HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-02-01, Page 2• • ..,, Ir. • • • . 1.1 BY lidellief 11 • 1:474 the- 13,1* reetKral eelehrtited ita STri llOciu year, eaPed 0401 499191111 norm, When it to management work at the Warner Festival, there WO awn anet Amos hasn't tackled. Janet a . ted bar expertise to the theatrical : ofthe theatre. She has hashed over nation for its •nnique. brand of ra•anatilab gets with tbeaadministratOra$ • theatre. It was praised by CBC -Radio,. On hind raising canvasses with .4440440 magazine, by newspapers end -- ininnteein, other theatre cOMPAIlies• Her primary job however has been, to." 1:04141,MerethanP,000people discovered choose and develop new plays. This ;means the SWAPO Festival and B1 playa working. with writers, seeing a variety of Opted further -paindatity oh the south - plays and reading close to 200 scripts in **ern 014401,0tOUritlig &Wit. prePatilitiOn for this season alone. vaiii year the, festival is celehrath4 118 Janet is also.* charge of auditioning and 19th anniversary with a s00114040- hiring the actors, the, stage crew, and announced line-up of five new Canadian designers and the directors. She has just Plays, special anniversary events and hopes finished , studying 300 resumes and will for a continued bright future. audition more than 200 actors in a week. It comes as a surprise then to learn that • She also books contracts for Blyth tours, artistic director Janet Amos will be leaving arranges the children's workshop and the famed summer festival. theatre and organizes the playwrights' At the end of the season, Janet will be workshop. taking on a new position as artistic director During the height of the season Janet with Theatre NewBrunswick. . thinks_ Blyth_Summer Festival ll -hours a _Tite„decislatiViea_m_Blyth has not .come day, but she finds the work more easily for Janet and -her husband Theltheatre-couple and their two children,-- -"-There:aremany goad aclors, but there's Chris, 13 and Joey, 6, have called. Blyth a need for administration people," she home since 1979. noted. "I'm just starting to have good personal Still many people know Janet Amos as a friends here;" she noted, "and the move will very special character, Rose Clark, the wife be hard on the children and on our personal of farmer Ayhner Clark, from the hit play lives." He Won't Come In From the Barn. So why are Janet AnioS and family Written and starting Ted Joists (as leaving: be -Ow they call home, their AyknerIthe_rollickingsomedy first_hilthe successful livelihood, their friends and their Blyth stage in 1977 as a Calleeti-Ve creatiOy secure surroundings? --Toronto's Theatre Passe Muraille. Although It all began, with a few random thoughts in all traces of the original script were lost, the back of Janet's mind - thoughts of how Ted worked from scratch to reproduce the future seasons would go, doubts abut her play for the 1981 season, ability to carry on searching out better plays The play was not the first joint effort for to ensure Blyth's continued success.) the husband and wife team. In fact, back in After five seasons with the Blyth Summer 1973 Janet Amos arid Ted Johns first came to Festival, Janet realized that it was time for this area with the highly successful Theatre a change and in October she gave a year's Passe Muraille production, The Farm Show. notice to the board of directors. Ted has kept up a busy writing career for "We walked the floor over the decision," more than a decade now and has offered a Janet said, but explained that she wanted to new play for Blyth audiences for the past leave the festival on a high point, for the sake of her own self-esteem and for the benefit of the new artistic director. Janet first came to Blyth as a director in 1977 for The Blyth Memorial History Show.. five years. "The nice thing about Blyth was that we both worked on it," Janet noted, but now she will be taking on a new job and Ted will continue writing and working on the "many The next tiayhelson J90! w9.9 „ :projecp on the back burner," as Janet Janet was again invited to Blyth for the 1978 season but at that time she was working on the CBC -TV series a Gift To Last, as well as acting with the Shaw Festival. In 1978 she applied • for the position of artistic director at Blyth and in May 1979 the family moved to the village. Janet accepted her first work as artistic ° While Janet's career interests are leaning towards administrative work, when it comes to acting she Says, "I hope to keep my toe in the door." Even before she's left Blyth, Janet is already talking about her return, how she and Ted would like to bring back He Won't director with enthusiasm and gusto. While Come In From The Barn. she began her theatrical career at 16 as _ While Janet's in the final stages of signing sun -mer stock actress with the Red Barn a three year contract with the Fredricton Theatre in Toronto, she had little trouble based theatre, she is not saying goodbye to adjusting to the management side of the Blyth. theatre. She hopes that the two theatres can work L-Janers—firt_a2-1 udireipseri-eiKe-atthe-Re-d-7-t-agither,--hy-- exchartging-Tplays-;---zby Barn, where she "did everything," and her, - -,prornoting each other and by' **king to •--good -head -for money, helped • la her -',-develop-leven better- theatre the developinentaiatiartiatie direetor. - --- - Janet *e,r_ r success to Blyth's Already thisproject hasbegun. Janet will former altistic directores Roy. be taking Ted's 1982 hit Country Hearts to "When I came to Blyth I. took James' Theatre New Brunswick this season. In model and developed it. Now I know how a April 1985 the bar room- intisTaTirill be theatre works and James Roy taught me." playedat the National Arts Centre in Ottawa Jeffray-Croves cnnton Alaine Cummings Edmonton Angelo Bailey Clinton Coralie Dykstra R.R. 2 Clinton Billi-Down Chittenden R.R. 5 Clinton Michael Atkinson cunt°. Tammy Smith Clinton Myra Steenstra. R.R. 3 Clinton Ricky Hummel canton Michael Hayter %morn. Michael Debreceni Oakville Kristy Buchanan Clinton Feb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb:4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 liFeb. 7 *temsommIlts ttoog:e tvc' She enthused, "1 mIportan here, -g and fun it can happen" to tliethr- 'onau_ Blyth it can re," she added. 1 WI Iniate • While the Blyth Summer Festival is enjoying great success, artistic director Janet Amos has chosen to move onto -anew job at the year's end. Janet has been with the Festival for five seasons and will be now working with Theatre New Brunswick. (Shelley McPhee photo) INSULATION eat t e high cost of heating this winter: Call LES TURNER for Free -Entimoteson-- *POLYURETHANE FOAM *BLOWN CELLULOSE "BLOWN, FIBREGLASS_ _ *FIBREGLASS BATTS- ROCKWOOL *CMIICAPPROVED eoVERNMENT GRANTS I • Available if9o7ri uhporoes.500bu. ilt indo rElt 482-3563 ticensed-Bonded-I inured THE CASE FOR GOOD BUSINESS. SENSE. Visit us in Clinton, Ontario EVERY MONDAY Representative: BOB McCLINCHEY It simply makes good sense to meet with the • representative of the Federal Business Oeveloprnii.ffgfarilitilid 1uIIsdbflb�itFOtJi"3re8, There is no obligation and no cost to you. And there is so much . you could gain for your business. Come talk with us if you could use financial aid, in the form of loans, loan guarantees or'even selling an equity position in your business. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course of growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to government assistance, both federal end provincial, as well as other vital information. For an • advance appointment call: Magic Tricks Pepper Chaser You can make pepper move without touching or blowing it! Fill a bowl with water and sprinkle a little pepper on. top. Then take a bat of wet soap and dip it into the water. Voila! The pepper moves away from the soap. Do you want the pepper to go back to where it was? Take the bar of soap out of the bowl and sprinkle a few grains of sugar where the pepper used to1.6e. Zap. The pepper is back where it was. Shimmering Star You can make a toothpick star pulse. Break 6 toothpicks in half, but don't pull the two halves apart. Then place the toothpicks in a star shape ;with the broken centres touching. Then put a drop of water in the centre of the star. Watch what happens! NI I • Distributed by Canada Wide Feature Service Limited c 1984 MacKay Fairfield 271.5650 (collect) or write: 1036 -Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario " Federal Business Banque federal° Development Bank de developpement Your future is aur guarantee. "NO BLOWING ALLOWED, M R.1-10UDINI? C-afiada, ealingaMlale she may be "leaving home," she is eager 10 shout out Blyth's maims in The rithnen. She's also prepared -for the different stIts of theatre that the New Brunswick company features. 'While Blyth has focused on 'original Canadian plays with a down home, country appeal, Theatre New Brunswick features a wide variety of productions in an -effort to appeal to an audience of all taStee. Theatre New Brunswick serves the whole Province and the five shows in the 15 week season are toured to some nine centres and also played at the 7004ieat Fredricton theatre. "It will be a broadening thing for me," val Janet reflected. Janet says that the success of the Myth Sumner Pestivalhas helped seciire. new work aid Theatre New Bruntavicirls In terested in developing that saMer, kind of popular following that Blyth enjOYS. The new artistic director Wee her future with an open mind. She may ifticeeedm she may fail, but she believes, "I'It's most hn- portant to do what you care About, then it will be worthwhile in the end, even if it fails." Janet Amos may look at her career change with uncertainty, but one thing is certain, Blyth's loss will be New Brun- swick's gain. Clinton property sales doubled in 1983 linon real mtate agent John Duddy reports thar-receiitlY pb1ShedStutit1ii - from Teets Market Surveys -reveal a whopp- ing increase in total dollar volume of real estate sold in 1983 over the depressed year of 1982. In fact, statistics show a more than 100 per cent increase last year on the previous year's figures. Actual statistics in total dollar volume - --were: -1983 -$2,490,693; 1982 - $1,239,470; 1981 - $2,036,175. The number of properties sold were: 1983 - 81; 1982 - 45; 1981 - 61. Average prices were: 1983 - $30,750; 1982 - $27,544; 1981 - $33,380. These figures include residential, com- mercial and vacant land sales. Inter -family and non -arm's length transactions are ex - eluded. - -Mr: Druddy-saysthat.figures areNericn----4----- touraging. They confirm what realtors are finding in the market place, a return of - buyer confidence following the disastrous year of 1982. Exorbitant interest rates in 1982, soaring over 20 per cent, meant that people were not investing in property, especially when they could get a 19.5 per cent return on Canada Savings.Bon4, air -I -rent filtered rates'fer mortgaget are as low as 10.0 per cent .for a six month mor- tgage, to 12.5 per cent for a five year mor- tgage. Real estate agents are generally op- timistic for 1984 and already report better than normal activity in January. o_ Horticulturattsts elect new slate of officers CLINTON - The annual meeting of The Clinton Horticultural Society was held on Jan. 26 in the O.M.A.F. Board Room. President Margaret Sidman opened the meeting. Minutes were read by secretary Olive Johnson. The financial statement was presented by treasurer Kathleen Elliott. Reports were given by the various con- venors, showing another active year. Twelve flower beds were planted and the cost of the hanging planters was shared with the B.I.A. It was decided we hold meetings each month in the coming year. The Rose Show will be held June 22 and the Flower Show Aug. 24. There are 218 members and new members are always welcome. - - - .... The election of officers was conducted by • Dorothy Marquis.. They are: Past President, Margaret Sloman; President, Dorothy Williams; 1st Vice President, Margaret Middleton; 2nd Vice President, to be ap- pointed; Secretary, Olive Johnson; Treasurer, Kathleen Elliott. BUSINESS AND .° PROFESSIONAIMIMCITCHWV- OPTOMETRY REPAIR R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 327-1240 Monday, Tuesday. Thursday, Friday 9:004:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays 11Y-XPPOINTMENT Free panting on premiums Clinton Electric white-wesminghouse 44- -1-frtp cri Appliances Sales Ond Service 'APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALURT ST. 432-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE iroodfoot 482-7032 ELECTRIC INSURANCE S Ott fr .06 TriNow woo& i* .ECONOMY *QUALITY *SERVICE "Rig lobs or SMall. we guanintee them all" 482-7374 CLINTON 0* CALL 1-11110-2.3-9233 ASIC FOR PAGER NO, GAISER-KNEALE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 Bob Thomas 482-3098 1111 Counter 482-31417 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Gineral Insurance Guaranteed investments offiCc4111:n4a2ton4644 Res.: 4$2-7263 ABATTOIR SERVICE BENDER'S ABATTOIR Homo Grown Beef and Pork MIH Street, Honsall 262-3130 Wholesale, Retail and Custom Slaughtering Kill day Tuesday. Book in advance. Our own chubs. Bologna. Manors. Polish & Summar Sausage. Jollied Pork and Processed Hams & Picnics. Oar Motto:is -."The Golden Rule" Amemomonvieftraseet!nestemotionese.4...91........ PHOTOGRAPHY Fitzgerald Studios photography custom framing fine art prints 400 James Street Clinton 482-3890 ACCOUNTANT - LENTZ- - AND- JEFFERY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS KARL C. LENT! P.O. BOX 303 BLYTH. ONT. NOM 1140 (519) 523-9589 JOHN W. JEFFERY ' P.O. BOX 909 MOUNT FOREST. ONT. NOG 2L0 (519) 323-4114 GLASS/ALUMINUM See us::: ymilu:ib,u,ic:ien: projects *Glass and rnIrrors *Energy-efficient replacement windows *Plexiglas' •Door service and repairs *Complete range of aluminum siding and building products clintan - • C@'llzik Ng mirror and aluntinasm products 24 Almon St. Woe,. CLINTON 482-3322 MECHANICAL 'BAILEYS LENNOX AND DUAL-AIRE • FURNACES - SHEET METAL WORK. SPECIAL IN ENGINEERED HEATING SYSTEMS PHONE: 262-2020 HENSALL. • .. TRAVEL BUSES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER Halos, Highway Coaches Activity "luso% Custom Vans Phone Collet Goderich 52446i2 •••,