HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-25, Page 11x?i1 o # WEPN .A
AWRY *198f
C;ruy" ravide4 fuii
. By,PodsHunter
The Ever Young Club.is reminded by their
president Esther+ Wright that the Jan.
meeting will be held this Thursday, Jan. 26
at 1:31) P.m. in the municipal building •
Many of our organizations have adopted
this daytimeprogram to avoid possible
weather hazards.
A joyous thecae this wintte�r is the snow
mountain in Clan Gregor Sgii'are; alive with
children sliding gaily down its slopes. This
vast mount of the white stuff has been blown
there by Mr. Good Guy, Jim Francis. •
Jim was a small boy in Bayfield, not too
many years ago and obviously still
remembers what is fun. Despite his veru
busy schedute, Jilin has used' his initiative
and ins time to create this splendid hill. It s
a lot safer than sliding Qn the roads too.
Three cheers for Jim.
The Jack Renders had a sere on
Thursday night -when they experienced a
chimney fire- Wisely they bundled the
children up and quickly took refuge with
their neighbors the l:Ioveya. The fire fighters
were there in two minutes flat, but Mr.
Bender returning to his home, had the blaze
under control.
The big thing in a fire is to get you and
yours out of that house forget your posses-
sions and depend. on our first class Bayfield
Fire Department.
Euchre club meeting on Feb. 1
They Euchre Club met on Jan. 18, the gent's low < Murdock Morrison; lone hand
results of the games being as follows: gent's, - George Bell; lone hand ladies' -
ladies' high - Phyllis Heard; ladies' low - Ruth George.
Grace Dugga.r,;_.gent's .high - John Lindeay: - The_next..meeting will.he stnFeh.1.
jTurns. 90
Birthday wishes to Mrs. Ham
By Isabel Scott
BRUCEFIELD - Communion Service was
held at the United Church on Sunday morn-
ing with Rev. James Bechtel of Wesley
Willis Church Clinton in charge of the ser-
After a pot luck lunch Rev. Bechtel presid-
ed for the annual meeting and Allan Hill was
appointed secretary and read the minutes of
last year's meeting. Mrs. Jack Henderson
and Ken Scott were appointed elders for a
five year, term. Wayne Cantelon, Cliff
Henderson and Gerald Rathwell were ap-
pointed to the steward- board for three
years. W. D. Wilson and John Broadfoot
were appointed auditors.
Ken Scott moved a note of thanks to Rev.
Bechtel for his help during the past year. W.
n witcrin movers :t vnfr ',f thanks tit the
minister, his wife and family for their work
and to the organist Barbara Livermore and
Beth Cooper, Sunday School superintendent
and teachers for their work.
• -Birthday-wishes-to-Mrs;- Alice -Ham -on -the
occasion of her 90th birthday on Jan. 26th.
Open house will be held at the church hall on
Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor of
Woodstock spent the weekend with his
mother Mrs. Gregor McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock visited on Sunday
with Mr. J. K. Cornish at the Zurich nursing
home, it' being his 93rd birthday.
Mr. Don Moffat 'successfully underwent
an operation in his shoulder last week at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Our beauty is in our taste.
Florida oranges have Tess skin...
more taste.
Small box
40 to 60
on size
2/5 Bu
Large box
80 to 125
on size
4/5 Bu
Sale from January 18th to
February 6th, 1984
Our Oranges 'are' not from the area
affected by frost and our prices are
• only '1. more than lost year:
Small box of orangesor pink
grapefrult — 91.00; Large box o
oranges or pink grapefruit —'19.00
Small box
weighs from
18 to 22
Large box
weighs from
36 to 44
Central Huron
Small box • School
18 to 24
depending 165 Princess E.
on size Clinton
. 2/5Bu
Large box
36 48o
dependingThe Students will
on size be around to take
4/5 Bu your orders
Important! Pre Christmas Navel oranges are a much larger variety in general and thus January 18-
small box contains 16 to 60 oranges/large box contains 32 to 125 oranges. February 6, 1984
Bayfield Lioness gave villagers a chance to attend a free concert on Monday nieht-
.The program was called Sound - and Image and was held in the Community Centre
with quite a number in attendance. Above, Bob and Lynn Tremain perform a Sonata
in F major % Titten for flute and piano accompaniment. This particular performance
was one of- 11. scheduled for the evening. (Wendy Somerville photo)
Skating carnival planne
at the Varna rink in February
By Mary ('hessell
VARNA - The Recreation ('01IuThiSSIOn is
planning a skating carnival at the Varna
rink on, February 18, so it's time to start '
thinking about your costume; same
categories as other -years. `there will be a'
snack booth with hot dogsin the hall.
• You chary put-tJlc' IT Fer tatti-nn-S'-prirrt;-'E?arree'-
on your calendar, too.. It's planned for May •
28.in the new township hall.
There were nine tables of euchre at the
-Orange Lodge card party Friday night. Win-
ner of ladies' high was Evelyn -McNeil; low,
Maggie Boyce; men's high. Mac Wilson:
low, Frank Thom. Draw prize winners were
Maggie 'Boyce, Grace McClinchey,
Margaret Elliott, . Nettie Mc('linchey and
Evelyn McNeil: - .
If you like to sing, you would surely enjoy
the Sunday evening Songfests. at Varna and
Goshen churches. I can assure the younger
people that the Songs of Gladness book has
been carefully prepared, with many ;good
new songs, some of them written by the
Klusmeiers,.as well as the old favorites. The
new song books were- dedicated at the
• church service on ;Sunday.. It's a relaxed
family around the piano sort 'of event. A
good discussion follows. The next Songfest -is
•in Goshen on February 5. The 'annual .
meeting of Varna congr'eg'ation is this Sun -
Standard Trust
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Minta d Coaede Daponl Insurance Corporolan
Mr. Bee says:
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- -January -Januar y _,Savings -
(260 Ib.) kg. 59
Quaker Oats .1•19
(540 Ib.) kg.
Cream of Wheat
. (Farina) (430 Ib.) kg. 95
Super Special
• Buy 10 kg. flour. Get yeast at
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* unbleached, all purpose, bread, whole
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* Special 450 g.$'1.49
• Sugar Dec -Ons and picks for
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Valentine's -
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• Valentine Candy
Ask about our dates for making
Valen tine Boxes
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Mon.- Sat.
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Closed Sunday
ecfor's report' pays
tribute lite t -helpers
B3r)iielelp Owen p1;?ocedures Although the financial position
On Jab. 18, some 40 people were present Was healthy, he reminded those present Mat
for the Annual Vestry Meeting of Trinity the examples of their predecessors stall
Anglican Church. The Rector, the Rev. Gor- needed tribe followed, and restraint was just
don Reynolds, welcomed them, and follow- asecessary today as it had been In the
ing an excellent pot luck supper, chaired the past. Due to falling interest rates in-
business meeting. Miss Kay Reid was ap- ttelstments no longer brought in so much
pointed as Vestry Clerk. revenue. This decrease together with in -
The Rector's report paid tribute to those eyitable increases in running,costs were im-
whose service to the Church during the year p.prtant aspects, particularly in relation to
had extended to every activity including ad- the budget for 1984, and indicated that an in -
ministration, maintenance, music, Sunday grease in envelope contributions would help
school and financial matters. In the case of to offset the deficiency.
the latter he made particular reference to The slate of officers for 1984 were approv-
the generous response to 'Anglicans in Mis- ed as follows: Rector's Appointments,
sion' exceeding the target by 207 percent. Board of Management - Florence Scott, Lor -
He concluded his remarks by offering four ,na Merner, Kay Reid, Bev Pounder and
questions which his parishioners might ask ,Debbie Wain; Delegates to Synod:
themselves: "Am I faithful in attendance at ( Primary) Doug Chubb, George Chapman
Divine Service? Do we attend as a family? (Alternate) Harold Beakhust, Harry Baker;
Haw long since I'vespoken of my faith to. Board .of. Management.: Joan. Guff, Lilian
anyone? How long since I've invited anyone Beakhust, Cathy Fisher, Alice Brandon,
to" meet my Lord and friend Jesiii?" Rubes p'itzsimon§. '
Answers to these questions, he said, weed `Other Appointinerits :Auditors - Philip Dti
determine whether. we "continue business Boulay, George Youmatoff; .- Clerk -
as usual, or begin vital new growth". Florence Scott; Lector Philip Du Boulay;
The Rector's' Warden, Harold Beakhust, .Organist - Barbara Reynolds; Christian
presented his report,for tahe year with Education - Cathy Fisher; Treasurer - Joan
details of maintenane work duly com- Cluff. Env. Sec.: Alice Brandon; Custodian -
pleted, and suggestions ' for the future, Barbara Lindsay; Sidesmen Chairman - Er -
essential considerations in planning long nie Hovey.
term requirements. It had been, he said, a The meeting was somewhat prolonged as
. full year. of -office; bu now lie was' ata-nding'-a candidate-was-.required-to4i•11 the -post oi-- -- -
down, and he thanked all those who had sup; People's Warden. Finally it was agreed that
ported him in the implementation of his Tudor Wain should continue for a further
tasks. year rather than take over as Rector's
The reports and financial statements of Warden, and the Rector Would then make
the various groups were presented by their another appointment to fill this vacancy.
officers, who were complimented on their Other business included approval of the
stewardship and the strength and loyalty of memorial notice to the late FredArkell, and
their endeavours. the participation of the Parish in the plans
The Rev. George Youmatoff presented the for the Archbishop Howard Hewlett Clark
auditor's report on behalf of himself and Memorial Fellowship, as wet! as ;approval
Philip Du Boulay, and complimented all the ,for a special Sunday being designated for
organizations on their careful accountancy this purpose.
day after church, with discussion groups for
children and adults ,until , lunch time. A
potluck sandwich lunch will be served..
at the
10-11 AM OR 7-8 PM
Mondays and/ Thursdays
Exercise designed for your
own level.
CALL 565-2194
We'll Take Out Your
Idle Bush this winter
and" pay 6451
Waides Logglag-
Kissing that old flame goodbye isn't the only way
to reduce your' oil consumption. If that oil fur-
nace is still in good shape, you can take advantage
of converting to a dual energy heating system.
Instead of replacing your furnace, introduce
it to an electric plenum heater, heat pump, elec-
tric boiler or baseboard heaters.'These dual
energy systems let oil and electricity work in har-
mony to heat your home more efficiently and
more economically. Operation is simple. The
electric system works until the coldest winter •
days, then your oil furnace automatically takes
over. . , , -
In mostcaties, add-on electric heat will -
reduce your oil consumption by up to 75%. -
Even more in some cases. And a reduction of
--'that magnitude can make a dramatic difference
to the total costa heating .your home
The "plenum" is the warm air chamber at the
top of your forced air oil furnace. That's exactly
where a plenum
heater is installed.
So that on most days,
the fan cittulates
more economical,
electrically generated heat.
Even on cold winter nights, there is still warmth
in the outside
air. Just like a
refrigerator; the
heat pump ex-
tracts that warmth
and pumps it
into your home.
Plus there's an
added bonus. In the
summer, your heat
pump works in reverse and becomes a central air
If you have an oil fueled
hot water heating -
system, there's another
alternative. you simply
add an electric boiler.
It's no bigger than a
small suitcase and can
be easily installed. '
These cWan also be used as a dual energy system.
They're installed in
individual moms to quietly
handle most of the heating load.
Install a dual energy system now and you
may be eligible for a COSP (Canada Oil Sub-
stitution Program) grant. It pays for half of the
installed cost or $800, whichever is less, if you
reduce your oil consumption by 50a%a or more.
Telephone today and ask fora visit from our
energy adviser. We'll tell you about the advan-
tages of dual energy heating systems and special
assistance that could lead to even greater savings.
Go Ele
Clinton Area Customers Phone 482-3483