HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-25, Page 2ME. -;.NECYvs-RE otlrtIP,ftY, .1/MARY 25,1984 1,fr•ft, ' • µ A fall tuneup is a wise choice, but if you don't remember until the spring, use a block heater to avoid mechanical problems as in the picture above. • tra care will keep your car cruising iiTh cold When buying a new ear aA for the fuel consumption rating instead of 'drift the ontadane spend an average of $1,250 on fuel to drive alnicist 17,1100 kilometers each ' year. The bigger is not necessarily the better. By scaling down unneeded sim you can im- prove mileage by reducing your car's weight. Cars are now available in a wide variety of shapes an& sizes. Choosing the smallest one that still fits your family and business needs, pays off in the long run in lower fuel bills. A smaller engine guzzles less gas. A four cylinder can be 20 per cent more efficient than* V-8 and unless you really need the big engine, Why pay more? If you do need the big engine consider propane power. Buying a standard transmission instead of an automatic can give up to eight per cent better mileage. If you do go for the automatic transmission, choose one with the most gears - it will IN the most fuel effi- cient. The over -drive option will save both fuel and engine wear by reducing engine speed on the highway. Power steering can be a frill on a small car and costs energy in both extra weight and power. -Also; -radial tires increase both fuel efficiency and handling abilities. The alp weight of an air conditioner costs you two per cent in fuel efficiency, and when it is on .ftill blast it could be costing you as all:who,' lOpor ceut, • Cruise contrOl devices may increase fuel efficiency by allowing you to maintain a steady speed on long highway trips. Ilsen say they make highway driving more relax, Lag. In hilly Country, however, cruise con- trol may actually reduce fuel efficiency. You might want to consider a fuel flow meter. By reminding you ha* much fuel you are using, it helps you develop fuel efficient driving habits. A block heater can make an overall con- tribution by taking the chill off those early morning starts and reducing idling time. Remember to use a timer, leaving it on all night is wasteful. Weigh the fresh air value of a sun roof against the reduced fuel economy caused by increased wind resistance when it's open. - Fuel consumption information is, available on all new cars from Transport Canada. Vehicles are tested under both ur- ban and highway driving conditions. As the price of gas rises and rises, try not to worry, there are many alternatives. If you have the time .and .the _money now, you can certainly reap the rewards in tbe future. You should have it checked as soon as possi- .'„).1.9plue is available at Clinton's Sbell bie. Station and various, other servine stations Spring and fall are good times to check ig- throughout the Korn= and natural gas is 'Mon tuning carburetor idle mixture and expected to be an tap soon. Een #1.00h01, idling speed, The distributor cap might need still a fuel of the future, may one day power clearing and condensors and points Inlet Propane has several advantages over 'needQ001:ePdiraieviningg. habits can also put money in your car. gasoline, not the least of which ' cost. Pro- your poeket: By simple changing a few driv- t, pane is about 40 per cent ch the ing habits, car owners can cut fuel consump., pump and even though it offe20 per cent . tion by 10 per cent. That could amount to a lower mileage, it will still save money. Its total saving of over a billion litres of gas and clean -burning qualities can add to engine diesel fuel annually in Ontario alone. life and fewer oil changes are needed. More A lot of myths have fallen by the wayside. than 25,000 Ontario cars, vans and trucks For example drivers used to idle their cars are now running on propane and more con- to warm them up before moving, particular - versions are taking place each month. ly in cold weather. Now motorists are fin - There are also some alcohol options to be ding that, even at -20 degrees C, most cars considered for the future. Gasohol, is a mix- only require 15-20 seconds of idling before ture of 90 per cent unleaded gasoline and 10 being driven off slowly. On warmer days, per cent waterless ethanol. Methanol and cars need no idling at ail. gasoline blend methanol, are now manufac- Another common belief was that leaving a tured from natural gas and are quite expen- car idling during short stops would use less sive. Straight methanol -is a highly corrosive fuel than tinning it off and starting it again and poisonous alcohol, it can be made from when the stop was over. It is now widely natural gas, coal, peat or alcohol. Ethanol is recognized that 10 seconds of idling uses another alternative and is made from grain, more fuel than restarting the engine. corn, potatoes, sugar beets and artichokes. Drivers are also finding that jackrabbit Gasohol does riotrequire engine modifica- starts are best avoided because they in- Lionwhle a methanol and gasoline J)Iend crease fuel consumption. A smooth, steady canbe used with some fuel system modifica- acceleration uses less fuel and makes for a fuel. bill.s-. -----tiOri;'bilt"hOthnttethandraridetitairetrequire'MOrecorrifortableride:------ arm,up to -winter by reducing _• _ modifiettorspeciallydesigned engines, Ontario motorists could be using gasohol should be used slowly and evenly. Drivers , • Like Me accelerator, the. br-akeTedal---7.-7----7- • In the dynamic world of energy pricing and supply, no one can tell you for sure how you should heat, your home. • The only certainty is that it's probably worth yisartime• to look -at -ways to reduce your use of fuel oil. If you're still heating with oil - partIcular- ly if your old furnace needs repair or replacement - it will be worth checking the other energy sources available in your area. The major ones to examine in Ontario are natural gas, electricity, and wood. Even if you can't get off oil completely, you can pro- bably lower your monthly heating bills by using supplementary heat sources. Before considering switching over to gas heat you must consider whether or not to go on what Union Gas call the 'budget' plan or decide to pay monthly. Right now, the average residential bill r for nonbudget customers - those who pay each monthaccording to the amount of gas used - will be $130 for December, a 62.5 per cent in- crease -from the $80 -they -would-have paid for _ the same month in 1982. 'the main reason for the change is because December 1983 was 50 per- cent colder than the same month in 1982. This resulted in bur- ning about 55 per cent more gas in 1983. Because the heating season began in early October', it was 24 per cent colder over the same period in 1982. If you choose to go for the bodget plan, you will be required to pay a set amount this year, that has been determined by last year's billing for each month. To judge electricity, you will have to get oast information. for .your.area. Remember to include the cost of upgrading the electric service capacity f your house if you are considering an 1 -electric heating system. Where Lei is widely available at a reasonable cost, wood burning equipment can cut your fuel costs. Take future availability of your wood supply into ac- count too. If you have decided to opt for the wood burning idea of heating your home, you must realize some of the disadvantages to having a general fireplace. A fireplace can add ambience to a room but don't count en it as an energy saver. Conventional fireplaces are generally energy wasters. The warm glow from the fireplace is actually sucking more warrn air out than it's contributing to the house. And, when there's no fire,, expensive warm air is -drifting up the chimney. • - • .- . - A number of things can be done to make this desirable decorating feature more energy • efficient.First, close the damper .when the fireplace is not in use. • A combinatiOn of glass doors, a fresh air intake to make use of outside air nit. com- bustion and. a heat exchanger to transfer heat from flame to room can add up to a unit which is a positive heat contributor. One new design uses an air jacket around the firebox. Vents at the bottom suck in cooler air from the floor which is warmed with heat from the fire and then expelled through the higher vents. An air tight stove is more efficient than any fireplace and can usually be vented to an existing chimney. Both Ball-MacCaulay and Wise Energy Services, in Clinton, sell wood burning stoves. Ball-MacCaulay deal in the Heritage line of wood stoves and have prices that range from $500 to $1000. The price depends on the size and style of the stove. Wise Energy Services have a wood stove called the Concord CV2000. Normally this stove sells for $549, but it is now on sale. They also install and sell furnaces but the • cost depends on the furnace and the home. If you are really serious about wood as an alternative to oil for home heating, there are some- important safety considerations. Most people will choose a wood burning stove that is too big for the area they wish to heat. • When -you -have -to reduce.theair.s,upply.fl... order to keep temperatures lower, you may in turn cause creosote build-up and chimney fires. Some insurance policies do not cover wood -burning appliances - even if they have been installed properly. Safe installation is important. Consult one of the many good books or pamphlets available. AlSO, extensiverenovation of a house - or BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY OPTOMETRY REPAIR R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The SquarerGODERICH 524-7661 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST ., Seaforth 527.1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00-12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMNT Free parking on promises Clinton Electric 0 White -Westinghouse iihuolftwiritt Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broodfoot 482-7032 ELECTRIC INSURANCE 11(1111 9 dm oxic,e‘ecit,_ , co% 004 eel *ECONOMY •QUALITY •SERVICE "Illgiobs or small, we guarantee them all" 482-7374 CLINTON OR CALL 1.844-263-9233 ASK FOR PAGER NO. NO GA1SER-KNEALE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. InsUrance-Real Estate investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Thraldom 412-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 Bob Thomas 412-3096 Bill Counter 482-3687 JOHN WISE INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. General Insurance Guaranteed Investments Clinton Office: 482-9641 Res.: 482-7265 ABATTOIR SERVICE 1 —BENDER'S ABATTOIR Home Grown Beef and Pork Mill Street, Hensel, 262-3130 Wholesale, Retaikand Custom Slaughtering Kill day Tuesday. Book in advance. Our own chubs, Bologna, Wieners, Polish & Summer Sausage, Jellied Pork and Processed Hams &. Picnics. Our Motto is - "The Golden Rule" PHOTOGRAPHY Fitzgerald Studios photography custom framing fine art prints 400 James Street Clinton 482-3890 by the mid-1980s, the timing depending on can cut back on use of the brake by an- - even a room e• is a good opportunity. to gasoline supplies and price. ticipating stops. Resting a foot on the brake upgrade energy saving features. An energyTnne-up time pedal while driving is dangerous, increases conscious renovation can stop heating bills That little extra time in the service station fuel consumption and adds wear and tear to by 50 to 90 per cent. for a tune-up or a tire pressure check will the brakes and transmission. Even before you get started, make sure pay off* the fuel PP • Dropping your speed slightly will have on - you've done the simple energy conservation Correctly inflated tires improve fuel ly a marginal effect on travel time but could things like turning down the thermostat fiveeconomy by four per cent and a complete save dollars in your gas tank. For example, degrees at night and properly sealing and tune-up when needed can save ten per cent a car travelling at 115 km/hr uses 20 per caulking the house. The furnace should also on fuel costs. A Transport Canada survey cent more fuel thanone going 90 km/hr. be in good working order. found that 70 per cent of all cars are driven Another easy way to conserve fuel is to - The type of installation you should use, if without enough air in the tires, and 60 per take those golf clubs out of the car, except of you have decided to eventually insulate, will cent have dangerously underinflated tires. course when you are heading for the golf depend on construction feature, the area ofSimple adjustments to an engine's tim- course. Carrying any kind of unnecessary the house and price • considerations. But ing,idle speed and air/fuel ration can mean weight around either in the trunk or on the there are four basic kinds to consider. • an average of three to four per cent in fuel top of your car just makes it work harder Batt or blanket insulation is the most corn- savings, depending on how much the engine . ., and use more gas. If t b e it's eas to. •wvas out of iwhack. . . „. Combining several short trips into one • y n,s • bl invarietyof sizes. Also, if your car tends to pull to one side, it long one will reduce overall fuel consump- Because if is made of glass wool or rock is probably causing drag and wasting fuel. tion and save you time as well. Plan ahead. fibre and can be a skin irritant, you must. wear gloves and use a nose protector2This kind can be used for attic and new basement walls and under exposed 'floors. Blanket in- sulation is handy for wrapping pipes. -Loose fill insulation is made of glass fibre; rock wool, cellulose fibre or vermiculite. One advantage of this type is that it can fit into irregular spaces. It's good for attics, crawl spacesand wall cavities. Insulation is also available in rigid boards made of phenolic foam, polystyrene or glass fibre. It can be used on both inside and out- side walls and in basement. •Sprayed -on • insulation is helpful on ir- regular surfaces and in hard -to -reach crawl spaced. However, it should be applied by an experienced contractor and in accordance -witb the Ontario Baildipg_Code. • ry layering clothes • Clothing needn't be • new and stylish to make you warm. When it's cold, you need to follow two basic points. First remember the layer pruiciple, and second, take special care of hands, feet and your head. The best insulator is the dead air space you trap between layers of clothing. So two thin shirts keep you warmer than one thick one. The layered approach ia. also helpful if you begin to Neat up from outside activity, you can pcel off your excess clothine niece by piece. I Best to start is thermal ( layered) - underwear with cotton-thatewill. draw body . ACCOUNTANT LENTZ AND JEFFERY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS KARL C. LENTZ P.O. BOX 305 BLYTH, ONT. NOM 1H0 (519) 523-9589 JOHN W. JEFFERY P.O. BOX 909 MOUNT FOREST, ONT. NOG 2L0 (519) 323-4114 GLASS/ALUMINIUM See us for your building projects *Energy-efficient replacement windows *Window & screen repair •Plexiglass •Door service and repairs *Complete range of aluminum siding and building products c lintOirs (s3 . mirror' and edurnIrstam products 24 Print.'. Is. Waist, CLINTON 482-3322 MECHANICAL cBAILEY8 LENN OX AND DUAL-AIRE _ • FURNACES - • SHEET METAL WORK SPECIALISTS IN ENGINEERED HEATING SYSTEMS PHONE: 262-2020 HENSALL ONT. TRAVEL Apart from having fun, the most important thing to remember about winter sports, is dressing properly. These skiers are appropriately dressed in layers. using shirts, sweaters and coats. This also enables them to peel off clothing as their bodies warmup. moisture away from your. skin. Then wool shirts and pants and a down -filled coat.. Extremities have the most trouble 'keep- ing heat, so bundle them up. Mittens are far • better than gloves, because they lock air in and the fingers warm each other. For feet, an inner sock Of thin wool, a heavier sock outside and insulated water proof shoes or Loots, of course. Your head is the biggest problem. Remember those days when your mother insisted you wear a hat? You felt like a real sisty -Wearing this, -usually-multi-Colored, - - - hand knitted affair Aunt Martha made for Christmas. Mother was right, your head is a terrible heat leaker. Don't make your poor body try to heat all .outdoors through your head; wear a hat. ( This is very important for bald men.) The Balaclava helmet,a knit .. cap for about $5 can be worn rolled up or pulled down over the face. It is highly recommended for those bitterly cold days. You may resemble a hold-up man, but you'll stay toasty warm. If you've located all the necessary clothing to wear for your trip outdoors it won't help if you decide to find a log and set- tle do,wn for a rest. Your body gets a large part of its internal heat from muscles. Exer- cise, and you may generate heat. Stand still in the cold, and yournay.start to shiver - an involuntary exerciser that helps keep you warm., • Sitting at 21 degrees ( C) will keep you just as warm walking briskly at 4 degrees (C), or running at -20. So if you're' cold don't be lazy. For all those lucky people who claim that their slim and tiny physiques are far too delicate to attempt an outside journey, you now have company. Apparently. the nerve endings that sense the. cold are near the so fat folks feel the cold as much as thin folks. Another good excuse clOwn the drain. There is good news however, cold makes your body work harder, so you need more fuel; you get to eat more without worrying • about calories. For every five celsius degrees colder it gets, .you can sock away 150 extra calories a day without gaining an . ounce. BUSES AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER Dithixo Highway Coaches Activity flus Cotton% Myna Phone Collect Goderich 3244622 If you've got the -- b-r-r-r's..._ give us a buz-z-z. To help you re, uce those extra HIGH HEATING BILLS... due to our severely COLD WINTER We are REDUCING OUR ENTIRE STOCK by % OFF SPECIALWEATHER PRICING STRIPPING OFsaTnod CKCAULKING Z. HERITAGE WOOD STOVES re KEROSENE HEATERS BUILDING CENTRE BALLMACAU LAY 40 WELLINGTON ST. CLINTON 482-3405 •