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Clinton News-Record, 1984-01-18, Page 8
NEIN co } DAY, ,la rdeners are ready for 1984 season ,BIT:SheronStadelInIma Several tluples froal hlrth attended the Robbie Bums Dance at the Clinton Legion on Sat. right Jim; .Lawrie of Blyth was the Master of Cereauolseg and entertainment during intern*** was AM* 7 the c110 - ton Pipe Band and Lisa.tearig Wilo danlcell the. Scottish Measure. Piping hi the Haggis was by Gord Yeo and BeentierVenzieS gave the address to the Hague. • Blyth Hortidire Soei,� tyy The Blyth Nord, ,Society held their annual meeting : on Jan. 10 in the Blyth Memorial Hall with over 20•present. President Harvey McDowell welcomed everyone and the minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. Ted East. A letter was read regarding The Flower Show in Toronto on February 22 to 26. The financial statement was presented by the treasurer Mrs. Millar Richmond. " She reported that there were 364 members for .......-- ...,.�. ,.W ..�w.._.. The election of officers took place and they were installed by Ted East. The of- ficers are: President: Harvey McDowell; 1st Vice President, Mary Walden; 2nd Vice President, Harvey McCallum; Treasurer, Flora Fear; Secretary, Margery East; 1985 directors, Bert Fear,-Sheron Stadelmann, -Vera .Hassel -wood, -John ._Blake-. and ._ Rita M/hDL'l in Thei&' Used Lr Sa,inus 1981 OLDSMOBILE REGENCY 4 dr., with air 1981 MALIBU CLASSIC 4 dr., with air" 1981 DIPLOMAT 4 dr. 1981 FORD FAIRMONT wagon with air 1980 PONTIAC CATALINA 4 dr. 1980 ASPEN 2 door with air 1980 JEEP CHEROKEE wagon 1980 PONTIAC NE 4 door. with.cur - 1980 CHEVY VAN 20 series 1980 CHEV PICK-UP V8, Auto Trans., PS, PB 1980 CHEV IMPALA 4 dr. 1978 GRANADA a dr., 6 cyl., auto trans. 1976 CHEV SUBURBAN loaded 1975 BUICK CENTURY 4dr. 2-1981 GMC, HEAVY. DUTY_ PICKUP HA,MMS CAR SALES LTD. - BLYTH SALES DEPT ....... 523-4342 SERVICE DEPT .... 523-9581 ti Y Blake; directors who will retire In 1.. ', are, Aline Madill, Carol Lawrie, Dan Mcinnes, George Harrower,, and 'oho Hesselwood. Three films were shown by George Har. wer• They were The First Inch, What ride Beauty and, The Vacant Lot. Lunch Was served by Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. Lost Heir Six tables of lost heir were played last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. The winners were: High Lady, Ella Richmond; Low Lady, Edyth Glousher; High Man, Graham McDowell; Low Man, Millar Richmond. Lost heir will be again played next week. Seniors meeting The Blyth Swinging Seniors will hold their regular meeting on Jan. 25 at 2 p.m. at the Blyth Memorial Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. • Euchre ed at the Bl_Eleven tables of eucwere yth Memorial Hall on Wally ght Tie" winners were: High Lady, Verna Glazier; Low Lady, Elsie Shaddick; High Man, Wilfred Shortreed; Low Man, Bert Daer; Ladies' Lone Hands, Esther Moffatt; Men's Lone Hands, Marg. McCullough. (playing as a man); Special, John Hesselwood. Euchre next .weekeveryone.welcome..__.� _.--_-:-.---- NOTICE Hullett Township PLANNING WORKSHOP. MEETING at Londesboro Community Hall on Monday, January 23, 1984 at 8:00 pm URBAN Hullett Township Council i George Harrower speaks o wt. ,. The Blyth Women'$ Institute Met in the . Memorial Hall Blyth on Jan- 4. George Har- rower of Blyth Was guest speaker, • With the ascot a large map and slides Mr. Harrower told members about a trip to Cen- tral America. He told of some of Central America's history and the crops grown. -In Belize City all houses are. on stilts. Costa Rica is very clean and stable but it has no army. The money which they would have used for army was put into education. Honduras has had 120 revolutions in the last 140 years. Ml members enjoyed the slides and infor- mative address. Readings were given by Ferne- Howatt and b valine Webster: Don't forget the dessert Euchre at 1:30 on Feb. 2nd. Members please remember to br- ing some guests. ... 1 1 Jerre:, . -tet schoo ..,ewe• The Grade 8 class at Hullett Central School have learned about next year's high school courses from the high school guidance people. Their parents also came and discussed next year's courses. On Friday the 13th students had Funny -Day and -Punic" -Day TFie junior side "had"• Funny Day and they were all really funny. The senior side had Punk Day. Everyone was dressed as punks and were weird, wild and totally different. They all had a great day. SNELL'S GROCERY LTD. 1 MANY INSTORE UNADVERTISED -SPECIALS MEAT FEATURES 1COOKED HAM "store sliced" per Ib. 2.19 Maple Leaf MOCK CHICKEN "store sliced" per Ib. 1.69 FROZEN MEAT CLEARANCE Maple Leaf R.T.S. SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDER per lb.....99 Maple Leaf FOOTBALL HAM approx. 7 Ib. per lb. 1.69 Maple Leaf Boneless Dinner HAM 1/4's per Ib. 1.89 Maple Leaf S.P. COTTAGE ROLL 1/2's per Ib: 1.49 Devon BREAKFAST BACON 500 g. 1.39 Schneiders BREAKFAST BACON 500 g. 1.79 Schneiders WIENERS 1 Ib.1.29 Sirloin Strip STEAKS 200 g. each 1 00 PRODUCE FEATURES Chiquita BANANAS per Ib. • 1 .29 U.S. No. 1 HEAD LETTUCE each .59 Cal. Red GRAPES per Ib. .79 Ont. No. 1 CARROTS 2 Ib. .59 Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES 113's per doz, 1.99 Florida GRAPEFRUIT white or pink 4 for 1.00 BAKERY FEATURES Weston LEMON BUNS 6's... '... ; . .1.29 Weston Family CHOCOLATE ROLL....: 1 39 Weston APPLE PIE GROCERY FEATURES Catelli R.C. MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 1 kg. .99 Sunspun CREAM CORN or CUT GREEN BEANS 19 oz. 59 Puritan Beef or Irish STEW 680 g. 1.39 Robin Hood all-purpose FLOUR 5 kg. 3.49 Aylmer Tomato KETCHUP 1 1. 1.99 Facelle Royale FACIAL TISSUE Iarge box .89 TIDE DETERGENT 121 8.49 Purina FIELD & FARM DOG FOOD 20 kg. (44 Ib.)...... 16.95 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES® Beatrice 2% MILK 4 I. pitcher pack 2.99 ;Lewis White BREAD 24 oz. loaf 65e or 10 for... , 4.99 YELLOW LABEL NO NAMETM PRODUCTS FOR QUALITY & SAVINGS MANY IN STORE GROCERY SPECIALS Closed Mondays Open Tuesday through Sat1I day - 9 am -6 pna I WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, SOME SPECIALS SUBJECT TO ARRIVAL FROM SUPPLIERS We Deliver Phone 523-9332 a The Blyth Horticultural Society is set for another year. Recently Bert Fear, John Hesselwood, Dan McInnes and John Blake. Front new executive members were appointed and they Include, back row, Marj East, Vera Hesselwood, Flora Fear, Carol Lawrie, row, left to right, President Harvey McDowell, George Harrower, Sheron Stadelmann and Rita Blake. _Village residents may face increase in sewage rates By Rod Hilts The Village of Blyth will agree to a five per cent increase iii their sewage rates if an investigation into the Ministry of the Environment's new billing procedure proves to be satisfactory. Blyth council decided to look into the new billing procedure after receiving a letter from the ministry at their Jan. 5 meeting. Theletterrevealed the village would be receiving a 27 per cent rate increase because the ministry over estimated the sewage system volume flow: This led to a change in the billing procedure that will see the village charged $6,554.67 a month. In the past, the village has been charged on a volume basis, with monthly costs ranging between $2,200 and $3,000. ' According to ministry spokesman Dan Atkinson, theministry over estimated the - volume flow resulting in a lower revenue generated and causing the ministry deficit to increase. The ministry's deficit, ac- cumulated from Nov. 1, 1981, is $65,307. Mr. Atkinson said that the ministry forecasted flows and service revenues for the sewage plant had been over estimated since the plant's inception in 1981. In 1981-82, the ministry forecasted that the sewage plant would make $30,000 in service revenue. Their forecast was based on only one quarter of operation and the actual revenue generated was $4,246. In 1983, the ministry forecasted revenue at $35,757. The actual revenue was $21,293. In 1981-82, .they estimated that 15,800,000 gallons of sewage would flow and the actual figure was- only $2,225,000. In 1982-83, the ANNOUNIEME$T FRANkIt©TH'OF`VAFINA.IAND •' WALTON FEED. • MILLS is pleased to announce the appointment of Don Corbett as 1`eed Sales Representative for both mills. Don is well experienced with livestock and Poultry . feeding as he has spent 30 years in .the feed industry. Donhas also participated in the prescribed product knowledge and servicing programs provided by the Shur -Gain Division of Canada Packers, Inc. We are confident he has the experience and qualifications. necessary to assist you in selecting the Shur=Cain Feed and Animal Health Program that`best'suits your livestock or poultry operation. If Don can be of assistance with any of your feed or Animal Health concerns -please call him at his • Seaforth residence at •527-0211 or; 4 VARNA FEED. MILL LTD. 482-9219 WALTON FEED MILL 887-6023 forecasted flow was 18,800,000 gallons and the actual amount was 11,195,000 gallons. Council's reaction to the increased rate was one mixed with surprise and anger. "All the way along the taxpayer is going to get hit. Someone has to put the brakes on," Councillor William Manning said of the ministry's new billing procedure. Blyth has built up a $50,000 surplus over the past one and a half years, allowing the village to soften the blow of the ministry's 27 per cent increase. During that time, the municipality has been collecting $6,300 a month and the ministry has collected only $3,000 of that a month. According to Clerk Larry Walsh, "the village surplus was built up because the ministry wasn't charging enough." He said the ministry "underestimated our operating costs." Council passed a motion asking other municipalities to review their sewage rate schedules and make inquiries regarding any major changes. Brussels was mentioned as .being in the same situation. If everything appears to be in order, council will agree to a five per cent increase in their rate charge to Blyth residents. Council will discuss the issue - at their February meeting. Blyth Inn and Mannings win In Blvth Industrial Hockey Leause action Sun.; Jan. 15; Blyth nn -lumped Rudfords Blyth Inn built a 6-1 lead afterq,.two periods and coasd, to the win. Paul Cook led Blyth Inn with �ttiree goals, Dale Whit field added two and Steve Howson, 'Brian Westburg and Steve Bramley ...notched singles: Radford scorers. were Dana, Bean `with two and John Feeney. In the second game Mannings scored five times in the second period to break open a close game and defeat Watson 11,3. Brian Black scored four for Mannings, Gary. BLYTH ,I Christian Reformed Church "Guest Minister" 'Service . 10 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. THK B IF SIIANDARD) David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. South, SEAFORTH Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescrlptoos Filled Promptly SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE • . 5.21-13 O3' GENERAL Gordon Elliott 519-523-4522 LIFE R. john Elliott 519-523-4323 LIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. ' INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO ATOM 1 H.0 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE Bowes Electronic Shop SATELLITE & T.V. ANTENNAE & TOWER INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS Magnavox - Sharp - T.V, a Stereo FM 2 -Way Radios ®4412 Hamilton st.. Myth FRED LAWRENCE Electrical' Contractor HOME, FARM AND' COMMERCIAL WIRING • PHONE AUBURN 526-7505 H.T. DALE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors ti -4;i1 Appliance Sales & Serv,ice to all makes Refrigeration Service Open 6 days a Week, 37 years Burn by Quality & Serwce 357-2 Courtney and Wayne McDougall each added three and. ugene o tg c osed oil the scoring. Darryl Youngblut, John Watson and Terry Pierce scored for Watson. In the last game Bainton's scored three times in a two -minute span late in the se-. cond period to open up a lead and beat Hub- bards 8-4. Barney Stewart tallied three for Baintons;'Mike Malliot and Don Shiell each added two and Larry Robinson had a single. Hubbard scorers were Brad Bramley with three and Brent Andrews. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 rol • LYLE YOUNGBLUT • OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE , Your Oil Heating , Contractor BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68 Auburn 526-7597 WALDEN PHOTOGRAPHY *Weddings *Portraits *Albums Frames 523-9212 BLYTH WARD UPTIGROVE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LISTOWEL, ONT. 291-3040 Geo. Burkholder AUTO BODY COLLISION REPAIRS & REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE 24HOURS ADAY' 523-9474 Tell us What's Happening Call your Correspondent Sheron Studelmann 523-9204