HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-01, Page 13CLINTON "ON WS HEC4;
HurwiPerth presbyterial
hold 17th annual meeting
STRATFOR - The 17th annual, meeting
of Huron -Perth Presbyterial United Church
Women was held in Stratford on Jan. 23,
opening with a sing -song led by Mrs. Doris
Miller, Stratford and Mrs. Marilyn Kreuter,
Rostock. resi-
-Welcome.remarks and greetings by presi-
dent Grace Pym faith as a gift from God.
Mrs. Jeanette Dyer, president of St. John's
UCW welcomed the 245 persons. President
of London Conference UCW Mrs. Agnes
King of Hickson spoke of the living faith of
women through the years, reaching out to
others. She also commented on many major
protects supported by UCW - Mission and
Service Fund, Seeds for Zaire, Medical
-Electives Program, Human Rights Fish
Pins sold --to_ _help. support women and
She also raised the question to
necessary to be a member of the church
belong to UCW? Greater commitments
should be made to our church and not on fr-
inge and outside benefits. We want to avoid
being abeller aS social clubs;
Stewardship and Finance Chairperson
Helen Anderson stated that in giving to
others we tell of God's love. Donna Tuffnail
suggested for c iristian Development that
members use Study books and also to be
open minded in Bible study.: Por-
nographic literature was the issue that
Church in Society chairperson Lois Elliott
spoke strongly against. A resolution receiv-
ed from London Conference strongly recom-
mended writing to politicians, checking out
stores and voicing complaints to police
about video tapes. Hilda Grant stressed
Leadership Development as a help to living
Canadians have much to be thankful for.
How do we look at third world countries? In
Cuba which is a communist country many
people die of starvation, thirty million died
since 1945. These thoughts were shared by
Lois McGill, chairperson for. World
- ."Outeeach.EditteSehneider Communication
Co-ordinator said people should not keep
good things to themselves. Pass the sun-
shine on to someone else. Archives chairper-
son Alma Langford asked that members not
be neglectful in preserving the records of
the past. Scrapbooks and photo albums are
the methods being used.
Afternoon worship was conducted by
UCW members of the North Huron Region.
The election of officers was chaired by
Mrs. King who called for the report of the
Nominating Committee by Mrs. Doris Zur-
brigg. Rev. Ross Cumming, Stratford,
Chairman of Huron -Perth Presbytery con-
ducted the Installation Service for the 1984
executive. They are: President, Muriel
Coultes, R,R. 5 Brussels; Vice -President,
Alma Langford, Exeter, Helen Anderson,
R.R. 2 Tavistock; Recording Secretary,
Dorothy Grant, St. Marys; Assistant
Secretary, -Eleanor. Grainger R.R. 2. Wro_x-
ete_r Corresponding„ Joyce Martin, Gorrie;
Treasi�r�,-J�n Hanly,,goden . _ _
• _Committee__ -Chairpersons.:: Stewa dal ig
and Finance, Winriifred Dow, R.R. 2, Staffa;
Christian Development, Alma Godbolt, Ex-
eter; Leadership Development, Yvonne
Vanslyke, Seaforth; Church In Society
Margaret -£tett; -R:-I : --Ztu'ich;-- 3111
Outreach, Anna Keys, R.R. 1, Varna; Com-
munications, Edith Schneider, Sebringville;
Nominations, Grace Pym, RR. 1, Cen-
tralia; Archives, Helen Anderson.
Regional Presidents: Huron - North,
Florence Reavie, Wingham; South, Donna
Greb, R.R. 3, Zurich; East, Joyce Dowson,
R.R. 1, Varna; West, Marilyn Verbeek, R.R.
1. Belgrave; Perth-oNorth, Trudie Ball,
Milverton; East, Liarni Michelson, Strat-
ford; South - West, Mary F. Dow, Mitchell.
Mrs. Pym was presented with a gift a's.a
token of appreciation for her time of ser-
vice. She spoke briefly encouraging all to
have a vision for the future. Success is in the
journey you take trying to realize the vision.
Success is growth. "Work together", she
said, "and make a strong UCW organiza-
Mrs. Muriel Coultes, newly elected presi-
"" dent made a few brief remarks stating that
with -God's -help- she... hoped to .be__.the _.pzesi-..
dent we would have her be.
Mary F. Dow of South-West Perth region
gave the courtesy remarks and Rev. Cumm-
ing pronounced the Benediction.
The Huron -Perth -Presbyterial -of United JChnrtcsi_ Women h�l<d its annual meeting at St.
ve wa resenteed at the
daai.�!'-s-UulEed-cb,:: ��a�ford-em-.baa. -23. -The .19114_ executive wn.s. i _..._..
meeting. In the photo, from left to right are: front row - Agnes King -of I°Iickson; president o
the London UCW conference; Alma Langford of Exeter, first vice-president; Muriel Coultes
of Belgrave, president; Helen Anderson of„.R.R., 2, Tavistock, second vice-president; c receipts of $12,000 during 1983 and expen- Hosritail Auxiliaries of Ontario, conducted
row -Jeannette Dyer president of the UCW at the host church; Joyce Martin of Gorrie, cot- ditures of $10,500, half of which was donated Hospistallation service at which the follow-
orld responding secretary; Dorothy Grant of St. Marys, recording secretary; Grace Pyne of to the Hospital Building Fund. The further arsons took the oath of office. They in-
Elitrrville_,, past presidents and -Jean Hans, -of Goderich, treasurer. Absent from the photo is pledge ef$5,000 for 1984 will require some inclues President, Esther Wright; Past
Eleanor Grillageassistant tail' -behalf-of the-A�tax
Joyce Chilton; 2nd Vice -President, Helen
Proctor; Recording Secretary,
Cooper; Corresponding Secretary, Joyce
e Volunteers, under the Treasurer, Roberta F1lirristeel.
capable leadership of Karen Lehnen, are at Hilderly;
full strength and have undergone several Committee Convenors: Awards, Joyce
rksho s. Patients and staff Chilton; Buying, Kathleen Siertsema;
Grainger R.R. 2, Wroxeter, secretary. first class fun raisix►g_on -
diary. A letter. of appreciation is being sent President, Ruth Bond; 1stWed.-President,-__.
to Mr. Earl Hilderly for his gratuitous audit
Omega Ilearn CPR obo����The Teenage
Hospital auxiliary� to
purchase large freezer
CLINTON -, The Annual meeting of the and female, and you can arrange your
Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital was games morning, afternoon or evening. On a
highlighted by the glowing reports stormy day, a game of cards with friends is
presented by the respective convenors. a welcome respite, and the money donated
President Esther Wright, in reporting on . is money well spent.
the past year's activities, mentioned how The Gift Shop is a most successful ven-
proud she was to announce to the Board of ture. Convened by Marg Coventry, the win -
Trustees the intention of the Auxiliary to dow display is professional, the prices are
purchase a large walk-in freezer, valued at reasonable. and the convenient location
$5,000. This much needed facility in the kit- allows for visitors to easily obtain a lovely
chen is a necessary factor in the current ac- gift for the patient they have come to see.
creditation program. Patients in hospital over holidays are
Congratulations and a silver baby cup always pleasantly surprised to find a favor
were bestowed upon the first baby of 1984 - on their dinner tray at then Marie Proctor This
Krista Elaine Shropshall '-daughter of Don , does not just happen,
and Elaine Shropshall of G�linton. _ organizes groups to initiate crafts that will
Furnishing the Quiet Room, at an expense be pleasing to those who are i11.
of the annual re its
of over $2,000 was the culmination of a A detailed account
dream of several years. Since the offieial will be printed in ..a special edition o The
_d their Clinton Courier and these will be given to
dedication -ser -vine,. rnast3� patiei>_t�s.an._ __._. ..
__ _ ou ht--needed._snlitude .and.. , - ae1i person bun g_ a memoership lin the
fai�ie>� -hr-� .g. �-- - - -
quiet in this pleasantly furnished room.
Treasurer Roberta Plurnsteel reported on The slateofofficersfor 1984 wasPred and
CLINTON - As an appropriate follow-up to
the last meeting's program on choking
prevention, Brenda MacDonald was on hand
Jan: 24 for the Zeta Omega's meeting to talk
abent Cardio3 ulmonary Resuscitation
CPR has become an accepted technique
all across Canada for helping heart attack
victims. Brenda stressed the important role
of the general public, as the presence of a
trained person can make the difference
between life . and death. Courses are
-available.' at. the hospital both for those new-
ly interested and for people needing a yearly-
re-ccertificatign:, -
The Singing Valentine project was
discussed, emphasizing that the package
Area deaths
Well known teacher dies at 94
Esther Jamieson
On Jan. 25, Miss Esther. Elizabeth
Jamieson, a well known Clinton resident, f
died at the age of 94 in Huronview Home.
Miss Jamieson was, the daughter of Ar-
thur and Jean Jamieson who had both
•predeceased her, and was, born in Bullet
She attended the. Clinton Collegiate and
Model School and then taught at Porter's
Hill in Goderich Township and in Hullett
Township. She later graduated from the
Toronto Normal School and joined the
elementary school teaching staff for Toron-
to. She taught there until her retirement in
• Upon her retirement, she returned to Clin-
ton and had resided on Kirk St. for the past
30 years, becoming a member of Wesley
Willis United Church and a very active
member of the UCW and the Canadian
Cancer Society until her health no longer
permitted. In 1983, Miss Jamieson moved to
Miss -Jamieson is survived by one sister,
Miss Mary Jamieson of Huronview, and
predeceased by another, Florence (Floss)
Jamieson who died in april, 1983.
A funeral was held on January 27 at the
Ball and Falconer Funeral Horne and Rev.
James Bechtel officiated. The interment
was in Clinton and the funeral and commit-
tal services were held at the funeral home.
A former Toronto resident died on Jan. 29
in the Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Iva
Caroline (Sholdice) Cribbin was 70 years old.
and a recent citizen of Bayfield.
Born in 1913 to Wilbert Sholdice and'
. Marion 'Pickering, Mrs. Cribbin lived in
McGillivray township until 1927::In 1928 she
moved to London and in 1932 she settled in
Toronto ,_.-...-----Y—,
She attended SS No. 5 McGillvray Schoo
rom 1919 to 1927 and then went to London
Technical School from 1928 to 1932.
In 1936 she married Arthur Cribbin and
they Settled itli Toronto until 1948.
Apart from being a housewife andmother,
Mrs. Cribbin was also employed by Simp-
sons and the Canadian Red Cross from 1952
to 1971. She is survived by one daughter;
Linda (Mrs. Terrance Kearns) of Sault Ste.
Marie,. and one son; Anthony Cribbin 'of
She is also survived by five grand-
children, by one sister;. Edna (Mrs. Alex
Paterson) of Brucefield, and one brother;
Kenneth Sholdice heof r brother;London. SheMuiss
predeceased by
and Falconer Funeral Home and Rev.
teal includes a cake, a flower, a song and
February 19 will be the new date for a
sleighride, cancelled last week due to ex-
treme cold. To be followed by a pot -luck sup-
per, this day will be fun for the whole fami-
ly, and since the group has about 40
children, there should be quite.a crowd at
the Orange Hall. Other events planned in-
clude a volleyball game, and a special birth-
day party for the 200th meeting of Beta
Sigma Phi in Clinton. Our hostess Shirley
Mills was again the winner of the 25 cents
draw.- . -
Other business included discussion of the
Beta • Sigma Phi signs .for the town en-
trances. Treasurer Diane Collyer read a let-,
ter of thanks from the Christmas Bureau.
Vice-president Joanne Pollman requested
that pledges do some background reading.
for the next meeting planned for Valentine's
Day, Feb. 144 at the home of Diane Steven-
--James Bechtei"offieiateel —The—interment__
was in Baird's Cemetery in Stanley
Township. the funeral and committal ser-
vice were held at the funeral home.
Florence Oliver
A member of Wesley Willis United Chur-
ch, Mrs. Fldrence Irene Oliver died on Jan.
23 in Clinton Public Hospital at the age of 74.
Born to George and Maude Huller, Mrs.
Oliver is predeceased by two husbands; Reg
Shipley and Tom Oliver.
She is survived by one daughter, Lynn
(Mrs. Harold Erlandsen) of Grand Forks,
B.C. and two grandchildren, Leigh -Anna
and Steven.
Rev: James Bechtel officiated at the
funeral on January 26 at the Beattie Funeral
Horne and the interment was in the. Clinton
A funeral was held on Jan. 31 at the Ball Cemetery.
Goderich threesome play
HURONVIEW - Residents at Huronview
were glad to have Marie Flynn back again
on Monday afternoon to play some old time
Due to colds, some of the orchestra were
unable to attend, however residents were
well entertained and many old favorites
were played. It haa,hge ,a,qJ since the
''Bird, Dance was played and everyone en-
joyed hearing it again.
Rev. Norman Pick was in charge of the•,
Sunday morning worship service. The choir
sang a special anthem and Mabel Scott was
the soloist.
Special Care folk got together for a social
hour on Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments
were served and music was played for their
listening pleasure.
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Beb McNaughton
Wm. Leiper
A talented threesome from Goderich
provided entertainment at the Jan. birthday
party. Mrs. Dick Madge and Tony Hyde led
in a rousing singsong, accompanied at the
piano by, Gord Harrison. The audience was
also delighted with. duets sung by Mrs.
Madge and Mr. Hyde. -
Elsie Henderson thanked the guests for
sharing their talents with Huronview
residents. Following the program reresh-
ments were served.
Last week, residents welcomed to the
home, Mr. Lorne Finlayson of Kippen, Mr.
Frank Dobson of'Wingham, Mrs. Rose
Phillips of Seaforth and Mr. Angelo Phillips
of Seaforth.
To the family of the late Miss Esther
Jamieson, sincere sympathy is expressed.
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Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings
along with helpful community information.
orientation wo p
alike appreciate the hours and devotion Teenage Volunteers, Karen Lehnen ;
these young people voluntarily give to those Geriatrics and ShHpairI Hairdressing,
s i g, Dawn
in hospital. Westlake; Gift
The Penny Sale, a successful venture, net- Historian, Patti Winnings; Library and
ting year,Magazines, Marilyn Fraser; Membership,
motionf lastbhas already been set in Evelyn Holmes; Press and Publicity, Peggy
for 1984 by its convenor, Joyce Menzies; Penny. Sale, Joyce Hilderly;
'Hilderly. Social; Margaret Caldwell; Tray Favors,
Convenor dDangle aWestlake has set i and Marie Proctor; Television, Florence implemented an ambitious and meaningful rte; Telephone, Audrey Walsh; Cor -
geriatric program.'Volunteers are urgently tions, Ruth Bond.
needed to help provide the tender loving
care that is so appreciated by the long term Watch your step
Dru Pre
patients on the second floor: scott
Convenor - of _ Buying, nd in
reported on purchases during.1983, a
particular, the Christmas gifts for patients
in the hospital over the festive season.
The Vanishing Parties are to commence
in early February. This is fun for all, and all
proceeds will go directly to latest projects.
The Vanishing Party may be made up of
bridge, euchre or cribbage players, male
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• Check your stairs for potential hazards,
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Clinton Area
Goderich Area
urch Services
Fellowship ,Bible Chapel
162 Maple StreetSunday, Februarys•
9:45 Worship & Remembrance
11 a.m. Sunday School and Family Bible Hour
'7f00 p.m. Evening Service
Speaker: Tony Davies
7:30 p.m. Tuesday - Prayer & Devotion
10 a.m. Wed. Feb. 8 Coffee Hour and Cubbies .
7 p.m. Thurs. Awana Clubs
Christian Reformed
Christian Reformed Church
243 Princess St^E„ Clinton
Rev. John Hielkema, Kincardine
10 a.m. Worship Service
3 p.m. Worship Service
All Visitors Welcome
Watch "Faith 20" at 9:30 a.m. on Global T.V.
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Gordon Simmons, B.A., M. Div.
Services 10 a.m.
1st 5 3rd Sundays - Holy Communion
2nd & 4th Sundays - Morning Prayer
Sunday School & Nursery Everyone Welcome
Calvary Pentecostal Church
166 Victoria St. Clintao
Pastor Wayne Lester
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship
10 a.m. Sunday School
1 1 :15 a. m. Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
Wesley -Willis. United Church
11 a.m. Service at Wesley -Willis
9:45 a.m. Service at Holmesville .
Ontario Street United Church
Rev. R. Norman Pick Louise McGregor
11 a.m.. Public Worship
11 a, m. - Church School