HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-04, Page 14lis , Robert 'Turner . At a Directors' meeting following the An- ing.._,..of.e,.. ��1' .w_i�a ..k'.uods_,�C.,a _ .•u�. operative Limited, held in Guelph on December 8, 1983, Robert Turner, R.R. 5, Owen Sound, was re-elected President. Mr. Turner owns and operates a farm out- . side Owen Sound, and has been active in co- operative-and-far-an.-organizations-for-nian3r..- . .years, He was first elected aDiree_ torn Gay. Lea Foods in 1973 and was first vice- president of the Co-operative for three years. This is Mr. Turner's second term as President. John Campbell of Bayfield, was re-elected first vice-president and Fred Meier of Brussels was re-elected second vice- . president. Re-elected to the Board of Direc- tors at the Annual Meeting was Russell Mc- Cutcheon, Owen Sound. The remaining Directors are: David . Ireland, Teeswater; Jack Stafford, Wrox- eter; Howard Wilson, Owen Sound; Edwin Miller, Exeter, and Don Ahrens; Elmwood. At the Annual Meeting, President Turner stated that 1983 was only moderately suc- cessful when. compared to. the 1982 results and the decrease in earnings was in part due to drastically reduced milk volumes in the last half of the Co-operative's fiscal Year. The milk supply issue, particularly in' the .------Westr-n- Region• -of --Ontario, -avher-e--the--co-- , operative's butter 'powder plants are • located, is a crucial one. The diversion of milk supply to other sectors of the process • ing. industry is the primary reason for the ',co-operative's • reduced earnings and that changes to the milk marketing system pro- vincially must . take place soon if ' the co- operative and other similar processors in the dairy"iitdustry areto continue to operate financially sound businesses. Froin earnings,. the Board of Directors_ declared `a; diva end of -$1.20 per conunon '- share and a patronage dividend to, producer members, returning over $600,000. in • cash and •common . shares to, member .shareholders Peter Mc.Linden, Chief. Executive Officer, announced that sales had .dropped marginally to $144 million over 1982 levels • and net earnings had decreased to 0$1,575,000. ,a drop of $781,000.- The Co- Operative's financial position remains strong, .members equity is currently 38 per- cent of total assets, an increase of 9 percent over last year. Long term debt during the year was reduced by $2.2 million. Mr. McLinden also stated that changes to the Provincial Milk Supply. . allocation system are urgently needed if Ontario is to .. ; have a healthy and balanced dairy industry, beneficial to producers, processors and con- sumers for the future.. • Workshops for pork producers. - Animportant-goal of -pork pro ears-isthe--- increase of profitability by promoting greater efficiency in feeding methods. The result is a leaner carcass and a highly ac- ceptable product to consumers. Whether the business is farrow to finish, sow herd or feeder pig, pork producers must carefully evaluate' both production and financial management issues• to enhance their profit margins. Centralia College offers several continu- ing education opportunities, as follows: SWINE MAsIAGMENT - Clinton .- )3tiard Room, OMAF office, January 10 - March 13 (Tuesday evenings from 7:30 p.m.); St. Jacobs - Woolwich Community Centre (em- phasis on Sow Herd Mgt:), January 11 - March .14 (Wednesday -evenings from. 7:30 p.m.) ; Lucknow - Lucknow and District Coma -molly Centre, January 11 March 14 (Wednesday evenings from .7:30 p.m.); Lucan Lucan Community Memorial Arelnat=,-J•anuury_:19 - Marrh {Thursday _'1ings-ft f 7-30' .M:)- -FEEDER: PIG -'' Clinton - Board Room, OMAF officer January 11- March 14 (Wednesday evenings • from 7:30' p.m.); Mitchell Mitchell Town Hall, Jantiary Y7 - March 20 Tuesday even- ings from 7:30 p.m.). To register, phone Centralia. College, 228- 6691, Extension 45 or local OMAF office. Sheep rearing grows in popularity As sheep farming gains popularity in Western Ontario, producers should consider every. possible method for improvement of efficiency. One excellent practice is the use of synchronized breeding. A study published by New Liskieard College of Agricultural • Technology reported the main advantages are a more uniform lamb cropand a reduc- ed lambing season. To expand your knowledge of sheep management,enroll in a ten'week course at • the Mitchell town hall, beginning January . 26, Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Coor- dinated by Bob French of RR.2, Mitchell, the program emphasizes all facets of the in- dustry from establishment of the enterprise to marketing the final product. To register or for' further, information, phone Centralia College 228-6691, Extension 45 or local OMAF office. ENT al1 A CF' S VIAPI,,E E CONTEST , star to the.radip hgr,�tpy broadcaAkon atgllcr}#, Oo area• .Each time the Maple Loats score:a:41101 will be drawn ford,;00.00 AVP Gilt Certificate It fhaba.Itottaoludeaalabelor.tacsit9tle.rom.anyono otour 'Goal Rush'. sponsors they+.Win a S100.00 Gift Cerlillcate. (Watch.•for • Goal Rush" product signs gt your AB,P Store.) uswitimmoterisotommoisteximita � � N 111 �l r .. 111 1 M1APt.E'LEAFHOCK Y BROApCAST . GOAL RUSH Ali, YOU couldwin a $50 Gilt Certificate each time a �,. Maple Leaf player scores a goal.'0'''' 1 Wine Address . City . P.C. ® Phone Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashier `f>•.®®®•l® AUTOMATIC, FILTER OR REGULAR MOTHER PARKERS • SAVE .80 Coffee 99 vac pac 369 g BEIGE, WHITE, YELLOW BATHROOM Capri Tissue 19 pkg of 4 rolls FACIAL, ASST-£Olfi.UfiS :...•`°--.--- .- . Kleenex Tissue 99 box of 200 CHRISTIE, SALTED OR UNSALTED Premium Crackers D 450g pkg • SUPER BUY! SAVE •- _ _ SCHNEIDER'S PROCESS Cheese Slices 500 g PKG 99 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT dhe rH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF U.S.A. LOW IN. CALORIES DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED FRESH AT A&P! PROD. OF FLORIDA, INDIAN RIVER, sizp 48'S PROD. QF CALIFORNIA, DELICIOUS WITH CHEESE SAUCE .. -14101). 1'1iOD. OF CALIFORNIA " Fresh -nn Fresh Broccoli bunch : Lemons • GraSeedlpefnidess 8 , /1'9 PROD. OF CAL. FRESH Brussel Sprouts PROD. OF ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE, CANADA Cortland Apples 1919 CANADA NO.1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO .99 • Green Cabbage each FANCY 9 ONTARIO, NO. 1 GRADE PROD. OF ONTARIO, Carrots Canada No.1 Grade 5Ib169 bag II PROD. OF ONT., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, YELLOW 51b: 69 bag for 1 Cooking Onions CANADA NO.1 ALL PURPOSE P.E. Potato -es'' 20zglag • Rutabagas each SERVE WITH SEAFOOD. SALADS OR VEGETABLES PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, JUMBO . 89 Hartley Walnuts•24 gs / lb +99 PROD.' OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS izot199 . 69 Fresh Mushrooms tray CALIFORNIA, SWEET SEEDLESS, BAG OF PROD.. OF FLORIDA. FAMILY PACK, CANADA N0..1 99 tblbtray 89 Navel Oranges 18/ 2 Fresh Tomatoes patk CANADA NO.1 GRADE FANCY, RED OR GOLD 1? N Delicious Apples Ib PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA PROD. OF MOROCCO, SWEET EASY TO PEEL ilb Clementines traypk199•. BAKED GOODS! 'JANE PARKER Raisin Bread (CHEESE BREAD 450 g LOAF .99) • 89 SAVE. .30 • . 450 g LOAF JANE PARKER (DUTCH APPLE 624 g SIZE 1.69) Raisin Pie 624eg' 59 siz JANE PARKER (LEMON MERINGUE 624 g SIZE 1.89) JANE PARKER (SPICE & NUT LOAF 454 g SIZE 1.29)- Spanish Bar Cake , sfgiZ1.49 JANE PARKER, PLAIN; SUGAR OR CINNAMON Cake Donuts 0;81.09 JANE PARKER Egg Buns • pkg 8 of .89 Romaine Lettuce-- ~ each ■ PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SNA 79 Red Grapes 21/It t'b .99 'r OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL FOR•LUNCHES '. 90 x__ i Raisins---cap.o pkgs-uu oz 6:.. 699 • pot 'PROD. OF MEXICO, DELICIOUS BAKED OR FRIED each ■ 9 Fresh Eggplant HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS & GENERAL MERCHANDISE REGULAR OR SUPER Stayfree Maxi •. SAVE UP TO 1.50 . BOX OF 30 339 TOOTHPASTE Ultra Brite SAVE .60 100 ubeL 1 ■-i'9 HERBAL, GOLDEN, EGG OR BABY AA "`-tl plst iMarye1shannpo®"5hre - G-�Od� AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER Cascade Detergent 1x5.39 NEW' CONCENTRATED FABRIC SOFTENER Super Downy1 lit e' x.69 LOTION MILD, 360 g BANDED PACK OF.4 banded pack of 3 Jergens, Soap bath size bars ■09 PROD. OF FLORIDA, TROPIC SNOW Dieffenbachia FROZEN FOODS! BRICK, COLBY OR MOZZARELLA 454 g BLOCK Kraft99 SAVE Cheese WITH GATHERS, EXTRA ABSORBENT 60'S, TODDLERS 48'S, TODDLER PLUS 40'S Pampers Diapers - EVERFRESH, FROM CONCENTRATE (APPLE JUICE 2 L CONT 1.9 Orange Juice coin, �.79 BRIGHT'S SAVE .20 Prune48tin11 oz Nectar 1... HONEY DEW SAVE .26 Orange Drink 6 bt'I°Y 2.19 BLUE WATER, FROZEN Fish & Chips pkg 2.29 SEA FRESH, FROZEN Fish Sticks 350 g pkg 1.49 LIBBY'S ZOODLES, SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE OR Alpha -Gatti 19fIoz tin