HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-22, Page 8.50e. Fifty Ladies' Colored Shirt,
'Waasts, odds mud eads, re,gular valees
70c te $1.252 Your oleolee while they
last for 50c.
3 for $1.00. Men s yarn dyed Oxford
starts, perfect fitting and guaranteed
absolately fast colors, only 10 dozen to
3 for $1.0%)
Note—The above, four lines are all odds and ends—
$1.90, Twenty -Five Lis' Rei,
Coats, tweed, effects end plaiu :covert
finish. Some motley mekers in Weis
lot for you. Requiee veaues. $3.502: to
$6,00. Yoer theme for only $1.9a.
95e. Twenty- only Women's and
Chilcleen's odd Capes, pieta fawn cloth'
and fancy tweed effects, all nicele'
trimmed and. braided, regular value
$2,50 to $4.00,c1earing, your choice 95a.
lust a clean up of our big stock—that's why the reductions
,are so great If there is anything in the lot that you can do
with come qui3k.
the yard for a lovely new pearl 65c the y-ara for ladies, satin finished
-finished Cream Lustre, very swell for Covert Oloth Shatings, every ne w
odd waist5.
shade and, black,
12e.e for lovely new lece effects In$2.7$ tbe Waist End for the new
1Vhite ;gushes, correct for Waists or
Dresses, This is a new line. Ask to hem. stitched, raw silk for Waists,
see the patterns. the most fetching line of the season.
si.00 the yard. for our New Silk Warp Black Cash-
mere.. This is undoubtedly the best finished. Cashmere that
we have ever shown, The 1Find that looks well, wears well
and keeps its anisb to the
Brieg your sister or best girl to
Exeter on Saterdaye 21th, May, Vic -
tori a Day, and see the sports.
The wedding bavItatious a Miss
Addle Deo°Ifs, of Wilelen, mid Mr.
Fred De1hrtdge o Winehelsea, are
out for Wednesday, May 20th.
Since the retirement a W. N. Mara
Ping as business meager at the Do-
herty Organ Factoey, (Minton, we
anclerstand that W. Boss, son of air.
D. A. Ross, here, who has been the
efacieut book-keeper, has received
this appointment arid W. Stevenson
has oleo been promotedin his duties.
Quality and quantity, the eeseatiel
wits which make Exeter Star Flour
that it is, first geality on the market,
iweight. When you go to
:buy flour, ask for Exeter Star, and
fsee that you get it, and you will be
convinced of its superiority. For wile
by the leading dealers, and at the
mill. Free delivery t� any part of the
town, flenersa* Sews.
John Wood, of Tuckersmith town-
ship, has been offered the handsome
sum of $400 for his thoroughbred en-
tire year-old colt, sired by that famous
stallion, Belshazzar, owned by Messrs.
Bavvden & McDonell, of Exetee. This
colt won first prizes at the Toronto
Industrial show, Western Fair, Lon-
don, and the Pan-American. He is a
handsome type of a horse, weighs
1,125 pounds and shows high breeding.
Mr. Sheldon B. °lament, B. Sc. son
oi Rev. 13. Clement (foi neer pastor of
James street Methodist church here)
deinoestrator in the faculty of applied
science. McGill University, Montreal,
is spending a few days at his home in
Kingsville, prior to -his taking a posi-
tion on the staff of the Canadian
Niagara Power Co., Niagara Falls.
At the recent convocation of the Uni-
versity, Mr. Clement had conferred
degree of "Master iu
F w R .tirk.chei" re also received. the prize
. for original research work in bydrau-
lies. We join with his many friends
here in congratulating him on the sue -
cess he has attained and the respon-
sible position which is given him.e,
Store will be closed all day Saturday, May 24th.
f or Marriage Licenses;
Wedding, Rings,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
IMark your ballot for Eilber next
Thursday, May 29th.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ford spent San-
d/IT with friends in liensall.
enxeter Star Flour contains all the
&earn of the wheat. HARVEY Baos.
"i The Misses Alma and Mabel Brooks,
Exeter North, visited friends in Rus-
aeldale last Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shirra, of Hensall, .
were guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Stewaet on Sunday last.; A.
W. J. White, a Ottawa, spent last
Monday eyening the guest of his mo-
ther, airs. J. White.
Thos. Cada:lord, of the 5th eon., TTs
borne, has moved to town and will
occupy the residence he recently puki
chased of Mrs. Harry Barnwell. if,
Monday last was the hottestaday to
date, the official thermometer register-
ing 84 degrees of heat. The highest
previous reading was 80, occurring
early in May, .
For Victoria Day special railwa
-rates will be given. ; return tickets wile
be issued at single fare gooi. going'
May 23rd. or 21th valid returning from
destination on or before May 261h.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
,7advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY MA_Y 22an, 1902
M. Y. McLean gave the Teems a
call on Saturday last,
The man who minds his own busi-
ness always has profitable employ-
if 5003 bus. of wheat1wanted. High-
.> est price paid for wheat at the XGood houseeeepers all agree that
Itarvev Bros. 0ar Choice Pastry Flour is the very
-est pastry Flour on the market, use
It once, and you will always use it,
For sale at the mill. Iteetvex Balm.
The recent rains have had a ben-
eacial effect on the growing crops.
Fall wheat which looked rather poor
early in the season, has picked up
and Aromises to be a fair crop.
It is understoou. enap a G. T. R. tioa e
table will come into force about June
1, and that several new trains will be
added to the London, Huron and
Bruce division. Numeroas other
chauges will be made, which will alter
the present time table considerably.
Atmouncements are out for the, Dr. Cowen, of Galt, formerly of
wedding of Miss Kathleen Parlmer, of jExeter, has disposed of his handsome
Bengali, and Mr. Geo. W. Miners, on residence on South Water street to
Wednesday. June 4th. Mr. McGregor, manager of the Bank
of Oommerce there, and has decided.
to leave Galt about July ist. He may
locate in London.
Dr. Ovens, of London, specialisaeye
ear, nose, throat, will be at the Com-
mercial hotel, Exeter, on the let and
3rd. Fridays of. each month. Spec-
tacles and eyeglasses carefully fitted.
Many derangements- of the nervous
and digestive systems are caused. by
eye strain,
All the stores in :town will close at
Chilaren Cry for 5.80p. at. on and after Surie 2nd,Wea-
riesday and Saturday nightsexcepted.
BOY W.,..NTED.-A good, smart boy
with tale education, wanted to learn
the printiug business, Apply at
Tams office.
story brick cottage On. Williana street,
the property of the Fenson estate.
Apply to RAY. L. FANSON.
Fon SALB.- Carriage, nearly new,
n be used single or double. Settond
and single buggy, sett laeavy silver
mounted single carriage harness,near-
ly new. AU will be sold cheap. B. S.
O'NEIL, Exeter.
STRATED.-On. Friday night, May
Alth a sorrel mare and bay horse, from
aihe premises of George Grey, Exeter.
A. suitable reward will be given. Any
information regarding them to be left
at the Teems OPFICE.
fathers made their annual tour of in.-
spection around the town on Monday
afternoon and, found. the streets in
very good. condibion and the appear-
ance of the whole place very satisfac-
toicarti Go iiirtirsaii
• Dashood
suitable for hot weather wear. We have been very- particu-
lar inaking our selections. European, British, the United
States and Canadian Mills, all having contributed a share
to our stooks, and as we have purchased. in large quantities
direct from the manufacturers. Prices will be found strictly -
in your favor. These are a few 2pecials selected from our
immense stocks.
range of Fabrics and Ready -to -Wear Garments
1000 yards fad 'color- I 500 yds meecerized finish-
ed American Muslins in 'ed black sateeft; absolutely
all new colors and blk, fast color, flue aeisb, in the
and aehite. A. great regular way ib would cost
variety of petterns end i you 19 to 20e the yraour
price laic.
Let us be patient ; presently we
ehall have more summer than we'
shall know what to do with.
Messrs, H. Salter of 1 Brussels, and.
t. C. Salter, of London, spent Sunday
• with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3.
The Misses Eva and Lille, Hueston
.isited friends in Mitchell, lase
If the average man was as good as
he thirties other men oughb to be it
wouldn't be long until his vanity
made him top heavy.
great Value for the
money, per yard 7c.
just in, the latest
things in Ladies' Shirb
Waists, including the
Dew Gibson effect.
Splendid values and.
latest styles at 75ce $1,
$1.25 and $1.50.
Men's and shoes
Boys' Stra,w
10 doz. ladies' fast black
cotton hose, in plain and
ribbed makes, the kind that
will weer well and. give
good satisfaction, special, 2
pair for 2E -c.
Ladies Oxford
• We are showing these in
a variety of styles includ-
ing the English walk shoe
anWa e linaotab'itelaste ntehwineesst. at $1 00 e $I.10,$1 25 $1.50
shown mad prices right
too. See them at 25c,
85e, 50e, 75c and 85c,
Men's ISIUM'er
We have them ia
great variety, just op-
ened up, something
new. Ask to see theta,
at 50c, 75c and $1.00.
They are very special.
TT imming s
The very latest things
in blacks and colors,
imported direct from
the manufacturers, and
ranging in price from
5e to $1.00.
Corset Covers at -15e,
25c, 50c. 75e.
Underskirts at 50c,
75c, $1.00 to $2.50.
Night Gowns at 50c,
75_,..0 $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
atailies'' Drawers at
25c 50c, 75C and $1.00. 50c to $1.75. 120c and 2oc.
Messrs. Fiandford & Elliott shipped
a car load of horses to Winnipeg., on
Monday last. john Cann taking
.charge of the horses on the way out.
Mrs. P. T. Halls, and son, Reggie,
accompanied by Miss Jennie Halls,
left Wednesday afternoon for Exeter.
Bis probable Mrs. Halls will make
Exeter her future lamne-- Goderich
The barber shops will close at 8 o'clock
A 0 except on the above mentioned days.
0 ,.
OrnistraertmeellsallemaneleM wrommanyagasomsomeameivMonOssortmemissoucesleacommasusersaaegoamorarso
Ladies' Low Shoes in 'Viol and Dongola Kid at
1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 1.50 and. $1.75. These goods
are madeby Marsh Manufacturing Co. of Quebec,
are stylish, up-to-date and cannot be excelled
in price and quality.
Bal Shoes,—We have a great variety
with prices to suit all. In these lines we begin
our prices at 1.25 up to $3.00. Our Peerless
Shoes sell at sight, are made from American
lasts, &,riving the latest New York effects in the
shoe line.
See our Men's Boot Wear, made by Choteau
of Quebec, beginning in heavy stock at $1.00 and
running a full range to $8.50.
0 al* prices cannot be beaten, and every pair is
A-1 Value,
Groceries a Speeialty, Posb ()Mee Bloele
TRESPASSING. -We are informed by
some of our residents that while they
endeavor to beautify their gardens and
cultivate flowers, it is very annoying
to have passers by go in, even in the
broad daylight and pluck them. It is
not always the small boy who covets,
but some times be is engaged to do
the trespassing.A word to the wise
should be sufficient.
SPORTS.- Baseball enthusiasts are
having an interesting time this spring.
Since the first of May there has been
one or two games -weekly. Last week
the Sutberland-Innes team and school
team were both defeated by the town
boys, the score was 4-5 and. 9-10, and
this week the Satherland-Innes boys
turned the tables and defeated the
town team by a score of 648. Large
crowds have witnessed all the games,
CARD OE 'Ina.Ants, We desire
through these columns to express our
deep gratitude to the many friends
who, all through the long illness of
the late Millar J. White, editor of this
paper, so kindly volunteered their
kindly assistance and in so many
ways showed. their sya,thy in en-
deavoring to do all in their power to
alleviate his sufferings. To one and
all who stood by us in our sore afflic-
tion we desire to express our sincere
dersigned merchants of the village of
Exeter, agree to close our places .of
business on Saturday, May 2ith, 1902,
provided every merchant iu town
signs this paper : W. H. Levet, J. A.
Stewart, E; 3. Spackman, I. Speck -
man, The R. Pickard Oo„ W. W.
Taman, Popplestone & Gardiner, T. G,
Harlton, J. W. Browning, T. Hawkins
& Son, Geo. Eacrett, W. S. Beeman,
la 3. Knight, Wm. Trevethick, 3.
Grigg, Carling. Bros., W. H. Trott, R.
R. Sweet, R. N. Rowe, A. Walter, R.
Knight, vv. o. ttustoft, a Lutz. .
and $1.7o.
4: cans corn for 25c. 6
lbs tapioca for 25c, 2 cans
of best sahnon for 25e. 4
lbs. best Rio coffee for 25c.
7 lbs, best figs for 25c. 3
lbs sweet biscuits for 25c.
We are constantly .open -
un new and seasonable
25 wens' double
breasted suits, coat eud
pants navy blue, with
white hair line, well
made and lined, and
splendid fitters, the
regular $10.00 line for
500 yds., 32inch wide,
heavy weight, fast col-
ored print in a good
variety of ,patterns.
They are regular laic.
kind. eSpecial 12 yds.
for $1.00,
In blacks and whites,
in all qualities. These
are very popular goods
and are selling' fase,
per yard at 20, 25, 30,
and 35c.
ST111117Ther •
We have the kind
that fit perfectly, wear
well, and keep. their
shape, prices special
too, at $9c, 50c, 75c
We have a lot that
For Ready
1V10.0.6. • kikki
We beg.to announce that we have as fine, and as well
assorted stock of 0 ent's Clothing as you will find in the
SEE $50
Its a plum, for prices, quality, and style. We are no
back number and will not be undersold by. any. Give us
call and be convinced. Highest price for Produce.
1.70 laggs 12o
milliriery. Our milliners we purchased rouch be -
are very busy and you will
help them, by leaving your
order as early in the week
as possible.
'Boys Wash
We have a splendid line
of boys American wash
snits. They wash well, fit
well and Idok well, and
prices are reasonable. It
Neill pay :you to see them.
They range in price from
low regular values.
they are selling fest,
better see them right
away. Specials at 50c
75c., $1.00, $1,25, $1.501
Ladies' Cotton
1We got a big snap in
these, and the, valaes
we are showing are
really remarkable. Get
your supply right away
it will pay you. Special
at 5c, 70, 10c laic 15c
ro 8.
We Pay Highest Prices for
all Kinds of Farm Produce.
This Store will close at 6.30 P. M., Wednesday and
Saturday nights excepted, on and after June 241.
ickard Co.
Direct importers.
ba the result of these examinations
will be a guarantee ofproficiency that
th.e public will appreciate.
grand half day a sports will be given
at the fair grounds, Exeter, on Satur-
day. May 24th. The following list of
games, races, ete., will be given. cona-
mencing at ono o'clock sharp: - Oalit-
hunapians. A. monster Calithumplan
Parade will form at the drill shed in
the fair grounds and march once
around the track headed by the band,
ist prize, $4.00 ; 2nd prize, $2.00. -Base
Ball, an exciting game of base ball
will be played.. The teams expected
to compete are, Liman, Brussels,
'Exeter Victors, and Exeter Collegiate.
Prize $5 and Silver cup.-- Foot Ball.
A foot ball match will be playa, be-
tween Kippen, Exeter and other
teams. Prize $5 and Silver cup. -Bas-
ket Ball. A grand and exciting -game
of basket bell between the representa-
tive lady teams of Exeter Public
School and town and any other team,
Prize, $3.- Relay Race. Scbool Re-
lay Race, e mile, by teams of I boys.
All the members of any other team to
„T,WORTE TRYING -- The following
may prove useful to our readers:- A
liniment that is staple to make, bat
is very efficacious in results, is com-
lamed of kerosene, camphor gum and
sweet oil. Put a pint of kerosene in a
quart bottle, add as much camphor
gem as will dissolve, addirig a little
more camphor gum day by day fot
three days ; then add, a half a pint of.
sweet oil, shake thoroughly, cork
well and put in a safe place for tature
use. For bores, cuts, bruises, stiff
neck or joints, sore throats, bunions,
and, a few other ills to which flesh is
heir, relief is said to be almost magi-
cal this liniment is applied.
altrsto.--Th.e UniVersity. Of Toronto,
at the request if the musicians lei 0e-
tario, includittg the principals of the
leading Conservatories, Colleges, and
School of Mesic has d.ecided to. hold
eteminatioes practieal music ie all
centres of poptilation where five or
More candidates offer themselves for
examination. Only examiners of the
highest professionta steeding will be
appointea to exettilneeship, .00 that
the tettificeteg and dieloratte a,Wardecl
^%.11:44,6:,,P.A1145VSIPV4." iirlIr;',7,5;1.4"`..1 •
ow is. the time to beautify your homes by selecting
some of our handsome furuiture, Do you want
A nice bedroom sett for
Sideboard... , . . .........
Nice Cool Sweet mattresses. ... 3,00
Bed springs. 2.00
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain poles
and Trimmings
. -
We have several setts of BEA.T.TriFuL ()HAIRS, just in.
Cilte Us A Cali, and if we have_ not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
taining to the sensational, they have
ever been characterized by the most
vigorous and, healthy scriptural
truth, Especially in our official meet-
ings have we learned the catholicity
of your mind and the pure kindliness
of -your cha,racter. A.nd now as we
draw to the close of your pastoral
term, we praY that the very God of
Peace may abunda.ntly bless you in
you in this charge.-- Chatham Exeter Star Flour. self.
Wheat. all the superfluous sterol). wad which induces us to claim to be
other detrimental elements are &amine often the cheapest and con-
sequently ei;weys the best.
We bee e in stock everything in the
...stationery Line -newest . in Note
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms
ROOMS, -In Fanson's block, up -stairs,
open every night (Sundays excepted)
from 7.80 to 10 30. till after election.
Every one wanted. All made wel-
come. Plenty of literature, papers,&c.
All friends of Henry Ellber„ M. P. P.,
particularly requested to Eaten .
H. SANDERS, Seey. 3. A. Rorer's%
toyou? THE itlIART.
To accept some Other Bra,nd I +++++++ +++
of Flour when you asked for Beaman .
STAR FLOUR, if So, beWare Of such al To Have
groces. There is lio SUBSTITUTE
Is needed if the
young man or worn -
an would succeed in
the business world
to day Such an education is received
in this most up-to-date and best equip-
ped college.
Fort Gitll BUSIIIOSS'6011606
EJ W, WESTERVELT, Principal.
4. ith
for Exeter Star Flour. 'Inferior brands (24.99SIL
mean indigestable bread, which bring
L_ eon dyspepsia and. like trouble. Make
is what the 'business men owes him-
edyour new relationship as He has:bless- the grocer understand that you want
Planet. of it is this business. policy of ours
It contains the finest
A.1VDERSON—In Kirkton, tO Rev. Mr. and. Mrs.
Anderson, a son.
nicnvutv--DIrSunday. 18th inst., the wife of
sewestee 'Lava, a daughter,
mereixe-in Stratford. May I2th, to )Jr. and
Mrs, 0, Makin' s, a daughter.
DARLING—HAZELWOOD—In Kirkton, on 1Vlay
ith, by Rev. Mr. Anderson. 1Vliss Tillie Hazel-
wood, youngest daughter of Win. trasel-
wood, Esq., to Mr. George Darling, of Lon-
14100RB-PrtionAlu- Ab the residence of the
bride's parents, on the 7110 inst., by Rev. Mr.
.T Moore of Mitchell
Versron, Mr, Cep as ,
• to L ie 11Ithud daughter of Mr. Thos. Prld-
and under 16 years old. -Prize $2.00.
o o ham, Fullerton.
be bona fide scholars
Bicycle Race, e raile, open. Prize $1,00 ee*----are-a*sta
Exeter Brass Band will be in atten-
dame. Adnaission 15e. Children un-
der 12, 100.
De. HANNON 1-10NORitD. -- The last
Quarterly Board of the Park street
Methodist Church was held last even-
ing in. the church. The reports Were
the most eneouraging in the historyof
_Dog Race, mile by dogs hitched to Dow -At Itusseldale, on 'Wednesday, May
7th, Mrs. Win. Dew, aged seaters.
cart and driven by boy. -Prize al.00-
the °berth, andthe balance was ouu
to be on the right eid e of the financial
sheet. The church has increased in
membership over 100 since Dr. Ilan -
non took charge of the pastorate.
The following tesolettion, moved by
Dr, A.W. Thornton, was unaeimously
passed -Rev. James Hannon, D. D.:
Dear Sir and Bro.- At this, the last
quarterly official meeting of enee pas-
torate in this church, We desire to ex-
press to Vett the gratitudo we feel
that, ander God, We have had the
privilege of being Associated dining
the pe,eb three years as pastor and
people. As a wan among men you
hale xneesured up to otir highest ideal
and as a peator to his people you beve
not failed diligently to feed your flock,
While edue pal it ininistratioas
have lacked entirely anything per -
Support, Whitney and gooa govern-
ment by working for the success of
the Ooeservative candidates :
Huron E-,, Anson Spotton.
Huron S. II, lailber.
Heroa 34 Mitchell.
Middlesex 13., Oapt. T. Robson.
Middlesex at; I). Stewart.
Middlesex W*. Thos, English.
Perth N., J. Cs. Monteith.
Perth 5., Nelson Monteith.
Bruce N, D. M. Sernayn,
Bruce Clapp,
Bruce C., Hugh Clarke.
Gree NI. G. M. Boyd,
Grey /. la. Lucas.
Orel S., Nelson jaablesota
Always ask for Exeter Star
Flour rad be sure you get it. For sale
by the leading grocers and at the mill,
Highest market price paia for velaeat
and coarse grain.
tifkR.VEY E3R08
0 .
0 A course of training in the e
Central „v." IA
Cortsipiete Line of
anglish and German Deeorated
French China
Linaoge and Japanese Ware.
. '
• l'IONS.
la 1: "4i
//4 E,xrER
e enables young men and women to se- e
e cure employment at goOd wages im- 0
0 meauttoly on leaving college, This is c0
e tho school. that enjoys the 'reputation of g
gti deing the best worx in business educe, g
g tion. The graduates of the school are e
id strong demand. tis teachers in business e
colleges in Canaria ahtd a Stat-
co es.- This iti the school for you and your g
g friends. Write for catologtie. co .
P ' ' i e
00 W. J. EILIOTT.m,cipa cao
AN Oto ANI WItt.L.TINE:"-------'""'ElnotOY.-Mr
Winslow's Soothing Syriin has been used for
over lifty years by Millions of mether8 for their
children while teething, with perfect euceese
It soothes the Child, softens the glans. tillala al
pain, mires wind coli. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhcea, It is pleasant to the taste, Sold
by' drunistiEl in every part of the world. 25
eenta a bettle. tts„valtie is itioalealebie. te
sure and take Alta Wlesiow's Seething
syriin end ask for no other kind.
You will find here at al'
times the greatest bargains in -
furniture. Tlfe lowest prices
and best efforts to -please;
Undertaking a Specialty.