HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-08, Page 17SSIFIE Mfg NIII3w255®FECORCI-`f1=lE EILYTH taTAIOICIAPI I-` HE BAYF EW BUGLE 17. Apartments for rent A-1 APARTMENTS 14th St. Vonastra. Bachelor, one bedroom and two bedrooms, furnished optional. Phone 482- 3581. -6tf 18. Houses for rent FOUR BEDROOM semi detached house in Vanostro ovailable now. 482.7895.-401f BEAUTIFUL, _ J . house in Clinton, fully insulated, but in need' at minor repairs' and --cleanup.- Looking _for suitntsla - tenants. Please reply to Drawer No.' 20 cio Clinton News -- Record, Box 39, Clinton,. NOM 1 L0. -46tf BLYTH - four bedroom house, oil heat $200 a month 482- -92-10.=48tf THREE BEDROOM house for rent at Vonastra $200 per month plus utilities, first and last month's rent required 482-3591 after 6 p,m.-5tf THREE BEDROOM house with garage just north of Clinton, concession No. 3, $225 a month plus utilities. 482-7190.-6 WANTED: three bedroom, medium size farm house in Clin- ton/Blyth area to rent. No children, references if needed. Write particulars to Drawer No. 11, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 110-6 FOR SALE OR RENT - house in Hensall with detached workshop. Phone Clinton Com- munity Credit Union Ltd. 235- 0640, -..: 6 20. Room & board COMFORTABLE; warm room, $10 per night with bath. Holiday Lodge; c/o Mrs. Van Domme 482-3685.-- 2tfar property for rent FOR RENT - approx'iiiately 1260' sq. ft. of store, or warehouse space. Available March .1. Huron St.: Clinton -482- 7724.•- 5tf 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rads and batteries and scrap. Phone 887.9561.--27tf SET OF BAGPIPES in good condi- . tion. 524.9293.-2tfnx 26 Help wanted RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER wanted for 6 -week-old and 7-' year-old for some, evenings on weekdays end weekends in my home. References please. Reply to P.O. Box 1067., Clinton. -5,6 OPPORTUNITY exists for so- meone who does 'EVERYTHING" in Newspaper Production. Typesetting, camera work-, makeup; Only high volume producers need op, ply with full details. Box H OC - NA, P.O. Box 451, Oakville, On- tario L6J 5A8. -6o SERVICE MANAGER, Agricultural equipment. An .op- portunity for the Individual who enjoyed the Challenge of Management and the Rewords of Customer Satisfaction... Case Power and Equipment, a leoding supplier form trac- tors, has an immedi to oppor- tunity for the indivi al with service management ex- perience, preferably with agricultural tractors. This posi- tion also 'requires on ability to supervise, . develop- work schedules, and work with 'store management,, This position of- fers an excellent income .plus a generous corporate benefits program that includes company -paid dental, medical and life insurance. Send resume to Case Power and Equipment, Box 820, Killarney, Manitoba ROK 1G0. -6o AGENTS WANTED full' or part time for new automotive pro- duct. Be .your own boss. E.M.S. Distributions, 7040 • Torbram Road, Unit 5, Mississouga, On- tario. L4T 3Y3 -6o AGENT,tto sell day old meat birds and whi a and brown egg layer pullets in this area. In- terested porties phone 519.271. 4783 for more information. Must be able to pick up chicks at hatchery. --6x TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH • requires a port time secretory at the municipal office, • Vonastra Park for approx. 20 hours per week. Apply in per- son prior to Feb. 15, 1984. J.R. McLachlan, Clerk Treasurer --6 26. Help wanted WANTED - Country and Western lead guitarist, weekends only. Phone 482-9439.-6x RELIABLE, mature homemaker needed three to four Boys per week. Live in companion for a lady. Send replies to Drawer No. 12, c/o Clinton News - Record, Box.39, Clinton. NOM 1L0-6 JOB OPENING IN SALES: Neatly dressed self-starters new revolutionary food, company• . Call 291.4445 for appointment. -6 . SALES - $18 TO $25,000 CALIBRE leading. A.utomobile.. Aasaciation seeks o -top. notch person for this area. Those who qualify will receive a Generous Training Allowance plus weekly commission and monthly bonus, plus security benefits. Experience in sales -not required as we train you. After the first year. you will be on "Easy Street" because this business repeats year after year. No overnight travel but a car Is required. Apply in person to the O.A.A. Manager at the ELM HAVEN IPIN Clinton MONDAY. FEB. 13 AT2PMOR7PM SHARP WANTED REGISTERED DENTAL HYGIENIST to work at the Huron County Health Unit on a half- time basis. Work will be mainly with elementary school and some geriatric patients. APPLY IN WRITING by February 15th to: ° DR. W.C.P. WRIGHT :-" Florae C -et n$ Health Unit The Court House Goderich; Ontario N7A 1M2 27. Wanted (general) PIANO WANTED not necessarily • in good condition. Phone collect anytime 519.669-2280 or 519- 669-2198.--42-19 28. Business opportunity LIFETIME KITCHENS High quality unique - concept in Kitchen Cabinet Refacing. -Selected ter- ritories still available. WE SUPP- LY: Complete Training • Existing Retail Accounts to Service Market-test'ed and proven methods. YOU SUPPLY a desire to succeed. HIGH VOLUME, lit- tle or no inventory; no previous. experience required. Contact Steve Eisen, 960 Alness St. No. 12, Downsview, Ontario. Call Collect (-416)665:3955:1:,--66- _ 416)665 3955.---6o• - SELL SATELLITE T.V. Lorge pro- fits for •you. Grow Fast. Buy Manufacturer -Direct. New book reveals secrets. Video tope courses, free details. Write now. Commander Satellite Systems, 4369 Rathkeale, Mississauga, Ont: L5M 2B5 Phone: (416)826-8066. --6o 29. Tenders 31 Service directory VERN'S CHIMNEY Sweep Ser- vice, Seafortfi, Ont.. Phone 527- 0674 after 6 p.m.-6ar KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, win- dows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-8tfar 31 . Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and ap- pliance service. Prompt depen- .dabls service. .J.o. I. m akes.nnd . Tode(sof domestic appliances. .._.- Phone 887-9062.-2 tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; us- ed pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357-1049.-34tf Goderich Energy Seal Inc. AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS UFFI CONTRACTOR 'Phone Collect 5242311 Eveninigs 524.4894 ROOF SHOVELLING and willing to do odd jobs. Call after 4 p.m. • 52-3-9639.-S.6 _ For all your building needs McQUAID CARPENTRY "Business Built on Service" •RENOVATIONS • •SIDING *ROOFING ETC. •FREE ESTIMATES •NO JOB TOO SMALL 482-3628 or 262-2612 ' CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS *Custom built homes *Additions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BYLSMA 482-7334 JACK GERRITS . CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential *Buildings, - *Additions *Renovations. AFFILIATED WITH; CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia 'Soffits *Door and Window Jams a-nd Sill s *Metal covered Doors - 482-7290 29. Tenders Township of Tuckersmith GRAVEL TENDER,. issa Contract 1184-001-tt Field tenders clearly marked as to contents wilt be received by-, the under- signed unlit 10 a.m. on Friday, March 2, for the crushing, hauling and delivery of approx. 16,000 cubic yard.of granular A. A breaker must be used. Tenders must be submitted on the township tender forms available from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to the approval of the ministry of transportation and communications. - ALLAN NICHOLSON, - Road Superintendent E;gmondville, Ontario NOK 1G0 527-1838 or 482-9523 30, Employment - 'wanted A RELIABLE woman would like to do Cleaning anytime. Phone 523-4417 at meal times. -6 31. Service directory JIM COOK Furniture Refinishing, also floors, wood - I WILL clean your home. Phone work, doors, etc. Phone 523- 9284.-12eow 523-45991-6,7 For All Your Plumbing Needs, Contact: CHRIS MIDDLETON— I PLUMBING (Licenced Plumber) Phone 482-7201 or 482-3758 Industrial, Commercial Farm. Residential Reasonable -Rates - WATER WILL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-00211 JIM: 527-0775 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specialrciing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS •KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING *Farm Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 34. Personal STOP • BEDWETTING. United Enuretic has corrected- .over - 20',000 crises. Bedwetting frustrates, embarrasses, and. sometimes weakens school abilities. Get Confidential Infor- mation from UESC Box 3311, Cambridge, 'Ontario N3H 4T3 Stating age and. Phone Number, -6o 35. Notice to creditors DATE_.. ES GALORE. We are apro- fessional introduction service designed to introduce compati- ble people to each other. For all ayes, Prestige Accjuaintdnces call toll-free ,1-;800.263.9103. noon -.8 p.m. ---6o - No3tice to creditors wallow IN THE ESTATE OF ERVIN JACOB, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 12th day of Pecember, 1983, are re- quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of February, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. .DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this,1:9th day of January, 1984. x,_...-E:B. MENZIES, Q:C. ,.,_..... `...:r-7Box-68, - Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix -4,5,6 38. Auction sale IMPORTANT UNRESERVED Auc- tion Sale of Farm Machinery, Onion and Potato equipment and Irrigation equipment for Hemlock Creek Forms. c/'o Alex More Sr. and Alex More Jr. Lots one and two, Concession North Lake Road, Norfolk Township. Take Highway No. 19 South of Tillsonburg to Port Burwell then five miles' east. Friday, February 17, 1984 12:30 sharp. Proprietor -' Hemlock Creek Forms, Alex More Sr., Alex More Jr., (519)875-2842 Bus. (519)875-2885 Res. Sale ,.con- ducted by• Sunrise Equipment Auctions Inc. Auctioneers and appraisers, R.R.. 3, Norwich, Ontario. Phone .(519)424- 9998. -6o IN THE ESTATE OF MARY GRACE GRIGG, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 25th day of December, 1983, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then .have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th day of January, 1984, E.B. MENZIES, Q.C„ Box 68, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SATURDAY, FEB. 18 AT 10 A.M. Furniture, appliances, antiques, etc. at Richard Lobb's Barn, CLINTON, ONT. for Angelo Phillips of. Seaforth plus addi.tions..-- ro9.-Educatsonai FREE ,128' page Career Guide •shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute, '267A Adelaide Street West, Toronto.. Call (416)977-3929 today. --5o LEARN PIANO OR ORGAN with new, easy Chord. Method! In- struction book with 3 cassette topes quickly teaches .you keyboard styles including "by ear" . and . simplified music reading. All members of fhe family can 'learn. Progress at your own pace. Low cost. Start chording .right away. Details. free. Write Ken's Keyboard Kourse„ Box -2205, Station A., Moncton N.B. ElC 8J1 -6o . inmemeeme 41. To give away. 42. Death no ilce J ANTZI At the Bluewater Rest Home. Zurich on Friday. February 3rd, 1984, Mr. Noah S. Jantzi, formerly of Baden, in his 89th year. Beloved husband of the former Magdalene (Mattie) Jut- zi. Dear father of Laverne J.Jantzi, of Levittown, Penn- sylvania and Wilma (Mrs. Albert Erb) of RR 2, Zurich. Also survived by five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Mr. Jantzi was predeceased by one daughter Clarine in infancy, two brothers David and William and one sister Clara (Mrs. Amos Schwartzentruber). Visitation was after 2 p.m. Saturday in the Zurich ' Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49 Goshen Street North, Zurich un- til Sunday morning, thence to the Mark Jutzi Funeral Home, 291 Huron Street, New Ham- burg for visitation commencing at 2 p.m. Sunday until Monday, February 6th thence to the Steinman Mennonite Church, RR 2, Baden for funeral service at 2:30 p.m. Interment to follow in Steinman Mennonite Church Cemetery.-6nx -DIETRICH At -St: Joseph's'Hospital-, London - on Wednesday, February 1, 1984. Alexine Louise (Ayotte) Dietrich of Zurich, Ontario and formerly of R.R. 3 Dashwood in h.*r beth year. Beloved wife of the late Pius Dietrich (1965). Dear mother of Phyllis Dietrich- -of .London,. -June --(Mrs. .Norm - Breen) of Parkhill, Janet (Mrs. Barry Bloch) of Goderich, Marilyn (Mrs. ,Ken Fenwick), Louise (Mrs. Larry Merner) both of • Zurich, Pius Dietrich of Walkerton and Michelle (Mrs. Richard Rose) of Exeter. Dear sister of Mrs. Bernice Hamel of Niagara Falls, Irma (Mrs. Keith Rose)' and Doris (Mrs: George Williams) both of Michigan, Lawrence Ayotte of Michigan, Richard Ayotte of Dashwood, Alvin Ayotte of Windsor and ' Louis Ayotte. of Zurich. 'Predeceased by brothers Milford and Urban Ayotte. Also loved by 15 grandchildren and three great g;ranchildren . Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home,. Dashwood. Funeral mass at Our L-ady---of--Mount-Ear-mel-Chu r -c -h on Saturday, F-ebruary 4 at 11 a.m. Spring interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery.-6nx 43. Births ALBRECHT Terry and Debra (Coneybeore) ate pleased to announce the ar- rival of Their first child Michelle Lynn at Clinton Public Hospital can February 2, 1984.-6nx CM- TON NEWS- cORD, WEJ SS; Y, FEBRUARY 8, i, =-PAR 1? - 46. in memoriam 47. Card of thanks _JACKSON In memory of our dear grand- son, Kenneth Allen Jackson, who was taken so suddenly, one year ago,- February 10, 1983. A token of love and remem- brance For a grandson we could never. forget. His memory is our priceless treasure, His Loss our lifetime regret. Always remembered with love and pride for all the joy he gave by Grandpa and Grondmo Allen. -6 • FAWCETT Doug and Cathy Fawcett wish to announce the birth of Scott Thomas on January 12, 1984 at University. of Alberto Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta weighing 7 lbs, 71/2 oz. A little "brother .for Kent, 5th grandchild for Len and Betty Fawcett, Clinton and 17th. grandchild for Russell and Elizabeth - • Grainger, Zurich.-6nx FIELDS Cec and Pat are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their second daughter Sherri Lynn, born February 2, 1984 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 5 lbs. 131/2 ozs. A wee sister for Amy. Special thanks to Dr.. Salsbury and the second floor nurses for the excellent care.-6nx NETZKE Gary and Glenda (nee Blake), • St. Agatha; Ontario are pleased to announce the arrivol.of their first child, Kyle George, born. January 30th, 1984 weighing '7 TO GIVE AWAY - German , lbs. 3 ozs: Proud grandparents shepherd/husky puppies. Call ..are Gerald and Leone Blake, 482.3249 -after 4 p.m. -6x :. _ ".Lloyd and Myrta Netzker .Len and- Lily Christilaw and lona Blake.-6nx • 42. Death notice CLARKE At Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich on Wednesday, February 1, 1'984, James Clarke formerly of Dashwood in his 91st year. Dear brother of Mrs. Mabel Hodgins of Chateau Gardens, Parkhill, Edna (Mrs. Benjamin Thompson) of R.R. 8 Parkhill and Mrs. Alice Rendall of New York, NY. Predeceased . by sisters ,Mrs. Margaret Burr and Mits Elizabeth Clarke and brothers Harry and George Clarke. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood where the funeral and committal service ,was held on Saturday, February 4 et 1:36 pari. Rev. B. Laing .of- ficiating. Interment in Grand Bend Cemetery. -6x 38. Auction sale TAYLOR Steve and Cindy Taylor (nee' Middleton) are thrilled to an- nounce the safe arrival of their first born, a son! Derek John, born on Monday, January 30, 1984, weighing 5 lbs. 14Y2 az. at Clinton Public Hospital. Proud 'grandparents are Don and Audrey Middleton and Jack and Myrtle Taylor. Great •grand- parents are Muriel -Middleton, Adell Jervis, Ruth Taylor and Gertrude'Taylor.-6nx 44. Engagements VAN LOO - VELIKAS- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Velikas, Regina, Sask. are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their oldest daughter, Heather Lynn' to Willis Peter Van Loo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Van Loo of Clinton. The wedding will take place on February 11, 1984, at ' the home of the groom 6x MARKS In loving memory of Charelene Marks who passed away two years ago February 12, 1982. Days of sadness still come o'er us, 'Silent tears often -flow, • For memories keep you ever near us, ' Tho you, died two years ago. Sadly missed by Grampa and Grandma. -6x , KLAZIPIGA Perhaps you sent g lovely card, Or sat quietly in a choir, Perhaps you• sent g. funeral spray., If so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest ' words, As any friend could say, Perhaps you were npt there at all, Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so much, whatever the part. Audrey and Stewart, inga family, the family. -6x the Klaz- Schenk STEPHENSON 1 wish to expre3s my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to the nursing staff, Rev. We Brown and Doctors Baker and Flowers. Ralph Stephenson ---6x --'EAST .•• Jn.....loving..snecuoc.y:..af", st dear .. .leather pqd_ gran mother Margaret 'East who" passecr" away one year ago February 6, 1983. In all the world we shall never find, - A heart so wonderfully kind,. So soft a voice, so sweet a -.• . A sympathy so sure, so deep, A love so beautiful to keep. Sadly missed by Jack and Margaret East. -6 MILLER In loving memory of a dear mother, father and grand- parents Mrs.. Florence Miller who passed away February, -12, 1974 and Mr. Arnold Miller who passed away February -9, 1977. Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day, No need for words except to say Still loved, still missed inevery way. Always remembered and sadly missed by Keith, Murray and • families. -6x _.____.EAST • h, loving• -memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Marguerite Ann East, who pass- ed away one year ago February 6, 1983. Mother you used•to watch for .the roses to bud in the spring, T.o watch for the robins and hear them sing.' . - Whenever we needed you, you were always there; • And when' your suffering was too much to bear, "Gou had still 'mor"e Than h" to share. Even then,' with wisdom •and love you guided us all, Until with mercy God did call, But one day;. Mother, we'll meet- again, -• • Where the -roses always bloom. and the robins sing. Coved so very much and 'sadly missed' by son Charles and daughter-in-law, Shirley and grandchildren, Stewart, . Billy and Kevin. -6x .T07COitEUS =J- soutd- e -to -thank. J+rn- Beatty; Vic Lecompte and Jim Alex- ander for the fine display of citizenship"on January 21', 1984. The very grateful Mrs. Toxopeus. ---6. CRIBBIN T{ie family of the late Iva Grib- bin wish to thank the nursing staff and Dr. 'Harrell of the Clin- ton Hospital for their care. Thanks also to Ball and Falconer Funeral Home and all relatives, friends and neighbors - for flowers, charitable donations and food sent to the house. It was all greatly appreciated. The Cribbin family 'and Edna Paterson.. --6 '47. Card of thanks ALBRECHT We would like to say q special thanks to Dr. Salsbury end the nurses of second floor at Clinton Publif Hospital for the expert care we received. Also thanks to those who came to visit us, sent flowers, cards and gifts while we were patients. Debra Albrecht and Michelle. -6x ANDREWS I would like to thank Dr. Newland, Dr. Lambert and nurses while I was a patient at Clinton Public Hospital. Thanks to Rev. Bechtel and those who came to visit me, sent cards, flowers and gifts. Your kindness will always be remembered. Don Andrews. -6 V ' JACKSON Fred, Alice and family had an evening we will never forget. To the Ladies Aux. of Legion 146 a hearty vote of thanks for the excellent dinner and to all our friends and neighbors who sent cords, flowers and attended the dance, it makes both of us feel -very. humble in -the.knowledge-- th t wehave so many wonder- ful friends. Sincerely, Alice and Fr -ed -Jaekson -6x: ; _ TAMBLYN 'We would like to thank all those who helped in any way at the scene of the accident, Dr. Steed and the staff at Clinton Biz's- 0JAl,., ,oh_, who_-v-isited and made inquiries, for flowers, gifts, cards, and food sent to the house. Your kindnesses, words of love and comfort will never be forgotten. Dorothy Tamblyn and family. -6x TAYLOR Steve, Cindy and Derek Taylor wish to thank Dr: Steed and the second- floor nurses at the hospital for their excellent care. Also to the many friends and relatives who helped share our joyous event. -6 PI L!NKETT We would like to thank Dr. McCULLOUGH .. ' -David Walker, the nursing staff I would like to thank Dr. Baker, - on 2nd Floor East at A.M.&G, Dr. Flowers, and nurses on, first Hospital, and 'the ambulance floor for the excellent care staff, for their comfort and core received while in Clinton. Public in taking us to St.. Joseph's . Hospital:Thanks to: housekeep- . Hospital, London. Also thanks ..ing end all of the staff, to those to Dr, GT. Fellows and -to sta f—:who -sent flowers, cards and - and nurses for . the excellent gifts. Your kindness will always care Sarah and I received dur- be . remembered. Eleanor ing our stay in London. We ap- McCullough -6 preciate and thank all family, - friends and neighbours for the SWITZER flowers, cords, gift's and good I would like to express my wishes. Jane and Sarah. --6x sincere appreciation to , my. • - ----- -- --• ' family, grandchildren,. brother, sisters, brother-in-law, sisters- PHELAN in-law, nieces and • nephews. I wish to thank all the nurses on Special thanks to. Branch 140, • first floor•of .Clinton Hospital, Ladies •Aux. Branch 140, St. Dry: S3.ceei _d21:__Flowers _Dry... Paul's Flower Guild', Rev; .Gar - Baker, Dr. Watts and therapy d"on"Simmons for`•h'rs-•prayers------"-•- dept. for their excellent care. visits at hospital and home, to Also all the neighbors and my neighbors for keeping my . friends for cards', flowers, 'cdtls walk clean, for the flowers and and, visits. I received. John cards 'sent. Special' thanks to Phelan --6x `Dashwoo:d Yn"dustries' maintenance; employees and ff the baskof BROOKS , fruitoffice and staflowersfor, to Dr. Wetatts, - I would like to thank all. my Dr. Brian Baker and to Mrs. , friends and relatives for flowers Flowers, Dr. Jwaiing, therapist, • and c s that they sen'f while 1 and a very special thanks to the was n St.. Joseph's Hospital, nurses who looked after me. Londoi. Helen Brooks. --6 Eric Switzer. -6x Farm Equipment 100 pct. of equipment to be sold subject to weather. conditions APPROXIMATELY 80 TRACTORS to be sold at 1:00 PM regardless of weather conditions , NDLEY SALES YARD BRINDLEY 13 ml. N.E. of Gaderlch Saturday, February 18, '84 10:00 A,M. . BrindleAuctions 1529.7625 Auctiotaeer: GORDON 11. BROMLEY o Soft& tve-- Money NORTHBROOK Water Softener for ONLY PLUS INSTALLATION Find out just how economical soft water is. LIMITED OFFER -- CALL NOW! !KLY CULLIOAN MANIm CALL COLLECT GODERICH 524-9571