HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-08, Page 19Clinton Kinsmen President Harvey Carter, right, was presented with the Travelling Trophy fromxeter Kinsman Past Deputy Governor Bob Reynolds. The trophy is passed from club to club as a fund raising effort for Cystic Fibrosis. (Shelley McPhee photo) Making a lot out of a little There was an excellent attendance at the United Church on Sunday morning when Rev. Stan McDonald spoke on the subject on Making A Lot Out Of A Little. The ushers for the service were Jim Par- sons, Rick McGee, Ron Riley and Loren Gackstetter. Gary Kyle assisted by Ryan Kyle greeted the congregation. The congregation were reminded that Feb. 12 would be Youth Sunday when the Messenger and Explorer Groups would join the Cub and Scout Groups in their Annual Church Parade and followed the service a Fellowship hour would be held in the Hall. A,successful family skating patty was held by the United Church on Sunday after- People report noon in the Hensall Arena with well over 100 Mr. and Mrs. Don Dalton and. Carla of" attending: Following -a tine -of skating -when altoiLvisited recently with Mrs. Dalton's years, died suddenly at the age of 39. Mr. McDonald, as High Chaplain of the Cana- dian Foresters, conducted the funeral ser- vice. Church news Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the subject of'his sermon being "True Fasting'. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the piano for the service of song. A joint meeting of the Kirk Session and the Board of Managers will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. All members: are urged to be present. grandma and grandpa put on their skates and joined their grandchildren, along with the parents and friends on the ice, a potluck supper was held at the church. The family fellowship party, was spon- sored' by the Christian development com- mittee of the Official Board with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob . Campbell in charge . of the ar -rangengents.- The United Church Sunday School held their monthly Assembly on Sunday morning with the theme of My New Friend Has No Shaer- The a`S'sei(liib"ly" was 'led '13y " J`o itit Rowcliffe which included the singing of some of the Sunday School gospel songs along with the reading of scripture.. - Rev. McDonald was in -Brantford on Wednesday of this week attending the funeral of Jimmy Jay. Mr. Jay, an employee of. the Canadian Foresters for 19 parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Mr. Roy Consitt is a patient in South Huron Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. The Three links Seniors will meet on Feb. 14 at.2 p.m. at the Local Hall. Mrs. Dorothy Mickle and Mrs. Anita Bengough are on the entertainment committee and John and Helen Anderson are on the social commit- tee ' Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, Mr. and -Mrs..._-: Joe _Bengough - and Mrs. Anita Bengough returned home from a two week tour of Florida. They report beautiful weather, a wonderful trip and no snow until tiny reached Det'rdit:'"' " ` ". — "" The,many friends of Mrs. Hilda Beer, who underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, wish her a speedy recovery. The Humanitarian Services Committee of the .IOOF and Rebekah Lodges held a Euchre Party on Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. atthe local hall. By BerthalwaeGregor I1ENSALL * The Axtnllal moeting of Hen- sell ,District HerticuituraI SoCietwaarg Jan, ' 30 : with. Preent Katy ' » presiding and Joyce Pepper at the pianorw. A letter was received .fm prin Robert Rayburntharddrittle group for e tulip bUl for the Ptt001. -Volunteers were asked. £or to assist with a float for the Centennial Parade. Betty Sim- mons spoke about the craft show at the Centennial. Bill Gibson read the Minutes and gave the secretary -treasurer's- report. Dianne Gerstenkorn read theslate of officers for 1984 and Eileen Rennie gave the program report. Jeanette Turner reported for the membership committee. Victor Knip reported for the planting and planning of the flowers for 1983-84, asking for more volunteers for the Centennial planting. Eileen Rannie introducted the speaker Dianne Gerstenkorn of The Flower Basket, who demonstrated,maaking a straw decora- tion for the front door. Slid was thanked and presented with a gift by Florence Slade. Two draws were made and Mary. Buchanan and Dorothy Mickle were the win- -ners. Kathy thanked all taking part and _closed with a;poem. The Year Boo .compil=___ ed-_..bi Dorothy Brintnell . and Mary Buchanan was viewed. The next meeting will be held at Hensall Public School on March 12 at 8:00 p.m. The speaker will be Howey Langan. Amber Lodge meets Noble Grand Margaret Upshall presided for the meeting of Amber- Rebekah Lodge on: Feb. 1 and was assisted by Vice Grand Eunice Aikenhead who reported for the visiting committee. Several expressions of thanks were received. Treasurer Bonnie Upshall reported for the financial standing. It was decided to assist with the bake sale at the Centennial on June 30th and also volunteer for the fast food booth. Ar- rangements for the birthday party were to be discussed later. Unit 4 meets Nan Britton opened the February meeting of the UCW Unit 4 and Elva Forrest con - mai e' MINTON.l!T 11< s,esc ►t .'° ,wp o, ARY d 194 -,PAGE 19 ducted the worship. The minut were read and Mary A+t►obol received the offerin . Fifteen members answered the roll calf with 33 visite' being made. Roobel reported one get -well, and three irthday cards sent. Myrtle Sherritt reported for the treasurer. Hilda Payne reported on the Presbyterial - the Theme "Living Our Faith" An upcoming special event will be held April 23 at 7:30 p.m. in Wingltam. Hilda gave a report of last year's event held in North Street United urch in Goderlch which was a great suc- cess. . Vera Lemmon read highlights for the Ex- ecutive meeting .. and Muriel Richardson read a report on Stewardship. A report was read on Christian development by Sadie Hoy and Nellie Riley read a report on World Outreach and Church in Society. The Members were amazed at the wide range of help the church provides at home and abroad and many expressed a desire to do more. Some obvious ways to help are through donations of canned.goods, for the - Huron Home for Battered Women, used greeting cards and stamps. „ . Youth for Christ ..-1p.a Huron youth_For irks held their `_February Rallyin.-Bruce#� school with a good bt nctarice• _ _ Ron Westlake, Chairman of the Board was in charge. Gary Schlegel from Alsia Craig led in a song service with Sharon Parker at the piano. Prayer was given by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer from Zurich. Happy. Birthday Ted FAMILY PARADISE RR 4 WALTON 527-0629 THE WORLD'S GREAT VACATION RESORTS HAVE ONE THING IN COMM -ON: THEIR GUESTS KEEP COMING BACK. ndthat, quite simply,, is how Indian River Plantation measures its .phenomenal success. A commitment to our guests of uncompromising excellence, in service and facilities, has over the years made their return visits to the Plantation a tradition. We have one of the finest tennis facilities in Florida with eleven Isar -Tru courts kept in tournament condition..A magnificent executive golf course where nothing is spared to maintain its immaculate appearance. Our oceanfront location offers luxurious accommodations in hotel apartments with fully - equipped kitchens, and privateaccess to our white sand beaches. The kids have everything from golf and tennis clinics to a video game room. The evening brings entertain- ment and gourmet cuisine in.our resort's two fine restaurants. And then there's us, providing personal attention and service to assure you'll want to come back again and again. INDIAN RIVER PLANTATION RESORT' 385 N.E. Plantation Road Hutchinson Island, Stuart, Florida 33494 Toll-free (800) 327.4873. in Florida collect (305) 225-3700 Or call your Travel Agent. From: Joan, Kelly, Brian and family. See us at Family Paradise for your •BANQUETS *RECEPTIONS RANXOCCAS Q -N! *Large Hardwood Dance Floor *Over 200 Capacity *Kitchen Facilities.....: . * We can assist you with arrangements for any size of group Foran enjoyable time come to • FAMILY PARADISE, Darren Stevenson R.R. 2 Seaforth Daniel Collins Ripley Jeffrey Schellenberger canton Leanne Bell Blyth Michele Tyndall R.R. 4 Seaforth Rhonda Stacey canton Alyssa Feddes R.R. s Clinton Wendy Watson canton Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 10 Feb. 12 Valentine's Day Games Next Tuesday is Valentine's Day and perhaps you're, thinking of having a special party to cele- brate it this weekend. Even if you dont have a party, here are some games to play. Broken Heart Hunt 1. Cut some hearts out of red paper. You'll need one heart for, every two people. 2. Cut the hearts in half in a zig zag. Be sure that all the heart halves are different. 3. Hide the heart halves around a room. 4. Each guest must find a half heart and then match it to another half one other guest has found. The first two people to complete a heart wins a prize. Valentine Puzzles 1, Cut a heart out of red paper -one for each person. 2. Cut each heart into pieces and put the pieces in an envelope. 3. Give each guest an envelope. The first person to put the puzzle together wins a prize. Making Valentines 1. Collect together scisors, paste, red paper, doilies, pencils, crayons, stickers and pictures. 2. Give each guest some Materials and have them make Valentine's Day cards. 3. Hold an exhibit and give prizes for the pret- tiest, funniest, and any other category you can think of. Distributed by Canada Wide Feature Service Limited 1984 MacKay Prathero asked to .asiist Quizzing time followed with three teams competing. They were quizzed on 20 ques- tiplsa from 2nd TiM9thyt Chapter 4, The score was Bayfield, first; Goderich second; Zurich, third At the March meeting they will be quizzed Titus, Chapter 1. A grow) of singers from Zurich, The Disciples brought several npmbers which was enjoyed by everyone. The speaker was Gary Schlegel an evangelist from. Freedom Ministries of Alsia Craig, Mr. John Brookes from Alsia Craig closed with prayer. The March Rally to be held in the school March 4 with Teen Challenge Group from Hamilton, whose work is among young alcoholics and drug addicts. They will also supply music, 13e sure, to attend the rally as a family and encourage the youth to come to :this rally. Queensway News To keep on top of the Mid Winter Blues at Queensway a variety of activities are plann- ed. Weekly bingo game began the last HAPPY 84TH BIRTHDAY MOTHER MRS. MILDRicl3 GARR@1T- 132 Welke r St•e eitnto _ on February 9th, '84 With Love and Congratulations from your family and friends week's activities. Tuesday, morning residents 'tiled to unsera nbla Wards et various topics. Tues- day afternoon the worship service was con- ducted by Itauq Co the Youth minister at the rentecoeIV, Church; Exeter assisting was his wife Deb and Dianne Moody. Wednesdaymorning brought the aroma of fresh baked muffins, as those who enjoyed baking tried their hand at it. Those who didn't bake tried their aim, in bean bag toss. Tables of crokinole were set up in the after- noon. Friday again they went bowling. Neil Regan and Murray Howe tied for high bowlers with a score of 95. Lloyd McDougall had a close score of 92. Scores were down this week but hopefully will be higher next week when residents will bowl for Big Brothers and Big Sisters Bowl-A-Thon. Anyone wishing to sponsor any resident would be appreciated. Feel free to contact the home. HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY BRENDA_ ...from your friends Swee heart Monster. Bingo' Thurs., February 9 Jackpot $1,000.00 must go Hensall Community Centre ' Auditorium, 8 p.m. Mira.LEarty ,Sards-,sto.r>x...at.,7..:45 p.m Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Bring your dabbers Admission $1.00 ET ET SANDESTIN ae4 RESQRP299IDA wEEKEA (r 4 FROM INC CAR wtltArii�' �i INTRODUCTORY OFFER! ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET ET Travel to Sandestin on Feb. 13, 20 or 27... ;014AND SAVE -5O per person on our already low priced OtherDeparture Dates Also Available, pclimplill• Deluxe 2 bedroom villas *Variety of watersports imiwith excellent amenities. available. __. • 18 hole PGA championship z• Restaurant and cocktail golf course - complimentary lounge. green fees. • • Excellent resort facilities. 0 • 13 ,tennis co its - 3 grass • Numerous restaurants and 2 covered. good nightlife nearby. • Health Club and_Spa. 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