HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-18, Page 15pm, or . • . s t, . _ Aldwincitle and -John Deo/es; _Cuptoin-of has welcome her new replce ament Aft12 years Maude Weston, as official book keeper at the countylibrarybranch. (Shelley MiddletonThe 81111Ual vently Meeting of St. James Anglican ChUIV14,,_ Middleton, was held on Jan, 10 at the iteeteryo daralhorne House. The Rector-Gdrdon Reynolds opened the meeting with prayer and welconled everyone to Camborne House. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by the secretary, and Lois Wise was elected to be the Vestry Clerk for this meeting. Annual reports were presented by the Rector, Wardens and Treasurer. Reports from the Anglican Church Women and the Sunday School were read. Thanks was expressed to Ray Wise for -the Bulletin Board which he made for the Sun- day School. The Rector read a very fitting memorial to the late Stewart Middleton, which had been written by Doris Hunter of Bayfield, a close friend of the family. The Huron Crisis Centre was discussed, and it being a very worthivhile facility in our area, it was felt that a specific Sunday be set aside where monies received will be given to the crisis centre. The Parish Officers for 1984 are: Rector's --Warden;RalphWelsh;- Peoples Warden, Bill Steenstra; Delegates to Great Chapter and Synod - Primary, John Deeves and Alter- nate, Ray Wise; Board of Management, . .04. wooroo.•40 Estelle Wise, Vera Miller, Margaret Mid- dleton, Lots Wise, Blanche Deeves, Edward Wise, Don Middleton, James Storey, Dean Aldwinckle, Ed Peeves; Auditors, Dean The Bayfieid Libitary has said farivverelftiiltilonWiille librarian-EnEd-- lekhas_retiredandAnny Johnston, right, 11013 taken over the du es McPhee photo Librarian has many interests Our new librarian is Mrs. Anny Johnston. enjoyed the pottery, club and loves to read. She and her husband small son Colin ag- She a fan of writer' Robertson Davies, en - ed two, live on Louisa joys our leading Canadian Women Writers Amp is a graduate in anthropology from and the classics and old English authors are the University of Windsor. She also served of particular interest to her. as librarian at the university library. Her pleasant smile will welcome us to the A person of many interests, she has been library as she follows the succession of ex - teaching exercise classes at Vanastra, has cellent librarians we have had. Bayfield has a challenger • from page 10 received a letter frOm the Channel 10 news Road Superintendent Rick Penhale has crew regarding Bayfield's summer cricket been appointed dog catcher for the village. match to be held in honor of the bicentennial Reeve Johnston asked Mr. Penhale to do the year. Apparently they have decided to be job and thederklifOinfOrM the COnniaiiniff- the- oppiising-teamfor the match and -they that the works department is now available will be providing their services free of to catch stray dogs. charge. "Mr. Penhale is not on call 24 hours a day "They wrote that they will be bringing to catch dogs," said Reeve Johnston. He along " cucumber sandwiches," laughed also said that if Mr. Penhale is busy plowing Councillor Owen. roads, villagers cannot expect him to stop - Kay Reid, a resident of Bayfield, com- what he is doing and -chase a dog. "Does my plimented the Reeve and the village mato.: compensation cover dog bites?" joked the dean for ."the wonderful condition of the new dog catcher. • roads in Bayfield." "I have always thought -• The Reeve said the dogs will be taken to of London as a wealthy city but when I was South Huron Veterinary Clinic inZurich and last there; their _residential streets were • '-- there will be a charge. He said owners of the deplorable," Mrs. Reid added. ° dogs are libel to a fine of up to $50. It is $15 Mr, Jack Pounder's application for a roof plus any added cost for the first offence, $25, on his boat storage area was approved by plus added cost for the second offence and council. Councillor Huffman moved the ap- $50plus added cost for the third offence. -Plication be -accepted and Councillor Owenv Councillor Owen reedited that she'has secondedthe motion: - ca• A -reminder by Noness of free • 'Sound and Image' concert e Lioness News \ As already announced the Lioness semi- , sored concert due to take place on Jan. 23 at the Community Centre, is open to all free of charge. For those who did not obtain tickets for the series, they are available for this oc- casion and may be obtained from Mrs. Wynn Graham - 565-2847, so don't miss the opportunity of an evening's entertainment, especially welcome at this time of the year. The program, 'Sound and Image', should have a wide appeal and just as the Lioness Don't overdo it If you partake of hOliclay cheer, let so- meone else drive, warns the Ontario Safety League, or limit your drinks to one an hour. If you are host, make sure no drivel. is im- paired and that everyone has a safe way to get home. If necessary, let them .stay the night at our place. Party -givers with small children should clear away leftover food and drink soon after guests have left. Early -rising children could become ill by sampling party left- overs. The Ontario Safety League reminds you to also dump ashtrays, check upholstered furniture for cigarette butts and make sure no matchbooks are left around before retiring. osommeessmel, NOTICE Dog Licences are NOM Q� now available at the Municipal Office. • Patrick M. Graham Clerk Treasurer BAYFIELD NEED HELP WITH R R S.P.? tired of buying your R.R.S.P. over the counter? ill tato. the time to help you understand ths las legislation and what's beat lor you. And give you all the benefits you event In en. R R.S.P.-'' no service Jist charge on dapoelts, delly 'Maria POLLOCK, CLU • compotinded monthly, deposit*, 777 Berkshire Dr,, arranged to suit your needs, 'k, London, Ont. NGJ 385 (519)4718303 '•'esillmo for poreoreol, prefooslonol learolcol P111 .R.F1.11.P. Foote A Procedures" An Intosmatioo Dadaist to help ycu'' you, 11.14.13.P. planning CANADIAKI FOPESTERS sol4.460 Cormadtoogii Birwet879 have demonstrated on so many occasions their firm supped for the village, it is hoped that this will' be reciprocated with a good at- tendance at the concert. The next in the regular series will take place on Feb. 7 and.details will be announc- ed next week. • Bayfield Historical Society The annual general meeting of the Bayfield Historical Society will be held on Jan. 23 at the Municipal Building. As in former years this will take place in the afternoon at 2 p.m. It is hoped that all members will make a special effort to be present, and maybeTbring witnthem poten- tial new members. ,•• TRAVEL AGENCY January Specials THOMSON VACATIONS 50. TO s 7 5 • OFF CARNIVALS ACAPULCO CANCUN 1 weak from 1 week from 1 week from BARBADOS • 2 weeks from CLEARWATER 1 week front- Vir9. PARAMOUNT • WO. *680. 01111.17. JAMAICA week from 768. *3211. - FT. LAUDERDALE week from PLUS OTHERS No matter when or where •you travel call us -first! Come in or call ul today' 482-9300 7 Rattenbury Street Clinton Morahanoral Hon -members Welcome t-bous 3Avin961 Get up to a oo RIFF by mail BIM D ON ALM, FILM PROCESSING OR CAMERA ACCESSORIES purchased in this store when you buy four of these five products, and the additional purchase of ANY BATTERIES 200 ml spray 75 ml roll-on 60g solid 300 ml plus 150 ml 2 7 9irr Get details Maur store, TRIANS LE DISCOUNtim 172 THE t-OUARE, GODEgICH. MAIN CORNER, CLINTON. MAIN CORNER, SEAPOFITH. We now Rent BETA Movies! Sidesmen James Storey; Treasurer Ed - 1984 HURON COUNTY ATLAS This is a project to commemorate Bicentennial Year In Ontario and to update the original 1879 Huron County Atlas. All businesses, organizations, groups and individuals within the county of Huron are invited to submit articles for the 1984 Atlas. Forms and guidelines may be obtained at your local library or municipal office. For further Information call: Cathy Vanderbatg 524.2950 ' or if no answer call the County Clerk's Office 524-8394. • Steering Committee 1984 Huron County Atlas mrsi:asizsPAT . rc 18;199f4AGEll''' set or the CrisisCentre ward Wise; Organlat, Sarah Storey; Chancel Guild, Audrey Middleton. and Estelle Wise; Church School Education, --Lynda Steenstra; Pt.ess Reporter, Blanche Deeves. • Thanks went to the nominating committee of Dean, Aldwincitle, Audrey Middleton and Bill Steenstra for .worldng on this commit- tee, Om to Barbara Reynolds tor typing up all the reports for the meeting, Bill Steenstra suggested sonle.:Way0 to in- crease church membership, an a Worship Committee was set up to enlarge on these plans. Appreciations were expressed by the Rec- tor for everyone's support in 1983, also to the A.C.W., the Organists, firemen, and ,koaes Storey for snow removal- Thanks was also conveyed to Rev. and Mrs. Reynolds for their warm hospitality. A.C.W. Meeting The Jantiary meeting of St. 'James Anglican Church Women, was held Jan. 12, at the home of Audrey Middleton,. Carol Wammes was the leader in char& of the meeting. She opened -the meet* brthank- ing ,Audrey •for -•openingTher—homer and-. welcomed everyone for coming. Vera Miller read a poem and Carol read the Meditation. Vera Miller read the minutes of the last meeting and the Annual Report of the year. Delores Dutot presented the treasurer's report and the Annual Financial Statement for 1983. • Two cards of thanks were read. One frern heel Middleton and . one Worn Sarah Storey. Audrey Middle* VO 'Ott: the corrOsPandefit for. F tide year, Sarah Sto Card around that 041O former Prayer Partner, Everyone is remluded to 'orlilg Personal items to the Fehruars meeting, for bale to be sent to St. $0140 Quilt blocks were handed out eak' broidered for a alb quilt, New ideas for 1984 were discussed,. The February meeting is to be a Valentine Tea with everyone giving to, special donation. February is also the month for everyone to bring in what pennies they have collected - Rolled Please, The Birthday and Special Days Box, is to be renewed again this year, with Delores Dutot in charge. The date of Saturday, July 7th was set for a Bake Sale at St. James Church. Cheques are convernent and safe cheqxies has...,many.achrantages over carrying cash, says Grace Whittington, home and family management specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's rural organizations and services branch. Cheques are convenient, safe and provide accurate records of your expen- ditures. Endorsed cheques are legal receipts and always show the correct amount of payinent7--- tz% CAMPBELL'S ANNUAL JANUARY SALE.. sitt,4•••tie2itaq.% ,Tign CoOt4111.411tS SUITS riSPoRTCoATs ODRESS and SPORTSIIIRTS [CAR COATS ki WINTER JACKETS [WEATERS ri'rGLOVES SCARVES in 500FF PANT CLEARANCE Special Rack (Approx. 140 Pairs) 1 3A iterations Sixes 30 to 46 extra OFF "1 MO.:A i• Look for the YELLOW SALE TICKETS] MANYMORE - IN-STOFIE,spEciALS ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL ALTERATIONS AT COST ON ALL SALE CLOTHING UNDERWEAR We are discontinuing certain lines of winter underwear. See our table of odd garments. 1/2 PRICE and Less Men's Wzar MAIN CORNER CLINTON 42-9732 • . :, 3 A. COMMUNITY SILVERPLATE Classic Shell' Royal Grandeur' Patrician' Modern Aflectton 8. 18810 ROGERSO SILVERPLATE . • Amoresque' - ••:"••••-- Baroque Rose' tr, J'• Flirtation• ,--J -d • • r ..°1?•••7'; SP11'.*%•••.- C. HEIRLOOM STAINLESS 150:e Michelangelo' Dover' Colonial' Toujours' Shelley' .tietable. •44,411110 --4443:4= 8 Albert Street CLINTON JEWELLERS 26 Main Street South SEAFORTH 284 Main St. EXETER 203 Durham Street East WALKERTON 135 Queen St. E. ST. MARYS Save up to ,.36% 20 -Piece Set- Sale in silverplate and stainless 20 -Piece Service for 4 includes 4 Salad Forks, 4 Dinner Forks -- 4 Dinner Knives, 4 Dessert/Soup Spoons, 4 Teaspoons A. COMMUNITY* SILVERPLATE SALE $139.95., The exquisite beauty 'of Community is unequalle'd, Regular suggested retail 5220.00. B. 1881e ROGERS eSILVERPLATE SALE $114.95 The Rogers name brings you a history of uncomOomising craftsmanShip. Here is value beyond price. Regtar suggested retail 5165 00 C. HEIRLOOM* STAINLESS SALE 5109.95 Heavyweight, luxury quality stainless created expressly for consumers with dqctiminatpg tastes. Regular suggested retail 5160 00 D. COMMUNITY STAINLESS SALE $76.95 ,Canada's best selfig brand of stainless Truly fine and superior designs. Regular suggested retail S110.00 E. ONEIDA' DELUXE STAINLESS..; ,SALE $59.95 Popular price and popular design styles make this • brand of stainless a fast seller. Regular suggested retail 582.50 Hurry! Sale ends January 31, 1984 • ONEIDA The -silver cube Our silversrnit hs mark of excellence