HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-25, Page 5• JAVEX REGULAR LIQUID BLEACH 3.6 L 1.39 SAVE U P TO 80" Ear y. 5 years ago January 25,1979 With only a budget increase of 2.16 per cent this coming fiscal year, the Clinton Public klopital will be facing some serious cutbacks oyer the next three years. The Maitland Block Bridge in, Hullett Township, is in deteriorating condition, and Hallett Township council decided at their last meeting to ask their engineer, B.M. Ross of Goderich, to look into the feasibility of replacing the structure. The 'fledgling Huron County Society for the Freedom of Choice decided recently if it took a fight to have Margaret Laurence's banned novel The Diviners reinstated on the county board of education approved list of English texts ... it would fight for the novel. .10 years ago January 24, 1974 An ice storm in the Clinton area last Sun- day, decribed by some as the worst in nearly 30 years, brought down telephone and hydro lines, broke off thousands of tree limbs and ea used-thousands-of-dallars damage. _ ---.TaCkerS.Mith._ _Li:M=111P_ request the __Ministry _of_ _Transportation_ and, Corri municationS to provide additional subsidy due to the acquisition of five additional miles of urban roadway at Vanastra. 25 years ago January 22, 1959 The Royal Canadian Air Force Station three miles south of Clinton has been Selected this year to provide the Guard of Honor and escort for the Queen's Color of the Royal Canadian Air Force at, the open- ing of the Ontario Provincial Parliament in Torpnto February 27, it was announced by RCAF authorities today. The Kinsmen Club of Clinton, headed by President Maitland Edgar, have taken on the job of Rroviding numbers for the houses in the town of Clinton. The Club members will proceed with the complicated task of layingout the numbers in an orderly fashion, with the assistance of the Municipal Service Company which specializes. in this type of projeCt:, 50 years ago. January 25, 1934 • A reader brought into this office the other day a part of an old issue of The New Era dated Feb. 21st, 1878, and headed "The Of- ' ficial Paper of the County", whatever that might mean. But we suppose it was just one of the high and mighty titles newspapers us- ed to take upon themselves. Fire Marshal Heaton has been making • some startling charges recently, very disturbing °ones if -true. First •he declared . • before a convention Of Tlifetheffien that the- -- manufacturers had a bill killed making it ' unlawful to carry matches at a threshing, • giving as the reason that they, the manufac- turers, welcomed barn fires; •resulting in, 4. more. orders for them. Secondly,..he .affirm-. ed the other day that anyone who had a good insurance policy in the Niagara Falls area could have his building burned for the sum. of $50. or less. The authorities at Niagara Falls and in surrounding districts are indig- . nant over the charge. - • . .75 years ago • January 28, 1909 On a train running in from Goderich to Toronto a woman grey-haired and poorly dressed,'sat strumming a guitar. "All join in the chorus", she begged of her companions in the car. But part songs, glees and . Madrigals are a dreary accompaniment of a wearisome train trip. The people in the car frankly did not like the lady's efforts, and • expressed themselves freely. At Toronto she was placed under arrest on a suspicion of in-: sanity, and next morning was released by ' his worship on satisfactory evidence of the woman's healthyl.condition. She gave the name of Mrs. Ca rOlineTP-a residence as Goderich, where she had a son ..) and daughter living. 1.00 years ago January 23, 1884 ' • I say!" said a friend the otherday, "you 'are an old hand at it. I only got Married the other day, 'and 1 don't understand much about the business: But hasa married man any rights left when he once assumes the hymeneal responsibilities?" . "Rights? Yes, lots! He has a right to pay • all the bills, no-"• • •'Stop! I mean this. Let me give you an in- stance. Every box and drawer, and port- manteau, and, in fact, every available receptacle of every description, is stuffed full of my wife's property and when I want to put away a few cuffs and collars-" "Hold ha -rd! I know- what you mean. Listen, young man! If your bedroom were . 200 yards long, and lined from the 'floor to the ceiling with drawers, and you wanted a place to stow away a couple of shirts, you • couldn't find a nook that wasn't full of hair- pins, tufts of frisses, pads, scent -bottles, old ,gloves, powder puffs, ,rings and things. So just accept the inevitable.. Wrap Our per- 'sonal property in an old newspaper or some brown paper and hide the parcel under the bed." He smiled loudly and ironically, and pass- ed on a0,vviser if not a better man. Living with arthritis • from page 4 year to year and your doctor will be more up to date. A Final Note Finally, remember that any new drug, taken when you are feeling poorly, will usually have a short-term positive effect called "placebo effect" because you are do- ing something different about your disease. Concentrate on looking for long-term results. Patrick Baker is Director of National Communications & Public Education for The Arthritis Society. Write him care of this paper or at 920 Yonge Street, Suite 420, Toronto, Ontario. M4W 3.317. you CAN COUNT N US F CLINT9N NFCyg4EC9RD, WEIDNESMY, JANUARY 25,1984 -PAGE 5 VI NGS BUYS OF THE WEEK LIBBY'S WITH PORK, WITH PORK IN MOLASSES IN TOMATO SAUCE DEEP'BROWN BEANS 19 FL. OZ. 079 SAVE UP TO 664 BICK'S GARLIC 011- NO GARLIC, POLSKI OGORKI,•'WHOLE .DILL OR SWEET MIXED OR YUM YUM PICKLES 1.79 SAVE UP TO 1.10 KRAFT 500 ML MIRA( LE WHIP DRESSING 1.49 SALAD • IGA 28 FL. OZ. CHOICE WHOLE TOMATOES. IGA 14‘FL. OZ. CHOICE IN LIGHT SURUP PEACH SLICES IGA • INSTANT. - - COFFEE 100Z. IGA 500 g PROCESSED CHEESE SPREAD IGA 25Qg CHOCLIN ROSE BUDS, WAFERS OR MACAROONS IGA SOFT 1 LB •MARGARINE IGA48F1.OZ PURE UNSWEETENED PINEAPPLE JUICE IGA 14 FL. OZ. WITH 2 CHEESE IN TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE IGA 369 g REGULAR • 59. OR AUTOMATIC VAC PAI( 2 .79 3 99 - 4 ROYALE ASSORTED COLOUR BATHROOM TISSUE PKG. OF 4 •1.59 SAVE UP TO 76" SKIPPY . CREAMY OR CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER 500G .49 SAVE UP TO 1.06 IGA 5 kg ALL PURPOSE FLOUR IGA 1 1BSHORTENING LB tO LOU D MARGARINE IGA 250 g PROCESSED INGLE 8 OR 12 CHEESE FOOD 29 4 IGA 12 OZ. MILD, MEDILJA4 OR OLD COLOURED •• • CHEDDAR CHEESE 2.99 . 69 . 49 2.49 1 49 COTTAGE 5EALTEsT 500 g REGULAR CHEESE , /1.29 . 69 MONARCH 3 LB COLOURED MARGARINE QUARTERS Mc.CAIN 1 KG FROZEN OR BEEFEATER FRENCH FRIES 1 99 .29 • REGULAR, CRINKLE, IULIENNE WESTONS PKG. OF 8 HOT CROSS BUNS 2.49 /.99 • 1.09 WESTON PKG. OF 4 RASPBERRY SWISS ROLLS .89 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP la FL. OZ. BUY THIREE AND SAVE UP TO 484 TIDE POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 L. BOX CHRISTIES REGULAR OR UNSALTED PREMIUM PLUS CRACKERS 450 G I.G.A. CHOICE PURE APPLE JUICE 48 FL. OZ. .99 SAVE UP TO 20' COUNTRY KIST & -SATIOR-BOY - 1 WAX & GREEN BEANS 31 & CREAMED CORN .1.00 SAVE - - - - - - - •- KIST ASSORTED FLAVOURS SODA POP, DOUBLE COLA & GINGER ALE .3 FOR .0 99 750 MI PLUS .30 DEPOSIT PER BOTTLE SAVE IGA 1 L LIQUID PINK DISH DETERGENT IGA 1 LB. LARD 1.29 • .69 -40 DEGREE 4 L ANTI -FREEZE WIANSESEVIELDW. •RUTTER TARTS _ AL39 GRANNY PKG. Of 10 GREEN GIANT 12-14 FL.,OZ. • c. n FANCY ASSORTED VARIETIES VEGETABLES . • • U7 CATELLI 750 G MILDLY SPICED,. OLD FASHIONED GARLIC OR HOT & SPICY •89 • SPAGHETTI SAUCE . Mc, 5:CAIN 200 MLI'j-R,r13ERRY RASPBERRY OK DRINK MAZOLA 750 ml CORN OIL 900 g LONG GRAIN RICE IGA 3 X 92G ORANGE DRINK CRYSTALS 1.79 .89 .88 CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE LARGE SIZE GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE PRODUCT OF U.S.A CANADA FANCY PRODUCT OF U.S.A. SIZE 138'S, DOZEN SUNKIST ORANGES 1.69 CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO 2 LB. BAG .5 COOKING ONIONS CARROTS OR .79, ANJOU PEARS 1.71. •7a,n. CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO" GREEN CABBAGE 1• 08/KG. • 4119L11. • CAN. FANCY, PROD. OF USA RED AND GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 1.71, •78 LB CANADA NO. 1 ONTARIO WAXED RUTABAGAS 2/.89 ALL MERCHANDISE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRODUCT REPLACED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. FRESH CANADIAN PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS MIXED RIB & TENDERLOIN END 3•06/KG. e 39„.. DEVON SLICED 500G PKG. SIDE BACON MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 4.30/KG. 1.95,16 FRESH CANADIAN PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS CENTRE CUT 3.95 /KG. 1 • 79,LB. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 450 G. PKG. .49 MAPLE LEAF • 175 g PKG. . HAM STEAKS • 1.78 MAPLE LEAF 500g PKG. GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE 2.45 MAPLE LEAF .375 g PKG. SLICED • . BOLOGNA 1.29 . MAPLE LEAF MAC .13i CHEESE, • LUNCHEON OR CHICKEN LOAF 175 G PKG. 1 •05 MAPLE LEAF 250 g PKG. • PARTY STICKS 1.89 MAPLE LEAF SLICED 175 g PKG. • COOKED HAM 1.38 PILLERS WHOLE OR HALF BLACK FOREST HAM 7.96/KG. 3.62/18 PILLERS 375 g PKG. CHICKEN •BOLOGNA •9.9 PILLERS 375 g PKG. • CHICKEN. ' - .99 BLADE BONE OUT SHORT RIB ROAST -• 4.59/kg. 2.08/Ib. CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED HAM 4.83/KG 2.19/LB SHOULDER PORK ROAST 3.06/kg. 1.39/ib. R PORK BUTT CHOPS 3.70/kg. 1 .68/1b. SIDE SPARE RIBS 4.39/kg. 1 .99/lb. PULLERS KNACKWURST • SAUSAGE 4.38/KG. • 1.99/LB, " CUT UP WHOLE CHICKENS • 3.06/kg. 1 • 39/tb. FRESH CANADA GRADE 'A' OVER 1.8 kg./4 Ibs. ROASTING CHICKENS 3.51 /kg. 1•59/1b. PILLERS 125 g PKG. TYROLER OR BEERWURST SAUSAGE .89 • DELFT BLUE FRESH VEAL SHOULDER • CHOPS 6.15/KG. • 2.79/18. DELFT BLUE BONELESS . VEAL STEW 5. 05i.. 2 .29/LB FROZEN KRUNCHIE • PERCH 6.06 /KG. 2 • 75/LB FROZEN • COD ' FILLETS. 4.83/KG. 2.19/LB. CANADIAN GRADE "A" UNDER 1.8 kg./4 FRESH CHICKENS 2.84/kg. 1.29/ib: STEWING • BEEF 4.59/kg. 2.08/Ib. • T-BONE STEAK 8.77/kg. 3.98/ib. FRESH CHICKEN WINGS 3.26/kg. 1.48/Ib. FULL CUT ROUND$TEAK 6.57/kg. 2.98/Ib. CANADIAN MOZZARELLA CHEESE - 6.37/kg. 2.89/ib. REGULAR GROUND BEEF 3.48/kg. -I .58/Ib. MAPLE LEAF 700 g PKG BUCKET OF CHICKEN SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT EACH WEDNESDAY (GET DETAILS FROM YOUR LOCAL IGA STORE) PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, JANUARY 28- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 4.75 CANADIAN MILD • CHEDDAR CHEESE 7.23/Kg. 3.28 /lb. tazmamalar-sa, STORE HOURS Monday Tuesday Wednesday .... Thursday OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT Fniday TIL1r9 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Saturday 8.30 a.m.-600 p.m. 8.30 a.m.-600 p.m. .. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 81A) a m -9.00 p.m 8.30 p:m. 8.30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.