HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-08, Page 20iI,Pp�,1 `C1 :J(i FARMERS wilt be canvassing 44dferleh Townshtgfof the Heart Fund during the month Qf February,.-5,bnx SKA.TE.A THON February 18 from 1 - 4 p.m. at Bayfield Arena, Pledge sheets avoi.lable at Nip N Tuck. Sponsored by Bayfield Rec. Committee. Proceeds to winter skating program. -6,7 ST. PAUL's FRIENDSHIP Guild Euchre Card Party on Tuesday, February 14 and March 13 of 8:15 p.m. at $t. Paul's Anglican Church Parish Hall. Admission $1.50; lunch included. Everyone welcome. -6 SCOTTISH AND VARIETY Night, Bayfield Town Hall, April 27, 1984, 8 p.m. Adults 52.00. Children under 12, 50 cents. door prizes and coffee. Spon- sored by Bayfield Agricultural Society. -6 CLINTON MINOR HOCKEY Dance, Saturday, Apnf 14, Goderich Township Hall. Music by the "Ex- pressions" (formerly the Shonnons). Dancing 9 - 1 a.m. Lunch provided. Tickets 55.00 each. Spon- sored by Clinton Minor Hockey.-6,7ar 41ANGAKE.AND SAUSAGE -Supper Friday, .March. 74 -One-week before. she -beginning of. March • �_ _ ":114E_Ht9HO.N. •COutstTJt-Ht�,'Ittll lirnt imrites-you-ta--- break, the Clinton aria-Dis i- of Chriiiian "Sd5oo1`-' will hold its annual pancake supper. Enjoy delicious pancakes and sausage"s, dessert and beverage from 5:30 p.m. • 9 p.m. in the auditorium. Test your skills in the games room. Everyone welcome. Adults 53.00, children school age, $1.50, preschoolers; free. -6,8,9 BINGO every, Tuesday evening -at Vanastra Cent ire; R.R. 5. Clinton, 8 ,p m... `First regular •card $1.00. 15 regu{.9r $20.410 games, three.shore the, wealth jackpot 5200.00 must pot Admission is restricted to 16 years and over. -1 tfar CLINTON LEGION BINGO every. Thursday, 8 pm. First regular card 51.00. Six cards for 5100. Fif- teen regular games, three share-therweel'th. Early bird gain 7:45 p.m. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week.-9tfar CARD PARTY at 1.O.O.F Hall, Brucefield, Friday, February 10 at 8:30 p.rn. Ladies please bring Lun- ch. Everyone welcome. Admission 51.50.-6x POKER RALLY: Sponsored by Blyth Snowmobile Club and Blyth Lions Club, February 12 with registration from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at th Snowmobile Club House, 11/e north of Blyth and 41/2 west of highway. Numerous prizes as well as prizes for poker hands. 53.00 per hand. Food booth available. -6 1.O.O.F. and Rebekah Cord Party, 8 p.m. on Feb. 16 of Oddfellows Hall. Ladies please bring a lun- ch.. Please note change of date. -6 attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit office, Medical Building, Brussels on Tues- day, February 14-, 1984 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2f" Anaemia Screening; 3. Immunization: 4. Hearing Screening; 5. Vision Screening; 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 • years. Adult immunization will also be offered at -CARD-PARTY.Sumrnerhi•ll-•Halt-, Friday.-Eebrua.ry.' this clinic". -bar )0 _at 8:30 p.m. Ladies please brine lunch. MITCHELL KINSMENPoker . Rally, Sunday, • Everyone welcome.- 6 • February 19th. -6-7 .Peace activis-t is coming .Joanne Young, the ' Exeter high school teacher who made headlines last fall after being arrested and jailed for her part in anti-nuclear demonstrations in both the U.S. and. Canada, is coming to Clinton on a speaking engagement. The controversial National Film Board movie, If You Love This Planet will also be shown that evening. Ms. Young, a Zurich -area widow, has been arrested and jailed four times in the past three -years- for -her -part -in --peace -demon- strations. or-her-partin--peace-demon-- strations. Late last July she spent 20 days in Onondaga County Jail in Syracuse, N.Y. after being . arrested at an anti-nuclear protest at Griffis Air Force Base at Rome; N.Y.' A warrant for her arrest was issued after she failed. to return to the U.S. for trial in September, but she will not be ,pursued outside the U.S. ****************** 4r _GRAND __OLE OPRY 'NASHVILLE MARCH' 24 FEATURING JOHN CONLEE AND TERRI GIBB • On Nov. 18, 1983, she was arrested and charged with trepassing after taking part in disarmament demonstrations at Litton Industries in Toronto. Litton manufactures • cruise missile components. Ms. Young was released after her trial in Toronto, ending a 13 -day hunger strike behind bars. Since then,,Ontario Provincial Court Judge Milton Gadsby has delayed judgement on her trial until early March, after the Supreme • Court rules on the vaiidit LoL hee_.federal_eabil .degsion t® _ allow cruise testing in Canada. • "It could have a bearing on the case," J'udge Gadsby said. Ms. Young, who has met with everything from censure to devoted support in Huron County for her actions, was suspended without pay last Dec.. by the Huron County Board of Education, for taking . time off without permission to attend the Litton demonstration. She has been warned by the board that she could -be fired if,her actions continued in the future. "I'm well aware of that," says Ms. Young. • "As a teacher, I- a i totally doiitiriitted'bo •' education and to my students, but my op- position to, nuclear, war and my peace, work come first. . • Ms. Young will appear at 'the Ontario Street United Chruch in Clinton at 8 p.m. on Feb. 14. Her engagement is one of a two- month series of workshops, films , and speakers • on current community topics sponsored by Women.Today. A dsa/poatent By Janet Tencb Until recently, I admired the f'i?ix as an innovative new group hailing irom England. Then 1 read about the band cancelling a.club date in San Diego at the last minute. 'heir reason? "The stage was too smaalt" said Cy Cumin. "ft was a rnky- 1015 club,: a ru?k3r dinky staandgealr, fe anttoo d webig havetohave a to nlunbo hreirA album ."' Has success gone to their head? . you r When ou think about it 'the Fieri; doesn t have muchgoingfor them other than some' - very catchy licks reminiscent of Rosy Music. Their themes are sipciple;, their lyrics are simple. Are not the Fixx just cashing in on the hunger for the slick danceable beat of English music in North America? As do other techno-pop dance bands (ABC, Image in Vogue) the vocals of the Fixx emulate Bowie. Not to omit that the band rode -in on • the video -wave. Their hair is styled in the "classy -punk" cut, which they flaunt as ---much as possible in their -three videos:- • -"iand..or.Fall.'.' ed by Zero -'Land. "011e-. F1iing Another:" t -lines, videos earl make or break a new band. Videos from the Fixx are good, for the reason that Adam Woods (drums and percussion) and ° Currin (vocals) both attended drama school.Grudg- • ingly, I admit that this dramatic training helps to give the Fixx a superior stage presentation. Remember, though, all that glitter-s-isnotgold, .-:: _.__ .The Music Industry is changing: Gone are the days of selling records on the merit of well -produced music; here are the days of sell -your -image -then -,your -music: I predict that the Fixx won't be around long. Britain, their home, is turning to reggae, ska and dab. In North America, there are a lot of groups pumping out dance music that is much more memorable e.g. Men Without Hats' Safety Dance. The Fixx will fade away. Won't that be a jolt for Currin, who thinks the bank is "big"? Rating: 61/2/10. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: • .r 1 • GODERICH 524-4540 or 524-762 oil 000 tf * a 4 it a 4t 4t * it 4< * 4< -4 • oth • 1,11. q, Join us for our Special VALENTINE'S SUNDAY SMORGASBORD served this Sunday February 12 from 12:30 p.m. on HOT SELECTIONS INCLUDE: *PRIME RIB OF BEEF *ROAST TURKEY *BAKED HAM Club Helmatland- 7‘etet,-)diageot 7liwzde Ea& The Blyth Centre,for the Arts will kick off the 1984 season with a Leap Year Auction on March 3. Phillipa Borgal, left, shows some of the many gifts that have been donated by local merchants and in- dividuals. Joan Chandler, centre, is illustrating wind surfing Lessons and Brenda Doner, right, is showing the NHL tickets that will be auctioned. Bargain hunters may also join 'the Festival workers for a buffet supper at 6 p.m. The auction will start at 7:30 p.m. (Shelley McPhee photo) ' BiythFestvafli' gala leap year Auction Ever dreamed of appearing in CBC TV's The evening begins with a buffet supper at acclaimed "Seeing Things"? Or of learning 6 p.m., with musical entertainment supplied to windsurf? Need a relaxing weekend in the by Richard 'Knechtel and Friends (a mix- Muskokas? These are just a few of the items ture of country, bluegrass, and fiddle you can bid on in the Blyth Festival's gala music). Richard Knechtel is a familiar LEAP YEAR AUCTION . on Saturday, . name to local audiences. He has organized March 3. The auction kicks off a 'year of ex- and performed at . festival and concert citing events being organized to celebrate . events throughout Southwestern Ontario in. the Festival's 10th season. eluding Pickin' in the' Pines and the CKNX" Other items available at the auction in,.Barndance.. The auction will begin at 7:30 ~- •elude:- weekends-at-T-aroma.and.-K tchener. _P.-M,..with.Rolt..G_ethke us auctioneers _ craftspeople (paintings, sketches, potter,hotels; original art work by local artists and JanetFestivalAmos, , Artistic Director of the Blyth y woodwork, stained glass); sports equip will announce the plays for the. 1984 season during the auction intermission: ment;fitness club and pool memberships; If the past nine years are anything to go by, restaurant vouchers; tickets to plays; this 10th seasOn• will be another blockbuster. opera, concerts; .electrical appliances; Patrons wanting to buy season ticket beauty treatments; binoculars; books;. toys; tomorrow boxes;. door prizes; and vouchers ahead of the rush will be able to do LOTS more. so atthis time. . Goderich Township Community Centre Holmesville Saturday, February 11, 1984 MUSIC BY "The Hornets" from Kitchener Prizes for best costume European Food - Schnitzel - available special entertainment by Carnival Dancers from London German Canadian Club from London.' Tickets 56.00 per person Available at Blyth Festival 523-9300 Mary's Sewing Centre 482-7036 Goderich Hairport 524-4212 2 Proceeds to The Blyth Centre for the Arts Kinsmen and Kinettes wear T-shirts and hats while eating with celery and carrot sticks CLINTON - The Kinsmen and Kinettes ar- rived at the Legion wearing their most unusual hat and T-shirt as requested last Friday night. The evening began with Social Chairman Mary Ann Chambers welcoming tQ'NO•o a ‘,1C$ Kinette Club of Clinton "HAWAIIAN GETAWAY" Saturday, February 25 at the With your choice of mashed or baked potato with sour cream, mashed turnip or peas. Includes Mulligatawny Soup or juice, compli entary trip to our salad bar d dessert (cherry the secake). 5 CLINTON LEGION HALL Dancing 9 pm -1 am ALL $ 95 FOR ONLY.-. • DEBBIE'S RESTAU RAN 2 miles South of Clinton on Hwy. No, 4 at Vanasfro Rd. OPEN DAILY: 7 am -8 pm: Saturday a. Sunday 8 am -8 pm "FREE SPIRIT" Tickets 616.00 Couple Includes Smorgasbord Prizes for costumes - Bult they're el *t :yes- =cry, ALL PROCEEDS TO CYSTIC FIBROSIS Tickets available from any Kinette. ORDER YOUR SINGING VALENTINE PACKAGE TODAY!! BETA SIGMA PHI - your choice 510. or 515. Includes a cake, a flower, a song and more Limited Quantities Available 482-7291'or 482-7842 Tickets for the whole evening (buffet, entertainment, and auction) . cost $7.50 per person, available through the theatre (523- 9300) or from The Blyth Saga; for the auc- tion only -.$2.50 at the door. MUSIC IN GOLD FOR YOUR DANCING & ------LISTENING PLEASURE. ---- SWING 'SWAY TO THE GOLDEN SOUND OF THE BIG BANDS FOR A SUPER EVENING OF PARTY DANCING PLUS BALLROOM TEMPOS JUST FOR YOU. THE MUSIC WITH•A DIFFERENCE. BRUNO ro.J. a M.c. )TEL. 524-2832 Pineridge Hous ep arty Sun., Feb. 19 2:30 - 9 p.m. Music by: • Joe Overholt ft The Standbys • Square dancing • Hot roast pork smorgasbord • Tickets $9.50 person * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** L. FLOWER - _� __..Able - �... LAN DSCAPE SHOW TORONTO SUNDAY, FEB. 26. ..w * FOR MORE INFORMATION �r OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: everyone to the Kinette "Sunrise Dinner". Joyce Jenkins said the Kinette grace. A stew and salad dinner was served to everyone. but to their surprise, the only uten- sils were a stalk of celery and a carrot stick. This certainly made the meal interesting. Dessert turned out to be much more challenging - toothpicks .to'attempt to eat the cubes of jello. Everyone managed very well; however, the person to have the most difficulty was Bob Vodden who received an unexpected gift of soap and a face cloth. Hopefully his next medieval feast will be much easier! Tom and Wendy McFarlan won the prize for the most unusual hats. A dart tournament followed the dinner. Winners of the tournament were Bob Vod- den and Mary Woods for the highest overall score and Garry Merrier and Wendy McFarlan for the lowest overall score. Phone 262-2277 236-4610 GODERICH a~ -4 x Y * a * 4< •If 4" * * * * 4< * ours 524-4540 or 524-7622 On Valentine's Day... JOANNE YOUNG of Exeter will speak on her involvement in the Peace Movement, and the commitment which led to her arrests and jail terms in Canada and the United States. The controversial film "IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET" will be shown. JOANNE YOUNG u LvEip TTS pLAWEr PLAN TO ATTEND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 AT8:OOP.M. AT THE ONTARIO ST,, UNITED CHURCH 103 ONTARIO STREET (HWY. No. 8 EAST) CLINTON SUGGESTED DONATION: 2.00 , SPONSORED BY: WOMEN TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 482-9706 K THE SQUARE .:Pn RK TH - ITRE . S24E78111 .. I..II. W .If ,ill • • •• • r WED.-THURS. • 8:00 P.M; • GUPAIDANCE •RENTA • • h:zi PACIN •FEB.10th •DUE TO "'SCARFACE IS THE MOST TYLISH AND PROVOE ®LENGTH 0- SCAffV till SHOW. Ind maybe the most %mous serous film about till' \nuencan underw•urld since 'Godfather ' ®ONE Vncent (.ruby; NEW: YORK TIMES •SHOW,. "AL PACING , .. WHAT A •EACH POWERFUL PERFORMER •EVENING . An 1 r,car nnnnnatrnn for snm' •AT 8:00 k't'I Sit, 'I. MRCP" •BOX OFFICE * * I* * , high "I r,ltllrp I 1.11„0.11' - .OPENS 1.v1111; 'ar611r 1'{or.11INN: • ,(M�i I,II Illshll" Kr fill' Inwltd(hr( •7:30RolrrEhcrt.('HIO1(iU til"'!'IMF •• • IS FJ(IIIIARAIING • • ha rt, t1,1,,,, and , raft,man,I1111 Ru Inu � 1.11'• hl, frr,hl"t I two, rt 1 wars ® u I1 s \'I, 'I.rn,dr.'M', I �uJ s i'I . �"� ... of stns • • cinffAct • • "AL PACINO GIVES AN • OSCAR WORTHY PERFORMANCE magnificent, his best in years:'• Judy Stone,* SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE• • "IMMENSELY EXCITING• , . , 'Scarface is a knockout:'• Larry Katz, BOSTON HERALD• 0 "AL PACINO IS RIVETING: exciting, and 'Scarface' is rousing mayhem:' • . Pia Lindstrom,WNBC-TV • • ,. • v u,; ' .; 0 r �°' N•- • f• M r " x; '� .1, • -0S'' `' • ' Ian ' 3, h •' �v��"`, a 'il • .. ;-4, h „n a t.1f'I rsl\1 • finh,rr'l t aril„ TIMI', MAti il',Is, i. E, 0 MSC % OIMlat3 0 R. • .. ro a G ttre•!s,•e (tMlbttl Ord. $" ,1 ,4% O. nG/ O® Ov„ Phone 262-2277 236-4610 GODERICH a~ -4 x Y * a * 4< •If 4" * * * * 4< * ours 524-4540 or 524-7622 On Valentine's Day... JOANNE YOUNG of Exeter will speak on her involvement in the Peace Movement, and the commitment which led to her arrests and jail terms in Canada and the United States. The controversial film "IF YOU LOVE THIS PLANET" will be shown. JOANNE YOUNG u LvEip TTS pLAWEr PLAN TO ATTEND TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 AT8:OOP.M. AT THE ONTARIO ST,, UNITED CHURCH 103 ONTARIO STREET (HWY. No. 8 EAST) CLINTON SUGGESTED DONATION: 2.00 , SPONSORED BY: WOMEN TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 482-9706 K