Millar, as harness maker,-
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. McDonnel, were in
Exeter, last week, visiting Mr. Mc-
Donnel's relatives, -Mrs. Haywood,
of London, is here visiting her hus-
band, who is engaged as inspector of
the cement walk tlaet is being laid
down. .
Hensall ing a few weeks with friends in Da- Mrs, Ross will reside at their home
kota. Alex. Park is looking after
131.10,11=0,31.Snameamarams...grawar-M .. .,T
I Portland & Thoralcl Cements, I
-+ +
4: Lawn Mowers and G-arden Shears. +
'4; ' 4.•
. 4. tendance was not as large as they de -
:4'. + sired
.1,T awkins Se Son i
• .*,
We Have
Ladies' shoes in laced and
buttoned, regular price $2.00
and $2.50, to be cleared out
at $1.25 per pair.
Men's patent leather shoes
at $3.00 and $3.40. ,
Ladies' patent leather shoes
.at $2.50.
Boys patent leather shoes
at $2.50.
Call and inspect Our Stook.
Highest price for eggs.
Rg He Sweat
5 per cent. off for cash.
Weareare showing a large stock of
and are prepared to give you an up -to -
elate Suit, Overcoat, or pair trousers at
prices away down.
A CArela soLlcuriso.
W. W. Taman.
One door north of Dr. Lutz's Drug
St, Joseph.
BRIEFS.- Mr. Labeau and, several
'others met with an accident recently
while engaged in tearing down an old
barn in the "city". The roof collapsed
while the men were at work inside
and it is a, great wonder some were
not killed. Mr. Labeatt receiyed some
bad bruises and will be laid up for
eome time.
pretty wedding took -place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Brooks,
of North Boundary, Biddulph, on
Say 28th, when his daughter, Addle,
was united in marriage to Fred Del -
bridge, of Irsborae. The knot was
tied in the presence of it large number
of friends _of the conteacting parties,
while the bride was assisted by her
Sister'and. the groom by his brother.
Theyreceived, niany beautiful and use-
ful presents, testifying to the esteena
in which they are held,
ALLAII-XIRR.-A very pretty May
wedding tome place on Wednesday
evening, May 28at the residence of
William Kirk, Woodham, when his
eldest daughter, LauraA„ was mat.-
ried to Richard. Allah, of can 10, Than -
sherd The eeremony was performed
by the Rev, John Hart in the pres-
ence of some sixty guests. Th.e bride
was given away by her father. After
the weddingtt. sumptuous supper was
served in the dining room. Mr, and
Nits, Allen will reside et their home
on con, 1.0! Illariehard, and will lia,ve
the best wishes of a, host of friends.
OteRlr A COLD IN Oelel DAV
Take textitiva Menai Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the thence if it tailO to euro
111, waarove'seigeature a on eaeh box. Ze.
KYLE -Timm -A very interesting
and happy event took place on Wed-
nesday, June llth, at 6 13. m., at the
residence of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hern,
when their daughter, Miss Louisa,
was united in marriage to Herman
Kyle, a prosperous young farmer of
this district. The 3eremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Waddell.. of Elim-
ville in the presence of a number of
invited guests, After the usual con-
gratulations to the happy couple all
adjourned, to the dining room, where a
sumptuous repast was partaken of.
The many gifts received showed the
popularity of the bride and -groom,
Mr, and Mrs. Hem will take np their
Tesidence, on the Kyle homestead
BEIEFS.-The corner stone of the
new Presbyterian church, was laid
Friday afternoon in the presence of a
congregation of several hundred peo-
ple. who came from all parts of the
district. The ceremony was per-
formed by Mrs. F. W. Gilmour, wife
of the pastor of the church, through
whose efforts, chiefly, the new edifice
is being erected: Besides the corner
stone'two other: stones were laid -
One by the Independent Order of
Oddfellows, the other by the Canada.
an order of Foresters. Each of these
societies showed their interest in the
undertakiag by contributing $100 to-
ward the building fund. After the
laying of the stones an address was
delivered by Rev. James Grant, of St.
Marys, Tea was served on the lawn,
and in the evening an entertainment
was held for which the use of the
Methodist church was kindly eniven.
The new church is of stone and brick,
and it will have accommodation for
about 250 persons.
BRIEFS. -Rev. M. I/ McLennan, on
Tuesday, was at Manchester assisting
at the induction of Rev. Sinall.-Mr.
French and Miss Upshall. of Port El-
gin, are, visiting at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Upshall, of the vil-
lage, and with other friends. -John
Thonason, a student of Trinity Medi-
cal College, Toronto. and who lately
passed with all honors his final ex-
aminalion, and is now a full fledged
M. D., is spending it well earned
holidays at his home here. We have
not heard as yet where Mr. Thomson
purposes tacking up his shingle. -Mr.
Isaac Jerrott went on the excursion
for a trip to Manitoba and the North-
west on Tuesday. All wish him a
pleasant outing. -Miss French, of Sea -
forth, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
Upshall, last week. -Wm. Oudmore is
shipping from our station many tons
of bailed hay. Mr. Cudraore never
feels right artless he is up to his eye in
business,-Farnaers who have large
stocks of wheat on hand are now
bringiag the grain in freely to our
grain market.
Bnitenee-john Brown was taken
suddenly ill on Monday morning with
appendicitis. - The annual public
school picnic will be held at Grata
Bend. on the 18th. inst. Games will be
held as usual ha the afternoon. A
good time ie expected. De not, miss
it. -J. Finkbeiner, of ilsborne, visited
his brother, O. Finkbeiner, on Sunday.
-On Sunday Messrs J. K. Goetz and
F, Baker, a,ncl"Miels J. Rail were ap-
pointed as delegates to the Sunday
School convention of the Evangelical
Association to be held at Stratford
this week.--Quartely services were
held at the Evangelical church on Se-
turday and Sanday, Rev. S. R. Kneels -
tel, of )3erlia, presiding. -A. Wambold
and bride, of Berlin, are spending a
few days with the forater's uncle, J,
A Warnbold.-0a Wednesday of last
week Feed (liana. and Miss Melinda
Smith were united innwedlock by Rey.
Mr. tifert, in the presence of a few
friends of the contracting parties.
The young couple will settle down in
the house recently vacated by .T.
Jacobs. Their many felends 'wish
them a long and happy married life.
near Mt. Pleasant and Will have the
things in his absenee.-Rev. Mr, Oran, good wishes of a host of friends.
stole left Monday for his parent's home
in Oalecloa East and to attend the
rniseria,ge of Ws brother. -There will
be DO services in the church here Sun-
day, owing to the anniversaeas services
being beid, at Roys church, Fallarton.
Shama ba e seeured the services
of a blacksmith, •Ma Stewart, of
Woodhans, and the shop is now open-
ed again.
Large stook of Lumber -eine andthemlook,
170,000 feet et hemlock lumber for barns etc.,
also shingles, laths and cedar posts, noes
reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard :East Side a
IVIain st
BRIEFS, -The election IS nor' a thing
of the pest and everybody settled
down to work again. -Thos. Smale,
the banner sheep shearer of the vicin-
ity, is au his job again and certainly
makes the wool flee -Thorn Smale is
ahle to lay away his crutches and
move around by the use of a cane, -B.
Spicer has bought a beantiful new
bicycle for the use of his daughters. -
Fred Miners returned. to Collingwood
on Friday last after a. two weeks visit
at home. -Quite a number froas the
village attended the demonstration at
Exeter on Friday last and _report a
good. time. --Mr. Ortwein, of Henson,
occupied the pulpit on Sunday evening
and preached a very impressive and
practical sermon to a large congrega-
tion, -The Ladies' Aid Society met at
the residence of Mrs. Harry Brown,
Winchelsea, Wednesday. -- Statute
labor is in full blast and the good
roads are being spoiled again for at
least a month.
BRIEiB.-No protest -clean election
on both sides. -Chas. and Mrs. Zwick-
er spent spent Sunday with friends in
London. -Wm. Lewis, sr., left on
Monday last for an extended visit
with his son Will in South River. He
took his fishing rod along. The rest
will do him god. -H. Eilber, M. P. P.
and Jacob Heist started. for Muskoka
on Tuesday, where they will ^spend a
week fishing.--Elsi Heywood, Exeter,
preached to the Methodist congrega-
tion last Sunday evening, the pastor
being absent at conference. Services
are being held in the town hall for a
few Sundays as the church is being
painted, Rev. Knowles will preach
both morning and evening on. Sunday
next. --Mr. and Mrs. Dyer spent a
couple of days this week with their
old friends Mr. and. Mrs. Hooper of
Hay. -Domestic help seems to be very
scarce in this locality. Easier to get a
wife than a hired girl:- Quarterly
meeting service win be held in the Ev-
angelical church on Sunday next. --
Ames Clark has built a fine new cem-
ent silo this week. It will be very
useful. -Keep of the sidewalk boys
when riding your wheels. You might
be fined. The public MUSt, be protected
from this "wheel" nuisance. -J, G.
Young has set out a fine cedar hedge
on east side of his lawn. It improves
the appearance of his lawn very nitieh.
Grand Bend
BRIEFS. -Messrs. J. and G. Roun-
tree and families, of, London, are oc-
cupying their summer cottage again
and intend remaining here most of
the sal -Innen -Mrs. Head and family,
iof Parkhill, are occupying one of Mr.
Watson's cottages for a few weeks. --
Mr. Levitt has :almost all his cottages
rerieed for the coining season and is
thinking of building more he also in-
tends building a large dining hall.
He has also greatly improved the ap-
pearance of his park, and all picnicers
seem highly pleased. with the atten-
tion they have received.- Last Sun-
day the Sunday school in conneation
with the Presbyterian church here,
and. at Corbett, held their annual pic-
nic here. -Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mol -
lard, of Balmoral, Man., are here
visiting their brother, it is 28 years
since they left here for the West. -
Mrs. Robt. Pollock is on the sick list
but we hope soon to hear of her re-
covery. -Miss LaTouzel, of Goderich,
was the gnest of, Mrs, A. Mollard, Fri-
day and Saturday of last week.- Mr.
Will Patterson had the misfortune to
lose a valuable cow. -Mr. Tarte, Min-
ister of Pablic Works, is expected
here in a few days to see about the
nelvisibility of building a harbor here.
-Mr. John Staler, has opened up a
barber shop here for the summer
season. Messrs. Y. Carrie and W.
Naftali of Goderich, were the guests
of Mr. L. 'Williams, our school tea-
BRIEFs.-It is our painful duty to
record this week the death of John
Coursey, aged 28 years He was kill-
ed. in a. railway accident at Calgary,
Man. He taught school for several
years in school section No 2, Bide
dulph. and. won the esteem of all who
knew him, and many will hear with
regret of his untimely death. -George
Lintoll, of this place, left last Monday
on the excursion train for Manitoba.
He intends to locate there if the clim-
ate suits hirn.-S. B. Bryant. of Bid-
dalph, intends to take a trip to New
Ontario in a few days, in company
with several others who are anxious
to locate land in that; section.
BRIERS.- The Trustees of Shipka
school took advantage of the dry
weather of last, week and hauled a
large amount, of earth into the school
yard. -A 'surveyor from Strathroy
was in this vicinity running lies last
week. -While playing at school last
Week I3azell Mitchell got his collar
bone broken, by one of the larger
beys running against hine.-Mrs, J.
O'Connor, who is visiting her claugh•
ter, Mrs. J. Mitchell, while going
down the steps of the bouee, fell, dis-
locating her shoulder and breaking
her Brophey improved the
appearance of his plate by putting up
a piece of .011wood wire fence. -S. Me -
Isaac is home on it visit,
Beinen--eillex. McKenna left Th urs -
day last for it few days stay in Toren.
to.- Mr, Silas Thompson and his
brother Fred raid sister, Lulu, spent It
day around the yillage lasb week, -
Mr. and Mr, Malcolm Park are spead-
Eames,- Master Mamie- Robinson,
of Ciarlingsferd, spent Sunday with
Masten Frankie Moore. -Will Dawson
spent Sunday in the village.- Will
Hatiewoodepent Sunday at his home
here. -J. E. Elliott; spent Sunday in
St. Marys.„ -Quite it number attended
the picnic at Bethel, on Monday of
last week, .Edwiis Olark spent. Sun-
day the gueet of N. T. Fletchen-Kr.
end: Mrs. Robinson. of alealingford,
spent Sunday with Ma:and Mrs. John
Itryans left on: Mon-
day for Stratford, where he will spend
a week J. T. Oaten% loft on Tuesday
of last week for Alheetas where: be
will voila a month visiting friends. --
One of Mr. John leloare's'eows drank
largo quantity ef paint last.: week,
Which Mr. Joenes Teets had 1111ked: for
painting hiS house. She is fie it IniSer-
able eondition itt present: - A very
preitY Sate wedding teak place on
Wednesday eveolpg, Jane atta at the
residenee of Mr. John Elliott when
their daughter, Rachel was married
to William L. Ross, of Fallarton.
T'he ceeemony Was perfoemed by the
Rev, Seiburn Anderson, itt the pre-
sence of same fifty guests, the bride
was given away by Tier faeher. After
the wedding it sumptuous repitet Wen
eerVed in the dining rem. Mr. and
4111,41 ,
13=Fs.---Mrs. Clark, of Toronto, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. James
McGee, at preeeut.-Mesers, Reid and
Shannon, have a gang of men on at
the church rushing the brick work
along. -Jas. McGee had. the misfor-
itne to lose a valuable horse on Mon. -
day lastinflammation was the cause --
Messrs. Harry Warasley and Chris.
Howard, of Ternath, ?ire laPnac 011 a
visit at present. - Messrs, M, Ross,
John Toms, Louie and Sohn McLeod
are home from Sarnia having their
fishing boat remodelled, and will re-
turn again this week. --The Smith and
Dr. Stanbury attended the Medical
neocia ion nee mg held • nToronto
lest week.- John McGee and Thos.
Stinson delivered two fine horses to
Mr. Chas. Wallis, Olinton, on Mon-
day last. --Picnics are again the order
of the clay in town. All lovers of
boating and a day at the lake are seen
flocking in daily. - Several of our
young people intend taking, in the ex-
cursion to Detroit, on the I8th of
this montla-John McLeod, of Algo-
ma, is home on a visit at present. -
The Misses Martin spent Sunday visit-
ing friends on the London Road, near
Brucefield.-Henry Brandon and wife
of Belgrave, spent Friday and Satur-
day of last eveek visiting friends in
town. Messrs. Harry Turner and
Chas. Dupee left by, boat from. Goder- '
ich for New Ontario, on Wednesday
last, to make their fortime. Success,
boys.- Miss Thompson, of Brucefield,
is the guest of Miss Falconers, at
present.- Miss McIntyre, of Strath-
roy, has arrived for the summer, and
will boarci at the residence of Mrs.
Parsons.- John Tippet has built a
new wire fence around his property
which adds greatly to its looks. - Mr.
Bridges, of Belgrave, is visiting Wm.
Brandon, this week.- Miss Ray Mc-
Gee leaves for Toronto this week to
resume her position as dressmaker in
T. Eatoa's big store,- Sans Churchill,
of the Sarnia and Cleveland saw mill,
at Sarnia, is in town this week 'look-
ing after the logs on the beech. -Win.
Mustard, of town played. with Sea -
forth, in the game of football last
week, with Berlin.--Ohas. Mustard, of
Brucefield spent Sunday last in town.
-Our foot ball team are anxious for an
invitation to Varna, to play the re-
turn match,- Mr. Haines and wife
from Listowel were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Drehrnann last week. -
J. E. Sweets, of Wingliam, was in
tonne Friday and Saturday last on
business. -Mrs. Card and. Miss Emily
Osmond. visited friends in Colborne
last week. -A. number of the young
people of town attended the garden
party at Mr. Sam Sweitzer's, Goclerich
township, On Thuraday evening. -
Harry Darrel is busy papering and
painting the Commercial Hotel and
will Noon have the house ready for the
accommodation of the travelling pub-
BRIEFS. -For some time little Flos-
sie McGee, daughter of James McGee,
of this village, fought, .a heroic battle
with lung trouble and heart disease.
but death relieved her on Tuesday
night, the 27th alt., and a bright,
active,ambitious life closed peacefully.
-Harry Darrow has purchased the
old Commercial hotel froui R. Bailey
and has a gang of men busily engaged
in renovating and overhauling the
same preparatory to opening up for
the summer: When completed Mr.
Darrow will have a, comfortable and
well appointed house.
" Crecilton School Report
The followhig is the reporb of the
Orediton Public school for the month
of May. Names of pupils only who
obtained 00% or over on the total
marks given during the month.
Devision 1.- Junior Pt. 1L, Lilly
Finkbeiner, Elsie Geiser, Ahneda
Finkbeiner, Harry Menelaus, Hugs
Shenk ; Jr., 11, Edna Pack, Pearl
Geiser, Willie Oestreicher, Carry
Wein, caln
ELSIE Alca.atataa, teacher
Divisxole II. -Tr. II., Hilda. Shenk,
Roy Faliner ; Intermediate II, Beta
Hienzel, Lillian Geiser, Luella Stahls;
Sr. 11, Ida Ewals ; Jr- III, Laura
Heist, Garnet Sweitzer, Clara Rau ;
Sr. III., Wallie Hill, Madeline Bert-
rand, Ger 7,1e Short.
Isanartar. E. Dow, Teacher
Divisiox III., -Class V, Weida
Belies. Willie Brown, Edna, Eilber ;
Sr. IV. Class, Melinda Trick, Ezre,
Oestreicher, Willbere Wray, Wesley
Brown ; Jr. IV class, Myrtle Iiirtzel,
Pearl Hot tzinaini, Della Brown,
Joseph leinkbeiner, _Arthur Holtz -
Siddulph Counoll.
June 2nd, 1002.
The council met pursuanb to ad-
journment, the Reeve and all the
members preset) t. '
A communication from the Rev. W.
E. George, was received, inviting the
council to take part in the Coronation
eervices to be held in St, ' Thomas
ehrtrele on the 2i3t1i inst.
The clerk was, instructed to ack-
nowledge the receipt of Me. George's
communicetion arid to say that the
couneil will esteem it a pleasure to be
The clerk was instructed to consult.
the township solicitor with regard to
Miley to out' highways by water coin-
ing off the G , T. R.
A large number of atcoatte were
passed and ordered to be paid.
The council adjourned to meet again
on Monday, .July 7th, 1002, at 10 it. in.
coona ois REVISION.
The Court, of Revision met on the
above date, all the membets present,
who took and sabseribed the pre-
scribed oath
F. A. Ryan wite elected chairman.
The coupe adjoutned to, meee again
On Saturday, the 21et day of June ab
10a. in. W. 0, STA141.E1ty Olerk.
Messrs, Harvey Bros' mill was Bleat
slewn for repairs on irforiday last
Rev, D. Ramsay, and Mrs. Ramsay
and child, of Ottawa, are visiting rela-
tives in town,
James Heaton. of Kerwood, was the
guessmtLohis Sunday. brother, Thos. Harton,
Farmerhaving wheat or coarse,
grain for sale will do well to eall at tht
mill. -Harvey Bros, -
D, V, is Lierdship, Bishop pald-
win, will hold confirmation service nt
Trivitt Meraorial church, ou Thursday
evening, (to -night) Tune 12th, at 8
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
Mrs. McMecha,n, of Lonclou will give
an address na the interests of the
Woman's Missionary Society at the
week evening service in James street
church, this, (Thursday) evening. All
are invited.
Mr. Wellington Clark, formeely of
Brussels, called on his cousin, Mrs. M.
J. White, on Wedaesday, when on
his way to London, where he expects
to remain with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Will ,T. Clark,
On Tuesday evening, June 24th, the
Epworth League of Main -street Meth-
odist chards intend giving a social
evening. A unique program is being
prepared, and a Somewhat novel en-
tertainment will be given. Farther
particulars next week.
Mr. Harry Rowe and iVliss Ettie
May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
May, drove to Mitchell on Wednesday
(yesterday) and were united in the
holy bonds of matrimony at the resi-
dence of the bride's brother, W. F.
May, by the Rev. Mr, Whiting. Con-
WITR Hoxons.-We are pleased to
learn that Czar, son of Dr. A.. Rollins,
who was a student of photography
with Mr. J. Senior, and who has been
attending the College of Photography
at Effingham, Ill., has passed his ex-
amination 'with honors having com-
pleted his course in thirteen weeks,
eclipsing that of any former student.
The best time made by any pupil pre-
yious, being in ,fifteen. weeks. Ozae
took the palm.
of Rev. Mr. Milyard to tbe Main-st
Methodist church, as pastor for the
fourth year, is most gratifying to his
many friends in Exeter and surround-
ing districtand more especially to the
members of his congregations. Mr.
Milyard was the unaminons choice of
the official board for the fourth year,
and when a change was made at the
first draft of stations, it was not
generally appreciated. . During Mr.
Milyards ministry he has been most
faithful and devoted in his work al-
ways endeavoring to promote the in-
terest of the cause and delivering
able and profitable sermons each
BEAVERS—In Farquhar, May leen to Mr. and
Mrs. 13. W. F. Beavers, a son.
BA.RNETT-In Blanshard, =Monday, June 2,
the wife of err. Isaac Barnett of .a son.
Moursy-In McGillivray, on Sunday, June 1st,
the wife of John Morley, of a daughter.
lrnn Ilsax-In Zion, on Wednesday, June 11,
by the Rev. W. J. Waddell, Mr liermam
to Miss Louisa. Kern, both of Zion.
ALLmx-Batcm-At Woodham, on Wednesday
evening, May28th, by the Rev. John Hart,
Miss Mara Kirk. and Mr. Rinhard Allen, of
TALUOT—CUOCUTETT— III Dorchester, on Wed-
nesday June 11th, at the residence of the
bride's -Introits, by the Rey. Mr. Veale, Mr.
W. L. Talbot, oC Talbot's Bazaar, Exeter, to
Miss Clara L. Crockett, of Dorchester.
Rown-MAy-In Mitchell, on June 11th, at the
residence of Mr. W. F. May, brother of the
bride, by the Rev. 'Mr. Whiting. Mr. Harry
Rowe. Exeter, to Miss Ettie, the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. May, Exeter.
Mtrarnrr-In Exeter, on May 282h, the infant
daughtex of Air. B.13. Murphy.
Por.T.tx- In Far quhar, June I0t,h, M.
Pollen aged 73 years, I, month and 23 th y
McCLAcuct.nr - In Usborne, Mary Jane Mac-
dougall, wire of William E. Mcnt.^.klin,
aged. 30 years.
HOW tO Mak6 t116136st
Uso oi Your Monttj
Is a, subject thet eoncerns most people.
You OAN SAVE $L00 to $3.00 per
&Ow Your Glotkinu at
T. 0 fliitill,TOW6
A nice new 'mime to select from.
Come and get suited. People are sur-
prised that we can sell so cheaply,
we have what will please yap-, We
sell the celebrated "Peerless Shoes" at
prices that are always satisfactory.
Our stock of Groceries are Fresh
and oat' prices canaot be beater, any
where, just arrived a dice lot of
Maple Syrup. Try it thishot weather.
Batter, Eggs, Potatoes, Pork want-
ed in exchange for goods. Our present
prices are, Butter 15e, a pound, Eggs.
18c a dozen. Potatoes 05e a bag.
Don't Foresee
T. G Harltori
M.arket Square.
O e
. iii i .
. .
8 i 0
: a 0 3 azaar:
. .
. .
. .
O 0
6 0
e a
9ome new Lines in a
a SLa
a --- a
e 0
6 0
6 Prices on these goods •
: will be found right. ;
131;t001ViS t
a , a
: A Special Line at 20c .and 25c :
______ •
The Same Good Oranges and. 0
Lemons as ever. 0
Peanuts First Quality. :
o a
a a
Ta aTalri
Wedding Presents it Specialty. o
OCC109014012614906* 6,149650011111141111
Hang the sword upon the wall,
Throw the canon in the corner;
Let the bugle sweetly call,
Not tor war, -but peace forever !
Let the war -drum cease to beat,
Leave it among the grass and thorn
Let the nations each one areet,
And Peace and Liberty adorn,
Enid the flags, all stained with red,
Bloottof heroes, true and brave:
Raise the flag above the dead,
And let Peace and Lterty wave.
Beat swords into plowshares •
Beat the spears into pruning-hook
Let the nations their friendship share
In soul and heart, and not in looks.
Peace! Peace! Let nations praise hell
"Bloody war is an awful thing'
Peace! Peace! let nations keep her,
Let then, Peace arid Liberty sing.
Screen Doors
Screen Windows
Screen Wire
Screen Door
Ali Sizes
in Stock
tt Fri6CS
One Uarload of t'amson Portland Cement.
A. Shipment of Ham:nooks.
A Shipment of Sewel Brpnd Iteady Mixed Paints..
A. Shipment of American Lawn Mowei's.
!Eavetroughing, Plumbing and 'all kinds of Tin Work.