HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-11, Page 17:*.... S5$F1 THE CLINTOttNEWS - RECORi1 •THE BLY'Slf STANDARD THESSYnekesUt1LE 121Real estate 12. Real estate for sale for sole 12. Real estate for sale - CALL - JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MBS REALT''R OFFICE JOHN DUDDY RUSS ARCHER, 482-3766 482-3652 482-9428 or 482-3733. REAL ESTATE LTD. . REALTOR NEW LISTING THIS WEEK: 137 Fulton St., $29,500.00.2 bedroom 11/2 storey home In very good condition with Targe unfinished attic which could provide 2 extra bedrooms. Lovely family room 23 feet long with fireplace. Main floor utility room, bright kitchen with new counter top. Vendor says sell. 529,500.00. CALL JOHN i. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR - MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD ._-.._..18...H.ouses for rent, FOUR BEDROOM\emi detached house in Vonastra available now. 482-7895.-400BEAUTIFUL BIG old house in Clinton, fully insulated, but in need of minor repairs and'. cleanup. Looking for suitable tenants. Please reply to Drawer No. 20 c/o Clinton. News - Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM - 1 L0.-46tf FOUR BEDROOM house on ""Orange St: ,-Clinton, close to up- ... town, suitable for retired cou- _ ple. Phone 482-7763.between 9 - . 4 p.m. or 1482-3587 offer-. p.m.-47tf BLYTH - four bedroom house, oil .heat . $200 0. ' month 9210.-48tf SMALL TWO bedroom house on Huron St. for rent.. Phone .482- 9363.-2,3 _ -- - THREE BEDROOM house for rent. $195.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 271-1077 or 482- 3766.-2,3 • 20. Room & board COMFORTABLE, warm room, $10 per night with bath. Holiday Lodge, C/o Mrs. Vari D'amme 482-3685.-24far ' 25. Wonted to buy 26. Help wanted PART TIME TEACHER'S AID for • special education classroom. Minimum requirements grade 12, preference will be given to a certified teachers aid and. /or Early Childhood Education graduate. Send application and resume to: Mr. Cappelli, Prin- cipal, St: Joseph's Separate School, Clinto.n. Ont. NOM 110, post marked no later than Jan. 19, 1984.-2 VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist.... at., the Lady Diana Nursery, Vanastra, with 'KOK dicapped preschoolers in a mor- ning program,. Formore..infor_ mation call Brenda McEwin 482- 7634 or 5244456.--- 2,3 WANTED - babyplaypen, wooden or mesh, reasonably ...- ---•priced-.-._-P-h.oane. 4.$2:_.,._..�_.._... anytime. ---2 L. & M. AUTO Wrecking, We buy scrap rads and batteries. and scrap. Phone 887-9561,-271f ------ WANTED - French doors, pay cash. Phone Carl Brehm, Mit-• chef l 30-8519.-49-2x WANTED - one pair of child's skis, size 5 boot. Phone 523- 9695.-2 SET OF BAGPIPES in good condi- tion. 524-9293: '-2tf nx 26. Help wanted DRIVERS required, delivery ser vices for New Orleans Pizza. evenings 4 p.m. - 12 p.m. Sun- day to Thursday; 4.Pm. 2-° "m-• Friday and Saturday. Apply in person, New Orleans Pizzo, Clinton. -tar RELIABLE homemaker required 2-3 days per week to "live in. Companion for a lady. Apply Drawer No. 5, c,.o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1L0.-1",2 SALES CLERK REQUIRED for Downtown . Clinton store. Apply in .writing stating qualifications to DRAWER NO. 6 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O.. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0 27.....Wanted (general) PIANO WANTED not necessarily in good condition. Phone collect anytime 519-669-2280 or 519- 669.2198. ---42.19 • y OU N G -rotor k trrg-f a mah=--lou•k= ing for one bedroom apartment close to downtown Clinton. Would' prefer utilities included • in rent. Phone 482-9502 or write to Box 39, Clinton, Ont, NOM 1L0.--49tfnx 28. Business opporturlity 31. -Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovationS.; cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, win- dows, patio., doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676.. Ken McNai.rn.-Stfar PHIL'S refrigerator and ap- pliance service. Prompt -depen- dable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.-27tf PIANO TUNING and repairs; us- ed pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Winghom) 3.57-1049.---34tf WHEELCHAIRS: The CP &T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loon free. Contact 'Tom Chuter 482-7957 or Mary. Trick 482- 3842.-46tfar woompswrwriamoasnowaa 31. Service directory For All Tour Plumbing Needs,. Contact: —CHRIS MIDDLETON- I ---PLUMBING I (Licenced Plumber) Phone 4827201 OP 4823758 Industrial, Commercial Form, Residential ' Reasonable Rates JIM COOK Furniture * Refinishing, also floors, wood- - Ittexis,.doors, etc. Phone 523- 9284.-12eow 1 30. Employment • wanted__._... __. — RESOLVE NOW to earn some ex- tra money this year. We'll show you how in our FREE information kit. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave'. E., Dept. 625, Toronto M4G 2L6. -2o - FIND IT ALI !M THE ABTA 26. Help wanted ROOF SHOVELLING DRIVEWAY SHOVELLING Will do odd jobs around households and other businesses. Phone • 523-9659 Snow Londesboro %/N '• 31 . Service d i rectory JOHN KASSIES. GENERAL CONTRACTING *Form Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-3063 A GOOD BUSINESS THAT MAKES DOLLARS & SENSE Huron Leaf is introducing to Canada or revolutionary new line of food and related products. We are looking for self -motivated, qualified Individuals who can take our successful program 'and ' work with us to build their own profitable business. Consider the advantages: * tow start-up cost. Approx. $5.500. * tremendous profit potential * no franchise or royalty fee * in house-dlstributtan - * oragOlrW training & management assistance Take the first step towards this important business opportunity. Call collect or write now for complete Informatlen. HURON LEAF 190 Mitchell Avenida Listowel, Ontario N4W 2113 (519) 291-4445 JACK B. -- COLQUKOUt GENERAL CONTRACTING Speclaltiing In: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •ICITCHENS •ALUMINUM' SIDING - PHONE 482-9.506 EVENINGS LICENCED Carpenter - all your general maintenance and •uilding needs call Joe Mc - id evenings. 482- ' 3628. 18eow VERN'S NEY Sweep Ser- vice; Seafor . Ont. Phone 527- 0674 after 6 p.m. -290 ar - SALES & SERVICE installation & parts KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R.R.4 WALTON PH. 345-2734 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES • WATER WILL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIOGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737. DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775. Goderich Energy Seal Inc. AIR SEALING SPECIALISTS UFFI CON `RACTOR Phone Collect 524-2311 , Evenings , 524-4894 CLINTWOOD CUSTOM BUILDERS JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. "Farm "Commercial "Resid:ential _'Sull,d•in.gs *Additions *Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL *Fascia *Soffits *Door and Window Jams and Sills , *Metal covered Doors 4 38. Auction sale measeiseenseamessexiiiiituenaasommie05*. .• 482-7290 *Custom built homes *pidditions *Drywall *Roofing *Siding, Soffit & Fascia TIM BYLSMA 482-3873 DOUG BYLSMA 482-7334 Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482769$ AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., JAN. 21 le A.M. 1979 Ford LTD car, 22,390 tittles, like now. Furniture), appliances. etc. et Richard Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton. for Rill .Armstrong of Goderich plus additions. Phone your consignments early, 39. Educational FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to train of home for 205 top paying full and port time jobs., Granton Institute 267A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Coll 416-977-3929 today. -2o 40. Lost & Found LOST - Male Beagle hound, brown head, black ori back, white spots on back and hips. North of Clinton. Reward. 482- 7578.-2 __42: Death -notice 34. Personal DOES SOMEONE you love have a drinking problem? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524- 6001 or write P.O. Box 101, Clin- ton, Ont. NOM 1 L0.-49tf PREGNANT, Distressed? Mar- ried,. singII,,free positive con- fidential. support- Help _ P_ An close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197; 527-0115 or 524-2023, 357- 1066, 357-2392, or 357-1769 ('after 6 p:m.')-2-2 Are your . carpets giving ivin you dirty looks? CALL USI FOR OUR ROTOSTATIC CARPET CLEANING SERVICE PROFESSIONAL HIGH QUALITY CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING., AT REASONABLE PRICES RECOMMENDED BY MAJOR CARPET MANUFACTURERS • NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE 54 KING ST„ CLINTO'N 482-3528 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EDMUND HOWARD GODKIN . ALL persons having claims against the estate of Ed- mund Howard Godkin, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, who 'died on the 13th day of December, 1983, are hereby notified, to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February 1984, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard --only-to_claims _then-receiv ed. ' DATED at Seaforth, On- tario this 4th day of January 1984. McConnell, Stewart, Devereaux & Smith Barristers, &c., Seaforth, Ontario NOK I WO -2,3,4 N NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESD AY, JANET :.- •, 1Ill;. tit P Ca . 1. 'I Speech and hearing . impairments in, children•and adults have a large hnpaet on their gedurntioli, w.. vocation, and social ellbeta - COCKERLINE In the Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, January 3, 1984, Mrs. William Cockerline, the former Hannah Gertrude Marshall of Blyth, Ontario in her 88th year. Beloved mother of Maureen (Mrs. Maurice Bean) of Auburn, Ontario, Janis (Mrs. Brook Vod- den) of Toronto. Also survived by eight grandchildren. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ontario where the com- plete funeral service was held on Thursday, January 5.at: 1:30 p.m. Interment in Blyth Union Cemetery.-2nx It is estimated that approximately five per cent of the population have speech and Language disorders and a comparable number are hearing impaired. It is estimated that one-third to one-half of the population 65 years or older suffer some loss of hearing. Of the 1,208,000 hearing unpaired in- dividuals. in Canada 40,000 are profoundly deaf. Over 10 per cent of Grade 1 children at six years of age have some impairment of speech, language, or hearing. Certain types of hearing loss can be cured through surgical or medical treatment. 80 per cent of deaf people use sign language to communicate with one another. The median age• for stroke occurrence in Canada is 50 years of age. Of those in- dividuals experiencing a stroke, it is estimated that 30 to 50 per cent require speech therapy. • Voice disorders have been reported to oc- cur in approximately one per cent of the 42. Death' notice CUNNINGHAM In Maitland Manor Nursing Home, Goderich Ontario, on Tuesday, January 3, 1984, Mrs. John Guy Cunningham, the former Margaret Ellen Adams, formerly of -Auburn, ,On.tario .in her 88theor. Beloved mother of Walter of o, - 01%tarto, Thomas of Hullett Township; Christena (Mrs. Carmen Gross) of.Hullett Township, also surviv- ed by 16 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Predeceased by one grandson. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ontario where the complete funeral, service was ,held. on Thursday, January 5 at 3:30 p.m. Spring interment Hope Cherie, Cemetery.-2nx McNAUGHTON - James M. of East Williams Street, Seaforth on Wednesday, January 4, 1984 ,at Seaforth Community Hospital in his 84th McNau hton HOLDEN year. ,.. James g ' eyed_ .husli6nd - of Hazel 1984 M Annie Smillie and dear father of Jean At University Hospital on Tues bel day January rss Anes Holden of 115 Cherryhill (Mrs. Ray Funnell) • of Guelph .11,, 1,84�-•00 17 p ptilatyl+j8/ tu_thlg. "veto 15 percent of The incidence of eomlmuniiela LOU disorders., eh ge, wow in the 04011$00Y , la a if�ly highertllan�int•1iegene wagon. one in The iljleidei ;ye of deft to ifs . every 600 livebirths, Of t tt number,it is estimated 40 per cent will require speech and language therapy. Most individuals tend to respondto the hard -of -bearing population with annoyance rather than an understanding of their- cont rnunication difficulties. The Ontario Government states that it is. unsafe to be exposed to a noise level of 90 decibles for more than six hours, and 95 decibles for more than -four hours. It is estimated that 35 per cent of those in- dividuals working in heavy industry will ex- perience hearing loss from exposureto noise., - One of every 10 Canadians has a com- munication disorder - old and young alike. Studies have revealed that middle ear in- fection in children is the second most prevalent problem seen by the family physi- cian- the common cold being the first. 4.2' Death notice- „ POLLARD Edward James, passed away in the . Callender Nursing Home, January 6, 1984., Edward James Pollard beloved husband of the late Margaret Ann Cantelon (Nov. 1969), of Brussels, in his 101 year. .Dear father of Freda Brussels. 6 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and `4 great-great-grondchildren. Predeceased by 3 sisters and 9 brothers. Rested at the Brussels Chapel, of the M.L. Watts Funeral Homes, where funeral service was held on Monday at 2:30 p.m. Spring interment Brussels Cemetery.-2nx 9 Blvd., . in • her 68th year. and Robert of 'Kippen. Also sur - Daughter of •the late John and •vived by six grandchildren, two Mary Holden. Dear sister of brothers Webster•of, New Ham - Mrs. Alta Smith of Ingersoll, burg and Robert of Toronto. and Mrs. Violet Howes of Clinton, the • sisters • Christ Christina Ralph Holden of Windsor, John, • McNaughton of Huronview and George and Charles Holden,: all Ann (Mrs. Clarence Smillie) of of Lakeside. Also survived by Hensall. Predeceased by one several nie%s• • and' nephews. sister Mrs. Mary Hough. Friends Visitation in ' the Needham called at' the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Chapel,. 520 Dundas Funeral Home, • 87 Goderich Street (Wednesday 7-9 p.m.) Street, Seaforth until 2 p.m. Fri - where the funeral and commit day when funeral services were tal service was conducted held..Spring • interment B Thursday • January 5, of 2:30 Cemetery.-2nx . p.m. • Mr. Rob Skirving of- • ficiatrng. Interment followed in---- • Kintore Cemetery.-2nx WYNJA At South Huron Hospital, Exeter. 'OhWednesday, January 4, 1984, Gerben Wynjo.of R.R..2 Hensall in his 68th year. Beloved hus- band of Anna (Sjoerdsma). Dear father of Mrs. Simon Brand. (Rennie) of Exeter, Mrs. John Veninga (Hessie) of Carp, Mrs. Gerrit Wilts (Reino) of Londesboro,. Mrs. Wayne Van Oostveen(Sue. Ann) of Ayr, Mrs. Greg Ramsay (Ettie) of R.R. 2. Ailsa Craig and 'Mrs. Peter "Prydet 'Pat), of Hensall. Dear brother of Gerrit Wynja of • Seaforth, Swaantje Wynja, Pietie Steenbeek, Hessel Wyn- ja, Hiltie DeVries, all of Holland. Mr: Wynja was predeceased by. • two brothers Eeltje• and Jaap Wynja. Also surviving. are two nephews Gerben • and Eeltje Wynja of Holland and 20 grand- children. Friends called 'at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter until. ,noon-on•Fridaay- January-6,--1984- then . to the Bethel Reformed Church, Huron Street East, Ex- eter wtiere,the funeral service was held at 2 " p.m. with Reverend Abram. Bleak of- ficiating. Interment in Exeter Cemetery.-2nx 36. Announcements, notices TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH RESIDENTS 1984 DOG TAGS ARE NOW DUE 43. Births McCLINCHEY At the Clinton Public Hospital, on, Wednesday. January, 4, 1984, Sidney Arnold McClinchey, of Hullett Township, in his .81st year. Beloved husband of Elva May Walden. Dear father of Harold, Garth,' and. Lloyd, all of Hullett Tvvp., Reno (Mrs. John Forster) of Lucknow, Gladys (Mrs. Paul Hutchins) of Goderich, Ruth of Maitland Manor, Goderich. Also survived by 17 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. Dear brother of Gordon, of Blyth, On- tario, and Mrs. Iona Jefferson" of Clinton. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ontario, where the complete funeral ser and will becollected by Mr. W.D. Wilson RATES: For a male dog or spayed female dog, If , only one is kept in any one household 8.00 For each additional male dog or spayed female dog, kept to a maximum of 2 dogs at any one time in any one - household - $25.00 For a female dog, if only one is kept in a household $15.00 For each additional female dog, kept to a maximum of 2 female dogs at any one time, In any one household. . . • . $37.50 For each additional male or spayed female dog' exceeding 2 dogs, kept at any one time in any one household. .$37.50 For each additional female dog exceed- ing 2 female dogs kept at any one time in any one household $82 50 - Kennel Licence $25.00 J.H. MoLAiCHLAN Clark-Trossurer Township of Tuuk0rsmith vimmormementsessmoramok vice was held on Saturday January 7th, at 2 p.m. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery.--2nx PATTERSON As the result of an automobile accident on,,Thursday, January 5, 1984, David Glenn Patterson, of Goderich in his 29th .year. Loving son ofJDoris and Glenn Patterson; dear grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Worthy. Young, • of Goderich and Mrs. Jean Patter- son of Goderich. Loving fiance of Joan Burleigh; nephew of Barry and Betty Young' of Clin- ton, Bill and Carolyn Young of Red Bay, Ontario; Wanita and Doug Pearce of Bala, Grant and Els McDonald of London and Ross Btt.. Evelyn Patterson of Goderich. Friends called at the Stiles Funeral. Home, Goderich; on Sunday from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. A private family service was held in""""the chapel on Monday.-2nx 111._ lemoriam TAYLOR In memory of Morris Taylor who passed away January 16, 1982: Your passing was so sudden Two years ago today. We had no time to say goodbye Before God took you away. There -never is a passing mo- -meat . . EDEY Ken and -Lois Edey (nee Beacom) are pleased to announce the birth of their third child, Jeffrey Paul, born December 20, 1983, at Pasqua Hospital, Regino, Soskotchewan, weighing 7 Ib:.. 4 oz.-2nx PIERCE Terry and Debbie (nee Hull) are happy to announce the birth of, their first child, a daughter Jen- nifer Lauren born December 16, 1983 weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. at Winghom and District Hospital. First grandchild for Archie Hull Of Orangeville,. Jean Keller of Hensall and Jim and Bernice Pierce of Blyth, and great grandmothers Mrs: Pearl McNeII of Blyth ..and Mrs. Mae 'Rock of Seaforth.-2nx When we don't think of you Dad, And all our love is cherished Till we meet with you again. Lovingly remembered by daughters and sons- irt, law Brenda and Terry, Pat and Bill, Pam and Steve and Sandra and Guy. -2 FORREST In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Dennis Forrest, who passed away 5 years ago, Jan. 10, 1979. ',With love and care we watched - you grow, And prayed to always keep it But in God's wisdom he willed our wishes -short And took from us our loved one to dwell with Him above. No time con erase, no time can ever steal, , - The, beautiful memories we so tenderly hold. Dearly missed by mom and dad, Ken and Jane Wildfong and brother, Rick. -2 - OE'GROOF Henry and. Cindy (nee Horne) are proud to announce the safe arrival of their first child', a girl, • Marci Elizabeth, on •January 8, 1984, weighing 7 lb's. 31/2 oz. Proud grandparents are August and Florence De Groot; Clinton and Don and Amy Horne,. Seaforth.-2nx SHROPSHALL Michelle and Andrea ore pleas- ed to announce the safe arrival of their sister, Krista ,Elaine, - born January 5,' 1984,'weighing 8 Ib, 9'/2 oz. Proud parents are Don and Elaine' Shropshalf. • Grandparents are John and Florence Carter and Fred and Ruth Shropshalf.=2nx 36. Announcements, notices . 45. Marriages HUNKING-MCNEE ,' Joe and Janet Hunking and Graham and Bessie McNee are pleased to announce the mor, riege• of their children, Kte hrine and Erric, onn. December 27, 1983: Reception to follow in February. -2 • • 46. In memoriam TAMAN In loving memory of a dear«son, brother and ' uncle James Wesley Taman who passed away ',three -years. -ago.. January 141h, 1981. . Loving kind in all his ways, . Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and' mind, . What ' a beautiful; memory he -left behind. Lovingly' remembered„ and always missed by Mom- Marg, Rick, Barb & family; Judy, Delmar & Family. -2 TAYLOR In loving . memory of Morris Taylor who passed away January 16, 1982: Though tears in my eyes do, not glisten, And my face is not always: sad, There is never a night or morn- ing • • But I think of the husband I hod. Nota day do l forget you In my heart you are --always here, • For 1 loved you and miss you As it ends the second year. - Lovingly remembered by wife Connie. -2 NOTICE —. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT The residents of the Township of Hullet are requested by the Council. Not to Park Cars On Township Roads during the winter months In, order to facilitate snowplowing operations.. Council will not be responsible for damage. to moil boxes or any vehicles parked on roads or streets. Council also request that, the residents of the Township of Hullett Do Not Push or Dump Snow on Township Roads Jim Johnston Road Superintendent Township of Hullett 47. Card of thanks SHARP - Many thanks to. everyone •who made a contribution. to send out west. It was certainly a much appreciated surprise. Special thanks. to Carol and George Sutherland and Norma and Dwight Porter -for their efforts. I am still in Calgary Hospital but hopefully it won't be long . before I am moved to University Hospital in London. Once again , my sincere thanks to all. Rick -- Sharp. -24 a I would like to thank my many friends who sent cards, flowers and gifts whiled was in hospital in Welland and for visits and treats since coming home. They were greatly appreciated. Vero POSTILL I would like to thank all the 8th floor nurses and Dr. Posse of University Hospital, London and all who sent cords, 'visited and to the neighbors who kept the lone clean for Lynda. Peter 'Postill.-2 - - JOHNSTON 1 would like to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for their visits and cards while I. was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Specidl thanks to the Blyth. .Legion ._.Lodies Auiiilicry for the basket of fruit and tb the doctors and nurseson first floor for their excellent care. All was very much appreciated. Stewart Johnston. -2x CLARK We would like to express our sincere. thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours who helped in any way during Ar- thur Clark's, stay in-hospital and in the passing of a dear hus- band, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Mrs. Nettie Clark, Jack and family. -2 VODDEN I would like to thank the Village Guild Ladies of Bayfield for the lovely community shower put on for me November 28, 1983. Thanks also to all the ladies' who attended. Myrna Vodden (nee Scott). -2 PIERCE We would like to thank everyone who visited us, sent cards, flowers and gifts while in Wfngham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. hTanlon and nurses and sfdff on second floor 'for their excellent care. Jennifer and Debbie. -2 -,