HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-5-22, Page 6DEVASTATE . • Vincent .in .'Worse Pllrht Than the.. IMOct Of flartinto** A despateh from Kingstown. Ieland of the best medicel efforts on tied of St. 'Vincent, pays: A eorresponde behalf, eat, of the Associated Press, has just NOW UNDER THE 00EAN. eeturted here from a, visit, on horse- , It is estimated thata the sea ahas ' haek, to the devastated district, of encroaehed from ten feet to two • baek, to the devastated district of miles along the oast, near Garage - fifty Miles, and penetrated to with- town, and that a section of the in five luilos of the Soietrier.e crater. north of the island has dropped hitt) The nth -covered area of St: Vincent the sea. This is appareatly verified exceeds that of St. Martinique, which by the report of the Prench cable the. correspondent has also explored. ship Pouyer-Quereier, that somalings The entire torthern part of the is- now show seven fathoits where, be- hind is covered with ashes to an eve- fore the outbreak,there were thirty- erage depth of eighteen inches, vary- six fathoms of water. ing from a thin layer at Ringston to Lieut. Benjamin 1. McCormick, tete feet or nore at Georgetown. The commanding the "United States crops are ruined; nothing green can stemner Potomac, "now in these waa be seen. The streets of Georgetown ters,, has called on Governor Llewelyn are cumbered with stoat -drift -like and offered him the assistance of the heaps of ashes; and ashes rest so United :States and any assistance heavily on the roofs that in several which it was in his power to render creses they have came thou to fall. The Potomac has landed what she en. There 'will soon oe five thou- can spare Of. her ,foodstuff. The and destitute persons in need of as-. Governor expressed his • thanks and &stance from the Government, • which added that there was to immediate is already doing everything possible .need of help. The United ;States to relieve the sufferers. steamer carried official despatches to The British cruiser Indefatigable the island of St. Lucia. brought twenty -Ave tons of supplies here and returned to the Island of Trinidad for more. The Governor of the Windward Islaads, Sir Relit: Llwewlyn; is here supervising the work of the authorities. pose, no smoke rising from the era - ST. VINCENT SUFFERS MOST. ter and the iissures emitting no ha. - While the outbreak of the volcano par. The stunted vegetation that on the Island Of Martinique killed,fermerly adorned the slopes of the more people outright, more territory 'mountain has disappeared, having has been ruined in St. Vincent, hence given place to grey -colored lava, there is greater destitution here. which greets the eye on every side. 97he injured persons were horribly The atmosphere is dry, but some - burned by the hot grit, which was what agitated. Rain would be wele driven along with tremendous vele come, as there is a great deal of oeity. Twenty-six persons who dust in the air, which is very dis- sought refuge in a room ten feet by twelve were all killed.. One person was brained by a huge stone nine miles from the crater. Rough coflins are being made to receive the i.emains of the victims. The hospital here is filled with dy- ing people. Fifty injured persons are lying On the floor of that build- ing, as there are no beds for their accommodation,' though cots are be- ing rapidly constructed of boards. This and similar work has been in progress since immediately after the disaster. But two days elapsed be- fore there were any burials. as the SOTIFRIIIIRIP, RESTING. Since midnight Tuesday the sub- terranean detonations here have ceased and the Soufriere Wednesday relapsed apparently into perfect agreeable and ireitating. to throats and eyes. and is causing the mer- chants to put all their - goods under cover. The inhabitants, naturally meaning the white population, as,.a. rule, are anxious to know whether the repose of the volcano is perman- ent, Or, whether it is the hill which usually- preeetles greater _ paroxysmee activity. Scone people, anticipating 'that there is danger of further vol- canic eruptions, are leaving the pet: - lying towns for this .city. • . .-. ' , NEW CRATERS FORMED. .. „ The report that the volcanic lake which occupied the top of the moue- negroesrefused to dig the neeessaryitain has disappeared appears to be trenches, although. they were &fend' confirmed. A sea of lava, :emitting three times their usual wages by the sulphured; fumes, now apparently local authorities. The nurses em- occupies its place„ and several new ployec are onompetent, but they craters :have heen formed: The last are willing to learn, arid' are work-- time the volcano showed activity, ing hard. The negroes are itdiffer- Tuesday last, the craters, old and tint to all that is happening, and as new, and n.umerous fissures in the to -what has occurred. They expect'inountain sides discharged hot va- in receive Government rations, but p 0 i% deep subterranean murmurings there have been instances whera they were heard the,• d t • bl. - have refused to bury their own relit- times from the centre of the e'761. --I tives. cano, huge voluines of steam rose; Tire negroes who have remained on oee gigantic pine treestowards thel sky, .and a dense, Ciminerian smoke, mingling with the steam, issued from the new and.. active crater, forming an immense pall over the northern bills, lowering into the valleys and this connection. then rising and spreading until it As the Colonial Hospital. here was enveloped the Whole island hi a pe - found inadequate to accommodate the =oar grey mist. sufferers, large army tents have been Simultaneous action upon the part erected for the use- of the patientsof the veld -aloes of Martinique and'. who are being constantly brought Dominica, and elsewhere seems to de - here from other towns on the island, mete, a velment., connection between but even these. annex hospitals are these islands and appeal* to verify over -crowded. The local doctors the assmreption of the volcanic ori - leave been reinforced by a doctor gen of the mountain &odes running who arrived here from the Island of .parallel • with the Soufriere in the Windward chetricts. . As this despatch is sent it is ex- cessively -hot here, and the northern hills retain their foggy appearance. the estates are half starved and the Oerib survivors are leaving their caves and ' pillaging abandoned dwelling houses and shops. A num- ber of arrests • have been made in Greeada, one of the British Wiad- eve.trd islands. He brought with him a nuniber of packages of needle mil supplies, which were extremely useful. SULPHURIC VAPORS. There are it hundred injured people in the hospital at Georgetown, gangs of men Etre searching for the dead or rapidly burying them in trenches, and all that can be done under the eircunestances is being accomplished. The sulphuric vapors, which still ex- lug at Bierainghtun, said he was bale ell over. the Island, are increase hopefel of peace in South Africa,. ing• the sickness and mortality among but was not sanguine. The British Governnient's -intentions were not. altered. What was eought was not revenge against The Boers, but the policy in 'South Africa would not be changed. He declared that the peo- HOPEFUL OF PEACE. • — Mr. Chamberlain and. the End of the War. A. London despatch says :—Co- lonial Secretary Chionberlain, speak - the sm•vivors, and are causing suf- fering among the new arrivals: The hospital staff are giving way from werwork. An ambulance corps from the.•garrison of Barbadoes and fur- ther medical assistance will arrive ,plc of England weee tresteee tee here shortly. The stench in the war, and never again would there be efilicted distriete is terrible beyond a renewal of the present, contliet. description. Nearly all the hats left it was understood in Ltndon that standing are filled with dead bodies. the queetion of peace rests largely in slime eases disinfectants end the with Gen. Delany. Mr. Chamber - astral means 0 r disposing of the dead lain said the Ivo.. had cost £228, - are useless, and cremation has been 000,000, but that was only two per resorted to. When it is possible the cent. of Great Britain's realized' caple bodies are dragged ,With ropes to the ten and only one sixth of Great ieenehes and are there cove Britain's annual income: inde- ered up, quick lime being magi When pendent Transvaal woulii. be as dan- „aflame, 'many of the deael bodies gerous as an independent Patliament were so eenered with duet that they in Dublin. rThere was on the other were not discovered until walked. tip- hand, transcendent Possibilities of a on by visitors or by the relieving federation of the Britieh race. The officers, or then assistants. THEIR Su:Pr-cam Trainamtg. The arrival. here of the first de - 0! the ambultince corps, • 'Which brought sufferers from Cleoege- t01171. OahlhOd. quits a svsatOn Thiff "latch consisted of a hundred -1 pore eons whose charred bodies exhaled fetid odors and whose loathsome A 'Liverpool deppatch says: The feed's made even the hoepital Ett- Even:leg Express says ma grorgare tendants shudder. All these througb his representatives, has been persons Were suffering fearfully from and IS ,negotlat,Ing with several don - thirst and tittering, when strong en- paeies who uso the Maud:water Ott- o -ugh to do so, rigonizieg (rive for nal, with a vide of rutting, steam- : water, It is doubtful whether one ships direct from Manchestee to NeW of the whole party Will recover. Tho York, nohton, and, other Perta. The death rate among the people in the scheme involves the conStrectiot of hospitals is Htin eery hige., in spite cotton Warehouses. • days me now for great empires, not for little States; MANCHESTER TO NEW YORK l'hopoSal to Establish it birect Steamship Lite, CRATER ort ST. 'VINCENT, Fissure e Continue to Threw aot Vapor, A St. Themes, D. W. I, deSpatell sayel AdviCea from St:. Viticent show that it is iMpoesible to get neerer than eight miles to the Crater that has oppeared in the vol- cano oa the Island of St. Vincent. The old erater was filled by a beauti- ful lake, but this has disappetaghel, havite• either sunk into the boheffk.' of the mountain or boon bloat ia the shape of steam end scalding. weter over the sarroanding Comitry. The fissures that have epPeared. On. the sides of the volcario diontinue to throw out htt vapor. Subterranean eoises are heard miles from the meuntain, anal the -freer:binge of the earth indicate the possibility of fur- ther discharges. On Monday efternoon great 'vole tunes of steani need smoke Were thrown :out, The Whole island is: covered with a peculiar mist, and the, atenespbeit is charged with nottiou'S viipors„, which have the 0M:et:of in- creasing the eicknese ammig the peo- ple. An ambulance and modieal ite- eistanee ha,va ,arrived from Beeline does, • l• The poorer classes from the afflieted disti•iets aro now threatened With s t a rvat on, t hough • thc U overnitient is feeding 3,000 of them and givieg, them shelter: Among the 'many vic- tims of the disaster ere almoet, all of the Carib Colony, who lived on tiee deyastated 'part of the islited. MANY OF ,THE BODIES of 'those who lost tilde lives lineee now remeined unburied $o long that • deedaposititin -Mut set in, and, the _O(lor ie so overpowering• that many of the seaechiegparties have heel). compelled to abendon their work: In other eases those engaged in bury- ing the dead refused to handle the bodies. • Consequently, ropes are tied to thein, and they are either dragged tietrenches and there interred or are placed on impromptu funeral pyres and burned asspeedily as poseibie, The Legislative Council of Jamaica has appropriated ZI.,000 for the benefit of the suffeeerse • Despatches by mail from Si. George, Grenada, stated that the Royal mail steamer Taw has taken medical assistance to St. Vincent, A line drawn from Chateau ]11 ire to Georgetowt would divide"the Is- land of St. Vincent it halves. There is probably no human being .living alive north of it. It is conservatively 'estimated That two thousand have been .sacrilleed since the first eruption on Mny 7, This includes all of the Carib islands; which means the practical extinction of the rece. that was found by Co- lumbus four centuries age. An .old ledian prophecy that the Caribs would be sacrificed to the lieeled. Car lots are quoted at 75 to god which they Worshipped has time' 78c per bag, and small lets at Si bed) edified. Of the Carilie only a. -le 9fle. few individuals remain on the Is- lands of St. Leda and Dominica. • THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc Trade,.Centres. 13RRA.I)sp1Jrrs, Toruuw, May 20.-e-Wheat—The marlket 1$ unchanged, No. 9 White and red winter quoted itt 78c middle freight, No. 2 spring at 75 to 76e. oast. :Manitoba No. 1 liard held at 88e, Toronto ad west; No. 1 NOr1h- Q131 tit 8t -e, and No. 2 Northern at 82c, Toronto and west. Grinding in Lrausit prices 2.4e higher. At Oh - Meech and Owen -Sound No. 1 hard queted•at 84 to 84erc, Buckwheitt—No. S nominal at 61 to 62e wet; • VloureeNinety per cent. Ontario patent, $2.90 to $2.92, middle freight, in beyers' sitel,s. Straight relicts, in wood, gyrated at $3.20 to $3.30, Manitoba hours are highei• ; patents; $120 to 84.25 delivered on t rae.k Toronto, bags included, and strong bakers', 68.90 to 811.95- Oatrneal—Car• lots, in bleis., On track, and. ia eacks itt 81,10, Broken lots, 25e extra. 0 Atilifeed-43ran is steady at $16,50 outside, Shorts, $19 outside. At Toronto brae. is 318.50, and ehoets 20,50. Manitoba • bran, 690 in saske, and shorts, $22 in SaCkS, TO" ' • i3:11•1eY--.Trtule quiet ; No..2 quoted nt 58(... Middle freight, and No., 3 at 50 to 51e, Oats --:-No. 2 white sold at 4,81c middle freight. 0Q11NTRY PROD Utile. Dried apples—The market is quiet at unchanged prices. Small lois quoted at 5 -,lc, and jobbing lots ae 5 to 51c per lb, Evaporated, 10.Ac. iflops--Trade quiet, with prices steady at 113c; yearlings, itt 7 to 8c. Honey—The market is dull at 9e to 10c for etraited; comb, $1.15 Lo $2.25 per dozen. syrup-LMarket quiet, with prices unchanged. Pure new. xuake, imperial gallons 90c to $1; old; as to quality, 10 to 80c. Sugar, 9 to Oec per lb. Beans—The market is quiet, with prices tmehanged. They are jobbing at $1.15 to $130, and hand-picked quoted at 61.85 to $1.4.0. ' Ha Y 1 1.1 ed---ryb e merket is steady, with fair demand; thnothy, $30.50, on track for No. :1. • Steil:yr—The market is geiet car lots on trade quoted at $5.50 to $6, the latter for No. 1, , Poultry—Receipts small. We,quote: —Fresh killed turkeys, 13 to 14c per lin chickens, 75e to Ducks, 05c to $1, Potatoee—The market is enduing - ROBBERS OF THE DEAD. Many, of Thera Have Been Sliot St. 'Pierre. • A Port de France,. Martinique des--; patch says :—Acting Govertor.1 L'Huerre ie taking precautions to prevent wholesale looting at St.; Pierre during the relief wor,k. The) French troops and the revenue offi- cers Thave`beenhordered to watch out , for this business. The officers shot many of the looters ,,h•oin they ' found robbing the dead. The Shoot- ing of these people has been hushed up, as the Frenclt law does not justi- fy any shell action. On Thnrsday Presiding Judge Des - font -nines sentenced forty-four men and four women to various terms of imprisonment,eand on Friday twenty seven men and seven women a -ere also coavicled of looting. The men 1 were sent to prison for Ave years and the women for three. 'The peo- ple attached and tried to lynch the! looters while they were being taken to jail. The gendarmes demrevol- vers and the peeple fled, cursing the lootere as they went: There were to casealtieS. The people generally are higebly ax - cited OVer the, looting, and are anxious that the criminals shall be tried by the higher courts and more seeere senteeces imPosed. :Doctore went ashore -and examined the situation closely. They metered, that. the bodice should be dawned I and that the people ehould leave the I place, Abolit fifty persons *ere I brought to Forte de France. A chem- ist who was 'abetted the. Sachet • analyzed the sa.nd or ashes that Mont Peke wanted and found them to be a composition of sulphur and salipetre. Capt. McLean Mid Connnander more. of the cruiser Cincitnati, and Consul Ayine,with a guide, seareh- ed for the body of Mr. Prentie,' the American consul, and ulso for the bodies of the menebere of his family. The guide located the, American Cone eul. in it mass of stones. Ile pone- trated the rinne and. found much si VerWa re nlarke a "m." .e. skeid on was found in the courtyard, bet there -Was no : evidence to identify it. Several tone of stones mest lie• re, mo ved believe any- p 0:4 t Lye. Oen ti ca- tion can be made.. The mark "Mh on the eilverware probably repre- sents the. name of Cowell Prete is' wife. The investigation of tire ruins and the search fm• the bodice will Ire COntin1164. eller eattle'eold at hone 5 to 5ec per lb, blit WOW -later and inferior grades were easier, tied the enquiry was (1011. Cattle, Shippers, per (het,. , ,,, $5,2re 36.121 - do, light... 4.50 5.00 Butcher, choiee....., ".” 4,15 5.50 lletcher, ordinary to good , „, „.... ..... 4.00 4.50 Stockers, S11)10e1;1)(ntIVIt14" 1J' 41.'1.1'7:11 S. ° 00 011Oiee ewes, per cwt 8,75 4.50 'Yearlings, per oWt,.. ..„4.00 5,.50 281(2)05 58;7005 ' Milkers and Valves, Cows, Oath,. ,„ 25.00 50.00 Calves, eaehe „. .„ 2,00 10.00 e Choice hogs, per cwt.,. , 6,75 7.25 Light hogs, per cwt ,., 6.75 '7.00 Hea,vy hogs, per cwt....., 6.75 7,00 Sows, per cwt.-. .,„ 3.50 a.00 Stags, per cwt...............0.00 2,00 TE DOMINION PARLIAMENT, NOTES Or PROCEEPING$ IN IIE ITEDERAL IIQtJSE IlAILIVAY COMMUNICATION. Mr. Ketlibach urged upon the 01,- 011 -anent the necessity 'of doing sonic - thing to provide railway commanica- tiOn betWeen Halifax and the Smith Shore of ' Nova Scotia,. Eieldieg replied that the needs of this section wotild be met very ehortly, as the Provincial Goyerte Pewit had given a loan of $11.31000 111110 1:.0 a company which propeteee to build the line requieed. • BIG E.1 S URPLUS PE (ITED 1Pielding inforated the House thet since the budget epeech Was delivered two months ago the re- + venue of the Country had seepassed his expectations, alai' he „believed the FAST OCEAN SERVICE surplus would he larger mid the ad- dition to the public debt :smaller G-overnment Has Opened N'egertia- than he had expeeted„ • • tions With the C.P.R, ' CLOSING CEREMONIES: An -Ottawa despatcli says His 111xcellenc,y arrived at the Sea - view of theepro6able end: of the ate Chamber sharp at 3 o'clock. He now stea.mship combine on. Canada's was escorted, as usual, by the Dra- trade and trane-Atlantic transporta- gooes, and was received by a guard tion, it is geld that the Government of honor.' The gathering in the Sen - is .cerisidieriet an arrangement fee ate was 'not, it large one. The gal - the operation of a lest trans-Atlete leries were well hied, but there were tic steaniship line, in crinnection many vacant seats 011 the ,f10or of with it traescontinentall railway. It the 'Chamber, weich is always crowd - is stated that eiegotiations have ed at the •opening. The ladies pre - been opened with. t he .C.P.R. lodking sent napeared in walking costume.' to 'the establishment . of re fast AL- After,ilere. Speaker Bredeur and lentic steamship and ireiglee eervicee the Conimereers . had re:ached: the The idea is t that. there should ,be Chamber, the Clerk 61 the UPper at weekly pee-pp:ger 'service hetWeen IToese read .the.list of bills. the best:that sails 11041 NeW YOr;1‹, Ch"4:1411' "dBrItktin •641111.1 The 'iteconcl'eeiLiSioh 'the' Perlin - In order- ,(0 Meintain a nodal freight 111•„61t' e :••• prorogued • !:)11 Iltursctay. ' set vice a • "dozen freight steamers , cest bf the endertakieg would,. be Wilfrid Laurier laid on,. the of the petition's. Wiiich would be required, eend the total .1662400,y00h0a,s0Ottill.eiT)olaweerGtoove;luoladeitze 11:11(116. bece0nPies:recelved " • 'various' line ." the exteet of 8750,000 a Boards of Trade with reference to preferential trade. within -the Ein- year, but a passenger and• freight pire. The Seeate bill respectieg the incorporation of joint .stock dem; hhneurvlo)ele 11., is said, would involve a . . Ponies was discussed for it few Min- ecarlY. 0.1'33. is re- utes, and wet' put through all its ported to be willingeif the project stages. • goes through • te allow the fast steamship line toe »centre/led ey. SPEECH pROM-9.111E THRONE. trustees nominated by the Govern- His Excellency then dismiseed the merit. The' matter is now engaging Parliainelitarians with the -following the consideration of Sin Wilfrid Lau- speech from the throne leer and Ins colleagues, ,and further dohelenniellte ara eXpected when they proceed to Lendent in Jute. It eie thought that the project will there be disceesed with the :C.P.R. direc- tors and representatives tbe Brit- ish Govern/met with a; viola . 11 handsome selbsidy.• e RACE WAR IN GEORGIA. Police and Negroes Have a Pitch- ed Battle. Honerable. Gentlemen of the Senate : Gentlemet "of the House of Com- Itione Jii relievirg yeti from further - ate tendencie Parliament, I desire to thank you for . the eare and attea- tioe given to your important dirties. • The imus•ual 'number of Acts that 110. '0 been peSsed theoreorating ine dustrial -coed railway companies may be taken as an evidence of the rapid. progress that Canada es• making jfl weielth and , prosperty. Further - An Atlanta deepatch‘•Says: Three proot:of that satisfactory condition polieemen and live-negroes were kill- afforded by the. 'increase in, the ed on Saturday Morning in:Pitts-, trade and revenue of the cenintiee . It has beet gratifying to note the Unprecedented • flow of inmeig•rants 'from Europe and from the 'United Stetes that are nOW seeking : homes burg, . a su b it rb of, A tlanta, in. a bat - TBT'. DAIRY MARKET. tie as a result of the attempt to •Butter—The •offeringe continee large capture the negroes who had way - and the demand fair f or choice la i (I end • held n e I' • The qualities. Choice grades in fair de- State militia, have been ordered out in Matitoba and in the North-West mend. 1Ve quote :—Choice 1 -lb rolls. with artillery to attack the 'muses -.16 to 11ec; choice large rolls, 15 to 1 Territories. The raaid increasing Ade; riecond grades, 11 to 13 ; waere ihe negeoes haye gathered. and population ef that fertile section 'of. en trenched themselves. The entire the Dominion nitist yearly add. to creamery, prints, '20 to 21c; Salk's, police reserve in the city ' en duty. is the teadc of the comeery. ' 18 to lira Later it was reported that nee ' • The agreement -, entered into with Eggs—The market is steady, with poeceme„ were. dead. The immes 01 tile Catadien. Pacific Railway Cott- a good demand at 38 to 33ec net ----' the men killed are: City Policeman).PanY When authorizing an increase . . . dozen for new laid, end at lee .of its cepital to expend over nme for Tom Grant, City pciliceman Ed. ciegnme; county policemen Bole 0s_ million &Alms ie. providing ad- -Cheese-1.1re market, is firm, with sales of old at 121c, and aiew at 11!} to 12e. HOG inionucTs. • Dressed hogs are unchanged. Hog products continue in good demand, with prices firm. We quote :—Bacon, Ong clear, 3:016, in ton. and case ,lots Mess pork, 621 to $21.50; do., short cute $22.50 to P8. Smoked Ments—Harns-18 to 131c: ireakfast bacon, lele to 1.5c; voile, 3.1,1c; backs, 14;le to 15c, and shout- ders,41. Lard—The eitae'ket is steady, with good demand. We quote :—Tierces. 11 to 3.14c; tubs, lied. pails, 1144, cemponad. tC, Dee. borne, and Bailiff Battey. Fatally' ditional rolling stock. will, it le hop - injured, Owen Heard. The officers ed, materially diminish in the fir - blamed the house in which the negro who was .doieg the shooting was barricaded, but the desperado es- caped to one adjoining. Call Officer •Speadlin was shot through the arm .by the negro as he darted out of the binning hoilse. Every policeman in .Atlanta, armed With a -Winchester, is on the scene. The excitement is in- tense and there are. many threats of lynchieg. • • CANADA'S GOLDEN DAYS: ikon 9 ervitory and the rapid aevelope - • ,,I meet in the trade of that eeetion of Tra.cle Increased Over Twenty- Canada amply justify the 'Act seven Minions in Ten Months. granting to its residents a 'represen- tative in Parliament who Will/. be Oatgtr4atelee9tPiaett(elhe stfar• I'snpae.tatie<rsr°1;rft(3.:8t:Ine::t°;11tda -e- St. Louis, May 20.—Closed—Wheat plinths endhig April' 80th amounted more bnportant inteeeste pf that re- -Cash, 81c; May, 70e; July, 731e ; ' to $333,522,149, me increase. of $e7,- mote part•of the September, 731c. 4.16,920 er the eame period of litse Gentlemen of the House of,, •Com. - .13111L110, May 20,.....4410or—Firm.., year.. 'The imports, f or the telt mons 'I Wheat—Spring, quiet, epot, 80;ic ; months, exclusive of coin and r. thank yen in his Maiesty'e name tore the serious losses that Intve arisen from the insufficiett supply of cars to carry the products from the West t� Eastern ports. • 'The aineedenents to the Manitoba Grain Act authorizing the farmers it Manitoba and the North-West to their grain at -railway statione it: is believed, be found to serve a esefal Cempose and defeat any at- tempt to *press prices by combine - thin. The growing' popelation of the Yu - winter, No. e red, (elec. Corn— lion, totalled 8,157,779,399, a betide- for the liberal supplies you have . . SNN(10toor,..o1221g61‘7%),;111,13xite(cti, 47c ; No. 3 do, 451,o. exports of domestinprodnets only, :Gentlemen of the House of Com - No. 9 yellow, 60c ; lerma m•ent al B1(1,836,909- For the month granted for. the public service. c. Oats—Teufel, but firm ; of April only the inereaee was 83,- Honorable Gentlemen of the -Senate': 4.91c; No. 3- do, 49c ; ;116,821. For the ten months the , Barley, 68 to 72ec asked, to arrive excluding coin and bullion, tiggregata I Canal heighte steady. ahead of the. Iii•st ten months of the I Rye—No, 1, 68 to 631c in store. ed. &telex:10,0m ” 631.6669'16- to expitss the hope that, when . we pk, l°)indsdi:ng• you ferewell; I desire i Milwaukee, :glee 20.—Wheat—lTighe meet next year we shall be able- to ler ; clime, No. 1 Northern, (8' to again rejoice in the continued pros - 4781,c; No. 2 Noethern, 77 to 773e ; perity whielt now prevails o.ver this July, 75e. Rye—Higher; No. 3,. wide Doneir.;_eio. _fa_ CRIME IN SCOTLAND, Steady Increase in Number Im- prisoned Since 1845, A London despatch eaye 1—The Prison Commissioners. of Scotland, in their report for the year 1901, again cart atteetion to thd Serious inerease of crime Scotland'. The incvease has bed) Steady ether:. 1845. In 1900, there Were imprisemed 00,- 508 pereone, cord in 3901, 66,769. The heavy figures, it is said, are dare to the inceedied number of per - sone convicted of .11111101' offenceS, Serious critnera hOWevee, have also greatly increased. preceding yeer. Poe the moreth of A.pril the experts reached a total of $3 :73, 64n, 198, 4 gain of $1,598,565. The chief increase ia in wheat, the exports of NViliCh Ore $2,s33000 'ter than last year. 50c. Barley—Firmer; No. 2, 13 to 74c; samples, 65 to 73c. Coin—July ENDED LIFE WITH PISTOL 63.1 to 63,1. Diduth, May 20.-1Vheal—Close, cash, No, 1, hard, 1017c. No,. 1. ANTHRACITE MINES IDLE. Pr eminent Young . Montreal Man Commits Suicide. Northern, 161c; No. 2 Northern, A M0.13 I real tieSpmtch says :—Grant aidintosh, :12 ;veers old, sae of Me. John MaIntoela of Hyde and Mein - A Iletzleton, despatch seys ;--- tosh, accomitanhe and a prominent -The anthracite mine workers, in cone young Montrealer, elided his life On eention, have " decided 'to continue Saturday, while ie a state of thenttil the serike of 345,000 'Men against aboratioe. The young man had been the mine owners, and 1.o fight "1,-.1 out sufferieg lately froin insoninia, • aud to ehe bitter end. The vote tp cola had gone to the couttry with. the throe the sueoension was iisefollowe': hope of obtabring relief, hilt had re - Total vote ca s 813 ; 101' Ntri ke, turned i (tie boleti ted S terd 4611 ; against stelide, ff(7.Til; ma- while his wiCe was oue r the house, jority for etrike, 1111. Preeldent olytublud revel yet. ilnd killed Mitchell, however, in compliance himself. Ills wife on her retern with the rulee of the limited Mine found the • lifeless body of her huse Workers, aenouncdt ta the public eand lying oh the floer of his roote that the actIOJI Of the eoiteelition The leerily is a prominent, one, it'd] was unanimous, the yob»g mut wae VOry popidar. f HAD $1,500,000 ON BOARD. ves,sei enTotRaloutwereerkr.om 'Chili 4 A Valparaiso despatch eaye Herman s teeth shi p 8 tijOcu , p -t, Pining, from tills port burg, iS 1,0Lal Wreek On the Main- :ISland, Chili. The ("ergo bi- dudes $1,500,000, which the Gov - meet of , (Oil i h relllitted US' agerife-in Europe, 74,c; May, 764,1c; july, 761c; Sept., 74c; Man it.o131.1., No. 3_ isforthern,7130; May, 163c; July, 76.e; Sept-, 74e Manitoba, No, In Northern, cash and May, 1510; No. 2 Northern, 7I3c. Oats—Sept. 30e. Corea 69c. Jilinecapolis, May 20—C1ose, wheat —May, 76c; July, 7:51,e; September, 721c, on track, No. 1 hard, 79e ; No. 1 Northern, 76.1- to 77-er; No. 2 Noethern, 751 to 75jec, patents, $3.85 to $3.0:5; secoed do., 33.135 to $8,75; first clears., $2:85 ; secoed do., $2.10. Bran—In bulk, $14 to $14.50. LIVE STOCK lel IK PITS Toronto, May 20.—At the Western cattle yards to -day the receipts, amounted to 76 cars, iecludieg 1,- 670 eattle, 243 Sheep and lanebs, 800 hog, delveS, and it few 11111(.11 COWS, Owing coneiderablY to the heavy run eittlle dragged somewhat to -day. mid prices foe anything but the best enttle Were a little off, and some of the stein' Was left ever. The export trade wits light in demand, and prices eaSed oa a hit before pooh, hat ohoioo stun' fetched front 517, to 61 Per potted. The best Mite The Workers Have beeided to Con- tinne the Strike. PRINCE CHRISTIAN'S ESCAPE Carriage it Which Ile Was Biding olViet With Accident, A London despatch sees: While returning. , herrn the reins on '1111115- (11137 afternoon the carringe in which leence Christion and 501110 (rinds Were ridiltg Mee eel th ert aCrident One of ties doers of the earriage. evrenehol oft, hut Ube dempants es- caped With 0 shaking up. , NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA, rii‘:',1(1; proposal to create a, Highland regiment in Hamilton has been , rIllsc. new 0. p. b,ridge,Win111- peg is completed and ready for the ntu'eoes er to- , man Idea. Father IMPherson, Little Bras d'Or, has , sold his extensive mineral deposits at Clrg Ainerican, syndicate for 31,200,000. The Syndicate will also acquire pos- sessiou of an ektensive deposit of anthracite coil recently discovered on the Island of Boularderie, it few, mace away from Little 331•ris d'Or. GREA9T-13ItITAIN. Six thousand tons of' obselete siret and shell are offered for sale by the War Office, The Bishop of Ipswich has been' fined £2 3.1s. for keepirig five 'dogs without licenses. • The Mansion House fund for the relief of, St. Vincent sufferers amounts to £14,000, 'A shark seven feet'ken inches long, found lying stranded on the beach, has, been killed hear Dartmouth, One of the boilers ,of II. 111. cruiser -Arrogant is to be 'converted to , flotwwi. , of the cOnsumption of liquld • • One effect of the operations of the beef trust has been to send ep, the price of bacon and cheese in Eaglaitd. The Admiralty has decided to refit all the thirty-four torpedo guabOahti on the Navy List with new engine0 and boilers. , 'no gifts and addresees received by the Prince and Priacess of Wales dur- ing their tour are -on exhibition at the Inigerial Institute, London. It is, stated in English' iisurance ch•cles that in .several notable in- stances an American syndicate has tried to gobble up certain. compan;(-0., It has been stecessful so far as One impertailt British company is (one cerned. -.UNWED STATES. Gonad, Texas, was swept by a tor- nado. Prom fifty to one hundred -are reported killed. ' • rph‘ American Steel 'Founders Company, with a capital of $40,- 000.000, is being organized • 'at Ohica,go. . The will of Potter Palmer of Chi- cago, bequeaths $8,000,000, mad leaves Mrs. Palmer virtually in con- trol of the estate. • By means' of a'great drainage' ditch 20,000 acres of swamp land in ;Casa and Buren Counties, Mich, will be reclaimed. , • ' The second distribution of profits from the United States Steel 'Cor- poration was sent out on Monday by the J. P. Moran Company, linteting- lug to $10,000,000. , • Julius Newton, once it wealthy inember of the New York Stook Ex- change, committed suicide in a pen- niless condition, and the brokers are raising aaubscription to bury him At Atlanta, Georgia, a number of negroes barricaded ,theinselves in a Store to resist arrest. A lot of pro- miscuous shooting took place; and three policemen, four negroes and white citizen were killed. • James Underwood, a- negro: who boasted that he had killed two men and threatened to kill two promin- ent presidents at the first opportun- ity, was lynched at Decatur, Megisi County, Tenn., on Sunday,. • The octogenarian brothers, Hugh, and Neal O'Donnell, of New York, who acquired large fortunes as coopers, have for the past 18 years distributed their profits of $40,000 annually among various charities, and now at their death have willed tbeir property to charities: 000,000. Pompeii. . the mountain in the direction of trip from Paris to Now York in tPoe days is possible, at a cost of 31,- teers. . carry 100 passengers and make the the Uniform of the 'Shanghai' whin- Veettviue has fallen in, and „large crevices are observed in the peak of aeronaut, states that an airship to A portion of the cone of Mount M. Santos-Dument, the celebrated Khali is to give place to serge in GENERAL. ELEVATOR SITES FIXED. Ogilvie Milling Company- AA- no-unces the Locations. • A Montreal . despatch says P. W. Thompson, vice-president and general manager oi the W. W. Ogilvie Milling Company, on Wednesday an- nounced the location of the 20 grain elevators whic3 it is proposed to erect &whiz the present season in Manitoba and the North-West Ter- ritorlep. Six of the elevators, 11e1ne- 1Y. thOSO at renee, Ita]gonie,' Orem- fell, Annan d , Manner, and "Carl vihl be situated in the Territories, While the remaining 14 will be in Alanit,Oba as follows :—Brookdale, Bradwardine, Sinciajr, Newdele; 14" nore, 'Arcola,- Caine -01e, Kenton, Oakvil le, ran chiew, letrgaret, Gil- bert Plaiu, :Dtaireit, and at the ter- minal eif the Wasikaela branch of the , NO PASSENGERS KILLED. Remarkable Beeord of Safety English Railways, .A :Londoe deepetch Sart :---The nottri 1ms-tied by the Bowel of 'Prado on leatueday in regard - to railr pad tcchdePaSSCnlgi 1)Vol‘1.1714 h e 3701U' 100.1. .['his is the first tithe that: a, record of this kind .:has ber,?ri ttiiii- )11ittOp(, Maven 111)410 37 enrp1opies and nerscms who Were' not' passim- .tgi..."%tse're 'Ilvvesi;h°.e .11. 1 4k701,itesaell;ciaJ6:1S:i 11.1111'il;k1re.,a7