HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-01, Page 8•
Vim* e r' .dfaa.
In ttie business• a thank you card was read'
from Elsie Carter.It was Moved not to
Wept the invitation to Brussels WI on Feb,
1 The Walton WI ii be responsible for the
program at CalloPiler'n Nursing Home in
Brussels in March.-
Plans are made by "the committee of
Maxine Marks -:for a banquet for the Walton
Feed millattthe hall, Feb.16 atn. oon. The WI
were asked. to host a Brussels tour in con-
nection with the Bicentennial and have a
display of antiques etc. Niegnbers agreed to
co-operate if the date was suitable.
The institute catered to a hot meal on Jan.
for Slain : conlaleetion with Pur ► .
e '
airy. Food On Saturday evening a tee la
party .was he* whirs Was chaperone...
There wdi be a benefit dance for TOMATO.
Joyce Williamsonon Feb, 10 at Family
Paradise The Wiiliamsons lost their liars In
'.a fire recently.
Each member is asked to bring something.
useful 'for the kitchen to the February
The rest of the meeting was turned over to
convernr. ors Mrs. Elva Holger who read a
Poem and Mrs. Margaret Craig who also
gave.a reading.
Four tables of Court Whist were in play,
winners were : high lady - Mrs. Marjorie
Rock; low lady - Mrs. Nancy Machan; high
man - Mrs. Marjorie Humphries, low man -
Mrs. Maxine Marks (both playing for that
Hullett happenings
On Jan: 26 the Grade 7 class went curling
at Vanastra. The curling is free. The will be
going. three -more -tunes. e ..Grade. -8 -students..,
ment-on -Frida They -all .=had -ave en..- -
joyable time.
Non -Smoking Week
Last week was Non -Smoking Week.
Wednesday was named Weedless Wed-
nesday. On Thursday students saw two films
called.: "Be _Smart, Don't Start'? and....
"Breathe Easy". They were interesting and
certainly showed how hazardous •smoking
can be to one's health.
Nurse's Visit
On Jan. 25 nurses came to give needles to
Grade 1 and some of Grade 6.
On Jan. 20 the Grade 6, 7 and 8's saw the
movie `Shane'. The Grade 7 .class has been
studying the novel 'Shane' so they found it
very meaningful.
costs rise
The 1984 membership cost for the sup-
porters of the Christian Farmers Federa-
tion of Ontario will increase to $258.15.
The Federation is a professional organiza-
tion of about 600 farnily_farmers. In 1983 the
farm families paid $243.83. This was. a
decline from a 1982 high of $255.08.
The CFFO's 1984 budget is about $158,600.
Twenty-one local . associations from
Thunder Bay to the Niagara Peninsula and.
from Kent County to `Dundas County make
up the Federation.
The Federation's head office wilt move in
March from its present location in Harriston
to 115 Woolwich Street, Guelph.
4 THEN '
Barry Buchanan
CLINTON 482-7374
Includes: Potato, Vegetable. Roll and butter,
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This year's volleyball teams were finally
wicked Eyeryone who tried out was very
enthusiastic. The coaches were grateful to
-those who tried -out---for the team The
`tkii anent wil iieid on -Feb.` ti at -the -
Clinton High School.
Ross Wilson of Blyth had a close call when the empty tractor-traller he was driving jack-
- knifed in front of the Clinton Credit Union on Jan. 24. Mr. Wilson was attempting to stop
to avoid hitting another vehicle that turning ahead of him. There were no injuries,
however, damage-to,tine_-r4g awned -by -Loafs McNichol McNichol Trucking -Ltd. of Seafor wag'.... •
estimatetkarSurap byraheeliBtonpeace. •Iir.Cage_was res eted:' o the -Ten of -.the -cab...__
and fuel tanks. (Rod Hilts photo)
Seniors to view Front Page Challenge
Ey Dora$hobbrook ton Public Hospital in satisfactory -condi
. United Church Scanlon: A : thank yon- note 'was receivedp
from George Hoggart tion. Sympathy is extended to Audrey Klaz-
service on Jan. 29 the greeters were Lorne A bus will be going to Toronto on Feb- 29 to nags and baby.
flunking and Jim Jamieson. B. Ushersm, were the Eaton's Centre and to CBC studios for Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Pht and StepheneD Bergsma, John Front Page Challenge. If you're interested Bob Burns on the death of his brother Harry
Cartwright and s conducted by in going contact Kay Hesselwood at 523-9623. on Jan. 30th, 64, at Pine Crest Nursing Home
The service was regiColin Swan. A get well card was signed for Mae Smith in Lucknow.
He announced the congregational meeting who had been in hospital. An invitation has Mrs. Ken Hulley was admitted to Univer-
next Sunday Feb. 5 at 2 p.m. in the sane- been received to be guests of Blyth Swinging sity Hospital London on Jan. 25 having
tuary, when representations of Huron -Perth Seniors on Feb. 22. surgery on Jan. 26. Friends wish her a
Presbytery and the London Conference will
be present. Confirmation classes will begin There were six tables in play for -'euchre speedy recovery.
and winners were: Ladies' high, Dora Shob- Mr. • and Mrs. Tom Allen spent the
Feb- 3 at 7:30 p.m. brook; lone hands, Hazel Reid; low, Kay weekend of Jan. 22 snowmobiling at Sauble
U.C.W. meet Konarski; men's high, Jack Armstrong; Beach.
The meeting was held Jan. 16 at the lone hands, Bob Thompson; low, Margaret Joan Whyte, Brenda Radford and Jane
with with a dessert luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Good (playing as a man). Swan were U.C.W. delegates on Jan. 23 at.
The meeting opened with a reading given by Lunch was served by Hazel Watkins, Jack the Huron Perth Presbyterial in Stratford.
President Brenda Radford Minutes were and Janie McEwing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen attended the
read by Joan Whyte and Happy birthday Shuffle Board funeral of late Mrs. W. G. Cunningham at
was sung for Margaret Good. Jan. 25th winners were: ladies high, Viet- Mundel funeral home in. Orillia on Sunday
The 19slate officers include: Past to Hoggart; low, Margaret Good; men's and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Epps.
Presidentt.. Gail Lear: President. Brenda high; -Clare Vincent; low, Bob Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie of Kitchener
Radford; 1st Vice, Betty Hulley; 2nd Vice, pyoff winners, Vietta Hoggart and Bob spent Saturday with her parents Mr. and
Joan Whyte; ddcretary, Bernice Norman; Thompson; low, .Beryl Reid and Lorne Mrs. Bob Thompson.
assistant, Addie Husking; Treasurer; Honking. Shuffleboard will be played again Mr. and Mrs. Ray Radford of London
Margaret Good; assistant, Pearl Mason; on Feb. at 8 p.m. spent the weekend with her parents.
Pianist, Gail Lear; assistant, Genevieve Explorers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson visited with
Allen; Christian. Development, Mary Peel The Explorers meeting was held Jan. 27th Grandfather Mr. Wm. Hamilton in Clinton
and Florence Cartwright; World Outreach, with a perfect attendance. The Explorer Public Hospital.
Joan Whyte; Communications, Dora.Shob- Emblem wasread by Tracy Kennedy, Vicky John Radford and boys Rob, Michael and
brook; Church in Society, Dora Shobbrook . Riley, Denise Gross and Lisa Kennedy. The Brent, Keith Allen and boys Don, Mark and
and June Fothergill; Leadership Develop- Explorer picture was done by Joanne Wilts. Drew, spent the weekend snowmobiling at
ment, -M Beacom; nStewardship and Nominations and elections were held. The Sauble Beach.
Supplyez Mar aret Good and Pearl Mason; n r c ttiye19r.second half of the year is: Dora Shobbrook spent Sunday in Clinton
Supply and , in Lyon aBoard rf Chief Explorer, Cheri Hoggart; Deeper of and ceJen'rated'Thelrna-Elie,. by's-'birthday
Longman; .archives, Joan Whyte; Board the Log, Kathy Kennedy; Treasurer, Vicky They attended the Clinton figure skating
Stewards, Helen Lee; :Manse Committee,
Lou Riley club annual competition of which Great
Beth Knox; Buying Committee; Marjorie Members sang •
Happy Birthday to Kim Granddaughter Chastity Colquhoun is a
Cartwright and Jane •.Hoggart; Funeral Salverda and the craft was animal :book n mlier•' - ''
Lunch committee, Helen Lee, Audrey marks. The' next meeting is Feb. 3 after ' The W.I. Family Affairs meeting will be
Thompson, Norma Glousher, Kaye' school,_ held Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. The speaker. will be
Saundercock and June Fothergill. - `
Seniors meet Personals ' RosemaryArmstrong from Huron Day Care
The HappyGangSeniors met on Jan. 25 A head on traffic collision just west of . Centre. Roll call, a penny for each inch of
Londesboro on Jan. 26 claimed life of Robert your waist.
and President Beth Knox welcomed , Klazinga, 23, of R.R. 1 Londesboro. Dorothy The W.I. Card party will' be Feb. 3 at 8
everyone.. The minutes of the November
meeting were read by. secretary Isabel Tamblyn, R.R. 1 Blyth was admitted to Clip- p.m. Ladies bring lunch.
Lionshagglsmunch for Robbie Burns
-CLINTON - On Jan. 17, the Clinton Lions
Club held their annual Robbie Burns night at,
the White Carnation in Holmesville.
Approximately 60 Lions and . guests were
welcomed by Ken Dupee, President, and
following the Selkirk grace and the piping of
the Haggis by Murray East they enjoyed the
address to a Haggis by Beecher Menzies.
A very enjoyable dinner of Scotch broth,
Haggis, roast beef, champit tatties, bashed
neeps, bannocks, pie and coffee. Following
dinner (and the introduction of guests . a
singsong of good Scottish numbers were
enjoyed. Highland dancing was then per-
formed by Dulcie Mero, a Grade 11 student
from Goderich.
Lion Glenn Price introduced the guest
speaker, John Cochrane, recently retired
from the Huron Board of Education. He
gave lin interesting and informative speech
centering on the life, times and memories of
the immortal Robbie Burns. He was thanked
and presented with a gift of appreciation by
Lion Steve Fraser. .
The evening.came to a close following the
singing of Auld Land Syne and several of the
couples dancing to the piped music of Lion
Murray East.
--Compare-Our Pxist�s!_......__.--._.,....__,...,._.,.....,_...
Meat Market
Open: Monday - Thurs. 8 Custom Killing
a.m. - 6 p.m.; Closed Cutting and Wrapping
Friday at 6, p.m.; Saturday • By Appointment
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Prices in effect until Saturday, Fe ruary 4, 1984.
Boneless Rump or SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ... $2?91h•
Schneider's Vac PacWIENER'S .... • • . $1691b.
NEW! Maple Leaf SAUSAGE ROUNDS 500 g 18 pkg
Maple Leaf 500 g.
SIDE. BACON • . . . • $2 9pkg.
Maple Leaf BAKED COOKED MEATS ... $2491b
Maple Leaf COIL POLISH SAUSAGE • • • $11%.
Maple Leaf SMOKED PICNIC HAMS • . . $1491b.
Maple Leaf. PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS • . $1791b.
Maple Leaf WAX BOLOGNA ..... . • • . lb.
lO lb. bag
POTATOES ..... $159bag
Mexican (small size)
TOMATOES . • • . • • 694Ib.
',,HEAD-LETTU.C1=......_.6-9` .,.
Phone 523-4551
Weston Hot Dog or Hamburg
BUNS..••65 pkg..
Kraft 225 g.
DINNER.. 2/1.00
Stokely's 19oz.
Van Camp's 19 oz.
PORK & BEANS 694tin
Weston's Plain, Sugar, Cinnamon
DONUTS .. 99doz.
Old Min 450 g.
Peerless 400 g.
CRACKERS . . 994pkg•
Carlton Club 24/10 oz.
or Ginger Ale . $469case
Kraft 1 kg.
CHEEZ WHIZ. $599jar
Society 418g. Kraft 500 ml.
DOG FOOD . 2/99 MIRACLE WHIP $159jar
Kellogg's 500g.
BRAN FLAKES & FRUIT e • • • • • • $199pkg• ,
McCain's 12.5 oz. Frozen
ORANGE JUICE .. 99°ea.
Bluewater 750g.
FISH &CHIPS.. . . $199pkg•
Meat Market
5 Roses All Purpose 10 kg.
FLOUR. • e • • • •$.,. bag
Kellogg's 675g.
CORN FLAKES . $1 `:9box
Mr, and.guestMr
ssof. Harobllr. ld and Hai'torsi. echleriatewere
recent ey
aecbler and fly at Blyth to celebrate
,Rickey Jr.'asecond Birt ay.
Mrs. Frank Haithby, is a patient in
University Hospital, London where she
underwentsurgery last Tuesday.
Winners at last week's euchre party were:
novelty;Mrs. Bernice Mec inchey; high
lady -Mrs. Edgar Deer; low lady -Mrs,
Dorothy Grange; high 111411 -Edgar Deer;
anad,etlow man.-Qrvalplay McPhee. There were
minables in
The'leaders of the 4-H spring project on
quilting, Mrs. Jackie Cdllins and Mrs. Lynn
Chamney, are starting their first class on
February 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
Jackie Ofillins• Any girl 12 years. of age by
January 1 can join and learn this craft by
simply phoning one of the leaders as soon as
Mr. and ' Mrs. Harold Baechler were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Baechler and
family at Blyth to celebrate Rickey Jr.'s
second birthday.
Mrs. Frank Raithby is a patient in
University Hospital, London where she
underwent surgery last Tuesday.
Winners at last week's euchre party were:
novelty-Nrs- Bernice Mcelinehey-- high -
Tad f49 r -a. _.._Edgatr •. Der :: -now.:. ;_letdy hd_i :
Dorothy Grange; high man -Edgar Daer;
and low man -Orval McPhee. There were
nine tables inplay. •
The leaders of the 4-H spring project on
quilting, Mrs. Jackie Collins and Mrs. Lynn
Chamney,_are starting their first class on
February 6 at 6:30-p.iai. at the home of Mrs.
Jackie Collins. Any girl 12 years of age by
January 1 can join and learn this craft by
simply contacting the leaders as soon as
Vestry Meeting
The annual Vestry Meeting of St. Mark's
Anglican Church was held in the church last
Wednesday, January 25 at 8 p.m.
The Reverend Robin Lyon, Rector of
Brussels, Blyth and Auburn charges, read a
scripture lesson and led in prayer, followed
by the Lord's Prayer said in unison.
Mrs. Tom Haggitt was elected Vestry
clerk. The resignation of the Reverend
William Craven due to ill health was ac-
cepted with regret. Mr. Lyon will again take
charge of the Auburn parish along with
Brussels and Blyth.
It was decided that, for the present,
Sunday church - services would be held. at...
8:30 a.m.
The election of officers then took place.
They are as follows: rector's warden -Fred
Lawrence; people's warden -Rudy Leibold;
treasurer -Mrs. Robert Slater; delegate to
Synod -Mrs. Alma Craven; and sub -delegate
to Synod -Mrs. Joan Leibold.
Other business was discussed and settled
and the meeting closed with prayer by Mr.
Craven. Lunch and coffee were served by
Mrs. Donald Cartwright and Mrs, James
The 1984-$5 executive of 'tltelchOtAnuted
Church Women in Auburn was installed by
the minister, Gary Shuttleworth, at the
morning church service last Sunday. They
are as follows: honorary president Mrs.
Gary Shuttleworth; . past prescient -Mrs.
Jack Armstrong; president -Mrs. d
Haines; vicepreSident-Mr's,. Peter V ;
second vice -president -Mrs. Marjorie
McDougall; secretary -Mrs. Mott: Lapp;
treasurer -Mrs. Oliver Anderson; convener
of World Outreach -Mrs, Tina EMper and
Mrs. - Allan Webster; Stewardship -Mrs.
Greg Park; Church in Society -Mrs. Ross
Dobie; Leadership Development and
Leader of Unit I -Mrs. Ernest Durbin;
assistant leader -Miss Betty Marsh;
secretary -Mrs. Tom Jardin; treasurer -Mrs.
Tina Empey; Leader of Unit 2 -Mrs. Alla a
Webster; assistant leader -Mrs. Barry
Millian; treasurer -Mrs. Gary Shuttleworth;
secretary -Mrs. Jack Vincent; represen-
tative to the Board of Stewards -Mrs. Robert
Arthur; and representative to the Manse
Committee -Mrs. William L. Craig.
The theme of Mr. Shuttleworth's message
was "Tile'Vows of Marriage". Mrs. Gordon
Gross="andi her daughter,' Anita -played an
offeratory duet on the organ and piano. The
choir sang the anthem, Count Your
Blessings. The junior congregation was
supervised by Mrs. Tom Cunningham.
It was announced that the annual
congregational meeting would be held on
February 5 after the morning service.
in Clinton is having
1.p.m. - 4 p.m.
Kindergarten --children rived to be 5
years of age on or before December 31,
1984. 'Please bring proof of age. (Birth
certificate or baptismal certificate.)
10 -HP
You know
you're going to wake up
one winter morning to
piles of snow on the ground.
So get a head start now! Get a big -capacity,
two-stage John Deere snow blower with 8 or 10
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located controls. You'll appreciate the built-in safety features
like handgrip safety levers.' If both are released, the engine
stops. For'our -comfort and -protection,' -a walk -un -der cab. is
Act now. Get a John Deere snow blower... before you wake
up to three feet of snow on the ground.
Special End Of r Season
Clearance Prices
Before you buy a wank behind snowblower
check out a John Deere
See us
EXETER 235-1115 BLYTH 523-4244