HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-25, Page 9SUPER SPECIAL 1 t u �c a er etat"ya, Mrs. TomTomHaggitt naive her Tom I3eggitt; treasurer Mrs, Ele or report isu ti also the I real trer bits Eleanor Bradnolall; and directors.. MrR. 1 1ian ldlra►dnoek gave tile anvil 1 #jnanelal Netherlands Major ;aiaighlUt, Mrs. Dorothy . e its of tt►e statement. Grange, Ross Roti son, Mrs. Donald sheboard were accepted, teed„ showing much Haines, Harry Arthur, Mr. and 'Mrs. Art euchre parties;andthe dat% thf ebre nd, it and Mrs.Ewe Durnin. interestboth of these Activities in this Plans "were made to hold the next Omer e01111 nett. on February 15 with Mrs. Tom)Bslggitt, Mrs. Everyone 60 and -, "l'llien+eweside officers are,.P . t app; first Tom Marjorie McDougall, Mrs. Roy Deer and the club. yJ;ardtn; president Elft Lapp; first vice. Mro. mitt Lapp as the - committee in president c)rva} McP : �ecretatry -Mrs, v ta Brussels me Ota p reciated Vie, This time the country members will bring aaleds and the villagers wil bring the .. bring mails and the villagers will bring' e' n,ieet%ng a a dtiteu�Oston took Place an. honew W. encourage more people to come out and play shuffleboard, Everyone is asked to bring ideas for future meetings. over are invited to join i. hoed to-atoat invited tea nd. Feb. H.the Young People of this community Following the supper, Rev. Cheryl Ann are organizing an Ice Carnival at the Stadelbauer-Sampa of Egmondville : will Belgrave arena. show slides and tell of her experiences as a Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald of Brussels minister in Zambia. Everyone welcome.. and Mrs. lire Stewart of Seaforth were sup - Personals per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna visited on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rath of Mossley the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. called on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse Wayne Minuch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon. Brian Storer and Adam all of Kitchener. Brussels Midgets outscore Over 115 young and old from Belgrave and Wingham, 6-4 the surrounding area enjoyed an old A classic David and Goliath struggle took fashioned Skating Party, hot dogs and hot place in the Wingham arena on Jan. 19 as chocolate at the -price of_25.centseach,.atthe the Wingham Midgets took on the Brussels Midoets in a Wit A Nies atie PamP _,Bel rave CQ.limty Centre on .Ian. 21. (fir. student-wiTts.- e: _mbrance ame Led by :two goal performances by Marty Rutledge and Andy Nethery and superb goaltending by Jeff McGavin the Brussels item outhustled, outworked and finally outscored the highly favored Wingham iteam 6-4- tithough Wingham may prefer their op- position from such distant spots as Owen Sound, last week's game proved that teams much closer to home can give them all the oppositon they can handle. Take heart Canada's Olympic Team. The mighty can be beaten, just ask the Brussels Midgets. Bonnie Turner, a Grade 10 student at Cen entered in the district competition., p Pe Rei nie' Wha 1 Huron Secondary School has won first Lorelei Robinson, also in' Grade 10, won ze in the senior .division at the zone com- second prizee in the senior division for her inion for the Royal Canadian Legion Poem; What Has This to do With embrance Day Liyield -. _terary Contest. Bon- : in the ter�a:aedlatesecond, Nick ks .Peck, a submission was an essay entitled, Grade 9 CHSS student placed second with • h T m Prraid to Wear a Pnnnv A the Poppy Means to Me. It will now be er noem SUPER SPECIAL *hip "hin Miracle Whip OUR REG 1.95 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 500 mL JAR 99s SEALTEST SOUR CREAM 500 mL 1.59 Grade 6 student from Holrnesville Public School, • Joy Mabon, came in third in the junior division with her prose selection, Remember The Children, They Died Too,. The Clinton Legion would like to con- -gratulate se ra"lented- young -.people- -tor their fine submissions. 750 mL SIZE MAZOLA CORN OIL 1.99 14 oz. TIN HEINZ TOMATO SAUCE 594 SWEET MIXED, BABY DILL, YUM YUM BICK,S PICKLES 750 mL 1.89 SUPE SPECIAL i ampere , wows ' OUR REG 5 Cjirti I SUPER SPECIA C ADOW SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 6 VARIETIES GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES ,4 OZ 69# 3 VARIETIES TANG FRUIT DRINKS 1 L 69' FRUIT COCKTAIL PEACHES OR PEARS ARDMONA FRUITS IN 990 PEAR 14 oz JUICE OUR REG 1.63 PURE CHOICE MARTINS APPLE JUICE 9480z9TIN PALANDA PLUM TOMATOES 4 COLOURS WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 1.59 4 ROLL the .dual *Wand -Car ,Rally was Jield_in_Cliuten last week. Win- ners included, front row, left to right, in the car design category; SUPER SPECIAL NEINII.� 1 Z HEIN Inirminerd FO .1ST HEINZ obsior SAVE! SUPER SPECIAL FLAKED STAR KIST LIGHT TUNA ALL FLAVOURS SPRITE, TAB OR COCA-COLA 49# PLUS 0c DEPOSIT 750 mL LIQUID DETERGENT PALMOLIVE 500 mL f.49 FOR YOUR LAUNDRY ABC DETERGENT 6 t 3.29 BLUEWATER BOSTON BLUE FISH & CHIPS 7504 2.29 SUPER SPECIAL 12 1 12. itiVraOtt tI 1. OUR REG 3VARIETIES WESTONS WAGON WHEELS 350 g PKG99,. BUNDLES OF,4 NEILSONS CHOC. BARS 1.39 BEEF -CHICKEN -TURKEY SAVARIN MEAT PIES Boz 69' 4 FLAVOURS FARM HOUSE CREAM PIES 340 g 1.49 DIETRICHS FRESH 100°0 W. WHEAT BREAD 675 89, 5 VARIETIES RANDOM CUT CHEESES 317'Ib 6.99/Kg SINGLE THIN OR REG. SCHNEIDERS CHEESE SLICES 5OO g 2.99 BOX OF 10 GRANNYS BUTTER TARTS 1.29 12 oz GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN 69' TIN HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOODS (EXCEPT MEATS) 3$4 ASSORTED-COLOURS, BAKED,.ERAf4EL VINYL MESH SEATS - RUST PROOF FABULOUS FOLDING CHAIRS A RAINBOW OF COLOURS SAVE! SUPER SPECIAL DETERRE • SUPER SPECIAL! SCARIOS• UFO'S OR 14 oz SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE 2/1HEINZ PASTAS SUPER SPECIAL .4111 if 1140\ OUR ®® REG ®1#EA. ASSORTED FLAVOURS LIGHT 'N' LIVELY SEALTEST YOGURT 2 175gTUBS - FOO 9, more specials PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP 270 g 3 5 139 IRISH SPRING 285 g BAR SOAP 3 5139 UNICI 750 "'L 1'9 SPAG. SAUCE GILLETTE CARTRIDGES ATRA 55 1.79 A' RRACTiON Of . DEPARTMENT STORE PRICES OUR REG. 1.95 FROZEN CARNATION HASH BROWN POTATOES 1.5 Kg BAG99 SUPER SPECIAL sr - PLAYTEX DEOD. TAMPONS 30 5 4.29 PLASTIC 60 m HANDI WRAP 1.S9 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN OUR REG. 1.45 SPICY DELICIOUS WESTONS HOT CROSS BUNS PKG. OF 8 RISE 'N SHINE ORANGE 13 c, CRYSTALS 4's 129 NEIL IN s00 r'L ' 2 & 12 CREAM 99° AJAX POWDERED 99'CLEANSER 600 • PLAYTEX REG. OR SUPER TAMPONS 30 s 199 HEINZ' 10 or BEEF GRAVY 2/S9° WHITE SWAN WHITE 240 SH SERVIETTES 2.19 WESTON RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS 4 s 99° NEILSON ORANGE 99#UICE 1 L NEILSON GRAPEFRUIT I E PINK 1 99° We Reserve The Right To Limit Purchases To Reasonable Weekly Family Requirements SUPER `SPECIAL! CONDENSED HEINZ FINE QUALITY TOMATO SOUP. 100 $' COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKESHOP SPECIALS FRESHLY BAKED DAILY APPLE CINNAMON, LOAF' .CAKE 16 oz: 1.69 n e siooe4. *71 OUR REG 1.43. FINE QUALITY FROZEN McCAINS ORANGE JUICE' 12.5 oz. TINS 79, SUPER SPECIAL COUNTRY OVER WHITE BREAD 694 24 oz. LOAF HIGHWAY NO. d GODERICH MON.,T.UIL.-1TO6P M. With. THU*$., Pel, • b if •^" 9 P.M. SA'f ttl4 TOA P.M. VTOMATO KETCHUP KETCHUPAUX TOMATES 750mi HEINZ OUR REG. 2.6 WhitetION f,1 JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM MON-, MRS., WAIL. & BAT. - 11:3$ TO 6 P.M. TIMS. AND bel. - *MI TO 1 P.M. OUR RE15G. 0 LARGE SIZE 750 mL HEINZ KETCHUP 159 ORANGEINTED-GREEN-GOLD PR WHITE SWAN TOWELS 2 ROLL PKG. INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND NO. 83 EXETER MON., TUES.. WADI„ • 4 TO 6 P.M. THURS., NM. -1 TO 1 P.Me IAT. • 6:38 TO 6 P.M. first, Joshua Yanchus; second; Kristen Crawford; third, Danny Dupee; fourth, Tammy. once._ Second. row, _ first, ._Sara.Langen- doon; second, Matthew Langendoon; third, Cherilyn' Bylsma. ( Shelley McPhee photo) Member of OPP tells TSI of his safety talks to children By Margaret Hoggarth KIP.PEN - Kippen East Women's Institute entertained the senior citizens of ' Hensall and vicinity to dinner at their January. meeting. The roll call was answered by naming a, T.V. program and telling why you enjoyed it. Grace Drummond..,.presided,,, for the meeting and Mrs. Robert Bell filled in for the secretary Mrs. Grant MacLean. Mrs. Drummond contributed some verses and Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave a reading. It -was decided to cater to a wedding in September and to begin ,quilting at Rena Caldwell's home on Jan. 23. Everyone who can quilt is welcome. During the dishwashing session Mrs. Carl Payne conducted a contest. ' The 'guest. speaker, John Marshall of the Goderich detachment of the O.P.P. was in- -- -tro dueed--by-M.r-s.-Ca-1dwelt andAhanked.. . • ML's. Al Hoggarth. John Marshall explained. his work of teaching safety .to the, school children throughout the whole area and he showed three films, one of children being taught safety on the school bus. Another en- titled From. Rags to Riches which showed - the careful training of a horse named Pad- dy, for a very important assignment in the Queen's 'Calvary, and the thirdshowed the involvement of children with the senior .`riti7ens The meeting which was held in the Presbyterian Church Hensall, was well at- tended with 'about 32 seniors. and 18 W.I. members present. Mrs. Payne, on behalf of the senior citizens group thanked the W.I. for the delicious lunch and presented a sum of 'money to the. W.I. president Mrs, Grace Drummond who thanked the senior citizens and mentioned that last year's donation was. - used to send a needy child to summer camp.• - United Church News Rev, James Bechtel conducted St. An- drew's Church service, in the absence of Pastor Dan Moffat,. who is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, following an operation on his shoulder. It -was reported that Pastor Moffat is making good progress and expects to return home shortly. Rev. 13echtel's sermon entitled "The .._-Honour Roll" revolved around the Bible.. stories of Abralia nTTO eph ntd-Gideon Heb----- ---M emphasized the need for prayer.warriors in this generation. The' Ministry of Music was presented by the choir,accompanied by Mrs. Gerald Mof- fatt at the organ. Communion was observed during the ser- vice, after which the congregation enjoyed a pot luck dinner, followed by the annual meeting. - Christopher Riehl Clinton Jason Riley Clinton Hugh Alien Cox Cunton Mark,Falconer cunt -on Greg Rutledge Clinton Donny Dolmage R.R. 2 Clinton Jonathan Miller cunt. Khrista Van Dyke Clinton Caroline Dyck R.R. 2 Seaforth Jillian McMahon Clinton Elizabeth Jane Smyth Auburn Paul McLean Vanastra Chad Paterson Clinton Jared Carnnochon R.R. 4 Seaforth Jeffery Oesch R.R. 5 Clinton Patricia Bos Clinton -Kelly Sinclair cnnton Krista McAsh Varna Raymond Beierling Varna Kelly Boland R.1g. 2 Clinton Jeer. 25 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 27' Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jane 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 I.- Why is an ear like a marching band? It has a drum. 2. Why is an eye like a teacher? 1t has a pupil. 3. Why is a hand like a tool box? It has nails. 4. Why is a leg like a cow? It has a calf: 5. Why was the leg sad? Ail it could do was thigh. G. Why was the heart surgeon in front of a mir- ror? He was very vain. 7. Why did the baker kneel in the dough? Ile kneaded it. R. Why are these riddles like feet? They're tae' bad. I It-; 410 A F Body Riddles /T bistributed b p C no aAWIGe other Service Limitetd