HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1984-01-04, Page 10it •i oR Shirley Elliot was visiting Clinton all the way from Manitoulin Island but she was not afraid to voice her new year's resolution, to cut down on her food intake. (W,endy Somer- ville photo) Terry McGregor (left) and June Howett (right), both employees with Shiral's have decided to change some things for the new year. Terry would like to lose some weight and June would like to save more money this year. ( Wendy Somerville photo) zy BettyMeC WALE The' Baal White -Gift .and Chxa,,sgraiifl of the Church School of fhiffts, United hureh'..-was ,hgld Dec. 19. ' Superintendent ` vlartin Baan a. _nouncedlthe on bchildren o the - unda program put Sunday school aria .. by cheraHelen Craig, Maxme Mfarks, Gloria Love, Marie cGavin and Cathy McGavin. The Spirit of Christmas was. put on by the Primary Class includinReader Richard Love (Helper); Spirit of Christmas - Greg Fritz; first woman - Cindy McCallum; first girl -Lori toone McClure; milkman - Kipp Weisbrod; gracery maxi, Randy McClure; second woman - Andrea Gingerich; second girl. - Sharon Godkin. The First Chrietlnas.was acted by readers Benny Hoegy, Blaine Marks and Donna Godkin (helpers); Mary, Sharon Williamson; Joseph, Kipp Weisbrod; Inn Keeper, Greg Fritz; Shepherds Randy McClure, Greg Fritz, Andrea Gingerich, Michael Craig; Angela, . Shannon Craig, Susan Carter, Lori Anne McClure, Patricia Williamson, Sharon Godkin, Cindy McCallum; Wise men, Chris Davies, Christ Saurs, Greg Fritz; King, Andrea Gingerich. The Nursery Class program consisted of Leanne songs and recitations given by McDonald, Lisa .Gingerieb, � Collins, Allan Weisbro-d, Neil. Saur, Amanda Work- man, Chad McCallum, Patricia Clark, Colleen McCallum, Stephen Nichol and Shannon. Davies. The Junior Class consisting'of Greg Clock, Barb Finlayson, Nancy Godkin, Brian Love, Manny Taylor, Bonnie Finlayson, Steven Fritz, Sherry Harburn, Tonna McClure, The year renpwned for George Orwell means being . more tolerant with'the children, for Ivonne Burley ' of Clinton. (Wendy Somerville photo) Melanie Mann, an employee with Clinton's IGA has decided to bring her' marks up in school. and lose some weight for the new year. (Wendy Somerville photo) Cattleman ask for help Members attending the Huron Cattlemen directors' meeting on Dec. 5 were boa .. barded with' information all of which in- dicated the long-awaited 'Tri -Partite Stabilization Program 1983.. • At the. well attended meeting, beef producer"- a-greed-to-send-a4etter-to-1 -Dennis_ u d, the Ontario sugar beet industry, in the past. The government, did not see fit to help the sugar beet industry and'it disappeared from the province. A few years later conditions changed which could ` have 'made the. in- dustry a thriving business again, pointed out the Politician who does not, want to see Ontario lose the beef "industry in a "suiiila Timbrell, minister of agriculture an t00 way asking him to implement a "stop -gap" He told reducers that there are still a program to untiltave off disaster for beef number of things to be ironed out in the producero • the long awaited . stabilization plan and he thinks it will still be stabilization plan comes. into effect. They a longtime its coming. Although Alberta is suggested a subsidy payment at a rate. theortically in favor of the plan, close to .c pomparable to programs in neighboring half the producers don't want anything to do provinces. with it. Mr. Riddell noted; "I think we're a In the letter, producers gave Mr. Timbrell longway from the national stabilization a personeel invitation to visit the area to am yet. As far as Ion concerned it's witness "inconvertible evidence that many progrrLam t rou .. the ar as I' of our best producers need immediate l help." The letter also noted, "Perhaps more Mr. Riddell reminded producers that that disturbing is that many small producers Federal Minister of Agriculture and Food, Have quietly gone out of business probably Eugene Whelan is a "marketing board man." He told beef producers that when for all he meeting g milk producers' adopted the marketing At the Huron -Middlesex MPP board system, province of Quebec had Jack Riddell pointed out that Mr. Timbrell'-" beenr building. theup province herds and thusd argument against implementing a subsidy capitalized on the change to the andk s is that it will be viewed as bargaining in bad board system. The same situation could faith by other provinces Because a major happen if a marketing board was ever part el . the :proposed- program re_,.tk - _ _adapted foorbeef producers; he- wa-rried f e -- elimination of top loading The-cattleiiaeit' - used this information -in their letter to en- Ontario doesn't keep t ier:itidtlstry strong now, it will get a smaller share of the entire production if or when a marketing board is ever put into being. Thus Mr. Riddell urged beef producers to fight for the that you give this Ontario beef industry today. Brussels area beef producer Ross Procter told Mr. Riddell it is easy .for ..a politician to,. go to a special interest group and say what they want to hear. He went on to say if eveey ---' interest group got the subsidies they were FROM ONTARIO FRESH PICNIC PARK SHOULDER Danny Taylor,. a MAY. For ;tile reader-wasS Senior Cla,. role rt 1�i1� roof >I�d fataaly of M 1p Ill Women. ton ll, M and Oe t Service flrat -EMs slrtlil t YR r ferry Hoegy, Heather Mr, an l a ee l mon-4h ehrfam Tharner, Glenda. ?rter, Y Workman, Les Hudie and Ben floegY put on playa. Performers were:The Maid, Leslie Wtidie;` r Mrs, � Carle d Mr. and Mrs. tell Ilii Boing R WIFt and Mrs. Venom) 8ritssels Haver th ;vows hollda Mist Searle o. $� . n eu Y.. , , Harold Bolger entertained last her send: }I, day ,T,,''- !'Ise at e. naA-O?I>li,� g -Hay!, Mx'- rents. brae spent the -dirk* Via.... a. 1, 1 1 Mrs. Smith, Heather McGavin; Nva .later Sherry Heogy; Santa, Glenda Carter; Mother, Amy • Workman; Father, Jim Clark; children, Jason Thamer, Blaine Marks. and Den HoegW. Following the Christmas carols sails arrived with bags of candies for all t1 visiting children. Following the Dec. 18 service, Rev. Charles A. Swan was surprised ,when the UCW presented him with- a, Christmas present of a United Church Crest silk stole.. • The Candlelight Christmas Eve service and the Sunday Christmas Day Service were. • both cancelled due to the storm that hit that weekend. Holiday Visitors Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Doug • Fraser and Cheryl were Jerry and Carolyn Sullivan and family of Kitchener; Phillip and Dianne Blake of Waterloo, Mr. Clayton Fraser and friend of Windsor. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and girls spent .Christmas -Say with - Mr. - and -Mrs. • Nelson Marks end' Blaine, also visiting with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Misses Pam Hackwell of Toronto and Patricia Hackwell of Hamilton spent.a few days over Christmas with their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Hackwell and.Dean. Mr. and Mrs: Ross Mitchell and girls and - fine markets... of fine foods ze and Mrs. e Y * in Londe .n with Mr. and M', BOb LQndutl, Mr.anii 117t's #ll1R Hukchunson and we„ family of Liston H Mines and family. MI 'O'er Blakeandfamily . , • M r. and Mrs. Pon. Mauer' of Thamesford the tangly were spending New Years, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mia• Wiliam Blake had Chris Mrs, Dave Watson at Rairimeloo Nursing man dinner With their neighbors, Nelson anld II e• Annie Reid. Yt is good to report that Mrs. Watson is Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald spent a batik to the home with Dave after her beingChristmas with their couple -of w hs over confined to Wingbam ospital over daughter area and Bob Warwick and Chrrist[nas. All.. her Walton friends and family at Ol , Alberta. former neighbors hope she' continues to Mr. Torran .Dundas spent the Christmas improve. , ' o holidays with Mrs. Olene Stutz and Natasha Mrs. Viola Kirkby spent Christmas Day of Kitchener: Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Larry► of D1ythR • purls; R.11 returnedmi(tll her muthe Xwl with Doug, Jean and Paul. Oh Boxing Day Enjoying an after Christmas gathering she entertained her family, Lester Machan Dec. 29 with Ken and Judy Shortreed and from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Machan family were Bill and Louise Smith; Ron and and family of Goderich. Brenda Smith, Jacqueline, Jennifer and Boxing Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jay; Jerry and Janet Smith and Craig; Roily Achilles, Margie and Brad were Mr. Allan and Barbara Wilker, Luke and Sarah and Mrs. Jim Sills, Tracey, Teddy, Donnie all of Mitchell; Mrs. Isabelle Shortreed, and Timmy of Seaforth. Danny Achilles amt Walton;. Joan Bauerman, Michelle, Scott Karen Acheson of Stratford; Dwayne aiid and Randy; Gary and Heidi Smith, Shawna Chris Achilles of Sebringville. and Kevin all of Stratford and Private Mrs. Isabelle Shortreed, `spent the Michael Bauerman of Calgary, Alta. Christmaseeeekend-holiday at_theInane .ef Mr.and Mrs. Rays Huether arrived home her son Ken and __ dy Shortreed and family. Friday "'from two -weeks holidaying in the Christmas gties with Bill and Marie warm sunny weather of Hawaii. Coutts were Ross and Marg Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills of Brantford family and neighbors Earl and Eva Mills. spentoDec. 30 with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan and Cory of On New Years Day Mr. and Mrs. Ken Russell, Manitoba returned home last week Shortreed and family visited with the lat- after holidaying with their parents; Mr. and , Turn to page 9 FRESH -ONTARIO FRESH ONTARIO PORK SHOULDER PORK SHOULDER ,SCHNEIDERS- SLICED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN BEEF_... LIVER.... / 9 SCHNEIDERS VACUUM PACKED PRIDE OF CANADA SWEET PICKLED CORN MEALED BURNS - BREAKFAST (PORK & BEEF) LINK SAUSAGE 7. ?S. 1.69. MAPLE LEAF REGULAR OR MINI SWEET PICKLED BRISKET SCHNEIDERS ' FAMILY PACK NO NAME FRESH ITALIAN �i T11,:11�k SAUSAGE MOT OR SWEET - ...2,69b. NO NAME POLISH OR SMOKED 4"9"9 SAUSAGELINK STYLE - 1►b : — ,eek ending Sat' Effective the Week tie 21 all of prouices will expire each advert closing time erSaturdaY r.19 closing elm force their point' . by saying, "We do not agree that such a payment would jeopardize the envisioned Stabilization Program. We write with concern for an economically sound Ontario andask measure immediate consideration." The letter, signed by the association's president, Bill Coleman of Kippen,is not the • only one the minister will be receiving: Mr. Riddell read a letter from the Renf row.,.__........ • asltmg for, the provincial government would County Cattlemen , Association requesting similar assistance. Neither is this the first letter the Huron Cattlemen wrote to Mr. Timbrell requesting action. At the Dec. 5 meeting Mr. Coleman read replies of local politicians to the last Tetter the association' sent out. The letters encouraged the cattlemen to keep up the ' good work lobbying but none offered any answers. ` Mr. Riddell. told the farmers that Provincial Treasurer Larry Grossman was moved by a tour he took to see beef producers in their own element. This prompted Huron farmers to invite Mr. Timbrell on a similartour. Mr: `Riddell said he feels that Mr. Grossman has a better my farm as most of you guys are, but grasp on the importance of the beef industry firmly believe that if we (farmers in general in Ontario than .o a Timbrell. - red meat producers specifically) survive Mr. Riddell compared the unstability of the next five years we'll make it." the beef industry today to the unstability of be in real financial difficulty. Mr. admitted that he will gladly accept money allocated to beef producers, but he urged politicians' to be responsible in making monetary decisions. . The conversation in the meeting slipped to the province's purchase of oil companies and several people expressed discon- tentment with this action. Mr. Riddell agreed with the point made by producers. He maintained that if money is going anywhere, it • should be to red meat producers because it is a fiery important industry. ]He_stated,_ `By_ Jesus, I'm going to defend farmers. I could go kacic ani"do as Well hh SCHNEIDERS BLUE RIBBON REG. OR ALL BEEF 4, ;'/kg PRIDE OF CANADA ROUND • 5. 4/tie 175g PKG. -; 51•05 /kg �•� � J MORTADELLA 229e PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA NAVEt �ORAHGES SIZE 138 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 2 LB. BAG PROD. OF CANADA BEAN SPROUTS PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA FANCY MACINTOSH 3L8. APPLES BAG LSY PROD. OF CAN: DRY STYLE PKG. CHINESE NOODLES 89° CAN. FANCY PRODUCE SPECIALS EXPIRE SAT. JAN. -7, ALL OTHER SRECIALS EXPIRE TUES. JAN. 10/84