HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-25, Page 19OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY. JAN. 28 2 PRA TO S PM SUNDAY, JAN. 29 2PIMTOSPM RESTORED 1875STONE NOISE - South Boundary Con. Stanley Twp. Wast of Kippen. Watch for signs. d nn U t i m® ALL POINTS REALTY INC.. Member Broker aY 1. 1. ArticleS.fQr sale: YOU CAN GET your .oyt•.ofr. Canada Medical Insurance 'at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Kgtten- bury Si., Clinton. Phone 482- 9300.-44tfor ,ANNUAL PRE Inventory Gun Sale. Great savings on all guns, scopes, binoculars, ammuni- tion, clothing, reloading sup- plies, gun cases. Village Market Guns, Underwood. Phone 368- 7182.-49-4 WOMEN'S CLOTHING. - Bain- - tons' -dark brown- suede -jacket _ -with belt, size- 12; Bointon's medium brown suede" lecke; with belt size 12/13, asking$50. each or best offer; Bainton's brown 3/4, length and one' full length suede coats, size 12, best offer. These are all in excellent condition. Phone 482-3514 after 5 p.m. -51 tfnx APPLES for sale - Northern Spys, Macintosh, Snows--" anti Delicious, also fresh apple cider at Don Middleton's Whitehall Forms, R.R. 3 Clinton 482- 9838.-1-4ar ADMIRAL 21 cu. ft. freezer, ex- cellent shape. Phone 482- , 7163.-4tf HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, etc. snowshoes, wooden clothes hampers and pack -baskets. Phone 482-3842.-4e0w •IN HOME mastectomy services now 'available. Contact Mrs.. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, • Goderich. 524- 7241,-7eow OSTOMY SUPPLIES and ap- pliances. Rieck IDA PHAR-. - MACY, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524-7241. -7eow STEEL from the Manufacturer. Manufacturer has allsteel buildings at factory direct sav- ings to you. Example, 40 wide by 60 long, System 1, Regular price $89.38 your cost $64,97 complete with ends and huge steel doors. Different sizes available. Call Toll Free 1-800- 3M DRY COPIER in good work- ..1971 MOTO-SKI Grand 368-4942 Miracle. Span first in ing condition with . supply of good condition: Phone -see Giilydings: "^�t3 " "-COW ---pcfrer -Pr Ze -reasarrabti=-949 4 w , . . 482-9747.-4or REP_OSSESSED.__EQUIPMENT, for 144,1111112, SoltAlltttt •Ar!ut.D THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD - THE BLYTH STANDARD THE BAYEIELD-BUGLE CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISING RATES 81 DATA DEADLINES:' Classified Word Ads 1........ . Tuesday Noon Display Advertising , ... , ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATION.S_. _. . 7 iA7titfes for sole"` -Yord sole 3 Geroge sale 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R V s for sale .. 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12. Real estate.,for sole 1'3 Mobile homes • 14 Recreational proper,ties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent • 24. 25- 26 27 28 29 30. 31 34 35 36• _ 37. 38 39 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. • - Wonted to rent Won.ted*ra-eiityy- Help wonted Wanted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Service directory Perscnal Notice to creditors Announcements Mortgages Auction sole Educational Lost & Found To give away Death notice Births Engagements Marriages In memoriam Cords of thanks 502 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAVER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 • MONDAY TO FRIDAY -1:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1A . Snowmobiles for sale sale. Complete photo develop- ment 'loboratory, walk-in freezer, hydrostatic loaders, refrigeration , vans, catering trucks;--cernent..,:pumps,-. Lister Light Plont. Priced to move. Call (204-786-6415).-4o LAWN AND Gorden Dealers. Complete product line for both consumer and industrial riding mowers, flail mowers, String trimmers, etc. Excellent book- ing program, exclusive sales territories, reply to P.O.. Box 343, Ontario L7R 3Y3. -4o • APPLES FOR SALE: Final -clearance of Spys. Slightly hail, damaged, free delivery in Clin- ton and Vanastra.' McClymont Orchards, one mile south of, Varna 482=3214.--4x WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in , "FOCUS" Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1' mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Cell collect 523.9508.-42tfar YOUNG MENS 3 piece suit, light brown, size 38 in excellent con- dition. Ladies size 2 white figure skates. Coil' after 6 p.m. 482- 7324,.-4x POOL TABLE 4' x 8' including one set snooker balls, one set, of 'Boston balls and two cues. Asking $100. 524-6068.4,5nx HARD MAPLE AND HICKORY FIRE WOOD 233. per 4 x t x 12" cord, split r ond. delivered In CLINTON. CALL EVENINGS 482-3814 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity Will deliver 482-9230 1 CBE FURNITURE NEW AND USED WI CAN.OFFER BETTER PRICES ITR= OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY % MILE South on Hwy. 21 Goderich • -524 4231,. We eaten Teske Trades FULLER BRUSH products for your home needs: Contact your local representative- Shirley Glousher, phone 523-9491 anytime. -4 .• SINGLE BED outfit, box springs, mattress and frame. If, in- terested call 482-9259.-4 26" COLOUR TV Magnavox cabinet model, excellent condi- tion andexcellent working order. $450::527-0609.-4x APPLES - Spy, Macintosh, Red and Yellow Delicious, Ida Reds. $4.50. per bushel and up. Potatoes, apple butter and honey. Fresh cider $1.75 per gallon. Phone 524-8037 Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-4tfor KING SIZE waterbed in . ex- cellent condition, bookcase headboard, 8 drawer unit under bed, reasonably priced. Phone, 565-5294.-4,5 1972 HONDA 350, three new tires and needs little to certii'y; 1967 Honda 250for `spare parts $350. Phone 482-7451.=4 1980 • PANTHER 'and 19.76 Pantera 5000 snowmobiles; harvest gold. fridge and stove. 482-9923 or 482-7221.-4 POULAN CHAINSAW SPECIAL Model , 3700 Poulan cholnsow at - J While supply leirit.. fit cc cutting power, yet Tight enough to carat for any wood cutting lob. 1f interested In a chainsow bargain Call ROBERT GLEN SAWS, - Clinton 482-9292 1A. Snowmobiles for sale 1977 SCORPION • WHIP snowmobile, new engine and suspension 1982 Kawasaki 440 LTD motorbike, bought in May 1983, 5500 km, still under war- ranty, asking 52500.00 or Will sell separately 482- 7318.--44tfnx MR. CARMAN - WINGHAM, 8 snowmobiles and motorcycles for sale from $400.00 to 52700.00. Phone 357-1441. --4-6 , 1A. Snowmobiles for sale FOUR BED snowmobile, trailer, with racks, tandem axle. Phone 482-3229.-4 1976 LASER 440 snowmobile, fan cooled, new racing pistons, twin Mikuni carbs., tuned ex- haust, one. year old track, reconditioned suspension, ex- cellent overall condition. Ask- ing $650. Phone 482-3523 or after 5 p.m. call 482-7800.-4 5. 'Cars for sale " "MR. CARMAN - 'WING'H'AM -43 stetionwagons-r vans., 4x4's and._ pickups for sale from $1000.00 to 55000.00. Phone 357- 1441.-4-6 Prix, 523 - MR. CARMAN - WINGHAM. We buy, swap and trade cars, trucks, motorcycles and camper trailers. Present stock includes: '77 Triumph, 53900.; '79 Pinto, X2500-;. '77 1.44s14.43009,4='?7_ New Yorker, $1900.; '78 Cor= dobe, 53000.; '77 °Renault Le Car, '$1900.; '76- Pacer,. $2000.; '73 Mercedes Benz 280, 5600.; '78 BMW 530, $8900.; '79 Ford LTD, 52900.; '77 Datsun B210, 51900.; '82 Le Car, $4500.; '71 Volvo, $1500.; plus many more vehicles. Phone 357-1441.-4-6 MR. CARMAN - WINGHAM, 12 four cylinder, 2 dr., 3 dr., 4 dr., A/T and standard cars for sale from 51000.00 to $4000.00. Phone 357-1441.-4-6 1973 DODGE two door hardtop, 360 automatic. $750 as is, $950 certified. Phone 482-7451.--4 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES see us for a * LEASING plan tailored to suit your needs *DAILY RENTALS . ,now available BROWN chevrolet-oldsmobile 5. Cars for sale 1975 DODGE MONACO 360` automatic, twodoor hardtop, no holes in body, $630 as is or 5850 certified. Phone 482- 7451.-4 ' 1973 OLDS TORONADO rebuilt 455 cu:' in. and • rebuilt trans., cruise control, fully loaded, new gas tank, new brakes, and bat- tery. 51200 as is or $1400 cer- tified. Phone 482-7451.-4 6. Trucks for sale 1.978 `CHEV: 177 "ton; 38,060- -miles, $4,200. certified. 482 7919 days or 262-2686 evenings. -3,4x 1975 CHEV 1/2 ton truck, V-8, power steering, power brakes, new paint. All body repair is of metal. Asking $2,200.00 cer- tified or best offer as is. Phone 524.6068.-4,5nx 1978 L.H.C. TANDEM Dump Ex- tra Box 446 gas. 1978 Ford 4 X 4 Supercab, as is or certified. Trades considered (705) 389- 2034, after 6 p.m. (705) 389-2737 days. -4o 9. Automotive 429 FORD motor and trans $425: 350 Chev and auto. trans. 5200, 65,000 miles; 350 Chev motor 5100. Phone 482-7451.-4 10. Pets for sate TWO FEMALE Australian Blue Heeler -pups, -8° .weeks-.old_..$50 each,, phone 523-4378.---4x 1.2, Real estate for sale' THREE BEDROOM semi- detached house in Clinton for sale in excellent condition with roughed -in .fireplace and bathroom for future family room. Available Jan. 1. Contact Ron after 6 p.m. at 1-672- . 0206--37eew A. For sale HORSE-DRAWN Hardware manufactured: Half -round steel for buggy wheels, $20 20 -feet: 20 -foot steel bale racks, 51100; bale forks for large round bales, $175; cattle heated water bowls, $180-$500. Dealers wanted. Owen Martin Manufac- turing, 699-4144.-4o Hensen Livestock ' Sales D. Livestock 3D CHAROLAIS Sale. Saturday • February 4, 5 p.m, London Fair Grounds, 65 lots. Contact Don Moore Farms. R.R. No. 4, Glen- coe, Ont. (519) 287-5927, Arrow Acres, R.R. No. 6, Hagersville, Ont. (416) 768-3864.-4o WINTER CLASSIC HEREFORD Sale 12:30 p.m. Thursday February 2, 1984 at the Canada Farm Show C.N.E. Toronto. For catalogues contact: Craig Lum- burner, R.R. 1, Caistor Centre, Ontario LOR 1E0, Phone (416) 957-3695.--4o SALESEVtKY' AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves, cMfswi$1-7611 Seery Millar tteoter41116-2717 11ie+.te s124 -4M6 C. Wanted WANTED TO RENT cash crop 'land for 1984 crop season. Phone Steve Keys 262- 5365. --49tf E. Farm services BANK form and rfarrn income-- tax income-tax preparation.. services, Stephen Thompson 482-9225, 482-7571 evenings.-50eow WANTED TO RENT cash crop land Phone ..JUS_8-_T_-Farms,-JCip._- .. pen 362-6068 or 262-6018.-2-13:_ Attention Farmers WE PAY '20.00 TO '30.00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT FOR OLD, RECENTLY IN- JURED OR CRIPPLED COWS AND STEERS. MUST BE ALIVE AND DRUG FREIE- MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK TOLL FREE_ 1-800-263-4910_ 24 hrs. a day, days a %via& Serving this area sinew 1074 BERG Sales -Service 1'nstallation -Barn Cleaners -Bunk Feeders -Stabling -Manure cons ewers FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2. BLi TH Phone Brussels 887-9024 FARMERS , Thinking about .building a new born or drive - shed or fixing your existing buildings? PHONE RAY LAMBERS CLINTON 482-3305 FREE ESTIMATES ATTENTION FARMERS 1s pneumonia a problem with your livestock? is humidity or odours a barn problem? Is getting fresh. air Into the barn a problem or are you using extra fuel for heating this winter? If any of these concern your barn give use call. We may be able to ihelp._4444 PHQNE 4823063 Area supplier far •Delmair heat exchangers. CONVENIENT -=- LOCA- TION: 11 blocks to downtown, eliminate. the need for a second car. Lovely' family -sized home with 3 or 4 bedrooms, modernized kitchen: with breakfast bar, large dining area, family room. one downstairs bedroom and main floor laundry. 11/2 baths. Priced to sell at '32,500,. available end .' of April - ONE FLOOR HOME, '29,500: 137 Fulton St. Features a 99 ft. lot, family room with fireplace. Large unfinished attic could provide third and fourth bedrooms. Recent improvements, good 32 WHITEHEAD ST.: A most attractive, bright and spacious 2 or 3 bedroom home in desirable neighbour- hood. Recently redecorated kitchen, Ilving room, gas heat. lovely natural '29,000. TWO BRICK HOMES - on one lot. One previously used as an apartment, now a hobby shop. Main residence has been fully restored (exterior and Interior) with modern kitchen. Beautiful living and dining rooms, with refinished pine floors. 11/2 baths, laundry off kitchen. No. 63/65 Rattenbury. 4444._._.High._ sixties.;- , ..- SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING - Huron County Village. Full price '75,000, seven units, gross Income '15,000/year. Sublect to severance or may be purchased with modern bungalow for '127,000. MODERN APARTMENT BUILDING: Goderich. List price '216,000. current income approx. '36,600. Excellent building, fully rented. Now first mortgage available with '32,500. down. SMALL ACREAGE - 3.6 acres with one floor modular home. large barn, attached drive shed. Mid 50's. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL E$TATf LTD. NILS REALTOR OFFICE 463-3766 JOHN DUDDY 462-3652 RUS$ ARCHER 4*2-0428 or 3733 ANNOUNCEMENT B ruce Schmidt is pleased to announce to his friends and business associates that he has loaned the firm of CENTURY 21 ALL POINTS REALTY INC. specializing in agricultural and rural real estate sales. B ruce 1s also a successful farmer. With his solid background in agriculture, Bruce is ready to help you whether you wish to sell or buy. Call Bruce to aiscuss your real estate needs. CALL BRUCE AT _-:533-9326-r<oP Cay 11 21 ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 53 Stanley Street, Goderich Ph. 524-2111 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. SCHOOL AREA - 3 bedroom home only '12,900.00. VANASTRA - 3 bec$01.0loor home. Good condition. 50 ACRES, 44 WORKABLE - house, 2 barns, Auburn area. '75,000.00. MAIN ST. STORE and apartment. • 31/2 ACRES house & born, highway location near Clinton. '35,900.00. T 3;iPBil : FT: ='spilt Tevertiome, double gdrdg i double ' '" lot, priced to sell, : BAYFIELD AREA '3 acres, wooded, zoned rural - residential. VARIETY STORE - showing good returns. Call for details. BRICK STONE AND PINE - raised bungalow, 1/2 acre, highway location near Clinton. BUNGALOW - 3 bedroom, restored, nice lot, Joseph Street. RAISED BRICK AND CEDAR BUNGALOW - family room, pool, double car garage. 4 APARTMENTS -and shop space, plenty of potential. BRICK 8, VINYL SIDED - 3 bedroom split level, family room. 58 ACRES, 50 WORKABLE - Highway No. 4 South of Clinton. - STORE OR OFFICE - on Main St. Blyth, 24 ft.,frontage. 66 ACRES, BUSH, 21 CLEAR - Zoned rural residential. Near Bayfield. COMMERCIAL AND RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL, ZONED PROPERTY - 4800 sq. 'ft, building, highway location, '40,000. 2nd building available. "ONTARIO ST. - 2 storey brick, 4 bedrooms, large garage. `sTioP•„or garage "for #he: handyman. ONTARIO ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, attached garage. '27,000.00. JAMES ST.- - 3 or 4 bedroom home, carport, close to downtown. 65 SOW CAPACITY BARN - 1 floor brick bungalow, 4 bedrooms, attached garage, 49 acres, 40 workable, 101/4% mortgage, near Clinton. MAPLE ST. - Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, good condition. COLBORNE TWP. - 96 acres, 70 workable, Maitland River frontage, bush. G0DERICH - 80 acres, 60 workable, scenic area with " pond and cottage. HURON ST. - 2 storey, 4 bedroom home, wood fired boiler, pool AUTO BODY SHOP - or modern commercial building; highway location. '34,900.00. MARY ST. - 2 bedroom, 1 floor home, only '21,000.00. NEAR !lAYFIELD - 50 acres, 20 of bush, 25 workable, scenic site. NEAR VARNA - 159 acres, 150 workable. Call Harold Workman FARMS, HOME 8. COMMERCIAL Clinton 519®452-3455 Calll Pater barnsma ?ARM litEPl*Eliif ifiLTI9fE • POULTiiir SPs'Ye;IAJ IST RR 5 Clinton 519-482=.9149 t4® Hetero e 014410411441441 0100*0 P BAILEY 12.foasrale°te N. Real Estat• Ltd. Gilmore Phone: 482=9371 Residence: 5234331 BLYTH: executive class home. • 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, electric heat, field stone fireplace, many extras including double lot with heated workshop. AUBURN: 1'/2 • floor aluminum sided older type" -h m ;oil- beat...,: o e, Asking,. only '20,000- _ to settle estate_ CLINTON: Princess at William St., large frame and brick, duplexed home, 5 bdrm. in main unit. 2 fireplaces, many extras. 2 ACRES; 4 bdrm. home, dike new throughout, insulated barn. • 32'x64_ .Uorris'Twp., - - - 2'/a ACRES: 11/2 floor 4 bdrm. brick home, oil heat, nicely treed, 6th line Morris Twp. 50 ACRES: Colborne Twp., 6 acres irrigated apple orchard 69 ACRES: neer Clinton, 35 workable, nearly new bungalow, insulated barn recreation potential 100 ACRES: 55 workable, E. Wawanosh, bldgs. for 400 hogs , owner will consider mortgage. 150 ACRES: 102 workable, 5 bdrm. home, hog barn for 500 hogs, liquid clean- aut,.3 'mf. north of -Auburn: F.C.C. mort. • • 200 ACRES: 190 workable, E. Wawanosh, good hardwood bush, excellent bldgs., field stone house, above average barns for swine and cattle. CLINTON: Queen St., 1 floor frame .bungalow, 2 bdrm., gas heat, REDUCED. to '20,000. BLYTH: one acre with 4 'bdrm. modern home, ---many . -•cdded:---features large 1 floor barn.' Ideal hobby farm in•the village 12 ACRES: 13th of Hullett; 'large home, nearly new barn, set up for hogsand hens 20 ACRES: Goderich Twp., 2100 sq. ft. ranch home, new .insulated barn 40'x160', many extras including inground pool and paved drive, very scenic. • 150 ACRES: 7th con., Morris Twp., log house, frame barn BLYTH: 11/2" floor brick home, Targe lot, heated garage and workshop - RESTAURANT: Blyth, fully equipped, living accommodation 100 ACRES: general form, 13th of Hullett HULLETT: 95 acres of good cropland 46 ACRES: 25 crofiland, 9 hardwood, _..-large.. double. home, large barn, drive shed with . workshop, paved road, near Varna BLYTH: large 2 floor brick home, Westmoreland St. - HIGHWAY 'COMMER- CIAL: Hwy. No. 8, 190' x 264', fully serviced, vendor will sell all or part. BRUCEFIELD: 3 bedroom, 11/2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat COMMERCIAL BUILDING: King St., Clinton, 5,000 sq. ft. includes two offices, only '36,000., vendor will finance at favorable rate. VONRMWANTED to buy, a farm, 70 sow capacity barn, buildings must be in good shape. Apply to Drawer No. 8;' -efo Clinton. News;Record; Box 39," Clintbn NOM 11.0 stating full particulars. -4,5 14. Recreational properties MONTEGO BAY, JAMALCA. Local owner has luxury condo for rent. Pool, tennis ng -t On' the =beach,- =Private=-.:analrl, .. Recommendations cvatlable; from previous area custame�s: - Phone 482-7081 after 5 p. m.-2tf 1,6. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, por- table cement mixer. Power trowts wheeibt rioWS -etc.-" Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Cor- riveau, Zurich 236-4954.-16tfar FLOOR SANDERS for rent at B. & M. Rental and Sales, Wingham 357-1666.-45tfar 17. Apartments for rent CLINTON - centrally located two bedroom, gas heat 5200 per month plus utilities 482- 9210.-48tf A-1 APARTMENTS, 14th. St., Vanastra. One and two bedrooms. All utilities paid. Phone 482-3581.-51 tf ELIZABETH ,COURT One and Two bedroom available now or March 1st, '84. Features ap- pliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities. All utilities in- cluded at: 176 OXFORD ST. HENSALL, ONT. __maw 262-2846 " CHRISMYN TOWNHOUSES 3' Bedroom NOW RENTING under new management 1 FREE MONTH O WITH LEASE ST. CHARLES SQUARE VANASTRA PHONE 482-9084 18. Houses for rent COMPLETELY remodelled house. close to downtown, one floor, rent with buy 'option, reference required. Apply to drawer No. 7,, C/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1 LO. -3,4 -.--E0UR-BEDROOM.-semi-detached-.,- --- house in Vanastra • available • now. 482-7895.-40tf BAYFIELD - choice building lots on paved roads and municipal water, walking distance to SMALL TWO. bedroom house on dewr tovtt end,: take.. -Phone 1= - Huron St. for -rent. �'fsatto 482--': _565-2899: 2tf.,-. .. _ . . ' ... 93b3 =4 5 _ . , ,1:11 :1 . .. . BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton, fullyinsulated, but in need at minor repairs and cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants. Please reply to Drawer No. - 20 c/o Clinton News- Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1 LO.-46tf FOUR BEDROOM house on Orange St., Clinton, close to up- town, suitable for retired cou- ple. Phone 482-7763 between 9 - 4 p.m. or 482-3587 after 5 p.m. -471f BLYTt- four bedroom house, oil heat 200 a' month 482- 9210.-48tf OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, JAN. 28 2 PM TO 5 PM SUNDAY, JAN. 29. RUSTIC LOG HOME ON 2 ACRES Follow Highway 21 South from Goderich.. Watch for signs. 0 ALL POINTS REALTY INC. itember Broker