HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-01, Page 5;.1 • ,February 1,1979 The normally placid hamlet of Londesboro, five Mlles north of Clinton on Highway 4, Woo a beehive oLecernent on Tuesday after two men held up1he tiny branch ofthe Bank of Montreal. The Vanastra Day Care Centre board. discussed ways of attracting more children to the centre m order to avoid a $6,000 deficit again this year. Huron County council learned Friday that it could spend $25,000 and save the county housing industry millions of dollars in in- terest. 10 years ago January 31,1974 Huron-PeM separate teachers and representatives of the separate board met at a marathon 13 hour session last Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning in at- tempts to reach a salary settlement before the January 31 deadline. The teachers had said that they would strike on that date if an —a-greethattliatitirbeetitanaineretroutivith - • 25 years ago January 29, 1959 "The church has opposition, but it carries on," said Charles McInnis here on Tuesday afternoon, as be :challenged- the hog -pro- -- ducers of Huron County to carry on their program in the face of their difficulties. Mr. McInnis was speaking at the annual meeting of the organization held in the 'Legion Hall here. "Our program is sound, good and right,"_ stated Mr. McInnis, "let us gp forward. ' - 50 years ago February 1,1934 The talkative young man was always col- lecting interesting facts. "I read today," he said to an acquain- tance, "of the wonderful progress made in aviation. Men can now do anything - ab- solutely anything - a bird can do!" "Is that so!" answered his friend, thoroughly bored. "Well, when you see an airman fastasleep, hanging onto a branch ., of a tree Witionelooti'll come and -have a look!" .75 years ago . Febitiary 4,1909 "No, I can't stay any longer," he said with determination. . "What difference does an hour or so make now?" asked a member of the party. "Your wife will be in bedand asleep, and if she wakes up she won't Rnow what time it is." "Quite right, quite right," he ret ed. "I Tart fooFmywife-,ostUmeaSftOflg- I get home before breakfast. Why, Tve gone home when the sun was up, kept he blinds shut, lit the gas and made her think that it was a little after 12. But gentlem n, I can't — fool .the baby. the rOo dark a8 ' please but It won't ,rwkille by sleep a minute' later than hang, and when lie wakes up hungry it comes pretty close to be- ing morning, and my wife knows it. " Gentlemen," he added as he bowed himself out, make it a rule to get home before the baby wakes. Its the only safe way." 100 years: ago January 28, 1884 A Bone To Pick — A "timid" gentleman on Princess Street has several times been obstructed by a dog picking at a bone. The gentleman, ratherthan risk doggy's temper, wades the deep snow on the op posite side: • Clinton town fathers are made up of one flax mill owner who is also a conveyancer, two fanning mill manufacturers, one plan l- ing mill owner; one carpenter and builder, one dry goods merchant, one grocer; one butcher, one lawyer, one painter, evidently •,-- -„atairly.representativehody_ofmen '.. To editor..:. •from page 4 . is very poorly located. It should be in a rural setting since its purpose is to serve rural people. If it were located out of town, coun try people could park without getting a ticket. ,The merchants would feel the dif- ference since many men attend meetings there while their wives do their shopping in town. Many of the employees in the office must do their shopping in town too, so more business would be lost. There aren't too many businessesthat employ the number that work in that office, which is all the more reason the town 'should show some consideration for visitors to the office. When the lease on the office etpires, hope the Agricultural Representative takes a really serious look at NON renewal. Its .many 'uses have outgrown the size of the 2. building anyway. I Would like to kilo* where the Ag employees park their cars. Is any consideration given to those employees? On close examination of my violation envelope which only gives me 24 hours to pay I see that it is printed in U.S.A. Why couldn't it be printed at Clinton Conuriercial Printers. I telephoned that office and they told me they could do the printing on those little envelopes, if they had one to look at. All they have to do to get one is park anyWhere where there Used to be a meter. for over two hours and they will get one. If you were sitting all afternoon drinking beer, you would deserve a ticket but these ladies were at a meeting, planning how to improve the appearance of the town for bicentennial year. This is a very poor time to ruffle the feathers of the Horticultural Society. It's just like 'tilling the goose that laid the golden • egg. If the town is looking for ..eirtfa jobs to - keep Mr. Ticket Man busy, he could put down his chalk and pen and we would give him a shovel so he could lend the ladies a helping foot. By dhing that, he would be ap- preCiated and We would acknowledge him . • I would appreciate hearing from some town people how they feel about the parking. Personally, I'd vote for the return of the meters. I'm as close to Seaforth as I am to Clinton, so it really doesn't make any dif- ference to me. Dorothy Williams • . . . . . , . . • • - • '1,bs • . , room 1 11-MY'S FAN( \ TOMATO JUICE ( ION ( 1 1 1 ASS( >R11 1) 1 1 .% ()1.0. II)E P( 1)1 RE 1 At. NI /10 6 . 80 \ VIVA WHITE OR ( HAMPAGNl PAPER TOWELS 111 IN! TOMATO , KETCHUP 750 MI ‘,VVANSON IEEE, ( HI( KEN ()R ILIRKEN MEAT PIES 8 (V. 1 FROM ( ANADA (,RADI -A" BM T-BONE STEAKS SAVE UP TO si .00 SAVE UP TO $1.28 PALMOLIVE LIQUID DISH DETERGENT 6.59 K SAVE SAVE DEVON SLICED 500 G. PKG. SIDE BACON 1 RI SH ANAI)IAN PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS • 3 73 1 •69 /LB. SAVE SAVE MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 450 G. PKG. SAVE UP TO $1.20 SAVE UP T() 79, SAVE UP TO 1.2-1 DAVERN 450 G. SKINLESS WIENERS BREAD PARKAY TWIN " SOFT MARGARINE' 2 x 80Z. KRAFT PROCESSED 24 SINGLES CHEESE FOOD SLICES 500 G. CANADIAN QUEEN 175 G. SLICED COOKED HAM TAILLEFER STORE PACKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 2.76/KG. 1.25/LB. FEARMANS STORE PACKED HOT OR MILD ITALIAN SAUSAGE TAILLEFER SLICED PICNIC SHOULDERS 3..42. „ GOLDEN SKILLET CHICKEN CUTLETS 3.42/KG. 1.55/LB. GREEN GIANT 12 FL. OZ. FANCY WHOLE NIBLET KERNEL CORN I MISS MEW 60Z. ASSORTED VARIETIES CANNED CAT FOOD .79 3/.88 1 CHRISTIE'S 400 G. HONEY MAID , WAFER, REGULAR OR CHOCOLATE .79 GRAHAM CRUMBS 1.39 BIG G 425 G. I VACHON PKG. OF 12 CARAMEL. CHE-E RIOS ' . 891SWISS ROLLS CEREAL • CORDON BLEU 24 FL. OZ. ASSORTED VARIETIES STEW MEALTYME PKG. OF 8 WIENER OR HAMBURGER ROLLS TAILLEFER 450 G. SKINLESS WIENERS CANADIAN QUEEN SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 4.14/KG, 1.88/LB. TAILLEFER 500 G. SLICED SIDE BACON CANADIAN QUEEN 375 G. CHICKEN, MAC & CHEESE, -VARIETY-OR - -- MINCED HAM NEW ZEALAND FROZEN LAMB LOIN CHOPS 6.59/KG. 2.99/LB. NEW ZEALAND FROZEN LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS 3.73/KG TAILLEFER 175 G. • NEW ZEALAND FVOZEI79 5.49/KG 2.49/t„8. GREEN GIANT 350 G. FROZEN GREEN PEAS OR NIBLET CORN HIGH LINER FROZEN FAMILY SIZE FISH CAKES 24 OZ. BOSTON BLUEFISH STICKS 350 G. OR 1 LB. COD FILLETS MtCAIN FROZEN 4x5 INCH LITE DELITE PEPPERONI 375 G. OR DELUXE 3836. PIZZA ;NEILSON FAMILY SIZE JERSEY MILK, VIRGINIA, • BURNT ALMOND OR ROSEBUDS CANDY BARS CANADIAN GRADE "A" UNDER ! .8 kg./4 lbs. . FRESH CHICKENS 2.84/kg. KRAFT 8 OZ. FANCY DOMESTIC COLBY, MOZZARELLA, BRICK OR FARMERS CHEESE 79 STICK GOLDEN YELLOW DOLE BANANAS HEAD LETTUCE -CANADA No. I ONTARIO 2 LB. BAG CARROTS OR COOKING ONIONS FRESH CANADA GRADE 'A' OVER 1.8 kg./4 Ibs. ROASTING CHICKENS , 3.51 /1 1 0Cg. '59 /lb. PORK HOCKS 1.74/KG. .79/LB. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. SIZE 138'S, DOZEN SUNKIST ORANGES CANADA No. 1 ONTARIO SHOULDER PORK BUTT CHOPS WAXED RUTABAGAS 3.95/KG. FRESH FULL CUT CHICKEN WINGS ROUND STEAK 3.26/4. 6.57/kg. 1.4811b. 2.9811b. CANADIAN REGULAR -MOZZARELLA GROUND CHEESE BEEF 6.37/kg. 3.48/kg. 2.89/ib. 1.58/ib. CANADIAN QUEEN HALF OR QUARTER BONELESS HAM 5.49 KG. 2•49/LB.. ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCTRE RACE D ORYOUR MONEY REFUNDED, SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH- WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4 - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTIFIES STORE HOURSMonday 810 a.m04/p* Tuesday ''' ... a.m,4410 Wednesday Thursday OPEN THURSDAY AND FIR IDA Y NIGHT Friday TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE saim.day 8:30 810 a.m.-9:00 p.m. 8.300.mA:00p.m 11.311a.m.-600 •